Harry Potter and the Magic Mirror

Published on Feb 6, 2016


Harry Potter and the Magic Mirror 2


by Darlock

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and the world of Hogwarts is the property of J.K Rowling. Copyright belongs to J.K Rowling.

Quick note about this story... it obviously detaches from the books. I'm trying to stay as true to form as possible with character names, spells, and such. But I'm probably going to get a few details wrong. Please don't write me nit picking notes pointing out "Hey, that person didn't enter Hogwarts until year four, not year three, so you've got your chronology wrong. And spell X actually wouldn't work the way you've described." Please enjoy this as the fun little piece of slash fiction that it is.

Harry made his way back to the common room and joined in the party, which was well underway by the time he got there. No one seemed to notice that he took a long time getting there, the party was in full swing and everyone was too engrossed in having fun. Harry joined them and put the mirror, and the possibilities it offered, out of his mind for the evening.

The next morning though, his mind turned back to it over breakfast. He wasn't sure when he'd be able to get back there again, at least, when there would be something worth seeing from on the other side. He made a mental note to check the schedule for which teams had the pitch scheduled for practice. He know that some members of his own team didn't always use the locker rooms to shower after every game, let alone after every practice, so figured it was probably the same for the others. That meant there was probably going to be some times where he'd see nothing at all, or only a quick flash if all they did was change, preferring to shower back in their dorms.

That triggered a new line of thought: since his moments might be brief and rare, wouldn't it be great if he could get photos of the nudity he hoped to see? Especially the ones he found cutest. And especially any further sexual encounters or masturbation he might be lucky enough to witness. That meant he'd need a camera. And that also meant he'd need someone to show him how to use it. Identifying that particular someone took about a millisecond.

"Hey Colin," Harry called to Creevey, the first year blond boy eating his own breakfast just a few seats away across the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall.

Colin almost dropped his fork in surprise and excitement. Harry was talking to him, and actually initiating the conversation! His excitement was hard to keep in check and while he didn't freak out, it was plain in his expression to anyone looking that he was overjoyed. But nobody suspected the real reason. Because, while Harry had only recently realized that he wasn't into girls, Colin had never felt otherwise. He'd lusted after plenty of boys, but had a total crush on Harry even before he met him. This was only strengthened when he finally met him in person and saw just how cute he really was.

"Yea Harry?" he said.

"I was thinking about getting a camera of my own. Do you think you might help me pick one out and maybe show me how to use it when it comes?"

Colin nearly fainted at hearing that. Not only was Harry showing interest in photography, his favorite hobby, but he was also saying that he wanted to get lessons. Colin hoped they'd be private ones. Who knows which kinds of things they might talk about, and photograph, together?

"Umm... sure." Colin stammered after a few seconds. `Urgh! Don't freak out!' he thought to himself. "Do you know what kind you'd like? What types of things you're looking to photograph? How to go about making the pictures?"

"No, I don't. I'm completely new to this. How about we meet up in the library after classes today and you can help me pick one out?"

"Sure. I'll bring my `Photo-Wizardry' catalogue. That'll have everything you could possibly need or want in it."

"OK, see you later on."

"See you later."

Ron watched the exchange between Harry and Colin with a quizzical look on his face. As they got up to head to their first class, Hermione just behind, he asked "What was all that about, with Creevey?"

"Nothing Ron. Just thinking about taking up a new hobby. Now that I've been playing Quidditch for a little while I don't have to spend quite so much time practicing since I've got the rules and the basic techniques down. It's something I've actually been interested in even before I came to school," Harry lied. "The Dursleys never gave one to Dudley so there was no possibility of using one. Uncle Vernon never let me near his. And I can't very well get one in the muggle world even if I scraped the money together. My cousin would break it out of spite."

"But I thought Colin only annoyed you. He's so—"

"I think it's a great idea Harry," Hermione interjected. "It's good to take an interest in something other than Quidditch, especially something so artistic. Though I do wish you'd spend more time on schoolwork before deciding that you have time to take up something new." Harry rolled his eyes when she couldn't see and he knew enough about Ron to know that he'd be doing the same thing.

