Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire

Published on Dec 16, 2022


Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire Chapter 2

This work is a parody of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and it is not endorsed by either J.K. Rowling or her publishers. As a parody, this work is protected under the Fair Use Doctrine.

The characterizations in this work deviate significantly from the original, and this does not imply these characterizations exist in the original work. The author received no financial compensation or endorsements for the production of this work.

All characters in this story are fictional. This story depicts sexual acts between consenting minor males. This story is meant for entertainment purposes only and in no way reflects reality. Please be aware of local laws or ordinances that may prohibit the reading of such material.

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Harry Potter and the Loo of Desire

(A Parody)

Chapter 2: Greasing the Loo

Within a few days word quickly spread throughout Snogwarts that Dumbledore held the heads of two other schools and their students prisoner in the dungeons. The Ministry of Magic sent several aurors to Snogwarts because they thought Dumbledore set the Dungmark at the Fappitch World Athletic Cup and then learning Dumbledore kidnapped the teachers and students from two schools. Aurors patrolled Snogwarts accosting students, who more than complied and often spent hours in intensive body searches. Dumbledore gave up his captives long before the aurors finished their inspections, and life began to slowly return to normal.

Just outside the Great Hall a battered toilet sat on a small dais. It glowed an ominous brown, and students gathered around it at all hours of the day trying to decipher the smell emanating from it. No human, they collectively reckoned, ever managed to produce such a stench. However, the ghosts of Snogwarts denied anything to do with it, and even Peeves simply shrugged his ethereal shoulders in bewilderment before trying to pee on heads of the students. Eventually those who wanted to enter the Bi-wizard Tournament stepped forward to toss in their names. The sheets of paper landed in the stained bowl before sinking into the ooze contained within.

"Step back, step back," said Fred and George Weasley one morning.

They each only wore a pair of soiled underpants that drooped from their hips.

"We've charmed ourselves so the loo will think we're older than we are," George, perhaps Fred, told those gathered around the mystical loo. "We nicked these knickers from our granddad and cast spells so the embedded funk surrounds us. Better not touch us anywhere or you'll get Santorum all over yourselves. Granddad is a bit of messy bottom."

People started to laugh as both young men walked bandy-legged toward their goal. Each held aloft a piece of parchment on which, written in their own blood, their names sat emblazoned. Although the stench from the bowl nearly overpowered them, the Weasley twins held their arms over the opening and let fly their entries. Each landed in the gunk. The other students began to cheer as Fred and George held their arms up high in triumph until the loo began to gurgle. The smarter students ran toward the edges of the hall as a column of raw sewage short forth. It struck the twins, knocking them from their feet, and proceed to push them down the hallway with considerable force. Fred and George coughed and gagged as the foulness coated their bodies, got into their eyes and hair, and made an enormous mess on the floor. When the vile geyser subsided, the two lay nearly dead against a wall in a small ocean filth.

"That'll teach you little bastards," Dumbledore said as he walked past the two, dressed like a fairy princess and his beard dragging in the muck, and never offered a single helping hand.

The tale of Fred and George quickly spread, and no one below sixth year tried to add their names. In the meanwhile the students from Boobbeatons Academie and Spurmstung Institute got released and received quarters. The females of Snogwarts began to follow the Boobbeatons with decidedly wanton looks. The Boobbeatons, to a person, boasted enormous breasts and buttocks. The sky blue leather dresses they wore expertly displayed their assets. Rumor indicated Madame Olympe Maximus, who towered over all except Rubass Hagrid and still boasted more muscle than the Snogwarts' half-giant, personally designed the clothing. Conversely, the males from Spurmstung slunk around the school wearing heavy cloaks made from wolf and, it seemed, dalmatian hide that completely obscured their heads and bodies. More rumor stated the famed Bulgarian National Team fappitch skeeter Diktor Kum lurked among the Spurmstungs, but no one could tell one visiting student from another. Professor Flitwick, usually able to scurry under all but the tights robes, said their headmaster, one Igor Krackhead and purported Dungeater, did not want his boys flaunting their looks or bodies. The Spurmstungs reportedly slept in a giant pile of naked bodies hidden somewhere in their transport vessel.

Classes continuously got disrupted by the appearance of the Boobbeatons and Spurmstungs. Half the teaching staff also lusted after the new arrivals, so they never complained. The other half of the faculty feared they would lose their "pet students" to the exotic foreigners and deigned to hate them on site. The already chaotic life of Snogwarts became wholly unruly.

"Ah, what I wouldn't give for one of those Boobbeatons," moaned Hermione on the morning of the tournament participant selection. "I swear one lass has nips five centimeters long. She could gouge my eyes out any day! And a muff like a stuffed pillow to boot!"

"Hey, Harry, get a look at any of the Spurmstungs?" Ron inquired as he repeatedly rammed as sausage in and out of his mouth before taking a bite.

