Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on Apr 17, 2007


A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Not as much sex as usual in these chapters- that's just the way the story has worked out. Chapter 15 should get a rise out of you all so no worries! Loads of thanks to all of you that have wrote in and have given me the thumbs up for this story. I really do appreciate the positive feedback and it is encouraging me to write more for you all. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next part are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part Five

Chapter 14- Just When You Think It's Safe...

The office of Minerva McGonagall was filled with tension as Harry, Neville and the other heads of House- Finias Flitwick from Ravenclaw and Uriah Grayson from Slytherin, listened to McGonagall read the front-page story in the Daily Prophet.

"...while his identity was not confirmed by Ministry officials, several witnesses in Nottingham, swore that they saw Draco Malfoy, who for years has been presumed dead after a battle with Harry Potter and his minions.

Readers will certainly remember the events of that day.

In one of the final battles with Voldemort, Draco Malfoy had engaged Harry Potter in a duel- allegedly carrying out orders from the Dark Lord. When Malfoy had failed to kill Potter it was rumored that Voldemort killed Draco Malfoy since he failed to complete his mission. Potter had testified that he had witnessed Voldemort doing what appeared to be a `disintegration spell' which immediately killed Malfoy.

Malfoy, according to former Death Eater and Voldemort follower, Lillith Lund, who is now serving a life sentence in Azkaban, Malfoy had 'annoyed the Dark Lord for the last time'. Malfoy had failed to carry out a mission to kill Albus Dumbledore. The late Severus Snape ended up doing the job for Malfoy. When Malfoy failed to kill Potter, according to Lund, Voldemort was enraged and allegedly killed Draco Malfoy.

His body was never recovered and there is no record of burial anywhere. Ministry officials were unable to confirm Malfoy's death, with no body available, but insisted the word of Harry Potter was 'absolutely truthful' and that Potter had given them `all the proof they needed'. Minister of Magic, Arthur Weasley, said that the Ministry was already searching the Nottingham area but thus far have not seen anyone that even closely resembled Draco Malfoy..."

McGonagall stopped reading and shook her head, "I guess it is possible but Lund was given Veritaserum. Her account of how Voldemort killed Malfoy would have had to be the truth...and Harry, well Harry, you witnessed the whole thing."

"Or the truth she and Harry were led to believe, Minerva," boomed the voice of Albus Dumbledore who was sitting comfortably in his portrait above McGonagall's desk, "the people that claim that they saw Draco may be mistaken, but you all will do well to remember Peter Petigrew. Remember how everyone thought he was dead for 12 years? Draco may have developed...skills...beyond what we thought he had learned here at the school."

"But even if he is still alive," added Flitwick, "how much of a threat is he? Voldemort was destroyed and certainly Draco must know that if he ever shows his face it will mean a ticket straight to Azkaban."

"That's true Finnias, but all the same, I just want you all to be aware." advised McGonagall, "It's doubtful that he would come around the school but as you all know stranger things have happened here. Oh my... we had better get down to breakfast, it would look horrible if my teachers were late to their classes...just keep your eyes open."

"Minerva could I have a word with Harry in private?" asked Dumbledore sitting up straight in his high-backed chair

"Sure Albus, I am on my way downstairs anyhow," said McGonagall as she left with the others.

When everyone was out of the room Dumbledore asked Harry to do the "Secludio" charm so they could talk in complete privacy.

"Your worried Harry, aren't you? But it is not for the reasons most people would believe, is it?" asked Dumbledore

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand..."

"Harry," said Dumbledore more forcefully, "I know you are not worried about Draco being back and physically attacking you. Clearly you have always had the upper hand over him in that department. You are worried that, out of revenge, if Malfoy is indeed still alive, he will come back and reveal some secrets you have kept well hidden."

"Secrets, sir?" asked Harry

"You know what I mean Harry. One thing about being a memory in a portrait is that you have the run of the castle. You can go from portrait to portrait in various rooms. You just wouldn't believe the gossip that goes on. I would suppose that it is because life...well you really can't call this life...existence in this realm can be pretty boring so the paintings entertain themselves with spying and gossip."

Harry had a sinking feeling that he knew where Dumbledore was heading with this.

"I know that you and Colin Creevey have been lovers since you were a student and I know you and Longbottom have started a group for the gay teens here at the school. No worries, I have not said anything to Minerva and I think it is admirable at best what you are trying to do for the boys you call Potter's Protégées."

"So you have always known about me? Being gay...but you never said anything about it to me."

