Harnessed Bucks

By Thoby Andover

Published on Nov 19, 2023


Copyright 2009 by the author

The story contains bondage in a fantasy setting, as well as explicit male-to-male sex

Responses from readers have been very much appreciated. Detailed suggestions are received for consideration.



Whereby the six harnessed youths are used for work and continue their captivity.


Previously, the reader will have learned how we six captured cadets did suffer at the hands of the Corsairs over the period of two days. During that time, the reader will have learned, we did rest nought, for even when left unattended, we were forced to stand together in a close, dungeon cell, and by the beginning of the third day I did feel a weariness similar to that which I felt when first inducted into my division. And we remained stripped of any clothing over these two days, excepting our boots and the infernal harness-braces the Corsairs had placed upon us, which did lock our necks and our genitals between a stiff leather girdle, and by now we did nought expect to be relieved of these uncomforting attachments which did make us appear in the manner of a farm animal.

As I have described, the third day of our captivity did begin in the garrison compound where we did discover that the Corsairs had considered us belonging to a species without the need for sleep. Either this, or the new watch of soldiers did assume that the previous watch had provided us with the paradise of slumber, and that we had been rested and watered and were eager for a new day in their service.

With cold gruel in our bellies and the bitter morning nipping at our nakedness, we were hitched again in our familiar twelve-legged line, one behind the other in close formation and our arms stretched to the manacle fasteners at the rear of our collars, and I did deduce without the need for much thought that again we would be leashed to a horse and run to an unknown destination. This we were.

As well as sleep being deemed a luxury not among the requirements of the captive, the Corsairs did adjudge that we would be enthusiastic also to forego a moment spent performing our ablutions, and so impatient were we to arrive at our destination, we did piss and shit as we ran, and this toilet did not slow us one bit, for we did wiggle our asses and swing our cocks in our hurry, just as we had done previously when tethered for shipment in our man-harnesses.

The sun was not up and the road was clear, and by now we were well practiced in our fast running and dancing in our harnesses and our timing was worthy of a crack squad, so skilfully did we avoid a state whereby our cocks would be jerked painfully by the shackles. The worthy cadet, upon reading this, will understand that if he wants to adopt the occupation of a trained animal or a circus horse and be bridled as a prancing pony, and be trained in this activity to the upmost, he will succumb to being captured by the Corsairs, who will deign to elevate him to his ambition with every effort.

I ran with my fellows, my hands behind my neck and my head held high in my collar, as if parading proudly, and I did guess that the Corsair soldiers following us on horseback and goading us had been rested in warm cots and fed with a hot meal of beans and coffee, such was their bad temper at being awake at such an early hour.

"MOVE, YOU SHIT-EATING FAGGOTS!" they did shout, and similar exclamations, and a whip did crack loudly in the air. The leash was pulled taut and we did move as directed, panting and straining, and I did certainly boogie-woogie in my leash, my cock slapping against my thighs and my balls bouncing in the metal ring encircling them, and my ass did make extra-special movements in its effort to keep the tension off my shackled nuts.

The soldiers were not in a joyous mood and did not shout their usual cheerful commentary upon the dexterous motions of our bare asses, which did circulate womanly and in unison like a row of practiced whore-dancers. Instead, the pace was set extra fast, and we did find ourselves forced into a perverted boogaloo, shimmying as fast as we possibly could and shining with slick sweat. As you know, the cheerleaders at Citadel Stadium do perform their routine in short segments, but on the road leading out from the Corsair garrison, we did circulate our asses in double-quick time for ten miles, neither the soldiers appearing to enjoy our two-step disco, nor we. And when we arrived at our destination the soldiers did rid themselves of us, handing the six leashed bucks over to a group of hayseed farmers, and there was a hard desolate field, and in the hands of these rustic simpletons did thereby begin a grinding hell.

The Corsair soldiers did apparently tire of their prisoners after two days, having leashed them, whipped them, confined them to a stinking shit-hole, and yoked them by their nuts for public amusement. Now, a new set of men did lay their hands on the tethered youths, and these men did have a singular purpose for their employment and it was in no way amusing. I did join my division originally as a means of escape from a hated farm life and to seek military laurels, and here in the field my heart did sink when I saw a plough resting in the rock-strewn dirt.

