Happy Times

By moc.loa@3891thgiledlegnA

Published on Dec 26, 2002



Ok, just so that ya'all know this is just a work of fiction so its NOT REAL! Just sit back, unzip and enjoy, and hopefully you will enjoy ;)

Happy Times?

Ok, I just had just got my life sorted out, new house, new jobs and new friends, things SHOULD have been perfect right? Just one slight problem, NO SEX! And as I'm sure you're aware off, sex is just one of those things that a normal 20 year old horny bloke isn't designed to deal with.

Things HAD been perfect for a while, regular sex with a boyfriend who I cared about, but it turns out he was also getting regular sex from ANOTHER boyfriend who apparently could dislocate his legs in order to reach "certain positions." Well, if THAT'S what it took to keep him interested then the basturd could keep him! I mainly worked my frustration out on work and down at the gym, lets get one thing str8 (even though I'm not :D) I'm not a muscle/gym bunnie, I only go there to keep in shape and to look at those GORGOUS bodies that are on show! It's a str8 gym unfortunately, so no sex and have to be very careful when looking! Even though I'm sure that when guys play grab ass they're not meant to get boners, are they? Heh heh, I wouldn't mind helping some of them out if they needed the "assistance!"

Unfortunately, this ISN'T a story about me sucking off a load of str8 guys down at the gym, that's another story! This story is mostly my lil' encounters with both of my roommate's brothers... And YES! I know I'm bad! But they were cute!!!! How many gay guys would turn down the opportunity to mess around with two very cute 17 and 21 year olds!!

It was a normal day for me, slobbering over the cute guys at work, being obscene at them with the "girls" at work. Going to the gym and having to fight down the urge to turn over and fuck some of those cute bubble buts there!!! But one thing remained constant, my total inability to get ANY sex! It was just driving me fucking INSANE! So I came home one day, just feeling totally freaked out after watching two other guys get "hot and sweaty" with each other over the weights. I almost got myself killed watching those guys work out with each other... DROOL but it was worth it, I had to spend something like 15minutes in the steam room in an effort to calm down. Things DID get interesting when a young(ish) guy walked in and saw my semi hard-on. He walked in, took off his towel and just sat there for a few seconds. Now this WAS a str8 gym and guys taking off their towels, while not exactly common, wasn't that uncommon that it would draw attention so him doing this wouldn't normally arouse my attention. He must have been around 18, but slightly chubby. It was obvious that he was in the gym trying to rid himself of that dreaded "baby fat" so that more girls might fancy him! He wasn't that bad looking, pale skin with a cropped black hair with dark brown eyes, they reminded me of coffee which has been well brewed, he had nice teeth though! One good point! For those of you that want to know, I'm fairly good looking, always referred to as "cute" by all those who I've asked. I've got spiky black hair, with blue eyes and really smooth skin. I think I only need to shave something like twice a week it doesn't show at all! I had a body which while not defined, was good enough to pass off and show around! I got told that I had a "cruel smile" which some people didn't like, what the hell that meant I have no idea...

Anyway, mister "chubby" was just sitting there for a few minutes just rubbing the sweat into his skin. I was watching through the corner of my eye, but not really getting worked up apart from the semi that I'd got watching the other two guys work out. I started to wish that this lil' bugger would get lost so I could work something ELSE out!!! But no, he just sat there for something like five minutes, obviously working himself up into a state of arousal, at one point he was openly wanking off trying to get some attention, I was just thinking "hello!? And what do you think you're doing!?" (ok, I know it was bitchy but he wasn't THAT nice and I wasn't THAT horny!)

After a while, he seemed to get the msg that either I wasn't interested (which I wasn't) or that he would have to make the first move, and guess which one he thought off? He had obviously taken my signs of passiveness as a sign that he could go further, so he did. He crawled over to right next to me, and draped his towel over his hardon, I'd seen bigger, and started to really casually like (actually he'd just dumped his hand) rub his hand against my thigh. At this point I WAS getting horny, after all, a blowjob WAS a blowjob! And if he thinks I'm str8 then I won't have to pay him back so HURRAY! I let him go further, it was obvious though he'd never done this before and when he pinched my nipple rather a lil' too hard I made a hissing sound which he backed off immediately. Without speaking for a few seconds, he watched me wondering what I would do. I'd come to "full mast" after his (crap) ministrations and he thought this meant that he could go for it, so he did. Without much further ado he pulled open my towel without much finesse and just, well, he attacked my cock!!! He opened his mouth and took it down to the root in one gulp!!! I'm no small boy but WOW! We're talking something like 7 and a half inches of cock down the throat in one swallow! Well, perhaps fat people DO try harder!!! This one certainly sucked harder!!! Without realising it at the time, I put my hands on his head and started to push him up and down, working myself up to the point when precum was leaking out of my cock like a leaky tap and then without warning HE STOPPED!!! HOW DARE HE STOP!! I was so pissed off I shot him a look of pure venom till I realised two things. Firstly, the lil' bugger had been wanking himself off and had cum in his own towel, secondly, people were talking outside the door. BUGGER!

