Happy Housemaid

By Brian Judge

Published on Jun 16, 2010


During the following days I had him on my mind constantly. And I must have shown it in my face as mistress remarked on how happy I appeared. I lied in saying that it was due to my new persona which was of course only partly true.

Each day I longed to hear from him and carried my mobile in my apron pocket all the time in case I should miss his call. Five weeks went by with no word until at last he rang me. He apologized for the delay in contacting me and explained that he had unexpectedly had to go off on a business trip abroad and had only returned two days before. He asked if he could visit the next day around two in the afternoon. Could he??? What a question. Trying not to sound like the over excited young girl going on her first date which was how I felt, I said that that would be fine.

I was so uplifted that from the moment the call ended I fairly whisked around the house at top speed getting through all my chores in double quick time. I expect I wore a broad stupid smile on my face in anticipation of his coming visit.

As luck would have it mistress was out of town at a promotional exhibition that week and would not return until the following Saturday. Today was Tuesday.


Checking my watch for the umpteenth time it was now 1.40pm. Instead of my appearing in my `normal' maid's uniform and flat shoes as I had when we first met, I wore a calf length light blue dress and my 2" heels. I was so excited at the thought of his arrival I had had to visit the toilet several times.

Then on the stroke of two the doorbell rang and I ushered him in. He was casually dressed, just an open necked shirt and slacks. I closed the door and he gave me a hug, a tight one too.

`I have missed seeing you so much and have been thinking about you ever since that day' he said.

Me too' I replied. I've had you constantly on my mind, darling'. Did I just call him `darling'?

Offering him a `welcome home drink' as I described it, and this time coffee and tea were not on offer so he asked for a whisky with ice and a little water. I produced this and poured myself a gin and tonic. We sat together on the sofa while he told me all about his trip at the same time alternating between holding my hands and giving me cuddles. I didn't hear much of what he was saying as I was so comfortable just being in his arms listening to his voice and in his company -- it was sublime.

He obviously realized that it was time to change the subject but one thing concerned me. Did he appreciate my physical situation? Would he be shocked or disgusted when he knew the real me? So I very tentatively said that I wanted to explain some facts about myself. I told him that I was married to my wife who had encouraged my change to femininity. I paused for a moment to allow this to sink in. There was no adverse reaction to this, so I continued and told him about our domestic arrangements including my wife's position in the company.

He said nothing for a moment while he absorbed all this information then opening his mouth said May I have another Scotch?' I refreshed both of our drinks and taking me in his arms he said, I suspected something like this and it makes no difference to how I feel about you, sweetheart.'

Sweetheart! What a beautiful word.

Now it was his turn to unload his past. He had been married for several years with no children but it had not been successful so they had amicably divorced. In time he had found that he was actually attracted to the transgendered.

Can this one have a kiss please?' I asked. Well we kissed and cuddled for a while until I suggested we adjourn to the bedroom for an afternoon nap'. Soon we were both naked and in bed.

The sex life I had experienced with my wife had for me been purely mechanical and in no way fulfilling although she had seemed satisfied.

Now Jason produced a little box of condoms and a tube of lubricating gel. He eased one onto his growing manhood and rubbed the gel on it. Then he took more gel and worked it into my ass, his fingers prodding away while doing so. Then he placed the pillow under the small of my back and by lifting both my legs, I felt him enter me very gradually. He knew it was my first time and said that he would be very gentle with me. Slowly, slowly he eased it inside me then began to pump in and out with increasing speed. I responded by moving my body in tune with this pounding. It was not long before he came with a loud gasp!.............then kissed me on the lips saying, `Thank you, my lover', and removed himself from me. I felt my ass to be a bit sore but strangely it was not an unpleasant feeling. After we had both cleaned up we returned to bed where we fell asleep in each other's arms. Later I awakened, looked at the clock and saw it was now just after five. Jason was still sleeping so I crept out of bed, threw on my housecoat and went downstairs to prepare our meal. It was simple and consisted of a pizza which could be quickly baked in the oven followed by ice-cream, jelly and fruit. I had also chilled a bottle of white wine.

I then took a shower, got dressed put my make-up on and awakened my love to tell him that supper was ready. He took his shower, dressed and we came down to have our meal.

I think I am so lucky to have found you, Isobel and hope you feel the same way too.' Raising his glass he gave a toast To us, and may this be the start of a deep and long time relationship between us.' We clinked glasses and took a sip.

At that very moment my mobile rang. It was my wife!

`Just to let you know I'll be home in about two hours. I'm calling from the airport. I'll tell you about the change in arrangements when I see you.' And with that, she rang off.

Our romantic interlude dashed almost before it had begun.

Jason said `OK, I'll leave now to let you prepare for the return of Madame.' I told him how sorry I was about this unexpected turn of events and he said he quite understood as these things happen.

But he was leaving on one condition. That we see each other again very soon. We hugged and kissed.

He got into his car and as he drove away with me standing in the doorway, tears began running down onto my cheeks.

`Come back soon my love' was the thought in my mind as his car disappeared from view.

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