Hand me some leather

By moc.loa@ioBre8kSdetoveD

Published on Jun 20, 2003



It was just another day at home during summer vacation. I was scanning to chat rooms for a hook up, which usually didn't take long. All I had to do is enter my stats and I was bombarded with private messages.

"19 5'6 150 toned boi burgundy hair and green/blue eyes.... Lookn for older guy to show me a good time."

As far back as I can remember Iv always been attracted to the older daddy types. Maybe the absents of mine played a role. But I am not gonna get into that psychological bullshit. I never found too many guys in here that were for real. I had been stood up several times. I had a few good fucks.... Usually guys in there 30s to early 40s. And I have standards, so I guess that lowered my odds even more. Never fuck wit any guy that was out of shape, if they didn't have a body pic they got the ignore button, and nothing under 7 inches. So about 20 minutes of sitting in the room I got a private message from a 35-year-old, 6'2 190, athletic build, brown hair and eyes. We chatted back and forth, traded cock and body pics. He was 7-1/2 inches... good enough. So I told him to meet me at the gas station down the block. So I went in and took a shower. Sprayed some cheap cologne, fixed my hair. Picked up my Ambocrombie and Finch sleeveless shirt and my old navy jeans. Didn't bother with underwear, it only gets in the way. So I started my walk up the street, same walk I've taken dozens of times before. I never brought anyone to my mom's apartment...too risky, and I wouldn't want anyone known where I live. As I walked in to get a soda to drink as I waited for my trick. I heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling into the gas station. I look out and there is a West Coast chopper, with the hottest biker I have ever laid my eyes on. He was shirtless, had a tribal tat goin up his left arm, starting at his forearm and ending up by his neck. Both his nipples were pierced and his eyebrow. He also had a tear drop tat under his left eye. Jet black hair, he had a tanned skin he almost looked mexican. I couldn't tell his height until he stepped off his bike, he had to have been maybe 6'3 and 200 pounds of solid muscle. I walked out and stood in front of the store, waiting for my now boring trick. I watched as he filled his bike with gas. Noticing his strong grip on the pump, his bicep flexing as he put the pump back. I couldn't take my eyes of this man, trying to imagine what lay inside those torn blue jeans. As he walked back out of the store he noticed me staring and made eye contact. I looked away as fast as I could but it was too late he caught me. I tried to act like I wasn't watching him get back on his bike but then I heard.

"Hey boy! Come here."

I looked up and saw him looking at me. I thought he was calling me over to confront me about checking him out. I really thought he was gonna kick my ass. My adrenaline kicked in and I froze.

"Yeah boy you. Get over here."

I slowly walked over to the bike where he sat, starring at the ground the entire time. "Who you waitin on boy?" "A friend Sir." I tried not to look him in the face. " Oh really boy, look me in the eye when I am talking to you, boy." He said reaching out to pull my chin up to look him in the eyes. "Come here boy I need to tell you somethin." He grabbed my shirt and pulled me close to him. I could smell him; his sent almost gave me a hard on. "Yeah boy I know you were checking me out, I know you want it boy. But I am gonna make you beg for it boy, make you beg me to fuck you little bitch ass." Then he stopped and looked me right in the eyes. "You want it boy then, get on the bike wit me right now."

I stood there for a second shocked and then I jumped on the bike. "Good boy, now hold on"

And we drove out of the gas station. Speeding down the highway for a while, then we hit a gravel road. Where he turned off and we sped down it for about 5 minutes. Till we came to a trailer out in the middle of nowhere. He turned the bike off and led me into the trailer. He shut the door behind us and turned on the light. It was the living room across from the door sat a couch, against two windows. The entertainment center sat on the wall, which the door was on.

"Strip boy!" "What?" "You heard me boy! And if you question me again boy you'll regret it. ! Now take off your fucking clothes boy!" "Yes sir" And I quickly kicked off my shoes and pealed off my socks. Then off came my pants and shirt. "Hands behind you back boy! Let me look at you." He slowly came over to where I stood and looked me up and down. "You have a nice body on you boy, nice and smooth I won't need to shave you. Now boy, get on you knees!"

I slid down onto my knees in front of him. By now I was rock hard, I was throbbing. I reached down to stoke me hard cock, and he yelled in a load commanding voice. " Don't you dare touch that boy! You haven't earned that right, you lil bitch boy." I quickly removed my hands and placed them back behind me. He started to rub his crouch and I could see the outline of his cock. Full and hard. It looked massive hidden in those tight blue jeans. "Yeah boy, you want this big cock, don't you, you little bitch boy?" "Yes sir please may I have it sir" "You're a fast learner boy, but no. You will have to earn that privilege. Now lick my boots Boy!'

