Halloween Adventure

By cnishim

Published on Jan 25, 2024


My story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. I also claim all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

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Happy Halloween! -- Part 4

On the following day, or night--for it's impossible to say precisely which, for I see no window in this dark place--I yawn, stretch my arms and legs, and look around me. I feel the mattress with my hand but don't find him. I leave the big mattress and look around, trying to find my bearings. I feel my way to the bathroom, wash up, brush my teeth, and return to the bedroom to get dressed. Then, I look for the door. It's locked. It can't be. I try it again, but it won't move.

"Valter, dear? Hello?" I wait. I try the stiff rusty handle again and manage to open this heavy door, which must weight a ton. I bet opening it is no big deal for Valter who is a strong man. "Valter, dear? Are you there?" I walk down the hall and feel the other door handle, then another. They're all stiff, rusty, and cold. I wonder if Valter has already left for work. In this case, shouldn't he have left me a note? Perhaps I'll find one on the kitchen table.

I walk towards the dark kitchen. Indeed, I find breakfast ready for me, and his note. He says he's doing some workout downstairs and shall return shortly. I smile and shake my head. I don't dare leave this place for fear of being stuck in that frightening elevator; or what could be worse, lock myself out of this apartment. As a matter of fact, I have no idea how to leave this place. I have not seen stairs, only that ancient elevator. I should ask him about it when he comes back. There ought to be stairs here for emergencies.

I start breakfast, for this is what he's told me to do. Besides, I'm already hungry, for I'm sure it's past my breakfast time. I have no idea how long he's going to work out for. I drink some coffee and find it robust and very hot. I look for milk, but can't find it. The light of the fridge is strong if compared to the dim light of the kitchen. I look around and see the window, but it's blocked by some dark metal panel. This place surely makes a good hiding spot, or the perfect place for hiding hostages. I shake my head and feel this idea absurd.

I sip my coffee and eat some toast. I have some ham and cheese that I've brought from home. I finish breakfast by eating a banana. I try to make the faucet work to do the dishes. Well, better said than done. Then I just quit it. As Valter hasn't returned yet, I decide to take his dirty laundry and wash them for him. But before I do that, I look for his laundry room, in case there is one.

At last I find his washing machine, drier, but no iron nor the iron board. I wonder how he, well, forget it. I bet he just takes them to the dry-cleaners. I try the faucet and it works. So, it means he's been using this place more frequently. Perhaps I can even do the dishes here; and this is exactly what I do.

Back to the bedroom, I pick up his dirty laundry and carry his heavy hamper along. Time for doing some laundry here.

I do the whites first. I notice that most of his clothes are spent, unraveling, thinning out, or have holes. Valter urgently needs new clothes. I check his briefs, shirts, T-shirt, pants, and socks. Now I know his size, and they're all big.

To think of it, I wonder if he'd feel comfortable living in a place like Auntie's house. It's surely lighter and more like a real home. I'm sure my aunt must have a garden, yard, and who knows, a vegetable garden. Besides, there ought to be neighbors around. But, will he like that? He says he'd love to move in with me, but will he adapt to such a new place, which looks so different from, well, this?

I'm certainly going to address this issue with him. In case he doesn't like that house, we can look for another place.

He also says he's experiencing a mental blockage, which prevents him from experiencing and enjoying sexual pleasure. It must have been caused by that rape, drugging, and blackmailing situation with Gustavo, the pastor, and his adopted son. I think that in his mind sex is considered a filthy thing. It is used as a punishment for being who he is. As they preyed on him, he blocked himself from any feelings, like pain or pleasure. On top of that, I bet they drugged him, so that he could perform for them, and have no memory of the abuse. Again, only he has the key to unlock this Pandora box. I think I can hear the front door.

"Good morning, love!" He smiles.

"Good morning, dear." We kiss.

"Wait, my love. You won't want to kiss someone as sweaty as I am! I've just been working out, love!" He has a small towel around his neck. He's wearing a drenched white sleeveless shirt, and small black shorts.

"Perhaps we can shower together, what do you say?" He looks down, wiping his forehead, cheeks, and chin with his towel.

"But I, won't be able to," he says.

"We can only take a shower, dear. Unless you don't want me to join you?" He smiles and takes my hand.

"Of course I want to shower with you, babe. Let's go. But I warn you," he bites his lower lip.

"I know dear. No sex." He shakes his head.

"No. I mean, there's no hot water here." I stop.

"How do you mean, dear? Can't you make that electric shower work?" I smile as I think of his living conditions here. "Of course! I understand, dear. But hey, if I feel the water is too cold, I'll hug you for warmth. What do you say, officer?" He grins.

"It's a big turn on when you call me that, babe." He pulls me to himself and we kiss, passionately.

"Shall we go then?" I just hope the water won't be too cold for me. Perhaps mildly cold would be nice.

We strip and admire each other's body. Needless to say, I kiss and run my hands over his big muscular hairy body. What a hot man he is! He smiles and lets me explore his body. He doesn't feel shy anymore as I feel his scars and crevices. He's not the ticklish type, like me. But I've also learned to accept his touches. He's a careful man and always moves slowly around me.

"Oh, officer! Your hot body is so sweaty!" I can speak liberally with him, for he's already got used to me. He knows I simply go crazy by his musky smell of his sweaty armpits, furry chest, sweaty belly, drenched back, dripping pubic hair, and sweaty buttocks. "Oh, officer, you're just perfect! Ohhh!" I kiss, lick, and nibble his protruding tits.

"Wait until I turn on the water, babe."

"Wait, officer! I haven't tasted you yet!" I run my hands all over his body, rub my face against his fur, and take in his magnificent muskiness. "I can never have enough of you, officer!"

"I've warned you babe. This water is cold." He turns on the water.

"Fuck!" I gasp and he hugs me. We kiss passionately under the cold water. "This water is not only cold, it's freezing!" He chuckles and we kiss again.

"I told you, love." He smiles. I search for the shampoo bottle. "Dear, where's the shampoo bottle?" He hands me a small dark bottle of shampoo. It looks like those you get from hotels. It feels quite light though. This man needs to do some shopping urgently. "Well, I guess this will have to do." I wash his smooth scalp and feel his hair beginning to grow again. I also feel his scars and massage his scalp gently. He remains still and lets me wash him.

"That massage was good, love." He rinses and opens his eyes.

"Your turn, dear." I add some water to the shampoo bottle. "This will have to do, dear."

"All right. There it goes, babe." He applies the diluted shampoo to my black hair, and massages my scalp gently. I feel his enormous callused hands and smile.

