Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Nov 8, 2021


Chapter 9 Time Out

After returning from my probationary mission, Lidan and I amused ourselves as usual by rough housing naked and destroying bedroom furniture. I kind of feel sorry for the servants who have to clean the room and having to constantly replace the beddings. Sucks to be them.

In the morning Lidan dragged me out of the wreckage of yet another bed and made me put on the bare minimum of clothing necessary. We were an odd pair, him in his loin cloth and me in my metallic shorts but it was enough for `decency' sake if nothing else.

We arrived at the city's dungeon and Lidan made use of his position as an Irregular to get us to the 69th floor spatial beacon, where we promptly entered the 70 th floor and ran into a tedious swamp populated by a single oversized hydra.

Lidan said, "let me take care of it."

"Have at it." I said completely disinterested in the prospect of engaging with such a frustrating foe. The hydra was a massive beast, about ten feet tall and just as wide, with 5 heads and twice as many `feet'.

Lidan went forth wings unfurled, a battle ax appearing from out of his spatial ring and glowing red and emitting waves of heat as he hacked at the hydra's head. Lidan moved like a hawk, swooping in and gliding by with brutal grace, removing one head, his heated ax cauterised the wound stalling the hydra's regrowth ability temporarily. He evaded and glided and dived in a symphony of steel and bloodshed, all the while hydra snapped at him with it's remaining heads, spraying poison at Lidan. Lidan barely reacted, simply creating a fiery bubble shield around him as he hacked and slashed at the hydra till it was a headless and charred carcass.

"That was fun." Lidan said as he returned to my side.

I glanced at his bloody body and resisted the urge to lick him from head to toe. Damn demonic urges but bloodshed gets me all hot and bothered, especially when Lidan is a red hot hunk. "Mind if I harvest that?"

"Go for it. I don't care."

I used [Blood manipulation] to tear apart the bloody carcass and remove the hydra's heart and stored it in my spatial ring to use later. I'm thinking I might like to make something similar to the hydric spiders but using my bloody pets as a base, somehow. It's worth a try at least.

We travelled through the portal into the 71st floor, whereas floor 70 was a swamp, this floor was a forest with cliffs off in the distance and wyverns circling high above us.

"Get on board" Lidan said arms outstretched, his loin cloth mysteriously disappeared.

"Sure." I ditched my metallic shorts and hopped into Lidan's arms, my legs circling around his waist, a moment later, I was impaled upon his stiff prick.

"Hold on tight" He said as he charged up scorching hot fire around his fists as he rushed forward flinging fireballs at trees, horned rabbits, boars and wyverns that tried to swoop in and eat us.

I wasn't paying that much attention as Lidan's cock jostled my insides with every step, every twist and turn, jiggling his cock about, rearranging my insides to better fit around his huge cock.

By the time we reached the cliff, half the forest was on fire and surviving wyverns had learned to stay clear of us or Lidan at least.

Lidan fire bombed the bottom of the cliff in order to make us a cavern to rest in ...

"Get off for a moment."

I reluctantly hopped off my sexy ride as he went further in, surrounded by fire, expanding the size of the cavern he created.

After a couple of minutes Lidan called out "you can come in now."

"Well doesn't this look cozy." I said looking around the rock walls still glowing red and my man sitting on the ground with his cock sticking up.

"Sit on my lap."

"With pleasure."

As I took my seat upon my lover, impaling myself on his thick cock, I prepared to start the fun by lifting myself up a bit, ready to bounce up and down until we both found bliss.

"Not so fast lover boy, it's time for you to meditate." Lidan said, placing his hands firmly but gently on my thighs so I couldn't move any further up.


"The first step to becoming a demon lord is to master your own sin, which we do by mastering our urges, the demon king recommends daily meditation with focused intention."

Despite myself I was curious, that sounded like a contradiction, meditation usually meant emptying yourself of everything and relaxing, whereas what Lidan said made no sense to me. "How do you do that?"

"First you have to center yourself, you must be the rock in the stream, the water rushes past but it does not move us, it washes over us but it does not consume us or move us, it merely inflicts insignificant damage."

"Um okay, but how do I do that and why can't we do that after you pound me stupid first?"

"You need to learn how to control your lust and to do that you need to embrace it, while controlling yourself and it."

"Are you sure we can't just have sex instead? It'd be a lot more fun than whatever it is your talking about."

"If you don't learn to control it, it will control you and while you might find it entertaining to spend your day getting pounded over and over again to satisfy your cravings, others will think less of you for it."

"So? Why should I care about others think?"

