Hard as Nails

By Master Will

Published on May 5, 2022

***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

I appreciate all the positive comments and constructive feedback I've been receiving. This is a prequel to the story Nailed It published on Nifty. Watch for the sequel in the coming months. Please continue to email me at mastersounder2015@gmail.com. Enjoy the story!

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Hard As Nails: Ch 5: More Firsts

The intercom in their bedroom buzzed at 3 PM. Victoria's voice filled the bedroom, "Dad, Pops time to get up" Mormor and Grandpa are here already. Dad? Pops?" A moment later less distinctly, "They're still sleeping."

Two minutes later, three loud bangs on the bedroom doors woke the two men from the deep sleep they had fallen into after their orgasms. "Yeah, Yeah I'm coming,' Clay mumbled still half asleep. He unlocked the door to see Erik and AJ standing there with their arms crossed giving him the look. "What did we sleep in?"

"Vic tried calling you on the intercom. That thing will not do if there is an emergency. Mormor and Grandpa are here already, and they're dressed in their Sunday best. The rest of us are changing now. We suggest you do too."

Erik started for the stairs and AJ lingered a moment, "Dad, you better shower. You smell like a cum rag." The teen snickered and followed Erik downstairs and to the Quad.

"Let's go, sailor!" Farm Boy teased as he pulled on Sean's foot. "My folks are here, and AJ thinks I smell like a cum rag." He entered the bath and turned on the shower. The new bathroom had a slightly sloped floor which could also be heated. Any water spilled in the room would drain toward the shower's 60" X 2" collector and flow into the drain. Sean had seen this type of bath feature in Sweden and Germany and incorporated it into the new design here. They had also switched to hot water on-demand system, so the shower was ready in seconds. "Chief move your ass!" Clayton called.

Sean arrived rubbing his eyes with one hand and his balls with the other. "I think you drained me today and I had high hopes for more fun tonight." He stepped into the glass-walled shower area.

"A couple of cocktails and a few glasses of wine and a hearty meal will have you ready to perform again stud."

"Your folks are here in Sunday Best?"

"That's what they say," Farm Boy answered as he rinsed the soap from his body and stepped out of the shower. "Want me to wash your back?"

"No thanks, I'm just doing a quick rinse to get the cum off me." He soaped up a shower mitt and started scrubbing his body. Within minutes he too was rinsing off and grabbing a towel. He was about to ask how dressed up they should get when he walked in and saw Clay already dressed in black slacks, a yellow gold short-sleeved shirt, and a Steelers tie. "Do we need jackets too?"

"I hope not. You know how often I get in those things," I'll see you downstairs." He gave Sean a quick peck on the cheek and headed down to greet his parents.

Sean scratched his head. What to wear especially as he was still cooking. He selected a pair of navy-blue slacks with a light blue short-sleeved dress shirt. He opted for a royal blue bow tie with Swedish Crowns embroidered on it. He slipped into a pair of black loafers. He inspected himself in the mirror. He went down and joined the others.

Sean found the family gathering in the living room. "Mom," he kissed Martha's cheek and gave her a bear hug. "Dad," he shook Leon's hand and kissed his cheek as well. "Hope you are well this morning."

Martha spoke for them both, "We're doing just fine Sean. We're a bit excited about the possibility of meeting RJ's buddy from the base."

"I didn't realize we would have a guest joining the family today."

"We're not sure either. Since he transferred to McDill and stayed off base with us he talks to Harry several times a day. Since RJ insisted on ya'll having family dinner this week we figure he may be bringing his friend."

Fifth arrived dressed in black slacks, a black shirt, and a yellow tie. Gunnar followed him dressed in navy slacks with a powder blue shirt and a black razor tie.

"My you boys do turn out well," Martha hugged each of her grandsons as Birgitte entered the room. She had chosen an A-line dress in a pale blue hue with darker purple violets printed around the bottom half of the skirt. She wore her hair down.

Leon got up from his chair to greet his granddaughter. "My, my aren't you the pretty one." He kissed her cheek.

"You look wonderful," Clay beamed at the first three teens to arrive.

Sean shook his hands like he was touching something hot, "You guys are FIRE! If the other three are just as good-looking, we'll have to call the fire department."

Gitte laughed, "Pops FIRE is out; `on fleek,' is in."

"My bad!" Sean reacted in mock horror.

Vic entered the living room and all eyes turned to her. She wore a stylish A-line open-backed dress in a muted gold color, she also wore her hair down. AJ was came followed by Erik. AJ was more conventional in black slacks, a white shirt, and a Steelers tie. Erik wore navy blue slacks, a bright yellow shirt, and a leather bolero with a turquoise stone cinched to the neck.

Sean tried out his new slang term for looking good, "It appears the whole family is `on fleek." Gitte applauded softly for him. "Vic we may have a guest be ready to place another place setting, please. I need to get the final dishes prepared."

"Another guest Pops? And the dishes are already prepared. Gitte, Fifth, and I handled them while you were having your "nap." Vic informed her dads. Clay blushed.

Martha repeated that she thought RJ would use the occasion to introduce his friend Harry to the family. Then Clay and Gunnar talked about their tour earlier in the day. Gunnar shared his excitement about learning to drive a stick shift.

Sean went to check on the food followed closely by three tails each hoping he was pleased. He looked at all the prep work his offspring had done. He turned to face the fidgeting teens with a deadpan expression on his face. "This is going to be a terribly," he paused for effect, "delicious meal! You three are..."

Martha finished his sentence, "... the bee's knees! A little slang from my day meaning top quality." They all erupted in laughter. The three teens were thrilled with the compliments and their grandmother's use of the old saying. "Sean, perhaps I should mix up a pitcher of "Bee's Knees" for our cocktail hour."

"Sure thing Mom. I've not heard of it before. What ingredients will you need?"

"It is an old prohibition drink that Grandma Reed told me about. We'll need 2 ounces of gin, 3/4 ounces of lemon juice, and ½ of honey per drink. So 12 ounces of gin, 4 ½ ounces of lemon juice, and 3 ounces of honey for each round. You mix the ingredients and shake with ice then strain."

"that will get the bees buzzing," Sean quipped.

