Hanging by a Moment

By moc.sc@0002eojatokaD

Published on Jul 9, 2001


This story is copyrighted and the sole possession of the author. No duplication is permitted without the express written consent of the author. It will contain graphic description of consensual male to male sex and may be offensive to some. If this is not something you wish to read, please look elsewhere. Certain events in the story are based loosely on real events so the names of the characters, with the exception of mine, have been changed to reflect that. Hanging By A Moment is the title of a song by Lifehouse. Constructive email can be sent to Dakotajoe2000@cs.com

Chapter Nine

Sweat rolled off of Nick's brow. He had been working most of the afternoon in his new apartment. He took a swipe at his cheek and wiped streaks of midnight blue paint all over it. Plastic was draped on the floor from wall to wall and was heavily taped to the baseboard. Nick had first noticed the hardwood floors in the apartment when he had looked at it. It was the selling point. Midnight blue paint, even in drops would make it less appealing he thought, so he bought an extra roll of masking tape. The wall with the window was the hardest to paint but it provided him with an idea he was keen on. He left the opposite wall, the one with the hinged closet doors, unpainted. The phone began ringing in the other room and Nick had to scramble to get to it. He hoped the caller was patient.

I banged heavily into the living room wall. My hands had to catch my fall and I placed a neat little midnight blue print on the wall. I grumbled to myself, but I wanted to paint this room too. The phone was behind the couch for some reason and I had to pull it off the wall to get to it. I grabbed a towel so as not to put nice patches of blue on the white leather.

"Hello?" I breathed into the phone. I couldn't quite get the receiver to my ear, so I tugged on the cord a bit. It was stuck on something, so I pulled hard.

"Hey, is Nick there?"

"Yeah, guy, I'm the only one who lives here. I'd better be the one answering the phone too, or my boyfriend is going to be upset with me." The bookshelf was teetering a bit behind the palm tree in the corner. I pulled at the phone cord once more and I could see things developing in slow motion.

"Hang on!" I yelled into the phone and then dropped it as I ran for the corner. I managed to prevent the bookcase from falling, but my short-stop style sliding catch sent the palm tree in motion and dumped it's dirt into my lap. I sighed in defeat and reached for the phone.

"Sorry about that. I'm back."

"What's going on? It sounds like you're wrestling with someone. That's another thing that might make your boyfriend upset; or jealous at any rate."

I giggled into the phone.

"Jason, sweetie, you've got nothing to worry about. Yeah, I was wrestling, but not someone, it was a something. The palm tree is down and out for the count, so I think I won. I dunno...there is lots of dirt on the floor, so maybe it won."

"You're wrestling the tree? May I ask why?"

"Oh, well I was looking for the phone and ended up pulling the cord out from under the bookcase. I think I'll make `Plays of the Week' for my sliding catch though." I touched a spot on my leg that was now a brilliant shade of pink and was beginning to sting a little. One of the earthworms I had put into the soil began to wiggle across the hardwood floor and I tossed him back into the now upright pot. There was some silence on the other end of the line.

"Jason, are you still with me?" I glanced out into the late afternoon sun and wished that it wasn't winter. I would love to be at the pool right now.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking."

"Yeah? About what?"

"You." It was that simple. All right, I thought to myself. I was wanting to get back to painting.

"Do you think I could come by?" he asked.

"Sure thing, guy. It'll take me a bit to get into my preppy boi look for you, but I'm game for it."

"Oh, don't worry about getting all dressed up. If we're going to be boyfriends, I'm going to see you a lot worse than I'm sure you are now."

I wasn't sure what to say to that, so I let it go.

"So, when are you dropping by?"

"I'm not sure yet. I have some errands to run, but they won't take long. Are you going to be in all evening?"

I looked around at the mess in my apartment. The carpet remnant I had bought for my bedroom was leaning against my desk. I really wanted to get that down this evening. Sleep was looming too. Hard work like this really takes something out of you.

"Yeah. I don't think I'm going anywhere."

"All right," he said. "I'll see you in a bit." He hung up the phone.

I inhaled and took my wrist to my elbow. There was still sweat forming on my brow. I found an old t-shirt laying in my cleaning box and ripped it into a couple of pieces. The largest piece I wrapped around my head in a neat little sweat band and tied a knot at the front. I slid the knot around to the side and went back into the bedroom. The painting didn't take too long to finish and I had just opened the window to ventilate the room when I heard the knock at the door. I took a quick look at my arms and thought I looked okay....I had been very clean while painting. There were a few specs here and there, but nothing major.

