Harry Styles Play Time

By Joakim Holberg

Published on Jun 17, 2013


Disclaimer -- this story is a work of fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Also if the though of two males having sex offends you then stop reading please give me your judge of this storie and tell me what you liked about it. all credits to sarah :)

contact me on: joaholberg@hotmail.com

Harry knew that this had been a bad idea. He was currently looking down at his own legs, biting down on his quivering bottom lip, and feeling a dreadful amount of regret. There would be no way for him to escape the room, without one of his four friends noticing him. They were currently sitting outside of the washroom, waiting for the curly haired lad to make his exit, after being dared to completely shave his legs. He sighed to himself, trying to ignore Louis' calls, urging him to hurry up and get out of the room. Harry shook his head to himself, feeling absolutely ridiculous as he looked towards the door, and then back down at his legs once again. This was definitely going to turn out poorly..Pulling on his joggers in hopes that his friends would forget about the incident - even though he knew that they wouldn't - he walked over to and pushed the door open slowly, gasping quietly when he was tugged out by impatient hands, which ended up belonging to none other than Louis. He glared halfheartedly at the older lad, pulling away from him, only to be pushed down into a sitting position on the floor by both Louis and Zayn. In a pathetic attempt to avoid the inevitable, Harry tried to stand up, only to be crushed by Niall, who had taken to sitting down on his lap. Three of his friends holding him down, Harry was unable to get up, no matter how much he struggled against their efforts.

"Liam, check if he actually did it" Zayn voiced from beside his ear, causing Louis to chuckle on his other side. Liam squatted down in front of Harry's legs, and the younger lad trying to tuck them up underneath himself, but Niall prevented that by holding down Harry's thighs.

"Guys! I promise I did it! No need to check, right?" Harry whined desperately, wishing that they would just leave him alone. Of course, Liam tugged up the bottom hem on Harry's right leg, visibly smirking at the smooth skin that he found there. He ran his hand over it lightly, making Harry tense under the touch, and Louis sniggered again before moving to join Liam. He tugged at the other pant-leg, finding another completely smooth leg, and then looked up at Harry with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, "You actually did it. Wow!" he laughed, looking towards Niall, "Check if he did his thighs, as well."

Harry's eyes widened when the blond on his lap didn't hesitate to pull at the waistband of his joggers, pulling them down with the assistance of Louis and Liam. Harry could just barely feel Zayn's hands tighten their grip on his shoulder, his attention being on the three pairs of hands that were running over his legs, and the words of approval spilling from his friends' mouths.

"I can see that they're smooth from here" Zayn spoke up.

"Yeah? You should feel them, they're soft. Like a lady's" Liam's smirk was still on his face as he turned to look directly at Harry, "And I bet that he likes it how we're touching him like this. Don't you, Hazza?" Before Harry could reply, he was gasping once again, Niall's hand having snaked their way over his crotch. He cupped Harry's forming bulge, giving him a gentle squeeze, and although Harry couldn't see the blonde's face, he could just imagine the grin sitting on his lips. Luckily, Louis swatted Niall's hand away, but Harry's hope ran short when Louis took to replace Niall's task, albeit less hesitantly. He stroked over Harry's length through his boxers, causing the younger of the two to bite down on his lower lip, holding back the moan that was threatening to escape at Louis' actions.

"Hey, Louis, don't hog him all to yourself" Zayn scolded, moving from Harry's shoulder, to kneeling down in front of him, watching Harry's face. Harry looked back at him, wanting to tell Zayn to get Louis to stop, but he couldn't find the words when he felt the contact of bare skin on skin. Without Harry noticing, Zayn had pushed Louis' hand away, and managed to sneak his own into Harry's Calvin Klein's. It was only then, that the youngest man realized Niall was no longer seated on him, and he could move freely. However, for some strange reason, the idea of walking away from what was happening felt displeasing to Harry. Maybe it was because of the way that Zayn's wrist was flicking slightly, or the way that Louis' hands had reached under his shirt to play with his nipples. Or maybe it was how Liam was bent over his legs, kissing his inner thighs in an oh-so tempting way. Harry's senses kicked into overdrive when he felt Niall's mouth on his neck, sucking at the skin, surely leaving bruises that would be visible by the morning.

