Handyman Enslaved by Frat House

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 11, 2012


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: dad4u56241@yahoo.com. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

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Handyman Enslaved By Frat House

Chapter 5

I stood in the living room in my position looking at the sex toys that Logan and Mark bought. Most of the stuff I had no idea what they were. Mark asked Josh where my stuff was. Josh put my laptap on the table and told the guys that I didn't have much, it was mainly just my clothes. Then he informed them that he and TJ made me carry them to the dumpster and throw them out. They all laughed. Logan asked "You made him throw everything out?" Josh said "Everything, even his socks and underwear. Homo has no clothes at all." They busted up laughing at me. TJ added "Homo doesn't need anything to wear. He's just a fucking slave." Than Josh threw in that they made me walk pass my loser friends at the motel in my cutoff jeans and that they laughed at me. TJ said that one of the guys asked him if he was a cocksucker and HOMO answered saying "I suck cock now." It was embarrassing being talked about like that, but it was all true. I felt even more like a loser than ever before.

Logan said that they had to read the instructions on some of the stuff they bought before they could use them. Josh looked at me and told me to go clean his room and do his laundry. He reminded me to wash his sheets too. Of course the other guys had to jump in and tell me to do theirs also. I guess I am a slave. Before I left Mark said I could have one of my toys now. He stood up and put a 2" chrome slave collar on me with black letters saying 'SLAVE' on it. He locked it in place with a special allen wrench so I couldn't remove it. It also had a bolt on it so they could attach a leash to it or lock my wrists to it. All the guys loved it. I didn't mind it but I didn't like the idea that I couldn't remove it. TJ slapped my ass and told me to get to work. I walked upstairs hearing the boys laughing at me.

I decided to gather up all of the boys laundry and start that while I cleaned their rooms. I got their clothes and their sheets and towels and hauled them down to the laundry room. While putting their clothes in the washing machines I heard Mark yell "Hey Homo, get us some Cokes." I went to the kitchen and grabbed four cans and handed them to the boys. Logan said he needed to piss so I dropped to my knees before him with my mouth open. Logan laughed and said I was an eager toilet. He dropped his shorts sporting a half hard cock and I admired his big hairy bush. I remember when I was a man and had a bush like that. That was only yesterday when I thought I was a man now I'm here on my knees drinking a boys piss. Logan held his cock a few inches from my mouth and let a stream of hot piss go. I was swallowing as fast as I could. While drinking his piss I heard TJ said "So did you guys get anything to cut Homo's ball off?" I panicked, but I was still drinking piss. Mark said that all they needed was a sharp pair of scirrors and some thread to sew my empty sac up. They guys all laughed. When Logan was done pissing. I kissed his cockhead and licked the last drop off of it. Logan told me I was a good toilet and he patted my head. I remained on my knees not sure what to do. TJ was behind me and kicked my ass ordering me back to work. I immediately got up and went upstairs to clean their rooms. I was hoping they weren't serious about cutting my nut off. I thought I better do whatever they said so they wouldn't have a reason to do it. TJ would do it for fun but Josh said he try to prevent it. I hoped so.

I went to Josh's room and vaccumed his carpet and dusted and straighten everything up for him. Teenagers are such pigs. But I loved cleaning it. When I was done I went to put their clothes in the dryer. It hit me than I no longer own any clothes anymore and will never be doing my own. Owning your own clothes gives you a sense of security that you can put them on and walk around like a normal person. Now i have no choice but to be naked all the time and if they take me out their throw someone's leftovers at me to wear and than take them back once back home. It was depressing thinking about it.

Josh called me to come into the living room. He wanted to piss. I went to my knees and swallowed all of it and kissed his cockhead clean. Logan was holding a small collar and said "Hey Homo let's try this on for size." I wasn't sure what it was so I just got back into my position like a good little slave should. Logan put it in my face explaining that it was a ball collar and that I wouldn't be able to take it off just like my slave collar and it also had a eye bold on it to fasten a leash to it. TJ grabbed my swollen nut and pushed it down as far as he could. He was rough and was squeezing my nut. Logan got on his knees and fastened the 2" chrome collar around my stretched out sac. It felt tight. He locked it in place and TJ gave my ball a little slap. I was standing there with my legs spread wide so they could get a good look at it. I could feel pressure on my nut from it. I told them that it hurt but TJ said that once the swelling goes down it won't hurt anymore. Mark said "It's to much fun torturing his nut so I doubt the swelling will ever go down." The boys laughed but TJ said "Yeah it might even get swollen even more than it is now." I didn't like what they were saying until Josh joined in saying "I rather see his ball like this so we can torture it instead of cutting it off." I thought Josh was helping and it made me feel better. I rather have a painful swollen ball than no ball at all. The guys agreed with Josh but TJ said 'OK Homo can keep it for now unless you bitch again about how much it hurts." I told myself never to complain again. Josh swatted my ass and told me to get back to work.