"If you want to continue having sex with me, you're going to have to learn. I don't particularly like you having sex with others, especially when you're eyeing up my team mates."

Lidan threatening to deny me his sexiness was a bit disconcerting. "So you just want me to have sex with you alone?" I wasn't sure how I felt about monogamy, I loved and lusted after Lidan but I had been burned before and I wasn't that eager to be that attached to one single person, in case it fell apart again.

"Well I'm not opposed to sharing you but it'll be on my terms, I want you to be mine and mine alone to use as I see fit. Also I'm a lord of wrath, so to keep up with me, you'll need to be a lord of lust at the very least, else how will I introduce you to my friends?"

The conversation was getting too serious and it was making my dick soft. "Fine, so what do you want me to do exactly?"

I figured it'd be easier just to play along with his request so that he could get to fucking me properly... Oh how naive I was.

"Finally, some sense, I keep forgetting how young you are, now close your eyes and picture the stream, yourself as a rock, the water rushing past you, your thoughts, your desires. You are the rock, you are undaunted by the world, it moves past you and you remain steady."

I closed my eyes trying to picture the stream and the rock but I kept getting distracted by his cock up my ass and my urge to make him cum inside me, to feel the bliss of his life energy flowing into me. I pull him down for a kiss, rocking my hips as fast as I can and he moves with me and for a moment all is good as he thrusts upwards, his hands on my ass, my tongue in his mouth. Then he pushes me off and I land on the hard ground, on my back. "Ow."

"Guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

He grabs me by the ankle and flips me onto my stomach and rams back into me but he doesn't move, he just pins me with his entire body weight.

"You're so mean."

"The second step of being a demon lord is to control the sins of others."

All of a sudden the frustration I felt from not getting the pounding I wanted turned into mindless rage. "SHUT UP AND JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!"

Lidan pulled out, leaving me empty inside and the rage disappeared as quickly as it flared up, then he lifted me into a sitting position and shoved his hard cock into my mouth, pushing deep into my throat, continuing as if my outburst never happened. "What's interesting about you is you're already half way there with the first and second step. The problem is you mostly suppress your lust with other distractions until it goes out of control and you just end up fucking whoever to scratch that itch. Instinctively you incite lust in others, stimulating their desires into fucking you, this happens when you're running low on energy, or when the other person has a trait that you desire. What we need to work on is your ability to understand yourself and others, this will take time and training but we have all the time in the world to get you there."

I couldn't really argue with him, because my mouth was full of his cock and it sounded somewhat logical. "mmph"

"Indeed. As you've experienced, I can make others angry but they have to have a spark of rage within for me to bring to life. It works wonders on the battlefield, anger is a fuel for exerting strength but it burns bright and fast and burns out just as quick. When used on enemies, I can have them lashing out at each other, wearing out their strength, making them easy pickings. You on the other hand could probably turn a battlefield into an orgy, if you had sufficient power. Wouldn't that be funny? You could stop wars, make love not war, what a funny concept."


"Anyway we got sidetracked, meditate on the image, control your urges, don't let them control you."

Oddly enough it was easier to meditate with a dick in my mouth than with it up my ass.

Lidan removed his wet cock from my mouth after some time, without cumming down my throat. I could finally speak, "so what now?"

"Keep meditating."

"You're not going to finish?"

"We're both going to be doing a lot of training."

I groaned. "that doesn't sound fun."

"Life isn't about fun, it's about power, who has it, who doesn't."


After that I mostly tried to keep focused while Lidan ramdomly used my mouth to pleasure himself. It was aggravating but I could see his point, I did get distracted fairly easily and I did prefer his company to anyone else and he had a great big cock that hit my sweet spot perfectly and...

Suffice to say trying to stay in control of my lust while getting face fucked was difficult to say the least. I kept trying to touch myself, only to have my hands pinned by Lidan.

Eventually he put me out of my misery and pinned me against the rough ground and fucked me but it wasn't as fun as usual since he kept telling me to "breath in slowly, keep centred, focus on your thoughts, keep control". The last little mantra was especially frustrating as he kept saying it every time I moved my ass back to increase the tempo of the fucking.

After a single much delayed orgasm, Lidan dragged me outside for more `training', much to my objection, a single fuck was far from enough to satisfy me, especially when half of me was covered in dirt. I gave myself a quick rinse with water magic, the mana cost a lot higher than when I had an affinity for it.

"While we have this time together, I'm going to get you to train your aerial combat skills and what better way than against wyverns, they're big, tough, somewhat magically resistant and slow flyers."

"Why are you making me do this?"

