Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Jun 28, 2019


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Please understand this is a work of fiction. The actions described in the story are not real, encouraged, or condoned in real life. Its just a fictional tale about a horny teenager with some issues.

Chapter 8 New life, fucking frenzy

Felix took me to Alec's where he helped me store most of the stuff from my bag into his chest for now.

He went to speak to Alec's Dad about having me stay with him while I went to work. I needed the bland indifference of crushing plants into paste to occupy my mind with tedium. Or at least that was the idea.

Grindor found me curled up in a ball in the corner of the shed around lunch time, crying with an Iron Stag leg in my mouth, worrying at the stripped bone, like a beaten dog.

"I heard about what has happened and I'm sorry. I wish I could help more but your father swore me to secrecy a long time ago."

I grunted at Grindor and resumed gnawing at my bone, at a certain point it wasn't bone but Iron. It felt like my insides had been torn out. My last family member had abandoned me for some reason he wouldn't explain and Grindor was complicit somehow and yet I couldn't find the energy to be angry. I was just too sad and tired to be bothered with any of it.

I had no idea what my life would be from now on and I just was so worn out emotionally and mentally from the crazy week I've had.

Grindor said "Suffering is necessary for growth. This too shall pass."

In that moment I really hated him, I wanted him to suffer and die. Instead of saying or doing anything that couldn't be undone, I kept gnawing until there was no more bone left to strip. It left behind an ungainly piece of iron.

Grindor sighed and left and I didn't care. He was of no use to me.

I just had to wait for this to subside so I could resume my normal indifference to life or something. The prospect of being essentially parent-less frightened me.

What would I do? What would happen to me?

I had an entirely unproductive day of `work' where I did basically nothing useful except use the mortar and pestle to grind down some plants into mush.

It somewhat helped to work off some of my anger and misery to watch as healthy plants was turned into green paste under the strength of my muscles. It felt good to break something down, that couldn't fight back.

I returned to the Barracks escorted by a generally unfriendly David, I didn't have the energy to care about whatever his problem was. I had my own problems occupying my mind.

I needed to figure out where I was going to live, how I was going to live and what kind of life I wanted to live.

Felix came to get me, he was still working, judging by the fact that he was still wearing his armour. The other guards were looking at me with a mix of curiosity and pity.

"Hey Lucius, my boss would like to see you, to discuss your future."

"Yes." I got out of Felix's bed and stood up, stretching out a little.

"How are you feeling?"


"I'm sorry. I know how it feels." I looked at him wondering how he could possibly know what it was like to be me. How could he think he knew what I felt? "My parents didn't accept me either, hence why I became an adventurer."

"Then why are you a Guard?"

"My party was practically wiped out by a dungeon scouting mission. Only two out of the 6 of us survived, afterwards, Henry and I disbanded the Roaming Arsenal and I came here to try and find myself a better life. I know what it's like to lose everything. I've had to deal with it twice."

"How did you manage?" I asked feeling hollow and as if there was no meaning to doing anything any more.

Felix shrugged. "I cried, I screamed, I killed some monsters, I drank, I fucked around and in time I found something better. After losing my family to their own prejudices, I found a party of friends I could trust with my life. Then I lost them to a sentient dungeon and now I've found a well paying job and some decent drinking buddies and there's now you."

I thought about what he said for a bit, I just needed to find something new to focus on to fill the emptiness within. I looked at Felix and I smiled. Maybe he could help take my mind off things and help fill the hole inside my heart. "Thanks." I hugged him, taking comfort in the solidity of his armour and his hand caressing my back.

"You're welcome, whatever happens, just remember I'm here for you. Come on, let's go, we're getting some weird looks." We were being stared at by a couple of unknown guards who were lounging about their bunks playing cards.

"Let's go then."

I followed Felix to George's private study. I stood outside the door as Felix announced me.

"It's Felix, I've brought Lucius to talk to you as ordered."

"Bring him in." George said, his voice coming through clearly through the closed door. Felix opened the door for me.

George was sitting behind an imposing desk, littered with expensive things I couldn't identify and stacks of paper.

"You wanted to see me sir?" I asked, dipping my head in an imitation of a bow, panicked as to how I was supposed to behave now. I had only been sitting opposite him yesterday during dinner as his son's guest having an in depth talk about trade routes and it was simple and easy. Now he held my life in his hands and I was anxious about my future. This entire thing was deeply nerve wracking.

"Sit down."

There were two seats in front of his desk, both purple. I looked between them both trying to decide which would be the better choice before shaking my head in self contempt after realising I was just wasting time.

I couldn't avoid dealing with bigger scarier choices no matter how much I dithered about. Time and life waited for no one. "Yes sir." I sat down, hands gripping the surprisingly lush fabric of the arm rests with a white knuckled grip. I was having trouble swallowing all of a sudden.

"There's no need to be nervous, I just wanted to ask you a few questions." George said, with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Of course, ask away."

"So I've talked with your father and Felix and as far as I can gather, your father doesn't want you living with him any more and has effectively disowned you. Felix wishes you'd stay in the barracks with him from now on but what I want I'm curious about is what you want."

"I don't know."

