Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Jun 15, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

Not a lot of feedback on part three...are you all liking the story thus far? This is turning out to be a hard one (no pun intended) to write...the next three chapters should set up the main conflict in the story...Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Four

Chapter 10- Give and Take

Frederick sat behind his desk stone faced as he read the rough draft of Janet's "exclusive" story. It was so hard to get a read on what that man thinks, thought Janet as she desperately searched the face of her Editor for a clue as to how he liked the piece.

Frederick noticed her squirming in her chair and he loved it. He loved playing the game with his reporters...keep them guessing was his motto...that way he would never be regarded as a pushover. As he read the article he had to admit that the cub reporter had done a stellar job. She had delivered more then he had expected and without the help of Andy Anderson. He briefly stopped reading and looked up at Janet; just a quick look making sure he didn't give away the fact that he loved her exclusive piece.

He read on:

"With Creevey's trial indefinitely suspended it has been difficult to find out exactly what went on but some important revelations have clearly come to light. Some may be written off as the babbling of a mad man, namely Colin Creevey, but when the pieces are put together, the information our anonymous source uncovered may actually be the truth.

One of the most important revelations was the fact that Harry Potter and Minister of Magic Arthur Weasley's son, Ronald, are actually romantically involved. That in it self may be a shock to some, but that isn't against the law. What is suspect is the interaction between Potter and the group that called themselves `Potter's Protégés'.

According to our insider, who had the at length conversation with Colin Creevey, it appears that several instances of inappropriate, and daresay, illegal sexual activity occurred between the adults and the students on the private stretch of tropical island that Harry Potter purchased four years ago.

Ministry officials refused to comment on an ongoing investigation, but an anonymous member of the Hogwarts Board of Governors did say that they would review the case again and more then likely, if what we have uncovered actually `turns out to be the horrid truth', both Potter and Longbottom would be removed from the school to protect the children..."

"You actually talked with one of the Board of Governors?" asked Frederick finally speaking to Janet

"Yes, sir, I made a tentative deal with her...she said I could use her quote anonymously if we turned over the edited comments by Creevey to the board."

"That crosses some serious boundaries Janet"

"I know, but I can edit it so our source's voice is off the recording; his anonymity will be protected."

"Well I have to say I am impressed with this piece and the information you obtained. Yes, give her the edited version of the tape...but I must ask what else is she going to do for us? You must stipulate that she agree to only talk to us...no surprise exclusives in The Quibbler...and that she must personally give you updates on what the board decides since this is your scoop."

"You mean I can have this in print on my own, sir?" asked Janet becoming overjoyed

"Yes, that is what I mean...you have done a fine job and it's time you get one of your own pieces on the front page young lady. But we need to wait for a few more days to run it...you will understand why the next time we speak...get in touch with that board member and tell her she will receive the edited tape when we run this exclusive...not before...that way The Quibbler can't scoop us."

"Agreed, sir...is there anything else you want me to do?"

"Yes, send in Anderson...I need to let him know that your internship is over and that you are not shadowing him anymore."

Janet beamed; it had worked and this story indeed was the jumpstart her career needed. Before she got too lost in her revelry she remembered the thousand galleons that she would have to collect for her brother.

"Oh thank you, sir, your trust in me means a lot," smiled Janet, "I do have one more question concerning the anonymous source...remember you said that for a good scoop you would pay the source a thousand galleon bonus?"

"Ah yes, the day the story runs I will get you a check, dear, so tell the source not to worry. And you can look for a significant raise in pay in your paycheck next week as well since you are now officially one of our staff investigative reporters! Job well done, Janet...now, my dear, please send in Anderson if you will!

Frederick watched as Janet nearly floated on air and went to get Anderson. She did deserve a promotion; the information on that recording was really good and the story will certainly blow The Quibbler out of the water. The only thing that would hold up the story would be Mark Mungo. Frederick hoped that Mark would contact him soon with some first hand information. It was great that Janet had Creevey on tape but many may discount what he said as madness or drug induced lies. But a report from an anonymous Hogwarts student, in sound mind and body, would add total credibility to what Janet's source had recorded Creevey saying.

