Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Aug 20, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.


Sorry for the delay with this part...I finished it up on Friday but forgot to mail it in!

Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Nine

Chapter 24- Second In Command

All the way back home Harry felt as if he were walking on air. He kept reviewing what happened; just an hour before, in the Minister's office, he was prepared to be arrested and sent to Azkaban. That never happened and in fact the opposite of what he had anticipated occurred. It still seemed so unlikely and unreal yet it had really happened; he was not jailed and was given a promotion at the school.

He had gone there ready for the fight of his life, ready to stand up for his and Neville's integrity and instead someone he had long forgotten about defended him. Now, as things stood, he would be the second in command at Hogwarts and there wasn't a damn thing the homophobes on the board could do about it.

Finally he was home and as he reached for the doorknob he remembered he had left Ron there with Neville. Damn, he thought as he turned the knob, he would have to tell Ron as well then. But he would only tell them both about the results of the meeting...not the fact that Madame Hooch was a lesbian. Harry was sure that Headmistress Hooch was not out publicly so he decided to only tell Neville the truth about what had transpired after the meeting. As much as he cared about Ron he knew that he had loose lips and sooner or later it would get back to Hermione...then everyone would know Hooch's secret.

Harry walked in and found Ron and Neville having tea in the lounge.

"Well I am back," said Harry simply

"How did it go...did everything get sorted out?" asked Neville getting up to give Harry a hug

"Sorted out indeed...wait until you two hear...but first the loo is calling me."

Ron and Neville looked at each other with looks of exasperation. They had been sitting there for hours worrying about Harry and wondering if he would actually come away from his confrontation with the Ministry or end up being arrested. It was a relief seeing him back home but both were still unsure that things were "indeed" sorted out.

Harry emerged from the loo and rejoined Neville and Ron.

"Well apparently I have a new job..." said Harry with a grin

"New job doing what?" asked Neville

"At Hogwarts...oh and you can go back too Neville"

"Hang on, are you serious?" questioned Neville, "Start from the beginning...what happened at the Ministry, Harry?"

Harry went on to explain the whole, unbelievable story. By the time he got to the end, carefully leaving out the revelation by Madame Hooch that she was actually a lesbian, both Ron and Neville were stunned. Neville, so happy and excited by Harry's tale wrapped his arms around him and planted a big kiss on his lips. Lost in the sensations they forgot Ron was sitting there. When Harry opened his eyes he saw Ron shifting around, apparently quite uncomfortable seeing Harry and Neville kiss.

"Oh sorry mate, we didn't mean to..." apologized Harry

"No it's ok...it's a day for celebration. I am really happy for you both," said Ron red faced and getting up to leave, "I have to go tell Hermione the good news...see ya Harry...Neville"

They both watched as Ron made his way to the door and then left.

"Do you think he still has feelings for you Harry?" asked Neville

"Well if he does it is his problem! He is the one that bailed out on me and went back to pretending he is straight with Hermione. I mean it's not my fault he cannot accept who and what he is. Sad really that a lot of blokes do that sort of thing; they allow themselves to be what they really are for a bit but then abandon their true selves for the sake of conformity. Believe me, as much as he has convinced himself that sex with Hermione is just fine for him, he will eventually miss having a dick up his ass and will probably sneak out, behind her back, to get one. Happens all the time with the gays that are in denial about their true selves...but it's a happy day so I don't want to think about all that."

"You're right, Harry, let's not think about that now...like you said it's supposed to be a happy day!" smiled Neville

"And all this also means we can carry on now without all the stress...most of the mess is over with."

"Ok Harry, so really the whole nightmare is over and we both can go back to normal at the school?"

"Not totally...I think it's time I pay Colin a visit at St. Mungos, real soon, because I want to know why he still has it out for me after all this time. I wonder if he knew he was secretly recorded when he wagged his tongue for that Daily Prophet spy? Probably not, but still I want to make sure he gets on with his life and leaves mine alone...then the whole nightmare will really be over."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" questioned Neville

"To be honest, I don't know...I just have a gut feeling that for all this to be really over I need to speak with him face to face."

"I trust your judgment Harry...so if you think you need to see him do it."

"I will in a few days after things get settled...right now I want to focus on you."

Neville reached over and pulled Harry close and planted another wet kiss on his lips.

"Before we start celebrating, I have something else to tell you about today, " said Harry pulling back from Neville, "only you have to swear to keep it quiet."

"You know I will do anything you ask, Harry," said Neville grasping Harry's knee

"Well you may have already figured this out but Madame Hooch is one of us."

