Hanging by a Moment

By moc.sc@0002eojatokaD

Published on Dec 3, 2001


This story is copyrighted and the sole possession of the author. No duplication is permitted without the express written consent of the author. It will contain graphic description of consensual male to male sex and may be offensive to some. If this is not something you wish to read, please look elsewhere. Certain events in the story are based loosely on real events so the names of the characters, with the exception of mine, have been changed to reflect that. Hanging By A Moment is the title of a song by Lifehouse. Constructive email can be sent to Dakotajoe2000@cs.com

Chapter Thirteen - The First Signs of Autumn, part two.

Jason woke to sharp pain in his right leg. The surgeons had made a two inch incision directly into his hamstring in order to remove the bullet that had lodged itself mere inches from his tail bone. They had been concerned about fishing after it for fear of possible nerve damage. The recovery process would certainly have been quicker and less painful the other way, but they had concluded it was wiser to not take that chance. The large patch of gauze that had been stretched over the wound was soaked with blood. He tried not to wake his boyfriend sleeping so soundly next to him. He put one leg over the bed in an attempt to go to the bathroom when he felt a strong arm pull him back into the bed.

"I don't think so stud....you're not going anywhere without me." I pulled him back into the bed with me. He still hadn't regained any of his strength and couldn't have fought me if he wanted to. I knew he needed to go to the bathroom though and I wasn't about to have him peeing into our bed, so I had to help. I slipped out from under the covers and walked to his side of the bed. I had a pair of my best Abercrombie boxers on, but I remembered that he wasn't wearing anything. I pulled back the sheet to reveal a morning hard-on. I wasn't sure if it was arousal or the extreme need to piss but he was mortified either way. His face turned a bright shade of red and he tried to squirm away from me.

"Jason, sweetie. Why? You know we saw each other in the shower the other day and it's certainly not like we're going to spend the rest of our adult lives clothed. C'mere." He scooted back over to the bed, obviously in an intense amount of pain. I had him sit as close to the edge of the bed as possible. I scrunched down near the floor and had him wrap his legs around my waist. I was going to carry him piggyback style to the bathroom. I figured that would be the least painful for him. I put my left hand on the upper portion of that hamstring and gave his butt a quick squeeze. I couldn't see from my position, but I'm sure that he blushed again. I put my right hand in the crook of his knee and made sure the leg was extended so that he wouldn't crimp the muscle. He instinctively wrapped his arms around my chest and hugged me tight. I loved just feeling his arms around me. I took a deep sigh, scrunched down just a bit more for some extra leverage and we were off.

"Hup," or some similar sound escaped my lips as I lifted him. He giggled a bit behind me and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. It gave me an instant erection and I had no way of adjusting myself. It was a very long walk to the bathroom.

"I didn't think you'd be strong enough to carry me, boy." He rested his head on the edge of my shoulder, almost as if this was a joy ride for him. I snickered.

"Aww, Jason. I imagine by the time this week is over, I'll have carried you around enough that my muscles will be so well defined that you won't be able to resist me; not mentioning my new ability to carry you across the threshold of our new home someday." He sighed contentedly into my back.

"Yeah, maybe someday. I already can't resist you though, muscles or not." He didn't even have to move his fingers to give my left nipple a hard tweak. I almost dropped him. It was a good thing we were in the bathroom because I had to adjust my boxers fast before something popped out.

"Okay, stud. Do your stuff and then brush your teeth." I hopped into the shower real quick while he was taking care of his needs. I had just rinsed the soap off of my body when I heard him talking over the running water in the sink. He must have had toothpaste in his mouth because I couldn't understand a word that he said. I peeked my head out of the shower and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He had toothpaste foam running down the side of his face as he continued to talk. I laughed at him and grabbed a towel to dry off. The towel was tossed aside and I strode up behind him and gave him a quick hug. My still semi-hard dick pressed into the crack of his butt and he got really quiet. I looked at him in the mirror and his eyes were peering back at me. He quietly spat out his toothpaste, freeing his mouth. He turned his neck just a bit and I angled mine as well so that we were able to share a kiss. I went from semi-hard to totally hard before he had his tongue in my mouth.