"Let's make it simpler then. Would you like to live here on my estate?"

I thought about it for a second, did I have another option? Maybe I could stay at Frederic's but he already had 3 boys, all of whom could pull their weight in chores, while I could not. I had no interest in being a burden, I felt bad enough as it was. I couldn't live with that kind of guilt every day.


"Well that settles that at least and where would you like to sleep?"

"Um." I blushed, thinking of Felix and how fun sleeping with him had been before my father had returned to ruin it all. "With Felix, if that's acceptable." I said looking down a little anxious about his response.

"So not my son's bed?" George asked, his voice light and amused.

"Um." I suppose it was naive of me to think George wouldn't have heard about Alec and me since multiple guards had ended up involved in filling me up after Alec was tired of me. He didn't seem upset so I just decided to be honest, it would get things over with faster. "Alec can rely on me to help him out whenever he needs it, wherever I sleep."

"That's good to hear. I hope you'll help me out too." I was stunned and a little grossed out. I was not interested in George like that, he was not my type. He was kind of pudgy and well my dad's age, though I guess that didn't stop me having sex with Deimos or fantasising about Frederic fucking me with his sons. I guess I really was shallow. I didn't care how old someone was as long as they were fit. George's laughter snapped me out of my self indulgent internal prattle. He chuckled. "Not like that, I prefer my partners to be far more exclusive than that, what I want from you is your knowledge of potion making. I think that will be far more use to me and my business interests."

"Oh, sure, of course, anything I can do to be helpful."

I let out a deep sigh of relief. That could have been a problem. Every word I said, seemed like a tight rope over the edge of failure and potential homelessness.

"That's a good lad, I'll announce it tomorrow that you'll be my private alchemist and from then on you'll be a member of my staff and receive all the benefits that accords."

"But I'm not an alchemist, I'm an apothecary's assistance, there's quite a big difference."

"Yes, yes." George waved his hand dismissively. "I'm well aware but just because you've only learned the uses of chemicals on people doesn't mean you have to limit yourself. Grindor has informed me that you have an excellent memory and you just need to work on your concentration and self control. I will provide you with the books and ingredients necessary for you to advance in alchemy, the superior discipline."

"Yes sir." I didn't really get the impression it was a suggestion, more of an order and I didn't have any better options so I had to go along for now.

"You can go now."

I was curious when he had talked to Grindor and what else he had said about me but I had been dismissed. I'd just have to wait for another time to talk to him and get more answers.

I walked out of George's office feeling conflicted, I had a place to stay now, which was good but I didn't know how I felt about trying to be an alchemist. If I screwed up too often would I be kicked out again?

Felix broke me out of my reverie "How did it go?"

"I'm apparently going to be his alchemist now."

Felix didn't react for a moment as he processed that, I was still trying to figure out how I felt about that news too.

"So you're staying?"

"Yeah." I said listlessly, wondering what would be expected of me and how I would manage to focus enough on any one task to be good enough to be considered a true alchemist and not some dabbler.

"That's great news. Don't think too much you'll get wrinkles." Before I could attempt to unravel Felix's comment. I was being swept off my feet, one handed and kissed against a stone wall.

"I'll try." How do people stop thinking? The only way I found not to think was to be so involved in something as to be mindless. Felix's lips had distracted me from thinking but it had only been a brief kiss.

"Why are you looking so serious?"

"I need to talk to you in private. Let's go to the library."

He took me there in silence and I tried to think of what I should say to Felix so as not to hurt him. We walked into the library which was unoccupied, Felix closed the door behind him giving us privacy.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I'm not sure how to tell you this but here goes nothing. You know I like you." He nodded. "And I really liked last night and how good it was whenever you fucked me." He gave me a small smile. He must have sensed I was building up to something bad because he was tense as if he expected some kind of blow. "And you know I'm new to all of this sex stuff." He nodded again. "Well now that I'm living here, I want to sleep with you but I think I'll be expected to sleep with Alec as well -"

"You don't have to do that!" Felix said stridently.

I sighed. "The thing is I want to. He was my first and I like it when he fucks me."

"Am I not enough for you?" Felix said, his eyes glistening.

"Recent events and your own words have taught me that I can't just rely on one person to support me. Whether that's my father or you, I don't want to be completely reliant on any one person any more. Or even a small group of people. I want to find a way to have lots of meaningful connections while being able to support myself in case the worst happens and I'm left all alone again."

"I don't even know what you're saying right now. Does this mean the engagement is off?" Felix looked deeply saddened. He wore his heart on his sleeve, it made me wonder how he managed as a guard at all.

"No. I still like you and want to see where this goes during our betrothal period but I also want to figure out a way to earn a living for myself and have the freedom to explore and have new experiences. Does that make sense?"

"Maybe this was a bad idea after all. I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I was too stupid."

"Don't be mad. I -"

He kissed me hard, dropping his spear to the ground, to grab me with both hands, tugging down my breeches, groping my butt along the way. "Don't leave me. I need you." He said urgently, pushing down his own leather pants to reveal his hard cock. He pressed onto my shoulders and I sunk to the ground. "Suck it."

"I -" I was silenced by his cock in my mouth.