He gave me a look as if to say "sorry" and got his things together and walked out, so there was me left with a raging hardon leaking precum, a small towel which really didn't cover anything, and balls so tight it would take a small drilling operation to get them back!!! After he'd left, I heard the other guys say goodbye to each other and two of them walked off and three other guys walked in. I had to cover up pretty quickly at this point coz these guys were all "lads" and sporting a hardon in front of the "lads" isn't a good idea!!! So I wrapped up, and tried to think of cold thoughts. It didn't work.

After a few minutes of not-so-subtle suggestions that I was a "fag" or a "queer" coz of my hardon from the "lads" I thought I'd better make my escape before they got their own ideas about what to do with THEIR hardons!!!

I cursed the lil' fat bugger and walked in reach of a cold shower. My cock has somewhat shrunk at this point, but was still at least at half mast, full but not erect. I'm rather thick at the base running up to the head which mushroomed so I'm sure that I made the other guys in the shower feel slightly inadequate during my five minute shower!!! I got out to some envious glares and went back to my locker and got my things sorted out. I contemplated going to a gloryhole I knew, but it was out of my way and was just interested at going home at this point, so I did and well... I was rather pissed off!!!

Going home was a nightmare, it usually is on the London underground. And I was even more frustrated when I got in, intending on having a MAJOR wank off session when I was alone and then just as I got in I realised something, we had guests. FUCK!!! My two roommates (both girls) had relatives visiting, and each of them had to accommodate a family member. The two girls weren't related and both of them were both equally pissed at their families for making them do this, and the upshot of this was that we had for the next week two young boys living with us and making a MESS of things! Since the two girls shared a room, and I wasn't about to give up my room, the guys were staying on the couch in the front room, which was a pain in the ass since they constantly hogged the TV and made a bloody mess of the place. The two guys were like light and shadows, there was 21 year old David who had clear skin, blonde hair and a pair of glacier blue eyes which most people would KILL for! He was rather well built from what I could see and not that bad looking. He would spike his hair up and look about five years younger looking very sexy!!! And the other one was 17 and was called Sean. He had coffee coloured skin, black hair which was cropped down to a number three(?). He had totally black eyes, very deep and on a sensible person might have looked rather nice! But as it was, he was an asshole. He had a very typical 17y/o body, rather slim and not built, but very nice since it was totally natural! He also had a thing about nudity, when neither of the girls were in the house he would annoy me (well, not me!) and David both by walking around in nothing more than his boxer shorts or just a towel. He also slept naked which pissed David off to no end!

I walked in, my bad mood turning into a foul temper which was about to turn into a flaming inferno when I realised what they were doing. Me and the girls had set some ground rules which they were to live by so that they could live with us, and what had the buggers done? They'd taken out the playstation 2 out of MY bedroom, thrown it on the floor, along with half the contents of the kitchen it seems... Misery loves company its been said, well now it appears mischief and mayhem also loves each other's company as well!!! They'd totally WRECKED the place!!! I'd just stood there at the door for a few minutes listening to them joking and taking the piss out of each other for being crap on the PS2.

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing!?!?" I shouted at them!!!

They both quickly stopped laughing and took a look at me, I was not amused. After looking at me, they quickly took in the state of the rest of the flat as if only seeing it for the first time now that I'd shouted at them and a decidedly guilty look entered both their eyes.

They both started to say stuff at the same time, saying that they didn't expect me or their sisters home anytime soon since they'd been told the sisters were going out and I wouldn't be home till something like 11 at night (God knows why they chose this line of defence!)

I just stood there in the door looking down at them both like an angry parent which was rather ridiculous since David was older than me! Sean on the other hand, was looking extremely nervous, and cold... He was just wearing a loose pair of faded boxer shorts and NOTHING else, well well well.

"Fuck! We didn't know that you would be back so soon, Ryan!" Stammered out Sean. "We got told that you lot wouldn't be back till a lot later and we woulda cleared this place up by then! Honest!" Honest my ass.

I looked over both of them, Sean in his boxer shorts which were faded and WAY too big for him, I could practically see his balls hanging out of the bottom of them. And David wearing some boxer shorts as well, but at least he had a shirt on. They both looked rather good the horny part of my mind was telling me, and though I was incredibly pissed off with them for trashing the flat and raiding my bedroom, my cock was stirring at the sight of Sean's balls hanging down from his boxer shorts, admittedly I could only see a small part of them. But with the blowjob which was unfinished earlier and the new porno I'd brought only the other day working on my mind my anger was quickly fading away to a pure ROCK HARDON!!!