We kissed passionately for a minute or so before my hands began to roam. They left their comfortable position on his chest and began to play with his nipples. My left hand rested softly on his stomach while my right hand managed to find a much more likable spot on his anatomy. He in turn moved his hands too and had his right hand resting on my butt and his left hand behind my head trying to force more of my tongue into his mouth. I opened my eyes momentarily to look at him, but his eyes were closed too. My fingers wrapped tighter around his now hard dick and began to stroke him back and forth. I could feel him playing with the hair on the back of my head and the unquestionable force of his hips trying to grind back into me. He forced his tongue deep within the warmths of my mouth one more time and then pulled back and rested his neck on my shoulder. At the same time, my pace quickened on his dick and I felt him tense. He shuddered and shot several strong loads of cum onto the counter and into my slowing hand. He took two deep breaths, opened his eyes momentarily and pulled his neck back so that he could once again have access to my mouth. We kissed deeply again until my hand stopped moving on his dick and I felt him go limp in my hand. He lay his head against mine and looked at me in the mirror. He smiled.

"I love you, Nick." I smiled back at him.

"Maybe, but you're on a post-orgasmic high. That feeling is natural. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I took a wash cloth from the hall closet and proceeded to wipe off his mess from my hand, his dick and finally the counter. I took another wash cloth and soaked it in warm water. The bar of Irish Spring was still wet from my shower and glided smoothly across his body. The doctor had said no direct water contact with either wound for the entire week he wasn't allowed to walk, so this was the way it was to be done. I washed him off gently, being extra careful around his two wounds. The wash cloth wasn't very helpful in cleaning his crotch area but I wasn't too upset. I thought the smell of his warm body still fresh from sex was intoxicating. He braced himself against the counter as I changed the dressing on his shoulder and leg and pronounced him ready for the day. I grabbed a pair of my boxers from the bedroom and let him step into them. I also found a pair of drawstring pj's for him to wear and a tee shirt. Although it had just started, he seemed to be ready for the drill and quickly wrapped himself around my waist when I bent down on the floor to pick him up.

I carried him into the living room and sat him down gently on the couch. I had asked which room he preferred to be in for the day, and this was his choice. He had several reasons he said. He wanted to be close to the sliding glass doors so that he could look outside. He wanted to be in the room with the tv in case he got bored. I hate having a television in my bedroom; I've always thought it to be a distraction for the entire purpose of the room, to rest. He also said he didn't want to be in the same room with no escape for hours on end. I assumed correctly that he meant both last night and the night yet to come. He adjusted himself on the couch and watched me work in the kitchen. I made him a nice breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon and cinnamon toast and brought it to him in the living room. I moved his legs slightly and sat to eat my breakfast with him on the couch. We both finished quietly and I put both of our empty plates on the table in front of us. I pulled one of his feet from under the blanket and he began to protest.

"Relax, babe," I said to him. "If I know you're going to be this fussy about getting your feet rubbed, I'll have to make sure I do it less often." He just looked at me with these pouty eyes and let me continue. We didn't talk while I sat there and massaged his feet but the other could definitely tell we were happy in each's presence. I tucked his feet back under the blanket and moved him just enough to allow myself an escape. I picked up the cordless phone from off the counter in the kitchen and walked back towards the bedroom. Jason had picked up one of my XY magazines and was flipping through it.

"Hey Trey, it's Nick." "Hey man," he breathed into the phone. He sounded winded and I was hoping that it was just from exercise or dashing down the stairs for the phone. I couldn't stand the girl he was seeing, really thought of her as a whore, but I had to be civil. Trey wasn't my friend by choice, more of necessity for my relationship with Jason.

"How's our invalid?" I thought about that momentarily. True, he wasn't supposed to walk for the next week, but with his performance in the bathroom just an hour ago, I certainly wouldn't consider him an invalid.

"Um, he's fine. He's in the other room reading a magazine right now."

"Sweet. Well man, what can I do for you?" I heard rustling in the background and I could tell the dog was under foot. He was kicking at it or something and I heard it go scampering across the kitchen floor.

"I was hoping that I could stop by in a bit and pick up some clothes for Jason. He's my size and can wear my clothes, but I really don't think I want to spend the entire week doing laundry." I heard rustling in the background again, but this time I knew it wasn't the dog.

"Yeah man. You know when you're gonna stop by?"

"Well, Trey, I was hoping now. I'm already dressed and can be there in 15 minutes. I have a class at 9am and was really wanting to do this before school."

"Yeah, that's cool." I heard some more noise in the background and heard him speaking. `Go get some clothes on bitch, Jay's man is coming over to get him some clothes.' He leaned back into the phone and got my attention again. "Dumb bitch," he said and snorted into the phone.

"Yeah," I said. I rolled my eyes and really didn't want to have to deal with the drama this morning. I didn't figure Trey would have anything laid out for me when I got there, so I decided to take my car and go directly to school from there. "See you in fifteen," I said and hung up the phone.