Cock-eyed farming lads did grin and look at us with some measure of satisfaction, for their plough had no mule and their field had no furrows and it was obvious that what was required was a team of six stout bucks, well muscled and fit, harnessed by their cocks and soon to be broken to the farm-whip. A small wooden beam was placed in the small of my back, and this was done to each of my fellows, my arms going around it so I held it in place with my inner elbows, and my wrists were fastened at my belly, so that whatever load was attached to the wooden beam in my back, I may pull. We were arranged two-abreast in three ranks, myself at the front with Luk to my right because we were the lightest and most sprightly to steer the team. Behind us the remainder of my fellows were similarly affixed with a wooden pole dividing one row of three from the other. A rubber bit was placed in my mouth so that I may be treated and controlled like a farm mule and so that the dull farming types be spared from our vocal protestations, and various leather belts did fasten us in efficient ways to the plough.

One farming fellow of about thirty years did very much like the look of me, and I did learn from overhearing the conversation of his colleagues that his name was Thamus, and Thamus did leer in my bitted face and place his hand rudely between my bare buttocks, and did announce that I was his most favourite mule, and I could not answer him due to the bit, and I could not make action to deter him because of the harness with which I was restrained, and he did flick my penis this way and that repeatedly.

Once properly harnessed to the plough, we were drawn forward, and we did find that the effort required to furrow the field was very great indeed, and we did lean into our harnesses with much strain. A farming lad was employed to haul upon the leashes of myself and Luk, and he did pull unmercifully on the leather belt which had remained attached to my neck and my nuts for the previous two days, and I did exert myself most fully in order to preserve my testicles in their tight shackle. In turn, the pulling of the harnessed bucks at the front of the team did transmit to those behind, and the team of man-mules did find that it must work most competently as one. Upon first pulling the plough forward in the dry, rocky earth, I did little believe that we would be capable of maintaining such toil for ten minutes, but my heart did sink most utterly when it became obvious that we would be required to plough the entire field.

We bent forward, almost horizontal, and our boots dug in to the dirt. We did develop some form of co-ordination, as we found that only by straining together could the plough be brought forward, inch by inch, and brought forward it must be, for our cocks were shackled and our bodies harnessed and the lad with the leashes in his hand did haul upon our appendages.

We grunted through our bits, and in that first five minutes, many a curse was throttled by the rubber pieces in our mouths and went unheard. Let the cadet who dreams of military glory over the Corsairs understand that if he is captured, he will undertake a farming life such as that which I describe, and his cock will swing in a man-harness as he is driven.

A whip did crack in the air and it was wielded by the farmer named Thamus, and it did become apparent that he was well practiced in its use. As a taunting gesture, he did coil it in his hand and place the coils between my butt-cheeks as I edged forward, and I did become newly conscious of my nakedness and the bare condition of my rump, and I did curse inwardly the leather man-harness with which I was constrained and the tall collar which encircled my neck and the steel shackle about my nuts and the rubber bit in my mouth and the wooden piece in the small of my back upon which I pulled.

Leaning forward and dragging the plough with great effort, our cocks and balls did dangle and swing, and I noticed that as we made our laboured steps, our schlongs did sway in time with each other as we heaved in unison upon our load. The hot sun did rise and make sweat upon our backs, and the farmers' boys who drove us did show no pity and urged us on with leash and whip. After much time and effort and sweat, one length of the field was furrowed, and we must turn the plough about and continue back the other way beside our previous track, and if we did divert from our straight line the farmers became angry and applied the whip with more vigour and haul us more harshly by our tethered cocks, and I did wish to the gods that I may be freed of the harness and be allowed to scatter the simple farming rustics with sword and spear, or at least be liberated to exit from this field to a place of respite and never return.

As I have stated, the bare field contained a number of rocks, and when the plough-shear did encounter a stone, we harnessed bucks did encounter more hardship. On this occasion it became necessary to apply even more effort, for the farmers did become angry at the stoppage of the plough and despite the extra grunting and biting upon our bits, they did smack us on our buttocks with the coiled whip and compel the team of straining bucks forward. Veins did stand out on our legs and I felt the ache of muscles not previously known to me, and I heard the muffled sounds of my fellows' groans, and in them I discerned the curses of souls consigned to Hell.

