Harts Reunion with Tom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 9, 2022


Tom opened the interoffice mail package. He knew what it was because he recognized Hart's handwriting. Hart had returned his necktie with his next instructions. Tom read them: "Let's Spar! Tonight. Downtown Dojo 7:30. " Tom had a bit of a laugh. If he went to spar, he was going to get his ass kicked. Yes, he had his black belt and yes, he still practiced and took a class every two weeks with a truly good sensei, but sparring? He hadn't sparred since college. Still.. he remembered putting on his gi, facing Hart in Hart's basement - and getting taken down each and every time. There was always a "penalty," although tom really didn't think of having to suck Hart as a penalty. He wasn't wild about Hart holding him down and tickling that spot above his waist, but it always made him even hornier, and he'd fall on Hart's cock like a starving teenager. Then there was the time when... he wanted Hart's cock so badly, he threw the match. When Hart had him pinned to the floor, he looked down at tom: "You want more than my cock in your mouth tom. I know it and you know it." Tom was speechless and just shook his head yes. That was the day Hart fucked him for the first time. It hurt. It was tom's first time, but clearly, Hart had experience. He kept on telling tom what a beautiful stud he was, how his ass was so tight and so sexy and how he never wanted to pull his cock out. It still hurt. tom actually shot his load before Hart did, and had to try to get his gi cleaned before his mother found it. The hurt in his ass remained for about a day, and when it was gone, he wanted more. And soon, that's ALL he wanted. He didn't want to suck Hart if he could have his pole in his ass. That's how their senior year ended and, with college, so did the fucking.

All of that came back to tom when he got the message. He'd lose to Hart, he knew, but he began thinking (like that old tv series): "do I win by losing?"

tom saw the wicked look on Hart's face as he stepped onto the mat. "I'm gonna whip your ass tommy." "You ain't got nothing" tom said something that he dragged out of his high school days. Hart laughed. "Well, we'll see if I got nothing because whatever I got, I'm gonna give to you." He bowed to tom and then started moving around.

They say you never forget how to ride a bicycle. Maybe. But you get rusty, and tom was rusty. Hart, on the other hand, tried to spar at least once a week. He was shorter and faster than tom, and he ducked in for a lot of close contact sparring, and every time he put a finger on tom, tom felt like there was an electric charge going through him. He was losing, for sure. Then, he saw his chance. Hart backed off and tom thought: "a good snap kick will knock him back a bit. Then maybe I get to be on top." He shot out his leg. "Not fast enough tommy. And you telegraphed." Hart stepped out of the way and grabbed tom's ankle. "FUCK. " tom tried to keep his balance while Hart held his leg in middair. "I know you wanna spread your legs for me, tommy, but this... this is a little obvious. "I'm NOT spreading my legs for you. Lemme go. ACCCK." tom lost his balance and went down. He tried to cover up, but Hart was on his back, a hand underneath him trying to chicken wing tom's arm and get him on his back. tom felt the prickle of Hart's whiskers on his ear. "You have no idea how hard it is not to cheat, stud. I wanna get my fingers in and tickle the hell outta you. But instead." Hart got a leg bar on tom and then the chicken wing was easier. tom was on his back. squirming to try to get out of the pin position. "Keep squirming tommy. You're just making me more and more excited." Hart was telling the truth. tom could see, and feel, Hart's erection growing. "Gotta start counting this down, tommy, cause you're in big trouble. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 PIN"

