Hanging Out

Published on Aug 30, 1998



Each of us got our five hits....bareass. And it hurt like hell...and no, we didn't say "Thank you sir may I have another". We stood afterwards, with our pants around out ankles for inspection. "If any of you have erections, we'll know you're fags" the pledgemaster said. I was so afraid I'd have one. But the pain in my ass was enough to keep me soft for weeks. Nobody touched us...and none of the upperclassmen were naked or even half naked. If so, my cock might have jumped. I had watched them play football in their shorts, barefoot and shirtless during the first few weeks of school. It was Indian summer and the entire campus looked like some summer resort. Shorts, tank tops, bare chests, tube tops.....it was hard to believe that in just a few weeks, there would be snow and ice everywhere in this New England town. It was my second year..and I was ready to join a fraternity..or move off campus. Dorm life was ok, but thought of as childish..only freshmen and foreign students lived there. Of course there were older students there as "RAs" and I applied for one of those jobs. "David, we prefer seniors or graduate students for those positions" I was told. Too bad, the idea of seeing studs running around in towels, underwear or less late at night had its appeal. And during my freshman year, I was able to enjoy that..and more. Three am showers in the dark revealed that I wasn't the only one who liked man sex in that dorm. In the light of day, nobody would admit it of course....well except for one or two. And yet at night, there was lots of "door slamming" going on if you know what I mean. Clyde told me about that. So the first weekend he was out off campus, I "erroneously" left my door open and a towel on the knob. Sure enough bodies came into the dark room and cocks found my mouth or butt. And my cock found more then one willing hole too. But as a sophomore, I couldn't enjoy that life anymore. I watched the frat houses looking for one I thought I could enjoy. Delta Alpha Zeta, known as the Z House looked expecially appealing. They guys there seemed to be pretty exhibitionistic.....enjoying the freedom of the ZHouse boxer shorts when lounging around outside, playing frisbee, football or volleyball. Chests were smooth, hairy, fit, average, defined and arousing. Butts were small, large, round and bubble..also arousing. And more then once I got hard watching the brothers there fall into a huge pile during one of their "touch" football games. I wondered how much touching actually went on. So, I attended their open house, talked, made some friends, enjoyed their enthusiasim for my computer skills and swimming hobbies. And one night I stripped down to my jockey shorts and then dropped them for the obligatory whacks. "From now on you will wear only ZHouse shorts". We were naked now....and as we were handed our pledge shorts....a pair of ZHouse shorts with a huge P on the butt, we awaited a signal. "However, since you are pledges, the only way you can wear these shorts is with your manhood outside at all times". That meant our cock and balls must be pulled through the fly and when we were in the frat house that was all we could wear. "At anytime outside of the house, if a brother approaches you for inspection, your manhood better be in place under whatever jeans or shorts you wear over the ZHouse shorts. " So our cocks and balls would rub against our jeans or whatever we wore over the boxers. In my case, that meant my erections would happen continually as I walked or moved in my classroom seat...rubbing against my jeans. It was quite a sight seeing the pledges do chores around the house, be put through various harassment and even sitting and studying with our balls and cock in plain view. And from time to time, I saw one or more erections. I was always worried that I'd be the first one to sprout a hard on and all would suspect Iwas a fag. But I was just one of the pledges. When spotted, we were made to do pushups, take an ice cold shower or run through the hallways, singing the house song. "It's your final weekend boys." We stood in line at attention. Our genitals out front for all the brothers to see..they had all seen it by now anyway. Our bodies had been shaven smooth during an earlier session with us pledges spraying each other with shaving cream and then shaving until none of us had armpit hair, chest or belly hair not even pubic hair. "Take em off" We hesitated but then stripped naked. You already suspect that I like being naked....and my cock began to pop up. Ten pushups later, it was softening. "Now that pledge Harrison is finished, everyone put on the ZHouse shorts backwards" The shorts were back on..our cocks and balls now were under the cotton and it felt weird and arousing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw more then one tented pair of shorts so I knew I wasn't the only one getting hard again. The game of touch football in the dark was fun...pileups of pledges and upperclassmen were even more fun. I felt a few gropes, butt slaps and more interesting was the occasional finger that found the fly of my shorts and the butthole underneath. The upperclassmen won of course....and pledges had to give up their shorts and run around the house naked five times. The girls in a house across the street, whistled, applauded and cheered. Cars slowed down and there were a few flashes as this yearly even was photographed for personal and some newspaper use. I knew my face would be on the newspaper..sure enough it was. I saved it and even sent it to my folks..so they wouldn't be surprized. Mom scoulded me and Dad asked me how I could stay hard in the cold like that. He thought it was some kind of macho thing I guess. But after our run, we were told to stay in the house all night..that was all. The house party went on and ended in the wee hours. All guys, the party was basically pizza and beer. As pizzas were delivered, naked pledges had to receive them to the surprise of the delivery boys..and then parade around offering slices to the upperclassmen. We fetched beer and cleaned the place afterwards. The group of us lay around the lounge trying to get some sleep. Occasionally an upperclassman would come in and order a pledge to do some chore. "You, my roomate has puked in our room, come clean it up" I was told and with mop in hand I went to the room in question. It was dark and I fumbled for a switch. "Leave it off pledge" I was told. And hands told me that there was no puke.....I had indeed found the right frat house. My jaws and butthole ached by morning.......an occasional additional pledge was brought in to join us. Sunday we stood naked after serving the upperclassmen breakfast. And the Pledge Master handed us our offical ZHouse boxers..which we wore the correct way and with our cock and balls inside. There was no "P" on the back of them. I noted that at breakfast there was only ten of the original 15 pledges left. I had been accepted...actually I knew I had been accepted the night before. A game of touch football outside on the lawn was high entertainment for all who watched and for us who played. Pileups had lots of fun going on too as I had anticipated long ago. And that afternoon, I moved my things into my new home..my room...where Clint Hasry, my new roommate greeted me..with his cock and balls out of his boxer shorts. And we sucked each other hello. ZHouse...my new hangout for the three years to come....my new home.

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