Harrys Closet of Secrets

By Ben Meova

Published on Apr 12, 2007


Harry's Closet of Secrets A fantasy tribute by HungYungUn

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

The only thing that is true about the characters or those who played them in film is the reference to Harry's "cut penis". An online friend actually saw the show EQUUS and she verified that Daniel Radcliffe is indeed cut! The black and white picture that is floating around the net is a "slash"- a Photoshopped pic of Daniel with someone else's penis attached to him. I have the photo of the model whose penis is attached to the fake Dan Radcliffe pic if anyone wants proof that it is a fake.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

CORRECTION- In Part Three I refered to Sam as "Sam Cho"....it is not a different character, it is still SAM CHANG, Cho Chang's younger brother. I caught my boo boo after I had sent in Part 3...sorry about that :p

Loads of thanks to all of you that have wrote in and have given me the thumbs up for this story. I really do appreciate the positive feedback and it is encouraging me to write more for you all. Comments, feedback and suggestions for the next part are welcome and can be sent to 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry's Closet of Secrets Part Four

Chapter 11- Potter's Protegees

The experience with Harry was fabulous, Neville had to admit that. The only trouble was that the both of them got so horny that Harry completely forgot to help Neville with the original reason for Neville's visit. For the next couple of weeks Neville was very formal with Angelo. Despite Neville's best efforts at acting aloof Angelo persisted and appeared to be flirting with his teacher every time they found themselves alone. Every chance Angelo got he took advantage of time alone with his teacher, wearing thin Neville's thick coat of protective armor.

Three weeks into the second term things came to a head.

In the Greenhouse the students were given aprons to wear so as not to dirty their clothes. Today Angelo had come up to Neville, under the guise of inquiring about the assignment they were doing. He had cornered Neville in an isolated area of the Greenhouse. In between the thick tangles of Lochlip Leaves Angelo lifted his apron and flashed Neville with his 5 inch stiffy. Neville had reached his limit and quite frankly he was particularly horny.

Despite himself he reached out and took hold of the boys rock hard penis.

"I knew you would like that Professor," cooed Angelo as he felt Neville's large hand slide up and down his teenage wood.

Angelo, emboldened by the fact that his crush, his teacher, Professor Longbottom, was stroking his cock grabbed a handful of Neville's lengthening manhood. He was about to pull it out when he was startled by a loud female voice.

"Professor Longbottom, Professor Longbottom Kevin Allistor has his arm stuck in the Devil's Snare!"

"Damn" muttered Angelo

"Just as well," said Neville regaining his sensibility, "look this just isn't right. You need to be with other gay teens. There is a meeting in the DADA classroom tomorrow at 7pm. I want you to be there. You will be pleasantly surprised. In the meantime, keep your dick in your pants. I have to go rescue Kevin."

Neville sped away thankful that an emergency stopped him from crossing a boundary that he wasn't really ready to cross.

~ Luckily it wasn't too hard to convince McGonagall to allow a meeting of the handpicked Potter's Protegees. Both Harry and Neville had gone to see her and they explained that there were some students, in various grade levels, that may benefit from extra help study sessions in both of their subjects. McGonagall thought it was a splendid idea and designated it as a pilot program.

So the first meeting of Potter's Protegees was set to meet.

Included in the club were Sam Chang, Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, the boy with, as Lonnie had so correctly stated, "no ass", Andrew Kelley, one of his sixth year students, Angelo Marquez, and a few more boys Sam had recommended. There was a fifth year named Alan Keyes, who favored one of Harry's old dorm mates- Dean Thomas, another fourth year student from Ravenclaw, who had silky blond hair that reminded Harry of Colin when they were younger- his name was Stevie Millsack, another Gryfindor sixth year with strawberry blond hair named Earl Craig and a Hufflepuff third year, who reminded Harry of a young Draco Malfoy- without the evil demeanor named Eric Lynn.

The first meeting was quite formal. Sam had explained to the new boys, as well as the others, that this club was not only for academic purposes but also to bring together boys that had the "same tastes in things". Harry reiterated that in his welcoming remarks to his small group. Each boy looked happy to be there, sitting comfortably in the seclusion of Harry's sitting room. It was a risk doing the meeting in his private quarters but if asked he would simply say that he felt that the group was more at ease out of the classroom setting after school hours.

