Harry and the Politics of Romance

By Ben Meova

Published on Sep 20, 2007


Harry and the Politics of Romance

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Author's Note:

This story is the continuation of my first story on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets". If you haven't read that one yet, you may want to read that one first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's second year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.



Since these are the final chapters, sexual encounters really do not fit in, so don't expect any more long sex scenes...maybe in the epilogue...I hope you all see the comparison to today's atmosphere in most schools in the story. In our world a student that yells "nigger" at someone would be expelled and a riot would break out. But if that same student yelled out "faggot" to another student no one would bat an eye...that is something that needs to change in America...school should be stress free and safe for all kids...even the gay ones.

Again thank you all for being so supportive during the writing of both of my stories. Your emails made writing this fun.

Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Harry and the Politics of Romance Part Ten

Chapter 27- Change Is Coming

A rumble of discontent echoed throughout the Great Hall as the students muttered to each other about being asked to stay put after dinner. That always seemed to annoy the students; after dinner was their free time and the request from Headmaster Flitwick was eating into their personal time. Flitwick turned to JT Sharp, who was sitting behind him at the staff table, and looked pleadingly at him. JT knew what Flitwick needed...a strong and loud voice. Without amplification Flitwick's tiny voice could not over power that of the grumbling students. But when the towering Professor Sharp yelled "silence" the hall immediately fell silent and all focused their attention on Fillius Flitwick.

After presenting a lengthy speech on how being interim Headmaster was a great challenge and honor Flitwick finally announced that a permanent head of Hogwarts had been chosen. The students politely applauded as the short haired, stern faced Hooch approached the podium. From the start it was clear to even the dullest student that the new Headmistress was not a person to underestimate. She began by giving the assembled a brief history of her teaching career at Hogwarts and then moved on to the present.

"In recent months there seems to be some disunity here at Hogwarts. While we have four separate houses it has always been a Hogwarts tradition, as set down by the four founders, to work in the spirit of unity and cooperation. As you know one of the founders parted ways with the others. Since then every effort has been made to ensure that unity amongst students and the staff is never disrupted due to petty arguments or prejudices. I will guarantee that this will not change and in fact we are going to work towards making this a more cohesive environment for all students at Hogwarts"

A round of applause from the staff interrupted her momentarily. When it subsided she continued.

"I have been informed that there have been a number of incidents in which various students have been bullied. This has occurred for various reasons such as the fact that a student may be overweight, un-athletic and worst of all because of a student's real or supposed sexual orientation. Years ago, as you all know, many good wizards and witches...including our departed Headmistress McGonagall, gave their time and some gave their lives to fight against the irrational fear and demonization of Muggle borns in our world. Most have agreed that this was a dark time in our world...shameful as it was it existed. These days it is illegal to bully or discriminate against a Muggle born wizard. The word Mudblood has been socially outlawed because of its use to belittle and shame the wizard or witch in question. Certainly that word and the bullying of muggle borns is taboo here as well but as your new headmistress I have some other words and behaviors that will now be punishable by suspension or expulsion."

Harry and Neville smiled at each other as they listened to Hooch. They were lurking behind the staff door, located in back of the staff tables, waiting to be introduced. Hooch had asked that they remain hidden until she announced their return. She wanted to surprise the teens that call themselves Ollie's Boys with the return of Potter and Longbottom.

"The use of words, against another student or staff member, such as puff', queer' or any other word or words that make fun of someone that you may think is homosexual is strictly prohibited. I am sure the Ministry will agree with me. As we speak there is new legislation being proposed to outlaw bullying and discrimination based on sexual orientation. I assure you that the Hogwarts Board of Governors are looking into the same sort of school laws to prohibit this. How hypocritical it is to suggest that verbally harassing a Muggle is more of an affront then doing the same to a person who is gay. To me there is no difference; hate is hate and it will no longer be tolerated at this school!"

Another hearty round of applause filled the hall until Hooch raised her hand to quiet the students and staff.

"Now I know you all are anxious to carry on with your evening plans so I just have one more announcement and then you can be dismissed. I would like you all to welcome back Professor Longbottom, who will be splitting some of the Herbology classes with our esteemed visiting Professor..."

Neville, on cue, came of the door and proceeded to sit down at the staff table. He blushed red; surprised at the loud applause and welcoming he was receiving from the students. Once again Hooch raised her hands to quiet the hall.

"Finally, as per the school charter, the head of this school is able to select his or her deputy. I am confident you will be pleased with my choice. No one else in our world could match his commitment to this school and the wizarding world as a whole. Please welcome your new Deputy Headmaster...Harry Potter!"

