Hartson Brown Llp

By C F

Published on May 4, 2023


HARTSON BROWN LLP(adult-friends) All Feedback Welcome: c98b89 at gmail dot com

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Part 1: Brian

It was a warm Thursday afternoon in late September when I, along with some of my fellow new associates, decided to ditch "early," around 5 pm, to grab a drink at a nearby bar to celebrate our first week as freshly minted new associates at the Washington, DC office of Hartson Brown LLP, a major international law firm. Of course, everyone knew that work was still going pretty easy on us - most of us had just one week of real legal experience, and some of us were still waiting on bar admissions - but it was still a milestone to commemorate.

As the de facto social coordinator of our incoming class, it fell to me to send around instant messages to see who was available and interested. All of the female associates, and indeed, a good number of the male associates, were busy, but we had a motley crew of six heading to Burr's, a local watering hole near our downtown office. The group was a mix of folks who, like me, spent last summer as summer associates - interns, basically - and a couple of guys who had clerked for judges before joining along with us this fall. We found a standing table outside so we could enjoy the fresh air.

"Thanks for organizing, Eric!" I heard my work best friend, Landon, say, as he headed inside to grab a couple of pitchers of beer for the table. Landon and I had bonded as an unlikely pair the summer before. He was four inches taller than me at 5'10, and of northern Italian descent, so he had pale skin and dark hair, rather than the tan most people associate with Italians. Landon was quite the gym rat, and he and I had actually started working out together recently. He was quite muscular and made fun of his especially large, round ass - "gets me a lot of attention," he joked - but he knew I was gay and was awesome and cool about it. He had broken up with a girlfriend before our summer program and had been single ever since.

The rest of us gathered around the table and started chatting. Three of the other guys were fellow summer associates from the previous year. Brian was a 6'4, lanky ex-frat bro of Irish descent. Daniel, a 6'0, easy-going guy with a fancy Harvard law degree, had actually spent a lot of time in the entertainment industry as a screenwriter. Brian and Daniel had actually roomed together during our summer associate program; Brian was a local law school student whose school year roommate had left for the summer to intern in a different city. Also with us was Rob, who was of mixed Chinese and white descent. He also went to Harvard and was more reserved. He famously had a girlfriend who was quite the Instagram influencer and who all of us found insufferable.

We were joined by one of the new law clerks. Andy was recently engaged to his law school girlfried. His bright green eyes peered through glasses and he was a prolific college intramural sport athlete - "never good enough for real sports, but good enough to have fun," he would always say. He had just spent the previous year working for a judge in a federal district court.

As the evening progressed, we all got a little more intoxicated and the beers turned into Manhattans and Martinis. At some point, the talk got a little raunchier - typical for a group of straight guys. And me, a 5'6 Asian associate who stood out like a sore thumb.

"Have any of you hooked up with anyone at the firm?" Andy asked. Fair question, since he was new and didn't really know us well. We all gave Landon the side-eye. It was well known in our class that he had hooked up with Leah, an associate who went to the same DC-area law school as him. "I was drunk," he sputtered. "And she's nuts, but then again so was I for a few nights." We all laughed.

"Anyone else, though?" Landon asked, looking around the table. I said nothing, but watched as Brian guiltily took a sip. "Brian!" Daniel gasped in faux shock. "Did you get with Leah too?" he asked. Leah was pretty open about finding Brian attractive, although at least to our knowledge nothing had ever happened. Brian shook his head.

"Another girl then?" Rob asked.

"Cone of silence?" Brian responded. We all looked at each other and nodded.

Brian turned his gaze to me and smiled. "Who says it was a girl?"

Now it was Landon's turn to be shocked, as we were best friends and had some pretty deep conversations the entire summer. "I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

I took a sip of my drink and laughed. "It's not really my story to tell! Plus it was just one crazy night, Brian was just drunk."

"How did it happen?" Andy asked, clearly amused by all this. Landon sighed, took another sip of his martini, and told the tale. "Well, it was after that concert they took the summer associates to last June. It was a 90's cover band, which was awesome - and Daniel was out of town, which is how this went about under his nose."

"I should hope so," Daniel joked, "would probably have been hard to not notice that."

"I think just Eric and I were left at the bar we went to after a while and I was about to get home until Eric started chatting me up," Brian continued, giving me a mischievous grin. "Like, asking me if I was going to go out to find some lady to have fun with."

"I was smoother than that," I said defensively. "And in my defense, I truly was curious. The life of the straight studly man amuses me."

"Hah, I think you are overestimating how much action we get," Rob mused.

"Keep on topic!" Landon exclaimed. "I can't believe it took this long for me to hear this. How did ti happen?"

"Actually, it was kind of my idea," Brian said. The others looked at me, puzzled. I shrugged. "It was," I agreed.

"I just said something to the effect of, 'I'd like to have some fun but I'm not feeling like the risk that comes with having sex with a girl,'" he continued. "Plus, I thought it could be fun to do it with someone I could manhandle a bit."

The other guys chuckled. I felt my face get warm. "Don't be embarrassed," Brian said. "You handled it like a champ."

"I bet he did," Daniel teased.

"No gag reflex?" Rob asked, inquisitively. For a second, everyone looked at each other, wondering if he had taken it too far. I didn't mind, and honestly the talk was turning me on - I felt a bit like a piece of meat, but it was exhilirating. "I do," I started, "but I don't think it was too much of a problem." I gave Brian a knowing wink.

"It wasn't," Brian said. "I kind of liked watching him choke on me," he added. Now that was really embarrassing. "But, definitely the best head I've gotten ever." Now that was a compliment.

"Did it go any further?" Landon asked. I felt like he was most taken aback by all of this, in spite of the fact that, at least on the outside, he was the most liberal and open minded about gay stuff. I think it was more that he was surprised that his best buddy did not tell him about it. I felt a little guilty, but workplace stuff - it always gets weird.

"It did," Brian said, beaming. "I also enjoyed hearing him whimper."

"Sounds like he stretched you out in at least two ways," Andy said. Part of me was humiliated, but part of me was proud. All the guys knew Brian was a stud. And knowing I took his gay cherry, I felt legendary.

"It wasn't awkward at all afterwards," Brian said. I nodded. "We kept it professional and friendly," I added. "I wasn't looking for a repeat, I got what I needed, and I think so did Brian."

"Oh yes I did," Brian said, and we all laughed, and that was that. That revelation was about to start a series of interesting events for me and my friends.

Next: Chapter 2

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