"I am sure Sam has told you why you all are part of our select students?" said Harry addressing the boys.

All nodded their heads in the affirmative and then Harry continued.

"In order for this group to work effectively Professor Longbottom and I have come up with some basic rules that should help keep this group in tact. The first and most important is that anything we discuss here remains here. Not only will you be learning stuff about Defense Against the Dark Arts combined with Herbology you will also have the opportunity to bond and to talk. The importance of confidentiality is paramount boys, no one would understand that we now have a club for gay teens in this school."

A hand went up, "You mean all of us are gay in this room, Professor Potter?" asked Stevie Millsack

"Yes you all are so no one has to worry; you all can be open and honest with each other. So long as you keep whaat is said in this room in this room it will be a safe environment for you all. Now one of the worst things that has happened to a lot of you is being picked on by homophobic mates"

"What's homophobia, sir?" asked Eric Lynn

"Well Homo means same; phobia means fear. So technically it means fear of the same. And some of you...," Harry looked directly at Marcus Long, "...have actually been homophobes in the past. Basically it means that a boy who knows he likes other boys, in a sexual way, but cannot accept it in himself lashes out at boys that can. In other words to keep their secret safe they point the finger at other boys. This can be very damaging."

"And if can be fatal as well," added Neville, "as some of you know the constant teasing and the degradation of who you really are can lead to depression or worse."

"That's right Professor Longbottom. Hopefully our little group can prevent that." said Harry pleased with Neville's input

"One of the fun things we will be doing is combatting homophobes in this school. If you notice another student making anti-gay remarks or slurs to another student let the group know. We will then...redirect...that person in various different ways. Trust me boys you will like how we will be doing this. As a matter of fact we do have one from Slytherin we need to deal with, don't we Sam?"

Sam went on to explain, without all the gory details, about the redheaded Slytherin boy that was harassing him. Much to Harry and Sam's delight a couple of the other boys piped in and said, Patrick Donnelly too, harassed them. Harry promised that he would think of a way to teach the boy a lesson, once and for all, in the meantime he advised them to stay away from him.

The next order of business was a lesson, presented by Neville, on various roots that can be used as a truth serum.

"They are not quite as powerful as Veritaserum but just as effective in a pinch.," concluded Neville at the end of his presentation

"And that boy's takes care of the formal part of the meeting..." Harry added, "...oh but there is one more order of business tonight. Please take a one of these and send them off to your parents. They are permission slips for a field trip. Our little group, in a couple of weeks, will be heading out to McCleary's Clearing, just south of Hogsmead. There we will search for some of the very roots Professor Longbottom just talked about. This will be a weekend trip so that is why you must send the slips back home and return the signed ones no later then this time next week."

"Won't it be too cold for an outdoor trip, sir?" asked Alan Keyes

"Yes, but lucky for you Professor Longbottom and I can do magic outside of the school so our tents will be fully furnished and warm as a baby in his mother's arms!" Harry said smiling at the boys

The boys were beaming and it seemed as though the first meeting of Potter's Protegees was a success. The boys talked amongst themselves for a while longer. After about another half hour Harry announced the end of the meeting.

"Well boys I am glad you all came and it seems you are enjoying each other's company. Sadly, since it is Friday night, Professor Longbottom and I have some...er...personal matters to attend to so you all are dismissed. Thanks for coming and have a great weekend boys! Next meeting will be the same time, 7pm, next Friday."

They all got up and filed out with huge smiles on their faces. This is how it should be, thought Harry, at their ages there should be nothing in their lives that turns their smiles upside down.

When the boys were all gone Neville went to his quarters to pack an overnight bag. He and Harry were heading for Hogsmead, specifically Colin's flat, for what promised to be a fun weekend for all.

Harry packed his things as well. As he was doing so he remembered that Hedwig had brought a letter for him that he didn't get a chance to read before the meeting. He went to his writing desk and unrolled the parchment; it was from Ron Weasley.

--------------- Hi Harry,

Guess who I saw over here? Colin Creevey! I told him to send my best to you so I hope he did.

I wish I could say all is well here at home. It's not; in fact I have some bad news. Hermione has gotten tired of being away from her family and she gave me an ultimatum a month ago. Either go back and work in the Magical Creatures department at the Ministry or she would leave on her own. I really didn't like the idea of being a ministry man so I told her I wanted to stay.