"What about us?" Fifth asked.

"Shirley Temples for the ladies and Roy Rogers for the young men," Martha suggested.

"Perfect," Pops agreed.

"That means no alcohol for us," Fifth sounded dejected.

Pops rounded on him immediately, "You recall our chat, yesterday son? Remember the goal. You are correct no hard liquors. However, you will be having a serving of wine at dinnertime. Knock off the attitude, please."

"Yes Sir. Sorry, Sir." Fifth replied.

Sean thought he sounded just like Clay. Then a strange thought hit him. "All of the kids fathered by Clay wore similar color tones when they dressed up. His own three also had dressed in similar tones to his outfit. Was there truly a fashion gene?" He chuckled to himself. He'd try to remember to share that with Clay later.

At 4 Martha mixed the Shirley Temples and Roy Rogers for the grandkids before she started the Bees Knees. At 4:05 the doorbell rang, and Vic went to answer it. Standing at the door were her Uncle RJ and a stunningly beautiful black woman dressed in a pale yellow backless A-line frock. She wore a simple gold necklace and gold earrings that resemble delicate leaves. The colors accented her caramel brown skin tones and her sparkling hazel eyes. She wore her hair short and styled back. Vic hoped her surprise didn't show in her face or voice.

"Welcome to our home. Please come in. the family is gathered in the living room having cocktails." She led the short way. RJ led his guest into the room and all conversations stopped. Everyone looked at the new arrivals.

RJ cleared his throat. "I'd like to introduce you to my very good friend and co-worker, Colonel Harriet T. Mitchell. Harri these are most of my family. My mom and dad, Martha and Leon." Martha came over and kissed her in greeting, Leon stood and shook her hand. "My brother, He's a Leon too, but you can call him Junior or Clay. "Clay shook hands with her. "His husband, Sean." Sean embraced her and kissed her cheek. "And my nieces and nephews, Victoria, Birgitte, Leon or Fifth, Andrew, Erik, and Gunnar." Each teen greeted her with a handshake except for Gunnar who hugged her and kissed her just as Sean had done.

"I am so very pleased to meet all of you," her voice was soft and sweet. "RJ talks about you daily. I feel I know all of you already.

"May I offer you a drink? We've made Bee's Knees today," Martha smiled as she extended the invitation.

"Bee's Knees, now I've been around many a military bar and have not encountered that one. I'd be happy to try one."

"Just a beer for me Mom," RJ added.

"You know where they are; get it yourself.," Martha replied.

"I see who outranks you, Colonel," Harri laughed as she touched RJ's arm softly.

"You're right, Colonel, Mom is the President of this operation." He exited the room to grab himself a beer.

"How long have you known RJ," Leon asked.

"Oh wow, let me think sir. I believe we first met 15 years ago at a conference in Brussels at the NATO headquarters. We've seen each other every couple of years at various NATO meetings as well as in conferences in Washington and at the Academy. This is the first time we've been stationed together."

"I didn't realize Uncle RJ was a Colonel," Fifth stated. "I just knew he was in the Air Force.

"Fifth you're so dumb you think everyone in the Air Force is a pilot too," AJ carped.

Clay's eyes blazed as he caught AJ's eye. The teen gulped and took a sip from his Roy Rogers. He hadn't meant for it to come out snarky. He'd be getting what for after the quests left for sure.

"Are you a Florida Cracker like RJ," Sean inquired.

"Heavens no. I was born in Walla Walla, Washington. My folks were both teachers. Mom taught elementary school until 6 years ago and Dad finished his career more like 15 years ago as a principal of the high school. They both still live in Walla Walla as do my sister and two brothers. I was the dreamer and the adventurer."

RJ returned with his beer. "Have they waterboarded you yet Colonel?"

"Now Colonel you know that is not an approved method of interrogation." She laughed and it was like a thousand bells tinkling at once.

"This gin is very good. You called it a Bee's Knees?"

"Yes," Martha explained, "My late mother-in-law told me it was served in the prohibition times and depression because people made their own bathtub gin."

"Fascinating! I do love hearing about the history behind things we eat and drink. We have so many cultural similarities if people would just take the time to share the stories."

Family members talked about the experience of the move, Grandpa's health improvements, and Gunnar's first-time driving. Sean and Vic went to check the meal and Clay grabbed AJ and pulled him into a corner.

"After our guests leave, you're upstairs in the library."

"I'm sorry Dad, it just came out wrong."

"Save it AJ."

Victoria returned to the living room, "Mormor, Grandpa, Dad, Uncle RJ, and Colonel Mitchell family all. Please come to the dining room, dinner is served." The group made their way to the dining room which glowed warmly with the light of 18 candles. Sean had picked up the modern candelabras in Finland. Six candles at different heights around a silver bowl with a glass lining. Tonight Gitte had placed freshly cut gardenias in the bowls. Sean took his seat at the head of the table and Clay took Martha's seat at its foot. Martha sat to Sean's right while Leon was by his son's right. RJ was to Sean's left and Harri sat beside him next to her was AJ and Vic would be next to her grandfather. Next to Martha was Fifth, Birgitte, Gunnar, and Erik finished off the table. The six tens entered each carrying a dish for the meal. Vic was last carrying the standing rib roast which she placed ceremoniously in front of Pops.

Sean began, "At this, our first family dinner in our ancestral home, I'd like to do a little something different instead of saying grace. I'd like us all to sing grace instead. I think we all know Amazing Grace. We'll do the first and last verses. On three." He counted with his fingers and the family sang:

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch; like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.

When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun.

Martha leaned over to Sean and whispered, "I think you just started a new tradition for family dinners."

"RJ, I believe you brought the wine. Would you mind serving it?" Clay asked.

"Happy to serve Junior," RJ replied.

Gitte giggled drawing unwanted attention to herself.

"Do share daughter. What struck your funny bone?" Dad asked.

"I was just thinking Junior... JR and RJ... it's reversed or the opposite. Sometimes it's referred to as a semi-palindrome. You two are indeed opposites of each other."

"You have a thinker on your hands," Harri nodded toward Gitte. We need more of them in this world."

