Handyman Enslaved by Frat House

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 13, 2012


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: dad4u56241@yahoo.com or on Skype, screen name is: Thomas Dickson. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

Handyman Enslaved By Frat House

Chapter 1

Before we begin I need to give you a little background about myself before I got into my present situation.

I'm 50 years old and just moved to Minneapolis from New York after getting a divorce. I owned a very successful remodling company and was married to my high school sweetheart. She worked as a legal aide and took care of the house. I put all my energy into building my business and not to much into my marriage. My wife love to spend money and party. She was good looking and loved being the center of attention at a party and flirted alot. She always was updating her wardrobe and spent alot of time at te beauty palor. I must admit I wasn't much of a husband. I always gave into her and did whatever I could do to please her.

Things were OK as long as I was making a good income. But After the housing market crashed so did my business. No one was remodling their homes. I didn't know what to do and was depressed. My wife was bitching and complaining about me all the time. She continued to go to parties and I stayed home. She not only told me that I was a loser but told our friends to how worthless I was. She became very dominant telling me what to do. She tell me that since I couldn't manage to be a man anymore that I should at least clean the house, do the laundry and shopping since she was supporting me. She wore me down and I gave in again and obeyed. The more submissive I became the more she degraded me and laughed at me. I hated my life and myself.

My darling wife would often go out in the evening and leave me home and spent most weekend with her friends, usually overnight. After two years my wife told me that she was tired of supporting me even though I was now working as a part time handyman. I took every job I could. She informed me that she found a real man that knew how to treat her and she was divorcing me. I took that as good news. Than she told me that she was going to marry Brad, my best friend, I thought. Sure he was a successful CPA and really good looking but he was my friend. She informed me that he was a real man and knew how to treat a lady and was great in bed too. Now I knew where she spent her evenings and weekends.

I decided I needed to start a new life. I took as many jobs as I could get and saved up $2000. I packed up all of my tools in my pick up and drove to Minneapolis. I never been there before but I thought I would like the midwest.

When I arrived I rented a room at a cheap motel and put an ad on Craigslist and several other sites advertising my handyman service. My ad stated that I had over twenty years of experience in remodling and can handle any size job from small to large projects. I also stated that I was new to the area and that my rates are low.

I was in town for two weeks and had several small jobs already and my prospects were picking up. I was starting to feel like I made the right decision coming here.

One Friday morning I got an e-mail from a guy saying that they lived in a old manison that was being used as a frat house and it needed alot of work. He asked if I would be available to spend several weeks working on the house. I replied immediately saying I would love the opportunity and asked when I could come see the house and give them a bid.

I got a reply saying that only four frat brothers were staying there for the summer and was in charge of getting the repairs done. He said that they had several contractors come out but they all told them what they would do. What they were looking for was someone that could work for college guys and take their orders and not bitch. He also said that some areas that needed work were in tight places so if I was heavy or fat I would not be able to do the job. He also asked if I was available to work some evenings and some weekends.

I thought the kid sounded pretty cocky but most college kids are and besides I needed the work bad. I thought if the job was as big as he claimed than I would be able to get out of this motel and rent an apartment.

I wrote back saying that I would be glad to listen to their input, after all it's their house. I said I spent six years in the Army so I know how to take orders and not bitch. I told him that I was sure I could fit in tight spaces. I gave my stats as, 50 y/o, 5'9", 140#'s. I also told him that I was recently divorced and living in a motel room so I am free to work evenings and weekends as they needed me. I hoped my answer was what they wanted. I really wanted this job. I reread my answer after I sent it and it sounded like I was submissive. I hoped the boys would just think that I was willing to work with them. I guess I was just use to submitting to my wife and agreeing with whatever she said or wanted. I have to learn to change my attitude and become a man again.

