Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Jul 20, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

As a reminder, I started writing my stories well before the release of Rowling's final Potter book. I operated under the assumption that Harry won the battle and that Ron, Hermione, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Oliver Wood, Colin Creevey, Arthur Weasley and a few others lived. I also decided that Draco Malfoy had died in the end. Please don't email me, after reading Rowling's book, telling me that one of my characters should be dead. The history of the events, during Harry's 17th year on Earth, came completely out of my head.

So for those who may not have read Rowling's last book yet...the people who I said lived and died is not a spoiler for her book. I decided all that months before her book was released on July 21st.

Just two chapters in this part...they turned out to be quite long so I opted to just send in these two as a pair. Part 7 will more then likely be a three chapter offering again...happy reading!

Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Six

Chapter 16- Made In America

The tall man entered the school, obviously drawing the attention of a few students that were out and about far too late on a Sunday evening. They marveled at the man's height and some speculated that he might have a bit of giant in him. With silky black hair covering one eye, highlighted gold on the end, he looked more like a musician then a parent or a teacher. A couple of female students noticed that even in his robes it looked as if he was built and muscular. The man looked down and winked at the students as he passed them by.

"That's a tall bloke, eh?" commented one of the boys standing around

"Right that mate, must be at least a six footer!"

They were close, the mystery man stood at a healthy six foot five inches. After a few more glances the students returned to their gossip session, assuming that the tall man was just an adult visitor or perhaps a parent making a surprise visit.

As the man made his way into the castle the aged caretaker, Filch, who would lead him to the entrance of Professor McGonagall's office, greeted him. Filch who was considerably dwarfed by the man led him through the hallways and towards Headmistress McGonagall's office. She had told Filch to meet the man, but as usual, didn't tell him who the hulking visitor was and why he was at the castle, oddly on a late Sunday evening.

"Butterbeer!" muttered Filch as the entrance to the office began to open

"Excuse me...did you say something to me?" said the man obviously confused as to why Filch muttered "Butterbeer"

"That's a password mate...you have to have the password to enter and it changes daily."

The man nodded in understanding and followed behind the caretaker. He marveled at how ancient the castle was and he was quite impressed. Back home he had nothing like this, he thought as he watched the giant gargoyle spin slowly around revealing stairs. Once they stood upon them the stairs lifted them upwards to a landing and a huge door. Filch knocked on the door and then entered when a voice inside told him to come in.

Standing up behind her desk the Headmistress smiled warmly as the tall man approached her.

"Ah Professor Sharp...welcome...welcome!" beamed McGonagall, "I do hope that your journey was a safe one?"

"Safe indeed Headmistress, although having to use Muggle air travel was a bit unnerving but given the distance there wasn't much choice. Despite that I am still happy to be here with y'all"

McGonagall smiled to herself; she always loved those American southern accents; it reminded her of the old American John Wayne westerns her father used to love. People would have been surprised to know that Minerva McGonagall's father was an American Muggle that fell in love with her Irish mom and readily accepted the idea of her being a witch. When it was apparent Minerva was just like her mom the family moved back to Ireland so Minerva could attend her mother's old school- Hogwarts.

Filch stood in the anteroom and noticed immediately that the man had an accent...an American accent for sure. Now even more curious he craned his neck to hear the conversation. McGonagall noticed him standing there and looked around her guest at Filch.

"That will be all Filch," called McGonagall, "oh and I don't want you discussing our guest with anyone...it is confidential until I, myself, announce it to the school...stay available...I may need you in a little while."

"Oh right, as you wish headmistress," replied Filch bowing as he left the office

"I am sorry you had to come under such short notice," said McGonagall returning her attention to the new arrival when Filch was finally gone, "but I truly do believe that this teacher exchange program will benefit all. Professor Trelawney was excited to be given the opportunity to teach American wizarding students."

"She teaches Divination, doesn't she? Is there some change in the plans m'am? I thought I was going to be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Right...no worries...that will be the class you are taking on. We actually have had two Divination teachers, so the other, Professor Firenze will take over all of the Divination classes. You will be the primary DADA teacher," assured McGonagall

"I just hope I will meet the standards of this fine school and do the class justice," said Sharp smiling back at McGonagall

"I have no doubts about that...your teaching record speaks for itself. Your experience in the Defense Against the Dark Arts in America will surely benefit your students here."

Julian Thomas Sharp, at age 28, was the youngest teacher at the American Wizarding School known as Hawkclaws Academy. Sharp had initially been hired to teach Transfiguration but his knowledge of Potions gave him that post first when the school's Potions teacher accidentally poisoned himself to death days before the start of the first term.