"Well you found a pack of them Harri," Sean priced his 6 children. "Each in their own way is a thinker and problem solver. Vic is a philosopher and offers insights into many situations. Fifth can puzzle out a football play quicker than anyone on his team. Recently he's turned his thoughts to improving recipes as he's discovered a talent for cooking. AJ is a historian and I think he's recently become interested in military matters. He also is brilliant at calculating winning angles in billiards. Erik is another reader and a musician. He enjoys doing things with his hands. He was quick to catch on this morning to how to read the blueprints for the chicken coop. Gunner is an artist, a poet, a scientist, and a collector."

RJ returned with two open bottles of wine. "Sorry couldn't find the corkscrew. Do you want to sample or trust Harri picked the right wine to go with Standing Rib Roast?"

A chorus of "We trust Harri.!" resounded around the table. RJ started pouring. When he skipped AJ, the teen coughed and tapped his glass.

"I didn't know you were 21 AJ," RJ quipped.

"It's ok RJ, at family dinners they are permitted about a fourth of a glass of wine. Clay and I also let them sip other drinks we may be imbibing. We'd rather supervise what they are trying than find out the hard way."

"Very enlightened parents," Harri noted.

"Thank you but that's how I was raised, and we decided to try it with our crew too."

Everyone had filled their plates when Fifth said, I'd like to propose a toast before we eat." He picked up his wine glass and stood up. "To many more years of family dinners around this table."

"To many more years of family dinners around this table," everyone repeated as they clinked their glasses and sipped their wine.

Sean and Clay beamed at their boy. Martha whispered to Sean, "He's becoming a perfect gentleman like his fathers."

"Mom, he's getting there. He struggles to try to live up to being the oldest boy. We try to stress just grow up to be the best version of who you are."

"I know it's too soon to think about it, but will he be the successor or are you thinking Vic or one of the others."

"You're right, way too early, we're just wrapping our heads around that we're doing it. Our plan is to show all of them the ins and outs of the whole operation."

"How did you like driving my old Ford?" Grandpa asked Gunnar.

"I thought it was the best thing that has happened to me so far today! Dad explained I can't take it off the property or between properties. I'm just glad I got the hang of it so quickly. I've seen videos of people bucking back and forth like they're busting a horse."

"It isn't fancy, but it runs," Grandpa added. "We might have had the old Chevy longer if a certain Colonel hadn't run it into the creek one night."

"Ah, Dad you aren't ever going to let me live that down."

"Nor will Mary Liz or Hannah. You ruined their white slacks." Leon laughed.

"Harri wait till you meet my sisters. As quiet as Junior and I are, they are loud."

"Wait just a minute. You're saying you're a quiet one!" Junior entered the discussion. "Dad, how many times did you have to come out to Testosterone House and shut him down in the middle of the night?"

"I remember quite a few 2 and 3 AM trips over there."

"Oh and remember when we caught him drinking beer and bringing porn magazines into the house," Martha added.

"OK, OK, I wasn't perfect. I learned my lesson the hard way, but at least, I learned. Word to the wise nephews, don't bring porn into the house." Fifth glanced at Pops and returned to eating his dinner.

Harri spoke up, "I'd like to compliment the chef. This is the tastiest standing rib roast I've had in a long time."

Victoria beamed, "Thank you it was a team effort. Pops did the standing ribs, and Birgitte, Fifth, and I handled the rest."

Leon stood up, "Here's to the cooks, God bless them."

"The cooks," everyone said and sipped their wine. Martha glanced at Leon's glass. It was still almost full. She was pleased he was only sipping it.

As the meal came to an end Gitte asked, "Would you like dessert now or perhaps a break before we have coffee and dessert?"

"What did you make Gitte," Harri inquired.

"It's called Swedish Apple Pie. It doesn't have a crust so I'm hoping Grandpa can have a small piece." She looked at her grandmother.

Mormor laughed "As long as he behaves himself, we'll see,"

"Thank you, Mother," Leon responded.

"Before we leave the table may I say something?" RJ asked as he stood up. All eyes turned to him. RJ took a sip of his wine and offered his hand to Harri who stood beside him, "I have the immense honor to announce to all of you that Harri has consented to be my wife." He kissed Harri in front of his family and cheers filled the dining room. Martha was out of her seat and around the table in a flash. She hugged her future daughter-in-law tightly.

Junior banged on the table. "Settle down. Settle down, we can't group hug in here. Let's take this celebration into the family room where we will have space welcome and cheer our newest Reed."

After the initial round of hugs and congratulations Clay, Erik, AJ, and Gunnar went into the dining room and cleared away the dishes and the remains of the meal. When they returned to the family room Harri was explaining that the wedding would be at the base chapel with the military chaplain presiding. It would be a full military wedding with sword salute and all. They had picked September 1 for their happy day.

"Why is it these Reed men think a wedding can be pulled off in so short a time frame?" Martha carped.

"Military planning Ma'am," RJ quipped back. Harri hit his shoulder.

"Colonel you should be more respectful," Harri teased.

"Yes, Colonel. You're right Colonel."

Junior sat next to his mother as Birgitte and Vic went in to get the coffee and pie for everyone. "Did you suspect Mom?"

"Yes and No," I thought he was seeing a man. I was prepared to have a fourth son-in-law."

"You should have known RJ could never have been with a man." He was sowing seeds way before me."

The two teens returned and served coffee and dessert to everyone including their grandfather. Gitte was complimented by everyone for preparing such a tasty dessert. Harri even asked her for the recipe. RJ and Clay shared a few more beers as Martha and Harri talked about color schemes and flower arrangements for the wedding.

With dessert over the guests began to take their leave. When RJ said goodnight to his brother he whispered, "Would you be my best man?" "Was there ever a doubt?"

"No, but I don't want you feeling like I'm taking advantage."

Junior hugged him tight. "Never brother. Never."

Afterward, the family sat around talking about the upcoming nuptials.

"Wonder if any of us will be in it? Vic speculated.

"I can answer that," her father replied. Everyone looked at him. He paused for effect. Grinning he said, "Yes, RJ asked me to be his best man."

"What about the rest of us?" Vic demanded.

"We'll all do whatever Uncle RJ and Aunt Harri ask. It is their wedding."

