Harnessed Bucks

By Thoby Andover

Published on Jan 27, 2023


Copyright 2010 by the author

The story involves nasty bondage in a fantasy setting.

Author's note: I do welcome detailed and imaginative ideas from readers who may wish to see an episode tailored for their particular fantasy. To those who have sent in compliments and ideas; I do thank you very much.



Being an episode within which the narrator is singled out and subjected to some familiar dispensations, as well as some humiliations likely to produce an enthusiastic response in only a few readers.


Following along with the account of we poor harnessed bucks in the hands of our Corsair captors, it is my duty to report, and the reader's function to discern that some level of effort had been expended in not causing the narrative to become repetitive. Thusly, the Corsairs had invented a variety of activities for us. We had been confined and restrained in a number of ways and had had an assortment of cocks and objects shoved into our arses. In the interests of diversity, the episode directly preceding this one saw us worked as dung-mules, spreading fertiliser upon a furrowed field, and also saw us exposed naked to a company of young female persons, and these events did cause me much shame and may have also caused the reader some surprise. During that episode, also, no object or cock did enter my anus and this may cause the reader to think that the Corsairs had become remiss in the treatment of their prisoners. This current chapter goes some way toward rectifying this carelessness.

The reader will recall that at the end of that chapter I had become distressed and angry, and covered in shit-slime as I bore a pack of it on my back and heaved it along toward the field. By this time it was late in the day and the ploughed field had largely been covered completely with the shit we had carried, and the six prisoners were assembled by the farmers at that place, and I did feel a nervous tension in my belly when I saw the farmer Thamus, who, the reader will recall, had already made me suck his cock and who did, on previous occasions, seem disposed to applying himself to me in some lewd manner.

We were fed again with water and rotten cabbages, and these items were eagerly consumed by us, and my five fellows were goaded at stick-point into the bamboo cage, for they were still covered in filth and followed by flies and the farm-hands did not wish to be near them. I did feel very much disconcerted, for although my fellows entered the cage, I did not, and it was clear that I had been separated from them for some purpose, and I did surmise that the purpose of my being singled out would not be a happy thing.

A bucket of dirty water was presented to me and I was told to wash myself, and this I did as best I could, scraping from me the stinking shit and crawling bugs which had stuck to me, and I used handfuls of dirt to get it off, for very few persons enjoy the sensations attached to having shit on them, and with this many readers will agree.

The farmer Thamus did wink at me and leer, and said;

"Lucky you, boy! We farm hands have organised entertainment! And while your fellows languish at home, bored and discontent, you pretty one will be our chosen guest as we go about on the gad!"

My wrists were hitched behind my neck again and my leash was hauled upon, and I looked upon my fellows in the cage who had already fallen asleep, and I did wail and moan in outrage and despair, for we had worked hard and slept little, and while they were now allowed the luxury of rest, my leash did bite at my balls and draw me mercilessly along and my upheld arms did ache with the load they had carried in this position all day, as did my legs, where my muscles did strain and protest in pain.

I was hauled back toward the garrison town by Thamus as he rode upon a donkey, and other farming-types and simpletons did follow, and I did gather, as the sun did set, that this night was the night set aside for drunken carousing in the Corsair settlement, for these fellows did drink liquor from clay jugs and begin to make merry.

"Come, lad!" they did shout to me. "Hurry along, fine fellow, for there is a jovial time for you ahead, which you will enjoy most fully!"

We came to a small hut near the perimeter of the town, and outside this hut there was a washer-woman stirring in a large tub with a paddle, and over the succeeding interval the farmers did dress themselves with clean clothes from a drying-line and did seek to make themselves appear respectable with their rustic fashions and their felt hats, and when some of them were pulling on their chequered shirts, others of them did throw me to the ground and pull away my boots and throw them hither.

"Time to doll you up, my pretty!" they did announce to me gleefully.

They did lift me and throw me into the tub of bleach and held me by my feet, and this action did clean me completely and wash away all the shit and mud on my body, and since my wrists were still affixed to my neck, I did splash and struggle as I believed I may drown, and the bleach did sting upon my ass where the whips had caught me, and go into my eyes and mouth and sting there also.