Two years ago when the Hawkclaws Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher retired Julian, or JT as his friends called him, was given that teaching post and since then he had excelled in it. Nearly all his students finished with top grades and he was regarded as the best DADA teacher in the United States. So it was a fine moment for Hogwarts and its students when he agreed to participate in the foreign teacher exchange program that had been established by the Hogwarts and Hawkclaws board of governors just days before.

As JT explained to McGonagall, Hawkclaws Academy resided in the Central Regions Of Nebraska near Chimney Rock not too far from Sharp's birthplace in Oklahoma. The school, set in the wilderness and out of the view of Muggles, was well known in the wizarding world. The only differences between it and Hogwarts was that Hawkclaws was only a little less then a century old and it had three founders instead of four. Herbert Harrington, Josiah Johannsen and Elvira Everett founded the school in 1902, using their personal fortunes, to build the first witchcraft and wizardry school in western America. All were graduates of Hogwarts and had immigrated to America before the turn of the century.

Up until the creation of Hawkclaws, the only school in America was located on the outskirts of Salem, Massachusetts. That school had been in existence long before the United States had been and every year hundreds of students were turned away because there was no room for more. The three founders made a visit to that school and soon after decided that another school was needed in the western part of the United States. These days' young witches and wizards from all over the states vied for a spot in America's best wizarding school- Hawkclaws Academy.

At the school the baby faced and clean-shaven Sharp was head of Harrington House whose students had the same attributes as those in Gryfindor. So on top of his teaching skills the Hogwarts board regarded him as the perfect person to take over as head of Gryfindor House as well.

McGonagall offered him a cup of tea, which he politely accepted. He would have preferred a nice strong cuppa coffee...his beverage of choice throughout the day...but in an effort to fit into the "English way" he gracefully accepted the beverage.

"Do you have any questions for me?" asked McGonagall sincerely

"Yes, m'am I have two actually...the first is probably a silly question but it does beg to be asked. I am wondering why I am coming on board in the middle of the term and why wasn't this exchange program established before the start of the school year?"

"That's a fair question...the person you are replacing ran into a bit of a professional snag so he was unable to continue the term...that is all I really want to say about that. The important thing is that you are here and I am very pleased with that."

"Thank you, m'am," said JT who had noticed that McGonagall was a bit uncomfortable talking about the person he was replacing.

He let it go; in the whole of things it really didn't matter and there was a more important matter he needed to discuss before the meeting ended.

"You had an additional question for me?" queried McGonagall

"Well, m'am, as you know with the short notice I had to bring my nephew along"

"Yes, that was mentioned...he's thirteen isn't he?"

"Yes m'am and one of the best in the second year class at Hawkclaws...I just wanted to make sure that y'all will put him in my house if it is possible"

"Thirteen and in his second year?" questioned McGonagall

"Yes, m'am, at Hawkclaws students start the school at age 12 and finish up when they are 18 since one is an adult there at age 18 instead of 17 like in the UK...but again I would very much like it if he could be put into my house. It may make his transition easier.

"That really depends on what the sorting hat says," replied McGonagall pointing at the old hat on the shelf above her

"Sorting hat, m'am?" said Sharp confused

"Oh right..." said McGonagall catching on, "you do things differently over there. We use a magical hat to sort our students into their houses and it never fails to place a student in the house that most suits his or her character."

"Then I shouldn't worry...he was in Harrington House which I understand is similar to your Gryfindor House."

"Yes from what I read amazingly Godrick Gryfindor and Herbert Harrington had a lot of similar traits and attributes...no doubt the young man will be placed where you want him."

"Thank you m'am...he is out waiting in the coach...shall I go get him so y'all can sort him?"

"That would be fine...I will summon Filch again so you can find your way around. Mind you he is a nosy git so don't let him intimidate you...it is none of his business what you are doing here...everyone will know soon enough."

"Then my start date is tomorrow?"

"I will have Professor Collins cover the classes one more day. That way you can have a chance to settle in. You'll take over the classes Tuesday...is that acceptable?"

"Yes m'am it is...thank you...I will go fetch the boy."

Filch arrived minutes later and escorted JT Sharp back down to retrieve Hogwarts newest, and first for that matter, student from America.

After everything was sorted out and settled Sharp was taken to his new quarters, previously occupied by Harry Potter, and after unpacking fell into a deep and restful sleep. The air flight and all the excitement of the day had finally caught up with him and exhaustion set in.


Later that night, in the Gryfindor first year dorm, Nicky Lang was awakened by the sounds of moans and sobs. He sat up in his bed and parted the privacy curtains. Quietly he got up and walked towards the source of the sound- Mark Mungo-Marsh's bed. Nicky dared to peak into the curtains and it became obvious that Mark was asleep and having some sort of a dream...from the looks of it, thought Nicky, not a good one.

Nicky almost fell backwards when Mark suddenly sat up in the bed and screamed, "Get off me!"