"One of us?" repeated Neville a bit confused

"Yeah, after the meeting she came out to me...she is a lesbian Neville and I met her girlfriend. That is why she jumped to my defense. But remember she wants that kept quiet so not a word to anyone, ok?"

"Yes, I promise...wow Harry...this is really a big day. After all the homophobia at that school and amongst the Board of Governors it ends up that two gay people will be running the school."

Harry let out a hearty chuckle, "It was the last thing they would have expected. Mind you they know about you and me but they still think Hooch is hetero and chose not to marry because of her career. One thing is for sure, the teens that now call themselves Ollie's Boys will be celebrating as well when they find out."

Neville laughed as well and then pulled Harry close again.

"Speaking of celebrating...I am so proud of you Harry and I love you, " said Neville with a smile leaning in to kiss Harry again

"I have a good idea what sort of celebration you want to have," said Harry gripping Neville's hard cock through his pants, "but before we celebrate I want to send Oliver an owl and tell him the news."

Neville agreed and sat squeezing his boner impatiently while he watched Harry pen the short note to Oliver. When he finished Harry called over Hedwig II and promptly sent her on her way.

"There now...let's celebrate!" said Harry grasping Neville's hand and pulling him up off the couch

After Neville made a quick stop in the loo, they headed for the bedroom to begin a daylong celebration. It was the first time, in many months, that Harry could enjoy making love. He could totally concentrate on Neville without intrusive thoughts and worries bothering him.

It seemed as if all would be well...at least for the present.


Oliver was surprised to see JT Sharp at his door. He had figured, to keep up appearances, JT would sty away from his quarters. Oliver's shock increased as he noticed the smaller form of Matt Mateo behind JT Sharp.

"May we come in?" asked JT politely

"Oh right...sure...come in," come in, said Oliver moving aside to let them in

JT and Matt sat on the loveseat and then after securing the door Oliver joined them. They all smiled at each other for a few moments and then JT decided to speak.

"I guess you are wondering why we dropped by unannounced?"

"Well, yes...I thought that after..."

"Yes well, normally after I would have been careful about visiting you here but we did have the problem of Matt catching us. I thought it would ease your mind if I brought him and let you know that your secret, well our secret, is safe with him."

Admittedly Oliver was worried about the boy catching he and JT going at it. He didn't know Matt very well and was unsure whether or not the kid would keep quiet. Thoughts of him telling his new mates had been filling Oliver's head. It wasn't the fact that "Ollie's Boys" may learn the truth about him and JT. It was the possibility of someone else outside of the group finding out that troubled Oliver. So yes, he was happy that they had both stopped by to talk about what happened.

"I appreciate your discretion, Matt" said Oliver smiling at them both

"I am used to keeping quiet, sir, " said matt firmly, "Uncle JT told me that he told you my story. You know that we are not related by blood. I have had to keep quiet about that for the sake of both of us. If anyone ever learned the truth I may be sent back to my Muggle abusers. JT saved my life and I love him like my own father and we both trust you to keep our secret quiet. So if believe me, I will not say a word to anyone...even my friends."

Oliver smiled at the teen but then his smile faded as he remembered the horrific story JT had told him. Sadness filled him momentarily as he wondered how someone could hurt and abuse their own flesh and blood. Oliver looked Matt in the eyes and was absolutely certain Matt was telling the truth and he let him know as much.

"You know me and Uncle JT never do anything...sexual...together," offered Matt as if he still needed to defend himself

"I am aware of that Matt so I am not going to judge or make assumptions...besides you have a whole group of boys to chose from here at the school...that should keep you busy! Just remember the golden rule- knock before you open a door lest you see something you aren't supposed to!"

They all let out hearty laughs. When the laughter subsided Matt had another thing to say.

"I hope you won't take this the wrong way, Coach," said Matt sheepishly, "but I have to tell you...you are really hot..."

Oliver blushed immediately and then thanked Matt for the compliment. Laughter filled the room again but a familiar owl flying in the window interrupted it. Hedwig II flew right at Oliver and dropped the parchment in his lap.

"Excuse me while I give this a read," said Oliver unrolling the scroll

As he read his mouth hung open, unable to believe what he was reading.

"Bad news?" asked JT noticing Oliver's shocked expression

"No...in fact it's good...it's unbelievable...here JT read it," said Oliver passing the letter to Sharp

JT read the letter quickly and then smiled broadly at Oliver, "I'll be damned...well this will call for a party that's for sure!"