I coughed and spluttered when I emerged, and my hair was now white. Stood upon a board, I did blink the liquid from my eyes as they considered the whited youth before them, and what they did next was to cause me to experience a thing which I had thus far never known before, nor expected at that point.

"He is so slim and supple about the hips," they said. "That he should be dressed accordingly for his night on the town!"

They lifted me by my ankles and my butt landed upon the ground with a hard sound. Then there were produced two items of footwear to take the place of my boots, and these were high-heeled shoes with leather straps and silver bells, and these were placed on my feet and the leather straps were tightened about my ankles. Thusly shod, I was ordered by them to my feet, so that they may see how the buck looked in the woman's footwear, and this did cause me much difficulty, for I had never before worn such shoes and I could not use my arms to raise me.

The simple rustics did guffaw loudly in their amusement at the sight of the restrained buck on his ass on the ground, waving his high-heels in the air and trying to put his feet under him. Presently, I succeeded in gaining my ground, and the high-heel shoes did force me to point my toes, and I did teeter precariously on my heels, for they were very high and suited to the wearing by a woman, and not a stout younker, and I did wonder for the first time how a lady does make her way in such shoes.

The rusticated simpletons did test their imagination as to what should be done to me next, and they did decide to affix me with another article of clothing belonging to a woman, and I saw, with some dismay, that they would seek to dress me up as a girl. A small frilly dress was affixed about my middle, and when I saw it I was most disappointed for it was patterned and shiny in its texture and feminine in its characteristics and I did not want to wear it at all. But my hands were fixed behind my neck and the man-leash held me, and the small mini-dress of sparkling mail did encircle me high on my waist and also about the thick leather strap that formed the front of my harness, and this girl's dress did not even cover my schlong or my bum.

Thusly, I did appear an object of ridicule, and the farmers made many laughing comments upon this subject. Although the tiny dress and the high-heel shoes were designed for a female whore, I did remain obviously a male buck, for my cock did dangle visibly before me under the dress, and additionally, my thighs and my breast did herald me clearly as a man-stud, and my armpits, opened by my upraised arms, did show some hair where a woman would have it removed.

However, my limbs and my torso were smooth and without hair, such is the nature of some young lads such as myself, and my chest also exhibits itself smoothly, and this smoothness of my appearance did encourage the farmers and country-boys around me in their proclamations that I was, in fact, a pretty girl, even though this is certainly not so.

It is among the habits of some young men to dress as women do, and this is a well-known fact, and these young men sometimes do go to great lengths in making themselves appear to belong to the female variety, applying lip-paint and shaving themselves, and even painting their own toenails and fingernails. It was my most unfortunate disposition to be granted with smooth skin and a pretty face and supple hips so that I may be firstly selected by Thamus and the other farmers and then dressed by them in this way.

Thamus did mount his horse and take my leash in hand, and I ran atop my heels. I found that I must prance and jump like a trained circus pony. Also, if I were to maintain a correct speed, I must lift my knees and my feet, exactly like those of a female fashion model on a catwalk, carefully placing each step, afraid that I may fall from my heels, and this had to be done in double quick time, and the small mini-dress did flutter about me and my exposed cock did also flop.

The brave cadet who considers that capture by the Corsairs no great thing to be endured and that he may suffer the whip and the yoke in the manner of the soldier he was trained to be, should carefully consider the vision of me at that moment, hip-hopping along the road, running and prancing in exactly the manner of a woman very late for an appointment with the hair-dresser, in high-heels with bells jangling and encircled with a flashy, too-small harlot-dress, and with my schlong flip-flopping to and fro.

I did draw much attention from the inhabitants of this portion of the garrison town, for in this part, there were many beer-houses and bordellos, and I did come to realise a most distressing thing, and this was that I appeared to be the most attractive female within sight, for the whores and drinking washer-hags who populated this district were uniformly old and as ugly as robbers' dogs, and while the menfolk were pleased and amused to see me, these women were not.

I teetered in my unfamiliar high-heeled shoes to a place outside a rough tavern and many people surrounded me, and Thamus, with my leash in hand, did announce to them that he possessed a pretty young harlot who followed him about and did his bidding.