She packed her bags yesterday and went back to her parents. So it looks like it may be just me again. Part of the problem was the other bad news I think- not really the job in Romania. A couple of weeks ago she miscarried the baby. So I guess now I am no longer a husband and not a dad. I am really depressed Harry so I am taking some time off and will be back in a week or so to visit mum and dad. I hope I can get to see you. I really have missed you and sometimes I wish things were back to the way we were when we were kids.

I'll send an owl when I get back to mums.

Your Friend,

Ron ----------------

Harry felt bad for both Ron and Hermione; he had thought those two would be together forever. It just goes to show, thought Harry as he rolled up the parchment, that nothing is ever written in stone. As he prepared to leave another thought hit him. If Ron was back how would he be able to hide who he really is and his relationship with Colin?

Perhaps it was time to come clean with Ron. He would run it by Colin and Neville tonight- maybe they would have some ideas on how to break the news to Ron that his old best friend was a fairy, as well as a wizard.

Chapter 12- Four Of A Kind

Harry was happy with the way the first visit with he, Colin and Neville went. They spent the evening reminiscing about old school times and the subject of Neville and Colin's involvement in school never came up. All agreed that it was nice having the time with each other and they decided to do the same thing the following weekend.

Colin had suggested that Harry lead into the truth with Ron slowly and that the best way to do it was when Harry was surrounded by support- namely Colin and Neville. So they made plans for the following Saturday to invite Ron to Hogsmead and Colin's flat.

As Saturday approached the butterflies in Harry's stomach seemed to multiply tenfold. He didn't think Ron was homophobic at all. In fact, Ron had mentioned many times that he thought the reason his brother Percy was such a stiff git and never would commit to marrying that Clearwater girl was because he was a closeted gay. Ron had said that the fact that Percy was gay didn't bother him; it really didn't matter where you stuck your dick so long as it got you off. It was just the plain fact that Percy was an ass-kissing idiot that perturbed Ron.

That always made Harry wonder about Ron's sexuality- he always wondered if Ron had his gay side as well but never dared to explore it when they were teens. There was one time when Harry was visiting the Burrow- it was just before his third year at Hogwarts started. Both he and Ron had to share a room. Harry guessed that Ron thought that he was asleep. He wasn't- he was watching as Ron stroked on his cock, barely visible in the dark room, but impressive all the same.

Ron kept looking straight at Harry until he shot his load. Harry couldn't decide whether or not Ron was getting off on looking at him or just keeping an eye out so as not to get caught. Either way it was hot, and Harry had to inch off one of his socks and ended up cumming into it. The funny thing was that in the morning Harry had forgotten that he had shot a load into the sock. Luckily Ron was in loo when Harry put the sock back on, quickly getting a reminder of the hot scene he had witnessed the night before and the mess that he had made!

So by the time Saturday came around Harry was a nervous wreck. Thankfully he had some time to spend with Colin and Neville before Ron arrived.

"It's getting worse you guys," lamented Neville to Harry and Colin, "yesterday Angelo actually followed me into the teacher's loo! I came out of the stall and there he was at the urinal stroking his hardon again!"

"Damn, what did you do?" asked Harry

"Got the hell out of there. Imagine if Grayson came in and caught me. My ass would be in jail and fired!"

Uriah Grayson was the head of Slytherin House, not the type person you would want to meet in a dark alley or in a bathroom with one of your students jerking off while you were there.

"I will talk to Sam, maybe he can get you off the kids mind" offered Harry, "still that is kind of hot, Angelo is really an adorable boy and apparently very sexual."

"Yeah, well remember he is a student and that your cock belongs to me!" admonished Colin playfully grabbing Harry's crotch

"OK...OK...stop that Colin or you will have to give Neville a show and blow me!" Harry retorted

"Oh boy, a Saturday floor show...you didn't tell me there was going to be entertainment!" joked Neville

"Seriously guys, I want to play it real straight, ...well I mean no talk about things like this when Ron first gets here. I want to ease him into figuring out that Colin and I are a couple and that you are gay as well Neville- although he always suspected you."

"Really, was it that obvious?...I bet he had plenty of good go's at me."

"Naw he just said he wished you would just tell us, then if you pissed him off he could get back at you by setting you up with his brother Percy!"