"I didn't feel it was necessary, Harry. You know that I always loved you as if you were my own son. It has always been my belief that a parent who truly loves his or her child will accept them for the way they are, not the way they want them to be. Who you had sex with didn't change the fact that I loved you as my adopted, spiritual son."

Harry had always known that Dumbledore cared for him and he had looked to Dumbledore as a mentor and many times as a parent. Harry also remembered that Dumbledore has the amazing ability to read him like a book- he should have known that no secret was safe with Albus Dumbledore around.

"What your biggest fear is, concerning Draco Malfoy, may be him ruining your reputation and disclosing that the straight-laced Harry Potter people think they know is actually gay...that's what it is, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir, as usual you are right. And I want to thank you. Most adults would have tried to change, or worse yet punish, their child into becoming what they wanted them to be. It means a lot to me that you are not upset with who I turned out to be."

"It was always my pleasure Harry. Making the decision, long ago to teach, and devote my self to other people's children instead of having my own was a hard one. But when you came along you filled a void for me. You allowed a part of me, a part that had never been tested, to flourish. You allowed my paternal side to come out. I may not have made you but I loved you like my own."

Harry's only regret was that Albus Dumbledore was no longer alive and he was talking to a memory of him in a portrait. He desperately wanted to give the old man a huge hug. He never had taken the time, as a boy, to consider that Dumbledore took the place of the father he sadly never knew.

"I wouldn't worry about Draco, Harry. Even if he were alive he would be a fool to ever show his face and unless he had people to back up his claims about you. Not many would believe him; being a proven liar his testimony would be worth nothing."

This is why Albus Dumbledore had been so important in Harry's life. Whenever he had fear, when ever he had doubts Dumbledore had always been able to soothe his fears...just like a dad, Harry thought, just like a dad.

"Thank you, sir, I promise I will not worry about Draco. You are right, there is no point in worrying about what may or may not happen," said Harry genuinely grateful for Dumbledore's counsel.

"Oh Harry, there is one more thing- a bit more gossip that I think you should hear," informed the painting of Dumbledore, "rumor has it that the Slytherin boy, Donnelly, is harassing even more boys he thinks may be gay. It is time to do something about him. I am sure you will think of a creative, yet discreet, way to deal with him."

"I certainly will, sir. I already have a plan in mind that I will try to execute tonight. Thank you, Professor, for.... well for everything." said Harry sincerely as he got up to leave.

"No problem, Harry. Seeing as I have no choice but to be here in this portrait, I will always be here for you."

Harry left the office feeling one hundred percent better. Instead of concentrating on the Draco Malfoy story and what may be he decided to concentrate on what was happening that day. He would talk to Sam after class and put a stop to the homophobic Slytherin, Patrick Donnelly, and tonight...for sure.

While Harry was feeling better about his day Neville was still waiting for the ball to drop on him. On their way out of breakfast Harry noticed that Neville was unusually quiet.

"Still worried about Angelo?" asked Harry

"Ya, I just...I just am worried that he may take things too far," muttered Neville

"Well then we need to find a boy to get his attention so his focus is off of you."

"I hope it's soon...if anyone knew..." Neville caught himself; he wasn't ready to admit that he and Angelo had made love on their trip, "I mean he just isn't careful; he may get us all caught and outed."

"Well don't worry about what hasn't happened, ok?" said Harry offering Neville the same sage advice the painting of Dumbledore gave him, "Oh and by the way, I heard that the Slytherin kid- Patrick Donnelly is harassing some more boys. If all goes well I will be putting a stop to that tonight."

"OK Harry, good luck with that and I'll see ya later, ok?" said Neville hurrying away to his greenhouse

"Right Neville, try to have a good day." waved Harry

Neville would try to have a good day, despite the fact that his first class was his fourth years led by the boy who had the crush- Angelo Marquez.

Chapter 15- Photo Opportunity

Harry had to keep reminding himself, throughout the day, to not dwell on the story about Draco Malfoy being alive. There was no way he could be; at least no way Harry knew of. His classes went well all day and he was able to put his plan into motion- operation "Stop the Slytherin" would commence tonight.

Predictably Patrick Donnelly made a snide comment and was disruptive in class so Harry gave him detention. Patrick would be doing detention with Harry at 7pm tonight. The only thing left was talking to Sam; but he had to do that in private after class. Harry tried to stay focused on the lecture he was giving.