"Ok, you win. Let me up Hart." tom felt Hart's strong hands pinning down his wrists. He couldn't move. "What's my prize? Winners usually get prizes." "Isn't humiliating the shit outta me enough of a prize," tom grunted, squirming some more. "No. It's not nearly enough. tom looked at Hart's face. He knew he wasn't getting up unless he offered .... something. "Kiss me Hart. Kiss me the way you used to." He closed his eyes as Hart's lips moved in. It felt good to tom. REAL good. "Open" Hart whispered, and tom responded by doing what Hart had said. Now HIS erection was in full force. He wanted to hug Hart, but Hart kept tom's wrists pinned down during the kiss and all tom could do was moan and squirm. "Have a drink with me. Then come home with me for just a bit. " Hart smiled at the pinned man underneath him. "It's a school night, Hart. Raincheck?" tom smiled and Hart smiled back. "You think it was a question. It wasn't." "What does that mean?" tom asked, squirming harder. "It means you're getting changed, coming out for a quick beer, and then you're coming back to my place for however long it takes me to slap your puppy." "Slap your puppy." That's the expression Hart used when they were younger to let tom know he wanted to fool around that night. tom always went. Once he even brought a leash and collar. Hart loved it. "You're planning to fuck me tonight, Hart?" "Damn right I am. As soon as you beg for it." As he got dressed, tom began to freak out a little. Sparring with Hart had sounded like fun, and it was. It was also erotic: Hart knew how to push his buttons, even in a non sexual way. But he remembered the early times and how much it, well, hurt. Hart was not a subtle lover, and tom also knew: he had asked around. There were no questions when Hart took someone home: he was the boss. He topped, he took control. "He took control." The words were still circling in tom's mind after he got dressed, when he felt Hart's hand on his shoulder. "C'mon tommy, let's go. " tom got up and he saw that Hart was wearing, of all things, a necktie: a REAL one. "You're wearing a tie? HUH?" Hart smiled and he did something he rarely did. He blushed. "Yeah, well, I kinda had some of this planned, and I didn't wanna take you to Mustang, and it's sort of a date and.... " He paused and smiled. "And I knew you'd wear a blue shirt today. It's Tuesday." Hart began to laugh. tom had five different color shirts: white, blue, ecru, gray and a red striped one. Everyone guessed he probably had two of each, but you could tell what day of the week it was by what color he was wearing. "I don't get it," tommy answered. "You wore a tie because I wore a blue shirt." "Yeah, it's Tuesday, but I figured you'd wear a blue one anyway, because I told you once that blue brought out your eye color. Still does. I knew you'd be handsome. I wanted to look good. " tom gulped. He felt like he was beginning to fall for this man again. He forgot about what Hart had planned for him: Hart was saying all the right things.

They wound up at a small bar which was probably straight, sitting at a small booth. tom had red wine, Hart was drinking a beer. "I couldn't believe it when I saw you walk into the company that day, tommy. " Hart smiled. "I made up my mind that... well, I made up my mind about a lot of things." "That day?" "Yeah. Well, no. I had made up my mind a while ago that if I ever crossed paths with you again, I wasn't gonna let you go." Now tom got playful. "And how do you plan to do that?" "I have my ways" Hart smiled. "As you'll find out."

