Hands of Time

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Disclaimer: Here to present our disclaimer, Kid Nick-ay! Kid Nick-ay: it ain't real; never happened; it's all just a part of Mistress' weird mind. Mistress hits Kid Nick-ay's head She don't own or know (personally) anyone in this here story. Stares at his marvelous 'ghetto booty' Kid Nick-ay: Whatcha lookin' at? Mistress walks off but still glances at the 'ghetto booty'

Author's Post-it: Yet again, the dream sequences are marked by the ^ but the fantasy sequence are marked by a ^^. Here is my list of must reads:

"Porcelain", "The Snow Will Fall", "Fate Will Gather Us Together" and "Together Again" by Sophie "Blissful Tears" by Kenitra "Whispers in the Night" "Calming Waters" by NCfan "Airboy Chats it up" (A/N: a MUST read for Aaron Carter fans) "Black and Blue" by Stu "Shape of My Heart" by MJ "Picking up the pieces" by Jessica Taylor "Life's Discoveries" by Kelly an' Fred "Say My Name" "Slow Down My Beating Heart" "Get You Back", "Get You Back: the sequel", and "Brian's Lost Love" by Billy Burrew

More coming, hang on!

The Hands of Time; Act 4, Scene 1:

~2000~ Nick sighed. It was one of those fancy-schmancy gala balls and he was bored as hell. He could barely breathe since Kevin did his tie. "I swear, he's trying to kill me." He wore his glasses. His shoes were uncomfortable; his tie was uncomfortable; and his cummerbund was squeezing the life out of him.

Everyone started to crowd around the entrance. Nick's attention was drawn towards it also. He saw camera flashbulbs flash. He grabbed the nearest waiter. "Excuse me, but who is at the entrance?" he asked.

"They are the new group: The Amazon Quartet." Four young girls walked in. All were wearing a different colored sweatshirt and black bellbottoms.

"Hey, girlfriend!" a redhead called in his direction. He turned around and saw Leighanne wave back.

"Girls!" she shouted. They all hugged briefly. "How've you been doing?"

"We're doing great!" the girl with the yellow sweatshirt laughed.

"Nick! Brian! I gotta introduce you to my friends!" shouted Leighanne. Nick walked over next to Brian. "This redhead is Ves. The cutie with blue eyes is Para. The flower fiend is Cele. And, of course, the green sweatshirt belongs to Jun."

"Original names. Where'd you get them?" asked Brian.

"Our parents were original." Cele answered. Her voice was very light and sounded like a sophisticated type of person.

"How do you know Leighanne?" asked Nick.

"She used to baby-sit us when we were little because our mom was new and didn't know anyone." Para replied. Her headdress had four strings of beads with a marble on the end on it.

"Why do you dress alike?" asked Brian.

"We just have similar taste." Ves' red hair was hung loose but a small, jeweled crown was placed in her hair.

"How did you come into this business?" Nick asked as he motioned the cameras and reporters.

"We're signed onto K R Son Music." Jun answered. "We auditioned for the opening act for Dream and we got signed on the spot."

"Oh." Nick replied. They all departed and began to mingle amongst themselves. Nick looked all around the ballroom for someone. He HAD to tell him.

"Looking for someone?" asked a voice. He turned to see Cele with a glass of water. "Care to elaborate?" she asked.

"Sorry, but I gotta go."

"Suit yourself. But take my advice with you: you'll be much more happier when you admit it." Cele called after him.

He ran outside onto the balcony. Everyone was dancing happily inside. And here he was; alone. There was no Howard in his arms. No beautiful, chocolate brown eyes smiling at him. No soft smile gleaming with happiness. He began to cry.

Howie had been hiding out on the balcony to sort his feelings out. But he came up with the same thing over and over again: he loved Nick with all his heart. He suddenly heard a tinny sound. It was the unmistakable noise of Nick crying. He debated in his head whether he should go or not.

"Go." A voice urged from the shadows. Howie spun around. "Don't bother who I am, just go to him. Trust me, you'll never regret it." He smiled and ran off towards the sound.

"I have nobody. It's not fair." Nick sobbed. "He doesn't love me. He never will." He didn't hear footsteps or acknowledge anyone's presence until someone cleared their throat. Nick wiped his eyes and turned around. "Howie?" the blonde asked in amazement.

"Yeah..." he walked closer.

"What're you doing out here?" he asked.

"I need to ask you something, Nick." He stepped closer and closer until he was only inches from Nick's face. "Do you believe..." he paused, "in soul mates?"

"Yeah..." he sighed. He almost backed away when he felt 'Mr. Happy' jump in his boxer-briefs.

"I'm here to tell you that I fell in love with one of our bandmates." Howie said as he leaned against the balcony.

Nick's breath caught in his throat. "Oh? Who?"

"He's a nice one. Tall. Handsome. Caring. He acts like a kid a lot of the times but he has a serious side that rarely gets out." Howie looked over to Nick who had a confused look on his face.

Nick smirked as he, too, leaned against the balcony. "Oh? And who is this 'mystery man'?" he asked. He knew only he and Brian were the only ones who fit that description. It was a 50/50 chance. He secretly bit his lip in anticipation.