"...and that was the reason the Death Eaters did what they did." said Harry lecturing his fourth year class, "They had the idea that only pure blood wizards and witches were the only people worth a salt. They were elitists and bigots. So the lesson in all this is that when someone starts thinking they are better then someone else, or blatantly starts spewing out hateful and degrading remarks about one's ethnic background, parentage, or other factors that they may feel uncomfortable with darkness prevails. This hate, as demonstrated by the Death Eaters and Voldemort, was cancerous. And it is taught from generation to generation. One way to combat the Dark Arts is to make sure parents do not influence their kids to turn to it in the first place. You all have a choice on how you behave and what course you take in your life. You can either believe the prejudices you are taught by adults that may have been taught by their parents or you can choose to renounce all of that and take a different course of action. When you choose to not judge, not hate and not minimize someone that may not be as fortunate as you then you are working towards the good."

Harry acknowledged a hand up in the class.

"So really sir, the bottom line is that hate is what fueled the whole movement to join Voldemort and the wizards who still practice black magic?"

"That's right Geoffrey, and that is why we sadly still have to have a Defense Against The Dark Arts class here at Hogwarts. Even though Voldemort is dead and gone there are many that still secretly follow his ideals and beliefs and you all have to know how to combat them."

Another hand went up.

"Yes, David, you have a question?"

"What do you make of the sighting of Draco Malfoy? Didn't you see him finished off years ago?"

"Well, yes, I saw him literally disintegrate. I had no choice but to use the self-defense curse. Keep in mind it borders on an unforgivable curse but is permissible only when you are in extreme mortal danger. I was so I used the Disintegratio curse on him. I clearly saw him go away in a cloud of smoke and dust so he has to be dead and the story a hoax. But the odd thing is that Voldemort selected the same curse to use on Malfoy as I had- at the same time. So I don't know if it was Voldemort or me that actually did Draco in. The papers and the Ministry wanted to spin it so Voldemort was the killer. But honestly it could have been me instead of Voldemort that blew up Draco Malfoy into a cloud of dust."

"But, sir, whoever did it malfoy clearly failed to exist after the spell was cast, didn't he?"

"Yes, sadly for Draco that appeared to be true."

"So the people must have been mistaken; the people that said they saw Draco Malfoy?" inquired David

"Yes, that would be the correct assumption, but enough of that...In keeping with today's lecture I would like a roll of parchment, due on Friday, describing ways you can personally strive to work on the side of good. Look at your character and see if you have been taught to hate or dislike a particular person or type of person. Hopefully this will be a tool for you all, assuming you do the assignment honestly, so you can see where you can make positive changes in your lives.... ok class dismissed...Sam I need to have a word with you please."

Harry milled around until everyone but Sam Chang had left the classroom.

"What is your next class, Sam?" asked Harry

"It's Herbology with Professor Longbottom, sir," replied Sam

"Ah ok so if you are delayed it will be ok. Listen I have come up with a plan to silence Patrick Donnelly once and for all but I need your help."

"You can count on me, sir, you know I want him taught the lesson of his life."

"Well here's what is going to happen. I have already given Patrick detention with me tonight. He will be here at 7pm and I want you here at the same time as well. Mind you, you are not in trouble and this really isn't a detention for you; no detention points will be taken from Gryfindor. Let me show you what I have in mind."

Harry led Sam up the stairs to his quarters.

"This is an invisibility cloak, it used to be my father's, and it has come in handy plenty of times. Mister Creevey has lent me his Sneakcam so what I want to happen is this. You and Patrick will be here doing detention- I will do it up here in my quarters. About 15 minutes into the detention Professor Longbottom is going to come and call me out for an emergency. That will leave you and Patrick alone."

"You are going to leave me alone with him? You know what he is going to do to me, sir."

"Yes, I know Sam and that is why I wanted to ask for your help first instead of just springing it on you. You see you won't really be alone. I will leave out with Professor Longbottom and he will have the cloak in the briefcase he will be carrying. Once out of the classroom I will put on the cloak and return. When Patrick starts doing what he will do I will be using Mister Creevey's Sneakcam. After you finish with Patrick I will quietly leave and come back. I will dismiss you and then I will present Patrick with the pictures and the evidence I have that he is a secret cocksucker!"

"That's brilliant, sir, I think this may work so I will do it."

"Excellent Sam and I will leave the cloak on my desk downstairs so if you like you can slip it on, sneak back up here and watch Patrick squirm"

"Oh that will be the best, sir, that will make my day.... well my year!" exclaimed Sam

"Ok, let's get you down to Herbology before Neville...umm...Professor Longbottom thinks you were eaten by one of his Gulping Goliath plants!"