"Well, you must plan a bang-up bachelor party since you're the best man!" Sean reminded him.

"That's what I have you here for Sir."

"You think?"

"I know you're the best party planner around."

"Well, we'll see. I do have something to suggest. I would like each of us to write down 5 possible wedding gifts between $100 and 500 dollars in value. We can compare lists after Sunday dinner next week. We'll then write down all the gifts that are repeated suggestions if an item is only repeated once. Then we'll each pick our top 3 and then compare the lists again. We'll see what gift we come up with from the Reed Walls Family."

"Oh I like that idea," Vic stated. Everyone else nodded."

"May we talk about tomorrow?" Clay asked. Everyone turned their attention to him. It's Erik's turn to learn how to drive the stick and tour the ranch. Who wants to take care of household chores tomorrow?"

"What chores? Fifth solicited.

"Well, there are 11 bathrooms on the property around the house. I suggest each person cleans their own but that leaves the pool, kitchen, the guest bath in the foyer, and the two bathrooms in the guest rooms upstairs."

"I like the idea of doing our own," Vic said. "But we should have an inspector to make sure each is done correctly. I volunteer to be the inspector this week."

"What do you think Pops?" Clay probed.

"I think the inspector takes the 5 other baths. Since Vic is doing this week, I suggest we yoyo the assignment list."

"Yoyo the assignment list?" Erik questioned.

"Yes, yoyo -- Younger, Older, Younger, Older. So Vic, Gunnar, Gitte, Erik, Fifth, AJ, me then Dad. So roughly every 2 months you can expect a parent to inspect your bathroom. That doesn't rule out surprise inspections." Everyone nodded their assent.

"Pops how long have you been planning to lay that yoyo thing on us?" Erik continued.

"Off the top of my blond head when you asked the question. You have to admit I'm quick!" The family laughed.

"When will game night resume?" Gitte inquired.

"That's a great question. It was Wednesdays in Christmas," Dad commented. "We could keep that or change it. Monthly Movie night will change too since we don't have anything like the Aloma Cinema Grill around here."

"We do have our own media room," Fifth threw in. "We can agree on a movie and download it far cheaper than all of us going out."

"Very true Fifth. Thanks for the suggestion."

"I for one", Vic spoke up, "would prefer to keep our schedule. We've already established Sunday dinners; Third Tuesday would be Monthly Movie Night and every Wednesday Game Night. We could even yoyo," she grinned at Pops, "who picks the game."

"Very true," Pops agreed. Thursday is usually JV game night and Friday is HS football, Saturday is baseball, and other sports as well as chore day which brings us back to Sunday dinners."

"I'm exhausted just talking about," Gitte commented. "Can we decide on it tomorrow?" The group nodded in assent.

Pops looked at his children, "I want to thank each of you for your cooperation and help with the move and especially for making tonight's dinner so special. I think that we can all do what we need to do now. Right?"

"Almost," Clay said. "AJ library please." The teen swallowed hard and headed upstairs. "Check with y'all later. I love you."

"Love you too Dad and Pops," the remaining five teens said as they started to go about their business.

AJ knew the drill. He stood hands behind his back facing the two overstuffed reading chairs his fathers would sit in. He was as prepared to defend his actions from earlier in the day. He stiffened a bit as the two men entered the library and took their seats.

Clay went right to the point. "Andrew Joseph Reed, you embarrassed yourself and this family today with your snarky comment in front of a guest in our home. What do you have to say for yourself."

"I didn't mean for it to come out snarky and I'm sorry if I embarred anyone. I don't recall anyone apologizing to me when certain people in this house caused me to pee myself earlier in the day."

Clay was not expecting the tone of defiance in AJ's voice. His hands gripped the arms of his chair tightly. Sean noticed his husband's reaction and entered the fray to let Clay, who had developed a quick temper while playing in the NFL, calm down. "Let me try to understand your reasoning Andrew. You equate family horsing around as making it permissible to make inappropriate remarks in front of a guest?"

"Yes, no," and after a short pause, "Yes. She's going to be a Reed. Harri needs to flow with the punches."

Clay had relaxed his hands and arms. "Who threw a bag of cockroaches all over Pops while he was working on a design for a client and laughed about it. It apparently didn't matter those hours of work had to be redone." AJ hung his head. "Who threw a live snake onto my groin when I was sunbathing in the backyard?" AJ kept his head down. "Who was it that pushed his brother into the pool causing him to chip a tooth?" Clay paused.

"It was I," AJ admitted.

"Were you severely punished for any of those jokes?"

"I was spoken to each time by you and Pops,"

"Answer the question I asked you."

"No sir, I was not punished."

"But today because you felt put upon by horseplay in the kitchen you want that to excuse misbehavior in front of a quest."

"Yes, I do. I'm always getting AJ, do this, don't do that. I feel you pick on me more than any of my brothers and sisters. I can't stand it. I even thought about calling the Child Abuse Hotline and turning you in."

Clay exploded! "You feel you've been abused? Neglected? Traumatized?" Please tell us. is there anything you need? I don't mean want. Is there anything you lack that you need?"

AJ thought. He had lots of ideas for things he wanted. He couldn't think of anything he needed. He remained silent.

"Pops and I have tried very hard to meet all our children's needs and wants. We involve you in decision-making. We try to support you in your struggles and your triumphs. Yet you have the unmitigated gall to stand here and threaten us! I won't have it!" AJ's phone buzzed signaling a text had arrived. "Give me my phone."

AJ looked at his father questioningly.

"I paid for it, it's under my name, give me my phone."

AJ reached into his pocket and handed the phone to his dad. Clay took it, stood up, threw it to the ground, and slammed the heel of his shoe into it cracking it open.

"Dad, my life is in that phone!"

"Oh, your poor abused and traumatized life. I'm surprised you want to remember any of it. When you can afford a cell phone go buy one. For now, go to the corner quest room and sit down. Pops and I need to decide what to do with you."

AJ had never seen his father so angry. He had experienced a few swats on his behind when he was smaller. Disciple now was mostly talking, alone time, giving up something for a time, or extra chores. He made his way quickly to the guest room and sat in the slipper chair in the corner.