"What is it uncle?" said Matt confused

"A surprise Matt, " offered Oliver, " a big surprise...a good surprise that will come tomorrow."

"Seems odd that something good will happen tomorrow, " said Matt, " especially since it is Professor McGonagall's memorial service."

"Ah yes, but it will, " reassured Oliver," sometimes out of darkness a little light shines through...by tomorrow night you all will see and will be glad!"

Oliver winked at JT and they both had another laugh, still disbelieving the good news they had just received from Harry Potter.

Chapter 25- Dear Uncle Freddie

Mark Mungo-Marsh smiled to himself as he read the response from his "uncle" Freddie. He knew that he had the upper hand and that he could get Frederick J. Hamilton, the esteemed Eitor-In-Chief of the Daily Prophet, to do almost anything he desired. Mark was the only person in the world that knew about the skeletons in Frederick's closet and he was prepared to expose them if necessary. But then again would anyone believe him?

He sat back on his bed, in the thankfully empty dorm, and re-read the note again:


I am sorry to hear that you haven't discovered the information I hoped you would of obtain. It puts the paper in a bit of a predicament. We cannot go to press with the Creevey story unless we have testimony from you or the other boys that Potter and Longbottom were indeed having sex with them.

Perhaps you could offer some of the students' incentive money for memory if you know what I mean.

Sometimes that is the way journalism works, especially if you have competition. It really isn't about reporting the news, it is about sales and we need this story to blow the Quibbler out of the water. At times you have to bend the rules to get the desired results.

"Even if it's a total lie or a stretching of the truth...and this coming from a man that always makes like he is the king of morality," said Mark out loud in a disgusted tone

He continued reading:

I am sure your parents would be upset if they learned about those you call friends so it may be to your advantage to gather the information that my paper so desperately needs. Get back to me straight away and let me know if you will be one of my team players.

Uncle Freddie

Mark felt disgusted; he wasn't part of the Daily Prophet team and he saw right through the innuendo in Frederick's response. Play ball with him and comply or risk being outed to his parents. How dare he, thought Mark as he crumpled up the letter, how dare he threaten me when I have all the dirt on him.

"What a fucking hypocrite," screamed Mark out loud as he crumpled the parchment into a smaller ball

The more he thought about it the more angry he got. Oh yes, he had plenty of dirt on his "uncle" Freddie but if he was outed first no one would believe Mark if he told the truth. They probably would assume, he thought, that I am making up tall tales out of revenge. His mind spun as his anger grew, so much so that he didn't notice Patrick Donnelly coming into his dorm.

"You look a bit put off, Mark...something wrong?" asked Patrick noticing the sour expression on Mark's face

"No...well maybe...I dunno," replied Mark looking at Patrick, "it's just this letter from my "uncle Freddie"...he still wants me to get one of you guys to rat out Potter and Longbottom...here read this," replied Mark tossing the ball of parchment towards Patrick

Patrick took the crumpled up parchment, smoothed it out and then read it to himself.

"He wants you to bribe us into ratting out the Professors?" exclaimed Patrick handing the parchment back to Mark

"Yes, that is what he wants. Seems without me or one of you others he can't validate his story"

"It's seems like he is threatening to tell your parents you are gay and involved with the group if you don't do as he says."

"That's how I read it as well," answered Mark with indignation, "but if I tell on him before he tells on me then I may be able to prevent that."

"Tell on him about what?" asked Patrick confused

"Close that door and use the Secludio Charm and I will tell you...everything," said Mark, "just swear that, for now, it stays between me and you...swear Patrick..."

"I swear, mate, you know us Slytherins have always been good at keeping secrets," smiled Patrick as he closed the door.

He preformed the Secludio charm and then joined Mark, sitting next to him on his bed.

"So now, tell me what the Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Prophet has to do with you. Is he really your uncle?" asked Patrick

Mark laughed out loud, "No he is an honorary uncle...not blood for sure...just a family friend that made sure he was my `uncle Freddie'...especially after I turned nine."

"What happened when you were nine?" asked Patrick now totally intrigued

Mark took a deep breath and looked down at his lap. This was hard, harder then he thought it would be to actually talk about a secret he had held on for years. He had never told another soul what had happened and now, for the sake of the good and his friends, he had to at least tell Patrick. He took another breath and started to tell the whole story...for the first time in his life.

He told Patrick that when he was nine, just days after his birthday, he had a minor broom accident. He was given a training broom and lost control of it as he flew around his back garden. He fell to the ground and broke his leg. He was taken to St. Mungos where they quickly repaired the break and then was sent home to rest. Although the break had been mended the muscles in his upper right leg were still very sore. There wasn't much the healers could do about the muscle stiffness.