I walked back into the living room and Jason had turned on the couch. The magazine had fallen to the floor and he appeared to be sobbing into the pillow I brought from the bedroom for him. I went over and sat on the floor next to his head and began stroking his hair.

"What's wrong, bud?" I asked.

"Nick, do you love me?" He turned his head to face me. His eyes were full of tears and he needed to wipe his nose. I wiped for him and brushed the tears away with my thumb.

"You know I do Jason. I wouldn't be taking care of you the way I do if I didn't, and I certainly wouldn't have done what we did in the bathroom earlier if I didn't. Why the question?" I stroked gently at his hair and pushed some of it back away from his eyes.

"I never hear it." I was floored. I just assumed he knew I loved him and yet he was right....I never said it. There were times that we lay in bed with each other and said it as we were drifting off, but that was different, similar in fact to a post-orgasmic high....it was just something you do. I knew what was coming next.

"Earlier, I told you I loved you and you said I was just coming down from a sexual high. Please, babe, don't ever question my love for you. I won't say it if I don't mean it." He was right and I knew it. I instantly felt bad and started to look at the floor. He pulled an arm from under the blanket and raised my eyes to meet his. We peered into each other for a moment and he smiled.

"I love you, Nick."

"I love you too, Jason." He smiled back at me and retorted.

:"Oh, you're just saying that because I said it first. No tag backs." He laughed. I knew he wasn't serious but he had captured the moment and I was ravished by his unending beauty.

"Go on, get out of here. You're going to be late for class...and if you don't hurry, you won't get to see Trey's ho skank back to her car."

"How did you know he had her over last night?"

"Please, babe. I've lived with him long enough and known him even longer. The first opportunity he gets me out of the house, he's got someone over. Guarantee that house will be a mess by the time I get back over there. Now go, before I have to make you!"

I stood at the door and blew him a kiss, but he was already deeply engrossed in the magazine he had picked back off of the floor.

Jason's room was a mess. I hadn't ever seen it that way and I was a bit concerned. It looked as if someone had ransacked it. He had clothes all over the floor and some of his desk drawers were open. Trey followed me into the room. He walked over to the desk, pushed some stuff off the chair and onto the floor, then sat. He commented about Jason being a sloppy roommate, but as long as he kept the rest of the house orderly he didn't care what happened in his room. I looked at him and smiled faintly, not sure what to think of the whole situation. I had been over to their place twice before, but never when Trey was there. Jason wasn't sure of me spending the night there with Trey coming and going the way he did, so we always made it a point to stay at the relative peace and quiet of my place. Both times that I had been there, Jason had taken me to his room to grab clothing or overnights and then we left. His room never looked this bad. I looked at my watch and between spending that extra couple of minutes reassuring my boyfriend that I really did love him and the ten minutes or so I spent downstairs waiting for Trey to get rid of his girl I was pushing class time real close. I sighed and sat down at the foot of his bed.

"What's wrong man?" Trey asked, not so much out of concern but more a sense of wanting to know what I was up to.

"Oh, it's just Jason. I really care about him, but if he's this messy of a roomy, I don't know that I want to continue dating him." I was hoping my little ploy would work. I really wanted to know what had happened here in the room.

"Nah, man. He's cool. I think it's a little weird that he's dating a guy and all, I mean, it's just not right man, but whatever. You two having problems?" He was scooting stuff around on the desk, like he was nervous.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. He's okay at my place right now, recovering and all. I know you're real busy and all, so it's cool." I couldn't stand lying through my teeth like that, but this guy gave me the creeps. He shuffled to the door.

"Listen man, I'm gonna go downstairs and get a beer. Let me know if you need anything, okay?" He was already halfway down the stairs and didn't hear me snicker.

I picked up all of his clothes off the floor and folded them. I found an empty laundry basket in the closet and I set them into it. I wanted to make sure that he knew what had been going on in his room in his absence. I found some things to take back to my place; jeans, a couple of his tee's, a pair of running shoes and other little things like that. I also sat at his desk and tried to straighten things up a bit. I really didn't know where he kept any of his stuff, so it would have been pointless to try and put it away. I was doing this as a cover, to make sure if Trey was up to no good, I would certainly know if anything had been moved. His journal was sitting wide open on the desk and out of respect for my boyfriend, I closed it. I set it with the things I was taking home and walked over to his dresser. Since he had been out running, he hadn't taken his wallet. I put that with the other things to go home and headed for the door. I surveyed the room one more time, making a mental note of where things were sitting when I left. I didn't want to have to deal with anything else at the moment and this was the best I could do.