I found it hard to walk with that band around my nut but I sure as hell wasn't going to bitch about it. I finished cleaning the other boy's rooms and went to get their clothes out of the dryer. I separated them out and took them to the proper rooms. I hung up their clothes and folded the others and put them in their drawers. I tried to stall because I didn't know what was coming next down stairs. Than I heard Mark yell "Hey Homo you done up there yet?" I called back saying I was and went to the living room very nervous.

The guys were all smiling as I walked in slowly. Logan asked me what was wrong. I told him that I just had to get use to my ball clamp. They laughed at me. Josh told me to get everyone a beer and I could have one too. I guess they sensed I was nervous and needed a beer to relax. When I returned Josh handed me two pills to take. I assumed they were the same as the ones from yesterday. I really didn't want to take them because I knew once I was hard it would put more pressure on my nut but I take them without bitching. The guys were talking about how much fun this was going to be. Josh even gave me a cigarette. This wasn't like them and I knew I was going to pay for this some how but I was going to enjoy this while I could. I wish the guys were naked like yesterday than I wouldn't feel so stupid standing there naked but at least they were only wearing their shorts.

Josh attached a 4' leather leash to my new ball clamp and was pulling me out to the deck. Mark gathered the stuff on the coffee table and put it all into a box. Once outside Josh asked if I needed to piss. I told him I did. He told me to go to the tree in the middle of the yard and pee like a dog. I didn't argue with him. I walked as best as I could to the tree and got down on my hands and knees and raised my leg. The pills were starting to kick in so I wanted to hurry and pee because it's hard to pee with a boner. The boys laughed at me seeing me out there. When I got back to the deck my dick was starting to get hard. It's really embarrassing to be naked with a boner in front of other guys but it wasn't up to me anymore.

Josh told me to lay on my back on the picnic table. Josh pull me down so my ass was at the edge of the table. As I laid there TJ and Logan tied my hands over my head and to the table legs. Mark spread my legs to the sides of the table and tied them too. I was totally exposed and not able to do anything. Next Josh and Mark put a strap around my chest and tied it under the table. They put another strap around my hips. They tied them tight and I couldn't move even an inch. All of the boys had wide grins on their faces. Whatever they had planned they were going to have fun at my expense. My dick was rock hard now and pointing straight up. Logan slapped it and laughed.

Josh got a chair was sitting at the end of the table inbetween my legs. He opened the box and put on some disposable gloves. I didn't like where this was going. I was trying to raise my head to see what he was doing. I saw that he had a chrome rod about 12" long and thin. He put some lube on it. Than he took my boner and squirted some lube in my piss hole. I couldn't believe he was going to stick that rod in my dick. I wanted him to stop and was going to beg him but than I thought if I did TJ would have an excuse to cut my ball off. I just had to bear it.

Josh was slowly pushing the rod in my cock. I was gritting my teeth but it wasn't that painful just very uncomfortable. I watched as he kept pushing the rod in deeper and deeper. I was feeling alot of pressure inside my cock and I couldn't believe he was only half way in so far. I hoped he stop there. All the guys were watching intently and were grinning like hell.

Josh continued pushing the rod in deeper. He buried about 10" in my dick and I felt some piss dribbling out. I wasn't in any pain but there was alot of pressure. Josh looked satisfied with his work. I just hoped that he pull it out quick. I noticed that there were two small screws on the end of the rod. Josh was looking in the box for something. All of the guys were really excited. I thought that they had their fun and would release me now.

Josh located a small box, like a video gaming thing with two wires sticking out of it. He attached the wires to the rod. Mark told Josh to hurry up. I didn't like this but I was tied down tight and couldn't stop whatever they were going to do to me. I started to sweat thinking how bad this is going to be.