"I wish," Harry rejoined. "Supposedly one of the Ravenclaws used a spell to make the cloaks invisible and saw Diktor Kum's tonker."

"Diktor Kum," Ron sighed as his tongue twirled around the remaining bit of sausage.

Everyone knew about Ron's longstanding crush on the Bulgarian skeeter. Posters adorned his room at The Bunghole, and a framed picture sat next to his bed at Snogwarts. The magical magazine of the porno movie Diktor starred in became all but motionless from the number of times Ron used it to fuel his masturbation fantasies. Colin frequently complained that Ron called him Diktor all the time. Of anyone in their year from the four Snogwarts houses, Ron followed the Spurmstungs the most in his efforts to divine who might be Diktor Kum. Since being released from the dungeons, they already beat up the young Weasley male three times. Ron did not mind in the least, and he walked around with a near permanent erection after the last two thumpings he got.

"They say he's afraid of gingers," Séamus stated from across the table.

Ron whipped out his shabby wand and aimed it at the Irish teenager while intoning: "Say that one more time and I'll turn your face into a glory hole!"

Hermione walloped him on the arm, causing Ron to drop his wand and yelp in pain, and said: "Get over yourself, Ron. Kum doesn't care if you're a ginger, but he'd never go for the likes of you. I've heard said he's got a thing for guys with green eyes."

Everyone sitting at the table turned and stared at Harry.

"Ew, those eastern European guys give me the creeps. Heard they never wash their hoods `cause they think the smell makes their dicks more manly," Harry stated with a shudder. "Let Ron have him."

"Ah, stinky foreskin," Ron sighed.

The other Gryffindor males made a distasteful face in Weasley's direction.

"Who do you think is going to be our champion, huh?" Dean Thomas inquired while inserting his finger into a bread pudding and wiggling it around.

"Couldn't even begin to guess, Dean, but probably a Slytherin. I heard the whole house worked on charming the loo," Harry replied.

"Did they forget what happened to my brothers?" Ron rhetorically asked as an evil smirk wormed across his mouth.

The nasty snickers that circled around them indicated the Gryffindors remembered full well. From the last they heard, neither Fred nor George managed to remove the smell and their skin appeared noticeably darker. The area in front of the toilet where it vomited the sewage on the twins remained roped off. Felch declared he would not clean the mess to serve as a warning to the other students.

Hermione shrugged as she licked another piece of liver and said: "Well, won't matter much after today since they'll be pulling the names. I heard all the Boobbeatons and Spurmstungs got forced to enter by the heads of their schools."

"Means they're all sixth and seventh years then," Séamus mumbled. "Probably wouldn't be interested in any of us fifth or fourth years."

"Speak for yourself," Hermione grumbled. "Someone from Hufflepuff said three or four of the Boobbeatons are having a contest to see if who can sleep with all the girls at Snogwarts first. Can't wait `til its my turn!"

"You heard a few of the Spurmstungs are kidnapping boys from Hogwarts and going at them gang style," Lee Jordan responded, and everyone heard the envy in his voice.

"Hey, how about we do the same to the Spurmstungs? We could get Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw to give us a hand," Ron suggested.

"And Slytherin?" Harry added.

"Eh, let `em get someone on their own," Ron answered. "What do you say?"

From there the Gryffindor boys and Gryffindor girls began to concoct plans on how to separate various Boobbeatons and Spurmstungs from their classmates. The scheming did not end even when breakfast did. Throughout the day gaggles of students would coagulate in the halls and engage in whispered conversations. By lunchtime the Slytherins discovered their exclusion. Draco and two of his cronies tried to corner Harry and Ron.

"What's this I hear you're thinking of snatching some Spurmstungs and leaving us out of the action?" Draco sneered at Harry, his near-white hair remained glued in place with personal lubricant.

Crabbe and Goyle snickered at their leader's demeanor. The boys tried to dress in a fashionable manner, but only Draco managed to pull it off. The skin tight pants and cinched waistcoats required a more slender build, and neither Crabbe nor Goyle boasted that,

"Like they'd ever take a fancy to any of you lot," Ron shot back. "They know Dungeater spawn when they see it, so you'll never get within ten meters of what we're doing."

"Think you're so clever, stumpy?" Draco grumbled. "I've seen you in the showers and you're not boasting anything the Spurmstungs would want."

"Um, I've seen both of you at full mast, and Ron's got you beat by a long shot, Draco. If those easterners are in the mood for a good stretching, they'll be all over Ron," Harry defended his friend.

"Right, scar dick. Once they hear Lord Holdequart rejected you..."

"Harry's magic beat He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Fucked, Malfoy, and you know it. That scar is a trophy," the burly red-head snarled and took a step forward.

Crabbe and Goyle stepped back a little. Weasleys, while not the richest witches or wizards in the land, knew how to handle themselves. Tales of Charlie Weasley's dragon wrangling skills abounded. Fred and George could tag-team a person near to death, and Ron survived more than a few scrapes of his own. Even Giney Weasley, the youngest and only female of the brood, often proved a reliable foil after years of sparring with her brothers. Hence, a Weasley with hackles raised did not present a favorable target.