They all had a good belly laugh over that. The laughter subsided when the doorbell rang- Ron had arrived.

Avoidance was the key word all evening- Harry avoiding anything that had to do with homosexuality and Ron avoiding any talk about Hermione and the pending divorce. The whole night went swimmingly, the guys catching up and remembering the "good old days" at Hogwarts. The Mead was flowing as well and finally, around midnight, Ron hinted that he was getting pretty knackered.

"So where's one sleep?" asked Ron

Momentarily confused Harry answered, "Oh you mean you want to know where you can sleep?"

Ron could never hold his liquor, Harry mused to himself.

This was the moment of truth; seeing how Ron would react to the sleeping arrangements.

"Well since there is just two bedrooms and that sofa is like sleeping on a board it will be like a camp out. I will be camping out with Colin and you and Neville will bunk in the other room."

Ron sat quiet for a moment, well quiet aside from an occasional burp, and then looked as if he was going to balk.

"Well, ok but no stealing the covers!" Ron replied attempting to punch Neville on his arm but missing the mark and falling on Neville's lap.

Neville helped Ron steady himself back up and then showed him the way to the bedroom. Harry and Colin retired to their own room.

"See I told you," said Colin snuggling close to Harry, "it's all going just fine."

"I know and I couldn't be happier. I also couldn't be hornier," smirked Harry leading Colin's hand to his fully hard cock, "think I can get a little bit of loving?"

"Now your talking baby," cooed Colin as he made his way down to Harry's crotch, "you know I have been waiting for this all week!"

Harry relaxed as he felt Colin's hot mouth on his pulsing cock. He grabbed hold of Colin's long dirty blond hair and fed him his manhood.

Meanwhile in the other bedroom...

Predictably Ron found a sudden burst of energy as soon as he had laid down on the bed. Neville was tired and wanted sleep but Ron kept yapping away. Finally Ron got quiet, but it wasn't because he ran out of things to say, he heard something odd.

"That sounds like sex." Ron muttered almost incoherently to Neville

"Naw must be the wind" covered Neville

But he knew it wasn't the wind; he knew it was Colin and Harry. Neville correctly assumed the the lovers had assumed that both he and Ron were passed out asleep. Neville desperately wanted to stroke his hardon but he couldn't with Ron lying inches away from him.

"No that's cocksucking...I would know that sound anywhere." Ron insisted

In between all this Colin had got up and went into the bathroom- the lube was in there and he went to retrieve it. When he came back to Harry he didn't close their bedroom door all the way. In his mind the other two were passed out for the night so he didn't really worry about locking the door.

Back in Neville's room...

Neville was getting harder by the minute because he could have sworn Ron had reached down towards his crotch and was playing with his cock.

"That's definitely sex," slurred Ron, "maybe Harry is having a wank and watching a porno"

"Might be the neighbors," whispered Neville

Apparently Ron didn't buy that. Neville watched in amazement as Ron got up from the bed, obviously unaware that his half hard cock was sticking out of the hole of his boxers, and headed for the door.

"No...No really Neville...its' out here." whispered Ron, "Come on let's see what's up?"

Neville got out of the bed as well and followed after Ron. His fully hard cock easily visible in his straining boxers. They both went into the living room and down the hall towards the sounds that were coming out of Harry and Colin's room.

"Blimey..." said Ron amazed, "it's coming out of Harry's room. You reckon they got girl over and didn't tell us?"

Neville didn't have time to answer. Ron stood there with his mouth nearly hitting the floor as he spied his best friend, Harry Potter, buck-naked on his back with Colin blowing him.

"Holy shit Neville, look at that," whispered Ron in Neville's ear, "that's so fucking hot!"

Neville was now the one that nearly hit the floor in shock. Ron was now leaning against him, rubbing his hard cock into Neville's thigh.

"Shall we go in and join them?" asked Ron straight-faced

"You mean you...you...like...you like doing things like that with ...other guys?"

"Ya, I am bi...guess I never mentioned it, eh?"

"Never." said a stunned Neville as Ron proceeded to unleash another surprise on Harry and Colin.

"Oh shit...Ron...it's not what you think.." exclaimed Harry covering himself with what little bed coverings he could get his hands on.

