Harts Reunion with Tom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 3, 2022


Hart worked an hour and a half of overtime, then got on his motorcycle, went home, cleaned up the apartment and himself, and got ready to go. Just before he left he turned. He saw his leather jacket on a chair. "Yes," he thought, grabbed it, put it on and headed to Mustang

He got there by 7:40, and was nursing a beer. He knew he was going to have to "pilot" the motorcycle back, hopefully with Tom riding behind him, and he also wanted to have a drink with Tom before they left. When Tom walked into the bar at 7:59:30, Hart laughed to himself. He could have guessed that's when Tom would arrive, and he also could've guessed how Tom would be dressed: exactly as he had been for work that morning, only his clip on tie was off, and stuffed into his back pocket. Hart saw the proper t shirt showing where his top button was opened. He found the look extremely sexy on Tom. He always had.

Tom was looking around a bit apprehensively, and a bit aggressively. He saw Hart, and started walking toward him. "Ok, I'm here. Like you wrote. Now what?" "How about a hello kiss, tommy? Or even a handshake?" "No kiss. I'm here. " "Ok. How about a blowjob then?" Hart began to laugh when he saw how Tom was beginning to fume. He could swear there was smoke coming out of his ears. "I didn't mean HERE silly. I meant later." "There IS no later. There is no blowjob. Just tell me what you want." "I just did," Hart smiled. "A kiss first, a blowjob after. " "NO." Hart shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't think you wanted to have butt sex on the first date, but if you're interested in that, so am I." "HART! GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD. NOTHING'S GONNA HAPPEN BETWEEN US." "Something already did tommy. " Tom didn't answer. He just glowered. "You know, that was... that was..." "It was really great, stud. I always LOVED tying you up. It was good to do it again." "And it's the last time you will." Hart just smiled for a minute. "You ever ride on a motorcycle, tommy?" "STOP CALLING ME TOMMY. IT'S NOT HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE." "You didn't answer my question." "NO. I haven't. Ok? "Wanna ride one tonight? Mine's parked outside." "NO. I took a cab here and I'll take one back home." "PHEH. You can take a cab home tomorrow. From my place." "You know, Hart? What makes you think I'm even interested in you?" "Get your pants cleaned yet, tommy?" Hart was smiling. "Looks like you may need to get these cleaned too." That quieted Tom down again. He didn't know that Hart could see his erection. Hart continued. "You look so fucking sexy tonight, tommy. If you walked out, I think I'd have to hunt you down and have my way with you." He watched Tom's face and thought "I'm getting to him." He asked another question. "When's the last time you got laid, tommy?" "NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS." Tom never cursed, and he was embarrassed he did so now. "Excuse me. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" "Not for a while then, huh?" Tom started getting defensive. "I get offers. People want to go to bed with me all the time." "Yeah, but they want you on top, and we know how THAT works out." Back when they were fooling around in high school, Tom had said he wanted to top once, and Hart let him try. It was a disaster. "Maybe I've changed." "Ha ha. You still dress the way you did. You still act the way you did. No, tommy, you don't top. " Then Hart took a gamble. He got closer to Tom and whispered in his ear. "I top. I top you. And I'm gonna top you again." He was close enough to feel Tom shuddering. "You wanna ride on my bike, Tommy?" He raised his finger, and moved to run it over Tom's lips. Tom didn't pull away. "y..... yes." "Good. Now gimme that necktie out of your pocket. You don't need it. I'll use it when I wanna see you again." Tom sagged the way a balloon does when the air goes out of it. He handed Hart the necktie. "Hey, tommy, how come you still wear these clip-ons? High school, I understand, but you're an executive now." "I'd rather not say," was Tom's response. Hart began to laugh. "OH MY GOD. There's something I know how to do tommy doesn't know how to do, besides top. You don't know how to tie a necktie." "Yeah, so what?" "We'll have some lessons this weekend." "THIS WEEKEND? I'm coming over for a few hours tonight. That's it."

Hart shrugged his shoulders. "We'll see. Listen, it's a little cold tonight and it'll be colder on the cycle. You wanna wear this?" He pulled off his leather jacket. Tom looked at it with eagerness. "It probably won't fit." "Well, it won't be too big, and in this case, tighter is sexier - I mean better - than looser. " "Ok, let's go. BUT NO BONDAGE AND NO BUTT SEX." "It's only a first re-date, tommy. Don't worry. I won't damage you.

Hart got on the motorcycle and showed Tom how to get on behind him. "Wrap your arms around my middle as if you were gonna start feeling me up. Of course, you COULD feel me up if you want to, but then I get to do that to you when we get to my place." "I'm not gonna be feeling you up." Tom was getting more and more nervous, but the smell of the leather, and Hart's own distinct scent, were getting to him. "AND AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY WE GO." Hart revved up the motorcycle and off they went. "Remember. I told you no bondage, and no butt sex. " "I remember Tommy. I respect boundaries." Hart was opening the door to his apartment. Tom still had the jacket on. He didn't want to take it off, it felt so good, and ... it was almost intoxicating. Hart's place surprised him mildly. He remembered the beat up basement where he and Hart used to fool around: the posters of heavy metal bands, the empty beer cans, the dust. There were posters in this place, but they were, well, erotic art. No beer cans around, and the house was clean - not as clean as Tom's but clean. "You can wear the jacket when we go out, tommy, but take it off now. Make yourself comfortable. A glass of wine?" Tom was getting nervous again. "Wine would be nice. It's not out of a jug is it?" "TOM! You know, maybe you didn't change, but I did." Hart came back with two glasses, a corkscrew and a very nice bottle of chablis. He poured, handed a glass to Tom and smiled. "To reconnecting." After they toasted, Hart put down his glass. Tom did the same. "How about that kiss, tommy?" "Ok." Their lips met. Their kissing was noisy. Then Hart tried to push his tongue in. Tom resisted but when he felt Hart's hands on his torso, he opened his mouth. He heard Hart say "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Then he felt himself slowly being lowered on his back, right there on Hart's couch.

