Handyman Enslaved by Frat House

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 1, 2012


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: dad4u56241@yahoo.com or on Skype, screen name is: Thomas Dickson. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

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Handyman Enslaved By Frat House

Chapter 3

As I sat on the floor with my legs spread out in front of Josh who had his foot playing with my dick and nut the guys continued talking about what they wanted to do to me. I kept quiet and drank my beer. I thought surely they couldn't be serious about me being there slave. I know I'm not much of a man and I did suck all of your dicks and begged them to fuck me but that made me a faggot not a slave. Plus they gave me drugs so I would submit to them. Part of me liked the idea of being their slave. I did enjoy serving them but it's just wrong for a man to have to obey a bunch of kids. I could have just left anytime I wanted but I did stay and did everything they told me to do. I wanted to believe it was because I needed this job so bad but deep down I know that I am a pussy and need someone to serve and please. I did that my whole life with my wife. She was in charge and I just went along. I'm doing the same thing now but with 4 college boys. My dick was still rock hard from the Viagara and I was still horny from the 'E' they gave me. I wanted sex and lots of it. These guys knew from the start what I was and what I needed. They knew I didn't have the balls to say no to them. My head was all fucked and didn't know what I wanted and it seemed clearer that it was no longer my choice. These boys were in charge and would tell me what my fate was and I had no recourse but to accept what they came up with.

I heard the guys saying that they wanted to ring my dick and nipples and were arguing over what kind of brand to put on me. It was all confusing to me. I finally spoke up and asked Josh who had my nut between his big toe and the second toe pulling it, if I could please go pee. Mark said he had to also and so did Logan. TJ said he had to take a shit. Mark said "Guys we have a toilet sitting right here. Let's take him out back and use it." The guys were all laughing. Josh pulled me up to my feet and pulled me outside by my nut. I no longer had the strength or the will to resist anymore so I went along. I noticed the guys didn't bother getting dressed first. I guess they knew no one would see them in the back yard so it was safe and besides they were going to piss on me so their dicks would be out anyhow.

On the way out Mark slapped my ass and said "So faggot, you like being our toilet?" I didn't answer right away so Josh yanked my nut hard and said "Bitch, answer the man." My swollen ball was sore as hell and I didn't want anymore pain so I replied saying "Yes Masters, I really want to be your toilet. I'll drink all of your piss." That got the boys laughing even more.

Once in the yard Josh pushed me roughly to the ground and told me to spread eagle. As I laid there spread out with my boner sticking straight up I was looking at four naked college jocks playing with their cocks and smiling down at me. Tj said he had to shit bad. Logan told him to shit on me. All the guys agreed thinking that was a good idea. Mark said that I'm their toilet might as well use me as one. I just laid there knowing it was no use in trying to resist. The more I did the more sadistic they got.

TJ staddled my chest facing my feet and squatted down over my chest. He ordered me spread his cheeks apart so I could see his shit coming out of his hole. I didn't want to. He grabbed my nut and squeezed it hard. I immediately obeyed and spread his cheeks wide apart. I could see his hole clearly.

The guys were laughing when Logan ordered me to lick TJ's hole until he shits. The guys busted up laughing. TJ squeezed my nut even harder. I raised my head up and started to lick his hole. Than he told me to put my tongue in his hole. I did. I felt like a total pervert, but TJ held onto my ball so I had no choice.

After a minute I heard him grunting. I could feel him pushing his shit out. My tongue was in his hole when I felt a turd on my tongue. I pulled it out and pushed my head away from his hole. I saw his turd being pushed out. It stank but it was a long, thick and soft turd that hit my chest. The guys loved it. It was so disgusting. I was laying there with a big turd on my chest than I saw a second one coming. This one wasn't as long but it was a big one also. Once he was done shitting Mark said "Hey faggot, get you tongue in there and lick his asshole clean." Again, the guys busted up and TJ squeezed my nut again. I didn't want to but I lifted my head up and with his cheeks spread wide open I licked his dirty, nasty hole clean. I felt sick and wanted to throw up but I kept licking his shitty hole until it was totally clean.

TJ got off of me and told the guys that my tongue was the softest toilet paper he ever had. They all laughed as I laid there with a pile of shit on my chest. I couldn't believe how low I have become. They were right though, I'm not a man. No real man would ever have allowed a kid to shit on him. I not only did that but I licked his asshole clean for him. I felt like a real faggot and I was there slave. I had no rights, they could and did whatever they wanted to me. Josh told me I was a piece of shit and now looked like it too. I had to agree, I was a piece of shit and looked like it too.