He looked so handsome standing there. He was wearing a pair of bone colored khakis that were freshly ironed. The pleats were perfect. He had on a dark blue polo with a yellow stripe around the collar and was wearing a crisp white undershirt beneath it. I motioned him to come on in and he stepped gingerly over the tray of personal items I had pulled out of the bathroom.

He leaned in to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. He smelled good too...I think it was Obsession, but it didn't really matter to me. The general scent of him was intoxicating and the cologne had little importance to me. I remember him telling me at one point that cologne was something he didn't like to do. He must have known that I liked Obsession and had done this special for me. I wrapped my arms tight around his waist, not wanting to let go.

"I see someone has been doing some painting." His breathing was slow and his words erotic, just in tone. I tensed.

"Yeah," I whispered back.

He pulled back a bit and leaned in for a kiss. I tilted my head a little to the side and welcomed his lips to mine. I felt his hands crawl slowly up my back. He was so gentle. We rocked back and forth and he eventually had his arms wrapped around me too as we kissed. He pulled back a little bit and leaned his forehead against mine. I looked into his eyes and could see his smile without ever leaving them.

"I'd like to take you to dinner this evening." He put one hand into his pants' pocket and the other went to my cheek. "You'd better wash this paint off of your face though. People might think you're into some kind of primitive worship."

"I have paint on my face?!" I giggled a bit. "I thought I was doing so well too."

"Can I see?" I assumed he meant the bedroom.

"No, I think I want it to be a surprise for you."

"Oh. Okay." He looked a little disappointed. "Go get a shower then."

I gave him another peck on the lips and headed towards the bedroom. He walked over to the couch and sat down. He just looked at me with his beautiful hazel eyes and I about melted. "Go on," he said.

It took me about half an hour to get ready. Things would have been much simpler if I hadn't had to take the mattress out of the bathroom first. I quickly pulled it into the living room and made a place for it on the floor. I needed somewhere to sleep tonight and a leather couch isn't comfortable sleeping two nights in the same week. Jason watched as I worked and kept me on task every time I glanced his direction. I turned the water on for the shower and got ready to get in. I pulled my boxers back up momentarily and peeked out of the bathroom. He was still sitting on the couch, glancing out the window. He got up and went to the balcony. I heard the door slide open and then closed again. He's quite the gentleman, I thought.

Jason whistled at me as I primped in front of the mirror. He was leaning against the door jamb and gave me an adorable smile. I had opened the door moments ago and he had figured correctly that it was a signal for him that I was dressed now. I had picked out a pair of my off colored chinos and had matched it with a very pale denim shirt. I spiked up my hair just a bit and then mussed it up with my hands. I had a GQ look going and it was working tonight. Usually I get frustrated and go back to my Gap or Abercrombie fall backs.

He took my hand and we headed out. It was a pleasant drive to the restaurant and we made some conversation as we drove. The parking lot was full, which I took as a good sign. If you don't have to wait for your dinner, you should have skipped dinner and waited for breakfast. He winked at me and got out of the car. I tried, but the door on my side was locked and I couldn't figure it out. He opened it for me and then shut it behind as I stood and straightened my shirt. I felt his hand reach for mine and I unabashedly took it. If he was happy showing Portland how he felt about me, how could I deny him that? It felt really good to have it there too. We got to the hostess stand and he gave his name. Nicole, the hostess on duty that evening smiled at him.

"I know that Nick doesn't smoke, what about you? Do you have a preference?"

Jason was shocked for a moment and didn't know what to say, so I answered for him.

"He doesn't smoke either, but we'll take first available."

"Sounds good. The wait is 25 minutes right now, but I can probably open something up for you."

I leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, Nicole. You're the best." She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in to her a bit.

"He's cute. You guys have fun tonight."

"Thanks babe, I think we will."

I walked back out into the crowded lobby and found Jason holding me a seat against one of the walls. There were neat pictures on the walls out there and several of the patrons were admiring them. The lights were dim and no one was paying any attention to us. He kissed my cheek and I sat as close to him as I could without being obvious. Our hands were tightly clasped together, unseen by anyone else.