Frederick made a mental note to send young Mark and owl if he didn't hear from him in a day or two. He sat back in his chair and smiled to himself as Anderson entered his office.

~ Oliver studied Neville's face; he had never seen him this angry...hell, he never realized that Longbottom had an anger in him at all...he was always a pushover when they were in school. Oliver wanted to yell at Neville as well, he wanted to defend himself but he waited until the lecture was done with.

"...And given the fact that both Harry and I may end up in Azkaban because of what Creevey is saying about the boy's you would think you would have been more careful. Yes, I am hurt; anyone would be hurt if they caught their new boyfriend getting serviced by two younger and cuter teens, but it goes beyond that. The fact that I caught you doing stuff behind my back bothers me but what bothers me most is that you may be setting yourself up for the same fate Harry and I may have to face."

Oliver considered this; Neville was right in many ways and Oliver's indignation softened as he listened on.

"Believe me I know, from first hand experience that those teens, especially ones like the twins can be the seducers. Certainly I know that 15-year-old hormonally challenged teens will take any sexual opportunity that comes their way. It doesn't matter if they are gay or straight...in fact remember when we were students and nearly every straight teen we knew would have given his left nut to sleep with Madame Rosmarta? That was all the boys could talk about after trips to Hogsmead and I am sure a few actually did manage to shag with her...but to the world that would somehow be more acceptable...boys being boys you know...then two 15-year-old twins sucking your dick Oliver...do you see what I mean?"

"Yes, I do but you have to understand, Neville, that it was beyond my control. They were telling me how they sorted out Nicky Lang and I got lost in their story and didn't even think about the fact that may notice me getting hard in my shorts. They pounced on me like cats on a mouse and before I knew it they had my cock out and they were all over me."

"But the thing is," said Neville with a little less anger, "that you have to do what Harry and I failed to do. You have to set boundaries with the boys. We all thought that we were doing the right thing by not putting limits or conditions on the boy's sexual encounters. We had hoped that it would afford them something we didn't have in our childhood...but we didn't think it through Oliver. Despite our best intensions, the law says it is taboo. Add to that the homophobia and the fact that most people either think teens are turned gay or are forced to do what they do and you come up against a no win situation."

"I understand Neville, but what could I have done?"

"Got up...leave the room...told them no...something Oliver...come to me and let me take care of the boner you got...something Oliver...because now it will be hard to set boundaries with the teens. Harry and I should have done that from the start but we failed and as a result the teens themselves may be the ones hurt. Not because of anything that went on during the island trips but because some may be outed and hurt by the homophobia that will be kicked up when and if The Daily Prophet prints more rubbish."

"Ok I got it...I just have to say no to the teens and set boundaries if I can...but what about us? I don't want to lose you Neville..."

Neville paused for a moment and thought about what Oliver had just said.

"I don't know Ollie...I have to think about it. I have barely healed from the pain Creevey caused me and I am not sure that I really want to set myself up for more disappointments. You and me being together...given what may happen in the near future may not be the best idea...for either of us. I don't know...you have to give me time to think clearly about us and well...everything, ok?"

"Alright, that seems fair; painful for me because I truly do care about you but fair to you. But know this Neville...I didn't let that happen to hurt you...it just happened..."

"I know, but sadly that is the problem...when you don't set boundaries....eventually someone always gets hurt."

Oliver knew that Neville was right so he decided to give him a bit of time. Oliver went over to Neville and gave him a hug and a kiss which Neville reluctantly accepted and then headed back to his quarters feeling sadder then he had ever felt in his young life.

Chapter 11- In The Loo

It was a given fact that most Hogwarts students considered the History of Magic class the most tedious and boring in the whole of the school. The history was interesting but the old ghost, Professor Binns, was as an absolute bore. Thankfully for the first years, since Binns was particularly boring today, this was their last class of the day.

Mark Mungo-Marsh kept looking at his watch; there was five minutes left to the class and he had to pee really badly. He couldn't ask to be excused so late in the class so he waited. Five minutes seemed like five hours as he tried to think of anything and everything except his quite full bladder. Finally the class bell rang and he managed to run past the slow moving students leaving the class. He made a beeline to the boy's bathroom that was conveniently three doors down the hall.