"Observe!" he cried. "Here is the newest strip-dancer who will perform for your entertainment! She is eager and willing to present her talents for your admiration."

I was brought inside the tavern and my heels did click and clack loudly upon the wooden boards of the floor. Here, some authentic whore-dancers did already perform in a lazy and unenthusiastic manner, and their ugly, painted faces did exhibit some measure of boredom, and the musicians employed for this purpose did seem similarly bored. But this changed when they did see me.

The women did become angry when they did lay their eyes upon me, for they saw that their employment would soon be supplanted and that the few coins tossed indifferently in their direction would now be flung in another, and these women did seek to bite and scratch me as if I were one among them. The drinking men did, conversely, express raucous delight, for their new whore was younger, slimmer, more lithesome of figure, prettier, and more feminine than those who had previously occupied them. I was hoisted onto the bar where all may see me, with my tall, high-heels and my brief dress and my graceful, coltish legs, and all these things contrasted perversely with my leather man-harness and the shackles behind my collar which exposed the hair in my pits, and my obvious man-meat which swung between my legs.

"DANCE, TRIXIE, DANCE!" they commanded, and the drummer now pounded his skins with a renewed beat which thumped in time with the noisy guitar-players.

Being a cadet of the soldiering profession, I did have little experience with the performing arts, excepting whereupon I did attend nightclubs with my fellows while on leave where we did seek to disco-dance with persons of the female variety. Subsequently, I did find myself in an unusual and somewhat demanding position on that platform in a Corsair tavern, where I was expected to entertain a crowd of drunken, carousing patrons with my skills. With some trepidation and uncertainty, I did dance. Here, the cadet naive in the ways of the Corsairs may offer me disparagement and name me an unmitigated fairy-boy for the way I skipped and bopped willingly atop the tavern bar, but the performance I did exhibit was far in preference to me than the punishments I might endure otherwise and which were prominent in my thoughts, and I did swing and jive with all the dexterity I could manage in my long, unfamiliar heels.

"DANCE, SPUNK-BOY!" the cries continued. "MOVE LIKE A GO-GO GIRL!" And I did so move my hips and rotate my ass to please the drunken throng. Sprays of beer and shouts of laughter were my reward as I performed. My wrists were still fixed behind my neck, and so I found that I must put on my display using my legs and hips and by swivelling my skirted rump. I did place my feet wide apart to purchase balance as I moved in time to the frantically pounding music, and my flashy whore-dress did flutter slinkily about my waist and my cock did jiggle and shake, and the small bells on my shoes did jangle with a merry tune.

"THE BEST DANCING AND BEST LOOKING HARLOT IN THE GARRISON!" was one of the compliments I received, among others.




Presently, I did learn with much speed and with constant urging how skilfully and quickly I must dance. My heels did go clickety-clack on the boards as the fast movements of my hips did cause my cock to mill and twirl in a circle, and with every eighth-bar breakdown of the drums, I did perform a little jump and spin my propellering meat-wang in the opposite direction, such was my determination to shimmy lithely and finely, and this special movement did cause incredulous appreciation among my liquored audience, for at one moment they saw the whirling blur of my exposed man-organ going in a clockwise direction, and at the next moment, with a nimble hop and an adept hip-shake of the dancing buck, they did observe the twirling muscle rotating with an anticlockwise disposition, and I did find some relief in the fact that I had become somewhat practiced in the Citadel discotheques in my efforts to impress girls, and that I had proven acceptably agile in my gyrations, for I knew that the more entertainingly I wiggled and danced on that tavern bar-bench, the less disposed I would be for use in other amusements.

I jumped again in my jingle-jangling high heels -- in a moment and in time to the thumping hip-hop rhythm -- and I did turn about fully, thus presenting my revolving ass to a new section of the crowd, and in executing this manoeuvre I did find some miracle in that I did not fall up-ended into the lusty pack of drinking carousers, my long, silver heels pointing to the roof-beams.