"Yeah suck it, get it nice and wet. I'll show you why you don't need anyone else." I clutched onto his butt as he fucked my throat. "That's it baby. I'm going to fuck you real good."

He pulled out. "Felix." I gasped.

"Fuck words. You're mine." and I was pushed face down onto the floor and he pushed himself into me with his wet cock.

"Uh," I moaned as he buried himself into me. He was big and it had been quite a lot of hours since this morning and my last fucking.

"Say it! Say you're mine."

"You're mine."

"NO. I mean yes. Fuck." He moved his hand so one was on my left shoulder and the other wrapped around my cock, before pulling out half way and slamming back into me. "Now say I'm yours."

"I'm yours." I said his hand on my cock, distracting me.

"That's it, say it AGAIN!"

I obeyed. "I'm yours. I'm yours. Oh fuck me." His cock was feeling really really good inside of me.

"Yes you're mine. No one else's. Fuck, I need to mark you as my property." He bit me on the shoulder, hard.


"Mine, mine mine." Felix ranted as he continued to fuck me, stroking me, raining warm kisses on my neck all the while repeating the same word over and over again as he rammed into me. "mine mine mine." like an annoying child with a toy he didn't want to share.

I wasn't much better reduced to moans, groans or grunting out the words "Fuck fuck fuck." like some kind of imbecile.

I blew my load onto the carpet as the fucking reached a fever pitch.

Felix pumped his load into me a moment later. "Fuck."

He pulled out of me and sat on the arm chair.

"Well that was unexpected." I said still lying on the ground, feeling strangely relaxed and a little sore. That could have gone worse.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. All I want to do is love you and all I seem to do is lose control and hurt you."

I shrugged, which from my position on the floor probably didn't look right. "I don't mind, that was kind of fun, weird but fun."

"You shouldn't let people hurt you, especially not me without a price."

I thought about that for a moment. "What about if I like the pain? Or the resulting pleasure is much greater than the pain?" I said, moving so I had my hand propping up my head as I looked at him, naked from the waist down on the arm chair. His big hard cock slick with his own juices and our sex.

"Fuck I don't know. All I know is I want to fuck you again and yet I'm worried that'll I lose control again." he said, arms gripping the arm rest tightly.

"Well then. I think we should do both." I said, getting to my feet.

"Both? What?"

"I think I should extract a price from you and get another load out of you." I said walking the short distance between us.

"Has anyone ever told you you're kind of odd?"

"All the time. Now as punishment, you're not allowed to move unless I tell you to. We'll work on your self control and while you're doing that I'm going to enjoy that wonderful cock of yours again. We're going to play a little game. Golem."

I clambered onto the arm chair, my feet on either side of his legs. It was a good thing it was a big arm chair meant for a leisurely read as I half stood crouched down until the tip of his cock pressed against my butt.

"I can't tell if this is cruel or terrific."

"I don't think I said you could speak. Pretend you're a golem, you move only when commanded, you only perform actions when commanded to. You cannot lose your self control because you have a master who has absolute control. I am your master now and you will obey without question or thought and you will be such a good golem. Ah fuck." I slipped a little towards the end and his cock had lodged half way into my rectum.

I took a grip onto the armour covering his torso and lowered myself all the way down. His breathing got a lot heavier and he slightly vibrated with restrained lust.

I wanted more of this, I felt powerful and in control for a change. I rode Felix's cock, working on my own self control and his at the same time. Every time I felt myself getting too close to blowing, I'd stop and trace the lines of Felix's armor. I also stopped whenever Felix's breathing got too heavy.

After several rounds of doing this, I couldn't take it any more and I gave him his first actual command. "Fuck me already."

He whirled into motion, grabbing me with both hands and lifting me up and moving across the room until my back was against a book shelf. He kissed me hard, his tongue doing battle against mine as he held me with one hand on my back and the other on my face as he fucked me.

He fucked me so hard, my back pressed somewhat painfully against the spines of the books and yet it felt so good. He kissed me over and over again, his hands roaming all over my body urgently as he slammed into me over and over again. He took hold of my cock with one hand, while the other stayed pressed against the small of my back, shielding me somewhat from the mean books.

He fucked me even harder until we were both breathing hard, merely panting and grunting and groaning like beasts. He bit me on the collar bone, as he came inside of me, filling me with warmth again. I reached down to grab my cock and Felix let me take over, I stroked myself to a violently pleasurable climax in mere seconds.

I became dead weight as fatigue washed over me and all I wanted to do was sleep. Felix and I both kind of collapsed onto the ground exhausted.

"Fuck you're going to be the death of me." he said his eyes struggling to stay open.

"Perhaps. Or you'll be the death of me." I said, my insides felt sore as did my outsides. That had been the best and the worst. My back was sore from the books, my cock throbbed somewhat painfully, my insides felt battered and yet I felt like I did after a hot bath, warm and relaxed.

We just kind of stared at each other for a long sombre moment as we considered the relative likelihood of such a scenario. Or I did at least, Felix may have been thinking something completely else for all I knew.

Our musings were interrupted by Dean who opened the door "Hey Felix, you're overdue for patrols. Everyone has been looking for you, better get back to work before George cuts you loose." Dean said with a serious expression directed at Felix.