"That feels amazing, dear. You've got wonderful hands." He massages my scalp gently, then sinks his big fingers onto my scalp.

"Time to rinse off the shampoo, love." I do it and we kiss again.

I take the soap bar and sponge, and rub his big body. Even if I close my eyes, I can visualize his entire body with all the scars, solid muscles, patches of hair, belly button, and forest of pubic hair. He's also gotten used to my scrutinizing, touching, and feeling for his firm body. I've gained this man's trust and love. What else do I wish for in life?

I scrub his bull neck. He closes his eyes and moans. I move to his broad round shoulders. He parts his lips and groans.

"My love! I-I think your officer is feeling something down below," he takes his cock and moans. "Keep scrubbing my body, my love!" He closes his eyes, and concentrates on thrusting his cock, while I wash him.

I rub his heavy bulky pecs, and spend some time rubbing his protruding tits.

"Oh, fuuuck! Yeahhhh, baby! It's happening again! My cock is getting hard again!" He moans, and keeps on thrusting his cock. I can hardly believe in this miracle!

I scrub his belly and love handles. Then, I do his powerful arm. As I do the other arm, he switches hands, but keeps on thrusting his rock-hard cock. I get on my knees, and wash his firm round buttocks, his crack, big solid thighs, round hard calves, strong shins, and big feet.

"Ohhh boy ahhhh! You're the devil himself! Look at what you've done to your big officer's cock!" He sports his rock-hard cock.

"Oh, officer! Let your submissive boy take care of that for you, please?" He rinses, then turns off the water.

"Go for my cock, boy! Make me cum! I haven't had it in a long time, boy!"

"Of course, officer!"

I waste no time and lick the head of his throbbing cock. I pull back his foreskin and force his member down my throat. He takes the back of my head and forces his cock all the way down my throat. He holds it there and gasps. He withdraws and allows me to work around his thick member. I seal his cock with my lips, play with my tongue around it, and use pressure.

"Ohhh yeah! Fuck, this feels amazing! Yeahhh! I love it!" He groans. I just hope his neighbors won't hear him. This man has already been evicted before. Oh, well, what's the hurt of making some wild sexual noises?

I force his cock down my throat again and fondle with his big low-hanging balls. They're certainly heavy and loaded with seed for me. I sink my nails onto his fleshy hard buttocks and force his cock as deep down as I can. It reaches way down my throat.

"Ken, I'm cuming! FUUUUUCK!" He bellows and I feel the walls, ceiling, the entire apartment shake with his thunderous groans.

I concentrate on gulping his hot semen and not chocking. I know being greedy is not a good thing. But I tell you, I won't waste a single drop of his hot semen!

Of course a lot of cum falls to the side of my mouth, but I scoop it up and eat it. He rests his powerful back onto the wall, and pants.

"That was great, my love!" I take him in my arms and we hug. He pants and I can feel his limp arms around me. His knees are almost giving in. He kneels down and hugs me. I stroke his head. "You're just amazing, Ken! You've made my cock hard again, and on top of that, made me cum, my love!"

"How about reciprocating, officer?" I grin.

"Of course, love!" He is still panting, but manages to suck my cock. I fuck his mouth and make him gag. Then, force my cock inside his mouth and take the back of his head and force it down his throat again. I keep it there until he gags again.

"Can't you do it right, bitch?" I force it down his throat again and he cries. I fuck his mouth and make him gag again. I don't give him time to catch his breath and fuck his throat again. "YESSS!" I keep my cock down his throat, emptying my entire load down. I pull out and he gasps for air. He leans his face onto the floor and coughs violently. He retches but doesn't throw up. At last, he gets on his knees, and wipes his face.

"Thank you, master!" The first wet slap echoes in my ears. He begins to sob, but continues firm, offering me his other cheek. Another wet slap across his face, and his cock throbs, already oozing pre-cum.

"That's how I like my officer!" I mock him. Then, we are ready to switch roles. I know I've just woken a beast within this big man.

He squints his eyes and has an evil grin on his dark face. Oh, fuck! This beast means business now! Like I said, I've just woken a beast within this giant and now I'm going to pay dearly for having slapped his face, and twice.

"Turn around, boy! Your officer is running out of lube. I'll use spit instead!"

Spit! Oh fuck! Is it too late to stop this man and call this deal off? I simply cannot believe how stupid I was in not bringing a bottle of lube and condoms with me.

"Take it easy, officer! You're hung and my poor ass," he covers my mouth and grabs me violently. Oh, fuck! This powerful beast can easily break my neck.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This man can break my neck! He has total control over me. I'm just a dumb innocent lamb in the clutches of a famished wolf! If I come out alive of this, it's going to be a miracle!

"You want to play rough, boy? You think you can get away with slapping my face and treating me as if I were trash? Here it comes, boy!" I clench my teeth in anticipation of, fuck! I try to scream, but his big hand covers my mouth. I struggle to breathe through my nostrils. He simply shoves his hot rod in a single stroke up my ass. I just see stars and a violent flash of light. I then feel this brutal burning feeling in my insides. I don't know how I didn't pass out. The next thing I know, this man is thrusting his cock back and forth. I gasp and breathe in, as he lets my mouth free.

"Take it, boy! Give it to your officer! Yeah! I like fucking your ass, boy!" He forces his canon all the way in and keeps it there. "Give it to daddy! Give it to me, boy! FUUUUUCK!" I feel the big explosion, and count at least fourteen jets of hot semen flooding my poor insides. I feel his hot semen and surely some blood oozing down my legs. At last he pulls out.

"Valter," I moan. He takes me in his arms and hugs me gently.

"I'm so sorry, babe. Your big officer is really sorry! I didn't mean to rape you, my love." We kiss.

"You were amazing, Valter." He looks into my eyes.

"Ken, I love you from the bottom of my heart." We kiss.

"Me too, officer. Let's rinse off and get dry, dear. I'm feeling cold now." He smiles.

"Of course, babe."

"And promise me that from now on, you'll always keep a bottle of lube and condoms, handy! And don't forget to get the XL size, for you're quite hung, officer."

"I will, my love! Your officer loves you!" We kiss, and dry each other.

As this big man has his hearty breakfast, I tell him of the laundry that I've been doing. His first batch of whites is already spinning in the drier. The darks are now being washed in the machine.

"You don't have to do that, babe. You're my guest, and not my housekeeper." I take his big hand and squeeze it.

"I know, dear. But I want to make myself useful here." He kisses my hand and smiles.

"Your being here already means the world to me, my love. You're the soul of this place. I really don't know how I can go without you in my life, babe."

"And I don't know how I'd live without my officer." He smiles.