At intervals, we were allowed to stop at our donkey work whereby the bits were removed temporarily from our mouths and water was brought to us in an earthen jug, and the first time this was done, I did receive a very great surprise, for the boy who did bring the water was the same boy who did affix my stare the previous day when I was yoked by my cock on the man-pillory, and who did cause to rise up in me on that occasion a strange feeling of confusion, by his attractive face and his wide, brown eyes with girlish lashes. This lad did cart his jug onto our field and was allowed to pour the welcome stream upon our parched faces whereby we did drink most greedily, and irrigate our hot, naked bodies which steamed with sweat, and the water did run over our hard-worked muscles which did gleam and shine in the sun.

Of course the lad did notice me also from the previous day, and did fasten me again with a meaningful look, and the fixating result his eyes did have upon me was as secure as the locked bridle upon my collared neck and dangling nuts and the wrist brace which fixed the wooden piece in my back. At this juncture I did feel a great shame at my disposition, that of a naked harnessed younker in a field doing farm-work and did want to cover my disgracefully exposed man-organ, but was unable to hide my indignity due to the strap which joined my wrists at my belly.

The lad did look upon my sweat-oiled body, and his hand went to my flank and I felt his fingers tending my muscles, and I did find his touch to be like a magical tingling like which I had rarely felt, and his fingers slid to my belly near the vertical man-harness, and my muscles there did twitch and flutter. My cock did harden and rise, and I felt more firmly the metal shackle bite. This lad did then place his fingers tenderly in his mouth and let me see him suck the sweat which he had collected from my body, and this sight did ensure that my cock would stay upright, as if it too was straining to see the sight of the boy licking my juices from his hand.

Then, one of the men did wrench my collar and prepare my mouth again for the bit, and the boy was gone, and my leash did tug me by my neck back to my work and I felt it especially hard about my cock and balls, for my enlarged member swelled in its shackle and for the next few minutes I did jiggle and wiggle as I pulled at the plough, my nutsack hurting under the strain.

Several times throughout the day, water was brought us by this most comely boy, as this seemed to be his task to perform, and although I was greatly tired by my plough-pulling and distracted by the pressings of the overseers and the impulse provided by their whips and sticks, I did dwell upon the visage of his face in my imagination, and upon his touch.

As the day wore on we did grow unbearably somnolent, and the plough did seek to drag us backwards as it stuck in the dry clods and rocks and at times did seem immoveable. The field seemed to grow to a vast expanse as furrow after furrow was dug. Our leashes were pulled harder as our tiredness grew, for the farm-hands were of a mind that we should maintain a quick pace. Presently, the whip was uncoiled and we did hear it crack in the air more frequently and felt its swift tail express itself upon our bare rumps, and our eyes did bulge as we laboured. Whenever I felt its stinging lash I did bite down hard on my rubber bit as if I were to cleave it through and my hands did form tight fists in their restraints.

Night fell, and we did continue to work by lamp-light. The farmer-types did change their shifts, growing tired of our groans and grunts and exchanging one group of them for another, and when a new set of overseers did appear, they did seem to assume that their team of tethered, harnessed bucks should be just as afreshed as they, and did haul viciously on our leashes, and as myself and Luk were at the front rank, we did feel the pulling directly at our shackled cocks and collared necks and did leap and swivel to keep the team in a straight direction, and our fellows behind us did grunt through their bitted mouths as our movements caused similar distress to their own secured appendages.

The farmer called Thamus did return when the moon was up and, as I was his favourite buck among my fellows, did proceed to lay his hand on my buttocks as if to guide me along, and he did announce his amazement at their hardness and narrowness, and I did feel his fingers kneading my muscles and pinching my skin at my posterior section, and this did add to the stinging of the whip-marks. Additionally, he did place a finger directly at my hole, and did insert it, and he did this with much dexterity and rude quickness, so that I did receive some surprise at the feeling of his probing digit inside my anus. I jerked my body out of time with my fellows but I quickly found I must continue my work, hauling forward and squeezing his hand between my oscillating buttocks, and Thamus did seem to find pleasure in this.