"Plus, Ronald" Hermione took to using Ron's full name when in lecture mode "maybe some time with Harry, the subject of his precious fan club, will help calm Colin down. This could be good for both of them: Harry learns about photography and Colin learns how to be less... frenetic," she finished diplomatically.

"Humph," Ron uttered noncommittally. They walked on and, with the start of class, Harry could see that he had moved on to other things in his head. Hopefully they both bought Harry's explanation and would never question his true motives: creating his very own stash of photos to using for wanking.


When classes finally ended Harry found Colin in the library as planned. As soon as he saw Harry come in Colin waved him over. Madam Pince, familiar with how excitable Colin could be came over to their table as asked that they keep their conversation down (despite the fact that they were the only ones in there). This suited Harry just fine, at any rate, so he readily agreed. Colin jumped right in to talking about specific models of camera as he quickly tore through the pages of the catalog he'd brought with him and Harry was quickly lost.

"Hold on. I think that the cameras that I've seen work differently the ones in the wizarding world. For one thing, the pictures are frozen in time. They don't move like the characters in our types of pictures. Can you start from the beginning?"

"Right, sorry Harry. I sometimes forget that you were raised in the muggle world. There are a few first years I know that were also raised that way, so I think I understand all the differences. OK... wizarding cameras do create photos that show movement, like you said. So while it's still a piece parchment, rather than show a still picture, it shows what I guess is a more like very short movie."

"Most wizarding pictures that I've seen only should a few seconds of time. People waving, changing positions in their chairs, that sort of thing. Is that the most time they can show."

"No. If you get a really good camera, and have enough of the right ingredients, you can make pictures that are longer. They can go to about a minute long if you really want."

"Ingredients?" Harry asked.

"Oh, right, I was coming to that. I hear that in the muggle world you capture the pictures on... film is it?" Harry nodded. "And then you take it some place, or send it in the mail, to be... um..."

"Developed" said Harry.

"Right! Well, in the wizarding world, you make them yourself. You cast a spell while looking through the view finder (the window in the camera where you frame your shot) and it shows you each of the ones you've taken in turn. Then, you put parchment and the right ingredients nearby and cast a different spell. This convers the parchment into a permanent picture of what you saw in the camera. Converting pictures from the camera is basically a special kind of potion making. But it's much easier than anything we do in potions class here. I learned it when I was 7. Normally young wizards aren't allowed to do magic but there are exceptions for what the ministry has decided are harmless hobbies. Anyway, the longer the mini-movie is..."

"How about we call it a `clip'?"

"Sure. The longer the... clip... you want, or the bigger the parchment you're using, the more ingredients you need."

"How do I know how much I need?" Harry asked.

"There will be a manual that comes with the camera. It will have tables in the back that shows you how much you need. Here's the one that came with my camera. See?"

Harry looked and saw a grid that matched up parchment sizes, and durations with quantities of the ingredients. There were just a few and these were common. The fact that Harry, always bad a potions, recognized them so easily meant that it must be very very simple. Plus, he should be able to get ahold of those ingredients easily. In fact, some could even be gathered on the outskirts of the school grounds near the edges of the forest. Hermione would know, or could show him where to look it up. Plus, he'd have a perfectly good excuse to order away for them. `I'll have to make sure I take some non-wanking photos and keep them around. Just in case people ask to see how I'm coming along or wonder why I need all these potion ingredients' Harry thought.

"Colin, could I see some of the pictures you've taken? Now that I understand how they're made I'd like to learn how to get good shots before I decide what kind of camera to buy."

"Sure." Colin beamed. But then his face fell. "But I didn't bring any with me. My albums are back in my room."

"No problem. Let's go there and you can show them to me."


They left the library and a few minutes later were in the Gryffindor common room. They saw a few people who were milling about waiting for dinner to start since it was only about 15 minutes away. But students could get down there even an hour after it started and still grab food in a hurry Harry knew. Guess they were hungry.