After his hearty breakfast, he clears the table, while I do the dishes. Every time he brings an article to the sink to be washed, he steals a kiss from me. Yes, I told him to bring me all the unwashed pots, plates, and bowls that were sitting on the stove and inside his oven. He patiently dries each item carefully not to break any glass or porcelain item.

"I've got two days off, love. I'll be at your disposal." I wipe my hands on my old stained apron and hug this big man. He holds tightly a delicate glass.

"We've got so much ahead of us, dear." I kiss him. He strokes my face. I stroke his ear and the scar. He pulls me to him and we hug.

"I'm looking forward to sharing the same house with you, my love!" I feel his big manhood already hardening under his pants. "You just make daddy feel alive, baby!"

"You've got to rest now, officer." He takes me in his grip and we look into each other's eyes.

"You set my heart on fire, baby!" We kiss.

"All right, dear. Shall we," at last we separate. "Shall we take a look at Auntie's place together, dear? After all, that big house is going to be our love nest from now on. Besides, it's already been locked up for over a month." He smiles.

"I can hardly believe we've got our own place, my love!" He kisses me.

"I know. This is what we've dreamed of, dear. By the way, you've also got to check her car, dear. It's hasn't been taken out for drives for a while."

Valter helps me fold his dry laundry. I set the drier to the last batch of his dark clothes. We also separate his clothes that still needs mending.

"But this pair of briefs are fine, my love!"

"But there's a hole that needs to be mended, dear." In fact, all his briefs have holes, the elastic bands are stretched-out, and the material thinning out. "You've got to get new pairs, dear." We go through his T-shirts and shirts, and they don't look any better. I save a couple, which I can fix on the armpit holes and missing buttons.

"These clothes belonged to my brother-in-law, babe. They were already used when I got them."

"I see. But you need new clothes, dear." He nods.

"In this case, will you help me go shopping, love? I hate doing it myself." I kiss him.

"Of course, dear!" Then, we get ready to check on Auntie's house.

We get to the address in less than half hour, for the traffic is going on smoothly today.

"Jabaquara District is nice, my love." He stops the car in front of her tall iron gate, which blocks part of the view to this two-storey house.

"Can you believe that the Zoo and the Botanical Garden are just on the other side of that hill?" I take out the key and Valter opens the gate for me.

"Ken, look! I believe this place has been broken into!" He points to some tracks of wheels inside the garage.

"But, how come her car is still here?"

"They could have been petty thieves, my love." We approach the main door. "Shall we take a look inside, my love?" I unlock the main door and gasp. "I told you, love! They've gotten all the furniture!" Valter puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want me to call the cops?"

"Wait, dear. Let's take a look at this place first."

We check the almost empty living room, hall, bathroom, dining room, kitchen, a spare bedroom, laundry room, another bathroom and shower, and her yard. We see the overgrown weeds among her roses and flowers. We then go up the stairs and check the two guest bedrooms, office, bathroom, and her master bedroom.

"That's odd, my love. Whoever did this, must have had the keys. I didn't see any sign of the locks being forced or pried open." I turn to him.

"Of course, dear! My cousins!" He looks into my eyes.

"Do you really think they'd do that, my love? Breaking into someone's house without their permission is a crime."

"I know, dear. I bet they resented the fact that Auntie left them empty-handed." He invites me to sit on the only chair left in the big master bedroom.

"You mean she left them nothing? Not even a check? The car? Some jewels?" I shake my head.

"Everything was left to my name, dear. She knew I was struggling financially while living in that shoebox apartment. My cousins, well, they've always counted on her financial support. When I moved to this big city, I didn't accept my parents nor Auntie's help."

"You're a tough young man, Ken."

"I've got to be, dear. Well, of course Auntie's most valuable things, like her jewels, were kept in the bank. The real state documents are temporarily being kept by her attorney. He's going to hand them down to me as soon as my name appears on each Property Deed."

"Well, that should explain why they raided this place. They figured the things here were the only ones they could lay their hands on." I nod. Then, we take a closer look at the structure and state of the house. "Your aunt surely kept this house in really good condition, my love."

"The walls look freshly painted. The windows look new. The doors are really sturdy. And the tiles are perfect." We inspect the bathrooms, light switches, tap, and toilet. To my delight, everything is in working order. I tell him Auntie's attorney is settling all the bills, until he hands me down all the documents related to her real state. We then check the downstairs, and conclude that this house is as good as new, ready to receive new inhabitants.

"Look at the time, dear! It's already half past one! You must be starving, dear!"

"Shall we go and have lunch at a restaurant?"

"Sure, dear!"

As Valter locks the front gate, a middle-aged couple who's taking their dog for a walk greets us. I recognize them. They are Auntie's friends. I remember having seen them at the funeral and burial. I introduce Valter to them. As we speak, they confirm my worst fears. My cousins were here with a big moving truck. Valter holds my hand tightly.

"Oh, that was fine, dear. They've asked my permission to do that." I lie. Then, they continue with their walk. I sigh as I enter the car.

"Are you all right, love? Do you want to press charges? I'm an officer, and all I've got to do is make a simple phone call." I smile and kiss him.

"That's all right, dear." I smile as he strokes my face. "Of course you're my sweet officer." We kiss.

As we get stuck in the unending line of cars to get to the mall, Valter becomes a bit impatient. We spend almost half hour trying to enter the mall's crowded parking lot.

"I'm sorry, dear. I should have known that it was a bad idea to come to the mall to have lunch." He kisses me.

"That's fine, love. There's nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for you, babe."

"You're my sweet officer!" We kiss again.

At the food court, Valter decides to have a double serving of lasagna, and a large glass of grape juice. I have some chinese, sashimi, and drink some sparkling water. We nibble at each other's food and have a great meal. I take a napkin and dab at the corner of his mouth. He gives me a kiss. We also share a small bowl of fruit salad and a thick slice of pudding.

"I've fed you well because we'll have a shopping marathon ahead of us, dear."

"That's no problem, my love. As long as you're with me, I'm happy." He smiles nervously. I can tell he's just controlling himself to not shout or punch people on their faces. It's clear a few people are staring at his scars over his body: ears, neck, cheek, hands, and arms. Some are even whispering to each other. I take his arm and pull him away as fast as I can from this place.

The first place that we go to is a man's clothing store. I literally have to drag this big man to enter this store. He says he'd be glad to shop at a more popular chain stores, but I hear none of it.

"How can I help you gentlemen?" This young sales clerk smiles. It's clear he's staring at Valter's huge built and solid muscles--and yeah, his scars! We pick a few shirts and pants. I have to drag Valter to the dressing room.