All this went through my mind at the same time a nasty little thought also entered my mind regarding Sean who looked rooted to the spot, the game was still playing in the background lending some very bizarre sound effects of robot/men dying which was proving to be an interesting contrast to the deathly silence in the room. I looked at Sean and David in turn thinking of how I would play this, they'd already been in shit with their respective sisters for trying it on with the other sister (God knows why the hell they tried that) and were on their last warnings, anymore bullshit and they were OUT they'd been told. And if I'd told the girls about this then they would be living with both their "aunties" for the next week! Well, that didn't bother me, but my hardon was so I decided to make things better for everyone all around.

"So what the fuck am I supposed to be doing with you two idjits then?" I asked them, they had the good grace (sense) not to answer back. "I'm getting a shower so make sure that this fucking mess is cleaned up by the time I get out or else you're out of here. Understood?"

They quickly nodded and literally FLEW into action, disconnecting the Playstation while I got ready for my shower. I just took a quick one lasting five minutes and decided that I'd play by Sean's rules, I'd wear very little when I get out. I played with myself in the shower for a while getting back to semi hard so that when I managed to get back into my boxer briefs it would certainly show! And when I got out there I would have to play it very carefully. I knew that the other girls wouldn't be back for a few more hours, perhaps not even till tomorrow evening they were that pissed off with their brothers which gave me PLENTY of time to get this started. I got out of the shower, let myself calm down for a few seconds and stuffed myself back into my boxer briefs, no mean task let me tell you that now, every time I touched it the bugger would try and grow again!!! After a while I got it sorted, wiped away all the extra precum from my cock and took a load of dirty washing from the laundry so that it would seem more "authentic" me just wearing my boxers.

I walked outside to the sound of David on the phone to his sister, I wondered what that was about hoping that they wouldn't be coming home anytime soon since it would ruin ALL the plans that I had for this evening. I walked over to the kitchen and dumped all my stuff in the washing machine. The place looked better than it did when I walked in, but it still was pretty shitty all things considering. My PS2 was still sitting next to the tv which pissed me off, but then I thought I may as well leave it there for now. David had ran into the toilet after I'd finished which left Sean sitting on the couch looking very nervous, this was one nervous little boy!

I walked over to the couch watching Sean who quickly looked away from my boxers after seeing my semi stuffed in there. Not only was he nervous but he also was extremely str8! I just sat there for a few seconds making the poor boy literally fly apart with anxiety! Poor bugger. I eventually spoke to him, making small talk for a few minutes waiting for David to get his lil' shaggable ass out to the front room relaxing Sean. We talked about the usual boring crap, work, school and lack of sex on both sides (both Sean and David knew that I was gay so that was interesting bemoaning the lack of sex!) and after a while Sean actually relaxed enough that he asked could he "finish his game on the PS2?"

I was in a horny mood at this time (not good, just horny) and told him sure. He went over to his bag in the corner and got a wrestling game out and shouted for David to "get his lame pansy arse out into the front room," Jeez, these guys were so fucking eloquent. David reappeared with wet hair, apparently he was even more nervous than Sean! They both sat down on the floor leaving me the couch alone and started a game. I was dead bored at this point and without much thought, started thinking just how big was Sean and David? Big? Little? Medium? Fat, thin or kinda in the middle? Damn, started getting hard as well thinking about things like that.

Apparently during this David won the game and started play fighting with Sean on the floor which made my condition even worse!!! They were both laughing and making fools of themselves, after a little while I got involved on the side of David who despite his age and bigger build (not fat, just muscle!!! Ohhhhh) was loosing rather badly! After a few seconds of rubbing body against body I managed to get both of Seans' arms behind his back and pull him over my lap, "ahh, now the games can begin" I thought.

David was pissing himself with laughter at his point over the position that Sean was in, he had his arms high in the arm, trust up like some turkey, his ass over my lap and his legs trying desperately to get some sort of leverage so he could hoist himself out of this awkward position (for him at least!!)

I looked at David who was still laughing his head off and listened to Sean who was struggling quite a bit, making my inflamed hardon feel a lot worse! Or better, depends on how things would go in the next few minutes.

"What do you think we should do with this sore loser then David?" I asked, "after all, it looks like he can't BARE to lose even a game."

David got into the game at this point and thought for a second before saying, "Give the poor ickle baby a spanking!! All poor little bay bees need a spanking when they've been bad!"

Now that was something that I hadn't thought of.

Sean started wiggling a lot more after David gave his view on things, making my hardon even worse so making sure that I had both of Sean's arms in my one hand I told him that if he didn't stop moving about so much he'd get spanked! Either he didn't hear me or perhaps wanted to get spanked, he didn't stop. So with a look of mock regret I gave him a small smack on the arse! "Ouch! You fucking basturds! Let me up and I'll fucking show you who's the damned baby!" Shouted Sean.