Harry led Sam to Greenhouse 2 and then finalized the plan with Neville.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on for Harry. Finally the seven o'clock hour neared. As he waited for Sam and Patrick to arrive Harry's Owl flew in with a scroll in his claws. Harry took the parchment; it was from Ron Weasley.


Hi Harry,

Well the bad news is Hermione wants the divorce and it probably is just as well. Things started out well with us at first but over the last year we have distanced a lot. Now the good news is that I am not going back to Romania. Fred and George have offered to let me run their joke shop branch in Hogsmead. So I, of course, took the job and I have rented a small flat in Hogsmead.

Why don't you come visit tomorrow and check out my new digs? It will give us more time to catch up.

Write Back...ok?



Damn, thought Harry to himself, he had promised Colin he would see him tomorrow night.

"Well Colin will understand that I want to see Ron," said Harry out loud to Hedwig, "Colin has seen me all these years and Ron and I do need to catch up."

Harry pulled out a bit of parchment and a quill.


Hiya Ron,

Great news...well at least about the job and the flat.

I'll be over around 6pm tomorrow. If that isn't good for you write back.

Your Best Friend,



Harry sent Hedwig off with the reply just as Sam and Patrick walked through the door.

"Ah welcome boys...don't worry this detention will be only as HARD as you make it."

Sam had to force back a laugh; he got the innuendo Harry was making.

"OK here is some parchment. I want you both to write a full page essay on why being disruptive in class hurts you and others around you...get to it now."

Harry watched as the two started writing. Of course Patrick, who never really gave a damn about what harm he caused to others, was having a tough time starting his assignment.

Fifteen minutes later Neville arrived at the door.

"Professor Potter, I need you to join me immediately. The Headmistress has called an emergency meeting."

"Merlin's beard, another emergency!" said Harry with a hint of exasperation, "Ok, well then, you two will stay here and complete the work or else it will be a whole week of detention with assignments far worse then this."

Harry hurried out the door with Neville. Once out of the classroom Harry retrieved the invisibility cloak and the Sneakcam from Neville's briefcase.

"Good luck Harry, I hope this will work," said Neville patting Harry on the back, "just let me see the pictures later...I need a good laugh."

"Ok mate, I will come see you when I am done ruining Patrick's night."

Harry quietly re-entered the classroom and waited. He wanted to give Sam the time to get things underway.

Meanwhile in Harry's sitting room...

"Hey pussy boy," said Patrick to Sam, "I got a problem and I think you can help me before Potter gets back."

Sam glanced over at the redheaded Slytherin and wasn't surprised to see him waving his long, thin cock at him.

"Remember, we have a deal. You take care of my problem and I won't cause you a bigger problem by outing you."

"OK", said Sam sullenly, "Let me go make sure no one is in the classroom first."

Sam went out the door to the quarters and looked at the empty classroom. He knew that somewhere in that room Professor Potter was waiting. Suddenly he saw a hand wave...just a hand...and he knew he had found Harry. Sam gave Harry the thumbs up sign and Harry moved swiftly up the stairs behind Sam.

"No one is in the classroom, I better lock this door then."

"Yeah, if anyone finds out about this you are dead Sammy boy."

After Sam locked the door he went to the waiting Slytherin boy who was still stroking his half-hard cock and playing with the patch of red hair's that surrounded its base.

"Strip those shorts off Sam," commanded Patrick

Sam did as he was told and then stood in front of Patrick.

"I want to do something different today. Maybe if you are hard you will enjoy it more when I fuck your brains out," said Patrick pulling Sam close to him.

Patrick stuck out his tongue and tasted the tip of Sam's cock. After a few more licks he took Sam's cock in his mouth. Awkwardly sucking Sam, occasionally scratching Sam's dick with his teeth, Patrick's dick hardened completely and Harry could see a drop of precum forming on its tip. Despite the teeth Sam soon had a full hard on as well and he began pumping in and out of Patrick's mouth.

"I didn't know you...actually liked...sucking dick," said Sam dreamily enjoying the warmth of the Slytherin boy's mouth

"I never said I liked it. I just want you hard and horny so you like what I am gonna make you do. I lose my boner when you start crying."

While Sam continued to feed Patrick his cock Harry was busy trying to do several things at once- namely keeping the invisibility cloak in place whilst snapping pics with the Sneakcam.