"I didn't do anything," said Nicky in a hushed voice concerned the others may be awakened

Mark rubbed his eyes and then looked at Nicky, "No it wasn't you...it was the dream again."

"Dream? What sort of dream, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's kind of personal and scary..." Mark's voice trailed off, "I'd rather not talk about it now. Could you just come on the bed and hold me?"

"Sure mate if that will ease your mind," said Nicky with a smile, "we better use that charm."


"Yeah, the seclusion one...don't wanna get caught in the same bed...let me get my wand."

Nicky retrieved his wand and whispered "Secludio" giving the two first years complete privacy.

Mark wanted to tell someone about his dream, he knew he could trust Nicky, but he wanted to tell an adult, with more wizarding experience about it first. After a little while Mark broke away from Nicky's embrace.

"I want to go see Professor Potter, will you come with me?" asked Mark

"Tonight?" replied Nicky surprised, "it's after 11 and he may very well be asleep."

"No he told me one time that he is always up until at least midnight...will you go with me?"

"Sure let me get my kit on and we will go...better take your invisibility cloak."

"Right I heard that Filch is like a zombie...never sleeps and is always running about the castle trying to catch students...let me get it out of my trunk so the old git won't catch us."

When they both were dressed they quietly headed down the stairs to the common room. They slowly opened the portrait hole, making sure to leave it ajar so they could get back in, and then they both slipped out into the hallway. Thankfully didn't wake the snoozing fat lady; apparently she had been sipping brandy with Violet- her friend from another potrait, so she was passed out cold. Quickly they hurried down the hallway and headed towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Once there they climbed the stairs and knocked loudly on the door to the private quarters.

After a few minutes wait they heard the handle of the door moving. When the door opened they both stood there in shock and awe.

"Can I help you?" said the stranger groggily looking down at the two stunned boys

"Where's Professor Potter?" asked Nicky totally confused by the fact that a huge man, instead of Harry, was standing at the door.

"I'm sorry son but Potter no longer works here...I am Professor Sharp and I will be taking over for him. Now then, why are you two out of bed and at my door past curfew?"

The boys looked at each other and then back at the huge man at the door.

"Just had a question...nothing too important...we'll be on our way then," said Nicky quickly as he and Mark scrambled down the stairs and into the classroom

"Wait...wait!" called Sharp, "maybe I can help y'all..."

It was too late; the boys had already run out of the classroom. Sharp turned and went back inside wondering if this would be a regular occurrence at this school.

When Nicky and Mark were safely away and in the hall they stopped for a moment.

"That bloke had an American accent...who the hell is he and where is Professor Potter?" asked Nicky looking at Mark

"I haven't a clue but Coach Wood may know...let's go see him," replied Mark as he grabbed Nicky's hand to lead the way.

When they arrived at Oliver's quarters the both banged on the door loudly. A quite annoyed Wood eventually flung open the door.

"Who the hell is banging..." Wood stopped short when he saw Nicky and Mark, "what are you two doing out of bed this late and for that matter what are you doing banging on my door? Is something wrong? Someone hurt?"

"No nothing like that, sir," said Nicky

"It's just we had a bit of a shock and we need to talk to you, sir, please..." pleaded Mark opening his puppy dog eyes wide to emphasize his request

"Alright come on in and sit down," said Oliver reluctantly stepping aside and letting the two boys into his quarters

Oliver ushered the boys over to the sofa and sat down facing them. This better be important, he thought looking at the two boys, woke me up from a dead asleep, they did.

"So what seems to be the bother boys?" asked a groggy Oliver

The boys were silent; it took a minute but then Oliver realized they were just staring directly at him; their eyes fixed on his mid-section.

"Umm...sir...you are flashing us," said Nicky with a wink pointing at Oliver's lap

"Oh my...sorry bout that...you two woke me and I like to sleep in the all," said Oliver beginning to blush

Oliver's robe had parted when he sat down revealing his cock lazily lying on his balls. Both boys got a good eyeful and Mark particularly liked the pubes. He smiled to himself; he knew one of Oliver's secrets...he trimmed and obviously shaped his pubes.

Oliver quickly adjusted his robe and then got back to the real reason the boys were there, "Now then what seems to be the reason for you two banging on my door and being out of bed at this hour?"

Nicky went on to explain that they had gone to see Professor Potter. To cover for Mark he made up a tale about their being a strange ghost in the dorm and they wanted to have their head of house investigate.

"So when the door opened Professor Potter wasn't there at all," continued Nicky

"Yeah and some really tall bloke name Sharp was there...says he is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," added Mark, "where's Professor Potter and why is he gone?"

Damn, thought Oliver as he surveyed the boys, they weren't supposed to get wind of this until Tuesday.