They headed upstairs and into Colin's room where his four roommates were sitting around talking. Harry recognized them and there were brief hellos and nods all around.

"My albums are in my trunk, let me get them" said Colin.

"Hey I'm getting hungry and it's almost time for dinner. I think I'll head down" said one roommate.

"Good idea" – "Great" – "Me too" were uttered at basically the same time by the other three. Harry guessed that they'd probably been subjected to Colin's enthusiasm for photography before and weren't keen on a repeat. As they left one of them shot Harry a `get out while you can' sort of glance but quickly left, closing the door behind him, leaving Harry and Colin alone.

Colin opened up his trunk, lifted a few things off to the side, pulled out two albums, and went around to his bed to open them up. Underneath the two albums was a layer of clothing, probably a shirt, and underneath that Harry saw that there was another rectangle, the same dimensions as the albums, whose edges were outlined by the fabric. Another album maybe? Colin left in there which aroused Harry's curiosity, but he didn't say anything. Harry went around to stand next to Colin and has he passed the trunk he could see a bit better inside. It looked like the fabric had been carefully centered on top of the rectangle. Was Colin hiding it deliberately?

Colin started flipping through the albums of his favorite pictures telling Harry quick stories about where and why he took them as well as a bit about framing the shot and getting the light correctly. There were spells to help enhance pictures, he'd heard, like increasing brightness of the shots and such, but didn't he know how to use them yet.

"Can you use spells to alter the pictures?" Harry asked.

"No. Or, at least not that I know of. The spells can make something that the camera caught in shadow brighter, and bring certain things into better focus, but that's it."

`Damn!' Harry thought. There went the idea about creatively manipulating pictures to fit his fantasies. He'd have to settle for reality only. Oh well.

Colin continued on for a little while longer, perhaps 10 minutes or so Harry guessed, but Harry's mind kept wandering back to that other item in the bottom on Colin's trunk. What was in there that he was hiding?

"Oh, man. Let me take a quick break and go to the loo. I'll be right back" Colin said.

"Sure. Do you mind if I keep going through your albums while you're in there?" Harry asked.

"Yea. Go ahead. I'd love to hear what you think." Colin left the room, closing the door most of the way behind him.

As soon as Harry heard his footsteps fade down the hall he went to Colin's trunk and pushed the piece of fabric aside. Sure enough, it was another album. But while the other two were bright colors, this one was a dark brown which blended in almost perfectly with the wood of Colin's trunk. A way to keep it from notice maybe?

Harry was planning to take a quick look and put it back. But just in case, he had deliberately asked about looking through Colin's albums (plural) because he figured, if discovered, he could pretend that this one had been slightly uncovered and that he figured Colin must have accidentally forgotten to take it out.

He opened up the cover and saw, only to his mild surprise, several of the pictures that Colin had snapped of him. There were about 4 or 5 that he remembered Colin taking, but as he flipped through a few more pages he saw a few others that had obviously been taken surreptitiously. One of them was a picture of Harry shirtless while changing, taken thorough the crack of is partially closed bedroom door. `Sneaky bugger' Harry thought.

Flipping to the next page he froze. The first picture on that page was of Colin. But it was taken by a boy while Colin was sucking him off! He had a small patch of blond pubic hair so Harry guessed that he was only slightly older than himself. The wizarding picture was looping through about 10 seconds of Colin sucking a cock up and down, the clip repeating over and over. Looking through more pages Harry saw Colin in other similar poses: licking the head, running his tongue over the boy's balls, his head lower down (was he licking his ass?!), one of the boy shooting his load (what an amazing loop of footage that was!), and finally, Colin smiling up at the camera with cum all over his face.

Harry was already on his way to full mast as soon as he saw the first picture. But the time he got to the shot of Colin with a facial he was hard as a broomstick. There were no other pictures in the album. He continued flipping back and forth between the sucking pictures, amazed at the movement and detail captured in these very intimate moments. Harry was now positive that he had to learn more. Think off all the boys he could capture like this from behind the mirror! Harry was do distracted by the album and the thoughts they provoked that he didn't notice the sound of Colin's footsteps coming back from the loo and only heard him as he pushed the door further open on his return.