His expression changed completely as smiled deviously and winked at me. "Hey Lucius. I hear on the grape vine that you're going to be a member of the staff, I hope that means more mornings like yesterday." He said with a grope of his crotch to illustrate what he meant.

"Fuck off, he's mine." Felix said, his cock throbbing inside of me.

"Touchy touchy, I have work to do, see you around." and he waved and was gone as abruptly as he had arrived.

"Please tell me you're not going to have sex with him again!" .

"I don't know. I don't even know if I'll be able to walk again any time soon."

Felix sighed. "I guess we'll need to have serious talk when I'm off work tonight."

"Um about that, I made plans before everything fell apart to meet up with Fred and I would like to follow through, there should be an Iron Stag for dinner, that I sort of helped hunt."

"Do what you will. I can't stop you." Felix said, pulling out of me abruptly and he just kind of tugged on his leather pants and footwear and left in a huff.

"Well that was something." I said to no one.

Felix was upset at me but I couldn't let his feelings dictate my life. I needed to figure out what I wanted and the only way to do that was to try everything while I still could. I was also curious how a night with Fred would compare to the previous night with Felix.

Felix claimed to love me and the sex started off soft but often got rough which felt good at the time but left me somewhat sore which confused me as to whether it was truly love or lust and if so whether love was worth it at all or whether I wanted love or lust or something else entirely.

Fred didn't claim to love me and judging by his words seemed to want to only use me to practice his sexual prowess. For some reason I liked that idea, the thought of being with someone who was less experienced than I was and guiding them into better sex gave me this odd sense of superiority. Everyone else had been older than me or in the case of Dale, had been much more sexually experienced than me. This was my chance to teach someone what to do and how to do it better. I could show off my new skills and see what a night under Fred would be like.

I was hard again but I couldn't have any more sex, I was far too sore. Time for my secondary solution, to lust; reading.

First I tidied myself up, putting on my clothes, so I could cover the marks on my body from Felix's attention. I took a sip of my emergency health potion, to help ease my general soreness and help speed up healing. Then I laid down and started reading the titles of the books of the bottom shelf until I found one I liked titled `Heroic History'.

I laid down on the soft carpet on my stomach and started reading. It was a fascinating read, it was about the Heroes that had been summoned from other worlds to fight off demon invasions and other threats. It told of their successes and failures and their legacies.

I read until it got dark outside and a maid walked into the library to light the mage stone. It was a good thing that I had gotten dressed otherwise that could have been awkward.

I took her arrival as a sign that I should get going. I left to go to Frederic's farm.

When I arrived there was this weird awkward moment and I quickly found out why.

"I'm sorry about what happened with Dominic this morning." Frederic came up to me with a serious expression. "You're welcome any time here if you need a place to stay or a warm meal."

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind, I'll try not to be a bother."

He gave me a hug, he was so warm and solid and his hands were firm on my upper back and lower back, giving me a quick squeeze. "Nonsense. Let's eat and be merry." Frederic said and led me to their dining table that was laden with the cooked stag, now headless, surrounded by various plates with vegetables on them.

I tried to shake off the bad thoughts out of my head and yet they lingered. Frederic had smelt very manly, like freshly tilled soil and a musky sweat of a hard day's work and I couldn't help remembering how he looked naked and how close his hand had been to my butt and how it'd been hours since Felix had last fucked me and how much I was looking forward to his eldest son fucking me all night long. Thankfully my hard cock wasn't too obvious in my breeches.

We ate the Stag, it was much tastier than how I usually ate it, Hilda had applied a marinade of some sort to it that made it tastier and the meat was tenderised by a long stint of boiling in hot water. Or something. Cooking is something I'm only vaguely aware of the details of. I'm more interested in eating food than cooking food.

The atmosphere during the dinner was somewhat subdued. I felt bad for bringing down the mood with my problems but I didn't really know how to fix it other than pretending that there was nothing wrong.

Eventually the meal was over and Frederic and Hilda retired to their room while us children' were left to entertain ourselves'.

Once the adults were gone there was this expectant silence.

"Sorry about your dad." Dale said giving me a hug. It was so surprising, that it made me want to cry. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

"Thanks." I patted his back awkwardly, unused to Dale being this nice to me.

Fred placed a hand on my shoulder. "After everything that's happened you don't have to do anything tonight if you don't want to. I won't try anything, we can just talk if you want or just sleep if you're not."

"Real smooth. Talk your way out of getting some." Minos mocked Fred.

"I'm not some monster that'd try and take advantage of someone who's going through something like he is."

"But I want you to. I want you to fuck me all night long." Just the thought of it was making me hard and horny and my hands slid down to cup Dale's butt through his pants.

"See he's hungry for it. I told you." Minos said, placing his hand on his older brother's shoulder.

I could feel Dale getting hard as he started to grind his hard cock against mine. I kissed him and this time I was taking control, I had my mouth on his while I groped and squeezed his butt. Dale's thrusting got more intent as he slid his hands underneath my pants to grope my butt and finger my hole.

"Maybe you were right." Fred said.