Mark got an evil look in his eye and told the guys he wanted to do some finger painting. I had no idea what he was talking about. Than he picked up my right hand and smashed it into the pile of shit on my chest and preceeded to spread the shit all over my chest, stomach and covered my boner and nut with the shit. The boys were rolling in laughter. Than he wiped my hand off on my face. Now I was a total shit. Josh said he wished I could see myself. When Mark stood up, he admired his fingr painting than grabbed his cock and started to cover me in piss. The others stood around me all pissing on me. Josh ordered me to open my mouth and they were aiming for it. I tried to swallow as much as possible. When they were done I had piss and runny shit all over me. TJ told me to beat off. I grabbed my boner and was stroking it but I knew I wouldn't be able to cum, my ball doesn't recharge very fast. But It must of looked funny. Josh commented that I looked so pathetic covered in shit and piss and I was jacking off to it. I was pathetic.

Mark came up to my head and spit in my face saying I was stupid and a fucking loser. He was right, I am a loser and I started to cry. I never felt so low in my life, yet I was still jerking my dick while the boys were laughing at me. Josh told the guys that it was time to get me cleaned up. He asked Logan to go get some soap and stuff to get me clean.

Josh ordered me stand up and get in my position. I slowly got up and was shaking. I just wanted to hide. The shit and piss were dripping off of me as I stood there looking like a pile of shit. TJ got the garden hose and started to wash me off. By the time he had me sprayed off Logan returned. He threw some shampoo at me and I washed my hair. Than he threw some soap at me. TJ turned the water off as I soaped up. Once I had a good lather going Logan picked up a toilet brush that he brought. The guys were laughing as he scrubbed me with it. He did my back roughly than my chest. Than he did my pits he was really rough. He hit my boner with it than brushed it. That hurt but when he scrubbed my nut I wanted to grab it to protect it but was ordered back into position. When he was done I was covered in red brush marks. Than he gave me some mouthwash. I really needed that and drank about half of it to get the shit and piss taste out of my mouth. He even brought me a towel. At least I didn't have to roll around the ground to dry off.

Josh took hold of my ball and pulled me inside saying it was time to talk. But first I had to get them some beers. He let my ball go and I went to the kitchen and brought the beers to the living room. I brought one for myself but didn't know if I was going to be allowed to drink it. Josh told me to sit ont the floor in front of him with my legs spread wide and hands behind my head. He and TJ were on the couch and Mark and Logan sat on the arms of the couch. They were all looking at me with evil grins.

As I sat there looking at them, Josh was playing with my ball and boner with his foot. They we all drinking their beers. I guess I wasn't going to be drinking mine. Josh started talking say "Tommy, after what you have done today and what you did in the backyard it's clear to all of us and you that you are a worthlees, patheitc, stupid, faggot loser. You know you are right?" I felt so ashamed and looked at the floor and nodded my head yes. He was right. But Josh pushed and told me to look at him and say it. I looked in his eyes with tears in mine and said "Masters, you are right. I am a faggot and a loser. I'm so confused and lost right now I don't know what to think or do." Josh agreed saying "Tommy you are lost and need our help. We talked it over and decided that since you have no money, live in a shit hole, you need us to teach you for what you are meant to be. We already proved to you that your a faggot and a loser and you admitted it. Your not capable of taking care of yourself. You need discipline and direction that we can give you. If you want us to do that for you all you have to do is beg us to take total control of your pathetic life. So it's your decision here and now what you want. You can get up and leave and pretend your a man and try to support yourself or you can beg us to help you. But if you say you want our help you will no longer have any control. You will obey us. You'll have no rights about how we train and discipline you. We will own you outright. You know this is waht you want and need. So tell us now what's your choice, a life as a loser or a life where your cared for?" I was crying like a baby. Everything he said was true. I couldn't take care of myself. I wasn't a man any longer. I needed someone to tell me what to do.

As I tried to speak my voice was quivering and I was crying. I looked at Josh and said "Master, your right I'm a total loser and need someone to help me and tell me what to do. Please, please let me stay and train me for what I was born for, please. I'll do whatever you want or say, I promise." The guys knew they broke me and now had me where they wanted me. I was now their slave. Josh played with my boner and nut the whole time and it felt great having another person touching it and rubbing it. I was still horny and wanted to get off again even though I felt like the loser I am.

The guys all smiled as I begged them to let me be their slave. Josh said "Tommy you made the right choice. Now you can drink your beer and relax. We will take care of you and teach you how to serve us." I thanked him and the other three guys. I took my beer and drank it fast. I really needed it. Josh than informed me that in the morning we would go to my motel room and get my stuff. He also said that I would do all the work the house expected to be done before fall classes started. Plus I would be responsible to clean the house, do their laundry, cook and of course make my holes available for them use use 24/7. I would also be naked the whole time and had to shave my body every two days to remain smooth. Also, I had to obey all orders and if I didn't or talked back I would be severly punished.

I agreed to everything he said. I was now their slave to use anyway they wanted. I felt relieved for some reason. It seemed all the pressure was off of me now. I even smiled. When I finished my beer TJ said "Bitch get over over and suck my dick." I gladly did it. I was now their offical slave and my new life was about to begin.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag

Next: Chapter 4

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