"How would you like my father to recommend to the Minister that your father get fired for wasting ministry money on studying muggle sex toys? Huh? Then the whole pack of you can go back to living in the sewers."

The Weasleys and the Malfoys hated one another for generations. Luscious Malfoy both inherited tremendous wealth and made a fortune during Lord Holdequart's first reign of terror. Everyone knew Luscious to be a Dungeater, but he claimed charms and hexes befuddled his senses at the time. Since others definitely got cursed by The Dork Lord, his excuses went unchallenged. Rumor suggested he also bribed his way to freedom.

"Look, mate, I'd cram my fist up your arse if I didn't think you'd enjoy it. Ever threaten my pa again and I'll make sure you can suck a cock without worrying about teeth. Clear?" Ron stated in a menacing fashion while holding up a fist.

Draco looked at it and seemed scared for a moment. Then he resumed his familiar sneer. He snorted once at Ron before saying: "You wish you could jam that in me. Bet it'd be just as disappointing as your willy."

Before Ron could respond, Draco swished his robes and sauntered off, hips swinging with Crabbe and Goyle in tow. Harry and Ron both shook their heads. A silent glance between them said all that needed to be said.

"So who we gonna get?" Ron asked as they continued their walk to class.

"How `bout your favorite target, Ron?" Harry suggested.

Ron's face both lit up with excitement and turned a deep shade a red. Harry could not help but notice the large bulge that suddenly appeared in his friend's pants. As he appreciated what he saw, Harry tried to plot a means whereby they could sequester Diktor Kum from the other Spurmstungs. They seemed to always travel in a pack.

In secret during their classes, Harry sent notes to both Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw boys who he believed might want to take part. He got six affirmative responses by the time classes ended and the dinner hour approached. With eight participants, eleven if one included the other occupants of their dorm room, Harry calculated it should be easy to whisk Kum off to a private location where they could give the renowned young man what they started to call The Spurmstung Treatment. Dinner, however beckoned to the five Gryffindor roommates, and they swarmed toward the Great Hall together.

"I've thought of nothing but killing you all the entire day," Headmaster Dumbledore began his after-dinner speech.

"Professor!" McGonagall yelled at him.

Dumbledore frowned behind his half-buttock shaped glasses and said: "Oh, all right, just since lunch."

The pinch-faced head of Gryffindor House scowled.

"While I haven't given up hope, there is still the Bi-Wizard Tournament to deal with," the man continued. "In a few short minutes we'll be drawing names from the loo. One member from each school will be sacrif... selected as a champion for their school. Then we'll announce the date of the first death trap of the tournament."

The students looked around. All the Boobbeatons and the Spurmstungs sat off to one side at their own tables. After a days of confinement and kidnappings in retribution, it seemed safer to keep the houses and schools separated. Harry, after hearing repeated descriptions of Diktor Kum from Ron, easily managed to pick him out of the cloaked mass of Spurmstungs.

"Oh, and we've got cookie dough for afters," Dumbledore said as though he just thought of it.

Tubs of cookie dough appeared on all the tables. Although it did not look entirely appetizing, the collection of students began to pick at it while at the head table the faculty clearly enjoyed a wholly different and tantalizing confection. In less than a half an hour the desert came to end, thankfully for most, and the real entertainment began.

"Dammit, Felch... FELCH!"

"Comming!" The old caretaker hollered.

"Felch, bring it in," Professor Dumbledore completed his command.

A dolly with one chipped wheel that aimed in the wrong direction got pushed into the Great Hall. It rattled and squealed, and the magical toilet resting on the platform wobbled. The loo appeared ready to topple over at any moment. Argus Felch struggled, wheezing the whole while, to move it to the location singled out by Dumbledore's crooked finger pointing an empty spot at the front of the hall. No one bothered to lend aid to the old man. It took nearly twenty minutes before the headmaster appeared satisfied with the placement. Everyone could tell the requested shifts to the right and left only served to entertain Dumbledore at the expense of Felch's well-being.

"Alright, who's the champion for the Boobbeatons?" The wizened professor grumbled at the loo, hocked up a loogy, and lazy waved his wand at the stained porcelain container.

From what sounded like deep beneath the foundations of Snogwarts, a thick, wet gurgling sound began to rumble. Seconds later, a violent eruption of sewage rocketed out of the toilet. It covered everyone in the hall with exception of Professor Dumbledore who stood with a protective spell in place. He laughed in a crazed manner as people began to shout and yell.

"Hey! What's that?" A Slytherin student loudly asked and pointed upward.

A lone strip of stained paper floated through the air. It did so in a gentle manner. Dumbledore tried to snatch it out of the air and managed to bat it to one side. It took the man three more attempts before he finally got a hold of it. Then he spent a full minute while the sewage-soaked students watched in anticipation.