"Listen boys, I will tell you what is going on but you have to swear to tell no one. Sam Chang is back tomorrow and as you know there is a big welcome back party planned for him. I don't want that ruined by what has happened."

"We swear to keep it to ourselves," said Mark and Nicky in unison

Satisfied that it would stay confidential Oliver went on to explain what had happened at the board of governors meeting and why Professors Potter and Longbottom were no longer at the school as teachers.

"And this all has to do with something the Daily Prophet may print?" asked Mark after Oliver finished

"I am afraid so, Mark," said Oliver with a touch of sadness in his voice, "sometimes something that seems right to some is bad for others...usually it is people that simply do not understand..."

"Like homophobes...they sacked him cause he is gay," said Nicky angrily

"No more like because he was close to Potter's Protégés...apparently that is what they intend to print...you heard about Colin Creevey last year and how he turned on Harry...er, Professor Potter?"

"Yes, Patrick Donnelly told me all about it, sir," replied Mark

"Well from what I heard there is an interview, an exclusive interview, with him that may very well destroy Potter and Longbottom if it gets into print," said Oliver in a resentful tone, "The board panicked and put them on leave to placate the parents of students who may buy into the story. So really that is the whole story...edited down a bit but as much as you need to know at the moment,"

"That is so unfair...so they have left for good then," questioned Nicky

"For now, yes, I am afraid...so the man you saw is his replacement. He will start Tuesday and no one but staff is to know until the Headmistress introduces him," said Oliver trying to wrap things up, "again please don't say a word to the other teens until it is announced Tuesday morning."

"We promised, sir, and we keep our promises," pledged Nicky

"Right then...there is the matter of you being out of bed this late. If Filch catches you there will be hell to pay and then the whole bag of worms concerning Potter and his replacement will be out of the bag. Gossip spreads like wildfire hear at Hogwarts...it was like that even when I was a student. Then there would be the gossip about why two first years were visiting me at 11 at night...in my private quarters."

"Just tell them that we were frightened and didn't want to go back to the dorms."

"Yes, I will do that but it goes deeper boys. You have to understand that the reason your little group is still in existence is because everyone is under the assumption that I am one hundred percent heterosexual. You boys, know the truth...I am bi and I prefer the company of another man to a woman but the rest of the world has no idea. That keeps you boys safe and able to continue to meet."

"But don't you hate lying, sir?" asked Nicky

"Yes, I do...but sometimes one has to fudge the truth a bit to survive and to get by. So gossip about two boys, that are part of that group, who most probably suspect being gay, hanging out with me after hours may cast too many suspicions and could ruin it for everyone...do you two understand?"

"Yes, we do...it's all about the homophobia again, isn't it? People assume rather then look at reality and facts," offered Mark

"Right that, young man, and Filch catching you coming from here would be a disaster. So with all that in mind we need another plan...you will be staying here tonight...That sofa pulls out into a bed...you two stay out here tonight...I will tell Professor Sharp that something had frightened you in the dorms and I told you to stay here for the night. I'll tell him that because it was his first night here I took over for him and sorted you two out"

"Thank you, sir," said both boys again

"Before you go back to bed, sir, I wonder if you have a quill and a spare bit of parchment?" asked Mark

"Yes...let me get it for you," said Oliver going over to his desk

He retrieved the items and then handed them to Mark.

"Sir, thank you for telling us the truth...we owe you one, "said Mark smiling at Oliver

"My pleasure boys...now off to sleep soon...it will be morning before we know it!"

Oliver headed back into his sleeping quarters, making sure to leave the door cracked so he could hear if they were not doing as they were told.

"Why do you need parchment this late, Mark...do you write a journal?"

"Naw, I just want to write my uncle a quick letter while have the thoughts in my head," replied Mark setting about to write

When he finished he read it over to himself:


Sorry it took so long to get back to you; the lessons at school and the homework keeps me busy. I have been involved with the boys in Potter's Protégés and I haven't witnessed anything odd. Sex has nothing to do with this group...it's about soccer and mates that have special scholastic needs.

I know this probably cancels our deal about the broom but that is ok. I couldn't lie to get the broom...these are good people and from talking to them all and from what I have seen none of the adults have done anything wrong with the boys...sexually that is and I assume that is what you were hoping for...maybe some dirt about the Professors sexually abusing us boys at the school?

Well that just hasn't happened and isn't happening now. That's all I can tell you.

Sorry again and I will see you soon,


After hearing what his uncle's paper did...basically getting both Professors Potter and Longbottom sacked because of some story they wanted to publish to sell papers Mark had made up his mind. Damn the broom, he thought as he folded up the letter, it aint worth squealing on Nicky and the rest of my friends.

He then joined Nicky in the bed and they cuddled close together; they both were excited by the fact that they were actually going to be able to wake up in the same bed in the morning.

