Hands of Time

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jan 20, 2001


Disclaimer: not supposed to be here? Don't get caught! Don't like gay guys? Screw you and get outta here! Think I own 'em? Lights a candle to pray for your poor, unfortunate soul Start thinkin' they actually gay? Call: 1-800-I-Need-Help

Note: You love me; you REALLY love me! (Well, not really) You asked for it; you got it! And sorry, no recounts. Thank all the people that emailed me. Thank Nifty and it's staff for creating a forum for other fics like this.

Recommendations: "Porcelain", "The Snow Will Fall", "Fate Will Gather Us Together" and "Together Again" by Sophie (also cheq out her other stories that I forgot to name) "Nick and Brian", by JC Vascardi "Open Arms", by Carter "Because I love you", by Lucas Thompson "Blissful Tears" by Kenitra "Question of Faith" by Nathaniel O'Leary "Little White Lies" by Elly Iles "Whispers in the Night" "Calming Waters" by NCfan "Airboy Chats it up" (A/N: a MUST read for Aaron Carter fans) "Black and Blue" by Stu (A/N: really good and really cute.) "Shape of My Heart" by MJ "Picking up the pieces" by Jessica Taylor "Life's Discoveries" by Kelly an' Fred "Say My Name" by Jo Beth Hill and Colleen "Slow Down My Beating Heart" "Get You Back", "Get You Back the sequel: Revenge is a Dish Best Served Chilled", and "Brian's Lost Love" by Billy Burrew

and more to come.

And now:

The Hands of Time, Act 6, Final scene:

"What kind of child are you looking for?" asked the kind receptionist.

"Twins. Girls, preferably, around the baby stage." Nick replied. The receptionist typed something into the computer before looking up.

"It seems you caught us at a good time, we had two taken in from the hospital yesterday." She got up and walked towards the infants' room where there were two little girls were being fed by a nurse. "The one with blue eyes blue eyes is Michelle and the one with brown eyes is Amara. Would you like to feed them?" she asked kindly.

Howie nodded and reached for the one with blue eyes. Nick picked up the one with brown eyes. "Hi." They both smiled at the small person in their arms. They looked at each other with real smiles and proceeded to feed the children.

"Would you like them?" asked the receptionist as she handed the infants back to the nursemaid.

"Yes." they answered almost too eagerly. They smiled at their enthusiasm.

She typed in a few things and perked up. "Congratulations, you are now proud dads. You can pick them up right now."

Nick and Howie rushed towards the nursery and picked up each girl. Howie stared down at a pair of blue eyes. "So beautiful. So tiny."

"And to think we're responsible for their upbringing."

"We're in it together, Nick." Howie smiled. Nick smiled back then looked at the tiny person in his arms.

~Home 2 years later~ "Ok, group picture!" shouted Brian. Aaron laughed as he held the camera. "Wait, let's just hold the kids."

Leighanne, Brian, Billy, Kristen, Kevin, Cindy, AJ, Amanda, Austin, Nick, Howie, and the twins scrunched in for the picture.

Aaron took the picture with a classic Polaroid and out popped the picture. Nick grabbed it from his little brother's hands and immediately searched for a frame as everyone took turns holding Amara.

"Frack, a word?" asked Brian.

"Yeah, sure buddy." Nick motioned Brian to come out onto the balcony.

"I can't believe all this has happened." Brian laughed.

"All what's happened?"

"You getting married and having kids." Brian laughed. "I swear; Kev must have a cow by now. But at least Cindy has someone to play with or teach how to beat up boys."

"Yeah," he laughed. "We're hoping that they grow up to be strong. And if they had lovers in their past life like me and Howie, I want to hope that they find them very quick."

"Don't worry, you can just ask the quartet." They laughed at that. It had always been a joke that the "quartet", as they were dubbed, could predict everything.

"Yeah but I think I'm really ready for this. I always wanted a family. But it's almost impossible given our situation." Nick sighed. "But finding Amara and Michelle is, like, fate. Like, we were drawn to them to raise them so we could have real children." They both heard a coo and looked towards the door. There Amara stood with a questioning glance at her dad. "C'mere, Amara." Nick coaxed as he squatted towards her.

"Da!" she laughed as she toddled toward his arms.

"That's my girl." Nick picked up the little girl. She stared into her Da's blue eyes.

"Da." She sighed as she embraced her father.

"Look out world, Nick Carter's a dad." Brian murmured softly. He felt someone pulling on his shirt. "Hey Billy. What's up?"

"There's so many girls around here." Billy whispered knowingly.

"I know. Is that a problem?"

"Yeah. Uncle Tim doesn't have any kids." Billy slightly complained.

Brian squatted to his son's level. "Billy, I want you to promise me that when they all start dating, that you would make sure they have the right guy. If not, you're free to pound 'em. Just let me, Uncle Kevin, Uncle AJ, Uncle Nick, and Uncle Howie know about, ok?"

"That means I get to beat up people, right?" he asked slyly.

Brian smiled. "Yes, that means you get to beat up some people."

"Cool!" he rushed back inside after his Uncle Nick as Leighanne walked outside towards her husband.

"There's my goddess." Brian smiled as they kissed passionately.

"Who says I'm your goddess?" she asked slyly.

"Says me."


THE END. (really)

Y'all like it? I know it's really short, sorry. This is dedicated to all those who emailed me to send this chapter in; the author of Calming Waters; and Sophie V. who inspired me to start writing this kind of fiction. Mad propz to y'allz; couldn't have done it without y'allz.

Talk to me: Mistress_N9@juno.com

Be sure to check out my new story, which should be out soon: "The Call." It's involves Nick, AJ, Brian, and Nick's Dakota. Just kidding. But it does involve Nick, AJ, Brian, and Nick's really neat car that was in the video.

Until Then...

Toodles, MN9

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