"Ken, do you really think I need to try them on? Why don't we just buy these clothes by their sizes only, love?"

"C'mon, dear! We've got to check how each item is going to look on you, dear. Besides, buying pants can also be tricky, dear." He protests and I kiss him on the mouth. At last he smiles. But his smile doesn't last long, as the sales clerk enters the dressing room with a few more shirts. Valter has already taken off his shirt, disclosing his bulky furry upper body, and, his scars.

"Oh, Jesus!" The sales clerk drops the shirts and covers his mouth in terror.

"Fuck!" Valter fumes. "Let's get out of here, Ken!" He puts his shirt back on and takes my hand. A few other sales clerks are looking at us.

"Excuse me, gentlemen?" An older man approaches us.

"Valter, dear, wait!" He has tears in his eyes.

"Ken, please! I can't do this!" I take this big man in my arms and hug him.

"That's all right, dear." I kiss him.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. I'm Mr. Polido. I've heard about what happened at our store. I came to apologize for the unacceptable behavior of my employee. I'm sure that he didn't mean to cause offense."

"I'm sorry for the way I've behaved, sir. I should have knocked before entering the changing room. I hope you accept my apologies." The young sales clerk says. Valter nods.

"Apologies accepted." He says in his chocked voice.

"Valter, dear. Shall we go home then?" I still hold his hand tightly. He turns to me, and the dear thing forces a shy smile.

"Ken, you've brought me here to buy me some clothes, which I really need. You've taken your time to make this moment pleasant for me, and for us." He looks into my eyes. "Perhaps Mr. Polido and his sales clerk can help. What do you think, my love?" I wipe his tears and we kiss. Then, we turn to them.

"Over here, gentlemen!" We return to the changing room.

Valter smiles and tries on his shirts and pants. This man can surely surprise me sometimes!

"How do I look, babe?" I admire his powerful upper body in this smart white shirt. I look down and gasp as I see his protruding solid round buttocks pressed against the fine fabric of the designer's pants. He faces me and I gasp as I see the mound in front of his pants.

"You look just stunning, officer!" I turn to the sales clerk. "We'll take all of them!"

I pay for his clothes and he carries the shopping bags happily. We check into two more clothing stores, and he carries more bags. We go to a cool shoe store, and get six pairs for him. At a tennis shoe store, we buy three pairs for him. At last, we enter another clothing store and get several pairs of briefs, trunks, boxer briefs, and socks for him.

We load the trunk of the beige Mercedes and the back seats with all our shopping bags.

"Oh, boy! What a crazy shopping experience, love!" He drives the Mercedes and simply has fallen in love with it.

We left his old black car in the garage of Auntie's house. He's swapping cars later, probably when I'll be away, on my coming trip for the holidays. He's also taking the locksmith to change all the locks from the gate and doors.

At last, the day of my trip has arrived.

"They're already calling your name, love." I kiss him and look into his eyes.

"I wish I could take you with me, officer! Christmas and New Year's day won't be the same without you, Valter!" He wipes my tears.

"But we'll only be separated for two weeks, love! Your officer will be waiting for your return."

"Goodbye, officer! And take care!"

"Goodbye, my love! And, send my regards to your folks for me!"

"I will!" I enter the boarding area and turn around. Valter waves and blows me kisses. I wave and admire this giant, my dear sweet officer. He looks hot as hell in his brand new clothes. Then, I head to the security checkpoint.

I rush to the gate to take my Azul Airlines flight to the Curitiba International Airport. From there, I shall transfer to another plane to the Cascavel Airport.

The plane takes off right away, and I wipe my tears as I admire the metropolis being left behind me. I see the long busy streets filled with cars, and I know that my dear sweet officer is in one of them. I wish I could cancel my trip and spend Christmas and New Year's holiday together. He says he's spending them at his sister's. But intimately, I know he'll just visit them shortly, and then, return to his Batcave, to be on his own.

In a bit over half hour, we land in the Curitiba International Airport. The other plane is already waiting for me, so, the layover is the shortest possible. The passengers get off the plane, rush to the airport, and head down the escalators to take the bus, which will take us to the other plane, an ATR 72 Turboprop, also by Azul Airlines.

This flight takes a bit over one hour. It lands smoothly at the small airport. I admire the nice Christmas decoration and smile. Even here, in another state, I can only think of my officer, in his Santa suit, ringing his bell, and singing merrily with the other officers in the choir! I can also see him in his brand new clothes, so handsome and tangible to my touch.

"Son! Welcome to Cascavel!" Dad hugs me.

"Hi, Dad!" He helps take my luggage to the black passenger truck. We speak about our plans for the festivities. I'm dying to talk to him about Valter.

"Valter? Who is he? Oh, that officer that your mother and aunt were telling me about." I nod, and go on telling him about Valter.

When we get on the farm, Mom hugs me. Dad tells her the conversation we've had in the truck about Valter.

In the evening, we have dinner, and plan to visit Grandma. I take along her presents and pay her a visit. I'm delighted to see her. Then, mom tells her about Valter. Grandma takes my hand and smiles.

"An officer, child? You've got good taste!

Make sure that you bring him to the farm so that I can meet him too, dear." She winks at me.

"All right, Grandma!" I smile.

As we get back home, I have a frank talk with Dad and Mom. For the first time in my life, I see Mom sitting quietly, without uttering a word. I explain to them that I've made up my mind and have invited Valter to live with me at Auntie's house. This way, we'd get to know one another better.

"In this case, we can only wish you happiness, son." Mom and Dad hug and kiss me.

"Thanks Mom and Dad! Wait until I give Valter a call! I bet he'll feel thrilled to know that you're both happy for us!"

Christmas and New Year's day go by so fast. I try to speak with Valter as often as I can on the phone. He speaks little, and apologizes for being too tired. He tells me his sister and her family spent Christmas at some in-laws' house. He was, well, not invited to go. For New Year's eve and day, they traveled to the beach. They invited him, but he refused politely. His throat catches as he says he hasn't been to the beach in a long time. I gulp. I fully know he's still awfully conscious about, well, his scars all over his body. They're visible, but blend in well with his skin. However, he's still terrified of taking off his shirt, or wearing shorts in public. I bet he loves the beach very much. That's surely something that he needs to work in his therapy sessions.

On January sixth, Mom and Dad take me to the Cascavel Airport.

"Son, make sure you invite Valter to come to see us. We'll be glad to have him at our house. He's welcome into the family!" Dad smiles.

"I'll tell him that, Dad."

"Send our love to this lucky man, honey!" We hug. Then, I hear my name being called for the flight. I can hardly believe I'm already returning home, to the arms of my officer!