The hall erupted with hundreds of hands clapping in approval. Harry came out and stood next to Hooch smiling at the students. When the applause died down again Hooch asked him if he would like to say anything before she dismissed the students.

"Just one thing really," said Harry clearing his throat, "I agree with everything Headmistress Hooch has just said. There is really only two choices...learn to accept each others differences or become the minority that may be asked to leave the school. Change is coming, in fact it has arrived and hate is not welcomed at Hogwarts anymore!"

More applause and then Hooch dismissed the students. As they milled out of the Great Hall Patrick Donnelly ran up to Harry and Neville, smiling from, ear to ear.

"Welcome back, sirs...I can't tell you how much I missed you...well we all did..."

"Understood," said Harry cutting the teen off, "and I promise I will come round for the next soccer practice to see how you all are getting on...pass the word will you?"

"Sure, sir...I understand...not here for appearances sake," said Patrick smiling again

"Right you are Patrick, now on your way"

Oliver Wood who also warmly welcomed them back with open arms joined Harry and Neville.

"So Harry is Hooch...you know...one of us?" asked Oliver with a wink

"Let' just say she is unlike any other female head of Hogwarts in its history,' replied Harry afraid he would be overheard

"I'll take that as a yes," replied Wood as they all got up and headed for the main door, "special soccer practice tomorrow at 7pm sharp, Harry...be there?"

"Yes, we both will be...have to see how our winning team is doing," said Harry with a chuckle

They all had a good laugh but were interrupted by an owl landing on Harry's shoulder. For some reason, someone was under the impression that he had ordered a copy of the evening Daily Prophet. There was no note attached, only the evening edition. Harry took it from the unknown owl and unfurled it.

His mouth nearly hit the floor when he saw the oversized headline:


"Holy shit!" exclaimed Harry and Neville nearly at the same time

"Why do you think he offed himself, Harry?" asked Oliver

"Probably had some deep, dark secrets...secrets always kill or drive people mad and speaking of madness I think that I will go see Colin at St. Mungos...perhaps he can tell me why Hamilton set himself ablaze."

"Do you actually think he will talk to you, Harry?" asked Neville

"He will, I will see to that, in fact I..."

A stately looking woman, who politely excused herself, and then asked if they were part of the staff, interrupted Harry. She looked a bit frazzled, thought Harry turning to face the visitor.

"Yes, we are miss..."

"Mrs. Mungo-Marsh," finished the woman, "I need to find my son, Mark, immediately. Sad family news I am afraid."

"Oliver can you see if you can catch up with Mark and bring him here?" asked Harry turning to Woods

Oliver nodded and departed quickly. In no time at all he was heading back towards them with Mark Mungo-Marsh in tow.

Mark was surprised to see his mother standing outside the doors of the Great Hall with both Harry and Neville. The worst-case scenarios started to fill his mind; did mom figure out that he was gay and had been doing things with Uncle Freddie? Was she there to take him away and cause more trouble for the professors?

Mark's heart beat faster as he approached his mother. As he got closer he noticed that she didn't look angry and, in fact, she seemed to be having a civil conversation with Harry and Neville. Her usually electric eyes looked tired and sad.

"Mum what are you doing here?" said Mark approaching his mother

Instead of speaking she reached out and held Mark close to her chest. Tears had moistened her eyes as Mark looked up at her.

"Seriously mum, what has happened..." said Mark now deeply concerned

His mother pulled away and handed him a copy of the Daily Prophet. Mark read the headline and his stomach suddenly felt as if a thousand knives were being plunged into it. He immediately knew what had happened...he had pushed Frederick over the edge. He was the reason he was dead and, no doubt, burnt to a crisp.

All Mark could do was look at his mom and say he was sorry.

"Nothing to be sorry about Mark," said his mother soothingly, "this wasn't your fault"

Mark said nothing and just looked down at the floor as his mother pulled him close again. Harry signaled for Neville and Oliver to move away so Mungo-Marsh's could have a bit of privacy. When they were a safe distance away Harry whispered to his two friends.

"I have a gut feeling that there is more to this story then the Prophet or Mark's mum knows. Is he close to any of the other boy's Ollie?"

"He seems to be close to Patrick Donnelly," said Oliver scratching his head

"Right then, see to the Mungo-Marsh's...I am gong to go have a chat with Patrick...something just is not right here," said Harry turning to leave

As he began walking Harry felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw the smiling face of Hooch.