When Patrick was satisfied with the work he did on Sam's cock he ordered the younger boy to turn around and bend over. Patrick stood up and rubbed the head of his precum sticky cockhead on Sam's hole. Sam gritted his teeth; he knew what was coming. He was about to get fucked again without any lube. Sam liked being a bottom and sat on his boyfriend Lonnie's cock, whenever he could, but they always used a generous amount of lotion.

Patrick never bothered with such details so as expected Sam felt the first jab of pain as the head of Patrick's cock slid in.

Harry had to keep reminding himself that he was there to take pics and entrap the Slytherin homophobe so he had to keep willing his cock to go down as he watched the hot scene unfold.

Soon Sam was used to Patrick in him and he moved his hips around on Patrick's cock.

"Man you have such a tight hole boy, I am about to shoot my load in you bum."

A few more pumps and Patrick was unloading in Sam. When he caught his breath he turned Sam around.

"You were a good slave boy today, I think a reward is in order," suggested Patrick

He took Sam's half-hard cock back into his mouth and started sucking like a pro. Soon Sam was ready to cum and decided to pull out just as he was about to shoot. He wanted the secret photo opportunity to end with a bang- well a splash. And that is exactly what happened. Sam pulled out and shot a generous load of sweet white cum on the Slytherin boy's face. At first Sam thought Patrick would kick the shit out of him but that wasn't going to happen. He actually wiped his chin with his hand and then licked up the boy cum.

"We better open the door back up; Potter should be back soon," said Patrick buttoning up his pants

Sam went to the door and opened it, which gave Harry the chance to slip out of the room. As promised Harry left the invisibility cloak on his desk and reviewed the images he just took on the Sneakcam. This was better then he had anticipated. These were hot and all the evidence he needed to reign in the terror caused by Patrick Donnelly.

Harry waited a few more minutes and then stomped up the stairs to his quarters.

"What have you two been doing? This is a detention and you have barely written a word."

"I was having trouble thinking, sir," said Sam playing along with the ruse

"Well it is late, I will expect the essay on my desk by tomorrow evening or you both will be spending the next two weeks with me in detention." advised Harry, "You can be on your way Sam. Patrick you stay for a minute I have something that you may want to see."

Sam left Harry's quarters and made a beeline to the desk and the invisibility cloak. He quickly put it on and quietly went back up the steps and into the quarters. When Harry felt a tap on his shoulder he knew Sam was back in the room and he moved to shut the door to his quarters.

"So Patrick come here. I want to see what you think of some pictures I took recently."

Patrick ambled over to Harry; an indignant look on his face because he was annoyed that Sam was allowed to leave but he was forced to stay. He looked at the view screen of the Sneakcam. The first image was innocuous- a picture of Rosemarta's Tea Garden.

"Well this is nice, Professor, Hogsmead...but what is it you want me to see?" said Patrick annoyed that he was being forced to look at Harry's travel pictures

"Wait... the best is yet to come," admonished Harry

Sam had to bite his lip when he saw the look of absolute horror of the Slytherin boy's face when he saw the next image. There was Patrick Donnelly, sitting in Harry's armchair, with Sam Chang's cock in his mouth.

"But, how?" was all Patrick could manage to say

"Let's just say I can be as sneaky as you are," said Harry looking Patrick in the eye

"Well it's not what you think," said Patrick defensively

Harry laughed out loud, "It seems the images are pretty clear. You like cock don't you?"

Patrick was dumbstruck; his worst fear exposed.

"As a matter of fact," Harry continued, "you like it more then you let even Sam know. You see, I know that you are running around the school harassing other boys that may or may not be gay. That's normal for people like you that cannot come to terms with who they really are. So first you will admit to me that you are gay and you are homophobic because you want to keep your secret well hid."

Patrick had no choice now, "OK, yes...you are right. It's just that my parents would never understand me being...being..."

"Gay," Harry finished for him, "You don't have to be afraid to state the obvious. Your parents and mates think you are a ladies man and wouldn't understand the concept of you sucking dick."

"Yeah that, sir" comfirmed Patrick with his eyes to the floor

"Well no one has to find out provided you do the following. You will no longer call other boys names like queer or faggot, you will not intimidate other boys, you will not force Sam to do things he doesn't want to do. You will apologize to Sam and the other boys you harassed and there will be no more of that. If you keep your end of the bargain then no one will see these pictures. If not then the whole of Slytherin House will see these pictures; they will mysteriously appear in your common room."

Patrick was as white as a ghost. Sam was enjoying every last minute of the exchange between Harry and Patrick.

"But how do I explain the change in me to my mates, sir?"