Nicky Lang also had to pee, although he wasn't suffering as much as Mark was. He too made a stop in the boy's loo. Nicky liked this bathroom; unlike some of the others it had a peeing trough. Most of the other's had individual stalls. In this one, if he was lucky, he could get a good look at some of his mates if they were in there having a pee when he was.

When he came into the loo he saw one of his first year classmates at the trough. It was, of course, Mark Mungo-Marsh and Nicky quickly opted to join him at the trough.

"I thought that class would never end," said Nicky whipping out his soft cock, "I've had to go for the last fifteen minutes."

"Ya me too," smiled Mark as his piss hit the trough

Using his peripheral vision, Nicky noticed that Mark's dick was half hard. Must get piss hardons, thought Nicky as his urine began to flow. As it dissipated he held on to his lengthening cock. Both boy's had obviously finished peeing; the problem for them both was that they were now stuck with almost totally hard boners in their hands.

Mark noticed Nicky gazing down at his stiff dick.

"Damn thing has a mind of it's own," laughed Mark shaking his dick a couple of times, "especially when I have to pee really bad. Then it won't go down until I cum."

"Same with mine," lied Nicky shaking his hardon. It wasn't the full bladder that made him bone; it was the sight of the extremely cute and sexy Mark Mungo-Marsh standing there hard as a rock that made Nicky's cock expand to its full length.

"They should have a private place at Hogwarts for when this happens during the day," joked Mark, "like an emergency wank room seeing as how people our age can get a boner if the wind blows on it!"

"Agreed, that would be nice but there are other options" chortled Nicky

"Other options?" asked Mark clearly looking at Nicky's dick instead of looking at his face

"Yeah for certain students there is a place but you have to like certain things."

Mark caught on quick," Oh you mean it is for boy's who like having sex with other boys?"

"Yes...but..." hesitated Nicky who wasn't sure if Mark was a straight boy with a pee hardon or a boy like him, "I guess you wouldn't be into that."

"Maybe...maybe not," said Mark as he reached over to take hold of Nicky's cock, "today it would be a yes cause obviously we both need to get these down before dinner."

"Umm..ok...well," stuttered Nicky taken aback by Mark's boldness, "let me go find someone...I have to ask one of the older guys if I can show you the place...you are in Slytherin, Mark?"

"Yes, that's my house"

"OK I will go talk to a Slytherin I know that knows about the place. Meet me down by the lake in fifteen minutes...ok?"

"Alright, meet you there then mate," said Mark tucking in his cock

The boys zipped up as best they could and then left the loo. Mark was thinking about one thing when he headed towards the lake...the new Nimbus 2008...this may be an inroad to that PP group and that would please his "uncle" Freddie. It sure sounded like Nicky was talking about Potter's Protégés and if it was Mark would make sure he would be invited to join so he could let his uncle know what went on at the meetings.

He arrived at the lakeside and waited impatiently for Nicky Lang.

Meanwhile Nicky went to find Patrick Donnelly, the redhead boy who was the only Slytherin in the PP group. When he ran into Patrick he explained what had happened in the loo and that he may have found another potential PP member that he told to wait down by the lake. Patrick readily agreed to go with Nicky to sort out the new boy since he was in his house and because he knew who Mark was and wanted a taste of him if it was possible. For a first year, Mark was a looker and it didn't escape Patrick's notice at the start of the year. They both assumed that Mark would be more comfortable having someone from his own house there.

When Patrick and Nicky arrived at the lakeside they met up with Mark. Lucky for all three that no one else seemed to be around; most everyone else was in the dorms preparing for dinner.

"Well hiya Mark," said Patrick with a big smile

"Hey Patrick...I didn't know you knew Nicky"

"Ya, we are acquainted...I hear you have been having a hard day today," said Patrick pointing to Mark's crotch

"Well not the whole day, just the last half hour," replied a surprised Mark

"Why don't we all go in the shack and talk, it's a bit more private," suggested Patrick leading the way

When Mark and Nicky were in the shack, Patrick cast the charm the repelled all but PP members from the shack and stepped in.