Clay stormed into the bedroom with Sean right behind. "Ingrate, pompous little fucker. After all that we do and have done for him. We need to teach him a lesson he won't soon forget. Clay pulled out his cell phone and scrolled down to Lillian Johnson. He pushed the call button.

"Hello Matt, this is Clay Reed." He listened a moment. "Thank you, it's good to be back. Is Lillian available? I need her help with something tonight." Another pause as Matt Johnson said something Sean couldn't hear. "Thank you, I'll hold. Sean, please close the bedroom door."

"What are you planning Clay?"

"You'll see. Lillian, how are you? Yes, it's been a long time. Senior prom I believe. Now you're the Sheriff of DeSoto County." He listened to whatever Lillian was telling him. "Lillian our fourth child was getting a talking to this evening after he behaved badly in front of RJ's fiancé." He stopped mid-sentence. "Yes RJ is marrying another Air Force Colonel. Anyway, AJ threatened us with the Abuse Hotline. I want to teach him a lesson." He listened some more. "He's fourteen going on 30." Another pause. "You have one like that too and just as mouthy huh. Well, what I want to do is drop him off at the station for the night. He'll think it is forever. It will give him a chance to think about how lucky he is to have what he has. Then tomorrow morning you act like you're going to try to mediate between us and bring him home." Lillian was reacting to his plan. "Well if he chooses not to come back, I guess it's foster care. That will kill us but so would losing all six during an abuse investigation." The Sheriff talked a bit longer. "OK, I will ask for Karl when we get to the Station. Thanks, Lillian. I owe you. Talk to you in the morning."

"Leon Clayton Reed IV. Are you fucking out of your mind? Talk about abuse!"

"Lillian thinks it worth a shot. A lot like scared straight with delinquents." Sean gave him the look. "Listen, I need you to back me on this. This is similar to what Dad did with RJ and military school. Do you want to lose all 6 of our kids to foster care if we're investigated? Strike one: We're gay and living in conservative DeSoto County. Strike two: We're naturists. Strike three: Where there's an allegation, they will think there is something to find, and they'll comb through our lives. College rape, successful artistic photo tour, and the art books. We must protect the family and he's going to get a hard lesson."

Sean stared at his husband for two or three minutes in silence. "Much as it pains me, you're right. We could lose them all. What do you want me to do?"

"Gather the kids in the Quad."

Sean went to the intercom and pushed the all-call button. "Attention. Attention. Please gather in the living room of the Quad. Repeat the Living room of the Quad stat." Then be followed Clay out the door and down the hall.

When they entered the corner bedroom AJ sprang to his feet and attempted to apologize, "Dad, Pops...."

Clay held up his hand. "That's Mr. Reed and Mr. Walls to you, young man. Please come with us." Clay led the way downstairs. He went into the office and grabbed his wallet and car keys. Then the trio walked out of the main house to the Quad in silence. In the common room, five pairs of eyes looked at them questioningly.

"Fifth please grab a large black garbage bag," Fifth hurried to the kitchen area and grabbed the bag, and handed it to his father. Clay handed it to his son. "You may place 14 pairs of socks, underwear, undershirts, shirts of your choosing as well as slacks or shorts. You may choose a pair of flip-flops or sandals and a pair of trainers. You already have dress shoes on. Place them all in this bag." The teen took the bag and went to his room and started following his father's orders. No words were spoken until he returned 20 minutes later.

"My dear children," Clay began, "this young man has threatened to call Children and Family Services on Pops and me. He feels he has been traumatized and abused by us. In threatening us, he threatens the entire family as all of you would be placed in foster care until such a time the allegations are resolved. It is our responsibility to protect the family as much as possible. While the state tries to keep siblings together, I doubt they would be able to find anyone willing to take 6 teenagers into their home. As a result of this threat Pops and I are going to send our fourth child into the foster care program. If you wish to say goodbye do so now as the Sheriff's Office is awaiting our arrival.

"Dad, Pops, no I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. Don't send me away!" the teen pleaded."

"I told you, it's Mr. Reed and Mr. Walls." Clay picked up the bag filled with the teen's clothing. "This is what foster kids carry between homes. It's time to go." Five crying teens hugged their brother. Vic started to plead his case but stopped when she saw the look in her father's eyes. She saw both hurt and the determination in them. "Pops will stay here with you. We can pack up the junk in the downstairs bedroom tomorrow and haul it to the dump." Clay opened the door, looked at the crying redhead, and ordered, "out."

The pair walked to the Escalade in silence. Clay threw the bag in the back seat and the two got into the front. Andrew cried softly. He tried to touch his father's arm, but Clay shrugged it off. Twenty minutes later they pulled into the Sheriff's Office parking lot. "Grab your shit and come along. Let's not make this any harder." Andrew grabbed his bag and carried it into the office.

At the front desk, Clay said, "Sheriff Johnson said I was to ask for Karl."

"That's me, Sir. You must be Mr. Reed. The Sheriff alerted me that you'd be dropping off one of your children who threatened you and your husband. I take it this is him. Ungrateful little turd."

"Yes, his name is Andrew Joseph Reed. He's 14 years old. I'm going to speak with my attorney tomorrow about emancipating him."

"Deputy, sir what does that mean?" AJ inquired. "It means you're going to be set free of your family's control early. They won't be responsible for you any longer. I'm afraid social services are closed for the night. You can set your things on that bench where you will spend the night. I'll keep an eye on you until the Sheriff and Social Worker get here in the morning. Go ahead, boy."

AJ took his belongings and went to the bench the deputy had indicated. He missed the wink the deputy and given his father or the strained look on his father's face as he watched his son walk away. Clay left quickly so as not to cry in front of AJ.

When AJ turned around his father was gone. He sat down on the bench and cried.

Karl ordered, "Shut up boy. There will be no blubbering in here. This is a place of business. Serves you right for threatening your folks." Karl went back to his reports. Eventually, Andrew fell asleep.

When Clay returned home no one was in the main house, so he headed to the Quad. The remaining five teens surrounded Sean on the floor hugging him or each other. They stirred when he entered.

"Did he come back with you?" Vic asked hopefully.


