Happy 18th Birthday

By Dude Sweet

Published on Dec 29, 2011



"Fuck you still look like a kid," Jason said to his now 18 year old little brother after walking in on him in the bathroom.

"And you need new insults," replied Tom, now wrapping his towel around his waist after his shower.

Jason had come home for the weekend to help Tom celebrate his 18th birthday.

"Why you up so early? It's the fucking day after your birthday?" Jason asks.

"Gotta work early shift today. They can't make tacos without me. What are you doing up so early?"

"Just wanted to see you naked little bro, and I do mean little. How big is it now? I mean with a boner?"

"None of your damn business. Keep your faggy thought to yourself." Jason was 20 and gay. They both knew it. Tom was straight and newly 18.

"I wasn't perving on you. Just curious."

Tom pulls his towel off and turns to face Jason. "Take a good look bro. Happy?"

"Still not perving, just curious. And fuck, you're so good looking. So how big?"

"Almost five, hard. And I'm not getting hard for you." Staying naked, Tom turns to shave really not needing to, and clean up for work. He knows his brother is not perving on him.

Jason likes to see his little bro naked, but mainly just wants to spend time with him, before he goes back to own house and his own job twenty miles away.

"So how little they paying you?"

"Eight fifty and hour."

"Fuck man, you're worth so fucking much more than that."

"Yeah, well I'm not letting your friends suck my dick."

"Hehe, I know dude." He watches his brother bend over and rinse off his face in the sink. "Maybe they would pay to see you shave in the morning. Naked."

They both laugh. "Yeah, but could they keep their hands off of this?" Tom asks, gently grabbing his two inch package.

"Wait a second." Jason leaves the room and Tom puts on deodorant, and then starts brushing his hair. Jason comes back in the room and snags a picture of naked Tom combing his hair.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tom snaps.

Jason is now looking at the picture in the camera. "How much do you want? What if I can sell this picture? How much do you want?"

"Nothing. Don't sell my naked picture to your pervy friends. All they would do would be to jack off to it."

"Yeah, probably. But what if I could sell it on the internet? To strangers or some website."

"Oh yeah, then the entire world could see me naked."

"Actually no one would know it was you. Plus none of your friends cruise the gay web sites. Right? They would never know."

Tom thinks about it as he crosses the hall to his room to continue getting ready for work. Jason follows him.

"Ok, shoot." He stands there facing his bother. His brother takes a few naked pictures and then Tom starts dressing.

Tom has pretty much forgotten the entire episode when a few days later he gets a call from his brother.


"Tommy. Sit down. You sitting down?"


"I got you a job."

"I have a job."

"Yeah and you make eight fifty an hour and work how many hours a week?"


"Yeah, well you want to make $1,000 in one day?"

"For what?"

"Posing for pictures. A few naked ones. That's all, not pervy stuff I promise."

Jason explains that he checked around and found a photographer who would pay for Tom to pose naked. But he had to bring absolute proof that he was 18.

"I've got my drivers license."

"Yeah, can you get your birth certificate too? They are really wanting to make sure you're legal. Based on the pictures I took, they don't believe me." Tom was 5 foot 4, 125 pounds and had no easily visible body hair other than his blond pubes and a few under his arms. He looked 13'ish.

"I can probably get it from mom. So what's the scoop?"

Three days later, Jason picks up Tom and they drive to the studio. Both are a little nervous.

They meet the photographer Rafael. He insists upon studying, then copying the birth certificate and drivers license. He has Tom go in the dressing room and change into some speedos.

Then it's two hours of posing under the hot lights, with towels, goggles and fins, and relaxing on the lounger. Then Rafael's assistant sprays Tom all over with water and wets his hair, They spend another three hours taking wet pictures.

"Ok, now pretend you are by yourself and just pulling off your bathing suit before a shower. Pretend the camera isn't here." By then Tom was pretty relaxed about the whole thing. He stripped slowly and Rafael snapped picture after picture. He ended up stripping about a dozen times before Rafael was satisfied.