"It's ok mate...done this sort of thing plenty of times before...how do you think I kept Percy from being a total asshole to me...I fed him my cock and he shut up when we were kids."

Harry was absolutely stunned as was Colin. None of them, except Ron, was able to speak. So Ron continued prattling on.

"That's a hot bod Colin ...so Harry are you and Colin like...lovers then?"

"Well yes, but I was going to tell you. I really was but I never could find the right time."

"Well you never really had to tell me. I had a good idea about what was going on with you two in school. But it really didn't matter to me; we were mates, best mates at that, and that was all I cared about. I figured you would say something to me one of these days."

Harry was dumbstruck. Not only because of what Ron had just said but because he was starring at Ron's rock hard cock that was nearly as big as Neville's.

"Guess I was right about you as well," said Ron grabbing a handful of Neville's cock, "how about we give these two some desert?"

Ron led Neville, by the cock, over to Harry and Colin. Ron climbed on the bed next to Colin and Neville wound up next to Harry.

"Well what are you guys waiting for?" asked Ron with a grin, "let's get to it."

He swung around and removed his boxers so Colin had a bird's eye view of Ron's eight-inch stiffy protruding out of a patch of fire-red hair. So naturally Colin did what came naturally- he opened his mouth and took in the remarkably sweet tasting cock of Ronald Weasley.

Harry gave a quick glance at Colin who winked sexily at him. That was good enough for Harry. He and Neville adjusted positions and began 69ing as well. The room was filled with the sound of four long time friends slurping and sucking on each other's cocks.

After a while they switched around. Harry and Ron were busy servicing each other while Neville and Colin made up for lost time. Finally when everyone's mouths were sore they all spread around the king-size bed so they were all facing each other. Harry was jerking off Ron while Ron was jerking off Colin who was jerking off Neville who was jerking off Harry.

The first to explode was Neville...the other three watched as white hot jets of cum splashed on Neville's chest. Ron was next depositing a generous load of spunk into the tangles of red pubes. Harry, totally beside himself at this point, let his load fly as Ron was blasting off. His aim was off and he ended up showering Neville as well as his own chest. That set off Colin and he threw his head back, an expression of shear joy on his face, as his cum hit some of the dirty blond locks of hair that flowed on to his shoulders.

After the clean-up towels were passed around they all cuddled together and fell into a restful sleep.

In the morning there were no excuses about being drunk or out of control. In fact it was Ron who suggested another round of fucking and sucking, before he had to head off, since they all knew that they were, as Ron said, "four of the same kind".

All agreed and back to the bedroom they went.

When all was said and done Harry thought that nothing, absolutely nothing, could top the evening he had just spent with Colin, Neville and the new, improved, bi-sexual Ron Weasley.

But then again, like Harry always said, nothing is ever written in stone.

Chapter 13- The Odd Man Out

It was cold and Harry was about ready to turn back. But he had his PP group with him so he couldn't disappoint them. Damn Neville, thought Harry as the group walked towards McCleary's Clearing, it was his bright idea to go root hunting before the winter chill thawed. He had made a convincing case, saying that the particular roots they were looking for were at their peak right after the start of a new year, so Harry had agreed to schedule the trip before the first PP meeting was held.

Finally after what seemed like a hundred miles they arrived at the clearing. Not a sole was in sight and Harry wanted to get the tents up before each and every part of him froze solid. In no time at all the tents were erected. From the outside they looked like ordinary Muggle tents but on the inside they were fully furnished with a kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms and a sitting lounge. The only problem was that Neville miscounted and didn't get the correct number of tents.

So they were stretched thin and the boys had already paired off. Of course Lonnie Livingston wanted to be in a tent with Sam Chang. Marcus Long and Alan Keyes took a liking to each other and wanted to bunk together. So the four of them took one of the two bedroom tents.

Andrew Kelley and Earl Craig were close and wanted to bunk together so they shared another two-bedroom tent with Eric Lynn and Stevie Millsack.

Harry had invited Colin along for the trip so they had their own one bedroom tent and their was another one bedroom tent for Neville...but the problem was that Angelo Marquez, who was still enamored with Professor Longbottom, was the odd man out.

The only possible place he could go was with Neville.

"Oh Harry, I don't know if this is really a good idea?" protested Neville

"Well what would you have me do? Make the boy sleep outside in the forest? Besides I think he purposely hasn't hooked up with any of the others because he is hooked on you; he wants to stay with you Neville...it's not like you are forcing yourself upon him. There simply is no choice, Angelo needs to bunk with you."