"We're at Ringside, one of the most exclusive restaurants in Portland, let alone the west coast and you're in with the hostess. How did this happen?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. I work here now."

"What? When did this happen?"

"Mmm. Three days ago? We came back from Cannon on Sunday evening, I made my contact with the manager on Monday, and got hired on Tuesday. I had training Wednesday and yesterday and then I got to follow a server around today for lunch. That's how I know Nicole. She was the server at lunch and she's covering a shift for someone who is on vacation." I squeezed his hand, which he in turn did as well.

Dinner was pleasant. I had the Alaskan halibut filet. It's grilled in a wonderful lemon pepper sauce. This was my first dinner out since coming to the west coast, so I had to go seafood. Jason went seafood as well. He had the northwest crab cakes. They're roasted in red pepper and served with hollandaise sauce. I don't know how much kissing we were going to do after, but it was sure to be spicy! I waved at Nicole on my way out, with Jason in tow; hand in hand.

My key slipped quietly into the lock of the front door. As we entered, I laid my keys and wallet on the counter and headed to the balcony. With the door open, a soft Pacific breeze blew through the flat. Jason took his shoes off and sat them under one of the bar stools by the counter. We both lay on the mattress, our backs to the floor. He raised himself up on one arm and looked at me. He was so handsome laying there, with the moonlight filtering in through the slats. I scooted closer to him and leaned in for a kiss, the first one that I had initiated. Peering into his eyes, I heard him part his lips. I felt his tongue on my lips, which I parted slightly allowing him in. Our eyes never left the other's. His eyes slowly closed and I felt his hands tug at my shirt, still tucked into my chinos. I pulled back a bit, breaking the kiss. He slowly unbuttoned my shirt, always watching my eyes to make sure it was okay to proceed. My gentle touch on his cheek seemed to be all he needed. Once my shirt was off, I raised my arms above my head, allowing him to take off my wifebeater.

As he took off his polo and then in turn his khakis, I felt the breeze blow across my now exposed chest. My nipples went hard instantly, much to his delight. He gave me an adorable smile and gave them both a quick squeeze. I sighed deeply, enjoying every moment. He pulled me back to the mattress and close to his body. His arms wrapped around me and we melted together. We lay that way for a while before we were simultaneously chilly. I padded softly to the bedroom for the comforter. He was sitting up when I returned.

"Is this okay?" he asked.


"Um, if I spend the night?"

I leaned over his moon illuminated body and kissed him.

"Jason, there is no place that I would rather have you, than here in my apartment and in my arms."

He pulled the comforter from my arms and motioned me down to him. I gave a quick wink and told him just a minute more. I padded softly again, this time over to the stereo and turned it on. I pulled out a cd from its case and let it spin. I lay down next to him again, wrapping the comforter around my shoulders. I felt his boxers against my leg and made sure that he wasn't uncomfortable. He watched every movement I made. The music started and this time it was my turn to sing, a song which I had wanted for him for this very moment.

`Desperate for changing, starving for truth

Closer to where I started; chasing after you.

I'm falling even more in love with you,

Letting go of all I've held on to.

I'm standing here until you make me move,

I'm hanging by a moment here with you.'

`Forgetting all I'm lacking, completely incomplete

I'll take your invitation, you take all of me.

I'm living for the only thing I know,

I'm running and not quite sure where to go

And I don't know what I'm diving into,

Just hanging by a moment, here with you.'

`There's nothing else to lose,

There's nothing else to find

There's nothing in this world

That can change my mind.

Hanging by a moment here with you.'

I glanced over at Jason. He was watching me intently. I lay back to the pillow and nuzzled up close to him. I felt his fingers trace their way down my arm. They rested on my waist, outside my boxers. I looked at him and he smiled. He hugged me tight and then rolled me over onto my side so that we could spoon. His fingers intertwined with mine in front of my chest. I could feel his heartbeat, slowing gradually as we got comfortable with one another.

"Good night," he softly spoke. I squeezed his hand.

"Good night," I whispered back.

"I love you." It was barely audible and it drifted out into the Oregon night with the breeze that had carried it in.

That's it for chapter nine. The words above are from "Hanging By A Moment" by Lifehouse. If you've been reading the story though, you probably knew I'd be throwing them in at some point. This isn't going to be the boys' song; I'm still debating on that issue. Constructive comments or criticisms can be directed to Dakotajoe2000@cs.com

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 10

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