"Just tell them you got bored with all that and you want to focus on something else."

"I guess I can do all that"

"Well for your sake I hope you do," advised Harry pulling out his wand and pointing it at the redhead Slytherin boy, "and to make sure I am going to charm you; no worries it is a harmless charm."

With a wave of the wand Harry but a charm on Patrick that would make the word "cocksucker" appear on his forehead if he dared to break any of the promises he had made.

"You mean it will be visible to everyone?" asked Patrick

"Yes, if you dare to break your promise. This is a binding charm that makessure you keep your word," advised Harry, "so remember no more homophobic assaults on other students or you will be the one outed. If you do well in the next couple of weeks I will include you in a special group we have here for boys like you."

Sam didn't like that idea but Harry felt like if Patrick did make a change it would be unfair to leave him out of the loop. Maybe he needed other boys like him to make the change in his life and his attitude. Finally Harry dismissed the sullen and defeated Slytherin teen.

When Sam was certain that Patrick was long gone he threw off the cloak and ran over to Harry hugging him tightly and smiling broadly, "Oh sir, you are the best, sir...I almost bit my lip off trying not to laugh!"

"I imagine it was quite funny but remember Sam we didn't do this to be purposely cruel or mean. We did it to stop him from harassing boys like you."

"I know, sir, but do you think it is a good idea to let him into Potter's Protégés?"

"It wouldn't be right to exclude him. Trust me Sam I have no love for Slytherins but with the charm I put on him he will do what I made him promise to do. I can't think of anything that he would be able to do that would put the group in danger."

"OK, sir, I trust you. I just have one more question- could you destroy the pictures? I don't want Lonnie to see them by mistake."

"Yes, I will get rid of them before I give Mister Creevey back his Sneakcam."

Harry dismissed Sam, who was floating on cloud nine now, and shut locked the door to his quarters. He plugged the Sneakcam into the viewer screen and scrolled to the first image of Patrick and Sam. All through the scene with the two boy's Harry's balls were churning; his hard cock begging to be freed from the confines of his trousers. Now that the mission was accomplished there was one more thing he needed to do before bed.

"Might as well not waste these," said Harry to himself as he took out his hardon and jerked off to the pictures before him.

Chapter 16- Seeing Red

For the next couple of months things went pretty smoothly for Harry and Neville. In fact, things couldn't have been going better for the both of them and their select group of students.

Patrick was keeping his promise and Harry had finally included him as a member of Potter's Protégés. The group met every Friday and they had found at least three more members, who were brave enough to come out of their individual closets, to join.

Neville still had to push away Angelo. While the teen had stopped flashing his cock at Neville and doing other, less then appropriate things, it seemed his crush on Neville failed to subside.

"Look Angelo," said Neville sternly one day after class, "I completely understand and think that you should have the right to be with who you want, especially since you are fifteen now, but I still think that here at school it just isn't right. Here I am your teacher and you are my student. There are certain boundaries I just have to keep."

Angelo looked down at his feet and sighed, "I know. sir, but it just doesn't seem fair."

"Well I know it doesn't but sadly that is just how the world is. Besides there are people better then me. Thomas Greer really seems to like you and he is a cute sixth year boy, isn't he?"

Thomas was one of the latest members of Harry and Neville's secret group for gay teens at Hogwarts.

"He is, but...well...he just isn't you," admitted Angelo

"I am flattered Angelo but please consider giving him a chance; get together and see if you two click. I have a feeling that you just may become close mates if you give it some time."

"Ok, for you I will try, sir," said Angelo stealing the opportunity to kiss Neville on the cheek.

"Off with you then," said Neville blushing red and hoping no one just saw Angelo kissing him.

Much to the boy's credit he did give Thomas a try and seemed to be less infatuated with Neville as the days passed.

Meanwhile Harry had been spending almost all of his free time with Ron Weasley. It was almost like they were reliving their teen years again. They would spend days off together talking about anything and everything like they did when they were boys.

Harry finally got Ron to admit that the whole marriage to Hermione was a ruse, to cover up the fact that he had always been in love with his best friend- Harry Potter. The time that the two of them spent together brought happiness to them both but it began to work the last nerve of Harry's longtime boyfriend Colin Creevey.

Grudgingly Colin had allowed Harry to bypass chances to see him. He made excuses to himself to justify Harry's sudden need to spend all his time with Ron. He kept telling himself that nothing sexual was happening; the reason Harry had been constantly with Ron for the last two months was because the old friends had a lot of things to catch up on. There had been a lot of years where they hadn't seen each other so Colin convinced himself that they were making up for lost time.