So Neville went and told Angelo that he would be bunking with him. Angelo acted as if he had been crowned king and won the lottery on the same day. Smiling from ear to ear he went into the tent with Neville to get settled in.

It wasn't that Neville was a prude; in fact, since he became an adult, he had really blossomed into what some may say was a cool person. He understood that Angelo had a crush on him but he also understood the law and that is what scared him. No matter what happened, even if was a situation like this where the boy was the one being the "predator" and making sexual advances he would be the one sent to Azkaban Prison and labeled for life with the brand child molester.

"The real fucked up thing," Neville said to himself, "is that both times it was the boy, Angelo, that was molesting me! Yet if the wrong person found out I would be called molester!"

It was a choice between obeying the law and allowing Angelo to make a choice of his own. To avoid that scenario Neville quickly rejoined Harry and Colin to help conjure up the dinner. Harry had been given the spell, from McGonagall, which they used to make the food magically appear at the feasts. In reality, it wasn't so much magic as it was a summoning charm. The Hogwarts house elves, that Hermione never managed to set free, prepared all the food in advance. A simple incantation would summon it to the location of the person saying the spell.

Once everyone was seated Harry said the non-verbal incantation and a variety of different foods and drinks appeared before the assembled at the table. When dinner was done Neville suggested that everyone turn in early so they could get an early start in the morning.

"Good idea," whispered Harry to Neville, "I want to have some quality time with Colin, if you know what I mean."

"Oh right, then, I guess I will just go see what there is to do in my tent...see ya in the morning Harry"

All went off to their respective tents, all except Neville who chose to linger behind. He was putting off the inevitable- he knew that. He hoped that maybe the boy would be so tired that he would drop off to sleep before he returned to his tent. So Neville sat by himself looking at the stars and wondering why it was always him that got into unlikely predicaments.

In all the other tents, after everyone got settled, sleep was the last thing on everyone's mind.

Harry and Colin were snug in their bed, cuddling and kissing. That eventually turned into full-blown sex. It had been a week since they were able to get together and both got a week's worth out of their system before they dropped off to sleep.

In the tent that was housing Lonnie Livingston, Sam Chang. Marcus Long and Alan Keyes a roaring fire in the fireplace was burning and was the only light illuminating the room. Each couple was cuddling together; obviously inspired by the romantic ambiance that the roaring fire was creating.

"Ok, now the rule is we each have to name one thing that turns us on the most." explained Sam, "it's like truth or dare...without the dare I guess."

"Alright then, I'll go first." volunteered Alan Keyes, "I guess my biggest turn on is being with a white bloke, I just am not into other black guys...you know what they say opposites attract."

"Then that is good news for me," added Marcus Long, "cause I really like guys with tans better then mine, especially when they are as cute as Alan."

"Aww, that's sweet... alright it's your turn Lonnie," directed Sam

"Well let's see, dark hair, black hair really...like Sam's...that's what turns me on."

Sam leaned close to Lonnie and gave him a kiss. Lonnie had dirty blond hair and Sam would tease him about his pubes. The first bit of pubic hairs that grew in a circle around the base of Lonnie's cock were blond but the next layer grew in browner so Sam was always saying Lonnie had "punk pubes"- a private joke between the two of them. As far as Lonnie was concerned the creamy color of Sam's skin coupled with the soft, straight black pubes and hair on his head made him hot!

"My turn on doesn't have to do with physical features," declared Sam, "my biggest turn on is watching other people having sex."

"Is that so?" asked Alan, "Perhaps that can be arranged if Lonnie doesn't object?"

"No it's fine," laughed Lonnie, "I like watching Sam watching...just remember he is all mine!"

All the while Marcus had been massaging Alan's inner thigh- one of his trigger spots that always made him pop a bone. Alan stood up and did a slow strip tease for Sam and the others. He slowly peeled his shorts off revealing a caramel colored piece of meat with a generous patch of curly black pubes.

"How big is that Alan?" asked Sam

"About 7 inches I think," replied Alan, "it gets bigger when there is a mouth on it."