When they got back to Hart's apartment, tom thought that he never would've guessed Hart lived here. Everything was neat. Everything was put away. Art - not posters, books, not magazines. "You were always a good kisser tommy. You still are." Hart moved in. tom didn't resist. He felt Hart move his hands to his ass cheeks and begin massaging them. Hart's mouth moved to tom's neck and he shivered. "Bedroom is that way. Let's go." When they got there, tom turned around and dropped to his knees in front of Hart. "Yeah, I'd like that, but I'm too excited. Take off your shoes. Get on the bed." tom slipped out of them and began unbuttoning his shirt. "NO. I'll do that." Hart began to take off his own clothes. He climbed on top of tom and whispered "You want me to FUCK you, tommy boy?" He was sliding scruff across tom's neck as his fingers found tom's shirt buttons, and began opening them. When tom didn't answer, the scruff moved to his nipples. "OH GOD. OH GOD. " tom tried to rear up and pull Hart's head away . "OH. I was so excited. How could I forget?" Hart pinned tom to the bed the way he had pinned him at the Dojo. tom hadn't seen the cuffs on the bed. "HEY! NO. NO BONDAGE. NO...." Hart laughed as tom struggled with the restraints. "I got a gag too. My first gag made you explode tommy boy. Shall I get it?" "NO. NO. C'mon Hart, this is too much. Let me go.... " Hart didn't let him go. Instead, he slipped down tom's zipper, and released his cock from his briefs. "REALLY REALLY SWOLLEN tommy. You SURE you want me to let you go?" tom began to whimper. "I didn't think so." "I.. I haven't been tied up since high school." "Well, get used to it happening a lot, tommy." "Why? Are you... Are you into bondage now?" Hard didn't answer. He just smiled. "Bondage and all kinds of good stuff. And I'm more than a Top. I'm a DOM." tom knew what that meant. He began to get nervous. "I picked my sub. I got him underneath me right now." "You can't just pick me. Don't I have to submit before that happens?" "Yeah, you do. And you will. Not tonight though. " "NOT EVER" "Ha ha. Next week, we're gonna spar again. But this time around, it's gonna be a submission match. Except when you submit, you're gonna be submitting to me as my sub, not just the match. "Not gonna happen." "You said THIS wasn't gonna happen, handsome." Hart pulled tom's pants off, and the grabbed his ankles. tom's legs were up in the air and he felt something he hadn't felt in nearly 20 years: Hart's cock entering him. "OUCH. IT HURTS. YOU'RE TOO BIG." "I am JUST the right size for you stud. And it's gonna hurt for the first few times. Maybe more than that. But you'll get used to it. You'll have to." He whispered "bottom boy." tom didn't protest that. He knew that was true. "fuck toy." Again, he just whimpered as Hart pushed into him deeper. "Man pussy" "OH SHIT" Hart was all the way in, and now, his hand was stroking tom's chest. "Just like the old days. Including me wondering why you have almost no chest hair, but such a thick bush. " tom could just moan. "I could fuck you like this every day tommy boy. Maybe twice. And I will. Because.... " He arched over tom and whispered into his ear. "You are going to submit. " "NEVER. I'll bottom for you but... no. NEVER. OH FUCK FUCK FUCK." Hart had begun sliding back and forth. "Think about it stud. Getting this cock every day. Every single day. In your mouth. In your butt. And all my toys for using on you. " The only toys tom had ever used were a vibrator and nipple clamps. "I. I need to cum Hart. BADLY." "Gonna be hard to do tied down, ain't it boy? Besides, Mister Hart hasn't finished yet. " "PLEASE. PLEASE. I'm desperate. I NEED IT." "You need a lot of things, tommy. Including a good, firm Master. And you're gonna get one." Hart smiled and then let out a yell as he shot into tom. tom was obsessive about counting, and he counted eleven pulses before Hart slowed down. He pulled out of tom and smiled. "So you really wanna cum don't you?" "YES YES. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEZE" "How about I let you cum after I tickle you." "NO. NO TICKLING." "Ok. Guess you'll call in sick tomorrow. Me too. Cause I'll just keep you tied down here and fuck you each time I recover. It's usually three hours for me." "You'd make me wait....." "No, I won't let you. I'll just fuck you over and over and over again." Then Hart paused. "Hey, why the hell am I even asking? I'm in charge. " He dug his fingers into the spot of tom he knew was REALLY ticklish. tom exploded laughing. "STOP. STOP. STOPPPPP! You want me to submit?" "Yeah, I do, but not this way. Next week. But now, you gotta learn who's gonna be in charge of your cock." Hart stopped the tickling and began stroking tom. "I'm gonna let you up when you shoot. I'll drive ya home. Motorcycle again. It won't fit right but there's an extra leather jacket if you want one. You'll look good in the cordovan colored one." Tom took a look at himself in the mirror before they left. Hart was right, he thought. He did look good. It was very quiet in front of the house that tom was renting when they got there. Hart parked and they both got off the bike. "Any chance of a good night kiss?" Hart asked. tom didn't know how to respond. He was afraid that if he kissed Hart, he'd ask him to stay the night and... Hart sighed. "Ok, tom. That's ok. No prob. Good night. See ya tomorrow."