"We're here one day and our family falls apart," Gitte sobbed. Sean put his arm around her. The three boys remained silent but glared at their father. Clay sank into a chair and put his head back,

Fifth finally said, "Dad, I wasn't upset about what he said to me."

Clay looked at his namesake. "It wasn't about what he said or even the way he tried to justify it. He threatened us. What have I always told you?"

"Stick together as a family when someone threatens you," Vic responded on behalf of her siblings. "I can't believe he meant it. We love each other."

Pops added, "We still love him. Do you think Dad and my hearts aren't broken? We never expected to be threatened by any of you. We can't just let it go."

"Can we camp out here tonight, Pops?" Gunner asked ignoring his other father.

"I think all of us camping out here would be a great idea. Blankets or sleeping bags?"

"Blankets should work. Right guys?" Everyone nodded and the three boys got blankets and pillows for everyone. The teens circled Sean and Clay had to be content with lying next to Fifth on the outside of the circle. The kids were upset with him.

Back at the DCSD Andrew was awakened at 3 AM by three farmworkers yelling at each other in Spanish in front of the Desk Sergeant. He took the opportunity to slip off to the public men's room to relieve his bladder. He was only gone 5 minutes and when he returned his belongings were gone.

In a panic, he approached the desk. "Sargent someone stole my bag with all my things in it," he stated frantically.

"Sorry kid, you shouldn't leave things lying around," Karl replied coldly. After he had thrown the farmworkers out he had purposefully moved the teen's things behind the front desk. Andrew returned to the bench and cried himself back to sleep.

At 7 AM, shift change began. Karl updated the new Desk Sargent about what was going on with the kid and that Sherriff Johnson would handle it. Then he walked over to the boy and shook him awake. "Morning, my replacement is Derek Thomas. He'll keep an eye on you until the Sheriff arrives. Try to have a better day. Always remember to be respectful and never threaten others. It always ends badly." He walked away.

When Sheriff Johnson arrived, she didn't even look at Andrew. She came in greeted her deputies and went to her office. At 7:45 a deputy came up to him and said, "Mr. Reed, the Sheriff will see you now."

Andrew stood up stiffly from spending the night on the wooden bench. He followed the deputy through a security door and down a corridor to the Sheriff's Office. He stood in front of her desk with his head down.

"Good morning Mr. Reed. I assume you had a rough night. I would bet your former family did too."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Mr. Reed has informed me that you threatened them with child abuse charges. I am required under the law to ask you what you accuse them of doing? Did they sexually abuse you?"

"No, Ma'am!"

"Physically abuse you?"

"No Ma'am."

"Then what?"

"Nothing Ma'am, it was a stupid ploy to get them off my case for breaking the rules. And now I don't have a family anymore. They're going to set me free," he sobbed and sank into the nearby chair.

"Mr. Reed, get a hold of yourself, right now," Lillian ordered. Andrew sat up, wiped his eyes, and resumed standing in front of her desk.

"Mr. Reed this is a situation of your own making. Do you regret threatening your parents?"

"Yes Ma'am, I will regret it every day of my life. But Dad, Mr. Reed, wouldn't listen to me and he left me here without even saying goodbye. And all my things were stolen. All I have now is the clothes I'm wearing."

"The Sheriff's intercom buzzed. She picked up the phone and said, "Yes. I see. Would you bring them back to my office please?"

AJ thought his parents had come for him. When a deputy entered, she said, "These were left at the front desk."

"Thank you, Melanie. Are these perhaps yours" Lillian asked. AJ looked in the bag.

"Yes, Ma'am. It is all I was allowed to bring."

"Why do you think that was?"

"I don't know Ma'am." "I've seen other children thrown away with nothing. Yet your parents sent you off with enough laundry to fill a chest of drawers. Are you sure they don't want or love you?"

"I'm here, aren't I."

"Yes, you are, young man. I hate to see someone thrown into the foster care system over a stupid mistake like threatening his family. I know your father from high school. He was always a level-headed and caring person to everyone he met. Would you agree with that assessment?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Dad, Mr. Reed, and Mr. Walls have always listened to my side of things. I was being a brat and now I'm here. I wish I had just taken whatever punishment they wanted to give me."

"How do they usually punish you?"

"After we discuss the infraction, I'm given a list of 3 to 5 choices. The more serious the infraction the more choices I must make. Usually, I get to pick one of the three options. If there are 5 options, I must pick two."

"Give me examples of your options."

"Last time I was in trouble I had to choose between surrendering my iPhone for two weeks or using my laptop for supervised school work only, or being grounded in my room for a month."

"What did you choose?"

"Supervised schoolwork on the laptop."

Lillian smiled, "Because the iPhone still gave you access to the internet."

"Yes, Ma'am, but I learned Mr. Walls monitors the phones and he spotted my accessing the net. He took the phone anyway."

"Yet you survived to live another day and eventually threaten your family." AJ hung his head.

"Grab your bag, Mr. Reed, and come with me," Lilliam directed. She led the teen back the way he had come. She stopped at the front desk, Derek, I'm going to be out of the office. I'll be on my radio."

"Yes, Sheriff Johnson."

"Come along Mr. Reed."

AJ followed trying to suppress his tears. He thought he was being taken to a foster home. The Sheriff opened the back door of her cruiser and told him to get in,

Back at Oak Haven II, Clay had been up early. He was stiff and sore from sleeping on the floor. He did wake to Fifth's arm over his chest which brought him some comfort. Yet he thought he had to play this out. He quietly went out and gathered up some of the moving boxes and bubble wrap. Returning to the Quad he entered his son's bedroom and started packing his books and trophies.

"What are you doing Dad," Vic demanded.

"When someone dies it is customary to remove their things from their home to make things easier for those left behind. Do you think I want to be constantly reminded of being threatened by a child of mine?"

Vic hugged her father. The other teens came into the room having been awakened by their sister's question. One by one they took a packing box and began lovingly placing their brother's things in them. Sean watched from the door as the anger the children had felt the night before turned into mourning. He went to the Quad's kitchen and pulled out bowls, cereal, and milk.