Colin looked at the album in Harry's hand, his eyes got huge, and his face went white with mortification. "Where... where did you get that?!" he whispered, his voice nearly gone from the shock.

"I... um... noticed it in your trunk and figured it would be OK to look at it" Harry stammered. He was mortified too, at having been caught. But then, another thought occurred to him just then... this was Colin's own wanking book, wasn't it? And in it, along with the sucking pictures, were pictures of him. Oh wow... Colin wanked looking at pictures of him, Harry realized.

Colin was standing completely still, frozen in shock. Harry walked up to close and then reached past him to close the door. "Let's talk" he said as it thudded closed and latched. Everyone had just gone down to dinner so he figured they'd be uninterrupted for at least a little while. Harry stepped back into the room so that he was a few feet away again and stood next to Colin's bed. The blond didn't move; just looked at the floor, on the verge of tears.

"Colin, are you gay?" Silence. A sniffle.

"Colin, look at me." He slowly looked up. "You're gay, aren't you?" He nodded. Harry paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"And you have a crush on me. That's why you created the fan club?" Another nod. "And now you're worried that I won't want to talk to you, that I'll make fun of you, and tell everyone. Right?" Another nod. Colin looked at the floor again as he did so.

Harry considered this for a minute. There was dead silence in the room except for Colin sniffling a bit. Finally Harry decided what to do and, like any boy his age given the opportunity, he let his hormones do the talking.

He walked up to Colin, put his hand on this chin, and lifted his head until he was looking Harry in the eyes. "Well, I'm not really looking for a boyfriend, but I do think you're cute. How about we mess around like you did in those pictures and we keep this our little secret?" he said with a smile.

Colin, again, stared wide eyed at Harry. It lasted for about three second and then he suddenly threw his arms around Harry and hugged him tight. Emitting a small sob, more of release than anything else, Colin's heart and head calmed down.

"Oh wow. I never thought... In a million years! That you..." Harry cut him off by kissing him. Colin eagerly, if not greedily, returned it, moaning a bit as he did so.

"You liked those pictures Harry?" he asked.

"Yea. Can't you tell?" Harry asked, pressing himself up against Colin so that the first year could feel his, still somewhat small but very hard, cock against him.

"Would you let me suck you Harry?"

`Let him suck me?!' Harry thought. `Oh man! I'm going to have so much fun with him. He'll probably do anything I want him to.' Harry was getting further aroused at the possibility of the power trips we could get from having Colin willingly give himself over.

"Go for it." Colin didn't need to be told twice. He quickly dropped to his knees and started fumbling with Harry's zipper. Harry instinctively knew he wouldn't be able stay standing while this was going on so he ambled backwards a bit and sat on Colin's bed pulling off his shirt while at the same time his trousers and boxers were yanked down by Colin's nimble little fingers. Colin left Harry's clothes pooled around his ankles and attacked the rigid cock with his tongue and mouth.

Colin licked up and down Harry's shaft, getting is slick with spit, before finally taking it into his mouth and sucking on it firmly, up and down, also using his fingers to stroke the base. Watching the cute, blond, angel faced little boy bob up and down on him was sending Harry to the brink very quickly, especially when Colin looked up at Harry, straight in the eye while continuing to suck him, his lips curling up into a smile around the cock in his mouth.

Colin pulled off and then started tonguing his balls. Every so lightly with the tip for a bit, then pulling each one into his mouth and sucking on them gently. He inhaled Harry's scent while he did so, moaning around the ball as he sucked on it. That felt just as amazing to Harry as having his cock sucked, but it didn't last long. Colin soon returned to sucking him, pulling out his own dick as he did so and taking off his shirt, leaving him bare chested. He spit into his hand and started jerking himself while he bobbed up and down on Harry's dick, even faster than before.