"Noisy fucker ain't he David?" I asked David, "don't you feel you should shove something into his mouth to shut him up?" (oh, I wonder what I could shove into his tight little ass as well)

David looked at me for a few seconds without much thought, then a evil little glint entered his eyes. "'Yeah, I think that something in his gob will shut him up!" Grabbing the front of his boxer shorts, he grabbed the outline of his cock and joked "Shut up you big bay-bee or else this is gonna go down your throat!" My my, what a big bulge you have in your shorts Grandma.

Sean started swearing and moving a lot more at this point so without much further ado I informed him that the more he moved, the more he would get spanked. He told me to "fuck off" and started moving about even more, almost dislocating his arm in an effort to get out of the hold I had him in. I looked at David who had mischief in his eyes and he nodded. So I started to spank Sean!!! (Ok, I don't enjoy doing that normally but I was fucking horny and Sean moving up and down on my hardon wasn't exactly making me think sane at the time!)

After every few spanks I would ask Sean if he was gonna shut up and stop moving, I also left my hand on his ass every time feeling his tight ass contract every time I asked. He had SUCH a nice little ass. It was tight, firm and very warm from all the spanking I'd given him and I could SWEAR that I felt something hard starting to grow on top on my lap!!! Ohhhh, this was good.

After a few more minutes even David was getting bored of this, so he thought of things to "spice it up," I was still spanking Sean and David was asking me things we think we should make him do for being a sore loser, all the time I could feel something long and hard rub against my thigh. I think Sean was enjoying this more than he was letting on! Then, in one particularly violent bouce, I felt his hardon (if that is what it was) jump down from my lap down along my thigh, Dear lord it did go a long way down!

David, grabbed Sean's body and held me down while he stopped bouncing around and after a few seconds Sean said that he was ready to stop IF I would stop spanking him. So I said I would, I gave him one last spank and laid my hand down on his arse asking David what do you think we should do now? All through this I could feel Sean's hardon against my thigh making coherent though extremely difficult indeed, also if David was to look between my thighs he would see Sean's hardon without much difficulty!

David couldn't think of what he could do and wouldn't you know it, looked right at Sean's hardon. I could tell this because he looked very shocked for a few seconds and then I don't think I've seen a more evil grin on a persons face come over David. Look's like Sean's torment wasn't over just yet.

"Oh dear, Ryan, just take a look down between your legs would'ya mate?" David said. "I think you'll find that lil' baby Sean is enjoying this more than he's letting on!"

Sean panicked at this point trying to buck away from me and David surprised us all at this point! While trying to calm down Sean by pulling his arms up higher, and using my other hand to keep his (very nice!) ass down David took a more direct route to keeping Sean under control. Without much warning he reached in between my legs and grabbed Sean's hardon! The reaction from Sean was str8 away, he stopped moving and became VERY quiet!

The lucky basturd David was laughing a lot at this time, tormenting Sean saying that he'd got a small cock (he hadn't actually) and that why would a girl fuck this when he could have what he has (Also showing off an even LARGER cock in his shorts!)

I was getting really frustrated at this time and was about to rip off Sean's boxers and fuck him there and there I was so horny and David wasn't helping out much by rubbing his hand up and down against my thigh making Sean go very tense and rigid by slowly stroking his cock, probably without realising it (yeh right!)

"So it looks like we've got a problem here don't it Sean?" asked David. "Yeah a rather small problem huh, baby Sean?"

I was about to beg to differ when David asked me something rather shocking, "do you gots any handcuffs to keep little baby here from touching himself or anything?" Shocked doesn't begin to describe what I felt at this point.

I was about to say "nope" when I thought that this could be to my advantage, and Sean wouldn't have this hardon (nor dribbling precum) without at least SOME excitement on his behalf! So I quickly told David to go into his Sisters bedroom and get the ones from on top of the bed which I had brought her for her 23rd birthday. Sean was trying his hardest from the moment that David let go of his cock to get loose which set his cock flailing against my thigh, and every now and again brushing against my hardon which was on the floor and begging for attention! I whispered into Sean's ear "don't worry, just relax and let go, this'll only hurt if you keep fighting it." Which made him even worse, if that was possible.

I WOULD have let him go at any time when things had gone too far, but his hardon was getting slicker and slicker which made me think he was enjoying this too much to just stop now! After a few seconds David came back into the front room and quickly handcuffed Sean's feet and Arms over his head and told me to let go. So I did, I dumped Sean on the couch and stood up myself letting them both know that Sean wasn't the only person excited here!

Me and David stood over Sean and started to take the piss out of him for "having such a small cock" and other stupid things like that. And despite all this, his cock actually started to grow? Well... Now that I could get a full view of it I could see that it was something quite respectable! It was around 9 inches, but very thin... Shame that, but very nice!! He was cut which I like, and he didn't seem to be making much precum which was also a good thing since I never got the whole thing about guys liking precum...

David didn't seem interested in the whole "gay" aspect, but he did seem interested in making Sean as embarrassed as possible, and believe me, Boy was embarrassed, even his hardon started to wilt under David's bullshit! We both noticed this and shared a "look" which, well, made things much much worse for Sean.

