Hartson Brown Llp

By C F

Published on May 22, 2023


HARTSON BROWN LLP(adult-friends) All Feedback Welcome: c98b89 at gmail dot com Please donate to Nifty: https://donate.nifty.org/ Part 2: Andy

After Brian's mic drop, the evening went pretty normal for the most part. Eventually most of the guys went home and by around 1 am, Landon headed out after one last cigarette, leaving just me and Andy. I didn't mind, as Andy was both a really nice, quiet guy, and the only one of us who I didn't know quite as well, since he didn't intern with us last summer.

As we watched Landon walk out the door, Andy turned to me. "So," he started. "Just Brian?"

"What do you mean, just Brian?" I asked, puzzled.

"I mean, have you hooked up with anyone else? Landon's quite a fine, muscled specimen, and he seems open minded," Andy pressed.

"Oh no," I chuckled. "He's my work best friend, I wouldn't want to make that weird. Not to say that I wouldn't if he offered," I added. "But he'd have to make the move. I don't want to be to blame for messing up our friendship."

Andy nodded. "That makes sense." He took a sip of his Manhattan. "It's a shame, though."

Where is this going? I thought to myself. "What is?"

"It sounds like you've got some talents," he said with a cheeky smile.

"I wouldn't have guessed you for someone interested in... my talents," I countered. Two can play this game. "After all, you just got engaged to a woman!"

"That's true," he said. "But Melissa is clerking in another state across the country, and we don't see each other a lot. And we agreed, she would see no other men and I would see no other women."

"That's a very lawyerly agreement," I said.

"How so?" Andy asked.

"Well, theoretically, you wouldn't be breaking an agreement by seeing another man, or her another woman, would you?" I mused.

"I suppose not," Andy responded. Another sip of the drink. It must have been 2 am at that point because the lights came on, and we, along with the few other patrons left headed out. It turned out both Andy and I were heading the same way, as we lived in two apartment buildings just a block from each other. For a few minutes we walked quietly. Then, he broke the ice:

"Are you ready to call it a night? I don't have a ton to do tomorrow so I figured I could stay out a bit longer. Want to come by?"

I smiled. "Yeah, sure."

"You know," Andy said as we continued on our way, "I don't know what it is, but I've always been curious about guys who are... different from me."

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I'm pale, have light colored eyes, on the medium tall side, got some muscle, got a bit of body hair," he said. "If I ever did something with a guy, I think I'd like a bit of contrast. And a guy I could rough up a bit without having to worry about it too much." Well, then, I thought to myself.

Andy's building came first on our route. "Want to come up?" he asked. I nodded. Andy waved to the doorman as we went up to his 8th floor apartment. It was clean and had a nice view of the neighborhood. Clearly either had a woman's touch with the cleaning, or Andy was one of the few straight(ish) guys who happened to be anal about cleaning.

I stepped in and he smiled. "So what do you think, Eric?" Andy asked. "Cone of silence?"

"Uh, yeah," I said. "Cone of silence. Stays between us."

He walked to me and I could smell his cologne, weakened by the fact that it was probably 18 hours since he put it on, and mixed with a scent of sweat. He didn't seem that tall to me in the bar but now that he was standing right in front of me, his 5'11 frame was a little more visible and visibly taller than my 5'6.

Then, Andy put his left hand on my nape, and stuck his right index and middle finger in my mouth, forcing me to open it. He smiled as he felt around my throat, my tongue. I tried not to gag but couldn't help it. This was a little aggressive, I thought, but I was enjoying it.

"Just like Brian said," Andy mused. "Nice, hot, and wet." Then he chuckled. "This OK?" I nodded slightly - it was a little hard with his fingers down my throat.

He then took his left hand and unbuttoned my shirt. "I could tell you weren't wearing an undershirt today," he said. "That's a little slutty, I like it." He added. I felt his rough hands run up my torso. I was in heaven, and I could feel my breathing getting harder.

"Do you like it?" I asked sheepishly. Here I was, all of a sudden putty in his hands and hoping for his approval. I wasn't exactly fit; I was lean with some body fat, but smooth except for my armpits, pubes and legs.

"I do," he said. "I love that your skin is so soft and smooth. And to be honest, I like that you're not super muscled; makes me feel like more of the man." I gulped. He twisted my nipple and I couldn't suppress a moan. "I see you like that," he said smiling.

Then he furrowed his brow and took a step back. "Anything happening for you down there?" He looked at my pants and I was instantly embarrassed.

"Uh yeah, definitely," I said. "I'm just not that big is all."

"Take off the rest of your clothes," he said. I stripped off everything, standing in all my glory as my 4 inch dick stood at attention. It was thick but definitely not long and, to me, not much to look at. I became very aware of the CMNM situation - one that was one of my turn ons. Here I was completely naked while he stood still dressed completely, all the way down to his shoes, in business casual. I felt vulnerable, embarassed even, and yet so turned on. I could feel him looking me up and down.

"Like I said, I like contrast," he started. "And to be honest, I'm not really thinking of doing much with that," he added, nodding towards my dick. "But I do like that it shows which of us is, pardon my language, the real man."

"I agree," I gulped. "And I'm here for your pleasure."

"Kneel," Andy commanded. I complied and he walked towards me. "You know what to do," he said, his crotch in my face. I could smell the manly musk from a day's work. I carefully unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants, and gently pulled down his dress pants to reveal a tented pair of boxers. I looked up at him, and he nodded.

As I pulled down his underwear, a humongous 9-inch pink, cut, monster popped out. He was beer can thick, with veins visible around his member due to his pale skin. He grabbed the back of my neck and shoved it down my throat, thrusting in and out. I felt myself gag but tried to keep my throat open as drool dropped down my naked chest.

As it turns out, Andy had some serious stamina. He pushed me against the wall and thrust in and out of my throat. I looked up at him and his face was almost contorted in anger. He was using me and he liked it. His balls slapped at my face and he smiled. "Look at you," he said through his teeth. "What a slut."

After about ten minutes he said, "I'm going to shoot down your throat," as ropes of hot sweet and salty cum coated my throat. I almost gagged at the volume; he was clearly pent up for quite a while.

He smiled, pulled out his cock, and wiped it across my face. As he put on his pants, he walked toward the bathroom and turned back to me.

"That was fun, and I'm glad I did it. Now, get out of here before I finish cleaning up in the bathroom. And let's not talk about this again... at least until I bring it up," he said, smiling.

I wiped my face and got dressed as I walked out, more turned on than before. Maybe Brian telling everyone wasn't the worst thing in the world. I got home, jacked off my little dick, and had the best orgasm of my life.

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