Hands of Time

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Dec 27, 2000


Disclaimer: Insert Reasonable Disclaimer here...

Author's Post-it: I bought a whole new pack of post-its! Yeah! Does happy dance Again, the dream sequences are marked by the ^ but the fantasy sequence are marked by a ^^. Here is my list of must reads:

"Porcelain", "The Snow Will Fall", "Fate Will Gather Us Together" and "Together Again" by Sophie "Blissful Tears" by Kenitra "Whispers in the Night" "Calming Waters" "Airboy Chats it up" (A/N: a MUST read for Aaron Carter fans) And other stories that are just plain out there and that are great! (I'm just too lazy to type them all.)

The Hands of Time; Act 3, Scene 1:

~1997~ Howie sneaked looks at Nick during rehearsal. Why did he have to be beautiful? He watched as Nick danced with sweat glistening on his hot body.

"HEY D!" someone shouted as they practically bowled Howie over. "Whatcha lookin' at?" he asked. Howie glared at AJ.

He suddenly felt weak. Last night's nightmare returned to him. It was beginning to get more and more real than before when he first had them. What is it about me and Nicky, he thought to himself.

"You ok?" asked AJ.

"I'm gonna go lay down." Howie explained as he ran off to the hotel to sleep off the feeling.

^He was cooking. What, he didn't know. He was happy but felt happier when felt powerful arms encircle him. "What are you cooking, love?" a voice whispered.

"Food, silly." He smiled at his own joke.

"You know, I have a slight problem. Care to help me with it?" the voice asked. He could tell someone was grinding their boner against him.

"I might." He found himself gently squeezing the hard on behind him. He heard the voice softly moan.

"God, I don't know how I lived without you. I love you, Howie." He suddenly recognized the voice. It was Nick's. He froze. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" The ice-blue gaze looked into his.

"I--I--" Nick lowered his lips towards the smaller man. "Nick, what are you doing?" he asked as he stopped the Blonde giant.

"Talking..." Nick chuckled quietly as he moved even closer. "But I can name a few things that we can do instead before the kids get home."

"DAD!" shouted two voices. Nick groaned. "UNCLE AARON TURNED ON US AND USED WATER GUNS!"

"Amara! Michelle!" shouted Nick. A girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes walked in followed by a girl with light brown hair and blue eyes. Both were soaking wet and sulking. "Wait here." He turned to the front door. "AARON CHARLES CARTER!" he bellowed.

"Ooh! Busted!" the girls laughed.

Howie watched in amazement as a man walked in. He looked like Nick when he was 17 but he had brown eyes. "Yeah, bro?" he asked.

"What happened on the way home from school?" he asked as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Nothing..." he grinned.

"Girls..." he turned to the young twins. "Go get the emergency kit."

"What emergency kit?" asked Howie.

Nick shushed him. "Watch." Aaron's brown eyes widened as the little girls returned with large water guns. "Go get him!" they began shooting their beloved uncle.

"Nooo!" the blonde teen shouted.

"No way, Uncle Aaron!" they laughed as they continued to assault the teen.

Howie was laughing. He felt safe, secure, and totally happy as Nick wrapped his arms around his waist. "How did we get so lucky?" he asked. Howie looked up to Nick's face. "I love you, Howard Dorough." He whispered as he leaned in for a kiss. Howie couldn't stop him as the younger man kissed him with so much emotion. His eyes closed as he felt his body melt into puddle. Nick pulled away; smiling. "D?" his voice echoed. "D?"^

"D? Wake up, man!" someone shook Howie. His brown eyes slowly opened and stared into a pair of blue eyes...that was waaaay to close to his face. He could see pure concern in the sapphire orbs. "Are you feeling ok, Howie?" he asked softly.

"I--I--" he stammered but shook his head. "I'm fine. A bit dazed but I feel ok." He looked around. "Where's Amara and Michelle?" he asked.

Nick looked at him; puzzled. "Who're they?" Howie looked around for the small children he called "daughters."

Aaron walked in. "Hey, D--" Howie rushed to hug him. "Ok, D, I love you too. But I gotta ask ya something." Howie looked at the boy in front of him. He wasn't 6' 1". He wasn't a teenager/young man. "Are you feeling ok?" he asked carefully.

"I don't know." Howie shivered. Nick immediately threw a blanket around his friend's shoulders. He felt his forehead.

"Warm." He announced to his brother. "Aaron, call the hotel doctor. He's heating up." Aaron dialed for the hotel doctor as Nick lay Howie down on the bed. He took away the blanket.

"N-no, Nicky. I'm cold." He shivered even though it's mid-summer. Nick wrapped him in his arms.

A few minutes later, the doctor diagnosed him with a fever. "Just give him rest and liquids and he'll be back on his feet in no time."

"Thank you, Doctor." Kevin walked to man to the door. "Howie, why didn't you tell us you had a fever?" he asked.