As Tom got dressed in his street clothes, Rafael wrote a check and Jason looked at it. One thousand six hundred dollars and zero cents. ""We went overtime," Rafael explained. "I always pay my models top rates. I might want to do this again. He's cute. I can get a lot for his pictures."

Jason waits until they are at a nice steak restaurant before he hands Tom the check. Tom opens the envelope and his eyes nearly fall out of his head. "Sixteen hundred dollars? Shit that's more than I make in a month at Taco Bell."

"Fuckin' A man. And no pervy stuff."

"You want some of this? For setting it up?"

"I love you bro. I'm not your pimp." They both laugh.

"How about 10% manager fee? Anything you set up, you get 10%. Fair?"

They shake and enjoy dinner.

A week later Tom gets a call from his brother. "Hey, you still got any of your little league stuff?"

"Yeah, I got my glove and hat."

"What about you uniform?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Rafael wants to do a sports shot. I told him you played little league."

"Yeah, five years ago. I haven't grown that much, but I doubt I have them anyway."

"Ok, let me check around, see what I can find out."

A few hours later he calls Tom. "Remember Coach Tat?"

"Yeah." He had coached them both in middle school.

"He's got uniforms and lots of stuff you can borrow. But he wants to come and watch the shoot."

"Coach Tat is a perv?" Tom asks.

"No. Well, yes. Maybe. Maybe he's just gay. Maybe he just wants to see you naked. Anyway, he won't touch you or anything. No pervy stuff, I promise. He just wants to watch."

That afternoon they go the Coach Tat's house. He is very happy to see them. He has lots of old uniforms and baseball pants, as well as underarmour shorts and cups and jocks. He wants Tom to try everything on, right there in the room with them all watching. Tom feels a little silly, but doesn't really care that much. He knows his brother has his back.

After Tom pulls on the underarmour over his naked body Coach Tat says, "Damn, and you're 18 now."

"18 and a week and a half," corrects Jason.

Tom has to call in sick to Taco Bell the next day for the photo shoot. And once again he spends several hours without getting totally naked, then another couple of hours in underarmour. Then even more time in his cup, and finally another hour naked. Coach Tat acts like he has died and gone to heaven.

Rafael writes a check and gives it to Jason while Tom is getting fully dressed. After dropping off Coach Tat, Jason hands Tom the check. "Prepare to shit your pants."

"Two thousand fucking dollars? Damn!"

"You are such a stud, bro."

"Hehe, I guess I am. Wonder how much he makes off these pictures?"

"Dude, you're a genius. I'll see if I can find out. Maybe we should go into our own business."

They exchange high fives.

A week goes by and Jason calls again. "Ok, dude I've got lots of information. When can we get together?"

"Well, I have to work today..."

"Fuck, you need to quit that skanky job. You made more in two days naked than you'll make all summer Taco-ing."

"Hehe, yeah, well you're right. But if I quit the rents won't like it."

"Don't fucking tell them."

"Yeah, well they visit the store sometimes. I live here you know."

"Move out. Live with me for a little. You'll be able to afford your own place pretty soon anyways."

"I'll think about it. So what are the plans?"

"We're going to do some dugout pictures. In your baseball uniform. Coach Tat is going to set us up."

"And he gets to watch?"

"Yeah. Do you care?"

"I guess not."

"Plus he's hooking me up with these web guys, we are going to get a piece of the action. Uh, would you get a boner? And maybe jack off? We, you, can make a shitload of money. No one else has to do it with you. No sucking or fucking, just pound it?"

"For the camera? And you? And Coach. And the photographer?"

"Yeah and for thousands of pervy, gay gays on the internet. Yes. You don't have too, but you can make a fucking butt-load of money."

"How much money are we talking about?"

"Probably several thousand dollars a month. In a few months, maybe ten thousand or more."

"Per month?"

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Quit your job, get your own place. Just for whacking off, which I presume you do anyway?"

"Yeah. Of course."


"I'll think about it. Kind of weirds me out. But the money sounds awesome."

"And I'll have your back. Nobody will molest you or anything."

"Yeah, they'll just watch and jack off."

"Yeah. You are a hot mother-fucker."

"Gee, thanks bro."

"Not to mention you look like a kid."

They agree on a date and time for the dugout shots.