It didn't take long before I got a reply. He said that I sounded like what they were looking for, someone that would take orders and do as he's told. He certainly was cocky and liked being in charge. But I didn't care as long as I could make alot of money and get my own place. But he also said "Alot of guys lie about their ht. and wt. Send a pic without clothes to prove you have a small frame than we'll send you the address and we can meet today." I should have said no. This was getting weird. But I needed the money so I stripped to my underware and used my web cam to take a pic. I was so embarrassed and couldn't believe I was sending my near naked pic to a kid but I did it. At least I proved I wasn't lying about my size and that I would take his orders. I thought it would feed his ego and hire me.

A few minutes later I got an e-mail saying "I thought you said you would take our orders. We said no clothes yet your wearing your underwear. I guess your not serious about this job. You also have a pathetic looking body. Don't know if your strong enough to do the job. If you really want this job do as your told and tell us why we should hire you."

I was shocked that they wanted to see my dick too and to beg for the job. I fell back into my submissive side and wanting to obey and please them just like I did with my ex-wife. My mind was all fucked up at this point. I took a full length pic of my nude body feeling ashamed and I wrote "Sir, I'm sorry about the pic. I didn't think you wanted to see my cock. It's not much to see anyhow. But I do want and need this job, please. I only been in the city for two weeks and could use the money to get an apartment and help build my business. I promise to do what you say. I do very good work and you will be pleased with it. Please give me a chance Sir. Thank you for your consideration." I sent it out quickly so I couldn't change my mind. Than I thought, what the hell am I doing. But the e-mail was sent and I didn't expect the guy to write back. I hoped he wouldn't, it was embarrassing but yet I wanted the job.

The e-mail I got back said "You cock is as pathetic as your body and your hairy but we can deal with that later. It sounds like your trainable so we'll give you a try. Be here in one hour and we'll show you what we need to have done than we'll chat and see if your able to do it on our terms." He gave the address and I had to google it to find directions. It was about 15 minutes away. I went and took a fast shower and shaved. I wanted to give a good first impression. I hoped that the guys had their fun with me and I could get to work.

I showed up at the house with five minutes to spare. I was wearing jeans and a shirt with TOM over the right pocket. It was the start of June and it was hot out so I wasn't wearing a tee shirt.

A young man about 20, blond, tan, about 6', 170#'s answered the door. He was only wearing shorts and sandals and had a smooth chest. He said his name was Josh. He looked me over and put his arm around my shoulder ushering me inside. Once inside I saw three other boys all about the same size but two with brown hair and one with black. Josh still with his arm around my shoulders said "Guys, this is Tommy. Tommy this is Logan, TJ and Mark.." He told me to have a seat. I sat in an armchair while Josh and Logan sat on the opposite couch and TJ sat on the arm of the couch.

Mark left the room and returned with four bottles of beer and a glass of beer for me. I thought it was strange he poured mine in a glass, but I was hot and thristy. Mark sat on the other arm of the couch and I took a sip of beer. I told the guys that I really shouldn't be drinking on the job. Josh smiled and told me I'm not working yet. This was just an audition to see how well I would take orders from them and see if I could do the work required. All four of them were staring at me and smiling. I felt strange being interviewed by four guys but I was here so I asked them what they wanted to know.

TJ said that if I was hired that I would be in there house for a long time and they wanted to get to know me a little to see if they would be comfortable with me there so much. I agreed, it seemed reasonable. Logan asked how long have I been in town. I told him just two weeks but love the city so far. Mark asked me why I choose Minneapolis. I said that I have never been here but I thought I try to get a new start in a new city. Logan asked why I got divorced. I never discussed this with anyone. Expecially since my ex moved in with my best friends and all my friends thought I was a loser. I opened up and told him that after the housing bust I lost my business my wife was basically supporting me and over two years she started to tell me how much of a loser I was. She told all our friends that I was and not even a man. I tried my best to please her and make her life easier by cleaning, doing the laundry and things. I did whatever she wanted but it was never good enough. I just felt so low and thought I was a loser.

Mark asked me when the last time I had sex. I thought this was an odd question but I told him it's been a couple of years. After I lost my company she wanted nothing to do with me in bed. I slept in the spare bedroom. She told me I wasn't enough of a man to sleep with. But she obviously had lots of sex with my best friend. The four boys smiled at me.

