Hanging by a Moment

By moc.sc@0002eojatokaD

Published on Apr 8, 2001


This story is copyrighted and the sole possession of the author. No duplication is permitted without the express written consent of the author. It will contain graphic description of consensual male to male sex and may be offensive to some. If this is not something you wish to read, please look elsewhere. Certain events in the story are based loosely on real events so the names of the characters, with the exception of mine, have been changed to reflect that. Hanging By A Moment is the title of a song by Lifehouse. Constructive email can be sent to Dakotajoe2000@cs.com

Hanging by a Moment, Chapter Three

Mile after mile ticked off of the odometer. Kentucky and Tennessee were already memories and Alabama was flying by just as fast as the former. Nick peered deeply into the road ahead, looking for something maybe, but never able to find it. Tension within his body was so tight it would take a Mack truck to relieve it. The warning light for low gas flicked on and he flinched.

"Nick, have you heard a word I've said in the past hour?"

Brandon. He had flown in from Seattle to meet me. Wasn't that nice of him? We had been talking online for three or four months now. I had mentioned in passing that it would be cool if we could somehow spend New Year's together. He took me as serious and bought a plane ticket. Don't get me wrong, I was very happy to have him here with me; I just seemed to have my mind on other things, or other people, namely Jason.

"Um, yes and no. I couldn't tell you what we talked about but I was listening at the time. Sorry, I'm kinda focused on driving."

"Yeah, you sure are. What's up man? You're spacey tonight and that really isn't like you. C'mon guy, tell me what's wrong."

I smiled at him, probably for the first time on the trip. He was so cute. He had the softest hair and it was a dark shade of strawberry-blonde. It was close to being brown, but not so much that it wasn't noticeable. He had wonderful eyes too. Every time I would look at them I could catch the sparkle that emanated back out to me.

We didn't talk any more the last thirty miles to the hotel, but he held one of my hands as I drove, lightly stoking it with his thumb. I was about to cry from the build up of emotion pulling at me from inside, so I broke the hold he had on me.

"Look, we're here." I don't know how I got so lucky for the timing on that one.

I checked us in and pulled the car around to the back of the building for the night. We lugged our stuff inside and upstairs to our room. Isn't it odd how you'll pack a month's worth of stuff for a three day trip? I did anyway. I could have been pulled into the ocean fifty times and still had dry clothes to work with. We made some menial conversation about the room and how tired we were, but for the most part, we went about our own way.

I climbed into my bed and was about to turn the lights out when I glanced over at him. Brandon was just laying there on top of his covers looking at me. He had pulled a trick out of his bag and was using it on me. I couldn't resist those puppy dog eyes and I motioned for him to come on over to my bed. Like a kid on Christmas morning, he nearly flew into my arms. I giggled softly and rolled onto my back. He fidgeted around for a minute and then leaned over me. It was the softest kiss I had ever experienced. This time, there was no holding back the tears. I had just met Brandon for the first time and there was a deep connection already, and I was resisting it.

"I'm sorry. That was too soon." I felt him roll away from me and I knew that I needed to react or lose him all together.

"No, bud. It was unexpected for sure, but I like you." I had said that! I like you? "You do? You've been very unreceptive to me all night."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed deeply and rolled onto my side so we were looking directly at each other. "I've had some things on my mind and I've let it interfere with you, us and why we're here. I left Columbus for the weekend, should have left my problems to, eh?"

He just smiled at me and touched my nose with the tip of his index finger. I about melted. Neither of my boyfriends had ever touched me in a way that wasn't completely sexual or would lead there.

"Roll over," he said.

I did as I was told and he gave me one of the best back rubs I've ever had. He ran his fingers up my back as if trying to read the sad expression in the tightness of my muscle. Several minutes passed and he kissed the nape of my neck. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled my back to his chest. A tight squeeze told me that everything was okay and he wanted to hold me like this tonight.

"We'll talk tomorrow."

Andrea walked into the room and was immediately incensed. The scolding wasn't too far behind.