The music did gain speed, progressing from a house-influenced trance to the hardcore beats known on the Continent, with complex break-style sections every four bars, and I found with some regret that the skill of the musicians exceeded that of the prancing buck in high-heels. An attempt was made to remedy this situation, and this remedy I found to be a dubious solution. The end of a broom-handle was employed as a butt-plug, and a man stood on the tavern floor behind me, holding the broom. I danced with renewed vigour as a marionette, stuck from behind with a wooden pole and clattering about among the jugs atop the bar. Gripping the broom as tightly as I could with my butt-cheeks, I twisted and gyrated on the end of the puppeteer's pole.

"DON'T SPILL MY DRINK, BITCH!" became the new sentiment of those near the bar. Greasy hands were on my thighs. My cock was grabbed and yanked, and one mischievous merry-maker did dip it into his friend's tankard of mead, and when his friend did discover that this had been done, he became most irritable and tossed his mead all over the dancing buck, who was, by this time, covered in all manner of liquid from the tavern's selection.

It became apparent that the buck's performance was at an end, and I was hauled from the bench and also from the top of the broom-handle, and many rough hands threw me onto a table where I scrabbled face-down, my heeled feet waving and kicking and my arms manacled uselessly behind my head. At this juncture, the reader may well have ventured some predictions as to what events manifested next, and in this, the reader will in all probability receive very little surprise at those events, excepting whereupon the reader will learn of the new employment found for the same broom previously used as a puppeteer's pole up my butt-hole.

My ankles were tied to it with thick rope, very wide apart, and I was dragged to my feet so that I stood in my heels with my legs spread to the absolute extremities of the broom-handle. The spangly girl-dress was torn away, and another rope was passed through the ring at the front of my collar and used to draw my head down to the broom handle where it was tied off. Thus, I stood completely doubled over and folded in half, my head peering between my severely spread legs at the littered floor and the multitude of upside-down boots. With my arms still secured behind my head, I found it very difficult to balance in my heels in this uncomfortable stance, and I surmised, as the reader may have done, that my upward-presented ass was to be used in a manner made already familiar to me by the Corsairs.

"YOUR PUCKER-HOLE IS WINKING AND BECKONING, YOUNG BUCKEROO!" came a jolly cry, and a hand slapped hard on an upstanding rump-cheek, almost sending me toppling. A finger probed my hole.

"USE THE FAT FROM THE BARBEQUE GREASE TRAP!" one helpful voice advised, and I smelt the rancid lard as a handful of it was slapped into my crack and spread liberally. At this moment I did form the thought within my head that I had become such a seasoned prisoner of all sections of Corsair society that despite my story having a short-term appearance of varied and multiple situations and circumstances, the series of episodes had, in actual fact, become very repetitive and tedious for me. I felt the first fat cock-head at my up-ended sphincter-hole, and I did squeeze in a reflex attempt to keep it out, and I did view between my extended legs with my up-side down head the many shuffling leather and skin boots forming into some semblance of an orderly queue, and this sight did cause me the same dismay I had felt in recent, similar situations.

It is my duty to report that the cadet captured by the Corsairs should first become well acquainted with the bending and contortions known among those of the Yoga discipline, for that cadet will be crooked and twisted into many discomforting positions and his limbs tied and shackled thus. That cadet should also consider with some measure of solemnity my own contortion at that moment -- bent double on high-heels, my arms stretched behind my head and my ass offered upwards to a drunken throng of revellers intent on satisfying their urges in the warm flesh of a slim young lad.

The first cock-head did force an entry, and I did feel the rigid shaft plunge along my distended rear-canal, widening it, and my cock did become immediately hard as my hole was penetrated. Thamus, the farmer, did collect coins from each man who fucked me, for the shackled boy was his property and the boy's ass was presented in a manner owing to Thamus's ingenuity, and it was entirely due to the entrepreneurship of Thamus that this enticing slab of buck-meat was offered on the hoof in high-heels in a rowdy Corsair tavern, doubled over and tied off, ass extended and up-ended for any willing customer.