Hart hadn't turn on his stereo system, so the sounds of he and Tom making out rebounded throughout the house. They were loud, breathless. "I can't get enough of your mouth, tommmy," Hart gasped and Tom answered "then take more of it." Hart did. Tom squirmed underneath him, but not so much as to make it seem he wanted to get away. He wanted to wrap his legs around Hart's body, but the way Hart was positioned on him made that impossible - and Hart knew it. Yes, he was aroused, VERY aroused - but he wanted Tom to be MORE aroused and more desperate. Hart threw off his shirt and then unbuttoned Tom's. "GOD I just wanna cut this fucking t shirt off you" "Then let me get up and take it off," Tom responded. "No. I wanna tear it to shreds. I wanna rip it and rip it and then lick your whole fucking body." "Then do it." That took Hart back a minute. This was NOT something fastidious Tom would say. He must really, REALLY be wanting something. "I SAID DO IT HART!" Hart was practically drooling as he grabbed the neckline of the t shirt and pulled, ripping it in half. "FUCK YES!" was all Tom could get out of his mouth before Hart was on his nipples, first licking, then chewing, then running his tongue all the way down Tom's torso until he reached... the spot. "I'm gonna get ya tommy. I'm gonna make you BEG me to stop." "NO. Not there. Not there, please. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA. " Hart just ignored him and began rubbing scruff on Tom's ticklish spot, and then licking it, and repeating it. "PLEASE. PLEASE. DO SOMETHING ELSE. ANYTHING ELSE BUT... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHA." Hart stopped. "Anything else?" "ANYTHING. Please... " Tom was giggling slightly because Hart had his fingers on the spot, and he was running them back and forth. "I wanna give you a hickey. Gimme your neck. " "OH SHIT. NO. NO. Not that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " The tickling of the blond resumed, while Hart used a free hand to squeeze Tom's nipple. "Ok, ok. You win. " Tom turned his head and Hart growled as he dove into the soft neck flesh. He was a Master at using his scruff and his tongue and it wasn't long before Tom went from moaning softly to moaning loud. His hips began to buck. That's when Hart stopped. He didn't want Tom cumming - yet. "I want that blowjob. And I want it now . While you jerk yourself. " Jerking himself sounded mighty good to Tom, but the blowjob. Hart said nothing, but got back to work on Tom's nipples before he dove for his neck. "YES YES. OK. I'll blow you. " "On my bed. No room on the sofa. Drop your pants. Leave them here. "

Hart got off of Tom's body and when Tom got up, he doffed his blue polyester slacks. Hart could see the size of Tom's erection, and he understood why men wanted Tom to top them. He didn't. He moved them to his bed and straddled Tom's chest, putting his cock near Tom's mouth. As Tom reached down for his cock, Hart pushed his hand away "Nope. My cock has gotta be in your mouth before you touch yourself." Tom didn't say anything. He was breathing hard and went after Hart's cock as Hart teased him. When Tom began to whine "please. PLEASE" Hart smiled, and moved his cock right over Tom's lips. He gobbled it down. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. You're as good as you were in high school tommy." "mmmmmmmmmmmm" Tom couldn't remember the last time he had sucked dick. WAS IT high school? He'd think about it again. For now, he grabbed his own shaft. He was afraid he'd get so into jerking himself that he might bite Hart. He needn't have worried: Hart pulled out and sprayed Tom's whole face with his cum. He knew that this would aggravate Tom, and he wanted him aggravated rather than satisfied. "HOLY SWEET JESUS" Tom swore again, and blew a load that got Hart's back, half way up, and covered his own body pretty thoroughly. Hart rolled off of him and smiled. "Was it good for you tommy?" "OH SHIT IT WAS AMAZING." He smiled at Hart and started to get up. Hart pushed him down. "You trying to get away from me?" "Well, yeah. I was gonna go home" "Ho ho. Oh no you're not. It's not like you'd be walking the walk of shame at work tomorrow tommy. You're spending the night. I FULLY intend to have as much fun with you tonight as I can. " He grinned. "Even if that means tying you down and edging you for two hours or even three." Tom answered, unconvincingly "you said no bondage." "So, I lied. Maybe you changed your mind." "MMMMM. Could happen. Not right now though. " "No, not right now. Keep an open mind tommy. And be ready to have an open mouth." Hart bent down to kiss Tom and while he did, he slid his hand between Tom's legs and began to massage his prostate with two fingers. Tom didn't protest. He moaned, but he didn't protest. Hart thought, "I'm gonna get that ass," and didn't realize he had just spoken the thought out loud. Once he did, he worried: "Oh shit. That's gonna scare him but good." "Yes. Yes you are," was the answer he got. Hart smiled. This man was so horny, he knew exactly how to proceed. Not tonight, but he'd have Tom as his bondage bottom, sooner than you would think.

Next: Chapter 3

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