"Ok this is better, so this is our secret place Mark. I put a charm on it so no one will come near so you two can finish what you started in the loo. I am gonna keep watch, if that's ok with you two?"

It was fine with them both; Patrick was a fine looking guy and both boy's individually hoped that Patrick would do more then watch. They wasted no time and soon both first years had their pants around their ankles and each other's cocks in their hands. Patrick pulled out his long and hard cock as well giving the two boys an eyeful. Both were fascinated with the red pubes; neither had ever seen a redhead naked, from the waist down, before.

Patrick moved closer to give them a better look and soon both boys' were all over Patrick Donnelly. Like a porno director Patrick easily was able to tell the two first years what he wanted them to do to him and to each other. He was surprised that both of the boy's especially Mark, seemed to be more experienced then there ages would suggest.

"Oh man, Mark...that feels wicked," sighed Patrick as Mark deep throated his oversized cock

Mark just moaned his thank you; his mouth was full and Nicky's mouth was on his boner creating electric sensations that coursed through his body.

"Do you two want to feel something really wicked?" asked Patrick pulling his cock out of Mark's mouth

"Sure, why not?" answered Mark.

"Cool...both of you get up on your hands and knees and stick your butts in the air."

Both Mark and Nicky complied and Patrick was blessed with the view of two perfectly smooth asses. First he started with Mark, who was on the left. He spread the boy's asscheeks and inspected his hole. Perfect, thought Patrick as he stuck his tongue into the tight and quivering butthole.

Mark moaned loudly and pushed his ass against Patrick's face. After a minute or two Patrick did the same thing to Nicky's pink little hole and sent the young boy into absolute ecstasy. Patrick then moved back and forth between the two butts; his own cock dripping copious amounts of precum onto the shack's dusty floor.

"Do you think you could stick something bigger in my hole?" asked Mark breathlessly

Patrick came up from Mark's ass quite surprised, " You seriously want me to fuck you? As you can see I am not that small you know."

"Yes, I can take it so long as we have lube," said Mark convincingly

"Alright then...you stay like that and Nicky why don't you feed Mark some cock?"

Patrick got out the lube and generously greased up Mark's hole. When it was nice and slippery Patrick rubbed the head of his swelled cock on Mark's hole. The boy pushed back on it and it entered Mark's ass. Mark let out a little yelp but continued to push back until nearly the whole length of Patrick's cock was buried in his tight boy butt.

"Ok mate...fuck me...fuck me hard...please..." Mark said breathlessly and then went back to sucking on Nicky Lang

Not one to let opportunity pass by Patrick started long-dicking Mark's hole; his balls slapping against the back of Marks supple ass cheeks. After a few minutes of ass pounding Patrick had Mark lay on his back and fucked him in that position. Patrick had Nicky sit on Mark's face. So while Patrick was fucking Mark and Mark was tongue fucking Nicky's hole Patrick was able to suck Nicky.

In no time all three boys were ready to cum. Mark was first, shooting a puddle on his belly as Patrick's dick stimulated his prostate. The sight of that made Patrick explode...he quickly pulled out of Mark and shot his load all over both boys. Last to go was Nicky; he ground his ass into Mark's face as his hand pumped with a vengeance on his pulsating dick. Soon his cum was mingling with Mark and Patrick's and all the boys collapsed into a heap.

"How would you like to be part of our little group, Mark?" asked Patrick when they all had caught their breath

"Little group?" asked Mark...playing dumb for effect

"Yeah we have soccer matches and...other fun mate...so do you or don't you?"

"Of course I do," said Mark with a smile, " especially if the fun is like this."

"Ok the, but I have to get permission from the coach..." said Patrick

"Coach Wood?"

"Yeah he is our advisor, but I am sure he will say yes."

"Do you do things like this with Coach Wood?" asked Mark fishing for dirt

"Naw, it's just between us boys" lied Patrick

"Alright then, ask him...we better get back don't you think?"

"Yeah, we better before we miss dinner completely," piped in Nicky

They all headed back to the castle. On the way back Mark separated from Patrick and Nicky and headed straight for the Owlery. Once there he found a spare bit of parchment and penned a quick note to his uncle Freddie:

---------- Good news. I met two of the Potter's Protégés and they invited me to join up. I will send you more details when I get them...probably in a few days...I hope this pleases you, sir.