A great many cocks did enter me, and each sliding, stiffened meat did satisfy itself fully in my flesh and pump its load into me, and I did receive the spurting jism with desperate groans, for such a volume of spunk-jelly was shot into my slippery ass-channel that I did become to feel that my bowels were full of it, and the white, hot stuff did seek to fill my insides and make an exit from my nose and mouth, and my moans did turn into cries of anguish as my poor rearward opening was stretched and ploughed. I did yip and yelp and sing like a neutered choirboy, and each plunging cock did offer me a new surprise as to its largeness and stiffness and its ungentlemanly action, thrusting and driving with much vigour, lubricated with black grease and cramming my hole with its distended rigidity.

The careful cadet will read this account with much gravity, for he will consider my position as I proffered my lithesome, boyish backside to each worthless Corsair lout in that tavern. He will ponder the situation I describe -- that of a brave soldier, fit and firmly muscled with training, bent over and fucked by sundry Corsair cock. My division sergeants had prepared me for battle with much diligence until I had become as fast and as agile as a gazelle, but my efficient and whip-thin posture and my narrow, neatly muscled butt were now used in a manner not becoming to any cadet. I wiggled and strained. My strong rump-cheeks did squeeze and twist upon each hard pole of man-meat which parted them, and I did utter curses in a girlish falsetto, my voice wavering and trilling and announcing the admission of every gruelling fuck-thrust as it pushed against my inner bulb.

My own cock did come with much energy, and thick gobs of cream were expelled from my discomforted man-shaft. As my innards were shoved and pressed, my balls did jerk and contract and unload their burden of hot gunk. It splashed upon the floor and spread trails of white jelly wherever my solid man-organ did seek to point, and Thamus and others did exclaim upon this point as if to indicate that the restrained buck did enjoy his fucking in some way. And a particularly drunk and ill-mannered youth did make some shouts along the following lines:


Another bawled:


I also heard the following exclamations:






"Easy does it, Pup. Try to relax. It won't be so bad if your ass is loose."

There may exist within our divisions the cadet who would welcome these compliments, but it is my duty to report that at the juncture I describe, I did not. This is excepting whereupon I did realise that this final comment was delivered by the young boy who I have described in previous episodes -- who I did first encounter whilst I was mounted upon the public man-yoke and who did subsequently deliver me of refreshing water whilst I was tethered to the farm-plough and who did release me of my surging need whilst I was confined within the bamboo cage. This lad did now place his hand tenderly upon the most availing part of my body, that is, my upturned bare ass-cheek, and his touch was the most pleasant thing to which I had been recently subjected, for he did not seek to fuck the restrained buck nor apply any hurt or grief. I did realise at that moment that his words were the first I had heard him speak, and I saw him between my parted ankles with my head upside-down and near the floor, and again our eyes did meet and convey some meaningful expression, myself bent over double, naked, ass upturned and fucked, shod in silver high-heels -- and he, standing with mournful countenance. My cock did pitch and heave anew at my belly.

This moment lasted only briefly, for I was shortly hauled to a small room next-door. The broom-handle was separated from me and I was roughly propelled, and the things which occurred to me next were both unusual and strange. My hurting ass was thrown to a wooden chair and I was told to keep my cramped feet still, and the high-heels did cause me to adopt an unfamiliar posture, my knees raised and my meaty manhood lying nakedly and heavily at my loins as I sat. Next, the young lad of whom I have told, was occupied in a rather singular employment. He was told to carry out various ministrations upon me, and it became apparent that his profession was that of a skilled hairdresser, and under the direction of a number of leering drunks, he did begin to trim and braid my hair using the instruments of his vocation. Long dreadlocks were formed, which fell about my face in the manner and fashions of a delinquent street-punk or night-going harlot-girl, and decorations were attached to my braids which were unwelcome to me, for there were little silver bells and intricate ribbons and bands, and as the lad performed this work, I grew more and more dismayed, for I had always spurned the fashions of the girl-boys and had considered no other styles for myself except that of the functional soldier's cut.

Presently, my hair had been expertly woven into a complicated do, and the lewd ruffians did declare my facial countenance to be completely indistinguishable from that of a pretty lass, and I was shown my reflection in a highly polished silver plate so that I may see this statement to be true. The boy was told to begin work on my pubic hairs, and again he carefully braided and knotted and wove into his creation tiny silver bells and colourful ribbons, and the hair in my lower region did assume the appearance of a miniature dreadlocked rasta-man, excepting there be a large meaty cock protruding from beneath the artistic creation, and I was forced to admit to myself that not only had such a thing never been done to me before, but also that I had never conceived of such a thing to be done to anybody.