~Inside~ "Can you see them?" asked Pallas. Her patience was wearing thin.

"Sorry, girls, I can't." Leighanne replied.

"Aphrodite, you're supposed to be the Goddess of Love. You have, like, a built-in love radar or something!" she cried out.

Leighanne turned to Pallas and shushed her. "I'm the Goddess of Love not superman." Leighanne hissed.

Juno rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Do you see sparks yet?" she asked as she looked over the blonde woman's shoulder.

"I wonder..." sighed Celes. She looked at the clear liquid in her wine glass. "Why can't we just let fate decide for them? Let them take it at a slow pace?"

Leighanne departed from the window and knelt to Celes' level. "Celes, we ARE their fate. I had word from Chronos that if we didn't do anything, something will interrupt the fabric of time. We are the ones that need to make sure that; it's our job. It's always been your and my job ever since I picked you up from the circus. Do you remember what you were doing before you came here?" she asked softly.

~450 B.C~ "Aphrodite, you must go down to the Children's Circus and recruit some girls. You'll need them for the job ahead." Zeus warned. Aphrodite nodded and disappeared onto the front row of the circus show.

"GIRL CHECK!" bellowed a large man. Four girls lined up; all of them in circus clothes. "Present yourselves to the audience!"

A Roman girl waved a red ball around her. "Animal Trainer: VesVes!" she announced.

An Arabian looking girl waved a green ball around her. "Great Acrobat: JunJun!" she shouted.

A blue-eyed girl stepped forth. "Ball rider: PallaPalla."

Flowers appeared as a flowered trapeze artist floated down. "Flower Magician: CeleCele."

Aphrodite stared in amazement. The four did tricks and stunts to wow the audience. It wasn't long before they bounced off stage. Aphrodite secretly followed them. Her eyes widened as she saw the ringmaster about to beat them. She stopped him.

"Excuse me." She called out to the ringmaster. His cruel demeanor softened as he saw her walking towards him.

"May I help you, ma'am?" he asked.

"Are those girls for sale?" she asked.

"These bumbling idiots?!" he laughed. "I'll give them to you for FREE!" he barked as the girls walked towards her.

"Thank you so much." She and the four girls disappeared. When they were home, Aphrodite gave them different color dresses to wear instead of the revealing circus clothes. "Now you will work for me on a special project which will turn up in a few hundred years. Your new names are Vesta, Pallas, Juno, and Celes. I try not to stray to far from your original names. Are we clear?" she asked calmly. The four girls nodded.

"I have a question." Aphrodite acknowledged her. "Are we to become real children when this is over?" she asked.

"Aphrodite!" the bellowing of Zeus' voice was unmistakable.

"I'll answer that later."

~2000. Still inside~ "Hey, I see something going on!" she announced.

~Balcony~ "Well, are you gonna tell me or am I gonna wrestle you for it?" asked Nick, playfully. Howie gulped. The idea of having Nick Carter wrestle him was not a bad idea at all.

"His name?" he asked.

Nick rolled his eyes. "No, his dick size." Nick joked.

Howie nervously chuckled with Nick as the silence drew on. They could hear a classic tune playing from inside. "Care to dance?" he asked. Whoa, he thought, déjà vu.

"Sure." They started to sway to the music.

~Inside~ "Time to work our magic." Leighanne announced. She nodded towards Pallas.

"Ok." She tossed up a sphere to capture the past two lovers in a world they once knew.

~Balcony~ "Do you remember the last time we danced like this, Howard?" he asked softly. "Everything was perfect. But the village people didn't want our company."

"I remember, Nickolas."

"I love you, Howard Dorough. Whether it's in this century or the last, either way, I love you." Nick sighed. "God, it feels so good to finally say that. I'll say it again. I love you, Howie."

Howie gazed up into the luscious blue eyes of the man before him. "I love you too, Nickolas Gene Carter. I truly do." He smiled as he rested his head against Nick's shoulder.

"do we tell the rest of the guys?" he asked.

"Remember, in our previous life, who we told first?"

"They're in this century, too?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes, Nick, they are. We're all supposed to be a group. And you and I," he kissed Nick's lips softly, "were meant to be together."

They swayed gently to the music.

~Inside~ "May I have this dance, Miss?" asked a southern voice. Leighanne turned around to see her husband's smiling face.

"Of course."

"Girls, you have my blessing to be real children." Brian smiled as the girls transformed into real girls. He led Leighanne to the dance floor. "So, Miss Aphrodite, how do you like being the wife of a mortal Backstreet Boy?"

"Beats being the wife of a god." Leighanne smirked as they kissed.

imitates the Celine Dion from Saturday Night Live Longest one so far, eh? turns into a bartender and it ain't over yet. No, no. We need to find out how Amara and Michelle get adopted, Nicky and Howie's wedding.

Let me know Whatcha think: Mistress_N9@juno.com Also, check out www.tabunightclub.com . Yup, it's D's nightclub. Looks cool too.

Next: Chapter 5: Hands of Time Nick and Howies Wedding

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