"You're a demon, you have wings that you hide, you should learn how to use them, it'll give you more options, whether it's to flee or to fight or even to fuck." He said with a cheeky wink.

I couldn't stay mad at him even if he was denying me our usual fuck until we're both too tired to move' experience. I was kind of happy to be treated to some paternalistic lecturing, Dominic was absent more often than not to provide me with any real guidance as to how to grow up'. I kind of just had to muddle my way through using books and various `friends'.

"Fine what do you want me to do?"

"Unleash your wings and make use of some magic to give you greater movement and control."

I thought about it for a moment, fire or air magic is the most common method of boosting flight but they're not the only way. I could make use of blood magic to provide me with more `lift' even if it was a bit more physically draining.

I unleash my wings, letting them grow out of my back, the essence of them have always been inside me one way or another, it just requires some concentration and an outpouring of mana to materialise them.

DDBG pours out of my veins, covering me in a thin blood outfit, a second pair of wings, formed solely out of blood and controled by my thoughts layer themselves over the flesh versions. They're smaller but they'll provide more lift, speed and maneouvrability at the cost of greater mana use.

I flap both pairs of wings and become airborne and Lidan follows afterwards on wings of flame, fire shooting from beneath his feet.

"Now what?" Lidan swooped at me, colliding with me in mid air, causing me to drop several feet before I could stabilise myself. "Hey what did you do that for?"

"We're practicing flying, fighting, fucking and fleeing." Lidan said pulling me into his arms before groping my butt with both hands before fucking me again.

Trying to fly while fucking was precarious and exhilarating, all my worst urges surged up. I was mostly kept up by Lidan, whose dick rammed into my freshly fucked and lubed hole over and over again.

I wrapped my arms around Lidan's neck as I enjoyed the breeze against my naked skin, his big dick pounding my ass and his warm body against mine. "yeah fuck me, this is so good."

"Think quick." Lidan said pushing me away, the abruptness of his withdrawal and the force of his push, leaving my mind blank.

The increasing air pressure as I hurtled towards the ground broke me out of my confusion, I manifested blood wings again while `turtling up' under blood armor as the treetop got distressingly closer..

I hit the treetop with a loud bang, drawing the attention of several beasts, most of them ground based, but one of them being a wyvern.

"You fucker!" I shout at Lidan as the Wyvern swoops down in order to try and eat me.

I flap both sets of wings while allowing blood to shoot out of the soles of my feet to gain greater momentum all while firing off [Blood Bolts] into the wyvern's eyes.

It screeches at me and I chase after Lidan whose laughing, the bloody bastard... I'm overwhelmed with the urge to fucking strangle the asshole, though his huge cock also makes me want to ride him while I'm choking him. Also as he's flying away from me, his meaty ass looks quite tempting too, it could probably do with some fucking as a punishment.

What followed was a semi chaotic 3 way battle, involving me firing off blood bolts with varying success, while chasing Lidan for `revenge', which often ends up with one of us briefly skewered on each other's cocks before separating again to launch attacks against the wyvern who is eventually joined by other members of it's group, making everything that much more difficult and dangerous.

Lidan launches the ocassional fireball when I get overwhelmed but it's half assed support at best.

I'm not sure who to be more mad at, Lidan for his chaotic training methods or the wyverns for interrupting our aerial fucking.

I take it out on the wyverns, since they're ugly and annoying while Lidan is sexy if annoying sometimes, sending continuous [Blood bolts] at their eyes and heads, it's more of an irritation than a deterrence for them but it does help to train both the accuracy and cast speed of [Blood Bolt] as it's my main method for attacking while flying.

After my flying improves, I gain a bit of distance from the group of five wyverns and create a small swarm of blood bees and butterflies to `blind' them following shortly after by [Blood Burst]ing and exploding their heads, which ultimately proves fatal for the aerial pests.

Then I claim my prize and choke fuck my man in mid air. Mostly I ride his cock while I choke him a little to burn off the frustration. The fact that he has a faint smile as I'm attempting to strangle him, just annoys me more.

Strength admittedly is one of my weakest stats, while it's one of Lidan's strongest.

Even though it was convoluted and oftentimes frustrating, my first aerial fuck was suitably satisfying, though I feel somewhat guilty when my cum rained down on that monstrous boar. Admittedly the guilt only lasted until I sent some blood bees down to blow up it's brain.

After cumming a second time, I felt a little more satisfied, though I could probably go another dozen rounds before exhaustion would set in and I'd be suitably fucked. I had the feeling that Lidan was going to be a cock tease today and I wasn't sure how I felt about that to be honest. My hard dick wanted satisfaction while my mind was darkly amused at being subjected to the carrot and stick routine by my demonic partner, especially since he was using his dick as carrot and stick.