"Who the bloody hell is Foul DelaCunt?" The headmaster rumbled in irritation.

From the corner where the Boobbeatons sat wiping nasty brown chunks off their blue leather outfits, one girl began to shriek. Her classmates ganged up on her and forced the young woman into the aisle, apparently much against her will. She, like the rest of her schoolmates, possessed enormous breasts and a wide buttocks. The blue leather looked as though it got painted on her. No one could tell exactly what color hair rested on her head since it, like the rest of her body, got covered in muck.

"Fine. Who's the Spurmstung contender?" Professor Dumbledore muttered.

As with the first instance, only the headmaster got spared from the onslaught of foulness that coated the interior of the Great Hall while the magical toilet expelled an unimaginable quantity of brown, gooey waste. An inch of the vile substance covered the floor. The student complained and muttered as they watched the strip of paper drift down from the ceiling. This time Dumbledore conjured a large butterfly net, but it still took him three attempts to pull the slip of parchment toward him.

"What a surprise here," he drolly commented and rolled his eyes. "Diktor Kum."

The Spurmstungs rounded on the young man and very physically flung him from their group. While the famed fappitch player sailed through the air without the aid of a broom, Ron squealed and shrieked like a first year Hufflepuff who just figure out how to transform any object into a dildo. Diktor landed with a splash in the middle of the main aisle. He lay groaning in obvious pain. Everyone except Ron did not seem to care too much as they all kept a careful eye on the headmaster.

"Shit, he lived," Dumbledore grumbled.

"Professor!" McGonagall took another turn yelling at him.

"Piss off, you wench."

The students prepared themselves for what promised to be fulfilling verbal fight, possibly even a magical one, between the headmaster and deputy headmistress. McGonagall started to rise from her her chair as she reached into the wide cleft between her sagging breasts. Dumbledore sneered at her and unsteadily waved his wand.

"Who's having a go at this for Snogwarts?" He yelled.

Caught completely unprepared for a third time, most of the students became indistinguishable masses of odoriferous filth when the enchanted loo finished hurling a seemingly unending supply of sewage at them. They all coughed and sputtered as Dumbledore's cackle echoed around them.

"The lot of you deserve it," he giggled in horrid delight, and then deftly caught the piece of paper dancing near his head. "Right, Cedric `The Ass Cleft Digger" Diggory."

The students began to laugh as Cedric got dragged out of his seat and pushed into the aisle. Just like the first two contestants, he did not appear to want to take part. Diggory loudly protested he never put his name in the loo for consideration, and several underhanded snickers could be heard from the Hufflepuff tables. Dumbledore waved away his complaints.

"See here, you three, you'll be doing this whether you like it or..." the old wizard started to say.

Without warning, the charmed toilet sent forth a fourth gout of heinous gunk. For nearly a minute it pumped out hundreds and hundreds of gallons of sewage. Students got swept away by the deluge. It flowed like a befouled river between the rows of tables. Harry, who struggled against the current, managed to get Ron's attention. Just as they made a leap toward the struggling figure of Diktor Kum, they noticed another slip of paper floating toward the headmaster. Dumbledore stood submerged up to his ankles in filth as it rolled down his robes in vast sheets. His rheumy old eyes seemed to throw lightning in his anger. The paper landed on the side of his besotted hat. Dumbledore snatched it with his hand.

"Harry Potter? How'd that little shit wit's name get into this?" Dumbledore inquired after reading the scrap of parchment.

In the chaos that immediately broke out, Harry grabbed Ron, Séamus, and Dean. The four of them converged on the apparently wounded figure of Diktor Kum. While madness took hold of the Great Hall, the Gryffindors rolled the sullied form of the Spurmstung out of the dining hall and into the regular hall. From there it took very little to marshal the young man through the corridors. Along the way they stripped off their soiled clothing, including Kum's, as they aimed for one of the lesser used bathing facilities. Only a few ghosts saw them pass. Soon the quintet secreted themselves in the bathroom.

"This place is horrible, no?" Diktor asked as he seemed to regain his sense.

"Blimey, look at `im," Ron gushed, his thick erection quivering. "Let's get him cleaned up."

Before Kum could say another word, the Gryffindors hoisted him in the air and threw him into the ground-level bath. His body made a huge splash as he plunged into the warm water. The four other naked teenagers than flung themselves after the Spurmstung student. In his native Bulgarian that only he could understand, Diktor cursed and yelled while the Gryffindors converged on him armed with soap and washcloths. They proceeded to scrub his body, and their own, while getting in as many illicit gropes as they could. To a man they did not care who they managed to feel up during the melee in the small indoor bathing pond. The water continually refreshed itself and carried away the dirty water.

"Spri se! Spri se!" Diktor yelled and batted at the four Snogwartians. His strength from playing a skeeter in professional fappitch gave him a very, very slight advantage.