"Went well don't you think, Harry?"


"Harry are you all right?" asked Hooch noticing that Harry's mood had shifted dramatically

"Oh yes, I am fine with everything that happened here at the school...just heard about the Editor of the Prophet offing himself...it's just a bit disconcerting."

"Yes, I heard about that...terrible indeed...in fact I was..."

"Madame Hooch, I need to ask a favor" said Harry cutting her off

"Anything Harry, what can I do for you?"

"Let me start my duties tomorrow evening...I have one more loose end I need to tie up tomorrow."

"Personal business then?"

"Yes, quite"

"Take care of what you must Harry. This all came about rather suddenly and I am sure returning to Hogwarts was the last thing you expected. Take care of your loose ends and start fresh the day after tomorrow."

"Thanks, I will make sure everything is settled by then," replied Harry with a smile

"Good then I will be off...I want to finish up a conversation I was having with Minerva's portrait...cheers Harry!"

As he watched her take her leave Harry returned to the present task...seeking out Patrick Donnelly and sorting out why Mark had reacted to the death of Frederick J. Hamilton the way he did. It was more then mourning the untimely death of a close family friend, Harry was certain of that. Mark had acted as if he were, in some way, responsible for Hamilton's decision to end it all.

"Everything is always a mystery around here" muttered Harry to himself as he headed towards the Slytherin common room in search of Patrick.

Chapter 28- The Plot Thickens Like Blood

Harry sat open mouthed in front of the redheaded Slytherin. Never in a million years did he suspect that the late Frederick J. Hamilton was a child molester. Harry had been firm with Patrick; the boy had been reluctant to relate the whole story of Mark and Frederick until Harry warned him about what may happen to Mark if things, in the younger boy's mind, were not resolved.

"Situations like this can mushroom," Harry had said calmly to Patrick, "You see it in the Muggle news all the time. The victim takes all the blame, depression and shame kick in and suddenly one suicide turns into two."

That seemed to convince Patrick; thoughts of his fellow Slytherin lying dead, at his own hand, in their common room gave Patrick chills. So he started at the beginning and told Harry everything he knew.

"Mark threw this away, sir," said Patrick handing Harry a slip of crumpled up parchment, "it's from Hamilton...just before he set the fire I presume."

Harry read and then re-read the short note:


Burned the Creevey tape and the entire file.

No need for you to worry about Potter and Longbottom anymore.

Story will never be run in the Prophet or any other paper.

I am sorry for everything...I truly am...I always thought you were all right...with everything...I am sorry I was such an old fool.


Uncle Freddie

On the one hand Harry felt a wave of relief; Hamilton himself told Mark, in the note, that the "Creevey tape and the entire file" were burned. While the possibility of Colin's remarks never seeing the light of day comforted him he now would lack the proof that Colin was hoodwinked into spilling his guts. Harry had planned on locating the files before he went to see Colin. Now he would just have to rely on his instincts to deal with his vengeful ex-lover with no concrete proof.

Harry thanked Patrick for being open and honest with him and asked him to keep an especially close eye on Mark over the next day or two. From what Patrick had told Harry, Mark had refused to leave out with his mother. He wanted no part of any memorial service for Hamilton and chose to stay at the school.

Patrick, of course, promised to look after him and Harry was satisfied that it would be so. After a few more words Harry took his leave and headed back to his quarters. He wanted to turn in early so he could head out for St. Mungos as early as possible in the morning.


"Harry...Harry...wake up...it's six," said Neville gently shaking Harry awake

"Oh right," said Harry rubbing his eyes, "coffee ready then?"

"Yes, been up for a half an hour. I am really excited about having my class back."

Harry stretched and smiled as he forced himself to sit up on the bed. After a quick shower, which seemed to wake him up enough to find the coffee pot, Harry told Neville what he had planned for his day.

"Do you think it is a good idea...seeing Colin face to face?" asked Neville

Harry looked up at Neville and thought about what he wanted to say. No one, absolutely no one was going to talk him out of doing what he had planned. But he knew Neville was not asking the question just to dissuade him. So he paused as to come up with a reasonable sounding response.

"Listen, remember when we were kids and it seemed like every year there was a new mystery to be solved?"

Neville nodded his head in remembrance as Harry continued.

