Handyman Enslaved by Frat House

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 22, 2012


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However, if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: dad4u56241@yahoo.com. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

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Handyman Enslaved By Frat House

By Tom Dickson, a Real Slave Dad\tab

Chapter 7

I sat in the tub really enjoying some time alone and easing my bruished ass and swollen, cut nut. It hurt so bad. I was gently soaping it and rubbing. I was so grateful that Josh took the ball collar off. I couldn't believe how large my nut was. A few days ago I would never have believed I would be sitting here like this. But the boys did make me finally realize and admit to myself that I am a faggot and need to please. I did like being their slave and sucking their cocks and drinking their piss but I don't like being whipped like a dog and my nut being tortured. I know I have no choice now, they own me. I just hope they ease up a bit. Than I thought about my nephew. I was shocked to find out how sadistic he is. He's as bad as TJ. It's like they have all this hate in them that the're taking out on me. I'm hoping that since I have to start working on the house tomorrow that they will establish a routine for me that it's not to painful. I leaned back in the tub and dozed off when I suddenly felt hot piss on my face. I woke up and saw that Mark was standing next to the tub relieving himself on me. He was smiling and told me it was time to come downstairs. I rinsed off his piss, dried off and followed him to the living room.

The guys were playing video games when they saw me. Josh saw that I was walking funny. He took hold of my nut to examine it. He was rubbing his fingers around it and said it looked huge. It was black and blue but it wasn't bleeding anymore. He promised that they wouldn't hurt it until it healed. I thanked him profusely. TJ said that he loved seeing my nut like that and that I deserved it. Josh just looked at him and told me to get them some beers and snacks. As I was leaving I heard TJ said that he wanted to put the ball shock collar back on my nut. But Josh said no. I think Josh really does care about me, somewhat at least.

Josh let me sit on the floor and have a beer also. I watched as they played their games. They were really into the game and they were all very aggressive in trying to win. It was the first time that I really saw them interact with each other like this. They looked and acted like real teenagers. But these boys were also very sadistic and mean. I loved watching them play. They were all still naked which I like alot. I loved seeing their hairy bushes. I never thought about pubes before but since they shaved mine off I love seeing a big hairy bush and running my fingers through them. Of course they used me as their urinal while playing so that they wouldn't have to get up and stop playing. I didn't mind that at all. They played for about two hours laughing and joking when I got an e-mail on my laptop.

Josh saw that it was from Alex and told the guys. They stopped playing and Josh read it to everyone.

Guys, I went out with this hot bitch who said she wanted me bad. I took her to dinner and went back to her place. Her parents were out the the evening. We started to make out and I was hard as a rock. When I wanted more she said no. The most she would do is give me a hand job. Fuck that, I can do that myself. I left the bitch and came home. I have Cody under my desk now sucking my cock while I write this. But I promised to tell you about my slave boy. As I said his name is Cody and is my neighbor, my classmate and teammate. He graduated with me a couple of weeks ago. He's 18, 5'9", 150#'s, 6" cut, medium size balls, hairless and has a well defined body. He's also totally loyal to me and obeys my every command. His only purpose is to please me. But that is now.

Cody and I had been friends since we were 5 when his family moved in next door. We became instant best friends and did everything togather. We were more like brothers and became insepartable. But I was always a little taller, a little heavier, stonger and more dominate. I'm more outgoing, confinedent and cocky as hell. Cody always looked up to me and admired me. I always looked out for him so no other kids would pick on him.

It started when we were 13 and I was developing first. Once I had grown a few hairs around my cock and in my pits and my dick was growing Cody was in awe. He wanted to touch my cock and my balls which were lower than his. I enjoyed him touching me. Of course my dick got hard and it was 4" long. Cody couldn't believe how big I was. I had jerked off before but now I could actually cum. I asked Cody if he wanted to see. He said yes immediately. I told him to jack my cock. He did and his eyes were as wide as saucers. He couldn't believe when I came. It covered my dick, my stomach and his hand. Without saying a word Cody brought his hand to his mouth and licked my cum off of it. I laughed at him and told him he was gay. He turned bright red and took his hand away. He said he wasn't a faggot. I told him that it was OK, that I tasted it too. That made him feel better. I told him that cum tastes good and he should lick up the rest of it. I didn't tell him that I only tasted a couple of drops just to see what it tasted like. But Cody thought that I ate all of it so he licked my cum off of my cock and stomach. I told him he get a good job and that I would let him do it alot. He smiled knowing that he made me happy.