"Do you see what you do to us, Harry?" Liam asked. His voice sounded raspier than Harry had ever heard it before, and he could only muster up a whimper in response when Liam sat up, tugging down Harry's boxers to give Zayn more access, his shirt being pulled over his head by Niall and Louis quickly afterwards. Once the material of his Klein's passed over his ankles, Harry felt extremely exposed.

All of the guys excluding Zayn stood up to look down at a writhing Harry, all four of them exchanging a look that they all understood. Zayn pulled his hand away and walked around Harry, moving his back away from the wall so he could reach under his arms. Suddenly, Harry was off of the ground, Zayn lifting him up from his arms and Liam picking up his legs.

"Still so smooth" he cooed, but this time Harry didn't struggle to get away. He was curious about what was going to happen, and as they reached Harry's bedroom, Harry had an idea of what was to come for him. The thought alone caused him to let a small moan slip from his lips, before he was dropped down onto the bed.

Within seconds, Liam had swooped down and caught Harry in an unexpected kiss, but Harry returned it almost desperately, pulling Liam on top of him. He could hear somebody call him an "eager little slut" and that caused him to moan into Liam's mouth, his hands moving up to weave through his friend's hair. When Liam pulled back to give them both some air, he looked down at Harry with darkened eyes. The younger lad looked right back up at him, until he heard somebody clear their throat and he turned his head to the side to see that it had been Louis. Harry smiled at the way he looked almost jealous, and beckoned for him to join them. Liam and Louis exchanged a look, and then they were both on either side of Harry, covering his neck in even more bruises.

Niall watched on with a pout, and Zayn whispered an idea in the blonde's ear, which he happily decided was a good one. He climbed onto Harry, his tongue darting out to leave wet trails down his chest and stomach, which earned him a moan from Harry's throat and a twitch of his cock, which Niall was now even with. He ran his tongue over Harry's length, from base to tip, and then took Harry into his mouth. Zayn watched on, extremely aroused, and having dropped stripped down while the other lads were busy. He walked over to Harry, thrust three fingers into his face, and Harry took them into his mouth eagerly. "You're right Zayn, he's such a fucking slut" Louis spoke up, having momentarily stopped what he was doing to watch Harry suck on Zayn's fingers. The two were painfully aware of their own aching hard-ons, and when Harry moaned around Zayn's fingers, Louis nearly lost it.

"Zayn, that's good enough. Look, he isn't going to last much longer, with the way that Niall's using that skilled little mouth of his on Harry's cock."

That's when Harry came undone, spurting his cum into Niall's awaiting mouth, his toes curling and his back arching off of the bed. Niall pulled away once Harry had started to go soft in his mouth, and made sure that the youngest lad was watching, before he swallowed all of Harry's cum.

That elicited a groan from Harry, who almost immediately became half hard again, much to the other guys' pleasure.

"Would you look at that...? Our pretty little slut is already hard again" Liam smirked, standing up and dropping his own pants and boxers. Louis and Niall quickly followed suit, and Zayn slipped his fingers from Harry's mouth. Zayn walked around to the edge of Harry's bed, climbing on to it and spreading Harry's legs apart with his hands, instructing Harry to keep them open nice and wide for him. Obedient as he was, Harry spread them as far apart as he could, and Zayn groaned at how obliging he was, "Good boy... Do you want my cock, baby?" he asked, and Harry nodded in response. Zayn slapped Harry's inner thigh, clearly displeased with the response. Harry looked at him in confusion, and Zayn merely smirked,

"Tell me how much you want it, slut."

"Fuck... I want you so bad..."

"What part of me do you want?" Zayn clarified.

"Your dick..."

"Say it." "I want your dick... God, just fuck me already..." Harry whined impatiently. He didn't know what had taken over him, but he was already painfully hard, and he knew that Zayn was going to fuck him whether Harry wanted him to or not.

