Happy Birthday

By Giovanni Mastrogiacomo

Published on Nov 21, 2023


My mouth opened on his, the man's own orgasm dripped into his mouth from mine. His breathing was ragged snorts and desperate moans while we kissed. His arms pulled fiercely at their restraints, unable to embrace me. My hand never quit writhing on his slimy cock; several times, it caused him to jump, as sense-heightened skin was touched.

"Girlfriend, THAT was just to hot for words! You got my big black dick ALL hot and wet." Winn stepped into the room, his freakishly huge erection swaying out in front.

Winn, (with an erection), had not been seen by the man strapped to the bed until then. His huge, beautiful blue eyes at last showed emotion. Terror. Those eyes looked from Winn's erection to me, his thick eyebrows tangled together in concern. I smiled, flicking my eyebrows one quick jump before turning away without speaking.

"Thanks Winn. This has to be the best birthday present ever. I like it! But I'm thirsty and need to pee. I'll be right back." Then turning to the man strapped to the bed, I said; "Don't leave, ok?"

"Say, Sugar? You SURE you wanna leave me alone with this here man? I can'ts be trusted ya know."

"Oh come on, I'll be right back. What can you do in just a few minutes?" I slid my hand down the length of Winn's erection as I walked past him, out of the room. I hurried downstairs to my area of the house, peed, grabbed my camera, and rushed back upstairs to the kitchen. All the while, trying to convince myself that Winn really WAS trustworthy.

I drank a lot, I was parched! I refilled the glass with cold water, headed back to Winn's bedroom. Panic swept over me before I reached his room as desperate sounding noises came from down the hall. Swinging back into the bedroom, I found Winn, ass up on the bed, his face buried deep into the man's ass. I knew Winn; his tongue muscle could bench-press more than the arm muscles of half the guys at the gym!

"Time out, Black-zilla. Get your face out of there. Jesus, the man hasn't even caught his breath. Give him a second to recover, will you?" I slapped Winn's concrete ass cheek as I moved around to the side of the bed, scooching under the man, so that he was sort of propped up, leaning on me. I helped him drink the water, then just held his hairy self in my arms. Oh, baby, he felt good!

"OK, enough with the straps, the man's going to get rope burns. Would you tell me your name, NOW?" I tried to twist my head around looking at the handsome face. But the man remained silent.

"Johnny, that fine white man be deaf. Baby, that mean HE CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

"Oh! Winn, for Christ's sake! How the fuck did you know he even wanted to come home, much less get sexually mauled by a couple of old queen perverts? How do you get these fucking things untied, anyway?" I nervously scratched at his tethers, my hands trembled as panic set in.

"What choo call me, Bitch? I am NOT old! I may be the Blackest and the biggest queen on this here block, by I am CERTAINLY not the OLDEST!" Winn started untying the man's ankles as I freed his hand as my head filled with visions of similar situations taking place while I was the one tied down, only the scenes were in a prison, -to where we were going to be sentenced!

We finished untying the man as I stupidly and repeatedly apologized as if he could hear me. And as if it would even make any difference! Winn was babbling on with some dumb-ass explanation about meeting people in the bar, other countries, other languages, I didn't know what all he was talking about and wasn't paying attention anyway while I concentrated on my panic attack.

"Winn, his clothes! What the Hell did you do with his clothes? The man is covered with jizz, for Pete's sake. We're going to stuff his funky stinking body back into his clean clothes and pat him on the butt as we send him out the door? Where did you get him anyway?" I was directing the man to the bathroom so he could at least shower, getting the stink washed off before he called the police.

"I got him at Burger King. There wer-"

"BURGER KING!? That's not a fucking bar! Jesus, Winn, what'd they do, chuck him out the drive through window for you? Do you know what kind of prison time comes with kidnapping? Not to mention what happens to happy little hookers like this white boy in prison?"

"Fuck, girl, you'll be in Heaven!" Winn dumped a load of towels on the floor trying to get a washcloth as I was screaming at the water faucet to hurry up and get warm. My poor rape victim looked more confused than ever. Probably deep in shock!

