Hands of Time

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jan 5, 2001


Disclaimer: Yes, I own the Backstreet Boys. Nick and Brian are making out next to my computer. Howie and AJ are doing something weird in a guest bedroom. Kevin? Well, he's off somewhere doing something. Yes, I also own Aaron Carter. He has become my sister's slave. Believe me then you're an idiot. Don't believe me then you're smart, continue on...The only thing I own here is the plot.

Author's Post-it: I hear wedding bells! It's the wedding chapter! wipes away a tear it seemed like only yesterday that Nick said 'I had a brain fart'. thinks wait...that WAS yesterday. -_-;

"Porcelain", "The Snow Will Fall", "Fate Will Gather Us Together" and "Together Again" by Sophie (also cheq out her other stories that I forgot to name) "Nick and Brian", by JC Vascardi "Open Arms", by Carter "Because I love you", by Lucas Thompson "Blissful Tears" by Kenitra "Question of Faith" by Nathaniel O'Leary "Little White Lies" by Elly Iles "Whispers in the Night" "Calming Waters" by NCfan "Airboy Chats it up" (A/N: a MUST read for Aaron Carter fans) "Black and Blue" by Stu (A/N: really good and really cute.) "Shape of My Heart" by MJ "Picking up the pieces" by Jessica Taylor "Life's Discoveries" by Kelly an' Fred "Say My Name" by Jo Beth Hill and Colleen "Slow Down My Beating Heart" "Get You Back", "Get You Back the sequel: Revenge is a Dish Best Served Chilled", and "Brian's Lost Love" by Billy Burrew

More coming, hang on!

The Hands of Time; Act 5, Scene 1:

~2005~ "Ok, we have a groom and where's the other groom?" a panicked Kevin demanded.

"Honey, calm down. It's their wedding, not ours." Kristen reminded her husband. She looked around the large church. Everyone was there. Friends, family, fans; gods and goddesses even. Almost everyone in the world were either watching in their homes, there themselves, or watching from outside.

~Somewhere else (A/N: no, I do not know what that place is called where the groom waits before the wedding.)~ A ruddy head poked into the room. "Heya, Frack."

The blonde man jumped; hitting himself with the tie. "Frick, don't ever scare me like that!" he snapped playfully.

Brian smiled as he helped the nervous groom fix his tie. "Cold feet, buddy?"

"Not cold. Hurt feet. These shoes really hurt." Nick whined. "Thanks for being my best man at our wedding."

"Eh, what else am I gonna do at this beautiful Friday?" he asked. "Sit at home and baby-sit the kids?"

"I can name at least one thing you could do with that goddess wife of yours, Rok." AJ grinned.

"AJ, you're not supposed to be in here!" he shouted.

"D's not. I am." AJ looked Nick over. "Good job, Kaos. You've managed to clean up for your own wedding."

"Bone, today, I'm not gonna even deal with ya." Nick smirked at him. "Besides, I'm not the one that had gone bald before they reached 50." AJ flipped him off as he walked back out.

"Uncle Frack!" shouted a pint-sized voice.

"Hey Billy."

"So when are Cindy and me gonna walk out?" he asked. Billy had Leighanne's blonde hair and Brian's blue eyes. Nick chuckled to himself. He also had his daddy's big nose.

"Right now." Brian said while looking at his watch. Billy ran out to tell his cousin to get ready. Cindy had her father's dark hair and green eyes but had her mother's face. "Suppose that you should get ready to walk down to the alter too, eh Frack?" he asked.

Nick nodded and took a deep breath.

~The Alter~ "I can't believe today's the day." Howie smirked.

"I can't believe it either, D." a raspy voice laughed.

"Thanks for being here, AJ."

"Hey, where else would I be?" he asked. Before Howie could answer, the organ started a song. He looked towards the back of the church where Nick stood with his mother. Billy and Cindy walked down the aisle throwing flowers for everyone's attention. Then, Kevin and Kristen walked down the aisle then separated at the alter. After they did, Brian and Leighanne walked down the aisle and separated.

Howie gulped as he saw Nick walk down the aisle with his mother. He looked so handsome. He was dressed in his finest suit and was wearing the glasses that made him look more sophisticated.