Once in the Curitiba International Airport, I take my next flight to the Congonhas International Airport, in São Paulo. The plane now flies lower, and I can see the Pinheiros River, Ibirapuera Park, Moema District, Ibirapuera Mall, and thud! We've landed safely!

My heart is pounding as I get off the plane. I rush to get my luggage, for I bet Valter is already waiting for me at the arrival gate.

We spoke two evenings ago, and he said he'd pick me up at the airport. Last night I tried to call him, but he didn't pick up the phone. So, I left him a message instead.

I wheel my cart and pass through the arrival gate. A bunch of people are hugging relatives and friends. I look around, but don't see him. It shouldn't be hard to spot a big man like him. Just then, I see an officer pushing a wheelchair. My jaw just drops as I see Valter being wheeled around.

"Ken! My love!" He stands up clumsily and we hug.

"My officer!" We kiss. Others stop to watch us.

"Why don't you sit down, for Christ's sake, Penna!"

"Shut up, Salvinski!" He turns to me and we kiss again. "You're back, my love!"

"Of course I am, officer!"

"Shall we head back to your new big mansion, Penna?" The chubby officer, who is as big as Valter asks. Valter turns to me.

"My love, I've taken the liberty of, well, moving into your aunt's house. I hope you don't mind that, love."

"But I thought you said that house was yours, Penna."

"Shut up, Salvinski! I told you my boyfriend inherited the house, and I was going to be his roommate." I shake my head and laugh.

"But then, why did you buy all the furniture and electrical appliances for?"

"Brunão, why can't you just shut up for once?! You've just spoiled my surprise to my boyfriend!" I laugh and kiss Valter.

"Don't kiss your sweet dear officer boyfriend, Ken. He hasn't showered in two days."

"Wait a minute Salvinski! How do you know Ken calls me this way? Damn it! Have you been listening to our conversation on the extension line?" Valter fumes. Salvinski is already putting my luggage in the back of his truck. Valter stands up and folds his own chair, which is to be put in the back of the passenger truck. I can only guess the sort of relationship these two men have.

We both sit in the back seat of his crew cab. Valter takes me in his arms and we kiss.

"Hey, both of you! Stop making out in my car! And buckle up, for I'm an officer!"

"Yes, sir!" We both say at the same time, and laugh.

"What's so funny, you two love-birds?"

"That's nothing to you, Brunão! And keep your eyes on the road!"

"You want me to keep my eyes on the road, in this fucking traffic jam!? Fuck off!" He turns on the CD-player, and blasts this sappy country music song in our ears.

"Jesus!" Valter is livid. "Can you shut that off! It's hurting my ears!"

"But that's my favorite country music band."

"What are they called, dear? I think I may have heard this song before." I smile.

"Of course you may have! This song is called, Watching the twilight with Catarina!' And the band is called The Romantic Weepers.'" He says proudly.

"It took me a while to realize Catarina was actually a horse, Salvinski." I smile.

"That can be interpreted that way too, cutie!"

"Jesus! Of all the officers, they had to assign you to accompany me!"

"Oh, stop whining, Valtinho!"

"Hey, I forbade you from calling me that!"

"Anyway, Ken," he smiles, "my former brother-in-law sings in this band. He's the lead vocal." Then he turns on the volume up again. "If you prefer, we can listen to the radio." He switches to the radio, and we hear the preaching of a Pentecostal minister.

"Fuck!" Valter buries his face onto my boson.

"Is the big guy always that sensitive, Ken?"

"Actually, he's a very sweet man. I bet he's delighted to have me back, aren't you daddy?" I kiss his head.

"Hahaha! Did you just call Valtinho daddy! Wait until I tell the guys at the police station!"

We then hear the remaining part of the song as we arrive at Auntie's big house. We enter the garage through the automatic door.

Wow, Valter has done wonders to this house. We get off the truck and Valter refuses to use his wheelchair.

"Dear, you're a big man, and I don't think I'd be able to support you." He remains mute and puts his big arm around my shoulder. "Well, let me try, dear. But we have to go slowly."

Brunão is already inside the house taking our stuff in the living room. I turn around and cannot believe my eyes.

"Oh, officer! This house looks amazing!"

"That was meant to be a surprise, my love." He smiles. I kiss his cheek and mouth.

"Do I get a kiss too, my angel?" Brunão beams with pride. I cannot believe he's already taken off his uniform and white T-shirt, revealing his muscular strong upper body and large belly.

"Brunão, what have I told you about stripping around the house with my boyfriend around?" Valter fumes again.

"Nah, relax Mr. Scarface! We're all queer men here who like cocks!" Valter shakes his head.

"Valter, dear. Won't you feel more comfortable sitting on this sofa? Brunão can show me around the house."

"Let's go, Ken. Wait until you see his master bedroom! Too bad the Jacuzzi hasn't been installed yet." Valter shakes his head and closes his eyes. "By the way, Valtinho is using the downstairs bathroom and small bedroom temporarily. You know, after the shooting incident, he's been sleeping here, for it's easier for me to keep an eye on him."

"I'll explain to you about the shooting incident later, my love." Valter kisses me.

"Oh, all right, dear." I stroke his beard and kiss him.

"I can see that you two love-birds are crazy to make out in the house. But wait until I go upstairs and retire for the night. Anyway, I still don't understand what you saw in this man, Ken. I've already seen him naked when bathing him."

"Brunão, shut up!"

"He always gets upset when I wash him in the bathroom. It's only lately that he's refused to wash."

"Tell you what, Brunão dear. Why don't you start preparing lunch for us? I'll get Valter ready for his shower."

"But I don't want to shower, especially with this guy around. He'll leave us no privacy, my love!"

"Like I said, I've already seen you naked. And truth be said, I've seen bigger ones, Valtinho. Go and be a good boy and listen to Ken." He turns to me. "I'll get his clothes and leave them by the bathroom door. The fresh towels are already in the bathroom."

"Thanks, dear."

"Do I also get a kiss, Ken?"

"Get out of here!" Valter shouts. I turn to Valter and kiss him. He looks into my eyes and forces a smile. "I-I guess I could use a shower, my love."

"All right, dear." I help him to the small bathroom. He locks the door and smiles.

"Alone at last!" He takes me in his arms and kisses me passionately. "My boy! How big daddy missed you, my love!"

"Oh, officer! I love you daddy!" I help him take off his shirt, revealing his muscular furry upper body.

"My cock is already rock-hard, boy! In fact, I had this major boner while in the truck! I could hardly wait to have sex with you, my boy! Big daddy missed you while sleeping alone in his bed!" I undo his thick leather belt, open his pants, lower his zipper, and take off his pants. His rock-hard cock is nearly tearing the fabric of his briefs. I notice the wet stop of his pre-cum on the thin fabric.