The Gryffindors backed off a bit.

"I will -- how you say? -- go for drowning!" Kum shouted at them while wiping water from his eyes.

The eyes of Harry, Ron, Dean, and Séamus took in the sight of the naked and now clean Spurmstung. His body gleamed with health and rippled with muscles. Kum looked every inch a fappitch player in their collective imaginations. They stood with their stiff peckers pointing straight at him. To their delight, they saw Kum's penis begin to engorge. The five young men stared at one another.

"Blimey," Ron whispered one of his favorite words. "You're gorgeous!"

"You have bear dick, no?" Diktor queried while scanning Ron's body.

"No. I got hair," the youngest male Weasley said while pointing at his shining orange pubic hair.

"Not what I mean. How you say... you have dick that look like a dick of bear."

"Never saw a bear dick before," Ron said and shrugged.

"Trust me, you would like if you like your dick. Very much the same in some ways. Hair nice... like electrical wire pulled from old house," Diktor intoned and raised one eyebrow.

"Ah... thanks, I guess."

"And you," Diktor said and pointed at Harry's stiffy. "What that mark you have there on tip? You get caught in bicycle chain?"

Harry glanced down at his erection and saw the tell-tale scar.

"Oh, that. No, I got that from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Fucked when I was a baby. He fucked my parents to death, and then went after me," Harry gave a very short and somewhat inaccurate account.

"You have sex with adult male as baby?" Kum inquired and sounded confused.

"Wasn't like that at all. He tried to kill me. That's how I got the scar."

"Don't ask," Séamus piped up. "The story changes all the time. The only part that's stays the same is he managed to have an orgasm as a baby and it caused The Dork Lord to explode. That's why we call Harry The Boy Who Came. Don't know if it's true or not, but there it is."

"Every word of it is true," Harry defensively rejoined.

"Some of it. Least ways the bit about the scar, I reckon," Dean added, his dark skin glistening with water.

"Like you'd know!"

"Harry, you're my best mate and I still don't know one part of the story from the rest. You were just a baby, so keep saying you-know-who gave you the scar," Ron chimed in.

Harry felt his face heat up.

"So this why you bring me here? To give me cleaning and argue?" Kum asked, and he sounded even more confused.

"Oh, no, mate, not at all!" Ron answered as his voice dropped into a lewd octave.

"Heard you lot from Spurmstung was nicking our mates from the halls and giving `em a scrum... if you know what I mean," Séamus said and winked.

"I do not," Diktor replied and shrugged.

"Come on, mate. You know? The old twelve on the slug in an over-under," Ron stated, and even his friends glanced at him in utter bewilderment. "When you put a twelve gauge round in the top barrel and a slug round in the bottom on a shotgun. You know? Over under?"

"Lad, your pa needs to lay off the muggle stuff," Dean condescending retorted.

"Get stuffed!" Ron hollered.

"What do think I'm trying to do? Wouldn't mind getting me some Bulgarian cream if I get the chance!"

"Is this insanity you are having now?" Diktor inquired.

"No, they're just trying to be clever and ended up mental," Harry told him. "We heard you and some of your schoolmates was kidnapping some of our mates and gang banging them. Like in an orgy."

"Oh, that yes. What we call `bik ticham'... or... ah, bull... when many bulls go together."

"Stampede?" Séamus offered a possible translation.

"Yes, yes. That word. When all the bulls run. That we do to you Snogwarts people. Most seem to like. Those in green like best. Take many, many dick with no problem. One question I have though," Kum explained and asked.

The Gryffindor foursome looked on expectantly.

"Why they have cherveĭ... ah, worm where sausage should be? I have little baby nephew bigger than them."

"It's part of the Slytherin tradition. It's what makes them so bad tempered," Dean stated.

"No, no," Diktor said and held up a hand, curled his thumb and first three fingers over leaving only the pinking sticking out. "This not -- how you say? -- not with nature."

"Natural?" Harry guessed.

"Dah, natural. It like they stopped growing in pants long, long ago. We feel bad from them. Tell them they look, ah... normalen. Like you boys. You all look happy and normalen. Like me."

"Oh, mate, nothing like you," Ron gushed, returning to form. "You're better than normal."

"But I am not bigger than any of you. See?"

They did see, and each of them grew even harder. Kum narrowed his eyes. The five young men stared at one another, mostly in open lust, and a tense silence settled over them. Diktor Kum's organ inflated to one roughly the same size as Harry and Séamus. Ron's, while shorter, possessed twice the girth of either of them. Dean nearly fell into a racial stereotype with the length of his hard-on. Diktor's eyes moved back and forth, up and down, as he scanned them.

"This is, ah, what we call a bull... run. Dah?" He finally inquired.

"Oh, it's gonna be so much more than that," Ron answered while reaching down and grabbing his rock hard member.