Minos on the other hand had moved around so that he was directly behind Dale and judging by the way Dale was moaning and moving against me, Minos was fingering him. "I'm always right, don't forget it."

Fred had followed Minos' example and had moved behind me, lowering my pants and fingering me. "You like that?"


"Let's take this to my room." Minos said.

"I'd rather take him to my room for some private fun." Fred said.

"Come on don't be so boring. We'll take them back to my room and when you blow your wad too early in him, I'll have a turn on him too."

"Fuck you!" Fred said, fingering me a little harder.

"You're dreaming!"

"You're sick."

Minos rolled his eyes at his older brother. "Let's get out of here before we're caught."

We disentangled and went to Minos and Dale's room.

Minos led the way followed by Dale, me, then Fred behind us.

"Wait, I want to fuck him first." Dale said.

"This should be funny." Fred said.

"Let him warm him up for us. It'll be good for Dale to learn to be a man." Minos said.

Dale just poked his tongue out at Minos before shoving it down my throat in an unexpectedly heated kiss.

To think it was only a few days ago that I found kissing to be weird and gross and now I couldn't get enough of it.

We groped each other, my hands reached into his pants to grope and finger his butt while he loosened his pants, so that they pooled around his feet. He kicked them off and broke off our kiss to peel off his shirt. "Suck it."

I knelt down and sucked on his 7 inch cock. I looked over at the other two who were sitting in Minos' bed next to each other comparing their cocks and arguing over whose cock was better.

Fred claimed that even though his cock wasn't as long as Minos it was thicker, while Minos said that because his was longer, that made his cock better. I was only sort of half listening to them bickering about their respective cocks.

"Come on take off clothes, I want to fuck you now." Dale said, his voice low and urgent.

"Yeah fuck the little slut." Minos said.

"You're terrible." Fred said, voice dripping with scorn.

"Like I'm the only one jacking off here." Minos said with a pointed look at Fred who was slowly stroking his cock.

I stopped sucking Dale's cock to stand up and strip out of my clothing.

I got onto Dale's bed, on my hands and knees, assuming the position I had seen him in with Minos yesterday.

Dale followed behind me, naked and slid his hard cock into me quickly and starting fucking me fast.

The other two came over and knelt in front of me and since it was a narrow bed, they were forced in close together, with their hard cocks in my face.

"Which do you think is better?" Minos said, rubbing his cock over my open mouth, trailing some sticky cum over my lips and face.

"It's mine right." Fred said, pushing his cock into my open mouth.

"Don't forget about me." Minos said, grabbing my right wrist and placing my hand on his big cock, so that I was sucking Fred and stroking Minos.

I alternated between the two cocks, stroking and sucking them both as Dale continued to fuck me.

"Come on little bro, fucking hurry up, I want to fuck him next." Minos said.

"He's my guest, I should be next." Fred said.

"Fuck that, he's staying in your bed tonight, you're going to have plenty of time to pound that sweet hole, I want my turn before you get him too loose."

"Fuck you."

Dale couldn't hold back any more and starting going full speed and a few seconds later he was groaning. "Fuckkkk..." and his cum pumped into me along with a little bit of warmth.

"Finally." Minos shoved Dale aside and was balls deep into me in a moment.

I could only let a muffled grunt as my mouth was full of Fred's cock.

"Hey, that's unfair."

"So what? What are you going to do tell mom and Dad that I fucked him before you."

"You're such an asshole." Fred complained.

"Look how well he's taking your dick down his throat, how can you be complaining, it took months of hard work to get Dale to do the same. Isn't that right Dale?" Minos said

Dale had already moved over to Minos bed and seemed too busy fingering and stroking himself as he watched me being fucked by two of his brothers with a glazed expression on his face to reply.

"Oh fuck, this is fucked up." Fred said with a groan. "Why can't I stop fucking his face?"

"It's like the second best part of having sex, just watching your meat disappear inside a horny slut." He pulled almost out of the way of me and slammed back into me.

"What's the best part then?"

"The way it feels to be inside a warm wet hole. Obviously."

"Can't argue there. Oh fuck." Fred said, grabbing onto the back of my head and just driving his hard cock deeper down my throat. "It's like he doesn't even need to breathe."

I would have explained that I could just breathe through my nose but Minos was starting to fuck me harder and it was starting to get harder to think, let alone talk around a throat full of thick cock.

"Yeah it's hot. Fuck his face."

"Fuck, fuck his ass."

They stopped talking for a while, just filling the air with the sound of them pounding away into me. It felt so good.

"I'm going to explode. Want it?" Fred asked.

"Bro, just go for it, don't ask. Fuck he loves it."

I took a tighter grip of his waist so that Fred wouldn't go. I needed this part, this was what I craved.

"Fuck. Lumos. I'm cumming."

Fred exploded down my throat, filling me with warmth and cum.

Minos sped up behind me, just hammering away at my insides as Fred pulled out of me, standing by the bed watching his slightly younger brother fuck me face down into the mattress.

A minute later Minos also came in my butt.

He pulled out of my ass and was immediately replaced by a hard and horny Fred, who immediately complained. "Fuck you just gushed into him."