Mark selected an owl and sent it on his way with the parchment tied to it's leg. As he watched the bird fly away he imagined himself soaring on his new Nimbus 2008. Not only would he get a new broom, he may get all the sex he wanted to boot. After a few more minutes of dreaming he headed back to the castle and the dinner that was just about to be served.

Chapter 12- Ollie's Boys

Two days after Mark Mungo-Marsh had infiltrated the group an emergency meeting, just between the boys, was held at the "loveshack". This wasn't a fun or recreational meeting. This was, sadly, a meeting that called for action against some very evil fellow students.

Earlier in the day Michael O'Toole had come running to seventh year student Earl Craig with tear stained cheeks and red eyes. The group members attentively listened as Michael explained what had happened.

"I was on my way to Potions class and walking in that long stretch of dark hallway going towards the dungeon. All of a sudden two boys, that were obviously older and bigger then me, came out of the shadows. They started pushing me around and then one grabbed hold of me and led me into a storage closet."

Michael paused to take a breath; the memory of the trauma still a bit overwhelming

"So they get me in there and they say, `we know who and what you are...you are part of that fag group now...you are one of Ollie's boys aint ya?' and one reached down and squeezed my balls until they hurt. The other guy told me that unless I did everything they told me to do they would either beat my ass or out me to the whole school."

"Who were these bastards?' interjected a quite angry Alan Keyes

"I don't know really, I didn't recognize their voices and they had masks on...so anyhow I didn't want to be beaten to death since I was outnumbered so I had to do...at least initially...what they wanted. They made me get on my knees and they both hauled out their cocks. They forced my head down on each of them nearly choking me to death. After a while it wasn't too bad and I coped with it. I figured that the quicker I made them cum the quicker I could get away. But then they wanted more..."

"Let me guess, one of these homophobic gits, wanted your bum?" asked Ian Isley

"Yes, but I have never done that. Clearly they didn't have lube or anything so I wasn't about to get butt fucked dry. In a split second I made up my mind to get out. As I was sucking one of them I carefully got both by hands into position. I reached out and twisted the crap out of their balls. Both of them yelled in severe pain and I made my escape."

"And you have no idea who these people are?" asked Alan

"Nope...I just know they were dirty gits cause it smelled and tasted like they hadn't showered for days."

All the teens feigned sickness; imagining having to go down on two smelly cocks.

"Well I think this has happened for a reason," said Patrick thoughtfully, "I think it is time to be a bit more secretive and careful. I had a talk with Coach Wood earlier today and he said as much...in fact he wants us to do something for him."

Patrick had indeed been pulled aside, after class that day, and asked to talk one on one in Oliver's office. Oliver explained what had happened with the twins and how Neville had caught him. Oliver said that while he didn't blame the twins he expected the older teens to help him set boundaries with the younger boys. There could be no more indiscretions between coach and students. The only thing Patrick didn't tell the group was the nature of the indiscretions. Patrick had spoken privately to the Isley twins before the meeting.

Oliver had asked that there be no public admission, especially with four new members, that anything sexual went on between Coach Wood and the twins. The twins promised Patrick that they would not speak of it and Patrick had promised Oliver that he would do the same.

"So what we all have to agree on is that we don't put Coach Wood into any compromising positions...from now on showers will be for clean ups after practice and that's all. If we have sex...and I know we all will as much as possible...we have to agree to do it without any teachers around...we don't want him screwed like last year's advisors may be. We all know that we were the ones who initiated most all of that and seduced the adults, yet they will take all the blame. So do we all agree that we will not let that happen again?"

It was put to a vote and the group unanimously decided to be more careful.

"Now on the issue of the apparent homophobic rapists that tried to get Michael we need a plan," said Patrick, "anyone have an idea?"

"I got one," said Lonnie Livingston raising his hand, "luckily my uncle had bought me my own Sneakcam...perhaps we could set these gits up...then unmask them and secretly film them. Then we would have them in our control."