Convinced that he was all right, his parents left two days later for a planned holiday. Of course since he was nine he had to have someone that was "just like family" there to baby-sit him. His "uncle" Freddie readily accepted the job and stayed with Mark for the two weeks that his parents were gone.

Prior to the accident, Mark had grown close to his adopted uncle. Visits were always when his parents were around so nothing strange happened. It was the first night when he was alone with Frederick that the odd, yet pleasurable, things started to happen.

Mark told Patrick that all day his leg hurt badly and finally, when it was close to bedtime, it reached its peak. His "uncle" suggested a hot bath to soak the sore muscles and Mark agreed that the warmth of the water might help. Mark thought it was odd, after the bath water was drawn, that Freddie was still hovering around. Even though puberty was years away, Mark still was a bit shy about exposing his private parts in front of strangers. But Freddie insisted, lest Mark slip and injure his leg further, to stay with him and help him get into the pool-like bath.

Once he was settled in his uncle left the bathroom and then came back twenty minutes later when the water was starting to cool down. He helped Mark get out of the bath and then, despite Mark's protests that he could do it himself, helped towel dry him. Once dry "uncle" Freddie led Mark back to his bedroom.

As Mark lay on his back, on his bed, Freddie asked if the bath helped. Mark told him that it had helped some but he still felt quite achy and sore on the upper part of his right leg. Freddie then made a suggestion. He told Mark about a Muggle practice that sometimes worked with sore muscles and aches like he was having. Freddie told Mark that when he was in London he had encountered a Muggle massage pallor and they amazingly, without magic, eased the pain he was having in his legs.

Trusting his uncle Freddie and desperate to relieve the annoying pain that probably would make sleep difficult Mark agreed to let Frederick show him what a massage was. Mark was again, a bit reluctant to take off his pajama bottoms, until Freddie explained that it would not work properly if there wasn't skin to skin contact.

So Mark complied and allowed Freddie to pull off his bottoms. Mark told Patrick that part of him felt strange laying there half naked with his uncle hovering over him. But the other part of him, the part that desperately wanted the pain to go away, was all right with it. After all, Mark explained to Patrick, he had known Freddie as "uncle" since he was a baby. He trusted that he was going to do something to make him feel better so he let him proceed.

Mark went on to tell Patrick how Freddie then climbed onto the bed, in between his spread legs and then started massaging his right inner thigh. Mark had to admit that the massage was indeed helping to relieve the pain and it did feel quite good, especially when Freddie put a generous glob of warmed lotion on his hands. Like anyone who experiences sensitive to touch in that particular part of the body, another part of Mark's body responded as well.

Horrified he soon realized that his little three-inch penis was fully hard and sticking up for his uncle Freddie to see. Mark said that he quickly flipped over to hide the unwanted erection, but his uncle told him not to be embarrassed about it. He said that Muggles told him that things like that naturally happened and that he also experienced the same problem. Mark explained that his uncle laid down on his back and had Mark massage him through his trousers. He had Mark rub his inner thigh and then told him to stop. Freddie then grabbed Mark's hand and put it on his crotch. Mark said he felt his uncle's hardon and his uncle simply said, "See it even happens to me so don't be embarrassed!"

Mark said that Freddie told him to turn back over...after all they were just like family so Mark shouldn't be embarrassed. Since it was obvious that it just wasn't him, he had just felt his uncle's swelling cock in his pants, Mark felt less shamed. Using the rationalization of a nine-year old he indeed figured that it was normal bodily reaction, that happened to all males and he flipped back onto his back.

The massaging of Mark's inner thigh resumed, and despite trying to will it down, his little cock seemed to get harder. He felt his uncle's hands going up and down on his inner thigh and closed his eyes so he could concentrate on the quite pleasing sensations that were indeed relieving the pain. As he lay there with eyes shut tight his uncle asked how it was feeling. Of course Mark said it felt wonderful. His uncle then asked him if he was ready to feel something even better, something else he had experienced at the Muggle massage pallor.

Happy that his pain was going away Mark said that he was game. Freddie explained that this bit called for the use of his mouth and not his hands. Mark opened his eyes and gave Freddie a confused look.

"Then it happened," said Mark to Patrick

"You mean he gave you a blow job? Isn't he totally straight?"