After about a half hour of tossing and turning Oliver heard the obvious sounds of cocksucking in the other room. Slowly, so as not to make noise, Oliver got out of bed and peaked out the door crack. Sure enough Mark and Nicky were sixty-nining on the bed. Part of him wanted to go out and watch them but the sensible part reminded him of what Harry and Neville were going through now.

Reluctantly he crawled back into bed and put the pillow over his head in an attempt to muffle the sound. Minutes passed and he rolled over at his back looking at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep that was for sure. Not with two boys going at each other in the next room; the sounds alone were making his own cock stiff as a board.

What the hell, Oliver thought wrapping his fist around his cock, might as well get a load off since sex seems to be in the air tonight.

Oliver reached down threw the covers off, exposing his stiff dick to the cool night air in his room. Listening to the sounds in the other room he slowly stroked his man-sized cock, occasionally stopping to spread the precum around the mushroom head with his foreskin.

He could hear them clearly and he wondered if they were purposely being noisy for his benefit. He could imagine the two of them winking at each other and guessing that Coach Wood was in the other room having a wank himself. He continued to stroke slowly, not wanting to cum until he heard the two in the other room blast off.

Suddenly the sounds of sucking stopped and again, not in a whisper as one would have expected but a regular voice, Oliver heard Mark ask Nicky to fuck him. Oliver got up and listened at the door again.

"Sure but we aint got no lube, mate," said Nicky

"That's all right...have you ever eaten out ass before?"

"Eat it?" queried Nicky

"No silly," laughed Mark, "eat it out...here let me show you...get on your hands and knees and stick your ass in the air"

Oliver paused for a moment and wondered how Mark knew so much about sex at his age. He brushed it off assuming that older teens, in the group, had already given Mark and Nicky a few lessons. Oliver heard movement on the bed, which indicated Nicky was doing what he was told. When the shuffling around stopped Oliver heard Mark again.

"Ok see how you like this," said Mark as he spread Nicky's hairless ass exposing a tight pink hole.

Mark licked around the outside and the finally sent his tongue to the target.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Nicky perhaps too loudly

"Shhh! You'll wake the coach...like that, do ya?"

Oliver was sure Mark had said that for effect; he didn't whisper to Nicky...again he did it in full voice.

"Yes...oh damn Mark...that feels really good, mate," exclaimed Nicky

Oliver stood at the door, feeling like a perv but unable to take his eyes off the area where the two boys were making love. When they moved around on the bed Oliver was able to catch a glimpse of them. In time they switched places, sadly getting out of Oliver's sight again, but Oliver could still hear the soft moans of Mark Mungo-Marsh. Apparently Nicky was giving Mark's hole a wet tongue-lashing.

I'll have to move that furniture around a bit, thought Oliver squeezing his balls as he listened on.

Voices again.

"That should be enough spit, mate," said Mark moving about on the bed again

Oliver peaked out the crack in the door again and he could see Mark's upper body. Apparently he was sitting down on Nicky. Slowly at first but then faster Oliver watched as Mark's body bounced up and down. Faster and faster he went; the room filled with the sound of Nicky's groin slapping against Mark's ass and moans of pleasure from both boys.

Lost in their lovemaking the boys apparently unconcerned with Oliver being in the other room. The voices got louder as did the moans. Soon Oliver heard Mark telling Nicky to fuck him harder and faster because he was ready to cum. Oliver increased the speed of his strokes as well and then heard Mark screaming, "I'm cumming...shoot yours up my ass when I cum..."

Grunts and moans associated with the powerful orgasms that were happening in the other room filled Oliver's ears and he too started to shoot his load all over his bedroom door. Forgetting he wasn't alone he let out a much too loud moan and grunt as well. Quickly he realized what he had done; he had just given himself away. He stood still for a moment, only hearing the sound of a kiss...then more seconds of silence.

The silence was broken when he heard Mark call out, "Goodnight Coach Wood...sweet dreams!"

That was followed by boyish giggles; they had gotten Oliver's attention and they knew it. In fact Mark, out of the corner of his eye, had seen Wood's nose poking through the cracked open door. When he had seen that he bent over and told Nicky and the two of them decided to get louder and put on a show...a reward for Oliver since he told them the truth!

"From the sound that came from his bedroom it seems he enjoyed our performance, eh?" whispered Mark in Nicky's ear

"I know I did," smiled Nicky pulling Mark closer

Feeling like a fool Oliver blushed and said nothing.

Sneaky little bastards, he thought as he climbed back in bed after a clean up of the door and every place else his load went, seems like it's us adults that need protecting from the kids rather then vice-versa. He was tempted to be mad and scold them for cockteasing but then decided to let it go as sleep fell over him for the second time that night.