"Maybe because he didn't even KNOW about it until now." Nick replied.

"Ok, you stay here and take care of him while the rest of us finish rehearsal." Kevin left the room.

"Don't worry, D. I'm gonna stay until you get better." Nick smiled. His eyes sparkled as he lay his head down next to the older man. Howie smiled at Nick's boyish-ness.

"How old are you again?" he asked jokingly.

Nick only smirked and got up. "Now it's time for your nap, old man." He tucked Howie in. "Tell me when you wake up, ok?"

"Sure." Nick walked into his room, which was separated from Howie's only by a door. He calmly closed all of the doors and windows before plopping down onto his hotel bed. His baggy jeans pooled around his feet along with his boxers. Being around Howie was just too much. "Damn lucky that I wore baggy jeans." Nick muttered to himself as he looked at his rock hard prick. His finger collected the precum that collected at the very tip and raised it to his lips.

The media always bantered what kind of girl he wants. Blondes? Brunette? Yeah, he wanted a brunette. Nick began to stroke his dick. Soft, brown hair. But it wasn't a girl. He closed his eyes as he let his imagination take over the best of him.

^^Howie had unlocked the door and waltzed right into the room. Nick stopped his little fun and turned red. "How--"

The Latin man shushed him before kissing him fully on the lips. Nick's eyes fluttered close as he granted his tongue to enter his mouth. Nick gently sucked on Howie's tongue, causing both of them to moan as bolts of electricity shot through them. Suddenly, without warning, Howie grabbed his package. Nick shuddered at the warm feeling. Howie placed kisses from Nick's face and trailed down towards his abdomen. He paused and dipped his tongue into Nick's belly button.

Nick hissed in a breath. Howie lightly chuckled and continued his way down. He gently blew across the tip of Nick's aching cock. He gasped as his breathing became irregular. Howie lightly licked the large head. "H- Howie..." he moaned.^^

Nick's hand flew up and down his hard pole vigorously. Swat began to form at his forehead as it broke out all over his body. He reached up and began to play with his nipples with one hand; pretending that it was Howie gently biting it to drive him wild. "Oh...D..." he moaned.

^^Howie tenderly licked the underside and traced the vein with his tongue. Nick could barely see straight; let alone see. His hands grabbed the sheets as his knuckles turned white. It wasn't long before he was thrusting into Howie's hot mouth.

"D, I'm close..." he warned. He could feel himself tighten up.^^

Nick felt his balls tighten. With a scream, followed by a moan, he came. He fell out of consciousness and into the blissfulness of sleep.

^He was sitting in a bedroom between two beds. In one bed, there was a little girl with dirty blonde hair sleeping. In the other was a girl with brown hair who was also sleeping. He saw Howie walk in. "They're so sweet, aren't they?" he whispered to Nick. He led the younger man outside. "I can't believe it was only 7 years ago that we got married. Now we have those two little miracles."

Nick momentarily froze. They were his?! He was married to Howie?! "Daddy?" asked a small voice.

"Yeah, Amara?" Howie answered.

The little blonde reached for Nick and he picked her up. "Tomorrow is share day and I don't have anything to share."

"What do you mean?"

"Wait right there." Howie jumped up. "I have just the thing." He returned with a photo. Nick looked at the photo closely. He had short hair. Not too short like it was in '97 but short enough just to cover some of his eyes. Howie looked different too. His hair was relaxed. He could see they guys in the back making goofy faces. Brian's hair was a bit lighter and he looked like he's growing a beard. Kevin reminded him of Satan for some odd reason. (A/N: he just does. He looks like Satan.) AJ had blue hair and his lip pierced. "This picture was taken the day we adopted you and Michelle." Howie explained.

"We look so happy." Nick murmured.

"That's Uncle Brian, Uncle Kevin, and Uncle AJ."

"Bring anyone who looks remotely like Uncle AJ home and I'll ground you 'till the next Millennium." Nick laughed as he tickled the little girl.^

Nick shot up from his bed. "That was scary."

~Somewhere Else~ "Aphrodite's order in yet?" asked Pallas. She was beginning to get impatient waiting for the Goddess of Love's order.

Vesta looked over to the fax machine. Something printed up. She looked it over and turned to the rest. "Time to play match-maker."

She smiled as she fixed up her red hair. Pallas giggled as she put on her favorite headdress. Celes put her favorite flowers in her hair. Juno put on her favorite green dress and searched for her boots.

TBC... Email me with anything. Tips. Money. Food. Sleep. Anything. Just send me SOMETHING to Mistress_N9@juno.com

Thank you all those who emailed me with their opinions: it meant a LOT to me. (I know. I have no life.) Thank you Naoko Takeuchi for the inspiration of Vesta, Celes, Pallas, and Juno. You ROCK, lady!

Adios, me

Next: Chapter 4

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