But after yet another excuse, another Saturday night where Harry cancelled a visit to Colin's because he and Ron had something important to do together, Colin reached his limit. Now he wasn't so certain that Harry and Ron were not screwing around. It had been weeks since he had made love with Harry and tonight he would make an unexpected appearance at Ron's flat to see exactly what it was that Harry and Ron so desperately needed to do.

Colin pulled out the invisibility cloak Harry had bought him for his sixteenth birthday grabbed his Sneakcam. With a crack he apporated outside of Ron's flat and once there he put on the cloak and then preformed the Secludio charm; he needed the house to be sound proof for a minute. That way Harry and Ron would not hear him apporate inside the flat. In a flash Colin found himself in Ron's sitting room; no one was in there. He heard voices coming from the bedroom...well not really voices...they were moans.

He walked quietly to the open bedroom door and saw what he had suspected all along.

There was his lover, his Harry, on his back with his legs on Ron's shoulders taking Ron's fat cock up his ass.

"Oh yeah, Ron give it too me harder," panted Harry

Ron leaned down, as he sped up the slamming into Harry's ass and passionately kissed Harry

Colin watched in horror as Ron's ass bounced up and down, clenching and unclenching preparing to dump a load into what used to belong solely to Colin.

Finally Ron moaned loudly; it was obvious he was shooting his load and Harry soon did the same.

While the sex was happening Colin, despite tears running out of his eyes, was able to snap a few pictures.

After Harry and Ron had a clean up with a towel they cuddled together and kissed each other affectionately from time to time as they talked.

"So are you going to tell Colin about us Harry? I mean I know you care about him but even you said he was the next best thing to me since you thought I was totally straight?" asked Ron pleadingly

"I know I should but I don't want to hurt him; I just haven't found the right time."

Colin had seen enough. He had considered tearing off the cloak and revealing himself to Ron and his cheating lover. But the rage and the anger was building and Colin decided to get out of there fast before he did something, unforgivable; something that he would regret and get sent to Azkaban for.

He would confront Harry Monday at the school. He had to be there anyhow to do a follow up story on McGonagall. He needed a day to calm down otherwise he may blow up the both Ron and Harry into oblivion.

It seemed as if it took two weeks for Monday to arrive. Finally it did and Colin appeared at Harry's door.

"Well this is a surprise!" said Harry ushering Colin into his quarters and bending to give him a kiss.

Colin pulled away from Harry.

"What's the matter? Still afraid someone may catch us kissing here at the school?" asked Harry genuinely puzzled by Colin's cold demeanor

"No, it's not that Harry," said Colin flatly, "It's this..."

Colin held the Sneakcam in front of Harry's eyes; an image of Harry and Ron fucking was on the mini view screen. Harry's mouth dropped to the floor.

"How did you?...when did you?..." Harry stuttered

"I paid a visit to Ron's Saturday. I took a page out of your book and used the invisibility cloak. I saw and heard everything Harry. How could you do this to me? I trusted you." screamed Colin with tears of anger and sadness streaming from his eyes.

"I was going to tell you, really I was," said Harry grasping for the right words, "it just happened. I guess Ron and I have always been in love...just like you and Neville."

That hit a sore spot with Colin and he raged at Harry, "Yes, maybe he was at the time but my heart was always with you. Pretty damn stupid of me, eh? At least Neville and I are not sneaking around fucking when your back is turned, are we?"

The sound of students entering the classroom stopped the shouting between the two of them.

"We'll talk about this later," said Colin in a low tone, "or maybe not at all."

Colin turned in a huff and left Harry's quarters. He rushed past the gathering students who wondered why a grown, weeping man was leaving Professor Potter's private quarters.

When Harry collected himself and entered the classroom Sam asked quietly if Colin was ok.

"He just got some bad news," said Harry as he guided Sam to his seat.

The rest of the morning was tough for Harry. It was hard to teach knowing that he had hurt Colin. But he had to be true to himself. He had always secretly hoped Ron and he would be lovers. Now, in their adult life, it was really happening and he didn't want to lose the chance again.

In the afternoon Harry had stopped by Neville's quarters. He decided he needed to tell him what was going on with Colin and Ron. Neville listened and considered Harry's reasoning. Inside Neville felt badly for Colin but part of him was secretly happy about the turn of events. Perhaps he could get back what Harry inadvertently took away from him years ago. After a bit of silence Neville had found the words to say to Harry.