"Brilliant Lonnie...then the question remains...how...but I have an idea about that," offered Patrick, "first of all we should walk about in pairs at the very least...that way we can't be overpowered like Michael was. Secondly we will set a trap; no doubt those two will be looking to get revenge on Michael so a few of us seventh years will sneak down there before you go by Michael. When is your next Potions class?"

"It's on Friday...two days from now."

"Right and it is your second to last class of the day?"

"Yes it is...at least on Fridays."

Excellent...we seventh years have a free period then so we can definitely get there. We just need to get Lonnie out of class early and you need to bring the invisibility cloak Lonnie."

"Will do, I still have that as well."

"Ok then it's agreed then?"

The group all agreed in unison obce again.

"One more thing before we go...happier news indeed. Coach Wood told me that Sam Chang will be back at school Monday!"

They all cheered and then the meeting adjourned. They teens split up being careful to walk in pairs. Since Patrick and Mark were in the same house they walked back to the Slytherin Common room together. When they arrived one of their housemates called to Mark.

"Hey Marsh...an owl came for you...where you been?"

"We just had a bit of a run around the Quidditch field," quickly lied Patrick to save Mark from thinking of an explanation.

Mark took the parchment from the Slytherin boy and carried it back to his dorm. Thankfully all the other first years were elsewhere. He opened the parchment and as he expected it was from his "Uncle Freddie":

--------- Hiya Mark,

Brilliant work indeed...time is of the essence so as soon as you get some really good first hand information send it at once and the broom will be yours the same day...until I hear from you again lots of love to you!

Uncle Freddie

Mark studied the letter and felt a twinge of guilt. Days ago it seemed like a great idea, especially if the prize would be the Nimbus 2008, but now he wasn't so sure he wanted to be a squealer. He had seen, first hand, how much the other members cared for each other. It almost seemed as if they were all brothers instead of fellow Hogwarts students.

Quite frankly Mark liked that; being an only child he never had siblings he could interact with. Now he had loads of them and they were just like he was...gay and fellow teens...well at twelve and a half he was almost technically a teen. He could cum so he qualified!

He liked having the other boys to talk to and he especially loved Patrick. In many ways he was like the older brother Mark never had...with a bit of a kiny twist. He just wasn't sure that he could put Patrick and the other boys at risk just because his "Uncle Freddie" wants to sell more papers.

For the first time in his short life, he was forced to think about someone other then himself.

For years, as an only child in a wealthy household, Mark was spoiled rotten. Until he came to Hogwarts and met Patrick and the other teens he never had to think about anyone but himself. What he wanted, what he needed was all that ever mattered, but now things were changing and he was seeing a different side of the world. A world that included boys like him that shared romantic and brotherly love- both totally foreign concepts to Mark but pleasing all the same.

Mark loved the way the boys all rallied around Michael and came up with a proactive solution to the problem. Perhaps, he thought, if I keep my word to the others and keep everything confidential they can help me. There were things on Mark's plate that he needed to deal with for years now, but up until this very moment he never had anyone...especially people around his age...there to help him deal with it. He wasn't so sure that he wanted to give up what had so freely been dropped into his lap.

He had just obtained a family of choice that, no doubt, would help him and support him no matter what he said or eventually disclosed. Brooms can be purchased, thought Mark, but how often does one get an instant family and a gay one at that?

Having this new extended family of soul brothers may be the benefit of not telling his uncle everything. But on the other hand, he would lose the broom and his uncle's respect. While "uncle Freddie" seemed outwardly like a jolly good soul Mark knew that he was an adult that one should not easily defy.

He looked at the parchment again and decided that he would wait to reply; he needed more time to think and weigh his options. It may be a mistake denying Freddie but then again it may be the best thing I have ever done, thought Mark as he tucked away the parchment.

Later that night, while his dorm was sound asleep, Mark was tossing and turning in his bed; lost in yet another nightmare.

The same horrid dream that he never, ever dared to speak to anyone about.

In the stillness of the room all were awakened with a start when they heard their bunkmate, Mark Mungo-Marsh, scream out the words "DON'T PUT IT THERE...I BEG YOU...DON'T!"




1st year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh

3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack,

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 5

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