"So what's the matter? Does the baby not have the GUTS to keep his hardon!?" Demanded David, at this he shook his head in mock regret and held Sean's head in his hand (his real head mind you!!!) "So what are we gonna do about the baby and his baby cock? After all, all that spanking must of got him worked up! The little baby-fag!" (remember, I was dealing with str8 guys here, so some tolerance was needed. Though barely)

"So what do you think we should do huh Ryan?"

Huh? Do? Hell, I was just as happy as hell to watch this pseudo-str8 bullshit go on for as long as I could look at Sean's hardon and body!! It was VERY nice! And as what to do next? Well I could think of about a fucking thousand things I would like to do if David wasn't here and Sean was willing!!!

"So Ryan?" David prompted, "Anything you wanna do?" Oh why Lord must you tempt me so!

"Well... Consider the poor, poor boy has a problem, how about we make it worse?" I suggested casually to David, "how about we keep him on the 'brink' as it were, and don't let him cum?"

I was only joking and about to say "lets let him go, the buggers been thru enough" but David looked at me for a few seconds as if he misheard, I thought "bugger!" thinking that I'd gone too far, when that familiar evil glint entered David's eye and knew that Sean would be facing a long longgggggg next few hours!!!

"Well, that seems like a fucking good idea. Care to start Ryan?" Oh dear, sex on a plate with a str8 guy. I was amazed I wasn't even drooling!

I looked down at Sean and was honestly gonna let him go since I thought that this was going too far when David reached over and started Jerking off Sean again, talking about how the "baby" was in for a night of hell since it was just us three in the flat for the night, but despite all this, Sean DID seem to be enjoying himself. I think he realised that unless he played along, this could get very nasty, very quickly with David and was remember, he was VERY horny! Like some other people I could care to mention...

I was interested in David's style, he used very long strokes on Sean's dick, pulling his hand all up and down, from his VERY loose balls, to his tight head, he stroked it and rubbed his hand all up and down it. I was convinced that this was no way in hell that this was David's first time, he had the technique EVERYTHING down pat! And just watching this my dick started to leak more and more precum, I could feel the precum start to make my boxers extremely wet and I knew that from experience unless I done something about it, it would start to drip out THROUGH the material!

As I watched, I saw Sean go through a multitude of facial expressions, ranging from shock, to mostly sheer pleasure, then I saw the signs that he was getting ready. His feet started to clench, his balls started to draw up really tight into his body and he started to make even small amounts of precum aided by the spit on David's hand. David, realising that Sean was close started to speed his hand up for a few seconds and just when u though Sean was gonna cum, he was moaning and groaning BIG TIME, David stopped. Sean was frozen in mid arch, with his cock hanging out the side of his boxers, small amounts of precum dangling from his cock and just with a face of pure AGONY! I don't think we would have stood a chance if the boy had those handcuffs off!

David cackled evilly and started to tease Sean again. I also decided to get into this and started rubbing the very tips of my hands against the inside of his thighs and felt his silky smoothness, the small hairs felt so soft under my finger tips, his skin was so warm. It was all I could do not to use my other hand to wank off there and then. I took my other hand and started playing with Sean's cock and balls for the first time, feeling his extremely tight balls, rubbing my fingers over them, making Sean shudder and plea for release. David was also being a basturd by rubbing his hands over Sean's chest and playing with his nipples, treating them as he would a pair of breasts (?) and making Sean shudder and sigh as well. I continued to play with Sean's balls and just HAD to taste his cock, he looked like he had calmed down enough, so I lowered my head down to his cock and smelt it. It smelt very clean actually! I moved my hand from his thigh and moved it to the base of his cock holding it up, and started to slowly lick all the precum that was left off of Sean's head, just taking it in and letting it flow back over Sean's cock, rubbing my other hand over his balls. I took a deep breath and lowered my entire mouth over Sean's cock, feeling it flex inside my mouth as I took at least seven inches down into my mouth. I slowly used my tongue to mess around with his cock and started to bob my head up and down in rhythm with my hand which I was using to jerk him off. After a few seconds I could feel Sean's cock get even harder and feel his blood pump in time with his heart and knew that I'd better get off him! I pulled my head back, relishing the taste and running my hands through his sparse pubic hair when I realised that over Sean's moaning and bitching that he hadn't cum, David was looking at me very oddly. Opps, bad idea that perhaps.

David looked at me and I had to look away, I wasn't embarrassed, it was just that he was REALLY staring at me intently... I was starting to feel a bit stupid since I'd probably blown it now!

"So you suck cock do ya then mate?" Asked David.

"Yeah, so?"

"No reason" he said with a smile on his face.

Sean had at this point had calmed down slightly since both of us had left him alone for about ten seconds, his cock though was still huge! It was throbbing in time with his heart beat and every other beat a small bead of precum would come out of his cock.