I make him sit on the toilet seat and give him the blowjob of his life. He moans quietly and forces his cock all the way down my throat. Then, at last, I feel the hot jets of cum flooding my mouth. I lick his cock clean and kiss him passionately again. He sucks my cock and I empty a load inside his mouth. We tongue-kiss and hit the shower. This big man has to sit on a plastic stool for support.

"From now on, I'll be washing you every day, officer." I pour a dollop of shampoo on the palm of my hand and wash his very short hair.

"Then, I'll be glad to shower with you every day, even after I get better, love."

"Close your eyes, dear." I massage his scalp and gently wash his short hair. He rinses, then opens his eyes. I take a soap bar and sponge, and wash his body gently.

"I've dreamt of this moment, my love." He smiles. I wash his glans, big balls, and private hole.

"I've also dreamt of being back to you, officer. By the way, my folks send you their love. They also invited you to come over for a visit."

"Thanks, love. I'd be quite glad to meet them, my love."

I take the towel and dry his hair gently. Then, I dry his body and find the pile of clothes on a chair outside. I help him get dressed.

"It smells great here, Brunão."

"I bet I can cook much better than your daddy officer, Ken." He winks at me. Valter only grinds his teeth and says nothing.

We have a lively lunch, for Brunão keeps on telling us his stories of endless pursuit of younger boys.

"I was so desperate to find a man that I even considered making out with this big officer here, Ken!" Valter simply shakes his head.

"Perhaps one day you'll find a nice young officer at the police station, Brunão." I say.

"Nah, I don't think I'd like that. Perhaps a nurse. We've met a couple while we were in the hospital." He winks at Valter.

"Don't worry, dear. I'm sure that you'll soon find someone nice to love." I smile. Valter takes my hand and squeezes it.

"This young man has already been claimed. So, you'd better take off your eyes from him, buddy!"

"Geez, yes, Valtinho!" We chuckle and Valter shakes his head. "By the way, how did you guys meet? Did this scary guy threaten your life if you didn't date him, Ken?"

"Ken has his eyes set above superficial things, buddy! He's quite special."

"And he used some older pictures too, like we all do, did I guess it right?" Brunão chuckles.

"He did. But even if he hadn't done it, I'd still have fallen in love with him."

"That's my boy!" Valter kisses my hand.

After lunch, I tell Valter to take a nap. I tell him I'd give Brunão a hand doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen.

After we do our chores, Brunão goes upstairs to take a nap as well. I join Valter in the small downstairs bedroom.

"At last, we're in bed together, my angel."

"Yes, daddy dear." He puts his arm around me and I feel his body pressing against mine. Then, we take a lovely nap.

About one hour later, I feel the bed move.

"Did I wake you, love?" Valter joins me in bed, and kisses me.

"I was already awake, dear." I yawn and stretch. He leans his back onto the headboard and I join him. He loves to nap in his briefs. He puts his big arm around my shoulder and kisses my head. I run my hand over his belly and furry chest.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't, well, tell you about," he looks down. I kiss his cheek.

"That's all right, officer. I'm sure you must have had your reasons." He takes my hand and kisses it.

"The shooting wasn't that bad, and I didn't get shot either. I just fell from the stairs. They sent me to the hospital to have the X-ray taken, but my legs were fine. I just limp a bit." He looks into my eyes. "I must tell you something important, love." I nod.

"Yes, dear."

"In this special mission, which took place on New Year's eve, I and a special team traveled to Campinas City. From there, we were dispatched to Holambra City, then, to one of Raposo's country houses." He looks down and continues.

"We had information that a private passenger jet was bringing in drugs from Colombia. Of course Otacílio, and another drug baron were present. After my signal, we raided the mansion to arrest them. Two officers were shot. Raposo was shot in the head and died on the spot. But we captured Otacílio and the other drug baron alive. Of course, this mission was not broadcasted on the media, for it involved big shots in the political sphere. Anyway, Otacílio saw me and swore revenge. I don't think he can be detained long by the authorities, my love. That's why officer Salvinski is keeping guard on the property. He doesn't seem like a real officer, but he's been trained by the French Army. He's a very skillful officer, though he can be annoying at times." I nod.

"And yeah, he's also been assigned to be my, how can I put it, nurse. That's a sort of punishment for him. You see, he's been involved with some young male officers at the police station."

"My officer! You're certainly my big hero!" I kiss him on the mouth. He smiles and covers his crotch with his big hands.

"S-shall we get out of bed, love. Maybe you can unpack your stuff. After all, that's our new home!"

"Yes, dear." I get up and get dressed. I also give him a hand getting dressed.

"I still limp a bit when I walk. That's got to do with my muscles and tendons, love. They recommended rest, but I feel fine and can't stay on that wheelchair or in bed all day long. Well, we just need to put up with a lively officer guest, my love."

"That's all right, dear."

"Brunão has been quite helpful, my love. In a very short time, he's helped me to furnish this house, move my stuff, and do all sorts of things, my love." He smiles and I kiss him.

As Valter insists in preparing coffee and setting the table for a bite to eat, I go upstairs to unpack my things. I gasp as I see our king-sized bed, lovely dresser, night tables, new curtains, standing mirror, and closet. I put my stuff away quickly and can hardly believe this is real. As I walk by the guest bedroom, whose door is partly open, I knock the door gently.

"Brunão, dear! Are you awake?"

"Yes, come in, dear!" I open the door and he is in his briefs.

"Oh, you're in your briefs!"

"That's ok." He yawns.

"I just came to call you for coffee."

"Oh, thanks, dear! I'll join you guys in a minute."

As I reach the large well-lit kitchen, Valter is slicing some salami in very thin slices.

"Let me help you, dear." I bring the ham and cheese from a plastic Tupperware, some jam and butter from the fridge.

"Hey, happy family! There's your daddy here!" Brunão makes his big appearance, loud and joyful as ever.

"Did you have a nice nap, dear?" I pour him some coffee.

"Yep, it was just lovely!"

"Wait until I put in the report that you've been sleeping on the job." Valter smirks. Brunão hugs and kisses his head.

"You wouldn't do that, would you, daddy?" I pour coffee for Valter.

"By the way, Valter has just told me about the risky operation on New Year's eve, dear!" Brunão recounts that evening and doesn't spare any details.

"Speaking of your old buddies, daddy. Did you know that your ex, Ms. Gláucia has been arrested again? I've just got the report now as I was checking my phone. Apparently she's been involved in an armed robbery."