While I was answering all of their questions I finished my beer and Josh asked TJ to get me another and to bring the bottle. I told Josh that I'm not much of a drinker and rather not have another beer. He told me that not to worry they won't let me drive drunk and that I needed to loosen up. TJ gave me a bottle of beer instead of in a glass. He put a bottle of rum and a shot glass on the table. I was starting to feel warm and tingling for some reason. Josh was smiling when he said "So basically you were your wife's little bitch and taking her orders while she humiliated you in front of your friends. I hung my head. I didn't think of it that way but he was right. I told him so but that I was putting that behind me now.

Josh was smiling and said let us show you around the house. I thought that was a good idea. I put my beer on the table and stood up. Josh leaned over and filled the shot glass. He told me to drink it. I told him I couldn't. He put his arm around my shoulders and put the glass to my lips and said "Now Tommy, I want you to feel good so drink it all up." He tilted the glass up so I opened my mouth and drink the shot. Than he handed the beer to me to chase the rum down.

Josh kept his arm around my shoulders and asked me how I was feeling. I told him I was a bit woosey and hot. That first beer was kicking in and the rum didn't help. Josh removed his arm from me and started to unbutton my shirt. I put my hands on his and asked what he was doing. He looked me in the eyes and said. "Tommy it's hot in here and your feel hot. I'm taking your shirt off to help you cool off. None of us are wearing shirts so don't worry about it." I removed my hands and he took off my shirt.

Once my shirt was off the guys were staring at me. I didn't have the muscles they did and I wasn't tanned. Josh started to rub my chest lightly over my hairy chest. They were all smooth. Josh asked me if I liked my hairy chest. I said I never thought about it but I guess so. Than he asked if I thought it made me feel manly by being hairy. I told him that maybe yeah it did make me feel like a man. The guys were smiling when Josh said "Tommy, you said that you were just a little bitch and not a real man so do you think you deserve to have hair and pretend that your a man?" I was confused and didn't understand what he meant. He kept rubbing my chest and it felt good. I told him that there was nothing I could do about my hair, it just grew. Josh laughed and said that they could take care of that. I didn't know what he meant. He put the bottle of beer to my lips and told me to drink but he pushed my head back a little and was filling my mouth. As soon as I swallowed he pour more in. In less than a minute I finished the beer off. He gave me another shot to drink. I never drank more than one beer before so it was having an effect on me.

Josh told me I was a good boy after drinking the beer and the shot. I was feeling really strange. Josh lowered his hand from my chest to pants and was undoing my belt. I tried to stop him. But he ordered me to put my hands behind my head. He said he just wanted to make me comfortable and not to worry. I don't know why, maybe it was because I was getting drunk or being submissive but I obeyed him.

Josh pulled my pants down to my ankles leaving me in my short, tight white briefs and I had a raging hard on with the top sticking out the top of my underwear leaking precum. I was so embarrassed. The guys were laughing at me and I just stood there turning red. TJ said "Guess the Viagara we put in his beer worked." Logan said "Looks like Tommy really likes us and wants to be our bitch."

Josh pushed my underwear to my ankles exposing my hard cock. He was running his hand through my thick bush and asked if I deserved to have pubes like a man. I was in shock. This never happened to me before. I didn't know what to say. I just said "It just grows." Josh said they take care of that. He pulled my cock down to my legs and let it go slapping my stomach. The guys laughed. Josh got some of my precum on his finger. He said "Tommy, you got precum on my finger. Lick it off bitch." For some reason I licked his finger clean for me. He said "Good boy Tommy."

Josh went back to my cock and was stroking it a little causing me to give out a low moan. It felt so good. It's been a long time since anyone touched my cock. I stood there with my hands behind my head and my legs spread. Josh lowered his hand and grabbed my sac and was feeling around. He discovered that I had only one nut. He told the guys "Tommy only has one ball. Can you believe that." Mark asked me why. I told him I was born with just one. It was embarrassing but since I was standing there naked with Josh's hand holding my nut I couldn't deny it.