Séamus beat everyone to the punch when he fell forward, grabbed Diktor by the hips, and impaled his face on the young Bulgarian man's throbbing tool. It disappeared in to Séamus' mouth, and Kum inhaled with both surprise and pleasure. Once the plucky Irishman got it started, the five went into a free-for-all.

Ron immediately slipped behind Diktor and dropped to his knees. His hands pulled apart the fappitch player's firm, rounded buttocks. Ron wasted no time in ramming his face between the quarter globes of flesh. His tongue darted in and out of the puckered hole. Ron lapped at it like dog taking a drink of water after walking through a desert. Diktor squirmed as the youngest Weasley male applied himself with vigor.

Harry stood and watched as Séamus continued to blow the Bulgarian, and then as Dean walked up to him. It seemed Kum never saw a naked young man of African heritage. As soon as Dean got into reach, Diktor took the long black cock into hand and began to stroke it. Harry grinned when Dean leaned in and began to trade a sloppy kiss with their guest because he knew Ron might explode with jealousy. However, he could guess what his best mate did at the moment. Ron knew his way around an asshole with his tongue. Harry envied Kum for a few moments. Without realizing it, Harry reached down and began to tug on his pecker as he took in the evolving sight before him.

"Great Merlin, you've got a nice tonker," Séamus said a couple of minutes later when he came up for air.

"My turn!" Ron yelled, and it seemed as if he apparated from the back to the front of Diktor to knock Séamus away.

Instead of getting angry, Séamus snickered as he watch Ron all but gulp down the Bulgarian's tool. In the meanwhile, Diktor whispered something to Dean. Dean's face broke into a huge smile and he nodded. Harry and Séamus watched their friend slide to the back of their object of lust.

"Bet he ruts him," Séamus said in a whisper from the corner of his mouth.

"I'd be a fool to take that bet," Harry rejoined.

As Ron continued his slavish worship of Diktor's dick, Diktor gazed at Harry and Séamus. His full lips stretched into a lewd smile as he stared at the two young men watching him. Five seconds later, Diktor's eyes rolled upward and he let out with a guttural groan. Over his shoulder Harry and Séamus could see Dean lean torso begin to undulate in a very telling manner.

"You should have a go at Ron, mate," Séamus suggested.

Before Harry could answer, Séamus strolled forward. He then stood on the edge of the bathing pond perimeter. His wet body gleamed in the light of the dozens of candles that floated around overhead. Séamus' right hand then caressed the back of Diktor's head. Kum slowly leaned forward as he opened his mouth. He returned the favor Séamus did for him. Séamus' hooded Irish cock slid into the Bulgarian's mouth, and Diktor began to prove he could do more than play fappitch.

Harry shifted his gaze to Ron who, while on his knees, bent forward to continue sucking on Diktor. He considered what Séamus said. Despite being a gifted and natural bottom, Harry did like to go poking around from time to time. In over three years of being Ron's best friend, he only fucked the gregarious ginger-headed young man twice, and once after the got a hold of some hard butterbeer. Harry shrugged his shoulders and scooted forward. He came up behind his best friend and ran his hands around the meaty backside. Everyone agreed Ron possessed the best looking bum in their house year.

"Like the taste of that do you, Ron?" Harry asked in husky voice.

Ron answered with a salacious moan. Harry tested the situation by sliding his hand into the crevasse of Ron's ass. His fingers bushed against his friend's asshole. Ron's body bucked a little, but then he stuck his butt out a bit more. Harry decided a single further test would suffice. He carefully began to insert his index finger.

"Oh, right on the spot, mate," Ron said after managing to take his mouth off the fappitch player's flesh bludgeon. Then his face sank back down.

Harry glanced around. Dean continued to grind his pecker in and out of Diktor, and his head bobbed up and down on the other side of Kum's shoulder. Ron appeared ready to spend the rest of his life sucking on Diktor, and Diktor seemed more than pleased with Séamus filling his mouth. Hence, Harry decided to play an unusual role. He pulled his hands free, stuck his fore and middle finger in his mouth, coated then in spit, and returned them to Ron's behind.

It took a bit of work to get first one and then the other finger into his friend's hole. It indicated the Ron did not bottom very often or that Colin's size remained in question. However, once Harry got the second finger in and began to slowly work it around. Ron's butt started to move in a circle. It seemed he would not mind getting jabbed in the least. Thus, Harry moved into position. He pushed down on his almost sixteen centimeters of hard dick so it aimed at Ron. Then he the gradually thrust his hips forward. His cock slid along Ron's crack, so he continued to push it downward. After a few seconds, it reached a much softer spot. Harry pushed. His foreskin parted as the head began to find it's way.

Ron moaned again, and it fell in time with a grunt from Diktor. Séamus began to breath hard. From his rearward position, Dean mumbled a few words. It sounded as though some invisible presence ordered them to make a report. Harry grinned. He sighed as he continued to apply pressure. The head of his cock worked past Ron's sphincter. Harry, experienced with taking a dick, knew to go slow but steady so as not to induce any pain. Ron clearly did not experience any discomfort. His ass thrust backwards even as his ginger-haired head twisted from side to side as he ministered to Diktor's organ.