"Don't Fuck girl, me. Fuck you! God help us if you had gotten than fuckin prick up his ass! You could have killed him! We could be MURDERERS! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Deeper and more serious than I'd ever heard his voice EVER, Winn took a breath so deep it could have inflated a blimp as he straightened to tower over both me and my rape victim.

"One more word white boy and you be dead meat. Would you just calm the fuck down? Jesus, Mary and Joseph. You got me so worked up you done took the curl right outta my hair. Jesus, Lord. What AM I doing?" Winn threw his armload of crumpled towels back onto the floor then stepped over them, past us and out into the living room.

Both the rape victim and me looked at each other with blank faces. At that point, I wasn't sure which caused more fear, being killed during my own rape in prison or having my best friend angry with me. It took a heartbeat, but I walked away from the naked guy and followed Winn. He was pacing back and forth in front of the sliding glass doors, through which, I could see the sun coming up in the park right behind our house.

"I'm sorry Winn. I panicked."

"No shit, Shirley!" Winn stopped his pacing, his huge arms reaching out to each end of the glass doors as he stood, looking outside. Naked.

I wasn't sure what to say or what to do. I nearly pissed on the floor as a hand touched the skin on my back. The rape victim stood there, calmly, BEAUTIFULLY, looking at me, as he moved around to face me. His hand slid from my back, around under my arm as I lifted it, - like there wasn't enough room to STEP BACK! Even in my panicked state, I felt the chill.

For a long time, WAY to long, the man just stood there, in front of me, his eyes, ping-ponging between my own eyes. I started apologizing again.

"The man is DEAF, dumb ass." Winn shook his head before banging his forehead on the glass door.

Suddenly my brain flickered with life. I took the rape victim by the hand, bringing him over to the dinning room table where I smeared through piles of papers, trying to find a tablet. Giving up, I smoothed out the envelope of some overdue bill and wrote: ENGLISH?

With his LEFT hand, (Am I good or what?) he took the chewed up pencil from me. Just under my chicken scratch, in all capital letters, perfectly formed like a human word processor, he printed the word, `THANKS.'

"AH! OH! Winn! Look it! We're not going to prison! - I - am not going to prison." I looked at the hairy, GORGEOUS, non-rape victim and without knowing what to do, hugged him.

He didn't let go. ...Oh...?

How quickly the mind can ricochet from one thing to another. All my hunky prison rapists, waiting in line to take me, blinked out of my head. Never even existed at all. The last several panic-stricken moments, poofed into oblivion. All those dark thoughts; my being repeatedly raped by sweet smelling, handsome prisoners, (while I had a continuous orgasm, throughout the entire harrowing ordeal) and my fear of prosecution. My guilt at having raped a deaf foreigner, my guilt at having enjoyed the rape a deaf foreigner, my bone-breaking terror about making my best friend angry. The thought of NEVER being able to play with his monster...SELF, again, all of it, all those dark, terrible, nightmarish thoughts, blinked away in an instant.

The same instant my pecker felt his.

That's a good thing.

With a trembling hand, I smoothed out another unopened, overdue bill and shakily wrote; STAY?

He looked at my note, looked at Winn, looked at Winn's,...er, APPENDAGE, and back to me. He smiled.

My birthday present from my best friend, smiled at us. Then HE walked hand-in-hand with US back to the bedroom. Oh boy. Morning? Work? Exhaustion? Responsibility? HA! Forgit - it. I was going to play with my birthday present. As it turned out, my birthday present played with me.

Feisty little guy. He directed Winn to lay on his back on the bed and then motioned for me to tie Winn down. (ALREADY a good idea!) After securing (and double checking) Winn's straps, the birthday gift pulled me over to where Winn could see us. He started kissing me and I'm sorry, I guess I'm easy, my dick popped up so fast it nearly knocked the guy across the room!

My poor little demented brain was already so sleep deprived and shattered by the late night developments, that when my handsome fuzzy fella slipped my erection into that, oh so kissable mouth, the mouth I had just been tasting, I almost immediately unloaded in him. Maybe it was all the excitement, but I think Winn must have given this guy some cock sucking pointers. Maybe after cock sucking class they all went to Burger King.