"But wasn't she on parole?" Valter asks, as he eats his sandwich.

"She's not anymore. And after this new `incident,' it's likely that she's going to rot in jail now."

"I see."

"And guess what? You won't be seeing me tomorrow anymore, daddy." Brunão smiles.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Well, they found Otacílio's body in his mansion, I mean, the housekeeper did. He committed suicide, daddy. I suppose he was too scared to face trial and a scandal."

"Jesus! Life is surely full of surprises." Valter gasps.

"We're surely going to miss you, Brunão. But you have to promise us that you'll come for a visit." I smile.

"Yeah, buddy. We're going to miss you." Valter stands up and gives Brunão a big hug and taps his back.

"By the way, are you guys into polyamory?"

"What? Get out of here!" Valter shakes his head and we all laugh.

As the boys are helping me pack my stuff from my shoebox apartment, Brunão gasps.

"Jesus, I guess you're not going to miss this place, Ken. Have I ever been to such a tiny place!" Brunão shakes his head.

"You should have seen the place I was living back in Holambra, buddy." Valter says.

"People here are nice and kind." I take my last cardboard box, lock the apartment, and meet my neighbors in the hall. Valter and Brunão are by the elevator. I hug and kiss the kids and my neighbor. She wishes me good luck.

On our way back to the house, I shed a tear. Valter kisses me.

"Aren't you happy you're now living in a new place with me, my love?" He kisses my head.

"I am, dear." I smile.

"By the way, how about some music to cheer you up, boys?" Brunão turns on the CD-player.

"Oh, no! Not that again!" Valter protests, but ends up singing along. We sing happily until we reach home.

As we unpack, I tell Valter not to strain himself, like he did back then.

"I'm all right, love. I can still carry these boxes."

I was quite lucky, because as we were packing my stuff, back at my shoebox apartment, a neighbor accepted to keep my dinette table and chairs. She also wanted to keep my sofa-bed. Brunão wanted to keep the stove and fridge, which were basically new.

A week later, Valter is back to work. He's been promoted and now works in the administrative building by Ibirapuera Park. He chuckles and says that his days of chasing criminals with a gun is over. He also says his office window has a cool view to the park. He's also doing his therapy sessions twice a week.

We visit his sister a couple of times. He has already bought them a new fridge, stove, washing machine, and a sofa. He also showers his nephews with gifts.

During a barbecue at his sister's house, Valter is wearing his white sleeveless shirt in public! People look at his scars, but he just ignores their curious look. In the end, as it is quite hot, he even takes off his shirt and drinks beer with his brother-in-law and some other men.

As promised, Brunão pays us constant visits on weekends. He's even brought Alcino, a close friend of his. As the three shirtless men are drinking in the back, I prepare a salad and dessert. Brunão comes in to give me a hand. He's only wearing shorts.

"So, how did you like my new boyfriend?"

"Your boyfriend? But I thought," I look into his eyes. He's eating an olive.

"Yeah, he's my former brother-in-law, but not the singer one. Alcino's joined the police a couple of months ago. Well, wait until my sister finds that out!" He chuckles.

"I suppose she won't get mad at you, for she's already divorced him, right?" I take the salad bowl outside, in our big yard.

"Nah! I suppose she'll just freak out a bit. But she should know me well by now." We join the others.

"The barbecue is just ready, love!" Valter brings in the meat.

"By the way, you've got nice legs, daddy!" Brunão blows Valter kisses.

"They still need a good tan, if that's what you meant." Valter smiles and sits by me.

"Or maybe a waxing, daddy!" Brunão chuckles.

"Been there, done that! I'll never recommend that, especially to hairy men like us bears. In the end, it all grows back again." Alcino says. He helps himself to the salad. "Look, I'm eating some greens! This is what you should be eating at home too, my big bear!"

"So, you're a big bear, huh?" Valter chuckles. Brunão's blushes.

"Yep! I'm Alcino's big daddy bear!" He kisses his lover. "Tell you what, Alcino's parents have an apartment in Santos Beach. Why don't we head to the beach next Friday night and spend the weekend there? We can always come back to São Paulo on Sunday afternoon." He smiles.

"That's an awesome idea, big bear!" Valter smiles.

On Friday at six P.M., rush hour, the four of us are in Brunão's truck. Yes, we're also stuck in the traffic.

"We should have known this was going to happen, big bear." Valter kisses me.

"Tell you what, I've come prepared for this!" He shows us a new CD from the familiar band, `The Romantic Weepers.'

"Oh, please, daddy bear! Not that again!" Alcino pleads.

Then, we hear the familiar song, `Watching the twilight with Catarina!' Valter, I, and Brunão sing loudly. Alcino finally gives in and joins us.

"Haven't I told you this is the best band in the world?" We all turn to Brunão. I offer the guys some peppermint.

"Hey, look! There's been an accident on the road. No wonder it was taking us forever to move!" Alcino says. Then, we speed up on the road. We continue singing along, as we go down the plateau.

"Look! That's Santos City!" I point out. We admire the lights at the far distance. In no time, we arrive in the city and head to the apartment building, which has a view to the sea, according to Alcino. We enter the basement garage, pick up our stuff, and take the elevator.

The apartment is large and comfortable. Valter and Brunão head to the large balcony, while Alcino and I prepare a few drinks. As we bring the trays of juice, soda, and beers, Brunão is on the phone. We drink and admire the city lights and the crowded wide sidewalk that stretches endlessly by the wide stretch of sand. Brunão takes his beer and smiles.

"We're in luck, boys! I've just spoken to Tadeu. He said that a table for four is ours at the `Restaurante São Paulo.'" We drink, and head to this famous restaurant. "This is an Italian restaurant. They have great seafood, and their ceviche and baked crab meat is to die for!"

As expected, the restaurant is crowded. Tadeu, an old school friend of Brunão takes us to a nice table. He's the owner of this traditional restaurant. He says he's the third generation running it.

We all ask for seafood ceviche and baked crab meat, which comes in its shell. First comes the crystal bowl of ceviche for each.

"Just take a look at that, dear!"

"It sure looks delicious, my love!"

"This ceviche is to die for! Just look at the size of these cooked shrimps, mussels, squid, and octopus!" Brunão smiles, and raises his beer glass. "I suggest we make a toast, my friends!"

"To friendship and love!" Valter says.

"To polyamory!" Brunão laughs.

"To this wonderful weekend!"

"To health and love!"

"Cheers!" We toast. Then, we start with the entrée.

"I like the delicate pieces of raw fish marinated with sweet colorful peppers, parsley, red onion slices, and lime juice." Alcino says he loves to cook at home.