"Flaming dragons but you're tight, Ron!" Harry appreciatively said while he wormed his hard organ deeper into his friend.

Before Ron could make any any reaction, Dean rumble: "Oh, fuck!"

Dean preferred American cuss words over the ones used in the wizarding world. Hence, his sudden outburst could only mean one thing. His dark arms snaked around the pallid flesh of Diktor's chest, and Harry could see the muscles in the arms of his dorm-mate tighten. Moreover, Diktor's lower torso thrust forward. Ron mumbled in clear delight as Kum's cock to shoved deeper into his mouth. A small stream of filthy Yankee words dribbled from Dean as he obviously expelled his semen into the Bulgarian. Séamus hissed when Diktor started sucking harder on the Irishman, and that spurred Ron to the same level of exertion.

Following half a minute, Dean fell away and staggered backward to the edge of the bath. He leaned against it. His dark, long flesh spear gleamed in the candlelight as it began to sag. Dean looked very pleased. His eyes locked onto Harry's, and the two gave a knowing nod to one another.

"Boy who makes things burn, take dark one's place," Diktor said, and he did not sound like someone who endured anything close to the torture Harry once imaged they would deliver. "Flame hair, keep doing... whatever it is that you do. It's good."

Harry felt rather than heard Ron's apparently please response. Further evidence arrived in the fact Ron's fuck hole tightened. In the back of his mind, Harry could well imagine the delight Ron experienced since he, himself, found himself in a similar position more often than not. Harry loved blowing a guy while another plowed his ass. He often tried to time their orgasms so both of his major orifices got filled with juice at the same time. When he managed that all but magical feat, it could cause him to spontaneously orgasm from a sense of pure achievement. At the moment, fucking his best friend felt incredibly good because he knew Ron got to live out part of his fantasy regarding Diktor Kum.

Dean continued to drag in lungfuls of air after spending himself inside of their guest. In the meanwhile, Séamus climbed down from edge of the bath and took up Dean's recently vacated spot. While missing around three and a half centimeters of Dean's twenty, Séamus could boast a pecker with a wide, flared head and a hard shaft that bulged in the middle. Harry could attest to the pleasure it could bring. Séamus reamed him several times, and it always satisfied. Hence, Harry studied Diktor's face. He saw the young man's eyes widen once the head gave way to the girthy middle portion of the shaft. He smirked at the response.

Ron, in the meantime, latched his hands on Diktor's buttocks, thereby aiding Séamus, as he chowed on the Bulgarian pole. Harry started to wonder about Diktor's staying power. Dean knew how to screw an ass along with the best of them. That Kum could outlast Dean, especially since their guest got blown the whole time, added to the legend in Harry's mind. He planned on comparing notes with Ron once the bull run ended. However, Harry admitted it morphed from a gang bang into something of a five-man orgy. With his mind distracted, it allowed him to drill Ron's bottom without fear of reaching a climax.

Séamus did not even last a full five minutes poking around inside of Diktor. It seemed the fellatio he received before him primed his pump. Following four and half minutes of jackrabbiting Diktor, his arms and legs clamped onto the muscled form. Séamus also kicked Ron in the side of the head, but he did not dislodge the Weasley from his task. When he finished wildly pumping his juice into Diktor, Séamus fell off and into the water like a dying tick. Kum chuckled a deep, sonorous laugh.

"That feel good, but should last longer," Diktor said as Séamus raised himself up from the water. "Fast, but short. No?"

"Sorry, mate, but you're tongue did the number on me wand," Séamus admitted what Harry already surmised. "Got some great lips there, Diktor!"

"Dah, and thanks."

Diktor then tapped Ron on the side of the head. For the first time in over ten minutes, Ron raised his face upward. Kum grinned at the red-head. Harry imagined Ron with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"I think maybe I am ready to take you in," Diktor said, "if you want, but what you do is very good, too."

"What? Are you saying I can have a go at your bum?" Ron breathlessly inquired.

"Dah. I am saying that."

Harry fell backward into the water as Ron leapt up to a standing position. Dean and Séamus chuckled at the frantic actions of their friend. Ron did not hesitate one second as he swung around to the rear of the famed fappitch skeeter. Harry stood up and whispered a spell that caused the water beading on his glasses to roll off. He studied the Bulgarian as his best friend prepared to live out his ultimate dream.

"Go slow with that, eh," Kum requested. "It is like trying to wraps arms around oak tree after a climbing birch."

None of the Snogwarts students appeared to understand the analogy.

"Ah, right. Go slow. Got it," Ron rumbled.