"You're welcome." Minos said to Fred barely listening to him before saying "Hey, did you miss me?" to Dale before sinking his slick hard cock into him.

"Yeah fuck me please." Dale said wrapping his arms around Minos.

Minos proceeds to fuck Dale, while Fred fucked me harder.

There was no way, all this moaning, groaning and grunting couldn't be heard from Frederic's room. I really needed to ask Alec about what he did with that magicite pencil to shut off the sound.

Minos and Fred continued for some time before finally cumming into us, giving us what we wanted and needed.

Then Fred led us away. Dale asked "When are you going to fuck me like that Fred?"

Fred ignored him with a shake of his head and a "lumos".

I just grabbed my discarded clothes and shoved them in my pack and followed a naked Fred. He had a nice butt, not as nice as Dale's perhaps but definitely nice.

Fred took me to his room, where he quickly got into bed with an expectant look on his face, his cock hardening up as he looked at me. I looked over the bed, it had more than enough room for the both of us to be comfortable. It wasn't quite as big as Alec's bed but it was still nice and warm when I got into it. I set my pack on the ground, I didn't think I would need clothes for a while at least.

I got into bed on the left hand side of his double bed, Fred smiled and moved closer to me, Fred's hard cock slid into my slick hole easily and that was the beginning of a long night in Fred's bed.

"Fuck you feel good, no wonder Minos is always fucking Dale."

"He does have a hot butt, it was fun fucking him."

"You've fucked him too?" Fred asked, holding me tighter, grinding his big cock deeper into my bowels.

"FUck yeah, felt good. Fuck me harder."

"Tell me about it. Tell me what it's like to fuck him."

"He. Um. Feels. Warm and tight. I came so quickly." It was hard to get the words out as Fred just kept fucking me harder and faster.

"Fuck. That's fucked." Fred said ending with a groan and a spurt of warm cum up my butt. He rolled onto his back, his cock slick and hard lying on his somewhat furry stomach.

"Why don't you fuck Dale and find out for yourself?"

"It's wrong."


"He's my brother."


"It's wrong."

"Yeah you said that but why is it wrong?"

"It just is, it's a sin and it leads to deformities in children."

"Um, I don't think it's likely that Dale is going to have any babies any time soon, he has the wrong stuff for that."

"That's not the point, he's my younger brother and I love him too much to use him like that."

"But he wants you to use him. He likes it, at least from what I've seen of him and Minos, they love each other a lot and they have lots of fun sex. I don't see the problem."

"It would be a grave sin against Lumos and my father would kill me if he found out I was fucking him."

"I've read the holy book, basically everything is a sin and everyone is a sinner, so why deny yourself and Dale the pleasure. Also I think Frederic would be fine with it, considering how he was about me being caught by my dad having sex with Felix."

"Who is Felix?"

"He's a guard at Alec's and he kind of stayed over last night and he fucked me practically all night until he passed out on top of me."

"Nice." He said gripping his cock upright, giving it a stroke. "Want to go again?"

"Definitely. I like to be on top like this." I said climbing onto Fred, he was quite a bit hairier than Minos, it felt interesting beneath my hands as I eased myself onto Fred's hard cock.

"Fuck, whatever you want. Ride me." I leaned down to kiss him, he turned away. "What are you doing?"

"Kissing makes me hornier."

"I don't know about that. That's -"

"Minos does it with Dale, if you don't want to kiss, I could just sleep with them instead."

"No, just, fuck, don't tell anyone."

I smiled, evilly, I liked this, it was good to be in control.

I kissed him, it was a bit wet and clumsy but it kind of turned me on thinking I was showing without words how to kiss better by nudging him in certain directions with my hands, mouth and tongue as I rode him.

Unfortunately I got a little too distracted with kissing practice, that I forgot to slow down when Fred's kisses got more heated and his thrusts became more rapid and well, you can guess the result, warmth and cum again.

After he came, Fred wasn't in the mood for kissing any more. I rolled off a sleepy Fred and onto my stomach. I was still horny though, so I ground my hard cock against the soft sheets thinking of all the sex I'd had recently and enjoying the feel of softness against my hardness while lost in memories of sex.


"You horny again?"

"Didn't stop being horny." I said somewhat impatiently, since he was ruining my thoughts of Felix and Minos on top of me.

"Want me to fuck you again?" I turned to look at him and he was stroking his hard cock again.

"No need to ask, just fuck me already."

He got on top of me and after some fumbling trying to find my hole, I nudged him into position with my hand and we were off and fucking again. "oh fuck. I could get used to this."

I grabbed onto the pillow to muffle my moaning as Fred railed me hard for several minutes, his hard hairy body on top of me, leaving me hot and breathless, as he ground my cock into the sheets as he pounded my insides until he came again inside of me, all the time grunting and groaning like some kind of beast. He rolled off me onto his back and I eased onto my side. "Fuck."

"Sorry. I'm not that great at this yet."

"No that was good, I feel better now that I've cum."

"You came? Why didn't you tell me?" He said rolling over to check the new wet spot in his bed.

"My face was kind of pushed into your pillow at the time."

"Oh sorry, I got a little carried away there."

"It's not a problem, just a little sleepy now."

"Did you want to sleep now ?"