Chapter 17- The Love Shack

He was in a strange room, decorated lavishly and lit with a multitude of candles. He was lying on a huge four-poster bed that felt like air; soft, yet firm enough to hold his weight. Music was playing from afar and his body tingled all over. Hands were moving all over his body; caressing his chest, his stomach, his face and his legs. It seemed as if there were thousands of hands massaging him into ecstasy. The room began to spin, changing colors and textures, and then settled still.

His cock strained against the tight jock strap that his lover's made him wear. His arms and hands were free and he was gripping on to two hard cocks. He turned his head to the right and watched Harry Potter play with the light brown pubes that were peaking out of the jock strap. He turned his head the other way and looked at Neville Longbottom as he loving played with the jock strap's straining bulge.

The room spun again; colors flashing by like Fourth of July fireworks. Then, as the room stopped spinning again, he felt the hands move up his thighs. It one felt swoop the hands removed the jock strap setting his extremely erect penis free causing it to slap on his lower belly. The hands were now on his balls and on his cock, sending waves of pleasure through him. One of the hands squeezed his balls tightly...too tightly...almost painfully...oddly the pain somehow felt good to him.

His eyes shut as he felt the telltale signs of a warm mouth engulfing his rigid cock. His right hand was still on Neville's huge boner so it must be Potter giving him the slow, yet pleasing, blowjob. Deeper and deeper the cock went into the mouth. He could feel his balls drawing up in anticipation of an orgasm. Better warn him, he thought, not sure if he will take my load...

He opened his eyes...

Out of his dream and back into the real world it took a moment for Oliver to realize what was going on. What he had been feeling was more then a dream. He looked from side to side and bolted up to a sitting position on his bed...horrified by what he saw.

"What the hell do you two think you are doing?" screamed Oliver

"Just waking you up, sir, thought we would wake you in a special way...to say thank you...again," said Mark sheepishly wiping saliva and precum from his lips

"Well right...while I appreciate the gesture...this is wrong...this just can't...you two can't be here with me like this...what if someone had come around? The Headmistress has the keys to all the private quarters you know!"

Mark and Nicky looked down...they were unaware of that. They had both awakened before Wood and decided, as a further reward, they would crawl in bed with him and give him a wake up he would never forget. Both boys were now out of the bed; boxers back on hiding their still semi-hard cocks.

"It's not that I am mad at you two...it's just that we all have to be careful now. Sex needs to be between you boys when I am not around...no more shows like last night for anyone...and no more surprises like this...it's against the law and we have to be wary of that these days...understand?"

"Yes, sir, we understand," said Nick solemnly

"But you didn't break the law. sir...we both chose on our own to come in here and I chose, on my own to suck on you...cause...well...you really do have a beautiful cock, sir."

"Be that as it may," said Oliver blushing again, "the law doesn't care about what you choose...I would be the one to blame refardless and sent off to Azkaban."

"Ok, sir...I got the point...we boys have no right to choose what we do with our bodies or the bodies of others...sorry about all this..." said Mark truly sorry

"Let it go Mark; harping on the twisted and sad reality that is the law won't help matters. Besides we need to create your alibi for being away from the dorm last night...that is most important at the moment."

"Ah yes, I forget about that as well. I guess Nicky and I were so happy being together last night that we didn't want the fantasy to end," said Mark leaning over to give Nicky a kiss on the cheek

"Understandable indeed...but right now you two hurry and get into your soccer kits...I will meet you in a few minutes...we will get on the field so it looks like you two came round this morning, early, for some extra practice. If we are lucky no one will have noticed you sneaked out last night and I won't have to lie to Professor Sharp."

Both boys hurried out towards the locker room and changed quickly. Oliver met them there and they headed out for the pitch.


Neville stared lovingly at Harry as he snored lightly. He loved the peaceful look on Harry's face. Luckily, thought Neville, he must be having a good dream for a change. He surveyed up and down Harry's naked body and was impressed with how masculine he was. This was really the first time Neville had been able to take his time looking over Harry's body. Every intricate detail was noticed...from the way the sparse bit of chest hair formed a triangle to the little birthmark that lived on the head of Harry's cock, which was laying on his right thigh half hard and twitching from time to time, Neville was amazed at how Harry had matured into a beautiful, sexy man. What a difference it was from the first time Neville had seen Harry naked.

Neville laid back down and closed his eyes as he remembered back to their second year in Hogwarts. Neville was shy back then; things hadn't grown yet and while it seemed like his other mates were starting puberty he had missed the bus. So he never would allow himself to shower alone for fear of being looked at as immature or less than. It was bad enough being teased, non-stop, about being hoisted up on the chandelier by the damn Pixies Professor Lockheart had set out. The last thing he needed was for the others to notice that he still had a nine-year-old looking dick in a twelve-year-old's body.