Logan said "Looks like Tommy isn't a man at all. His wife was right. Isn't that right Tommy, your not a man are you?" I felt so ashamed. I told them that I wasn't a real man like they were. Mark asked "Since your not a man what the fuck good are you? You obviously can't please a women, maybe your place is on your knees pleasing us." All the guys were laughing their asses off at me.

Josh looked me in the eyes and said "Tommy, is that right. Do you belong on your knees sucking our cocks?" I didn't move at all as he continued to play with my cock and nut. I said that I wasn't a faggot. Josh smiled saying "But Tommy, you already admitting to being a little bitch and that your not a real man right?" I had to agreed but was totally ashamed. Josh said "Tommy your rock hard and since your not a man let's see what your good at." With that he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees. I didn't resist at all. I should have just got out of there but my mind was all fucked up by now. I just gave in.

Once on my knees with my hands still behind my head Josh was rubbing his crotch which was only a couple of inches from my face. He had his other hand rubbing my hair pushing my face closer to his crotch. He was saying "Tommy, this is what you were made for. Your a bitch and we're men that have needs." He was rubbing my face all over his crotch. I could feel his hard cock. It felt huge. Josh told me to lick. I glanced up at him and saw his cute smile and all he said was "It's OK Tommy, we know you want to please us. Go ahead and show us how much you want too." I stuck my tongue out and licked his crotch especially along his thick shaft.

The guys were having fun. Josh said "Tommy we know that you want our cocks. All you have to do is ask and you can have them. It's Ok Tommy, we know you need to please us and we want you to suck our cocks all you have to do is ask us." I wasn't a fag but I have a raging hard on and my mind was so confused. I know I'm not a man just a little bitch. Everyone said so, even me. All I knew I had to please him. I looked up at him and said "Please Sir, may I please serve your cock Sir." The guys all busted up. Josh had to push me a little further. He said "Tommy, how do you want to please my man size cock? Do you want to suck my cock and swallow a real man's cum like a little bitch?" I just shook my head yes. Josh said "Tommy, you have to say it. Say you want to suck my cock and swallow my cum like a bitch." It was difficult to say but I said "Sir, may I please suck your cock and swallow your cum Sir."

The guys were laughing again as I stayed on my knees staring at Josh's crotch. He lowered his shorts and underwear exposing his 7" hard cock and low hanging balls with a large hairy bush. Josh grabbed his cock and was cock slapping me asking "Tommy, this is want you want isn't it? A real man's cock to suck on. Kiss it Tommy?" I put my lips to his cockhead and kissed it tasting some of his precum on my lips. It was the first time I ever tasted another mans cum. He slowly pushed his cock in my mouth until he had about 4" inches in and ordered me to start sucking. I wasn't sure how so I started to slide his cock in and out of my mouth. Josh told me to use my tongue and suck as I went up and down on his cock. I did the best I could, I did want to please him. After a minute he pushed the rest of his cock in my mouth hitting my throat and I started to choke and gag. He pulled out a couple of inches and said that they would teach me how to deep throat them. He went back to fuck my face and after about 5 minutes he tensed up and I felt the first burst hit the back of my throat. It tastetd salty and a little bitter but wasn't nasty like I thought it would be. He blasted about 5 shots in my mouth but saved the last one to spray my face with it. He pulled his cock out and rubbed it all over my face than order me to lick his prick clean for him. I stuck my tongue out and licked it all up. Josh pulled his shorts up saying "Tommy, your going to make one hell of a cocksucker." For some reason that made me feel proud.