"Far too early for that." I reached behind me to grip the semi hard cock behind me and put it back where it belonged, inside me.

"Fuck, I'm going to need at least a couple of minutes to recover from that last one before I can go again."

"That's fine. I just like it inside me. I'll need a couple of minutes too."

He wrapped his arms around my upper body, nuzzling close to my neck. "Mmm you feel so soft and warm."

"Thanks, you feel hard and warm."

"You're such a bad boy. I have this feeling we're not going to get much sleep tonight."

"Maybe." His cock was already firming up inside me as he slowly ground his hips in a circle. "But being bad feels so good."

Not long after our naked cuddle, turned into cuddle fucking, which led to me being fucked on my stomach again.

The night went on as we alternated between three positions, me on my side getting cuddle fucked, me on my stomach, getting absolutely pounded and Fred on his back, with me riding him like he was a horse. I made sure to watch his face to make sure he didn't cum before I was ready for him to.

There may have been some cuddles and naps in between but they didn't last long before I found myself waking up with Fred on top of me or getting fucked from behind as he held me tight. Not that I was complaining, I had told Fred that any time he wanted to fuck me, he was free to do so, however he liked. I'd tell him if I needed a break.

We eventually fell asleep, after hours of cuddling, fucking and a little bit of kissing.

When I woke up the next day, I had woken from a dream about being in the middle of Minos and Dale. Fred was sound asleep, I may have worn him out with all the sex. I was eager to have Minos' cock back inside me. Even though Fred's fucking got steadily better throughout the night, I had a craving for Minos' cock again, ideally while I fucked Dale again.

I sneaked through the hallway in the dark on my way to Dale's room. After a couple of minutes of trying to move stealthily and slowly so as not to wake up Frederic and Hilda, I got there.

I entered the room stealthily to find Dale, naked and sprawled over a sleeping Minos.

I reached out for Minos soft cock and put it into my mouth, it quickly grew inside me and he slowly woke up.

He looked at me and chuckled. "I guess Fred didn't give you enough cock last night."

Dale woke up too and gave me a bleary eyed look.

"Think you could fuck me or are you too sleepy?"

"I think I can handle it." Minos said, nudging a barely awake Dale aside.

Minos got out of his bed and escorted me to the other side of the room to Dale's bed and pushed me down onto Dale's bed and started fucking me slowly. Dale walked over and stuck his hard cock in my mouth.

"I wanted to fuck him again." Dale complained.

"You're turning into a little fucking stud aren't you Dale?"

Minos said, mockingly.


"Don't you poke your tongue out at me little boy or I'll bite it off." Minos said, then he made a little growl and then all I could hear above me was the sound of moaning and groaning and the weird wet sound of kissing, though it sounded different than when Felix and I kissed, there was far more growling involved.

They both continued fucking into me, their hands on my lower and upper back as they sought their pleasure inside of me.

I kept my hand off my cock so as to leave me aching for more later, the steady pounding on my sweet spot made me quite happy.

"Oh I can't stop." Dale said, his hips blurring in front of me as he railed my mouth. Soon after, his warm cum hit the back of my throat and he pulled out of me.

"Yeah fuck me, fuck me harder."

"That's the spirit. Change of position though." Minos said, pulling out his hard cock and flipping me onto my back before plunging back inside me, shoving his big hard cock all the way inside me and surprising me with an intense kiss.

I lost track of time for a bit as Minos continued to kiss and fuck me oh so good.

Dale broke the spell "I want to fuck him too, stop hogging him."

Minos laughed. "You can have him once I'm done with him."

"Fuck, I'm crazy horny, lately."

"You're always horny, just now you know the joys of a hot ass. Welcome to my world."

"You can both fuck me." I said hungrily.

"That's the plan little buddy." Minos said.

"No at the same time, both of you fuck me. Fuck me." I started losing it a bit towards the end as Minos starts pounding me harder.

"Fuck little buddy, a few days in and you're already sluttier than my little brother."

"Hey!" Dale said pouting, it looked a bit weird since he was stroking his cock so intently.

"Yeah Yeah, you want to double fuck him with me? Or not?"

"How do we do it?" Dale asked.

"You just finger his hole and try and stretch it out a bit more, then stick your dick in slowly. I'll just have to switch positions to make it easier."

Minos pulled out of me, leaving me empty "Where are you going?"

"Settle down slut, you'll get both our cocks in a minute, just get out of bed so I can lay down, then you sit on my cock facing me and Dale can come up behind you and slide into you. Then we'll see how you take the both of us."

"Oh yes, of course." I said, realising that sex had made me stupid, I should have guessed that without being told. I got out of bed, allowing Minos to lay back down, holding his cock upright for me to sit on.

Dale came closer arms crossed, his 7 inch cock sticking out "How do you know so much about doing this? You've never done it with me before!"

"How did you think I managed to get Alec over to fuck you? We shared a doxie or two between us, real interesting times at the pub we've had while drunk after a successful mission."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Ah. Yeah. Fuck." Minos groaned out as I sat on his stiff cock, only half paying attention to their conversation, it was interesting information in it's own way but I wanted more cock NOW! "Because you never asked why Alec was willing to come over and share a slut with me."