Trey was sitting on the couch watching the Price is Right with a beer in his hand. He commented on how hot the show girls were this season. He also apologized for forgetting that I was a fag. Then he apologized for being insensitive and using the term "fag". I grunted and headed towards the door with Jason's laundry basket and the items I had gathered for him. Trey didn't even bother to get off the couch to let me out, he just hollered `goodbye' after me and told me to tell Jason hello. Oh, I'd be telling him some things, alright.

I sat in my car and rubbed my eyes. It was already a quarter after nine and I was sure that I had missed the most important part of the class. It would be after 9:30 by the time I found a parking spot in a secure location and later than that by the time I reached class. I opted for the next best thing, work. I turned my car towards the restaurant and hoped that Brian would let me pick up a lunch shift. He was usually pretty good about that. I had no need for the money this week, so I was sure to take the money and buy something nice for my boy. It was a quiet drive. I had some time to kill before he got there at ten to start the day, so I wheeled into Fred Meyers and picked up some laundry detergent and other sundries. My cashier was curt and I thought about getting a manager, but my day had already been altered enough and I passed up the opportunity. If the girl continued her trend there was sure to be someone after me who would be far less polite than I was.

Brian was more than happy to have me there today. Kim had called off at the bar and he was left short handed. I was thrilled to death with this possibility. The bartender was responsible for hosting duties until 11:45 when the afternoon hostess showed up, which meant that I'd be making $9 an hour my entire shift. I knew I'd only be there until two or maybe three at the latest but still, it meant a quick forty bucks in my pocket, plus whatever tips I may have made. The shift went by quickly. We had the busiest lunch shift in the quarter and I walked out of the store with $80 in tips. I still had the $45 from my hourly wages to show up on my check. I didn't think that was too bad for a pick up shift. My car found it's way to the mall and I was fortunate to find a place near the front. I quickly made my way in and made a beeline for Hollister and Company. Aeropostale was closer to my car but I wanted to check out the newest "hot thing" to come along. I found a really nice rugby shirt in navy and maroon with bright yellow accents. I also decided to get one of those trendy necklaces for myself. I was never much into jewelry with the exception of my dog tag and pride bracelet, which only was worn on special occasions. The cashier was really cute and we flirted for a minute. He was leaning on the counter in a suggestive way and I told him I really needed to get going. I said I was off to the Yankee Candle Company store and he told me to wait up, he had a break to take. I wasn't sure about this, but maybe it was a chance to make another friend.

The kid introduced himself as Shawn. I couldn't help but smile. Every Shawn that I knew was gay. My ex-fiancee had even commented at one point that he liked the masculine spelling of Shawn instead of the traditional and definitely faggish spelling of Sean. I didn't know that I necessarily agreed with the spelling being faggish or not, but it was definitely derogatory to my own people. My people. I started snickering to myself and he asked what was up.

"Nothing," I said. "Just thinking about an ex-boyfriend is all."

"Oh, so you are gay?" he commented. A large smile grew across his face.

"Yeah, I am. I'm also seeing someone that I love very much."

"Sweet, then this could be perfect for us."

"What could be?" I pondered out loud.

"Oh, my boyfriend Mark and I don't have too many gay friends and I keep looking for young, cute guys that fit the bill."

"Mmhmm. Why, tell me, do they have to be young and cute?" I grinned at him.

"Well, Mark and I both agree that the young and cute ones are more likely to have a boyfriend than older and less attractive guys. I don't want to say it's shallow, but it's a fact of life." I agreed with him on this point. "We also agree that the young, cute ones have probably experienced the gay scene and have had more of it than they ever cared to. It creates far less drama and we could just go out and have a good time together." I agreed with him on this point too. Mark had picked up one of Yankee's signature candles, Midsummer's Night and was smelling the dark scent.

"No! No!" I cried out, almost as if in agony. "You're doing it wrong. Here, let me show you." I took the candle from him and put the lid back onto the jar. He looked at me like I was crazy. I pulled the lid off of the jar, held it at an angle and smelled the edge.

"You don't smell the candle," I said, "You smell the inside of the lid." He smiled at me.

"Alright. I'll take your word for it, Martha." He snickered. I tried to throw a quick jab at him, but he artfully dodged it. "Listen man, I gotta get back to work. Here, this is our phone number. Go home and talk with your boy and see what he thinks. If you're both okay with it, give me a call." He handed me a business card with several phone numbers on it and began to walk away. I paid for the candle I had picked up, banana nut bread for the fall season, and left the mall. I wondered what I would tell Jason when I got home.

Thanks for reading.....

I appreciate any comments or criticisms. You can direct them to Dakotajoe2000@cs.com

Next: Chapter 14

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