I was going to cum! I had to stop him. Holy cow, I'd really lost all my suave composure! The guy calmly led me over to Winn, who'd been keeping a close eye on us, his toddler-cock sitting up all on its own. So the birthday boy directed me to lean over the bed on one side of Winn and he skipped around to the other side and stretched out toward me from there. Winn's toddler jumping excitedly as it sat between us. We started licking our way around the toddler, meeting in a kiss before covering more of its territory. Winn kept very still -- for a change. But after a nano-second Winn wanted to take charge.

"Honey, that top drawer is FULL of boxes, bottles, and tubes with just ALL kind a slippery slimy things. You feel free to use any and all a dem, hear?"

"Go back to sleep, I'm busy."

"Yooouuuu child! Good thing you roped my black ass down. You need some DISCIPLINE!"

"You're giving me ideas, Winn."

"Na, no. Don't EVEN go there with this queen. I rip these bedposts right out the frame and beat choo with `em."

"Would you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to have sex with you. Jesus. Where's that damn vibrator that you bought with that evil thing that twirls around?" Even before I finished asking, Winn's toddler was jumping up and down with excitement.

Eventually in a dresser wholly devoted to sex paraphernalia, much of which defied explanation and understanding, I found the vile looking machine Winn claimed to have `stumbled across at a Wal-Mart sale.' The thing looked like a prickly cactus that had some kind of creature fighting to get out of it. This lump circled around inside the thing while the whole works vibrated like a jackhammer. It was damn near as noisy too!

Slathered up real well, both Winn and the psycho-vibrator were ready to go. But the birthday boy saw the thing and just like Tarzan, flew across the room, pouncing on me, like I'd just found the one thing in all the world that would keep him alive. He took the thing and jumped up on the bed, standing the evil toy up on Winn's chestas he faced him. Then lowered himself down on it! Even Winn wasn't that carefree with that deadly weapon.

Squeaking and yelping, making all kinds of noise the guy's eyes rolled back in his head, looking suspiciously like the possessed kid in the Exorcist. The guy's hands were all over his balls and cock as it drooled an almost constant stream of pre-cum. I manned the toddler, keeping it awake, alert and happy. I hoped that I would get some attention too. After all, it was MY birthday party...

It didn't take long before the birthday boy had to pull his hands away and stopped bouncing around on the cactus critter. His whole chest was flushed crimson, the sign of a true, real live orgasm, yet he hadn't cum. Yelping as the cactus critter was extracted the birthday boy doused it with lube and started waving at me. Ah, no way. It's alive, it stays OUTside.

The guy understood my terror and instead directed me to straddle Winn's chest, allowing Winn to swallow my dick. Just as I was getting into it, the birthday boy jumped up on the bed, got behind me and started rubbing his dick on my ass. THAT- I liked. Before long he was slipping in and out of me. He was a nice fit, his cock felt great, especially as Winn sucked me off.

Then the guy pulled out of me and WHAM! The cactus critter got shoved up my ass and it ha been switched to the `electrocute' setting. My whole body went up in flames. Holy shit! I pulled my dick out of Winn's mouth, grabbing at the wall for support, but standing up, just that little bit, increased the sensations a hundred fold. I think it was my voice that was squealing, I'm not sure. All I know is that a split second after I stood up with that cactus critter shoved up my ass, my cock started spraying the wall with cum.

After a few blasts shot new window openings through the wall, my knees buckled and I dropped down onto Winn. On my ass. That critter thing escaped inside of me. It obviously bit into the first nerve it came to -- the main line! Somebody was screaming like a girl, my dick exploded feeling like my nuts shot out the end of my cock. I was going up in flames from the inside out, and just before my eyes blew out of their sockets I saw tons of stars. The next thing I knew, both Winn and the fuzzy butted birthday guy were looking down at me.

"Yooouuuu girl. I thought we killed you."

Winn helped me sit up on the edge of the bed. The birthday guy looked very concerned and my ass felt like somebody was double parked.

"What the fuck happened?"

`Oh, girlfriend! You been to Heaven's gates! Nirvana! Joy unbounded! (Then 2 octaves lower:) You owe me a new paint job. Ain't never gonna git all them sticky man-juice stains off the wall. Where you git all that from? Even YOUR bowling balls can't hold THAT much milk!" Winn fanned himself, teetering.

Winn wasn't exaggerating all that much. His wall did have a lot of stains, long lines running down the paint and spots all over the place.