Zayn reached forward, his fingers still slick with Harry's spit, and slowly ran one of his fingers around Harry's entrance. Harry tensed, and then forced himself to relax, having the common sense that it would only make things worse if he fought it. Zayn slowly pushed a finger in, barely giving Harry any time to get used to it before he pushed in another, causing Harry to grip the bed sheets tightly. Still, he pushed himself to relax, and when Zayn groaned Harry felt calmer.

"You're a virgin, aren't you? You've never had sex with a guy" Zayn smirked up at him and Harry could only nod in response while Zayn continued to prepare him.

"I would have thought that Louis got to him" Liam spoke up, and Harry looked over to see what he was doing. This happened to be Niall. Liam was already fully sheathed inside of Niall, and Harry didn't know how we he hadn't noticed what they were doing, earlier.

Before Louis could reply, Zayn had ordered him to get some lube, and when Louis brought it over, Zayn pulled his three fingers out of Harry. Harry whimpered at the loss, and Zayn immediately jumped on Harry's sound,

"You want me that badly, baby? It's alright, you can have me now" he chuckled, smearing his own cock with lube, and aligning himself with Harry's entrance.

Harry let out a broken sound as Zayn started to push into him, and Louis pushed one of his hands through Harry's hair for comfort. Harry looked up at him with thankful eyes, and he suddenly felt bad that Louis didn't have anything to do. Reaching up with his right hand, Harry took a hold of Louis' cock and began stroking him in time to Zayn's thrusts, which were beginning to get faster.

Harry's eyes never left Louis', and while the younger was moaning from what Zayn was doing, Louis' stomach was beginning to tighten. Harry noticed Louis' tenseness, and he let go of Louis' length momentarily, so he could prop himself up onto his elbows. The change in angle caused Zayn to get deeper into Harry, both of them groaning at the slightly new feeling.

Harry motioned for Louis to come closer, and who would Louis be to object? He shuffled closer, kneeling on the bed in front of Harry, and Harry took the opportunity to take Louis' cock into his mouth. The older lad let out a deep moan, and all thoughts of being gentle with Harry were forgotten.

Louis began thrusting forcefully into Harry's mouth, just as Zayn changed his angle slightly, hitting something inside of Harry that made him see white. He moaned loudly around Louis' cock, and both Zayn and Louis returned the sound. To his left, Harry heard Niall let out a loud call of Liam's name, and the thought of his blond friend reaching his orgasm sent Louis over the edge. He thrust erratically into Harry's mouth before swiftly pulling out and spilling his cum all over Harry's chest.

Harry's attention went back to Zayn, who was practically pounding into him by now, and he scrambled to grab the sheets once again. His head tilted backwards and his legs began to shake, and Harry knew that he was close to orgasm for the second time that night. He felt a warm hand wrap around his dick, and he opened one eye for a split second, moaning loudly when he saw that it was Liam pumping him in time to Zayn's thrusts. His elbows gave out and Harry fell backwards into the bed, and he felt Liam lean over him, his lips pressing to Harry's ear.

"Cum for us, you little slut" he whispered, taking Harry's ear lobe between his teeth and rolling it gently. Liam's words were all that it took Harry to reach his high once again, and his knuckles turned white from gripping the sheets so tightly when he came in Liam's hand with a loud cry.

He continued to stroke Harry through his orgasm, and Zayn emptied himself into the curly haired lad, unable to control himself once Harry's muscles started contracting around him. The feeling of Zayn's warm fluid filling Harry caused the youngest lad to moan again, and Liam pulled his hand away before Zayn pulled out of Harry's body.

"Fuck, you're such a good little slut, Harry" he cooed, and all of the other guys offered their agreement. Harry just lay there, trying to catch his breath, and Louis moved to lay down with him. Harry immediately snuggled up against him, closing his eyes with a tired yawn. "Hey, what are you thinking, Hazza? We're not done yet..." Liam chuckled, causing Harry to frown halfheartedly to himself. It was going to be a long night.

Mmmh I can't wait to write the next chapter but I need to know if it was any good, please contact me Joaholber@hotmail.com

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Next: Chapter 2

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