Boys their age aren't known for their staying power, but their orgasms can be intense nonetheless. Harry didn't feel the need to warn that his orgasm was imminent because he wasn't shooting yet. So he just let the feelings overtake him when the buildup finally became too much to take. "Oh YES. Oh Colin. Yea! Suck me!" he moaned as the dry climax overtook him, then collapsed back onto the bed.

Colin felt Harry pulsate underneath him and paused for just a moment after it subsided. Then he got up off his knees and laid across Harry to grind their dicks together. He loved feeling Harry pressed up against him and the dry humping was rapidly bringing on a climax for Colin. Harry, after just lying there for the first minute of this (still a bit spent from the very intense dry cum) started rubbing his hands up and down Colin's soft and smooth torso, running his hands through his hair, and grabbing and playing with the blond's smooth butt. He let one finger wander down Colin's crack a bit and that made the blond boy freeze in place and as Harry brushed his rosebud he let out a high pitched little moan/squeak. "Oh. Oh Harry! Do that again!" Colin pleaded.

Harry obliged by stroking and teasing his hole. Within ten seconds, still frozen in place and enjoying the sensations, Colin went over the edge shuddering several times has he did so, puckering his hole around Harry's teasing finger. Finally, he collapsed onto Harry.

They laid together like that for a few minutes to catch their breath. Finally Colin broke the silence.

"Harry, have you ever done anything like this before?"

"Nope. Thought about it, but you're my first." (Harry wasn't sure whether he'd tell anyone about the mirror yet, so he kept quiet about that. Plus, since all he did was watch, it didn't really count as sex as far as he was concerned. An erotic encounter, certainly, but not sex.)

"I'm honored to be your first" said Colin as he smiled.

"I know from the pictures that I'm not YOUR first."

"No. But you are my second. Those pictures were taken by someone I messed around with over the summer. It was my second cousin, visiting from America. He's 3 years older than me and his family visited us for a few weeks. He and I had a lot of time together since the adults wanted us to stay out of their hair. As it turns out, we had something in common." He giggled a bit at that.

"And he's the only one? Wow, you sure got really good at sucking. You must have had a lot of practice."

"Yea, several times a day. I really liked doing that to him and, once I tried it, found that I really liked the taste of cum. He was more than happy to give me all that he could. So it was almost 100 times before they went back home."

"Did you guys do anything else?"

"You mean, like, butt stuff? No, just sucking. Neither of us had done anything with other boys and I think both of us were a bit scared to go further."

"I see."

Then, after a few moments, "When you start cumming Harry, I want to taste you too. And Harry... I think maybe I might... like to do more stuff with you. You know... if you want too. I think I want to see what it feels like to have a dick inside me. I... I... I want you to fuck me." There was obvious apprehension in Colin's voice.

Harry didn't want to seem too eager, lest he scare Colin off. "Yea, I think it would be fun to explore together. No rush though, OK? We can go at whatever pace you like." Colin let out a sigh and visibly relaxed. Harry, still lying underneath him, could feel some of the tension leave his body too. "And, Colin, maybe we could have fun with the camera while we explore?" Harry said, the beginnings of a smile on his face.

"Oh, yea!" Colin said, a wicked smile appearing on his face.

"But right now, we should probably get down to the Great Hall before dinner is over."

"Oh! Right!" He hopped off Harry and quickly started to get dressed. Harry stood up and did the same.

"We should keep all this between us I think." Colin froze up on hearing him say that and shot Harry a bit of a hurt look. "I don't mean we hide that we're friends or that I don't want to be seen with you or anything" Harry quickly continued. "That's not the kind of person I am. Just that we have to keep the sex stuff a secret."

"Oh. OK, sure. That makes total sense" said Colin, the hurt look disappearing from his face.

"Great." They both smiled then left Colin's room and headed down to dinner, hoping to get there before all the food disappeared.

Thanks for reading. Please keep the (constructive) feedback and any suggestions for future chapters coming. The more praise and encouragement I get, even a brief "I liked your story," the more likely I am to write further chapters. This could turn out to be a long story if I sense that the interest is there.

darlock90 at yahoo to email me.

Next: Chapter 3

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