That was Marcus' cue to go down on him. Sam was hard as a rock and he, Lonnie and Marcus stripped down as well. Sam was feeding Lonnie his dick while Marcus was giving Alan's cock a good workout. In no time at all the boys wound up on one bed, putting on shows for each other until the last drop of cum was shot.

Over in the tent that housed Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig, Eric Lynn and Stevie Millsack no was sleeping there. In fact it was the noises coming out of Eric and Stevie's bedroom that got the older boys horny as a drunken sailor. Both of the older boys stripped down and invited themselves into the younger boy's room.

"How about we play a game boys?" asked Andrew waving his six inch uncut cock at the two younger boys that had broken away from their mutual suck session.

"Ok...what do you want to play?" giggled Stevie

"How about a little game called Master and Servant?" suggested Andrew.

Andrew explained that the younger boys had to do whatever the older boys told them to do. Of course no one was forced to do anything too terrible so the younger boys agreed to give it a try. So long as it involved sex so their teenage hardons would finally go down they were ready for anything.

The only time someone balked at an order given by one of the older master boys was when Andrew ordered 13-year-old Eric to lick his ass.

"Eww, you really can't be serious?" protested Eric

"Serious as a heart attack, baby boy. You must have never been rimmed before." replied Andrew winking at Earl

"What's rimming? Is that licking an ass?" asked a perplexed Eric

"Shall I show him what rimming is?" asked Andrew getting a nod from Earl

He had Eric lie down on his back and instructed Stevie to stick his hard, five incher, into Eric's mouth. He then knelt over Eric and lifted his legs exposing a pink little rosebud. Earl got behind Andrew and lubed up his tight ass hole.

"Get ready for the surprise of your life Eric," advised Andrew as he buried his tongue deep into the boy's virgin hole.

Of course Eric loved it. He started furiously sucking off Stevie whilst bucking his hips and grinding his ass into Andrew's face. Meanwhile Earl had shoved his 6 and a half inch cock up Andrew's waiting ass and began fucking him like a dog in heat.

Soon Stevie was unloading in Eric's mouth. Eric, in turn, shot a load on his round patch of light brown pubes as Andrew's tongue worked his little hole. Seeing Eric shoot made Andrew blow his load that was fucked out of him by Earl. Finally Earl shot his load into Andrew's ass.

After all the sexual fun of the game was over the boys were finally tired. After a cleanup they went to bed, each snuggling with their boyfriend in their own beds.

The only tent that didn't have sex in it, at the moment, was Neville's.

He sat around outside for as long as he could until he couldn't stand the cold anymore. With resignation he got up and headed for his tent. As he had expected, when he entered the tent he found Angelo lying there, stark naked, in front of the fire. When he saw Neville he ran over to him, hardon bouncing up and down as he ran.

This was the first time Neville had a clear look at Angelo- totally naked. He had to admit that he was a beautiful boy. Not too skinny and not too fat; he was gorgeous, in Neville's opinion.

If only, thought, Neville he was a few years older.

He surveyed the boy coming towards him. Neville loved how Angelo's hair gently touched his shoulders; something Angelo and Colin had in common despite the different hair colors. He loved the way the black bush that surrounded the boy's fat uncut cock thinned out into a small trail heading for his cute tummy. Despite himself Neville felt his cock swelling in his jeans.

"It's about time you came in, sir, you must be freezing!" exclaimed Angelo leading Neville towards the loveseat by the fire.

"Look Angelo, I am your teacher...."

Angelo put his hand gently over Neville's mouth. He could smell the sweet smell of Angelo's teen cock on the hand making his cock stir in his trousers.

"Sir, at school you are my teacher, but here you are my tent mate. I know you are worried about me being only 14 but I will be 15 really soon. Sam and I talked about those silly laws the ministry has that says I am too young and stupid to make a choice. I bet you didn't know that in my home country, Spain, the age of consent is 12! But here it is 16 for the Muggles and 17 in the wizarding world. If there was one age where science proved that teen was actually able to make a decision about who he has sex with then wouldn't there be one uniform age worldwide- both in the Muggle world and in ours?"

"I suppose, but..."

Angelo again cut Neville off.