One day Neville had finished up a shower and was toweling himself off. Oblivious to everything except his hurried drying he failed to hear someone come in. He was toweling his hair dry when he heard a voice say, "hiya Neville!"

It was Harry Potter, completely naked and smiling at him. Neville stood frozen for a minute with his towel effectively covering part of his head. Eyes wide he looked at Harry unable to speak. His eyes, almost automatically, darted towards Harry's crotch. As he inventoried his friend he noticed that Harry's balls were starting to hang low and that his dick was pretty thick for a boy his age. Harry also had a small circle of dark brown pubes surrounding his package...something Neville wouldn't get for at least another year and a half.

Suddenly aware that his quite small and hairless groin was exposed for Harry's perusal, Neville quickly flung the towel around his waist and ran past Harry.

"Something, I said?" questioned Harry to no one in particular as he stepped under the spray

Time certainly had changed things, thought Neville feeling his cock swell a bit. Harry had literally become "hairy" Potter and Neville's body experienced puberty to the max, transforming his once small penis into the nine, sometimes nine and a half inch, thick piece of uncut meat that he was no longer ashamed to display if anyone wanted to see it.

Harry stirred in his sleep and turned over opening his eyes. He noticed Neville staring at him and smiled.

"Have a good sleep then?" said Harry stretching and then reaching out to pull Neville close

"Very restful I must say...and you?"

"Slept like a baby...not a care in the world...almost seems a shame to be awake," said Harry sadly

"Yes, I know the feeling but deal with life we must. Let me go see if Ron has any coffee; I need something to wake me up," said Neville climbing out of the bed

Harry watched as Neville's full and firm naked ass walked away from him. Indeed he had slept peacefully; there was something comforting about knowing that Neville was close by his side. Harry continued to relax as he heard Neville looking through Ron's kitchen. After a bit all was quiet again and soon Neville was coming back into the bedroom.

"No coffee I am afraid, Harry, but I did find this...have a look," said Neville handing Harry a copy of the Daily Prophet

"It's not about us is it?" asked Harry without looking at the paper

"No, it's about Draco Malfoy....it's a paper from a few days ago"

Curious Harry opened the paper and read the banner headline:


Harry proceeded to read the first bit of the story aloud to Neville:

Geraldine Shaw, a long time resident of Manchester, swore to Ministry officials yesterday that she had seen the presumed dead, former Death Eater, Draco Malfoy running through her suburban garden. While uncertain as to why he would have been running through her property she said she definitely recognized his face.

"I was in school with that git and I would know him anywhere...gave some of the boys in my house, Ravenclaw, a real hard time one year!"

Harry stopped reading and looked at Neville.

"This woman is daft," said Harry putting down the paper, "how do they find lunatics like this? They seek them out to print such rubbish to sell this paper?"

"So you think she was mistaken?" asked Neville

"Of course she was...must have been a prowler that looked like Malfoy. I saw him blown to bits...there is no way he would have survived and lived to trample through this woman's garden. I remember her...she was a big gossip in Ravenclaw...never seemed to get the gossip right, though"

"I believe you before I believe the Daily Prophet, Harry"

"Well that's good to know...enough of this nonsense," said Harry tossing the paper and jumping out of the bed, "let's go have a shower and maybe I can wake you up in there!"

Neville readily agreed and allowed Harry to take him by the hand and into the shower.


After classes and dinner, Ollie's Boys, as they called themselves these days, were all anxiously sitting around the changing room. Lonnie had told Sam that there would be a practice of the soccer team tonight and that the rest of the guys wanted him to at least come down and watch. They had no intention of playing soccer...a big banner graced the far wall of the changing room that read:


Ian Isley came running in waving his arms and shouting, "Their coming...they will be here in minutes!"

Oliver switched off all but one of the lights as the boys waited patiently in the dimly lit room. They heard the door squeak open and then footsteps.

"Why is it all dark?" asked Sam

"I dunno," said Lonnie Livingston shrugging his shoulders, " I was certain there was a practice tonight."

That was everyone's cue; the lights switched on and Sam was nearly blown off his feet when a loud cry of "surprise!" echoed throughout the changing room. A stunned Sam Chang allowed his eyes to adjust to the bright light. As they did tears filled his eyes as he saw the banner and the smiling faces of the friends he had missed so much.

Music and laughter filled the air as everyone celebrated the return of Sam Chang, who had been temporarily paralyzed the year before. Now with the aid of a cane he miraculously was able to walk again.

"So how does it feel to be back at school?" asked Stevie Millsack

"Feels great to be back with you all, but what sucks is having to get up at the crack of dawn again. With the home tutor I could sleep until late in the morning," replied Sam with a grin

The boys filled in Sam about everything that had happened at the end of last year and how Coach Wood ended up being their advisor instead of Professor's Potter and Longbottom. When the ministry had gone to question Sam they didn't give him all the details. They had just asked if he had witnessed any "unnatural sexual behavior" between the Professors and the other teens that called themselves Potter's Protégés. Of course Sam denied everything and just said they had a fun holiday on the beach and that he was unaware that the other side of the island housed a nudist resort.