Hart was kind of surprised that tom was so hesitant to kiss him, and had to try to forget it and focus on the drive back home. He began to wonder if he was doing the right thing. His heart , and his dick, both told him to go for it. His head was telling him that this wasn't a good idea. But when he got back home, his heart and cock prevailed and he jerked off before falling asleep, thinking about how good it was going to be to have tom as his sub.

Two days later, tom got yet another internal package. This one contained the tie that Hart had worn when they went out, and there was, of course, a note: "Tomorrow 7:30: submission match. " tom expected that he'd get something like this from Hart, and he had been thinking, since he got home about what he'd do. He knew calling it a "submission match" was a formality: he'd lose, just like he lost the first one, and Hart would be expecting his surrender. tom hadn't kissed Hart that night because he knew that if he did, he'd tell Hart "forget about the match. I surrender. I'll be your sub." Now, he wasn't sure if he wanted that. He didn't show up at the Dojo. Hart wasn't sure if he should be angry or aroused: was tom playing hard to get? He'd find out. The next day, after regular work hours, tom was finishing up some stuff, when he heard a throat cleared at the door of his office. He looked up to see Hart standing there, a thumb hooked in his belt, smiling. "What's up handsome? I'd assume you didn't get my message, but...." he pointed "There's my necktie on your bookshelf. Caught red handed, tom began to stutter "Uh.... I'm thinking this isn't the best thing for either of us." "Dating or becoming Dom/sub?" tom couldn't look at Hart when he answered: "both." Had he looked up, tom would have seen the disappointment on Hart's face. When he finally did look up, Hart shrugged his shoulders. "You know, I could do one of two things. I COULD come by here some night and do what I did the first time, overpower you, tie you up, bring you to my house and work on you until you gave up. And I think you'd like that. But... you're right. It's probably not the best thing at all. I'll stop bothering you tom. Take care. You can send back my jacket and necktie whenever you like." He turned and started walking away. "HART. WAIT. I NEED MORE TIME." If Hart heard tom, he didn't respond. He just kept walking. "Well, he did that to me once, and now he did it to me a second time" he thought. "Serves me right for falling for him. " Neither of the two men slept well that night.

tom would see Hart on the loading platform from time to time, and then one day, he didn't see him for a while. He stopped and spoke to someone in Hart's department. "Hey, I haven't seen Hart around. Is he ok?" The guy looked at him. "You're Tom, right? He thought you'd know from employee reports or something. Hart quit. He's working across town." The news felt like a stab to Tom. He knew where Hart lived, but he didn't want to do anything to aggravate him. He called, but Hart didn't answer his calls or his texts. He didn't block him either though. Tom thought that might leave an opening. He sent the jacket and necktie back to Hart's apartment. He included a note: "Mustang? Friday? 8pm?" He didn't get an answer but he figured he'd try.

Friday was Mustang's busiest night and it was dark. It took Tom's eyes a while to adjust to the darkness, and he looked around for Hart. He found him. He was in the corner on a bar stool. A young blond man was sitting on his lap, and wearing the jacket Tom had sent back "TOMMY! " Hart yelled out. "I didn't want to give you the wrong impression because I was coming already. This is Pete." The young blond guy had longish hair, and was very thin. "Nice to meet you Pete. I'm Tom" "Nice to meet you. Hart told me you and he went to school and used to date?" Tom smiled. "Yeah, that's true. You got yourself a good man." "We met at the Dojo. I just started. Hart was teaching another beginner's class and I guess, well..." "We just clicked Tom." He held Pete tighter. "Anyway, it's good to see you. " Then he kissed Pete on his neck: the spot where he used to rub his scruff against Tom's neck. Tom walked away thinking "what the fuck did I do?" He began heading outside. A few people talked to him and he was slowed down. When he got to the exit door, there was Hart, standing in the same position he had been outside Tom's office. He wasn't smiling. "You have one more chance. You walk out the door, or you come home with me. Understand me?" tom gulped as his cock hardened. "Yes sir. "