"Well towards the end of each year I always had my gut feelings...you know the feeling that tells you that something below the surface just doesn't add up or make sense? Well for a long time now, and especially since Hamilton seemingly was in league with Colin something just didn't seem right. I have absolutely no idea what it is but it is something...something I have missed...something I failed to see in Colin. Either way the time has come for me to confront him. His vindictiveness is so out of character. The boy we knew in school has turned into a spiteful man and I want to know why. I want to know why he cannot move on when the rest of us have."

Neville thought about it for a moment and he had to admit that time and time again Harry's gut feelings were usually right. He trusted Harry and his judgment and let him know as much.

"Well do what you must...I guess if you could handle Voldemort you can handle a visit with Colin Creevey!"

Harry beamed at Neville and leaned over to give him a kiss. After finishing his breakfast and a trip to the loo, Harry was ready to leave. Neville wished him luck, once again, and watched as the door closed behind the man he loved- Harry Potter.


As per Harry's request, the headmistress had excused both Patrick and Mark from classes. She had agreed that it would be more beneficial for Mark to spend time with Patrick rather than deal with the possibility of fellow students asking too many questions about his relationship to Hamilton. Harry had briefly described the whole nasty affair between Hamilton and Mark to Hooch before he left the castle. She was appalled and just as worried as Harry that Mark would continue to blame himself and may be at risk of doing something silly in response.

Patrick was grateful when he was told to skip class and watch over Mark. He was satisfied that he would be able to keep his word to Potter and decided to take Mark down to the "loveshack" so they would have the privacy to talk if need be.

Mark's head was lying on Patrick's chest as the older boy stroked Mark's jet-black hair. Patrick was happy that Mark was opening up more and talking...instead of keeping all he felt bottled up inside he was letting it out and releasing it with his mate.

"I just feel like I am responsible...I threatened to expose him Patrick..." said Mark with a shaky voice

"But he deserved the threat Mark and if he hadn't been using you, for his pleasure all those years, he wouldn't have had anything to feel guilty about."

"But I used him as well...I mean I got used to it and when there was no one else I actually liked what he did with me," answered Mark blushing a bit

"Well of course you did...what gay boy would refuse a blow job? But you see it is not the sex that is the issue here. It is the lies. If Frederick had been able to be his true self, like Professors Potter and Longbottom, then he wouldn't have had to use you to fulfill his secret desires. That is the trouble with people that stay in the closet and then end up marrying a woman...or at least playing at being a single ladies man. Someone always ends up getting hurt because of their lies."

"I know that Patrick, but why do I feel like I am the one that killed him?"

"Because victims are conditioned to feel that way, Mark. To put it as bluntly as I can Frederick J. Hamilton killed himself, not because of anything you did, but because he couldn't face what and who he really was. In the end it would have happened anyhow...closeted adults eventually make a wrong turn and get outed."

Mark snuggled up closer to Patrick and looked at him with his puppy dog eyes

"You really think that I am blameless?"

"As for his choice to kill himself, you are Mark, without blame at all."

Mark smiled at Patrick and kissed him on the cheek. He did indeed feel better about things and somehow Patrick was able to ease his worried mind. He believed Patrick when he said that he was really not to blame for Frederick's suicide but part of him still cursed himself for not speaking up...and in a sense using Frederick after he became old enough to stop what was going on.

Mark's hands moved over Patrick's chest as he came in for another kiss. Slowly his hand started to move towards Patrick's belt buckle but Patrick quickly jerked up and pushed Mark's hand away. Looking like a bruised puppy Mark looked sadly at Patrick.

"What is it? Now that you know I am damaged goods...used like an old rag you want no part of me?" said Mark accusingly

"No it's not that at all," replied Patrick sincerely pulling Mark close again, "I just don't want us to do something now because it is a pain reliever...I don't want my cock to be your sedative and then when its done end up having you regret more then you already have. But listen, as long as I am talking about lying and the truth I have to tell you something Mark."

"Go ahead then, we have no secrets it seems...tell me"

"It's just that...I think...I think I love you Mark but I am afraid of being like Freddie...the older boy using the younger to fulfill a need."

Mark's rigid expression softened and he understood what Patrick feared. This wouldn't be the first time the two of them had sex. They had done it plenty of times before but that was just two boys, in the same house, taking advantage of the mutually satisfying situation. Now it seemed that Patrick's feelings for Mark had gone beyond that of a big brother.

"Patrick I would never compare what you mean to me...what you do with me to what Freddie did," said Mark rubbing Patrick's chest again, "it is not the same thing and if the truth be told I love you as well. I have played it off like the sex was just that...sex for the sake of sex and that I loved you like a brother but I think I love you like...like a boyfriend."