Harry saw Ron tilt his head downward. However, his main focus remained on Diktor. After a several seconds in which it appeared Ron fumbled around, Diktor's eyes suddenly popped wide open. The Bulgarian stared at some distant point while his mouth drooped. Harry completely understood the silent expression. He imagined he looked the same when first letting Ron enter him. Even at the age of eleven Ron boasted a very thick peg. It grew even more so as he fully entered puberty. Now at the age of fourteen, Ron's pecker out-sized the ring Harry could make with his thumb and middle finger. Over four centimeters separated his two digits when he tried to make them encircle his best mate's hard-on, and Harry possessed adult-sized hands. Hence, Diktor did not need to explain his expression.

"Chrez silata na Fokusnik Yaromir!" Diktor muttered in his native tongue, and he sounded befuddled.

"Doing all right there, Diktor?" Ron quietly asked and appeared to hold perfectly still.

"This... you are man in boy's form," Diktor

"Just following in the family tradition," the youngest Weasley male said with evident pride. "I'll go easy on you."

"Dah, dah," their guest agreed.

Ron did as promised. He moved with caution and slowly as Diktor gradually relaxed and accommodated the thick organ in his rectum. Harry could see Ron gyrated his hips in a circular formation. It meant his stout pecker wiggled around inside of Diktor, but did not pull against the adjusting anus. Diktor looked a bit delirious after a minute or so. He heard Dean and Séamus whispering to one another. Since Ron found a new activity, Harry decided to also partake of Kum's Bulgarian sausage. He knelt in front of the young man.

In many ways Diktor's erection reminded him of Neville's, although the head seemed a bit larger and longer under the foreskin. When it entered his mouth, he could immediately taste the remnants of Ron's pumpkin desert. It tasted vaguely of all-spice. Harry started to bob his head up and down while one hand grasped the base of the cock. Since the first time he ever put one in his mouth, Harry knew he loved to suck on dicks. It felt natural and right to him, and he also developed a good style as he grew older. He often got compliments from his friends and the one-night stands into which he stumbled. The feel of the skin and the veins under the surface inspired him, plus he wanted to do his best for their guest. Time melted away as Harry fell under the trance of servicing another boy. Half the time he lodge Diktor's dick down his throat and lapped at the base. Through it all he could feel Ron grinding away on Kum's butt. All seemed right with the world.

"Ne! O, ne!" Diktor's native tongue filled the bathing chamber. "Ne! Idvam! Idvam!"

As he yelled the words, a torrent of juice flowed out of his dick. Harry gobbled down the offering as fast as Diktor could produce it. Kum's hips jerked and twitched as a powerful orgasm rocketed through him. His hand got tangled in Harry's messy hair as he held the head still and crammed all of his cock into Harry's face.

"Blimey! Tight!" Ron burbled. "Barnaby's nuts!"

It seemed the compression of Diktor's anus flipped Ron's switches. He heard Ron call out Barnaby's name many times in the past, a sure sign he, too, reached climax. Although he wanted to laugh at the situation, Harry left his mouth sealed on Kum's cock. The young man appeared able to sustain an orgasm. The young wizard fastened to the erection could not recall any other boy who could shoot as much sperm. Harry greedily slurped it down as it filled his mouth four times. However, all good things must come to an end, and Diktor's orgasm rapidly tapered. He could still hear Ron grunting on the other side of the Bulgarian.

"You boys alright?" Dean asked and another giggle followed his question.

"Core, but that was awesome," Ron heaved out the words.

"I... nyet word English," Diktor stammered.

Harry pulled his mouth off the spent cock and said: "Just got fed a second dinner by him! Had to be a liter's worth gushing out!"

"Think you'll be satisfied for a while, Harry?" Séamus queried in a knowing manner.

"Pfft, course not. Be wanting more of this by tomorrow."

"You get all you need," Diktor spoke with a reasonable amount of command. "You no even need ask: just take."

"Ready for me to pull out?" Ron intruded. "Think I dropped in a pretty good load, too."

"Dah, but slow. Make it slow good."

Harry, Dean, and Séamus snickered at the phrase, and Harry knew a new private joke just got created. While Ron dislodged himself from Diktor, Kum hummed the entire time. Harry did not need to guess why: the feel of Ron removing himself after a good rut defied description. It also signaled the end of the session.

The quintet stood in silence for a minute and gazed at one another in a bit of an awkward fashion. Granted, Harry, Ron, Séamus, and Dean engaged in mini-orgies a number of times in a year, but the presence of the famed fappitch player changed the equation.

"So this Snogwarts bull run, hmm? I like," he said to them.

"Might not be your last if you're not careful," Ron said in a pseudo-threatening manner.

"Then I should not be careful much near you, eh?"

After a few seconds, the five of them burst into laughter. Harry felt wonderful even though he, himself, never came. A feeling of unity with his Snogwarts friends suffused him. He also sensed Diktor enjoyed himself far more than he expected. Furthermore, the look he cast at Ron made Harry feel especially happy for his best friend. Ron, more than any of them, got to experience a real-life dream

Next: Chapter 3

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