"Yeah well that is what he lets the world believe, in fact that is what he always told me...that our fun was our little secret; something fun mates do when there were no females available. From what I understand he had some sort of crush on my mum when they were young...I guess he figured if he couldn't have mum then he would have me since I look just like her minus the boobs. "

"That's so typical, the biggest puff-bashers secretly lust after same-sex family members and such," said Patrick disgusted, "easier to manipulate and keep quiet I guess. So what happened next?"

Mark continued the story while Patrick listened attentively. He explained that he thought his body would explode when Freddie put his mouth on his cock. Once he felt that all inhibitions left and he began to instinctively pump his little cock in and out of his uncle's mouth. In no time he had his first dry orgasm, that not only relieved the pain but sent him into absolute ecstasy. Wanting to not let the experience end Mark had asked his uncle if his leg still hurt.

"Of course Freddie's leg didn't hurt for real," said Mark to Patrick with a frown, "but at the time I was ready to believe anything. I wanted more of what he was doing and wanted to repay him by making him feel good as well."

"So he played along with the game and pretended he needed a massage from you"

"Right you are, Patrick!"

Mark continued to explain that he had his uncle strip down below the waist and began massaging in the same spot his uncle had for him. Of course Freddie's cock immediately hardened and Mark was transfixed. He was amazed by the size and the patch of brownish hair that encircled his uncle's uncut cock; although his uncle was of average size it still looked huge to a boy of nine.

Mark said that he was fascinated with the clear, yet sticky, liquid that seemed to be leaking from his uncle's cockhead. His uncle had explained that it was called precum and that it helped increase the sensations. Mark said that finally he was ready to give his uncle "mouth therapy" and did what his uncle had just done to him.

"On the positive side, I think that is when I realized I was gay. I didn't know what gay was per se, but I knew that I liked cock and what my so-called uncle did to me," said Mark squeezing his crotch

"Are you getting hard talking about this?" asked Patrick amazed

"A little bit...it always happens when I think about it...see as out of bounds as it was, remembering that feeling of my first dry cum and the way his cock felt in my mouth makes me bone."

"Do you think what he did back then is what made you gay?" asked Patrick

"Well when you were a boy did anyone do anything like this to you?"

"Not really, I just started fooling around with some mates when I was twelve..."

"Well then no...my 'uncle' conning me into having sex with him at age nine didn't make me gay...it just clued me into the fact that I was. A bit earlier then most but I am convinced that is the way I was always meant to be. Females have never interested me at all and I never saw the big deal about big boobs...what's the point?"

They both had a laugh about that and agreed that they both probably were gay because it was the way it was supposed to be. After the laughter died down, Patrick eager to hear the rest urged Mark to go on.

"So what happened after you sucked him?" asked Patrick now beginning to bone himself watching Mark occasionally squeeze his hardon through his pants

Mark continued to give Patrick all the details. After Mark made a valiant attempt at stuffing as much of Freddie's cock in his mouth as he could, Freddie had him get on his knees and they sixty-nined. The result was another dry cum for Mark while getting his first mouthful of man sperm.

Mark explained that after that time, up until recently, Freddie would come to visit. His parents, blind to what was really happening, always encouraged Freddie to go spend time in Mark's spacious room. On the outside it appeared as if though Mark and his "uncle" Freddie were as close as could be. But the reality was, as Mark hit puberty and had discovered the Muggle internet, that Freddie had, as Mark so clearly stated, "used me as his sex toy so he could stay in the closet and so no one would suspect that he was gay himself."

"And your parents never suspected anything...never came up and caught him in the act?"

"No, what you have to understand...and I hope it doesn't sound like I am bragging...we are very well off. The mansion is huge and my room is in an isolated corner of the house. All the floors are wooden so even if I was in the middle of shooting a load I could hear footsteps well before they reached my door. He would usually claim, after he stayed the whole evening, that he didn't want to travel all the way home. So of course he had his own guest room...there are eight bedrooms in that place by the way...and he would come visit me when my parents were safely asleep in their own room on the opposite side of the mansion."

"And you didn't tell him to go away...to stop once you got older and figured out that he was using you for his own pleasure?" asked Patrick confused again

"I played along right until the time I came to Hogwarts. While I was certain he had taken advantage of my innocence as a prepubescent boy and he had sex with me mostly for his benefit, part of me didn't want to stop it. I had no gay mates and I liked his blow jobs better then having a wank...but now things are different.....I have you and I have Nicky for my fun if you know what I mean"

"What are you going to do to get him off the Professors cases? Tell your parents...tell the authorities?"