"Are you sure, because I don't want to use you like he did..."

"Don't be a git Patrick! You are only a few years older then me and now that you know I am not an inexperienced, naïve little boy, you should know that I can choose who I want to do what with...and right now I want you to make love to me."

Mark reached up and open-mouth kissed Patrick. This time Patrick didn't resist as he kissed Mark and felt the younger boys hands undoing his belt buckle. When it was loosened Patrick raised his hips and slipped down his pants and boxers. Mark helped Patrick remove his shirt and then began slowly licking down the older teen's torso. When he reached the bushy patch of red pubes Mark grasped Patrick's swelled cock and pointed it at his mouth. As he took as much of Patrick as he could he felt the older boys hand on his head.

"I guess everything will be all right," thought Patrick as waves of pleasure coursed through his body

After a few minutes he pulled Mark off his cock and urged him to come up for air. He pulled him close and looked in his eyes.

"I do love you, you know," said Patrick kissing Mark's nose

"I know...and I think I always have," replied Mark as he allowed Patrick to undress him for what would, no doubt, be a morning full of lovemaking and true bonding between the two.

Chapter 29- The Missing Piece

When Harry arrived at St. Mungos he immediately headed towards the locked psychiatric ward. As expected he encountered a roadblock- a Ministry approved roadblock right outside the door of Colin Creevey.

"This is highly unusual, sir," frowned the Ministry guard that was located outside of Colin Creevey's hospital room in the pysch ward, "generally no one is allowed to visit cases like this without Ministry authorization."

Harry had anticipated this sort of snag. In advance of his visit he had contacted Ron's father and asked him to pen the very authorization the Ministry guard was asking for. Without a word, but with a smile, Harry handed him a rolled up parchment. The guard got the clue and unfurled it and read its contents. He read it over carefully, turning the page around and studying the signature at the end.

Finally he looked up at Harry.

"I should have known that Harry Potter would have Ministry connections," said the guard smugly apparently off put that his authority had been trumped by the Minister of Magic

"Yes, well let's just say that I do have friends in high places," said Harry curtly, "so if that's all I would like go in"

"Right...mind you the limit is twenty minutes per visit...hospital rules, " said the guard as he used his wand to unlock the secured door

Harry smiled weakly at him as he passed him by and entered the room of Colin Creevey. As Harry had expected he wasn't greeted warmly. In fact, the ice-cold expression on Colin's face could have frozen the whole of St. Mungos.

"Potter...how did you get in here?" asked Colin looking surprised and alarmed at the same time

Harry paused for a moment mentally noting that it was odd that Colin had taken to calling him Potter instead of calling him by his first name.

"You forget I have connections, Colin," replied Harry with a grin

"Yes, famous Harry Potter gets into wherever he wants...so what brings you here? Come to fuck with my head a bit more now that I am getting better?"

"Getting better?" laughed Harry, "If that were so you wouldn't still be behind locked doors."

"I am allowed to leave...for a certain amount of time..."

"Yes, I heard that...but I am not here to argue...I wondered if you heard the news..."

"What news are you talking about?" asked Colin getting more annoyed by the minute, "Really Harry get to the point...I am missing my morning kip..."

Harry pulled out a copy of the previous day's Daily Prophet and threw it on to Colin's lap. Colin picked it up and read the front page. He scanned it for some sort of story that directly related to him. He couldn't find anything that directly related to him.

He was at a total loss and let Harry know as much.

"Really Harry what is your point? I see nothing here that has to do with me."

Harry laughed and took the paper back from Colin...he pointed to the banner headline.

"You mean to tell me that you don't know Hamilton? Were you aware that a conversation you had with someone about me and the rest of the people that used to be your friends was secretly recorded and delivered to Hamilton? He was going to run your comments as a story to destroy me and Neville."

An odd grin settled on Colin's face and then a look of confusion.

"Hang on...the only person I ever talked to about what happened on that island was a St. Mungos healer...I never talked to a Daily Prophet reporter."

"Then you were tricked into talking....who was this healer?"

Colin again lost in thought seemed to answer by rote

"A good looking young bloke...Edwards is his name..."

"A gay healer I presume? I stand corrected...obviously you were seduced into talking..."

"Yeah he is gay, and quite a good kisser and it's up in the air as to who seduced who...but why is this your business...you have no part of my life anymore...you gave that up on that island"

"Had to add that in, didn't you Colin? Well your prince charming is a liar. He recorded you without permission and your loose tongue almost led to my destruction. How could you be so god damn stupid?"