Next, comes the piping hot crab meat served in its own shells.

"Just watch, for these crabs are fucking hot, taken directly from the oven, boys!"

"They're delicious!" We have this hot dish and Brunão asks for another round of crab meat for us.

Our meal continues, as Alcino's and my jumbo shrimp dish arrive. They're thick large deep-fried breaded shrimps. It comes with rice and a green salad.

"They smell wonderful!" I clap my hands.

"Can I take a bite, love?" Valter asks. I serve him. "Wow! The flavor is very rich!"

"Delicious!" Brunão has stolen a whole shrimp from Alcino's plate.

"There comes our main dish, big bear!" Valter smiles and admires his big dish of paella. Brunão has ordered the same dish. So, Alcino and I steal portions from our lovers' big plates. I just love the mussels in their own shells.

"This mussel is delicious, juicy, and big!" I comment.

"This piece of octopus is so tender and juicy!" Alcino adds.

We lavish ourselves throughout this special dinner. Then, Tadeu comes with a platter of deep-fried jumbo shrimps as courtesy. We eat it with two different sauces: garlic and hot pepper sauce.

In the end, only I order dessert, something very plain, like vanilla ice-cream. The waiter barely brings it to the table, and Valter eats my first spoonful of ice-cream, which I feed him. Brunão also digs in, followed by Alcino.

"Nice dessert, my love!" Valter takes another spoonful in his mouth. In the end, Alcino orders some strawberry ice-cream. Needless to say, we all steal his dessert.

Back to our spacious apartment, Valter and I decide to take a shower and hit the hay. Brunão and Alcino do the same.

As Valter and I are comfortably sleeping, we hear some noises coming from the next bedroom.

"Oh, fuck! I can't believe Brunão is actually," Valter is about to leave the bed to knock on their door, but I take his arm. I also nibble his ear. "Oh, no, baby, please! Daddy is too tired tonight, please." I kiss him on the mouth and he smiles. "All right, then! Bring the bottle of lube, boy!"

On Saturday morning I wake up, turn around, and admire my big boyfriend sleeping soundly beside me. Then, again I hear this monotonous sound and turn to the large window. I get up as quietly as a mouse, and partly open the drapes. The sea! I've just woken up to the sound of waves!

It's already dawn and I can hardly believe how beautiful the beach is! I also admire the endless horizon and the lovely blue sky.

"Good morning, love." Valter kisses my head and takes me in his big arms. I feel his warm furry body pressing against mine, as we look out and admire the sea.

"Valter love, just grab your pair of speedos! We're going to hit the water before the sun comes up!"

"What? All right! Let's do it, babe!"

I've brought three pairs of speedos for him: a black, red, and a white one. I wonder which one he's going to wear. I put on my dark green pair. He takes the white pair and ties the string around his thick waist.

"How do I look, babe?"

"Holy fuck, daddy! Turn around, please!"

"I'm already feeling conscious, my love. It's been a long time since I've worn these things." He blushes.

I just admire this monument of a man. His solid muscles covered in a thick mat of hair is just a sight to behold. His perfect round hard buttocks press to the bursting point against the thin sinful fabric. I feel like biting his perfect ass just to make sure they're real! He turns around and the tip of his cock is against his stomach, trapped there by the elastic fabric. Oh, fuck! I cannot believe what I see! Fuck! And to think that daddy's manhood isn't even hard yet!

We put on our sleeveless shirts, shorts, and

slippers. We just mean to take a quick swim before preparing breakfast to start the day. I take my eco-bag with our towels and a large bottle of water.

"How do you feel, daddy?" He is holding my hand as we step onto the street. His hand is warm and sweaty.

"I suppose I can do it, my love." I can tell he's making a real effort to show the world his scars and live in peace with them.

We reach the sandy beach and take off our slippers. We walk along the wide beach and find a spot to leave our stuff. We take off our sleeveless shirts. The sun hasn't risen yet, but it already feels warm here. The sky is already light and blue. We turn around and just see a few people walking by the water. But they're just taking a stroll, unlikely us, who are set to hit the water. They turn to us and we wave.

"Are you ready, Valter dear?" He turns to me, tears in his eyes.

"Only with your help, Ken. I-I'm feeling so scared."

"It's going to be all right, dear. We'll take a swim and head back. You see, people are walking by and carrying on with their lives. You have no reason to fear them, dear." He nods. He lowers his shorts and finally drops them. He folds them carefully.

"Let's take a dive, daddy!" He takes my hand and we run towards the salty water. We kick the water and run towards the waves.

"Yes! How I missed the sea!" We enter the water up to our waist and splash it against each other. He takes a dive and I follow him. We feel the waves, foam, and the sand under our feet.

"This is wonderful, dear!" He takes me in his arms and we kiss. Then, we both dive together.

"This feels amazing, my love!"

"This sea is our playground, daddy!" More dives and swimming.

"How I missed this place, my love!"

"Shall we go back, dear?" We swim back and feel the sand under our feet. We greet a few people and Valter seems confident to walk around in his speedos. He doesn't seem conscious of his scars anymore. Then, we sit on the sand and watch the waves.

"I never thought I'd ever come to the beach again," his throat catches, "and with a boyfriend, my love!" I kiss him.

"I still remember that photo of you, on the beach, daddy." He smiles.

"And I never thought that, after so much suffering, I'd find happiness, and a loving boyfriend." He takes my hand and kisses it. Then, he takes something out of the pocket of his shorts. He kneels down in front of me, and clears his throat.

"Oh, Valter!" I have tears in my eyes. He produces the necklace with the little cross.

"Ken, my love," he wipes his own tears. My sister told me everything. She also," he wipes his tears, "she encouraged me to," he smiles. "And here I am." He places the necklace around my neck.

"My officer!"

"Ken, there's a moment a man has to do it. And this is the time for me to do it, for I can no longer live without you." He also takes a gold ring. "Ken, do you accept to marry me?"

"I do!" He puts the ring on my finger. A few people clap their hands.

"I love you, Ken!"

"I love you too, Valter!" We kiss. Just then, we feel the first rays of the sun. "Look, daddy! The sun is rising!" He takes me in his arms and we kiss, blessed by the first rays of the sun.

"It's going to be a beautiful day in paradise, my love."

"Yes, dear." We turn around and head back. We find the public open showers and get rid of the salt and sand from our bodies. I hand him the towel and he dries. I also dry and he takes my hand.

"Ready for a rich breakfast, our friends, and an exciting weekend ahead of us, my husband?"

"Yes, my officer!" We kiss on the lips.

"I love you, Ken!"

"I love you too, Valter!"

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