David, still smiling went back to torturing Sean's nipples while I looked at David wondering what the hell was gonna happen next. Did he want me to suck HIM off? Was I gonna see just how big that bulge was and who the hell was gonna get ME off!! Sean started moaning again, bumping around so I had to sit on his legs since he almost bounced right off the sofa! I sat there for a few seconds, torturing his cock, feeling the silky texture of his shaft and rubbing his precum over his head eliciting more out while watching David play with Sean's chest and murmur pure crap! This boy was a total bulshitter and some of the things he was saying were total bullshit, I won't even repeat them but I WAS getting harder watching this show!

I glanced a look down at David's boxers and they were FULL!! I honestly thought that unless he done something about them they would literally split open like something out of the incredible hulk! I was also starting to get blue balls, which is something that NO ONE enjoys, so I decided to raise the stakes.

"Hey David, hold the little bugger down for a while won'tcha? I've got to get out of these shorts coz they're fucking SOAKED with precum." I held my breath and wondered what exactly David and Sean would do, but to my obvious release and surprise he smiled, and kneeled down next to Sean and held his legs down while I stepped up and basically wagged my clothed encased hardon in David's face!

As I stood in front of him for those few seconds, his free hand came up and grabbed my very full balls! Ouch! The basturd!

"Bit horny are ya mate?" He asked. Well DUH.

I just gave him a look and threw caution to the wind, I stopped in front of his face and pulled down my boxers and literally SHOVED my hardon into his face!

"Erm, yeh, I think I'm a bit horny 'mate' what do you think?" I asked sarcastically.

He made some choking sounds and literally THREW himself away from my hardon while I stripped down and after a few seconds he started laughing. This was one fucked up str8 boy!

"Ha! You think that's a big one!? Look at this you bunch of babies!" Oh JOY! Finally got to see the boys cock!

He reached down to his boxers and started fondling himself on the outside, while I sat back down and Sean's legs since he was trying to undo the handcuffs on his legs (they weren't REAL handcuffs!) and I sat down to enjoy the show! David started to play with his balls and I could see that the boy had a HUGE fucking bulge in those shorts! He moved one of his hands inside of his boxers and started slowly jerking himself while still inside, Sean was also watching but he was also trying to jerk himself off with his hands!! David saw this and pointed this out to me so I took the simplest option, I just pushed his hands away and sat on his cock! Oh, that felt nice... Hadn't had a cock down there in ages!

David, once finishing his laughter and joking that Sean was gonna fuck me (I wish) started to keep going with his act. He took one of his hands and put it on his waistband, while leaving the other on the inside, making over the top motions jerking himself off. He pulled down slightly on his shorts so that we could see his pubic hair, and to make things worse for me Sean started bucking his hips underneath me making my hole quiver, I don't usually get fucked but CHRIST! Was I getting horny! David, still stroking, pulled his shorts down a bit more so that we could see part of his hand doing the jerking off, his cock must have been HUGE coz he was using ALL of it! He then pulled his shorts back up and let his balls drop out of one of his leg holes, he started to play with them and I was just a little amazed at just HOW big they were! They were quite simply the size of rather large eggs! They were also covered in some light blonde pubic hair which intrigued me. After this he stood up and bent over facing me, and winked, taking down his boxer shorts so that his asshole was facing me. It was totally SHAVED!!! Well, what a shock THAT was!

"You know what to do don't you Ryan?" He said.

I was SHOCKED! This guy was str8!? I asked him just what way does he swing and he said, "Hell no! I'm not gay! Just coz I get my ass licked and my cock sucked by guys don't make me gay!? Just get ur ass over here and fucking give it a good seeing to!" Well, how could I refuse?

I hooked Sean's handcuffs up to the lamppost by the table, and that baby weren't going ANYWHERE! With Sean unable to jerk himself off, I knelt down in front of David's hole and was thankful for the fact that it was shaved and also very very VERY clean! I grabbed his asscheeks, and felt that they were both very tight and firm which was interesting. I saw his hole as well which was flexing in anticipation for what was gonna happen next, I don't usually rim but I was fucking horny and knew that I had to play the game by the str8 rules if I wanted to keep it going so I bloody well dug in!!! I put out my tongue and quite literally dived in there, I pushed it up as far as it would go and started licking like a mad man, I heard somewhere at the back of my mind David moaning like a madman, and his hands on the back of my head pushing me in further, I took one of my hands down and placed it on his balls, not daring to touch his cock yet and started kneading them as you would bread making him squirm and moan even more. After a few seconds of his he had to push me off telling me to stop or else he'd cum! Hmm, CUM!

He stood up str8, and then without much fuss or fanfare turned around. OH. MY. GOD. It was fucking HUGE!! Now at least I know WHY he could call us "babys" in comparison to this monster!