"For the past three days you have done nothing but lay on that couch. I don't know what happened over Christmas, but it's time to move on. Did your parents upset you? Did David call you again? What?! sighs Listen, the kitchen is still dirty because you haven't put away the stuff you've used. The garbage needs taken out and you unquestionably need a shower. Get off your butt and do it before I make you."

Jason smiled at her. He counted himself lucky to have a friend like her. She put up a tough front at times but he knew deep within that she was genuinely concerned about him right now. He also knew she was serious about making him do the work around the house. He'd had one too many nipple twists to say otherwise. She had turned to walk away as he spoke.

"It's Nick."

She stopped and looked back at him. He had tears in the corner of his eyes and he quickly looked to the other parts of the room.

"Whoa. That's a name I haven't heard in a while." She walked softly to the couch and sat next to him, placing an arm over his shoulder.

"I emailed him over break. I told him that I didn't think it was okay for us to keep talking, with our break-up and all. I think I messed up though....I meant that it wasn't okay to talk back at the time, but I didn't mean now. He's probably going to take this as a `leave me the hell alone' kind of message." Tears were freely rolling now.

"Aww, sweetie. So why don't you write back to him and explain what you really meant?"

"C'mon Andrea, you know that isn't the way to do things. `Hey, that last email, what I really meant to say was'...that would either show me as desperate or loopy or maybe both. I want him to have a positive image of me and I don't know how to do that."

"I see. I think you should call him."

Jason looked at her and dropped his head.

"Yeah, I've thought about that. I don't know what I would do if he hung up on me though, or worse yet if some other guy answered the phone."

"Well kiddo, you won't know until you try. Now isn't a good time though. You need to cool off a bit before you do that. Go for a walk or take a drive, or something. If you need support when you're ready, I'll be here, okay?"

He leaned in to hug her, the only confirmation either of them needed to know they loved each other.

"I'm going to take a drive I think. I'll call you later to let you know I'm okay."


"Yeah?" he said as he grabbed his coat off the recliner.

"Don't forget the trash."

Brandon and I shared some intimate moments that weekend. He had seen me cry more than once and was there to hold me every time. We talked frequently, always about what was going through my mind. I told him about Jason one evening in bed. He didn't move like I thought he would. He stayed right there next to me and held me just the same. He was truly special to me.

The drive home was great. I remember every aspect about it, because Brandon was there with me. He wasn't comfortable sitting in the car the way he was, so he "adjusted" himself a bit. His seat belt came off and he lay his head on my lap. He curled up in a fetal position between the two seats with his head resting softly against my stomach. I softly stroked his hair as I drove, not wanting to ruin the moment. We drove through Nashville just before dark that evening. We wanted to be home to watch the ball drop in Times' Square. The soft rock station I had tuned in started playing THE song.

Softly I sang:

"Every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you."

Yeah, I know that song was written as a stalker type thing and it wasn't meant to be taken romantically, but that wasn't even on my mind. I had a beautiful boy sleeping on my lap, letting me stroke his hair. I had begun to feel deeper things for him in the past four days, but I also knew that he would soon have to be on a plane and headed back to Seattle. I chose not to think about that for the moment.

We got home about fifteen minutes to midnight. He settled himself in front of the television while I made some quick preparations. The fire was started in the corner and was going well by the time I sat down with our drinks. I had put together two Amaretto sours and handed him one. It's my drink of choice and it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. We snuggled into each other and watched as the world turned once again. I was about to doze off in his arms when the phone began to ring. I had no intentions of moving.

Jason pulled the car into its spot and shut the engine off. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, but it was something that needed to be done. He stepped out and into the chilly night air. He wrapped his coat tight against his body and headed down the gravel walkway. There was a large log sitting in the sand just off the waterline and he took a seat there. Names and initials were carved into the driftwood and he traced his fingers along some of them. The beacon of light behind him continued piercing the sky and he sighed deeply as he pulled out his phone.

The light and beach at Westport provided him the sense that he needed. Although he knew he wasn't here right now, he had been and that was all that mattered. He sighed one more time and slowly dialed Nick's number.

That's all for chapter three. I should be working on chapter four later this week, but we'll see with homework and all. Let me know what you think. :) Nick

Next: Chapter 4

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