Once the wires were attached he turned it on. I felt a buzz deep inside my cock. It felt odd but it wasn't painful, yet. The guys were all grinning. TJ told Josh to turn it up. I felt it vibrating. It actually felt pretty good. Josh turned it up some more. My cock started to spasm. I couldn't control my cock at all. Again, more power. This time more piss came out and I was going nuts. My ball was even feeling funny. Finally I heard Josh say it was up all the way. The spasms increased and I began moaning and tense up. At the same time TJ had what looked like was a key chain and he pushed a button. It sent a hell of a shock to my nut. It felt like a thousand needles stabbing my nut all at once. I was screaming and my whole body was jumping uncontrollablly and I began to cum in buckets, at least that's what it felt like. My cum was leaking out around the rod. Josh turned the rod off and pulled it out. I was sweating so bad and felt like never before. Logan asked me how it was. I said my nut liked I was kicked hard in my nut than I told him that the rod vibrating was awesome and I came so hard. The best organism I ever had. The guys busted up laughing. Josh was pointing at my buckets of cum. I couldn't see it but it was very, very little compared to what they came just jerking off. But I didn't care. I loved it and thanked the guys for the experience. TJ said "Guess we forgot to tell you that we can shock your nut anytime with your ball collar on and it was only at 25%. Can't wait to do 100%." All the guys laughed. Sure my nut hurt like hell but I got off big time. I just hoped they wouldn't be shocking my nut anymore. Josh slapped my nut causing me to jump again and said "Homo your right, that was amazing. We'll be doing this again."

Josh and the boys untied me and handed me a beer and told me to relax for a while. Tj said that they still had more toys to try out. I began to wonder how many toys they had in that box. As I sat on the deck Mark said he needed to piss. I crawled over to him and got to my knees. He unloaded his piss laughing at me the whole time. When he was finished he kicked me away and tucked his cock back into his shorts. I went and finished my beer. The guys were still talking about how little cum I had and the fact that I still had a raging boner. Logan said getting those pills was a great idea. I felt like a fool sitting on the floor naked with my legs spread sporting a boner but the beer was good.

When the boys finished their beers Logan said it was time for round two. He ordered me back on the table with my ass over the edge of the table. It hurt my back and I had no idea what they were planning. Once again they tied my hands down but not my legs. Josh and Mark lifted my legs up and over my head spreading my legs as wide as possible. TJ sat on the chair between my legs and gave me his evil grin. He too put on disposalable gloves. He poured lube on my ass and was pushing it in. Than he pull out a stainless steel instructment. He grinned some more and said he was going to spread my hole wide open. He said he wanted to get his fist inside my pussy. My asshole was already torn up and still hurting and now he wanted to stretch even more.

The thing he was holding was a spreader. I think they used it on women to examine their vigana. He pushed it in about 6 or 7". It wasn't to bad so far. But when he started to turn the screw on it, it started to spread wider. At least he wasn't ramming his huge cock in me. He kept turning the screw and I felt my hole open even more. I was gritting my teeth trying my best not to bitch or complain. He was looking at me watching my face distort with every turn. He loved seeing me in pain knowing there was nothing I could do about it.

He kept turning that damn screw spreading me wide open. I felt like I was being split in half. Once he got to the point where my skin was actually being torn I started to scream. He took my nut which was laying on top of my ass and was squeezing it hard and it was unbearable. He looked at me and asked "Which is it Homo, your asshole being split open or your nut being cut off. Pick one Homo." I was crying unable to move but I knew he would cut my ball off so I had no choice. I said "Master please rip my pussy open." The guys all laughed at how pathetic I was. TJ said "I was hoping you say your nut. I really want to cut it off." He let my ball go and slapped it really hard before turning the screw again.

As I continued my screaming with each turn Mark reached into the box and came up to my head. He put a ball gag in my mouth and tied it behind my head. He said that ought to shut me up. It did but I was still crying like a baby. I could feel blood trickling down my ass. A couple of more turns and I was squirming all over the place. Once TJ punched my nut to hold me still. When he thought my hole was open enough he put in his hand. He was able to get all of his fingers in up to his wrist. i couldn't believe he had that much in. My ass must look like a huge gaping hole. TJ lubed up his wrist really well and pushed alot into my hole. He gently, surprisingly, put his hand back in. This time he was able to get his wrist in but bearly. He said it felt weird to have his whole hand in a guys asshole. I thought it felt weird from my end to. He withdrew his hand and started to unscrew the device. Josh removed my ball gag and I was gasping for air, I was breathing so hard. I had snot and tears all over my face. Josh was patting my head and told me that I did good. He looked at me and smiled. He made me feel so good. I could tell that he was concerned. Logan untied me and helped me try to stand but I was to wobbally and had to sit. It was painful, my ass was spit open. Josh handed me a beer. I down it quickly. TJ noted that i lost my hard on. The guys laughed at me. TJ admitted that I did better than he expected. He was hoping I fucked up so he could cut my nut off. He said "If Homo can take that he's stronger than he looks. Maybe I'll let him keep his nut if he can keep it up." Logan laughed and said "You mean keep his dick up?" He was playing with my dick and nut with his foot. It was making me hard again. I couldn't believe that after what just happened that I ever get a boner again.