"I'm not a slut." Dale protested.

"Says the boy who wants both of his brothers to fuck him."

"Shut up."

"Fuck me already Dale. I need it bad." I demanded, partially to stop them arguing but mostly I wanted them to fuck me hard together.

"Yeah Dale, go and fuck the real slut."

"Fine. I will, we'll talk about this later.' Dale said grumpily.

"Yeah yeah, so scared, come on already stick it in him already, I'm getting bored."

I lifted up, making it easier for Dale to get in me. He first eased one finger into me, it went fairly easily so he shoved in another and I felt ready, more than ready, I was desperate for it. "Fuck me please."

"Oh fuck, this feels weird." Dale said, his cock pushing into me, stretching me wider.

"Fuck me. Fuck, fuck fuck." I moaned/groaned as they both started moving within me.

"Quiet slut, you'll wake the parents." Minos said before pulling me into a kiss.

"This feels so good."

"mmm" Minos moaned as he continued kissing me.

Dale hunched into me, fucking away at a rapid pace, while Minos slowly and methodically fucked me.

Dale was the first to come. Once Dale pulled out of me, Minos went full steam and just held me tight and just fucked me so hard. Fucking upwards the entire time wildly as if he was having a fit.

I came hard, all over his stomach and furry chest. It barely slowed Minos down and after another minute of rough fucking, he came into me.

I finally got a chance to recover, Minos semi hard cock still inside me. I settled on his sweaty cum soaked body.

It was weird, I felt energetic and exhausted at the same time. Wide awake yet lethargic.

Fred walked in, dressed only in his undergarments, "What's going on here?"

"The usual, just fucking horny boys. Want to join in?"

"I can't believe you couldn't wait for me to wake up." Fred said to me, sounding disappointed.

"Sorry. I was horny. I should wash up and return home." and I remembered I didn't have a home any more and I choked back the tears that wanted to come out. Alec's estate was my home now, at least until I could either get Dad to take me back or find a better option.

I clambered off of Minos, no longer feeling very horny, just kind of sad and lonely. Nothing new there.

"Looks like you missed your moment brother, you could always try Dale, he's gagging for your cock."

Fred just looked at us and rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you guys." and stomped off in a huff.

I followed behind, I didn't have much of a choice in the matter, I had left my pack in his room, with a change of clothes in it, I needed to get it.

I couldn't help but notice that Fred's butt looked good, clad in black undergarment that hugged his backside nicely.

I started getting horny again and by the time I got to his room, I was already hard again and willing to make it up to Fred by sucking his cock or getting fucked again.

I got down on my knees "I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I was just really horny and needed more cock."

He turned to look at me for a moment before fishing out his cock from his black undergarment and asking "Is this what you wanted?"


He shoved it into my open mouth and I sucked him for a bit before he lifted me up by the shoulders and threw me onto the bed. He sunk his whole cock into me with one thrust.

"This what you wanted."

"Fuck yeah."

He fucked me for at least ten minutes before cumming in me. A marked improvement from yesterday, stamina wise.

He didn't pull out and a minute later, my squirming and grinding got the desired effect and he started fucking me again.

This time he lasted at least fifteen minutes before cumming.

"When can you come visit again?"

I wasn't sure, life was very uncertain and there was Felix to consider. "A couple of days. I guess." I said with a shrug.

"Any time you want, you can come share my bed, I had a lot of fun with you."

"Yeah me too. You're a good cuddler."

"I miss your ass already." We both laughed, he was still somewhat hard inside me. He pulled out of me reluctantly.

I guess it was time to return to my new home and find out what to do about Felix and Alec and everything and everyone else. Not looking forward to dealing with that. That's for sure. No rest for the wicked.


Author's Note

Consider Golem to be the equivalent of a mix of Simon Says and the Dare part of Truth or Dare, mixed in with a little bit of Chicken. Children use this game to test each other's bravery, ability to follow orders and their creativity in coming up with uses for a golem army'. Losers are banished as rogue golems' or `destroyed' in comical fashion. Historical precedent has golems be weapons of war, that sometimes turn against their masters, sort of a cautionary tale turned child's game.

Children make use of the game to play war games, teenagers use the game as a pretext for sexual shenanigans and adults have fond memories of it laced with nostalgia for simpler/sexier times.

Might be a while until the next chapter is available, this story has become a lot more complicated than I originally planned, so it's taking more time to get all the stuff to line up, that follows causality and hints at all the dark secrets that will tear Lucius' life apart and force him to go on adventures for my sick perverted amusement or something. So sleepy now after writing this chapter for some odd reason.

Obligatory note: If you feel like it you can donate to Nifty through http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

If you want to check out my other stuff on nifty, links below

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/vainglorious/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/victor/

If you want to, you can also send me suggestions, questions or criticisms via waynewriteswords@outlook.com

Corrospondence from my readers helps me know how my writing is received and gives me a reason to continue through the inevitable rough patches of plotting and characterizations. Like Minos eye color changed from chapter 1 to 3, really need to write a character description for each character so I can keep track of all these things but like Lucius, I am very easily distracted.

Next: Chapter 9

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