"Was that me? All that?"

"My veeery own miracle child, that was you is, Doll. We're taking you on the road! Two performances a day, minimum!"

"Did you get that fucking cactus critter thing out of me? It sure doesn't feel like it."

"LORDY! You got one selfish asshole boy. That thing was clamped down, closed up and squeezed tight! Damn near had to call an amblance. GET THOSE JAWS OF LIFE! Whooh! I had my feets all braced up in there, me pulling for DEAR life! We got it. You didn't wanna give it, but we managed to take it. Fucking thing was still alive! I don't know `bout y'all, but I got to take me a ride on that thing? If it kin do HALF to me, what it done to you and fuzzy here, then GIT OUT! This is one RODEO queen!"

"It's evil. Kill it. I need a wheel chair. I feel sick."

"Nuh, ah, child! This is a no Ralph zone! Ass or no ass, you git yourself outta here if that's the kind a shit you be doing."

"So I guess the party's over."

"Ah huh. You and Miss fuzzy, there had yourself some BIG ol shootin matches. This queen has been turned on, turned out and turned off! I was horny as Hell seeing you spraying all fire hose like, but then when you came crashing down and REALLY let loose! Child I am in awe. But I am in MAJOR need of lovin. It ain't no fair you two git to go all blasting off while poor, lil ol me don't get nothing.

"Do what you need. I'm going to bed." I felt sick, my head was pounding, my stomach was flipping, and in the first place, I'd only been asleep for about an hour or so when Winn so unceremoniously awoke me! I was probably going to get fired for calling in sick again. And this time I really WAS sick!

Waving goodbye, I left Fuzzy butt with Winn. My shaking legs nearly failed me going downstairs but I managed to find my bed, flop onto it, and slept for twelve hours, straight through. It was six-thirty in the evening when I woke up. SORE!

But half way draped over me, the birthday guy's naked body was right there. My God, but he was handsome. He woke up when I tried to move. He kissed me hello. I tried to tell him I had to pee but I must not have communicated very well, he followed me into the bathroom. For a minute I was trying to tell him I needed privacy but then it dawned one me, what could I possibly do NOW that was more private than what we'd done during the night?

I didn't give a shit anymore. I pooped, I peed, I belched. I showered.

Oh, glorious warm water. Healing liquid, wash away my sins!

Fuzzy butt showered in with me. Where DID he come from? And how was I going to return him? I was hoping Winn kept the sales receipt. But it DID make showering fun...

God, I'm such a slut. I actually had sex. AGAIN. My eyes couldn't focus, everything, EVERYTHING on my body hurt but somehow, like the trooper I am, by sheer force of will, I mustered the energy to have sex with the fuzzy birthday boy -- two shots in one shower! Both mine.

Fuzzy butt came too. I loved seeing him blow. He had true orgasms. His entire upper body would flush crimson and then blam. He spermanated me, big time.

After many pages of written notes, we found out he was a French exchanged student at the University's architectural college. Adrian. He was only 19! I don't know what the Hell Winn was thinking, when he brought him home but as it turned out, I'm VERY glad he did. I don't know what the Hell I was thinking when I brought him BACK home.

I hadn't even given it any forethought, all I knew was that if I let him get out of my car, I'd never see him again. I wanted to keep him. He was mine. Winn gave him to me. His roommates were terrified. And then they were further traumatized when the guy threw a bunch of his stuff in my car and we drove off into the sunset -- literally. (I live west of the University and it was almost nine in the evening.)

Adrian had to return to France during summer breaks, but he stayed with us each of his four years in college. There's some kind of rule about once finishing school a student cannot return to the United states for two or three years or something like that. So I went there. Winn was furious, cussing me out all the way through the airport as he tearfully and LOUDLY proclaimed, "his fine black ass was being orphaned. That his dick of death would be SORELY missed!"

I, along with Adrian returned when he was able. He is now a practicing architect. I have learned sign language. I had no clue sign language was like any spoken language; there are many of them! Adrian and I (now) use ASL, American Sign Language. Winn made up a new sign language - but he gets his point across...

But man, oh man. I've said it before and it still holds true. Winn made a fun crowd to be a part of. That man, is one wild woman!

Next: Chapter 2

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