"I don't think I will go that far. You saw what they did to the Professors. Yes Frederick J. Hamilton would be outed and shamed; the Quibbler would have a field day exposing him, but this sort of story will actually help the homophobes justify their belief that only the sexually molested end up confused and gay. I think it's time I dish out to him some of the same crap he tried to give to me in his letter!"

"So then what are you going to tell him?"

"Hang on and you will see," answered Mark going into his trunk to get a quill and parchment.

He began writing his response to his dear "uncle" Freddie. When he finished he handed the letter to Patrick.

"Go ahead and read it," said Mark with a grin

Patrick quickly read the letter out loud:

Dearest Uncle:

I understand your predicament but I cannot offer you any help. I cannot betray my friends and speaking my new GAY friends, I slipped and told of one of them about us. I told him about our little massage sex, and your "mouth therapy" that we have been enjoying for years now...since I was nine.

Don't worry...he promised he won't tell anyone...especially not his dad who coincidently works at The Quibbler!

I am sure you will keep my secret and we will keep yours so long as you swear to destroy that Creevey story and lay off both Potter and Longbottom or I am afraid that our little affair will be the next big breaking story the publishing world will see.

I am sure you wouldn't want that and you want the special times between you and I to continue. So I expect that you will write back telling me you dropped the matter, laid off the Potter and Longbottom, who really aren't much different from you and all will be well.

I'll look forward to your speedy response.



Patrick looked up and smiled widely at Mark, "Brilliant...absolutely brilliant! But my dad doesn't work at The Quibbler"

"What dearest uncle doesn't know won't hurt him!" smiled Mark slyly as he pulled in Patrick close for a hug

Chapter 26- The End Of An Era

After a minimal amount of sleep Harry and Neville woke early to get ready to return as teachers to Hogwarts. A good portion of the night before was spent packing up their belongings and then sending them off to the school. An owl had arrived from Ron which said that he and Hermione were not really going to use the Hogsmead flat so Neville and Harry could continue to use it as a "get away from the school". So they left a few things at that flat; just some basics that they didn't really need at the school. After everything was sorted out and packed Harry, with a wave of his wand, sent the belongings to the school.

Both were excited by their return to Hogwarts, but before they would be officially welcomed back they would be attending the memorial service for Minerva McGonagall. After quick showers and a hasty breakfast they were dressed and were on their way. At the school they met up with Ron and Hermione and they all went in together and soon they were ushered into the Great Hall.

The appearance of Harry and Neville drew some attention, particularly amongst "Ollie's Boys", but most were not paying attention. All that had known Minerva McGonagall were focused on the fact that they were there to say goodbye to their former Headmistress. A woman that was firm yet perhaps the most compassionate witch to ever hold the office of head of Hogwarts.

It was a simple, yet respectful service; long time friends and associates of Minerva McGonagall spoke at length about her character and the type of person she was. Tears came to Harry's eyes as he heard his name mentioned. Minister of Magic Arthur Weasley was telling the assembled mourners about McGonagall's contribution to the Order of the Phoenix and how her secret mission was to look after Harry Potter.

At one point Arthur said, "Minerva once told me that she had to be particularly hard on Harry Potter. Not because she considered him to be a bad egg but because she loved him as her own child and was fearful that she would make the mistake of allowing her love for Potter to blossom into favoritism."

Harry had never stopped to consider that she had felt that warmly towards him. He made a mental note to visit her portrait once things got settled back down at the school. Finally all the speakers were done and the service was drawing to a close. The assembled in the Great Hall wouldn't be going outside for a burial. As per her last wishes her burial was done days ago.

McGonagall had requested a simple service, and as acting Headmaster Flitwick had mentioned to the staff before the memorial, she didn't want her memorial to outshine that of Albus Dumbledore's. So her wishes were respected and the service went as planned.

Earlier in the week her body had been laid to rest next to Dumbledore's. She insisted on a smaller monument, so again, she wouldn't outshine Dumbledore. In her last will and testament she asked that the school start a new tradition. She had asked that the area where Dumbledore's marble tomb existed be made the official burial ground of Hogwarts Headmasters.

Of course the family of the deceased would have the right to have the actual body buried where they wanted to but Hogwarts would reserve the right to erect a memorial tombstone in their honor. Since McGonagall's family had crossed over long ago she was only too happy to have her remains lie next to Dumbledore's.

It had been a couple of busy days for Fillius Flitwick so he was glad that the whole ordeal would soon be over. The only thing left today was introducing the new Headmistress at dinner. When he had received word that a replacement was found he was elated. Since this was his final year of teaching he could go back to the simple life...teaching without the stress of being an administrator.