Mark suggested that I need a shower. He and TJ pulled me up and took me out on the lawn. Logan got the garden hose and was spraying me down as I stood in my position. It felt great. TJ told me to turn around and bend over and spread my cheeks. He wanted to see my pussy. All the guys did. I did the best as I could. I heard Josh said "Look how big his hole is. You can drive a car in there." They all laughed. Mark said it would be a week before it closed up. Logan said "Looks like all we're going to get is blow jobs for a while. I was happy to hear that. My ass was hurting bad and I couldn't take an ass fucking now. I probablly wouldn't feel their cocks in my ass now anyway I guess. They got me all cleaned up and gave me another beer. We all went back to the deck and I sat on the floor drinking a beer. I was grateful for the beer and I told the guys. I wanted to get drunk to dull the pain.

Josh said he had to piss. I immediately went to him on my knees. He laughed as he pulled his cock out saying "Homo was so easy to train." I swallow every drop and kissed his dickhead and thanked him. Mark said that I would like what they had for me. Logan jumped in saying "We're going to dress you up so you look more like a slave." I didn't like the sound of that. I just hoped it wouldn't be to painful. I asked for another beer and Josh gave it to me. He was being nice to me. I really liked him and I think he liked me to, as his slave that is.

Josh helped me to my feet and took me back to the table. I hated that fucking table but I laid down on it. They tied my hands, my chest, hips, thighs and feet. I couldn't imagine what they were going to do to me that they had to secure me so well. It could only mean alot more pain. Josh told me not to worry that they were only doing it so I wouldn't hurt myself. I had no idea what he meant by that.

It didn't take long to figure out what was coming next. It was Mark's turn to work on me. He put some gloves on and poured some beer over my nipples. He was grinning as they all were. He said "We figured that faggots like to have their nipples peirced and since your a cocksucking faggot your going to get them now."

He began pinching and twisting my nipples hard to get them to stand up. I know my cock was pointing straight up. He decided that maybe an ice cube would work better. He asked Logan to go him one. In the meantime he kept twisting my nips. Logan returned and Mark was rubbing the ice cube over my right nipples. It immediately got hard. That put a smile on Mark's face. He got a needle out of the box along with two large rings. He told me to hold still. I was strapped down and couldn't move. He put the needle through my nipple. I felt it but my nipple was so cold that I really didn't feel that much pain. He quickly put the ring through the hole and was turning it around. He did the same to my left nipple. I didn't want these because it did make me look like a faggot, but it's what my Masters wanted and what they wanted they got. I thought that they were through but Mark sat on the chair between my legs laughing. He held up a really large and thick ring.

I couldn't believe it when he grabbed my boner poured some beer on it. I knew what he had planned and I wanted no part of it. Josh was holding my head down and told me to relax and just accept that fact that I was going to have a ring through my dick head. He said alot of guys even straight guys have them. I knew it was going to be painful. Mark put the ice cube on my dick covering my piss slit. He pulled out a large bore needle. He squeezed my dick so the piss slit was open. I held my breathe knowing what was coming. Josh was rubbing my hair telling me it was going to be OK. I looked at him but he was watching Mark and was grinning. Josh wanted me to have the ring put in me but he was being nice to me about it. I felt the needle go from the inside of my piss slit and out though the head. It was painful as hell and I screamed. Josh held my head tight reassuring me it was OK. Mark put the ring through the hole and spun it around. All the guys loved it. The pain didn't last long, thank god. The guys untied me and handed me another beer. I really need it. I sat on the edge of the table with my limp dick hanging over the side being weighted down by the ring. Josh said that I looked real good with the rings and told me that he was proud how I dealt with it. I loved him for saying that.

Josh helped me get off of the table. TJ took hold of my cock and lifted it up to examine my new ring. He smiled and said it looked good, than he dropped my dick with the ring pulling my dick down. Logan wanted to take some pics of me with my new look. I had to stand in my position while he took several pics. I also had to turn around and show my gapping pussy. He showed everyone the pics and they all laughed. He showed them to me and asked what I thought. I saw me looking like a fucking faggot. The pics clearly showed not just my rings but me being totally hairless with red belt marks and welts still showing plus my new slave collar and ball collar. The fake tattoos also were clearly visible. I told the guys that I now looked like a real slave and thanked them for doing it. I thought it was in my best interest to say that. They agreed that I did look like a real slave.

They decided that it was time to go back inside. But Mark wanted to piss. All he said was "Piss." I immediately went to my knees and crawled in front of him. He just smiled. He told Josh "He's getting better." I didn't want to do anything that pissed any of them off. Josh put the leash on my nut collar and pulled me inside. I had to walk with my legs spread a little due to the nut collar and the dick ring. The guys thought it was funny.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag

Next: Chapter 6

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