I knew to keep my mouth silent and accept these dispensations without protest, but the drunken farmers and louts present in the room did continue to vex their imaginations for more objects to be attached to me, and my ear-lobes were pierced for the insertion of large gold rings, and more bells were attached, and a sharp bodkin was produced in order to run through my nipples sideways, and this procedure did hurt somewhat such that it was necessary for me to be held still while I yelped once for each punctured nip. Thus, I became the proud owner of two ringed nipples, pierced and belled, and I felt my new jewellery stinging and weighted in my flesh.

Next, I was held down on the floor most firmly, and the man with the sharp instrument did exhibit an evil glint in his eye. I strained my neck to see, but a fist in my braided hair did hold my head firmly. The flesh-head of my cock was run-through from side to side with the sharp silver needle, and at this juncture I did erupt in howls and curses, and my anger and outrage did seem noisy enough to bring down the wooden rafters, and in hindsight, I am convinced that my shriek could be heard for my miles around -- perhaps also I may have awoken my fellow cadets, sleeping at a distant location in their bamboo cage, and their blood may curdle upon hearing my strident baying. Thusly, the head of my penis was pierced for the insertion of more jewellery, and no farm animal did wear as many rings as I did, and no night-walking whore did exhibit the extent of bells and clattering gee-gaws as I had had inserted into my parts.

The man-leash was used to haul me to my feet, and my braided locks with bells attached did tinkle and clank so that a musical accompaniment did compliment my every movement, and the rings in my newly formed dreadlocks and which had been thrust into my flesh did swing and sway and glint in the candlelight.

The sun did begin to rise as I was heaved to the street outside, and the merry-making drunks who remained found it an amusing thing to run me up and down by my leash, and I did place one high-heeled foot in front of the other in quick succession as I ran. I adopted a skilful womanly gait as I was displayed to the early-morn street-goers, and I did present a most bemusing sight -- the high-heeled buck with pointed toes, his girlish hair-do flicking with its assortment of ribbons and bells and his posture and movements occurring in strange contrast to his lean musculature and coltish limbs. With some shame, I imagined my pair of bare rump-cheeks, small and tight as I ran, and the eyes of the passing milkman upon them, and the laughing paperboy observing my swinging man-schlong, ringed through the head.

Again I hopped and skipped at the end of my man-leash, my balls being jerked and my pointed toes finding purchase in the dust, and the muscles in my thighs did ache with the continued strain of wearing my woman's shoes and running in them, and I felt my butt-cheeks in their tightness as the wearing of these shoes did cause them to strain and contract -- and at this juncture it becomes necessary to leave off from the narrative contained in this episode, except to revise the events the reader has already imbibed. The slim-waisted buck had danced vigorously in the crowded night-club until the throng was satisfied with his youthful gyrations. He had been bent over and fucked from behind by any who could raise a stiffened prong and an appropriate sum of money. Then, he had spent some hours being teased, trimmed, and decorated -- his hair braided and his ears and nipples pierced, and his dangling man-meat outrageously run-through at the flesh-head with a silver ring, and the thoughtful cadet who reads this account will either laugh out loud at these ridiculous events, or ponder with some measure of sobriety the things which had happened to me.

This day saw me re-taken by garrison soldiers, and the reader may learn with some relief that the report which follows this current episode will contain a series of occasions altogether more traditional and with a high probability of more universal appeal, for not everyone wishes to learn of a young buck such as myself who is forced to wear high-heels etcetera. Rather, the interested reader may be pleased to learn that contained within the next episode will be an account of a customary punishment -- one which does not include a dancing, hip-swivelling youth in high-heels and bells, and will, in fact, relate in detail an old-fashioned tawse-whipping carried out in public, and this spectacle -- whilst in some way disagreeable to the buck -- has been designed by the Corsair soldiers to be a community-minded event with widespread appeal.

Thoby Andover


Next: Chapter 6

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