Coach has a buddy, the photographer has a helper and of course Jason is watching as Tom catches the ball and throws the ball with Jason. They take a few batting pictures as well as some base running. Then in the dugout, he looks out the fence and just hangs out for about an hour of picture taking. Then they have him take off his shirt and they put ice bags on his shoulder like he was a pitcher. Then he puts his shirt back on and takes off his pants and they have him put his foot up and ice his knee.

Then they have him strip to his underarmour and look through the fence, sit and drink Gatorade and hang out. Then again with only his cup and strap.

Coach and his buddy take turns checking the area to make sure no one is watching when Tom gets naked in the dugout. He stands at the fence with his little 2 incher sticking out of the mesh. He sits on the bench in many posses showing it all off.

Jason hands him a Huslter. Tom laughs. "Bet it killed you to buy straight porn?"

"Hehe, yeah, there's a first time for everything. So you want to do it?"

"Well, there's a first time for everything. Why not?"

He lies on the bench, tries to forget they are there, looks at the magazine and plays with his dick. He has a lot of trouble getting a boner, but it chubs up nicely. He finally plays with it enough to get a boner and starts to jack it. The photographer wants him to stop so they can reposition the camera, but Tom says, "Now or never. Do your best." It takes about 5 minutes of pounding before Tom finally sperms. Coach Tat also squeezes one off in his pants.

As the photographer is explaining the next shot, Tom says , "No, we're done. No more pictures. I'm tired." Not to mention kind of un-horny.

In the car Tom admits it was kind of cool to do it with everyone watching. He asks his brother "Did you like it too?"

"Fucking yes. Never say your sperm before."

"You saw me jackoff, back in the day. A couple of times. You even showed me how to do it. Don't you remember?"

"Yeah, but you couldn't spunk then."

"Oh, yeah. I couldn't spunk until I was akmost 15."

"But to answer your question, to tell the truth, you made me as horny as hell."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry."

"Haha, don't be sorry. I'll have a great jackoff tonight."

"Not to mention when you see the pictures."

"Oh yeah, for sure many, many times. So you think you want to do this? Naked pictures and jacking? You will get rich!"

"I guess. At least for a while. I mean why not?"

"Yeah, they like the sports themed stuff, so we might have to buy some sports equipment and clothes."

"Or get Coach Tat, the perv, to shop for us?"

"Yeah, and maybe make his friend pay for it in order to watch."

"Great idea. Charge the pervs to watch to photo sessions. Yeah!"

Coach Tat calls some of his coaching friends and they set up a photo shoot with a 13-14 year old roller hockey team. Tom knows how to skate, but isn't good enough to keep up with the other guys. After two hours of shooting pictures and goals, they have Tom just sit on the bench and watch the game. Then once again have him take off his pads and sit on the bench in his underarmour with ice on his knees. The other kids don't really pay him much attention. They're more interested in playing hockey, than seeing a boy on the bench in his underwear.

After practice, they go out to dinner and the hockey boys go home. A few hours later, when the rink is closed, they come back in with a few of Coach Tats friends.

They start with Tom skating in just padded pants, then only in underarmour and then, totally naked. The he sits on the bench and rests. Then he looks at the porn and eventually gets a boner. Finally he jacks off. As soon as he shoots his sperm, he is ready for the shoot to be over. Several of the pervy coaches came in the pants while watching.

Tom is spending the night on Jason's couch and Jason gives him $500 cash. "This is from the pervy coaches. I made them pay to watch, but we'll make a lot more when we get this stuff online." Tom gives his brother $100 for management fee.

Within a week they start getting dribble of money from the web. Tom quits his job and gets a small studio apartment near his brother's. He meets with Jason's gay friends who teach him how to set up the web stuff. He starts getting and answering fan email. Man, the things they asked him to do!

They set up a soccer shooting, but can't do any naked pictures with the other kids around. They schedule another shoot at the hockey arena but this time in the locker room after hours. Over the next few weeks he does basketball, soccer, hockey and football uniforms in various states of undress, then lots of shower pictures. They continue to charge for the pervs to watch live and rack in the money from the pictures on the web.

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