~The audience~ Pallas was crying her eyes out as she asked Vesta for another tissue. "I don't understand these human emotions. I'm crying at a happy event."

"Don't be such a baby, Pal." Juno smiled.

~uh...normal?~ "...Do you, Howard Dwaine Dorough, take this man, Nickolas Gene Carter, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Howie smiled into Nick's eyes. "I do." he said with so much love.

"Do you, Nickolas Gene Carter, take this man, Howard Dwaine Dorough, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"The rings?" the priest asked as he looked in AJ's direction.

AJ was lost in the ceremony until he felt Brian elbowing his ribs. "What?" he hissed. He looked at the minister. "Oh, the rings!" he fished his pockets before producing two gold and silver bands. "Here ya go, churchy." He handed the rings to the minister.

"Repeat after me, 'With this ring, I thee wed.'" the minister informed.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Howie repeated as he slipped the ring onto Nick's finger.

"Nickolas, repeat after me: 'With this ring, I thee wed.'"

"With this ring, I thee wed." Nick repeated as he slipped the ring onto Howie's finger.

"You may now kiss the...er...groom." the puzzled minister smiled. The two men smiled as they leaned in to meet their lips. "I now present Mr. and Mr. Carter-Dorough." Everyone clapped and cheered and even whistled.

~The After-party~ Nick and Howie swayed to the music as everyone blurred around them. "Can you believe this is happening?" whispered Nick.

"No and if this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up." Howie whispered back.

"They look so happy." Juno sighed. Her sisters have found people to dance with but she was still sitting alone. They had all grown up like normal children ever since that day. All of them were now 18 and were adopted by AJ's mother.

"May I have this dance?" asked a voice. Juno turned to see the smiling eyes of Aaron Carter.

"Yeah, sure." She stood up quickly.

"So where are you going for your honeymoon?" winked AJ.

Nick smiled down at his new husband as they began to cha-cha. "Somewhere romantic where we could make love from dawn to dusk."

"Spare us the details." Nick looked around him. All four girls were there. Juno smiled at him.

"And here are the little cupids that got us together." Howie noted.

"It's not them." Nick whispered. "It's fate."

"No, I'm pretty sure it's the girls." Leighanne laughed.

"All right all you dudes!" the DJ shouted. "And dudettes. I'm gonna be playing the AQ's latest single, 'Oh Starry Night' for the newly wedded husband and husband." DJ Mistress laughed. (A/N: hey! I had to be in there somehow!)

'I've waited all of my life For the day when love appears Like a fairy tale in days gone by He will rescue me From my fears

'And now... I feel him standing close to me And how... Can I tell him what he means to me? My heart stands still Has he come?

'Oh Starry Night... Is this the moment I dreamed of? Oh Starry Night... Tell me is he my one true love?

'Every night I think of him Here in my lonely room Waiting for my prince to come Wondering if he'll be here soon

'And I... Sit patiently for a sign And I... Hope that his heart longs for mine He calls my name Is he the one?

'Oh Starry Night... Is this the moment I dreamed of? Oh Starry Night... Tell me is he my one true love?'

~The Next Day~ "Bye! Have a great honeymoon!" called out friends and family. The four girls were just about done stapling something to the back when Nick drove away his Durango.

"Oh no! It just says 'Just'! Jun, hit the back!" ordered Vesta.

"You got it!" she replied as she slid onto her side and shot the last staple to put up the second half of the message. She blew the smoke away from the nail gun. "Y'all DO know that the grown-ups are gonna get horny, right?"

"Yeah." replied the rest of the girls.

~Turtle Island, Fiji~ Scene Missing...(A/N: I'm evil. He, he, he.)

There you go, y'allz. The wedding of our two lovebirds. sighs there's just one more chapter before we close this fairy tale storybook.

You know the drill. Want me to write more/less? Liked/Hated it? Just wanna drop a line 'coz your email inbox is empty? Whatever you do just email me: Mistress_N9@juno.com

I leave you with a quote: "Freak: you all laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at al of you because you're all the same."

Next: Chapter 6

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