And I gladly began to lick his leather boots clean. "Good boy. Lick em clean" Then I heard him unzipping his jeans and I looked up to see his fully hard cock. It had to have been 9-1/2 inches veins running along the sides up to the head. Thick as a silver dollar from head to base. " Yeah boy you want this dick? Hold out your toung" I suck out my toung and he slapped his head against my toung a few times. Using the spit I had got on it for lube to stroke it.. "Now boy get up and go into that room behind you."

I opened the door to the room and hit the light switch and a red light bulb barely illuminated the room. Then I saw the bed on the far end of the little room.... I saw the leather restants. "Boy get over there and lay down on the bed now" "Yes sir" I walked over to the bed a laid down. "Now boy give me your hands!" I watched as he hooked my hands to the bedpost with leather restraints. Then he took my legs and pulled them back and hooked them near my hands. Then he looked at me, right in the eyes.... I thought I was gonna nut right then. That look made me melt, that's when I knew I was his and he could do anything he wanted to me. And he knew it too.... He started running his hands over my ass. I squirmed with pleasure, his rough hands on my soft ass felt so good. "That's right boy I own this ass now, it's mine." Then he slipped his thumb into my tight ass. I moaned in pleasure. "Yeah boy, you like that? Huh?" "Yes sir" Then he stuck his index and middle finger in me. All I could do was squirm; it was a little painful because he didn't use any lube. But the pain was overrun by the pleasure soon enough. Then he took his fingers out. "That's enough of that." Then he bent down and started tonguing my ass. His stubble rubbing against my smooth ass and his hot mouth on my hole. I thought I was gonna die, this was the most erotic experience of my life. He went deeper and deeper into my hole with his toung. I moaned and squirmed and I could see him rubbing his huge cock. "Please Sir may please have it sir." "How bad do you want it boy?" "I'll do anything for it Sir, please give it to me sir" "Ok boy, I'll make you my little bitch boi. But once I fuck your ass, it's mine. Understand boy?" "Yes sir."

Then he went back to eating my ass. Then he got up and went to a dresser in the corner. And got a bottle of KY. I watched as he lubed up his massive piece of meat. I wanted it so bad, I knew it was gonna hurt but I didn't care. I just wanted that big dick inside of me; I wanted to please my new owner. He walked back over lookn me in the eyes stroking his cock..."Yeah boy, your mine now" he said as he put a little KY on my hole. Then I felt a pressure on my hole, then the burning sensation. His head was in, I moaned loudly. He slowly began to press deeper into me, I saw him close his eyes and gunt. He was half of the way in now. And I felt him hitting my guts. Then he looked down at me and said. "Ok boy, now I am gonna pound you little bitch ass." Then wit one thrust he was all the way into me. I moaned in pain and pleasure. Then he slid it about 2/3 of the way out and slammed into me again. "OH God" I moaned "Yeah boy, you like don't ya boi?"

Now he just started slamming into me over and over and over again. Deeper and deeper, I felt like I was gonna cum. Then all of a sudden I nutted all of my chest and face 3 big long squirts. "Who told you, you could cum boy?!" "I couldn't help it sir, I'm sorry sir"

He just looked down at my chest and face and started pounding my ass as hard as he could. I bit down and moaned. I felt like he was splitting me into 2. His head started to roll back and I could see the ecstasy in his face. "Get ready boy, I'm about fill your ass." Then I felt him release inside me. Like liquid fire, burning inside of me. 4 big squirts, he grunted and shook. He lay there in my ass for about a minute and then he looked at me. Bent down and stuck his toung into my mouth and kissed me. "Your mine now boy. No one else can fuck this ass. Do you understand me boy?" "Yes sir" I looked at him like he was God, because to me he was now. "Good boy." This time with a little more affection in his voice. He undid the restraints and led me to the shower. "Now wash up boi" He left me in the shower and when I was done my clothes were on the sink. I got dressed and walked out to the living room, where he sat watching TV. "Come here boy." I walked over and say beside him; he put his arm around me and kissed me. I laid my head on his leg and he ran his hand threw my hair. "Can you stay the night boy?" "Yes sir" "Ok boy, lets go to bed" We walked into his bedroom and I got undressed, so did he. I lay on my side and he lay right behind me. His arm warped around me, then I knew. That this was gonna change my life, things were never gonna be the same for me. And with his massive arm holding me close, I felt protected and loved...and what more can a boy ask for?

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