A new addition to his classroom was created with a few waves of a wand and without haste he moved his belongings out of the Deputy Headmaster's quarters and into his new place of residence. That made him happy as well; the Deputy Headmaster's suite was far too large for someone of his size. The new addition to his classroom was perfect and designed with his height needs in mind. Overall, while still feeling pangs of sadness, over losing one of his best friends at the school, he was happy that his life was moving on and that a new Headmistress would take over today.

Harry and Neville surveyed the Deputy Headmaster's suite and were surprised at how well appointed it was. The place was huge and nearly as big as the entire Divination classroom. There was a sitting room, a private kitchen along with a balcony that encircled the tower the suite was located in. The bathroom was spacious and nearly as huge as the Prefect's bath. There was a master bedroom as well as a guest bedroom. The last feature of the suite pleased both Harry and Neville.

Since Neville would be sharing classes with the exchange teacher, that had been called in to replace him, his old quarters next to the greenhouses were occupied. Flitwick had told him that the new Headmistress sent her apologies about the inconvenience and that she hoped that they wouldn't mind sharing the suite as there was no other available quarters to house Neville in.

Of course, for Flitwick's benefit, Neville pretended to be put off by this. But in the end he assured Flitwick that the loss of personal privacy would be something he would endure for the good of the school.

"Pretty sharp that Hooch, don't ya think?" asked Harry flopping down on the bed in the guest room, "arranging this set up and convincing Fillius that there was no other choice then to make us share quarters!"

"Yes, it was sharp of her," agreed Neville, "do you think Arthur Weasley told her that we are a couple?"

"I am sure of it...I mean think about it Neville. In a matter of minutes they created new quarters for Fillius just off his classroom. It wouldn't have been a big deal to create a new space for you by the greenhouses. Hooch set this up for sure...I know she knows but we have to still be discreet."

"Agreed Harry, I'll set up this room with all of my belongings. In the common areas we can have the generic junk. Seems a shame though," said Neville joining Harry on the bed, "this comfy bed won't get much use!"

"Well then perhaps we can use the master bedroom for sleeping and this one for recreation!" grinned Harry pulling Neville on top of him

After a long kiss Neville broke away and looked in Harry's eyes, "It feels like we are really back home Harry, you know what I mean?"

"I do indeed. Hogwarts has always been home for me...so I guess we need to have our own homecoming celebration!"

"What kind of celebration?" asked Neville raising his eyebrows

"Well since Hooch basically arranged for us to live together, and no doubt sleep together here, let's start off right," answered Harry starting to unzip Neville's pants, "let's break in the guest bed with a bit of fun."

Neville didn't resist as Harry fished out Neville's hardening cock out of the zipper hole of his trousers. After bending down to give Harry another kiss Neville moved farther up Harry's chest as he straddled him. Harry opened his mouth and took as much of Neville's hard cock as he could. As Neville began to rhythmically pump in and out Harry stroked his own cock, which he managed to pull out as well.

After another thirty minutes of lovemaking the two lay side by side, cuddling in each other's arms. Harry stroked Neville's hair and then smiled at him.

"Now it feels even better to be home, doesn't it?" asked Harry with a wink

"No matter where we are Harry...here or on the moon, so long as you are with me I will feel at home," answered Neville as he squeezed Harry tighter, secure in the arms of the man he had always loved.


Frederick J. Hamilton read the note from Mark Mungo-Marsh over again. This was at least the tenth time he had read it. He had hoped to find some sort of loophole in what Mark was saying but he just couldn't. Clearly if he allowed the article, with Creevey's accusations about Potter and Longbottom, to go to print Mark would squeal on him. He shuddered as he imagined his name on a headline in his own paper:


He couldn't risk exposure for a lousy story. Guilt filled him as he realized that Mark was right in one of his statements. He was trying to sell papers by bashing Potter and Longbottom while he, himself, had done nearly the same thing with Mark Mungo-Marsh for years. He had to admit the boy was right, despite the reasons for his lifelong secrecy, it really didn't justify the hypocrisy. Business was one thing but how could he sell out Potter and Longbottom when he was the same as they were?

Frederick knew deep down that it was so; the only difference was people knew about Potter and Longbottom but no one knew about Frederick. He loved Mark, he truly did, and thaat fact alone made his shame increase tenfold. In a perfect world, if he could have come out as being a gay male, he would have prefered a same age life partner. But expectations put on him, early on in his life, made it an impossibility. He would have lost everything if his family and friends had learned the truth. He buried his face in his hands as he cursed himself for being so blindly stupid.