Satisfied with his testimony the Ministry left him alone and he was pretty much in the dark until his classmates filled in the missing pieces.

"Where is Professor Potter?" asked Sam looking at Oliver

"Oh right, well I saw him earlier...said he had a horrible migraine headache so he is having a lay down. He sends his best and said he will see you soon, Sam," answered Oliver thinking quick on his feet

That seemed to satisfy all the teens and they carried on unaware that both Harry and Neville had left the castle and were no longer their teachers. None seemed too concerned about the absence of Neville and Harry. They were too immersed in their own get together and the surprise they were planning for Sam Chang and Lonnie Livingston.

Towards the end of the party Oliver took his leave from the boys so they could spring their surprise on Sam and his boyfriend Lonnie. Patrick and Alan led Sam and Lonnie out of the changing room and outside. They seemed to be heading towards the lake and the "love shack" as the boys affectionately named it.

"Why are we heading down here and away from the party?" asked Lonnie who was also in the dark about this particular surprise

"Just because..." said Patrick winking and stopping at that

It was slow going since Sam couldn't move fast with the cane. Finally after ten minutes they arrived outside the shack.

"OK I want you two to close your eyes...really tight so you can't see a thing," ordered Alan

Sam and Lonnie looked at each other, then giggled and finally did what they were told. As they stood there with their eyes shut they heard Patrick mutter the charm that repelled others away from the lake and the shack.

"What are you playing at, you two?" asked Lonnie with his eyes still closed, "fancy a four-way fuck?"

"Not tonight," said Patrick simply placing his hands on Lonnie's shoulders

Alan got behind Sam and did the same.

"Ok now walk forward...we will guide you two," instructed Patrick

They helped the two boys enter the shack and when they all were standing inside Patrick and Alan moved back from them.

"Open your eyes, boys," said Alan grinning

Sam and Lonnie opened their eyes and couldn't believe what they were seeing. The once desolate and musty shack had been transformed into a well-appointed bedroom complete with a four-poster bed. Soft music was playing and it seemed as if sweet incense had filled the room. The lighting was dim, yet romantic. Two heart-shaped pillows graced the double bed and a bucket of Butterbeer on ice was on the table next to the bed. It was almost as if the shack had been turned into a romantic hotel room at some distant destination.

"We thought that you two would like a bit of getting reacquainted time alone," said Patrick with a grin, " and the Coach helped us create this...mind you clean up any messes...we don't want to leave the shack in a mess!"

"And mind the time...you have an hour and a half until curfew so you lovebirds should get at it and we will take our leave, " said Alan opening the shack door

"Thank you this is just so sweet you guys...thank everyone and thank..."

Patrick cut Sam off, "Like Alan said...time is of the essence...thank us all later...go on now...go make up for your lost time and we will see you in a bit."

Lonnie and Sam beamed at the other two teens; this was totally unexpected but wonderful all the same. One by one Alan, then Patrick gave Sam and Lonnie a parting hug until Sam and Lonnie found themselves alone.

"Wow, I can't believe they arranged all this!" said Sam now on the bed cuddling Lonnie

"I know, they didn't clue me in either...this is great Sam because I do love you and I missed you terribly" smiled Lonnie moving in to plant a kiss on Sam's lips, "I was hoping we would have some time alone tonight."

When he came up for air he moved down to unbuckle Sam's belt. Once he got Sam undressed he quickly stripped his clothes off and with his hardon leading the way he rejoined Sam on the bed.

Lonnie laid his head on Sam's lap, noticing that his pubes had really begun to fill in nicely. Since he had been gone his circle had changed to a bushy triangle. Lonnie ran his fingers through the incredibly soft black pubic hair.

"I've missed this...I have missed this a lot," said Sam as he felt his cock hardening

"So have I Sam...I missed not doing it with you!"

Lonnie licked the head of Sam's cock and pulled back the foreskin. Opening his mouth he took the penis of the boy he loved the most at school into his mouth. There was no more talking for the next hour; only the sounds of lovemaking would have been heard in the "love shack"

As they heard the talking stop and were confident that Sam and Lonnie had indeed began their lovemaking, Alan and Patrick turned to start heading back towards the castle.

"Nothing like young love, eh?" smiled Patrick looking at Alan

"Yep, mate, nothing quite like it at all," replied Alan putting his arm around Patrick

As they left the shack they failed to notice the fact that a pair of deep blues eyes were peering out amongst the trees of the forest that lined that banks of the lake.


CHEERS! -----------


1st year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh

3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 7

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