"Now let's get some rules settled, tommy?" tom was bound to a chair, his legs separated and his thighs were tied to the chair. Hart still had on his work boots, and one of them was pressed into tom's crotch. He smiled as he rubbed it back and forth. "I'M your man. No one else. I'd rather you didn't look at any other man, but that's kinda impossible to enforce. Except when I'm with you. Then it's a no-no." "Yes sir," tom answered. Hart had already explained to him that there was not going to be any flip flopping: Hart would be on top, tom would be on the bottom. "I'm Mr Hart, or Sir when no one else is around. I won't embarrass you in front of other people, but you WILL come with me to bars as my sub, and you WILL behave properly. " tom gulped and again, responded "yes sir." "If I say blow job, you get on your knees, period. If I say 'get your legs in the air' you do it. If I say 'get on all fours' you assume the position. None of that should be hard for a college man to figure out. Is it?" "No Sir." Hart smiled as he ran his thumbs over tom's white shirt. "The undershirts are gonna go. Too much trouble to get to your flesh. You make enough money to buy replacement shirts if you sweat - which you don't do by the way. " tom sucked in his breath as the combination of the nipple work and the cock teasing got him hotter and hotter. "Finally: tomorrow, I'm gonna give you the razor and the soap, and you're gonna shave that bush as a sign of your submission. And you'll keep it shaved. You're my manpussy now, and I want my man pussy CLEAN." Another big gulp, and then tom answered "yes sir." "Now let's see what you've learned. " He untied tom. "Get undressed and get on the bed. On all fours." "Yes sir. " tom didn't know what to expect. Hart had never fucked him from that position but he was sure he was gonna get fucked. "Keep your eyes in front of you. You look back, I get the belt for your ass, manbitch." Gulp: "yes sir." tom felt the hands on his ass cheeks spread them apart. He heard the spit. Then he moaned like a wounded animal when Hart shoved his tongue into his ass. "OH FUCK SIR. That's the first time anyone's ever done that to me. " "That right? Then stop bragging or there'll be some gagging. " Instead, tom just moaned. He kept on moaning when he felt one , then two of Hart's lubed fingers snake into his bung hole. "Preparation for the big event. The first fucking of tom the sub." tom tried to brace himself. He had seen how thick and how red Hart's cock was that night. He already knew that he wasn't going to get to cum: as part of his "punishment" for the way he treated Hart, tom was barred from ejaculating for two weeks, "but I may cut that back if you please me." Tom intended to try. He pushed back as Hart was entering him, and got a smack to his balls. "STOP BEING GREEDY BITCH. You want lots of cock right away? I'll get the dildo. All 13 inches of it. " "No Sir. Sorry Sir. " "I'll tell you when to back up. If I don't, you stay in position." "Yes sir." tom soon found out why Hart said what he had. He was fucking tom in close to slow motion. The pleasure was immense, but so was the pain. tom's hair wasn't long enough for Hart to pull his head back, so instead, Hart pulled back on the dog collar he had tom wearing. "How's my BITCH? How's my MANBITCH?" "That doesn't matter Sir. What matters is whether or not you're happy." "GOOD. You've done some studying. I'm pleased, TAKE IT." Now Hart shoved his cock all the way in. "Oh please Sir. Thank you Sir. THANK YOU. " Hart was thinking about what he would do to tom after he shaved the next day. He didn't want to cage him, but... a ball separator was going on that beautiful cock as soon as he was shaved. Then there was the issue of wardrobe: shopping that weekend. And of course... big dilemma for Hart - move tom in with him, or move his stuff in with tom? He forgot all of that as he climaxed, filling tom with the biggest load he had put in him since they had reconnected. "Mancunt" he whispered into tom's ear. "Yes sir. YOUR mancunt. My MASTER's mancunt. That night, they slept together in Hart's bed. For all the years they had known each other, it was the first time they had done that.

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