Returning to the room he announced. "This can wait. Time to eat a little something. The cereal is on the table. Out - all of you." The room emptied and the family gathered around the quad's table. Sean leaned against the counter as the rest poured cereal and ate in silence. The intercom buzzed.

"Hello! Is anyone there?" a female voice called.

"Hello, this is Mr. Walls. Can I help you?"

"This is Sheriff Johnson, I'd like to speak with you and Mr. Reed, but the gate is locked and young Mr. Reed doesn't know the code."

"Certainly Sheriff. I'll open it. We'll meet you in front of the main house," Sean replied punching in the gate code to the control panel. Clay and he walked to the front of the house followed by their ducklings in age order. They found the Sheriff standing beside her car with Andrew Reed sitting in the back seat like a criminal.

"Clay it is so good to see you. It's been over 25 years since we last saw each other. I was on my honeymoon when your grandma passed or I would have been there."

"Something like that Lillian. May I introduce my husband, Sean Walls and these are our remaining children: Victoria, Birgitte, Leon the Fifth, Erik, and Gunnar."

"Pleased to meet all of you. May I have a word in private with you Clay and Mr. Walls?"

"Sheriff, we don't hide things in this family. We try to be very open. What you have to say to us you can say in front of our children," Sean stated.

"Very well. As you know the law requires, that I investigate any abuse charges. I have questioned Andrew Joseph Reed regarding his threat last night and he tells me there was no abuse of any kind and that he was just using the threat as a ploy to avoid punishment. I hate to see someone thrown into the foster care system if they don't have to be there." She stopped and unlocked the back of her cruiser. "Step out here young man."

A very haggard-looking AJ got out of the car and faced his family.

"Do you have anything you want to say to your parents and siblings?" AJ shuffled his feet a minute. "Come on boy we don't have all day. Tell them what you told me in my office."

"Mr. Reed, Mr. Walls, I regret threatening you and I will regret it the rest of my life. In the past, you have always listened to my side of things. I was being a brat and now I'm in the worst trouble of my life. I wish I had just taken whatever punishment you wanted to give me. I love all of you and want to come home." He took a deep breath and sighed.

Sean and Clay looked at each other, then they looked at their kids who stared back with hope-filled faces.

"Sheriff, he still has to be punished," Clay stated.

Lillian replied, "That would be your right as his parent."

Clay thought a few minutes. The silence was deafening. "Andrew Joseph Reed. For the next two weeks, you will sleep in the corner quest room of the main house. You will not have access to a phone until I choose to buy you a new one. You will participate fully in all family activities. You will think before you speak to avoid other unfortunate and embarrassing situations. Today there are no options. Do you accept your punishment?"

"Yes Sir, I accept."

"Pops and I welcome you home, son," Clay grabbed his son and gave him a big bear hug, and soon it was a full-on group hug.

Sean walked over to Lillian and said, "Thank you Sheriff for bringing our son back to us."

"Mr. Walls," Sean held up his hand.

"Please call me Sean."

Lillian smiled, "Sean it was a pleasure to meet your son. He's got a good heart. I think he's learned a valuable lesson about family. It's tough love, but it is still love. You and Clay can be proud. You're raising a fine group of children." She reached into the back seat and pulled out the bag of clothes. Erik ran over and took it from her. "Thank you, Erik."

"You're welcome, Sheriff. We appreciate you bringing him back and not taking him to a foster family."

Clay was still hugging his boy but nodded at Lillian. She placed her hand over her heart just before she got in her cruiser and left to go back to town.

"Bet there's something none of you remember," Clay said as he carried AJ toward the front door which Vic had opened. "When we brought you home from the hospitals after each of you were hatched, either Pops or I carried you into the house. Not in a baby carrier but in our arms. He carried AJ across the threshold into the house. That's because this is your home and there is no place like home." He set AJ down. Now take your stuff back to your old room. You will only sleep upstairs for now."

All six teens accompanied AJ back to the Quad. He looked at the packing boxes in his room. He realized again how close he had come to losing his family. His siblings helped him put everything back and by 9:30 they were gathering in the main house ready for the day ahead.

Sean and Clay had gone to the office and hugged and cried together out of view of their children. Sean told him, "You were right. He didn't disappoint us. He picked us."

"I hope we never have to do the nuclear option again," Clay admitted. "My heart was breaking."

"Then why did you go there?"

"Remember when you loaned me to Master Wil. I didn't know how long I would be there. I had clothes for two weeks, but I was there for four weeks. He would often remark when I was exhausted from a training session, sometimes in tears, "You will always remember this time away from your Sir. You'll always be grateful for him wanting you back."

"Yes, I know the saying well." Are you grateful?"

"If we didn't have so much to do today, I'd show you grateful. I love you for trusting my instincts on this one." There was a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened and Fifth entered in his work clothes.

"Phew glad it wasn't locked," Fifth grinned cheekily at his fathers. We're ready for the day. We're all in the kitchen. The two men joined their children around the table.

"Erik." Clay began, "You're scheduled to go with me today. It's already in the low 90s. So you have the option of waiting until tomorrow morning or sweating with me as I make the rounds and talk with the crews."

"As you guys often say, `Is the pope Catholic?' Of course, I'll go with you today."

"See ya'll when we see you.," Clay noted and headed out the door.

Sean gathered his crew. Together they gathered their supplies for mixing the cement for the footers. He explained to the boys that because this would not be bearing a lot of weight he wasn't going to put rebar in it. However, the mixture they would use would be 1 part cement: 2 parts sand: and 4 parts coarse aggregate. He got two wheelbarrows ready. Now while we're putting in the first wheelbarrow you two will mix the next. Then we'll switch off. In that way, we'll have almost a continuous pour going as we, move around the foundation. Then we'll tap it down and smooth it off with a trowel.

Three hours later the foundation was laid, and they were cleaning the wheelbarrows and other tools. Once everything was clean and put away Sean suggested a swim. At the pool, the girls were sunning themselves on the lawn chairs. "Join us for a swim?"

"Neither of us can right now Pops," Vic replied. He knew what that meant, and he and the boys were soon splashing around in the pool.