I had Cody jerk me off at least once a day and lick up all of my cum. I kept telling him how good it made me feel. I made him take his shorts off and jerk his little boy dick. He was about 3" maybe but hard. He jerk it and have a dry organism. He loved it. I told him after he does start to cum if will feel 100 times better. After doing it for a while I told him to open his mouth and I shoot right into it so he wouldn't have to lick it. He liked that idea. Than I told him that it would feel alot better if he sucked my cock instead of just licking it. He wasn't to sure about it but when I told him that I really needed him to do it, he agreed. After the first time I told him how amazing he was. He looked so proud. So he blew me every day than.

After blowing me every day he said he wished his hair and dick would start to grow like mine. I told him that if he put some of my cum on his cock and in his pits and on his upper lip his hair would start to grew faster. He didn't quite believe me but after pushing him a little he did. So every day he was wearing my cum. It was so funny. I made sure he put alot on his upper lip so he be smelling my cum all day. I couldn't believe how easy it was for me to have Cody do whatever I wanted.

About six months after I started to get hair and cum he sprouted his first couple of hairs. He was so proud of them. I was feeling them and he liked that. But I plucked them right out. He was pissed. I told him that's what I did and it made my hairs come in even faster. He believed me, lol. So every day after blowing me and jerking his little dick I checked for any pubes or pit hair and if I found one I plucked it out.

After he shot his first real cum shot I made him eat it all while still spreading my cum on him. My cock grew another inch and was getting thicker and he was sporting almost a 4" thin boner. I told him that if he wanted to shoot more and feel better he couldn't beat off except for once a week and I needed to be there. I told him that's what I did when I started. I lied alot to him. I made him suck my cock every day and covered him in cum. He would reach for his boy boner and try to get off. I told him that he had to wait until the weekend than I would let him. He said he was so horny and couldn't wait. I told him I could help him. I made him spread his legs and I punched him in his nuts. He yelled and grabbed his little balls. But he lost his boner. I told him that would help him not to beat off and whenever I saw him get hard I would have to punch his nuts to help him out. I was doing him a favor.

So every day for a week I would either punch his nuts or knee them several times a day. I made him thank me for doing it, because I was helping him. He would be on his knees holding his balls and having tears in his eyes he would thank me. It was so much fun. I also plucked any hairs I found on him after he sucked me off.

Finally on Saturday he was begging me to let him cum. He looked so pathetic and pitiful. I told him I knew a great way for him to have the best organism of his life but he had to trust me. He agreed to do anything as long as he was allowed to cum. I had him lay on his back with his legs over his head. His dick was hard as a rock and leaking precum. I slapped it around a little. I had some vasoline and put my finger in it. I told Cody that he will love this. I put one finger in. He was OK with that. I was finger fucking him and he started to moan. I put in a second finger than a third. He said it didn't hurt just alot of pressure. He reached for his cock to jerk off. I punched his nuts telling him he could only cum when I told him he could. He said he was sorry. I put some vasoline on my cock. I pushed my cock in and he yelped. I held it for a minute before starting to fuck him. It was my first time and his. It felt incredible. I shot my load in him. We were both sweating like pigs.

I scooped my cum out of his asshole and put it to his mouth. He was so horny he ate it without questioning. He was used to eating my cum anyhow. Than I stuck my cock in his mouth to clean it off. He didn't want to but I told him I wouldn't allow him to cum until he did. He opened open and sucked my cock clean.

I told him it was time. He could beat off. He grabbed his cock and going crazy on his cock. I knew he wouldn't last long. I told him that I would help him make it last longer. I grabbed his balls and squeezed them. The closer he came to cumming I squeezed harder. He jerked as fast as he could as I was squeezing his tiny balls. He finally came and shot all over his stomach and chest but his balls were bruished and sore as hell. I made him eat all of his cum too. This became our routine. He can't cum without being fucked and his balls beaten first. I trained him to believe that pain brings him pleasure.

Being 13 almost 14 guys are horny all the time and jerk off 3 or 4 times a day. At least I did, but I only let Cody cum once a week. I told him that if I ever caught him beating off or if I ever saw any wet spots on his pants or sheets I would punish him and we wouldn't be friends anymore. He was so close to me that he do anything to please me so he agreed. I told him no more underwear either so I could see any wet spots. I also told him that if I found any hairs on his body he would be punished so he better check himself out every day. I had a nice size bush by then and he was still hairless. I loved it.