Thamus's finger did prod deeply, and did find the bulb which pressed against my manhood, and again I rattled my harness-fittings in surprise and did disconcert my fellows, and a tingling feeling did invade my lower parts and cause my cock to again become stiff and upright. I did widen my mouth about my bit and did pant like a pup, and Thamus continued to excite my inner button with his finger, and I did make a series of repeated noises from my mouth which did make me sound like a very young choirboy in heat, and this did cause Thamus to become amused. Being at the leading end of the team, I did cause our co-ordinated motion to become upset, and the other bucks did jostle in consternation in the harness-rig.

I did dig a complete furrow for the length of the field with Thamus's finger in my hole and his lips giggling in my ear, and although my arse had been rudely widened the previous day with many a Corsair cock and a large tool, I did find much vulgarity in Thamus's moving finger and its adroit explorations.

Subsequently, as I ploughed a channel in the dirt, my own channel was ploughed from behind, in a way, and I did see spots in my vision and my cock was most unbending and thick. The other farmers did tire of Thamus's games and were thoroughly sick of their employment in the hot field throughout the day and into the night, and they did resolve to quit until the morrow, and we did learn this with much relief.

There was a small bamboo cage on stilts by the side of the field, and after we were disconnected from the creaking plough-rig and the wooden pieces remove from our aching backs and the rubber bits from between our teeth, we were placed in this cage, but again, for our third night spent in captivity, the awkward man-leashes did remain on our persons, and our necks did remain collared and our cocks shackled, and the stiff strap connecting the two extremities did remind us of our harnessed condition.

Before I was bedded in the cage, Thamus did insist that his cock be sucked, and it seemed obvious that the mouth chosen for this purpose would be mine, and it seemed also that he would not be diverted in his cause and that I should be forced to comply by pleasuring him with my mouth.

Thamus's cock was thick and scaly, with weeping scabs, and it did ooze with stinking cheese, and I was repulsed by the sight and smell of it. He waved it in my face as I knelt in the dirt and strings of his oily waste came from it, and it appeared to me as does a rotting bratwurst cloistered too long in a warm, moist storage.

"Only the largest and prettiest mouth to suck Tham!" he did exclaim gleefully, and I was told to place my hands behind my head in preparation for taking the putrid meat between my lips. I did lick gingerly at first, recoiling at the sharp taste of the green dick-cheese, but its owner soon plunged and forced, and my cheeks were filled with the pulsing, foul-tasting thing. My mouth formed the largest possible `O' as I was stuffed to the tonsils, gagging and choking. I worked spittle along the length and thankfully, due to either the deftness of my tongue or Thamus's engorged state, or both, he did come quickly. A rank stream gushed into my gullet, and the stuff emerged from my nose as I throttled on it. I swallowed and sucked to clear my passages and Thamus did make extraordinary noises and did utter strange words of endearment as if he were passionately congressing with a beloved wife or mistress, and I hacked and coughed some more.

I felt as though Thamus's junk had almost filled my belly, even though I had had no other nourishment since the cold gruel that morning, and for a short moment I was beset with the belief that my cocksucking would serve as a meal, but the farmers did throw rotten cabbages for us to eat, and plied us with a large jug of water, and we did consume these items greedily. Nevertheless, the tang of Thamus's cheesy, sore-ridden man-meat did remain in my mouth.

With a jerk and a push, I was thrown into the bamboo cage with my fellows, and I tumbled atop them. The smallness of the enclosure confined us, and we found that we must scrunch and lie together most closely, tasting each other's stink and embracing each other's filth, but there was more room here than we had found previously in the stone dungeon cell of the Corsair compound and we could lie, somewhat, for sleep. At this juncture I did fully expect to fall immediately into slumber, for my fatigue was so great that my legs could hardly carry me and all the muscles in my body did ache with the strain of the day spent harnessed to the plough. But something unexpected did happen.