"Well maybe it is for the best, Harry. Like you always say it is the secrets that kill."

"Perhaps, you are right mate. You look a bit worried as well today."

"Well yes, I made a big mistake last night Harry. I was having a wank and I had forgotten to latch my door. Well I was pumping away and in comes Angelo. He swooped down on my cock and started sucking me. For a few minutes I let it happen, but then I came to my senses. I stood up and yelled at him. I yelled Harry. You know me I never yell but I guess the kid caught me at a bad time. I just don't want to go to jail because he can't get over me."

"Oh my, that is bad Neville."

"Yes, but that's not the worst of it. I think I might have really hurt him- not physically but emotionally."

"What did you say to him, Neville?" asked harry genuinely concerned

Just as Neville was about to start Professor Flitwick came bursting through the door.

"Harry, Neville... both of you must come quickly- it's horrible, absolutely horrible!" exclaimed Flitwick as he led the two of them out of Neville's quarters.

Flitwick was guiding them towards the third floor corridor- rarely used these days but still in tact. They headed for a room that was familiar to Harry. In his first year at Hogwarts, Hagrid's three-headed dog was there guarding the trap door that led to the Sorcerer's Stone.

When they opened the door and went inside they joined McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey.

Harry and Neville stopped in their tracks; a look of total horror and disbelief on their faces.

There before them was the limp body of what appeared to be a male hanging from a crudely fashioned hangman's noose. The person's back was facing Harry and Neville so it was unclear who it was. One thing was for sure, he was definitely stone cold dead. Over his head was a black hood and near him the Gryfindor ghost, Sir Nicholas, was floating around.

"Nicholas did the ghost of this persom say anything to you when he passed by?" asked McGonagall in between sobs

"No and he was quite rude...just flew past and out of the castle...not even a hello...needs to be taught the social graces of our dimension for sure...If it were me..."

McGonagall ignored Nick as he kept prattling on. She was in no mood for a lecture from the Gryfindor House ghost while she had a dead body swinging on a rope before her.

"Who is it Minerva?" asked Flitwick, "Why does he have a black hood on?"

"Because it is simply too gruesome Finnias. When someone is hung, as in this case, the eyes..." McGonagall was finding it hard to even speak these words, "...the eyes pop out of their sockets. Poppy and I haven't been brave enough to look yet- we only found the body minutes ago after Sir Nicholas alerted me. Now mind you, hoods are used when Muggles use hanging as a death sentence- rarely are they used in suicides...so this hood makes me wonder if this person did this on his own or if someone had a hand in it."

McGonagall wiped her nose with a tissue; streams of tears flowed down the wrinkles of her face like small rivers.

"No matter what the reason we must look and see who this is," said McGonagall with a hoarse voice.

She gazed with hopeful eyes at Harry.

Harry had to agree with the Headmistress; it sure was odd that this person would be hooded. Maybe he wanted to spare those who found him the extra-added trauma of seeing his lifeless face. He would figure out the significance of that later. Right now it was apparent that both McGonagall and Pomfrey were having a hard time unmasking the dead body. It was clear that McGonagall wanted "brave Harry Potter" to do the honors.

After all Harry had been through in his short life he was pretty confident that nothing would horrify him. He had seen death far too many times in the last 8 years- some far more gruesome then this. This will be hard, he thought, but I can do it. I have to be the one to look, he decided, they are probably depending on the great Harry Potter to do it.

"Perhaps I should have a look, Minerva," said Harry taking charge of the situation

McGonagall came to Harry's side and wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

"Thank you , Harry."

He walked over to the limp hanging body and slowly turned it around. Harry was alarmed by how cold the body already felt- the abnormal cold validating the sad fact that the person was really dead and gone. Ever so slowly Harry reached up and lifted the black hood that was covering the face of the limp and lifeless body that was draped in a balck robe.

Harry yelled out a scream of disbelief and horror when he saw the person's face.

"No....no this can't be.... NO!" he screamed

"Who is it, Harry?" asked Neville rushing to Harry's side

Harry couldn't answer; words refused to come out of his mind or his mouth.

For the first time in years tears came to Harry's eyes. Harry abandoned the affirmation he had just made, to be brave and not lose control, and finally allowed himself to be human instead of the super hero Harry Potter. The sight of that intensified the weeping of Minerva McGonagall and Poppy Pomfrey.

Harry collapsed on the floor as his colleagues and friends came forward to comfort him.

The question of who it was had been answered; the biggest question still remained-




Next: Chapter 6

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