Hanging by a Moment

By moc.sc@0002eojatokaD

Published on Aug 13, 2003


This story is copyrighted and the sole possession of the author. No duplication is permitted without the express written consent of the author. It will contain graphic description of consensual male to male sex and may be offensive to some. If this is not something you wish to read, please look elsewhere. Certain events in the story are based loosely on real events so the names of the characters, with the exception of mine, have been changed to reflect that. Hanging By A Moment is the title of a song by Lifehouse. Constructive email can be sent to nick@highwayace.net

Chapter Fourteen - The Mailbox, part one

Nick was sorting through some paperwork that had accumulated on his desk when he heard some rustling behind him. He glanced over at Jason who has hobbling around near the kitchen. He had made some very good progress in his recovery from the surgery he underwent after the shooting. The doctor had told him that it would be six weeks before he'd be walking without crutches and yet he was already moving freely on his own in just four. The two boys had reached a compromise, that Nick would let him to try to get around the house on his own but if the two went out, crutches were definitely to be used and Nick's assistance was not to be turned down if it was offered. Both boys were happy with the arrangement.

Jason leaned heavily into the bar that doubled as a breakfast table and kitchen counter, readjusting the position of two stools in the process. I wanted to go help him out a bit but we had mutually agreed that he'd stumble about the flat on his own. He really was getting better but there had been some rough moments this morning. He pulled himself off the bar and pushed towards the kitchen once again. We had already eaten breakfast and I'd already be on my way to work by lunchtime so I wondered what he was up to.

"Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?" He continued shuffling slowly, grabbing my car keys off the small little end table I had near the front door. Ikea carries just the cutest little things and although I didn't need anything at the door for keys or cell phones or what have you, I just couldn't pass it up. The catalog had it listed as a Frekken table, imported from Sweden of course. I had to giggle every time Jason walked by it. One evening he had bumped into it and asked me why we needed a 'frekken' table at the door anyway.

"Yeah, I'm good," he breathed heavily. "I'm going to run outside and get the mail, okay?"

"Sure babe." I turned back to my table and glanced at the clock. It was just after 10. I was scheduled to be in to work at 11:30, just in time for the lunch rush. I'd have to start getting ready shortly. I took the remaining paperwork on the desk and refiled it into the appropriate folders and decided that I would crash on the couch for a bit before getting ready for the day ahead. I was hoping that Jason would crash with me when he got back. The mailbox trips seemed to take a lot out of him but it was progress. Just a week after his release from the hospital, Pete called us at home. The summer was quickly winding down meaning the onslaught of tourists would be waning with the daylight and soon, he'd have no need for Jason on the weekends. That was the purpose of the call. He had found a local Cannon kid to fill in for the short time and he was sorry but he was letting Jason go. He didn't seem to have a problem with it. He and Pete had been friends for a long time and the idea from the beginning was that this was Jason's chance to get away from Seattle for a few months before returning home. The escape from Seattle was a primary result of his longing to be with Nick and the inopportunities that had befallen both of them. That situation seemed to have remedied itself but a new problem faced them. Jason needed to return to Seattle. Andrea still had an apartment that she was maintaining for them and his employer had been gracious enough to hold his job for him while he got things sorted out in his life. The evening of the call we sat and had a serious talk. We had been together officially for just over three months at this point. There were connections that went back much further, however and that made our decision a bit easier. I had a lease to be concerned about and even though my job was somewhat expendable, my previously damaged and now recovering credit record were not. Jason contacted his employer, First Trust, an up-start "living" insurance company, and somehow managed to finagle a transfer to the small sattelite office in Portland. This was only after we had agreed that I was ready to have him move in with me. We both knew that between the time off he'd need for recovery and physical therapy and the lack of steady business at the new office, finance would be tight for him. I told him to help where he could but not to worry about it because I wanted him to be part of my life and that we'd work together through the tough times.

I was reminiscing about the afternoon we spent at Trey's house removing my boyfriend's belongings when he came back from the mailbox. I had inadvertently dozed off on the couch. I quickly glanced at Jay and then at the clock before muttering an "oh shit" and running for the bedroom. I didn't have any time to waste. I changed out of my lounging apparel and into my snappy work clothes. This was Tuesday and we usually had a pretty hopping lunch hour. It made the days go so much faster. I quickly sloshed some mouth rinse around and straightened the angle on my tie before I walked out. I found my boy slowly adjusting himself on the couch. I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before heading out.

Work went by quickly, much as I expected it would. Mark, who along with his boyfriend Shawn had quickly become very good friends of mine and Jason's, brought some of his clients in for lunch. He had done this twice in the short time I had known him. He told me it was because I offered exceptional service, I believe it's because his clients were interested in more than what was available on the menu. A server's job is to be coy as much as it is to take care of their guest's hunger issues so I always played the part. It usually resulted in a good tip, too. We agreed that the four of us needed to get together again very soon. It had been ten days or so since our last little group outing but Jason wasn't much with us, being all loopy from his 800mg Motrin tablets and all. I told him that I'd give him a call and set something up. He smiled for me and waved as he walked towards the front door. 'Odd boy', I caught myself silently thinking.

As my evening wound down and I headed for home, I stopped quickly at the store for some milk and fabric sheets for the dryer. We were out of both items and it seems at times you need dryer sheets as much as you need milk. I also picked up a dozen carnations at the floral stand, hoping that my boyfriend would appreciate them. The cashier gave me a friendly smile, something that wasn't too common at eleven in the evening, so I thanked her and went on my way. It was raining lightly now, being into October and the beginning of Noah's flood, version 2001. With my late arrival, I wasn't able to get a spot under one of the carports but thankfully there was a spot not too far from the stairs. On force of habit, I stopped by the mailbox. I pulled out a handful of mail. I was somewhat perplexed knowing that Jason checked the box regularly but I realized I was becoming sopping wet so I dashed for the door. My key slipped in smoothly and I tiptoed in softly. I left my shoes at the door and stipped down to my boxers, depositing the wet clothes on top of the washer. The keys found their way to the Frekken table and the milk to the fridge. There was a small, hand scrawled note waiting for me saying "I knew you wouldn't forget the milk and oh, yeah ... I love you." I melted right into the tile and if it weren't for the fact that I was now more than half naked, wet and freezing cold, I'd have probably pooled and evaporated before anyone found me. I dodged into the bedroom after noticing my sleeping angel on the sofa and changed into some warm and dry sweats for the night.

I brushed my teeth and then padded softly back to the sofa where I watched him sleep. I nudged him softly with my knuckles, arrousing him slightly.

"Ready for bed?" I asked. He nooded at me and tried to move. I shook my head at him and he relented. With one arm under his legs and the other supporting his back, I carried him into the bedroom. He moved slowly under the covers as I sat him down and gave him a goodnight kiss. I slid in next to him and gave his hair a soft tustle. He whispered something to me, barely audible in a nearly silent room.

"I forgot the mail today." I rocked into his body and held him tight to my chest.

"It's okay, babe. I got it."

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written. I'm very sorry for that. Excuses aside, I spent ten months in the Arctic getting acquainted with a wilder side of life and have now come back to and settled into civilization again. Hopefully, my work load won't keep me from my writing again. I really enjoyed this series before and hope to continue it on again for some time to come. I welcome any comments you may have, and please note that my email address has changed. I can now be reached at nick@highwayace.net. Thanks.

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