"But there isn't it, is there? That means there is no proof that a 17-year-old is more capable of saying yes or no to a blowjob then a 14-year-old is. There are different laws in different places made by adults that never, like Sam says, bother asking real teens what they think and want to be happy. I don't like boys my age, sir, I like men and I like you a lot and it seems you like me as well." finished Angelo now squeezing Neville's cock through his pants

"But it just doesn't feel right." insisted Neville

"What doesn't feel right, sir? Being attracted to someone my age or the fear and guilt that the silly laws make people your age feel?"

Neville didn't have an immediate response to that. After a few moments of thought, which were quite difficult considering the fact that the boy was now taking Neville's cock out of his pants, he decided that it was indeed the fear of the law, not the natural attraction to someone as beautiful as Angelo.

Reluctantly he let the boy take charge as Angelo helped Neville out of his cold clothes and into the warmth of the bed. Once there Angelo wrapped himself around Neville with his head on Neville's chest. One hand caressed one of Neville's pointy nipples while the other squeezed his cock. Neville felt Angelo's hardon pressing against his thigh and leaking precum.

Angelo looked up at Neville and then moved a bit and planted a kiss on his lips. No longer resisting the inevitable Neville opened his mouth and passionately kissed the boy who loved him.

When they broke apart Neville looked into Angelo's eyes. Yes the boy was 14 going on 15 but those eyes were that of a mature boy who knew exactly who and what he wanted. And he wasn't looking at Neville in a lustful way, it was almost like...like love...real love and adoration. So Neville, now knee deep in the situation, made the most of it.

Screw it, he thought to himself, screw that damn law. This boy is happy now, thought Neville as he felt Angelo's soft lips encircling his huge cock, he made the choice, he perused me after all; he made all the moves on me. Now he is taking what he wants, what he chose of his free will.

Freed from the guilt and shame Neville let loose and gave Angelo his first real taste of lovemaking which lasted for well over an hour until the both of them drifted off into a restful and peaceful sleep.

In the morning Harry noticed that Neville looked a bit out of sorts.

"Have a hard night Neville?" asked Harry passing Neville the toast

"Umm...you could say that" replied Neville

"Nothing interesting happened last night?" asked Harry pressing for the details

"Nothing to really speak about. I set boundaries and all was well." Said Neville flatly

Neville quickly changed the subject to the root hunt the group would be embarking on later that morning. Even with Harry Neville was uncomfortable admitting that he had made love to a student and a fourteen year old one at that.

The rest of the day Neville didn't mention a word about what had happened, not even to Harry and Colin. He had made Angelo swear to keep it secret. So far the boy had kept his word. As they headed back to Hogwarts, after finding an assortment of roots, Angelo had kept his mouth shut.

The thing that was bothering Neville was whether or not it would stay that way or would someone eventually find out if Angelo had a slip of the tongue?

When they got back to the castle McGonagall greeted them.

"So boys, how did you enjoy your little educational adventure? Did you find lots of roots?"

"You would be amazed, Headmistress, at how may roots were popping up in McCleary's Clearing" answered Sam with a wide grin

Dirty little bastard, mused Harry to himself.

"Well good then," replied McGonagall thankfully oblivious to the inside joke, "you will have to go do it again this year...nothing like hands on experience."

None of the boys could argue with that- both the boys and the teachers certainly had their hands full that weekend.

The only one that didn't seem to be in a joyful mood was Neville- the fear of consequences over what he allowed to happen continued to plaque his mind. He kept trying to remind himself that it was the boy, not the adult, which made all the moves. It was the teen, not the teacher, that seduced and tempted. Still the facts, as they were, didn't offer much comfort and fear stayed put in the mind of Professor Longbottom.

As Neville returned to the solitude of his quarters, he hoped and prayed, that he didn't just make the biggest mistake of his life. Inevitably he tossed and turned all night, replaying the scene in the tent with Angelo and worrying that he would wake up to Ministry Officers knocking at his door.

He finally drifted off to sleep until there really was someone knocking loudly on his door.

Neville sat up in the bed and feared the worst.

Putting on a robe he walked to the door, admittedly trembling in his slippers, and opened the door.

Momentary relief came over him as he saw that it was a friendly face- Harry Potter.

"Neville, you just won't believe what the front page of the Daily Prophet is reporting this morning...it's absolutely unbelievable...come on...McGonagall is waiting for us."

Neville quickly got dressed and followed Harry out of the door.

One thing was for certain- he was not in mood for big surprises today.




Next: Chapter 5

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