Harry's words had launched Colin back into the present; his anger rising again at the mere notion that Harry Potter, the person who he felt first betrayed him, was standing there questioning him. His eyes fixed on Harry and showed the signs of impending anger. His face started to get red and it seemed like he was fighting to hold something in that would stay put.

With an explosion of rage, that Harry had never seen Colin display, his ex-lover jumped up from the bed and pinned Harry to the wall.

"How dare you come here and accuse me of being stupid...wasn't it you that was the real stupid one...setting yourself up with those underage boys...claiming to give a damn and being all pompous about it? Making like you didn't have wet dreams thinking about those boys fucking and sucking? Come off it Potter...you are the stupid one. You set yourself up to be exposed as a pervert. I, on the other hand, stayed out of Azkaban and am enjoying myself here in the comfort of St. Mungos. Seems I am, after all, smarter than the great Harry Potter!"

Harry pushed Colin away so forcefully that he fell back on the bed.

"So you have been playing at being mental all this time to stay out of jail? And meanwhile trying to rake everyone who ever gave a damn about you through the coals?"

"Get off your high horse, Potter...it's no different then you playing house with Longbottom and pretending that you don't want to fuck every gay student you come in contact with."

"That's a lie...I love Neville and I remember you didn't seem to mind the blowjobs from the boys..."

"Yeah well I did that to please you...maybe that's where I was stupid...trying to please you?"

"PLEASE ME?" screamed Harry perhaps a bit too loudly

A knock on the door came with the guard asking if everything was all right. Harry reassured him that they were just having a heated discussion and that all was fine. In other words, thought the guard, he wants me to mind my own business.

"Please me?" said Harry angrily but a bit more quietly, " like you tried to please me by betraying me. I loved you for years Colin and you stabbed me straight away in the back."

Colin's face grew redder...despite his best efforts what was struggling to come out of him finally exploded.

"You never loved me Harry. You just loved what you thought I was...a little blond cherub that fawned after you. It has always been that way with you ever since we were in school. The spotlight always was on you...never on anyone else. Your love always depended on people worshiping you. Even when people tried to love you back you rejected them because of your pompous and self-centered attitude. You never loved me and after Voldemort was defeated you used me again to make yourself feel better. You needed normalcy and when things got comfortable you looked away. So yes, I may be playing at being mad but I never played at being your lover like you did with me."

"But I did love you..."

"Bullocks Potter...get out...guard I want him out now or I will kill him...guard..." screamed Colin

The door to the room swung open; the guard at the ready with his wand pointing at Harry.

"Sir, please lower you wand" said the guard firmly

Harry quickly complied. The last thing he wanted to do was get into trouble at the hospital. He had hoped that he could have had a rational conversation with Colin. After all he had spent years talking rationally with him in the past. But now, with the anger and the rage, it seemed as if Colin had turned into a different person. In fact since the end of Voldemort Colin had become a bit more aggressive and hard-edged. This simple fact slipped Harry's mind all this time but now, after the latest row with Colin the realization of that became perfectly clear.

"I'm leaving so you can lower your wand as well," said Harry moving towards the guard, " I am finished with him."

Harry stormed past the guard and exited the room. Waves of anger were still engulfing him. As he walked down the empty hallway he replayed that last few things Colin had said to him. Harry found a sitting lounge and quickly sat down and buried his face in his hands. This was not the Colin Creevey he had fell in love with all those years ago. Maybe it was time or bad experiences that turned him as cold as the most vile of Slytherins. Harry wasn't sure what it was but Colin's words continued to cut him like a knife.

Once he calmed down a bit he again reviewed the row in his head.

After a few more minutes Harry suddenly bolted up and out of the chair. His eyes were ablaze like they had been in the past when he had sorted out a mystery with Ron and Hermione. It seemed crazy to him but his gut was telling him that he had just found the missing piece.

He had known there was something that simply didn't make sense...Colin's change in demeanor...his loose lips with the Daily Prophet spy...his vindictive attitude towards Harry and all that used to be his close friends.

The pieces were coming together in his head.

It all began making sense to him but in the middle of his revelry he remembered the one thing that always had been a burden in cases like this...he had to prove what he suspected.

At a run, Harry headed back towards the psych ward again hoping he could get the help he needed to prove what had been so blatantly obvious but un-noticed by him for so many years.


CHEERS! -----------


1st year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh

2nd year: Matt Mateo

3rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey

4th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn

5th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack

6th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

7th year: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig -----------

Next: Chapter 11

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