Lidan let me dissect and harvest the dead wyverns before he subjected me to part 3 of his master training program; physical training.

"Having a good body is a good first step but you need to be able to use it for more than just sex, you need to know how to move it for maximum effect."

"What do you want me to do now?" I asked impatiently.

"I'm going to teach you how to fight more effectively on the ground, without using magic or minions."

"Ugh kill me now."

"Stop whining, you'll enjoy it." He continued in a whisper "eventually."

He walked me through basic combat, punching, kicking, wrestling. The last part had it's moments, as the hold's often ended up with his cock in my hole but sadly not for long before moving onto the next thing.

He also had me undertake `physical conditioning' which was a mix of random activities such as walking, jogging or running around, push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups and various stretches and exercises.

Afterwards I was exhausted and physically drained from all the unexpected exercise, when it's not about fucking, I'm generally physically lazy, a side effect of being bed bound for years.

I got a bit more energy when Lidan pinned me to the ground and fucked me to completion, pumping his life energy into me.

Part 4 out of 5 of his training was me becoming more familiar with alchemy, specially blood magic and creating and managing minions. It was the least troublesome of his training as it was my actual field of expertise. It gave me time to think and recover from the more physical aspects of training.

Part 5 of the training was a mix of meditation, lust control, sex, dream discussion and energy manipulation. It was the most intensive as it explored my incubi powers and abilities, along with trying to manage the downside of uncontrolled lust with partial satiation combined with mediation.

The wyvern floor had no night cycle, so we simply shut ourselves indoors by using earth magic to lock the cave door'. Lidan let me enjoy our usual unrestrained fun times during our lights out' fucking me in the dark.

Day 40?

After that first eventful day, things settled into a sort of routine

early morning = sex training/meditation morning hunt – rabbits, with various plants as garnish mid day = flight training & wyvern hunting followed by lunch of wyvern meat afternoon = physical training evening = blood training/ alchemy research evening hunt followed by a dinner of roasted boar night = sex training/ normal sexy times/ sleep

Admittedly some days one part of training would run longer than normal or be replaced by some other activity, such as sleeping, sex or wiping out the inhabitants of the floor with large scale fire/blood magic.

One day drifted into another and despite how tiresome and tedious the training could be, I did enjoy Lidan's company and the time alone together, allowed me to feel a lot closer to him, since there were less distractions getting in the way.

The month or so training helped to solidify my foundations, my rise had been rapid and I hadn't really had the chance to digest all the changes. It also gave me time to experiment with my minions and with my new legendary class.

My main priority was to improve the effectiveness of my minions, through a combination of alchemy and blood magic. The more they could do for me, the less I'd have to do, while I'm perfectly capable of fighting if necessary, I'd rather avoid getting my hands dirty. That said, I somehow spend the least amount of time on it. A lot of my efforts to improve my minions required time to solidify into something useful or for me to determine if it was useful. For example me trying out different combinations of blood infusions into my various minions to see which were more useful than others.

I spend the majority of my time improving my personal skills as the weakness of the summoner strategy is that everybody always focuses on attacking the summoner, rather than the army of summons, which is dangerous for me. Mostly I focus on defense, distraction and delaying techniques. Defense is dealt with improving my blood armor's activation time, defensive strength and durability. Distraction is focused on various techniques meant to confuse and distract enemies, such as using blood butterflies as a smokescreen or using demonic whispers to weaken an enemy's attack. Delaying is mostly me dodging things and running around until my minions can finish off the enemies.

Today I wake up, pin Lidan onto his back and ride his stiff cock while engaging in active meditation, slowly savoring the experience, with deep and regular breathing. I used to find active meditation during sex deeply frustrating but it's become very enjoyable. It's somewhat of an acquired taste, the delayed gratification has a certain quality than a quick rut does.

Lidan's a lot more enjoyable to kiss and ride since he's reduced his height to 6'8 and I've upped mine to 6'6, it makes certain positions a lot easier and definitely makes kissing less troublesome.

What follows is a quick jaunt to find a horned rabbit to fry up with some fire magic for breakfast.

This is followed by flying practice, where I engaged in aerial combat against wyverns and eventually pick out the least damaged to harvest for parts. I've been making great use of wyvern blood for a variety of purposes, while wyverns aren't pretty, they do have some tasty meat when cooked properly. Also since they tend to have affinities for body and air magic, they make useful ingredients for improving my various blood minions and other random alchemical experiments, mostly elixir making.