I've seen my fair share of porn and I bloody well reckoned that if David had got his body into better shape and done something about that mop on top of his body, he coulda EASILY got into porn! It was at LEAST 10 inches big and was truly one of those "beer can" cocks. It was fucking FAT! I instantly got a whole lot of misgivings about this. I wasn't sure if I could take something that big down my throat! Or anywhere else for that matter... But luckily for me, he walked over to Sean and started to continue with his "torture" much to my relief.

Sean had been watching all this with a slightly glazed look in his eyes as if he couldn't believe what he'd just seen, and to prove the point rather unhelpfully informed us that he don't do this "queer crap" after I'd just sucked his cock? Yeh right!

David just laughed out loud and quite literally whacked the poor boy around the face using his hardon as you would a baseball bat! And that's a lot of meat being aimed at his face... The idea which had cum to me earlier about getting fucked was now REALLY starting to take over, I'd never get this chance again, and if anything, I could make it seem that I was making Sean's torture even worse by refusing to let him cum, I HAD to take the chance. David was openly wanking off over Sean's face with that fucking monster, huge droplets of precum were coming off his cock dripping onto Sean's face which he didn't seem to be enjoying one bit! I said "be right back" to which David and Sean totally ignored and I went into my bedroom and lubed myself up since I don't think I'd have the chance inside! I fingered my sensitive hole for a few seconds and worked a few fingers in and out, DAMN that felt good! After doing this for a few minutes I heard David shout out,. "what the fuck do you think you're doing in there!? Get ur ass out here!" I shouted something roughly like "fuck off!" back and finished working my asshole off. I was jerking off freely through all of this and the precum was flowing! I got myself totally up to full mast, put a few condoms in my hand and walked into a scene which was totally heavenly.

I walked through the door and saw that David was standing in front of Sean's head, I could see that he was slightly brushing his hand up and down Sean's hardon making the boy shudder in pleasure and I could see that he had his other hand on... Sean's head!?? Oh FUCK!

I walked around and could actually see Sean gagging on that huge piece of fucking meat hanging in between David's leg! There was so much of it that if David had tried it would have gone right thru Sean's head! David looked like he was REALLY enjoying himself, clenching his ass cheeks tightly in rhythm of Sean bobbing up and down on his cock. Sean on the other hand didn't seem to be enjoying the experience ONE BIT!! The boy had his eyes tightly clenched, and since his hands were still clamped onto the light stand he had no way of fighting off basically anything me and David wanted to do, I started to feel pretty bad when David looked at me and saw my hardon as well, he slowly removed his hardon from Sean's mouth, wiggling it around for good measure. Good God that was one huge cock! It just keep "cumming" out! After a short while it finally came out and just hung there coz it was so huge, I reached over and placed my hand on it feeling the heat from it and I slowly started to jerk it off vowing that I would NOT suck this cock!

"Wanna get blown?" He asked.

Was I hearing things?! He was asking me do I wanna get blown!? What was the boy, stupid!?

"Sure, you offering?" I said with a leer.

He shook his head, and roughly grabbed Sean's head and tried to force it on my cock, but it was too far away. After a few seconds of shuffling, I aligned my cock on Sean's head and David sat down on the floor just watching, "suck it or else we're not gonna untie you till 2moro" he said. Sean took one look at my cock, it probably looked tiny by comparison to what he'd just done and without much further ado just SWALLOWED it down!!!

I was in fucking heaven, getting my cock sucked by someone who was so young and apparently pretty good at it as well! I was rather amazed! Sean wasn't enjoying it, if anything I could feel him gag underneath me, but rather than turn me off, every time he gagged he would constrict his throat and tighten around my cock. HEAVEN! After a few seconds I could feel my balls tighten, and I started to thrust in and out of Sean's mouth. I started to get more and more frantic till just when I'm about to cum, I could feel my knees weakening in ready to shot a HUGE load, my balls had drawn up reallll close and I had sweat all over my body, just a few seconds before I came, fucking DAVID pulled me away!!! ARGHHHHH!!! Was I destined to NEVER cum 2day!?!?!!?

"Down boy! I'm not even close yet! And I've got many a more thing planned for this lil' boy 2nite!"

Oh fuck you and your plans David, I just wanna CUM!

I shot him a look which spoke volumes, and noticed, that despite him not wanting to suck cock and being totally used by us two, his cock was still rock hard, though not throbbing in time anymore with his heart beat. His balls had gone droopy again meaning that he could've held off for a little while before cumming and all this went through my mind at the same time as another thought, "I want to get fucked."

David took back his position at the front of Sean's head, and quite literally fed the poor boy that monster. It took something like 5seconds just to get it in, and even then it was only half of it since the position and the fucking SIZE of the damned thing meant that Sean couldn't get the rest down. I saw David look upwards and reach for his own nipples totally oblivious to everything else and I thought now would be the time I get my fucking just deserts!