It had always seemed, to Frederick, as if Mark approved of their intimate moments but perhaps it was more convenience than acceptance. Mark allowed him to do what he wanted because Mark had no one else; no other gay boy his age was a friend or a confideant in his young life. The same held true for Frederick and now that Mark had found gay mates at the school Frederick really knew that he had no one. The sex play with Mark would surely cease and that added to the anger and the frustration Frederick was feeling as he re-read Mark's note.

Frederick, totally frustrated and angry at himself, crumpled up the parchment and threw it on his desk and then yelled out for his secretary. For his own sake, and Mark's, he had decided what he was going to do. There was only one way to make sure Mark and the friend he spoke to would keep quiet and not land him in Azkaban. He really had no choice in the matter, the boy had forced his hand. If he didn't comply then Mark would blow the whistle on him. The consequences for Frederick would be bad enough, but the boy hadn't considered the hell he would be put through if the truth were known.

His secretary rushed into his office with her notepad in hand.

"Get Wilkes in here now," commanded Hamilton as he paced the floor of his office

A few minutes later Janet Wilkes stood before a sour looking Frederick. Fearing the worst she let him speak first.

"I want all the materials associated with the Creevey story," said Hamilton flatly

"You want them so the piece can go to press?" asked Janet hopefully

"It won't be going to press...ever!" barked Hamilton taking Janet aback a bit

"I don't understand, sir, I thought that we..."

"There is no need for you to understand anything, missy. Your job is to report the news. It is my job to decide what is printed and I say this story will never be ran in this paper or any other for that matter."

"But why, sir? I worked so hard..." . "Yes, I realize that Janet, good job indeed, but let's just say a big snag has come up and it wouldn't be prudent to use that story at this time. No more questions...go get me the recording and the entire file on the story...now!"

Knowing that she was fighting a losing battle Janet Wilkes left in a hurry to retrieve what her boss wanted. In five minutes time she returned with items Frederick had requested. No further discussion was needed and Janet was dismissed. Frederick locked his door as he ushered her out. Janet sat down in the waiting room, totally stunned by the fact that her story, that would have sent her journalism career into the stratosphere, had been put to bed.

"Bad meeting, dear?" asked Frederick's aging secretary

"Yes, just some...stunnigly bad news," answered Janet burying her face in her hands

Frederick gathered the clipboard that held the recorded voice of Colin Creevey and the large file that accompanied it. He placed them in a pile in his fireplace and then retrieved his wand. Silently he performed the Incinero charm and the pile burst into flames.

As he watched the evidence burn he went back to his desk and penned a quick note to Mark Mungo-Marsh:


Burned the Creevey tape and the entire file.

No need for you to worry about Potter and Longbottom anymore.

Story will never be run in the Prophet or any other paper.

I am sorry for everything...I truly am...I always thought you were alright...with everything...I am sorry I was such an old fool.


Uncle Freddie

After sending his owl on its way Frederick poured himself a drink...straight up Gin and quickly gulped it all down. He paused for a moment and looked at the picture of Mark and his mother that sat on his desk. Tears filled his eyes as regret and shame filled his heart once again. With the realization that his special times with Mark were long gone his zest for life seemed to be zapped away as well. He had never meant to hurt or use the boy but when he looked at himself in the mirror he knew he did. Whether or not Mark had agreed to participate was not the issue.

Initially it was he, Frederick, who manipulated the innocent young boy into doing exactly what he wanted him to do. Fear crept over him as well. Even though he had destroyed the Creevey story recordings and files, he knew, based on past stories his own paper had published involving the same sort of scenerio he and Mark had been involved in, that eventually the truth would see the light of day.

Thoughts of prison and public shame filled his head again. No, he said to himself, no I cannot let things end up that way. Again he took hold of the picture of Mark and his mother and held it close to his heart. More and more tears streamed down his face making vision nearly impossible. He released the picture and let it fall to the floor, shattering the glass that covered it. He wiped the tears from his eyes and then located his wand.

With one quick motion he picked up his wand and silently performed another incantation.

The flames in the fireplace seemed to reach out, as if they had arms, and in a flash the entire office was engulfed in flames.

"Smells like something is burning," said Frederick's secretary looking quite alarmed

"It's nothing," said Janet unfazed, "probably just the rest of my career going up in smoke."

Minutes later it was apparent that more then her career was up in flames. Smoke poured out from under the door sending the two women fleeing the outer office in horror in search of help and the fire brigade.


CHEERS! -----------


1st year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh

2nd year: Matt Mateo

3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 10

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