Upon entering the cage I was instantly overcome with raging desire, and it was apparent that so too were my fellows, and our cocks were strained in their shackles and full of blood and our hearts pumped with vigour. We did struggle to mount each other in the close cage and I did struggle with effort to plant my cock in the nearest available man-hole, and I did not even know which ass amongst my fellows I did fuck, such was the darkness and the passion of six lads boxed in that bamboo cage. The farmers did find enjoyment in the spectacle and trained lamplight upon our sweaty, writhing bodies as we grunted and twisted. I emptied my load between one pair of wriggling, tightly muscled buttocks, and quickly found need for another. Meanwhile, one of my fellows gripped me from behind and thrust furiously, striving for the relief I also sought.

Our legs went through the bottom partitions of the bamboo slats and our arms grappled with other limbs and with the restriction of our coop, and our groans and cries did sound most pitiful and anxious. The bamboo did creak terminally and the cage did sway from side to side on its short stilts, loaded as it was with stout youths in throes of male activity. The farmers who remained did offer hearty congratulations for our passioned stirrings, and some did express the fear that our bamboo enclosure would break utterly and spill the naked bucks to the ground where they would run off into the night.

At one moment I did find myself with my face pressed against the slats with possibly Riace or Willard fucking me from behind and my arms extended upwards through the cage and my cock dangling forthwith in the open, and the farmers did seek to handle my schlong as it swung in time to the shaking of the cage. I squirmed to another position in our crowded pen and felt with my hand the cock and balls of one of my fellows, who I think was Luk, and I did resolve to grasp his nuts tightly and force him wherewith to offer me his ass so that I may fuck again, and so I twisted with my hand and Luk did yowl and my cock surged and found his rearward flesh-hole.

After a time we exhausted ourselves and did lie one atop the other, limbs entangled, as we breathed heavily, too tired to make any other noise, as if we had just completed two drills in full kit. We had been awake for two full days, and tiredness did overcome us and I cared little that my foot was in Triss's face and that Bron's ass was astride my flank, or that Willard's stinking armpit was at my nose.

The reader will determine that we did sleep soundly in our jumbled state from this moment until the morn. But this is not entirely so. At some later stage, when the night air had cooled and the slimy sweat had dried on our bodies, and myself and my fellows slept soundly squashed together, I did feel light fingers on me, and I did stir. Thinking one of my fellows was idling in his sleep or seeking sexual pleasure, I did brush the hand away. But the fingers persisted and I awoke more fully, and was considerably surprised to see the same young lad who had both observed me most carefully while I was mounted on the public man-yoke, and who had administered me water while I was cock-harnessed to the plough. And this lad's comely face did appear to me more closely than it had previously, and through the slats of the bamboo cage, his wide brown eyes did express a certain concern which was mysterious and troubling to me. The corners of his lips and the countenance of his mouth in its natural state did seem to me to be a beautiful thing such as which I had never seen before in nature, and I did respond manfully and urgently – my shackled member growing most quickly once again and my naked body pressing on the bamboo.

My flesh did sizzle and sweat in the night as the boy reached for me through the cage, his fingers grasping my inflated cock and pumping me, and I came to imagine he was a wizard belonging to another world where the so-called electric-energy of science-fiction stories is a reality. I bucked and heaved, his fist sliding on my manhood, and my mouth did emit uncontrolled exclamations into the night, but throughout, the boy's eyes did not unlock from mine, and I saw the sparks of reflected moonlight in them, and his determined lips drew back from his whited teeth, and I did come with the energy of the gods.

White ribbons flew into the air, and I did thrust and empty my balls as never before. My fists grasped at the slats and jellified spunk landed on the earth metres from the cage and for a moment my manhood seemed unshackled from its Corsair harness, emptying itself through the bamboo and defying the leather leash. The boy did attempt to catch my hot ejaculation with his mouth, pushing his face to the bars and widening his shapely mouth. In the end, we did kiss passionately, my lips eager and full of blood, and his mouth sweet and wet and moaning through the slats.

Afterwards I did find sleep again very quickly, and the following day did contain events which we found both to be thoroughly surprising and displeasing, and the reader will share in those events as the narrative continues.

Thoby Andover thobyandover@y7mail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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