Logan took Josh's place and lowered his shorts and underwear showing his blond hairy 7" cock saying "OK faggot, my turn and I better not feel your teeth or I'll knock them out, you understand faggot?" I didn't like being called a faggot but I replied "Yes Sir, I understand Sir." I didn't want to piss him off. He fucked my face hard. He was pushing his cock all the way in making me gag than out than back in. He didn't care that he was hurting my throat, he just wanted to get off. When he got close he buried his cock balls deep pushing my nose into his pubes and held it. I was choking but he held on while he busted his nut down my throat. When he was finished he slapped my face hard with his cock but I licked it off for him. He looked down at me spit in my face and said "Good job faggot."

Mark and TJ already had their cocks out and was stroking them. My jaw was aching but I knew they would make me blow them anyhow. TJ pulled me to his cock and said "Make your daddy happy boy." His cock was just as long as the other two but it was thinner. That helped alot. He came much quicker but he came as much as the others. These boys must have saved up for a week to cum this hard and this much. I could only cum a fraction of what they did.

Mark was last but he had the biggest cock of at least 8". I was glad they were all cut at least. Mark looked down at me and said "Bitch, I'm going to enjoy this." He plunged his cock in and started to hump my face as fast as he could. He didn't shove his cock in the full length but he was fucking like crazy. He came hard but he pulled his cock out and covered my face with his load but he made me lick his prick off too. He stepped back laughing at me saying, "Tommy, now you look like the faggot bitch you are." I just remained on my knees. I didn't know what to do. My jaw was sore as hell, my face covered in cum, I was feeling dizzy from the beer, my cock was hard as hell, and I was kneeling naked in front of four boys that I just blew. I didn't know what to think anymore.

Josh came up to me and patted my head saying, "Tommy, you did good. Your a natural cocksucker and faggot and now your our bitch." Logan added "Hey faggot, did your like sucking off four college studs?" I told him that I never sucked a cock before but besides the sore jaw it wasn't that bad. I hope I did OK." The guys all laughd at me. TJ said "Don't worry fag, your going to get alot of practice." I was horny as hell and my cock was dripping precum like crazy. I asked if I could jerk off quick. They laughed again. Josh said "Tommy, your here to please us not yourself, so you can't cum. We'll let you know when you can. But if you do cum you will be punished severely, you understand?" I shuck my head yes in defeat. Josh slapped my face hard and said "Faggot when we ask you a question you answer it not shake your head." My face was smarting but I said "Yes Sir, I understand and I won't cum without your permission or you'll punish me." The boys were really having fun with. They had a dad on his knees obeying every order they gave.

Josh pulled me to my feet by my hair telling the other guys "It's time we get this bitch cleaned up." He grabbed by boner and nut and was pulling me I assumed to the bathroom. I did my best to keep up with him but he kept yanking on my nut. I was sobbing. I felt embarrassed, humiliated and dejected. I was no longer a man but a cocksucking, faggot, bitch for four college boys. I wanted to run and hide and cry.

When we got to the bathroom I thought they were going to let me take a shower but instead Josh ordered me put my hands behind my head. Logan had a hair clipper in his hand. I asked him what he was going to do. He got this evil smile on his face and said "Faggot, your not a man, especially with only one ball. You even admitted your not a man. Now your our bitch and we'll going to make you look like one, BITCH." I just shuttered as he lowered the clippers, grabbed a handful of my pubes and cut them off. I felt like a loser again. He took my pubes and forced them into my mouth and said "Say good bye to your pubes, bitch." After I managed to swallow them I asked "Why are you guys doing this to me?" Josh said "Because your a faggot and were afraid to admit it. You pretended to be a man your whole life. Well fag, we just showed you your true calling. Your a faggot and you loved sucking our cocks. Look you still have a boner, a belly full of our cum and cum all over your face. We now own you and will treat you the way you were intended on being used."