By the end of summer I had him suck me and putting out his ass for me on demand. Of course I made him beg me to let him. I had him make sure he remained hairless and he begged me to jerk off. He was use to me punching and knees his nuts several times a day. I had him trained to drop his pants, spread his legs and beg me to hit his balls. I even had him tell me when he had a wet dream or had precum on his pants begging me to punish him for doing it. I laughed at him every time calling him faggot, cumdump etc. He knew he wasn't allowed to cum unless there was pain first so I made up new ways to punish him so that I would allow him to beat off. I was checking out the internet to find new ways to torture him. He just made it so easy.

By the time we were 16 I had him trained to be a pain pig. I punch his nuts, punch him in his gut, twist the hell out of his nipples and when we workout in my basement I put weights on his nuts. I started with one pound and now I have him up to a 10# weight. The faggot is unable to cum unless he has alot of pain first. I have him trained to drink my piss on demand, even in school. I have made him piss his pants in school, on the bus and at the mall. I have depants him alot and totally embarrassed him in front of everyone. I never let him grow any hair and can't cum unless he begs and after I torture him. I made him say over and over 'I'm a faggot. My only purpose is to serve Master Alex.' Now when I or anyone else asks him what he is he repeats this without thought. I put him down calling him a faggot, a slut, a loser, worthless, pathetic. But I also praise him when he does good in school or playing sports and when he puts out really well. He lives for me to praise him so he always does his best. He gets straight A's in school. He's on the soccer and baseball team with me. He has built up his body and looks almost as good as I do. He knows that if he gets a B or doesn't perform well at a game I will beat the shit out of him. He lives to please me.

After we turned 16, I made him get nipple rings. He didn't want to but after receiving a right punch to his nuts he did. Than I made him come out to his family that he was a faggot, not gay but a faggot. I made him do it while I was there. He was nervous as hell. I pertended I was shocked that my best friend was a fucking queer but told him that he was still my best friend. His parents weren't happy about it but finally excepted it. His younger brother who was 14 was pissed. He didn't like having a faggot as a brother. But later when I told him that he could have his big brother suck his cock anytime he wanted than he liked the idea. Of course every one in school knew than that he was a faggot. But I made sure no one touched him or they have to deal with me.

The guys in school knew I wasn't a fag because I been fucking girls for over a year now. They assumed that since we were friends our whole lives is the reason we remained friends. But they did make fun of him and called him names. They even pissed on him in the boys shower room. I loved seeing him being humiliated by other guys. I had already had him trained to get hard when he was called names and stuff so he always got a boner in the locker room and shower. It was fucking great.

I made him get a part time job when he turned 16 and he gives me his money. I always tell him it's not enough and laugh at him. I tell him I use it for dating girls and fucking them because they know how to use their pussy. So he tries really hard to work his pussy when I fuck him.

He turned 18 a few weeks ago and I made him get a PA. I went with him and picked out the largest and thickest dick ring they had. It's so heavy that when he gets hard his dick bearly rises. I took him to the beach and made him wear a size to small speedo's. I was talking shit to him knowing it made im hard. His dick head and ring peeked out. I made him walk the beach like that. It was great. He was so red. I'm taking him to the tatoo parlor and having "Property of Master Alex" tatooed above his heart. He really likes that idea.

Of course he's still hairless. He has never had any bush or hairy pits. I rub his nose in my large, thick bush and hairy pits telling him that only men have hair not a lowly faggot like him. He admits that he doesn't deserve to have hair but he loves running his fingers through mine.

So now we're looking at colleges to go to so we can be togather. If he doesn't get accepted he will have to wait a year and will work and give me his money until he can get in. But since we both have excellent grades and did well in sports I think we'll find a college to accept both of us. I know if he doesn't come with me he will be totally lost and unable to function and I need my slave to serve me.

I would love to have my uncle as a slave. But i would let him know that he is so fucking low and just a loser that he's not good enough to serve me yet. I would make him be my slaves, slave. How low can you go. Being a slave to a slave would be awesome. I would turn him into a real pain pig and a total slut.

Sorry, this was so long. I just wanted to let you know how I trained my little faggot bitch what the power trip that he gives me. I'm on line now if you guys are around. I'll show you Cody on my web cam. He's really a good looking guy and a great slave. Talk to you soon, Master Alex.

The guys thought that it was so cool the way Alex got Cody to be his slave. They liked the idea that he was into humiliating and giving alot of pain to a faggot. They thought that Alex would be perfect for the frat but Cody could never join since he is a faggot afterall. I had no idea that Alex has been a Master since he was 13 and used guys for his pleasure. I knew Cody and knew that he worshipped Alex but I never would have guess that they had a Master/slave relationship. I almost envied Cody. Now I wanted to see him on cam and see what he does to Cody.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. If anyone wants to made a video of me as your slave I would love to do it. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag

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