I took the small amount of lube I had left and spread it over my hand seconds after putting a condom over Sean's cock. Just a shame it was so thin, it was a good size though! Would be going quite a distance in my ass I'm hoping! I crouched over Sean and positioned my asshole over Sean's cock when Sean opened his eyes in distress probably thinking "what the FUCK is happening now!"

I winked at him, and since I was so horny, his cock was so thin and there was so much lube I just sat down so it went TOTALLY straight up my ass. HUGEE HUGEEEEEEE mistake!!!

Sean jerked up as if hit by an electric shock had hit him and my ass felt like it had been ripped in fucking two! David didn't notice any of this since he'd put his hands over Sean's face and started to face fuck Sean with a vengeance which meant that he didn't give a fuck what I was doing while Sean couldn't see what I was doing either. I rested for a short while and when the fire in my ass had gone (OUCH OUCH OUCH!) I slowly started sliding up and down on Sean's shaft... Dang this felt fucking GOOD! HOW could I have gone without this for so long!

I could feel EVERYTHING down there, I could feel his oversized head massage my prostate and his shaft against the ring of my ass. I could feel my cock jerking in rhyme with every rise and fall of me getting fucked, I didn't dare jerk off since my cock was so fucking sensitive I would have BLOWN in a few seconds if I had! I wanted this to last and to show Sean that girls don't have a hole as tight as a guys!

I was in bliss!!! I was watching Sean suck off this HUGE cock and getting fucked by a nice long one reaching ALL the areas that made me jump. I could feel my balls draw up ready to shot a load the moment I started wanking off. I moved my hand behind me for balance and grabbed Sean's balls which had tightened up ready to shoot, I didn't give a fuck about ANYTHING at this moment other than prolonging this experience and cumming in a SPECTACULAR style!!!

I was bouncing up and down, up and down.... On Sean's cock, I was so close to cumming, my breath was cumming in ragged snatches and sweat had erupted all over my body soaking me in it. Precum was collecting over Sean's stomach which was flipping wildly in time, and to add to this, he was also trying to pump in time to my thrusts, when I went down he came up so I had at least 8inches of hard cock slide inside of my and ram itself right up my ass. I was moaning so much I couldn't care less about WHO heard anything and I felt myself almost pass out with this good feeling!!! I moved my free hand to my cock getting ready to jerk myself off, I was bouncing around so much I couldn't do it, I needed both my hands just to lower myself up and down over Sean's cock, enjoying the fucking so much that I fucking almost DID pass out when I felt David put his hand over my cock and start to wank me off!!!!

I went into a bloody frenzy! My ass clamped tight which made Sean jolt and spasm and in a few strokes my cock starting SPEWING cum EVERYWHERE!!!

"OH FUCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!" I was moaning beyond control as the load I'd been saving for fucking HOURS came splashing all over Sean's stomach, his head his chest and all over David's hand!!! There was SO MUCH of the stuff!!!

I must have shot something like 15loads coz as soon as I was able to look clearly again I could see Sean sucking off David's balls and David wanking off so quickly over Sean's head. I leaned over to provide "assistance" when I was about ten centimetres away from his cock it.... ERUPTED ALL OVER Sean's face!!!!

I was 10cm's away from the hugest cock I'd ever seen and it just kept on CUMMING!!!! I could feel Sean's cock wildly spasming in my ass still making me feel faint in the head as his head was banging against my prostate repeatedly forcing my to lie back so that I could enjoy the fucking even though I'd cum!

I had to close my eyes and relax when after something like 15seconds or so, everything had calmed down.

I opened my eyes and looked around, David had gone leaving Sean uncuffed and trying to wipe off the combined cum of me and him off his face and chest. I was so tired I couldn't even get the strength to get off Sean's cock which was still pretty solid inside of me. It had calmed down but it was still pretty solid!

I looked at Sean and he refused to catch my eye so I slowly (and painfully might I add!) got off of his cock and (barely) managed to walk over to my bedroom.

By the time I had come out, David was out all smiles and even Sean had a smile over his face, though it was more of a slight grin. To make things even more surreal they were both totally naked and playing my PS2?!? Str8 boys, how quickly they forget where their last orgasm came from!!

I sat down with them and just more or else forgot about what had just happened, filing it under "wank material" for future reference! David's huge cock had shrunk somewhat, though not by much! And Sean's had shrunk to hardly anything, but things were comfortable so we played the PS2 for a short while and then we all went to bed after the usual messing around, though no mention was made of what had just happened, just a pity i knew it would never happen again... And in case you're wondering, Sean DID cum!! When i saw the condom which he had on him it was FULL!! LOL

Talk about a fucking GREAT DAY!!!

(If you liked this story, and I hope you bloody did! Then email me @ reality_dysfunction69@yahoo.co.uk and lemme know what u did and didn't like... Feedback is always welcomed!!! And remember, it was ALL A FANTASY!!!)

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