I started to cry as Logan clipped all my hair from my pits to my feet. I just stood there letting him. Mark was next with a can of shaving cream. He covered me from my pits to my feet. TJ had the razor and he was going to shave me smooth like a little bitch should be. Mark wiped me off and all the guys were feeling my new smooth skin. I felt four sets of hands rubbing my pits, chest, boner, ball and my ass. They were making comments like what a smooth bitch I was and how good I looked smooth. Logan grabbed my ass and was squeezing it hard saying it was nice and hard. He asked me if I have ever been fucked before. Of course I said "Hell no." He smiled at me and said "Good, than I get your cherry." The other three guys all started to argue about who was going to get my cherry. I just stood totally embarrassed and couldn't believe they were talking about fucking me.

Josh said "Let's get this pig cleaned up first." He told me to get in the tub on my knees with my hands behind my head. I just simply obeyed. I looked up at the four guys wondering what they were going to do. They had complete power over me and there was no use in trying to resist. All four guys pulled out their cocks and started to piss on me. I just shut my eyes and closed my mouth tight thinking how much lower will they make me go. It only took a minute to find out. After covering in piss from head to toe TJ pushed my head back opening my mouth and the guys were aiming for it. Josh ordered me to swallow. I swallowed as fast as I could but couldn't keep up. They were all laughing as I was drinking their piss. This was the most degrading thing that I have ever done, but they were having a great time. Once they were done TJ turned on the shower and closed the curtain. The water was cold at first but them got warm. I washed all over and I got to feel my now hairless body. It felt so weird. I was so use to being hairy. I looked at my cock and saw how smooth it looked. I thought I looked pathetic. I looked like a little boy but with a big cock.

After just a couple of minutes Mark pulled the curtain back and pulled me out. TJ threw a towel at me. Once I was dry Josh told me to put my hands behind my head. I guess this was the position he liked seeing me in, totally exposing myself. Logan remarked that I looked like a plucked chicken with no hair. The guys laughed. Josh gave me a stern look and said "Listen faggot your are bitch now so be good and do as your told." I just hung my head and said "Yes Sir." He lightly slapped my face saying I was a good boy.

Josh grabbed my boner and nut pulling me out of the bathroom. The guys decided that they wanted a beer. When we got near the back door leading to the deck Josh let my cock go and told me to get beers and bring them out to them. I turned to go and he slapped my ass hard laughing as they went onto the deck. They had made me an obedient faggot slave.

I took the beers out to them and really felt uncomfortable being naked outside so I asked if I could please put my pants back on. Logan laughed and said "Bitch we like seeing you naked so no more clothes for you. Get down on your hands and knees in front of me." I obeyed and he put his feet on my back using me as his footrest. The guys laughed and TJ who was sitting next to him said "As long as your down there lick my feet bitch." I hesitated so Logan put a foot on my head and pushed it down. I kissed TJ's feet. He raised one and told me to lick it. I started to lick the bottom of his foot than he told me to lick the toejam from between his toes. I felt so low and disgusted but I did as I was told. The guys laughed. TJ said I was a good bitch.

After licking both of his feet Josh said that he still had to punish me for saying no to the shot I had to drink. The guys thought that was a good idea. Josh ordered me to get up and lay over his knees. I knew he was going to spank me and couldn't believe that I was going to let a kid spank me. I havn't been spanked since I was ten. But I had no choice. I slowly got up and laid over his lap. He massaged my cheeks and it felt so good I let out a small moan. He lifted his hand and pow he hit my ass so hard I jumped. He put one hand on the back of my neck to hold me in place as he continued his assault. He beat my ass about twenty times. I was crying so hard and my ass was burning up. When he was done he pushed me to the floor. They all laughed at me as I was trying to rub my ass. Mark said "Looks like he enjoyed it. He still has a boner." I heard them say they put Viagara in my first beer and I couldn't control my cock no matter I did.

TJ told the guys that he was getting hungry and wanted to know if their bitch could cook. I told him I wasn't much of a cook. Josh said you better learn because if we don't like it you will be punished and not just a little spanking either. Logan grabbed my nut and pulled me into the kitchen. The guys told me what they wanted and I got started. As they left the room I heard them talking about who was going to get my pussy first. I wanted to run and get out of there but I was naked and part of me wanted to stay.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag

Next: Chapter 2

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