Afternoon is spent running through physical exercises, no magic allowed, so it's tiring but also sort of invigorating. I've gotten better at moving my body and there's a sense of satisfaction in sweating and getting sweaty with a horny man. Might help that after our spar, with grappling that I end up under Lidan getting thoroughly dicked.

Then Lidan goes off to do his own thing while I work on improving my minions.

Then another round of active meditation while riding Lidan's cock, followed closely thereafter by him hammering at my insides with his cock while I'm pinned beneath him. Then another `day' is over and we sleep.

Day 400?

one last rampage before leaving the dungeon.

Legendary Skill has ranked up once while down here, which provides a 20% reduction in costs in creating minions. However I feel that it'll take another ten years before it ranks up again. Ranking up Legendary skills is a lot more effort than ranking up normal skills. It's not surprising, if it was easy to level up Legendary skills it'd undermine the concept of the Legendary class. It's not too concerning, time is one of the few advantages I have over a lot of other people, even if there are various elixirs to extend other's time, my advantage is inherent and innate.

Redesigned the bloody behemoth into a lower grade blood version of a wyvern, aiming for a bloody version of a dragon was a bit too ambitious. I can use it for aerial transport and limited aerial assaults. I mostly rely on Alice and Betty for aerial coverage and attacks. Betty's bees provide the attack and Alice's butterflies swarm around my body for defense and distraction, if in trouble, they burst and provide a screen of blood to cover an escape and or inflict damage on those attacking. They provide limited damage but they can delay attacks for vital time.

The time in the dungeon has provided me with a lot of personal growth and allowed my minions to improve and solidify their own foundations.

On the ground, Boris (blood bear) and Noph (blood boar) serve as vanguards slaughtering the unlucky ground bound dungeon denizens using their bulk and blood crystal armaments to kill and kill again. After they do their work Alphonse (blood beetle) and his small army of blood beetles swarm the carcasses converting their bodies via transmutation into mana enriched blood to provide replenishment and nourishment to the three of them.

In the air, I sit on the bloody behemoth that's been enriched with my blood and the blood of countless slain wyverns. Alice is situated in the middle of my back with a thread of blood connecting us together in an unholy union, similar to a chimera but temporary. Alice serves as my second pair of wings and provides continual magical buffs, most of which just improves my blood regeneration. Betty on the other hand the big old bitch has her blood crystal stinger pierced through my heart continually milking me of my precious blood to produce endless swarms of blood bees.

I'm full demonic for this last excursion, full on demon wings out my shoulder blades, Alice providing additional lift with second pair of wings and demonic tail providing balance and rudder for random aerial shifts. My abilities to fight on the ground and the air have drastically improved over the last year or more so spent here. Nothing like killing every day for over a year to really hone the combat experience. Despite that my leveling has drastically slowed down, as nothing on this floor of the dungeon provides much in the way of experience to me personally. They do help in levelling my minions, even if their growth is slowed by the fact that their blood minions rather than pure creatures. They're closer to elementals than anything else.

Swarms of butterflies and bees make short work of the limited wyverns in our way to the exit portal. I throw out my two blood daggers from time to time to speed up the process of slaughter, each of the blood daggers have been crystallised with my blood and are tied to my wrists with strings of blood, this allows me to attack from a mid range distance, with the ease of moving a finger. Each of the daggers are enchanted with some minor runes, durability, drain and repair. Drain is the most useful as I use the daggers to attack various weak spots on the wyvern, eyes, head, heart and generally drain my target of blood, life and mana. Since the daggers are literally attached to me, I can use my innate abilities to drain energy from targets from a distance and the fresh blood helps to repair and enhance the daggers through battle.

The wyverns pose little threat as they're slow and dimwitted cousins of the mighty dragons, having only tough leather hides, flying and sheer weight as their advantages over other creatures. Lidan flies behind me helping out with fireballs and flaming fists as needed.

Finally I'm free of this dungeon. Time to take a break, from this `break'.


Author's Note: apologies for the delay in posting a new chapter, lots of stuff has happened in real life, I got a new job, then I spent two weeks in quarantine and I generally lost the motivation and momentum of writing and posting on the regular. I'm going to try and get back into a regular routine again, hopefully now that I'm past this awkward montage time skipping chapter, the next chapter should be easier to finish... Hopefully.

Next chapter: Demon King - Lidan takes Lucius to the demon capitol where he learns more about his fellow demons, their motivations, abilities and their varied interests.

Next: Chapter 47: Monstrous Alchemist 10

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