Gunnar disappeared underwater near the waterfall. He resurfaced and called out, "Guys look what I found. It's a hidden cave behind the waterfall. AJ and Fifth swam over and Fifth played dumb when he looked at the table and underwater stools. They returned through the falls and looked at Pops. "What gives Pops?" Gunnar demanded.

"What! Dad and I can't have a little private place to sit in the cool and watch our kids swim and horse around?" AJ whinnied like a horse which cracked up the rest of them. Sean felt relief that Andrew's playful nature wasn't broken.

Clay and Erik arrived home. "I see there is more play than work going on here," Junior said mimicking his father. AJ whinnied which brought a look of puzzlement to his dad's face.

"Erik, look what I found" Gunnar beckoned him to follow him through the waterfall.

"Well that didn't stay a secret long," Farm Boy grumbled as he jumped into the pool next to his Chief.

"You know how Gunnar is. He's got to check out the edges of everything. So far, we've been in residence three days and he's made two discoveries."

"What all did he find before the grotto?" Gitte asked.

Clay swallowed, "He found something in the bushes when he was collecting bugs."

"He's always picking up bugs, I wouldn't call that a discovery," Gitte got up and wrapped her sarong around her. I've had enough sun. I'll be in my room."

Vic got up then too, wrapped her sarong around herself, and announced, "I made chicken salad sandwiches for each of you. They're in the refrigerator with a relish tray. Enjoy!"

"Thank you, Vic!" Sean called. She waved her hand and walked toward the Double.

"There's food?" I'm starved. I haven't eaten today." Clay felt a pang of guilt.

"Silly AJ, you should have said something earlier," Pops admonished him.

"AJ grinned, "I was so happy to be home to think about eating." He got out of the pool and ran to the house trailing water behind him. A few minutes later he brought out a tray of sandwiches and the relish tray. He put them down on the picnic bench under the canopy. Then he grabbed himself a coke. What's everyone want to drink?" His siblings called out their orders and he put the drinks on the table. "Dad, Pops, water, soda, or beer?"

"Water for both of us, please," Sean replied.

"I would have preferred a beer."

"We're going to talk about that later Farm Boy. I have a concern to share." They joined the boys at the table.

Erik was sharing his experience with the stick shift. "I only bucked it a few times and it stalled out on me once. Other than that it was smooth, Right Dad?

"Right you are son. Tomorrow AJ will have his turn. Are there any plans for this afternoon?"

Fifth suggested, "I think we all need nap time. I for one didn't sleep well last night. Dad, do you know you snore?" Sean poked his elbow into Clay's ribs.

"I've been told that before but have no direct knowledge of the alleged event." They all laughed.

I don't think any of us slept well on the floor last night," Sean added.

"You slept on the floor?" AJ asked." I slept on a wood bench, and someone took my clothes when I went to the bathroom. Why didn't you sleep in your beds?

Clay looked at him, "We had a hole in our hearts last night that couldn't be filled until you came home this morning. We needed each other for support."

"I'm sorry guys, please forgive me."

"Already forgiven and water under the bridge,' Sean stated. "Let's not dwell on the past. We've all learned how much we love and need each other. We will all grow from there." His tone signaled it was time to move on. "Anyway, we are going to decide what to do for dinner without the girls since they've retired to their rooms to rest. Do we want wings tonight from It's Just Wings or dine out at Magnolia St Seafood and Grill?"

Fifth was first with a response, "The ladies will want to get dressed up and go out. They want to meet the local boys I'm pretty sure. I would prefer wings at home."

"I agree," AJ said. "I just want to stay here."

"No place like home Pops," Erik added.

"No argument here," Gun stated.

"Wings it is. I'll place an order for delivery before I lay down."

"I have some work in the office, so I'll be up later. OK?"

"Nope,' was all Sean said as he walked away.

"Dad, you in trouble with Pops?" Fifth asked.

"Don't know, he said earlier he has something we need to talk about."

"Sounds like he wants that discussion soon rather than later," Gunnar noted.

"That's the way Pops is guys, he says his piece then peace is made. Enjoy your naps." Clay padded across the lanai to the sliding glass door and into the house. He found Sean in the kitchen ordering dinner for delivery at 6 PM.

"That's right Eight orders of 8 naked bone-in wings and fries with sauce on the side. Three Garlic Parmesan, three Apple BBQs, and two Honey Sriracha. The Oak Haven II Ranch on SW Lipe Road. Yes, the Old Reed place. Do you want a card now or cash at the door? OK See you at 6. Thank you."

Sean came over and kissed Clay. "Let's go upstairs where we can talk."

In their bedroom, Sean sat on the floor cross-legged, and Clay did the same knees to knees. "Love, My concern has been slowly growing ever since we left Pittsburgh. You weren't happy about just being a backup quarterback to Ben all the time. If you hadn't hurt your hip in that last game, you could have tried to be released. You drank a lot of beer while we were there."

"But I have done better. I've lost the weight I gained."

"All true. But I noticed last night you had a difficult time controlling your anger. That's not like you. Then I thought about it. Two Bees Knees, mixed with how many glasses of wine?"


"And how many beers with RJ?"

"I don't recall."

"You had three."

"You think I'm an alcoholic?"

"Did I say that?

"No, you're implying it."

"No, I am not. I am concerned that when you mix your drinks like that your control filters are impacted. You get irritable more easily. Last night, when you broke the phone, I felt you were in a full-on rage. It scared me, it scared AJ."

Clay thought about his husband's words. He recalled having a hard time holding it together. He recalled breaking the phone in order not to strike his son. "What do you suggest?"

"Let's start by limiting ourselves to one drink in the evening if at all. When we go for the yearly physicals in August, I'm going to suggest a brain scan to make sure all those hits you took in your football career didn't leave some damage."

"OK Chief, thank you for loving me and caring enough about me to make sure I'm healthy. I love you deeply. I am extremely tired though. Can we just cuddle as we use to before the kids arrived?"

"Well, you know our cuddling use to lead to us both being as hard as nails."

Farm Boy grinned at his lover. "Yes, Sir Chief, I remember the hammering I usually took afterward."

Chief took to the bed and Farm Boy crawled up and spooned into him as he did during their first days together. When they woke an hour later, they were both hard as nails, and Farm Boy enjoyed being hammered by his Chief.

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