Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 22, 2020


Author's Note/Disclaimer: This chapter gets bloody, not for the faint of heart. (probably not as bad ch 29 though). I'm not 100% on all the science involved in this chapter as I'm not a chemist or an engineer so feel free to chalk up any mistakes to magic, or another world or insufficient details on wikipedia, whatever takes your fancy. :P lol

Also, there's a cliff, since the original chapter got too big and needed to be split in half to make editing and proof reading manageable. The next half of this chapter should be posted in a couple of days.

Chapter 35 Irregulars (part 1)

Day 90ish

To be honest I don't remember the exact words Elven King Braern said to me, or what the Immortal King William said to me, I was too in shock about learning I was going to be a father due to Dungeon Paul hijacking my body that one time to fuck both my Elf slaves that I just kind of said the first thing that popped out of my mouth."I need to consider my response in private, thank", then I promptly ran all the way back to the dungeon to panic in peace.

Once I entered the Dungeon, I connected with Dungeon Paul and he knew what I knew, he was also in shock, as much as a magic rock could be. Emotions were a bit skewed for him, possibly one of the reasons he was so strange and his behaviour so intense, random and unpredictable.

I said to the first floor entrance golem,"potion roo", I needed potions to get me on an even keel, a nice sedative and a good old orgasm or two to calm down.

I was instantly teleported to the potion room and I grabbed Theta's hand and dragged him away from his potion work, grabbing a random vial of sedative with my other hand to chug down from one of the trays. Sedatives are one of the many products we make, though most of the sedatives are used for Sigma's experiments with the rest used for some of my more darker experiments.

I drag a leather apron wearing Theta into my poison and corpses room, using my private key to open the iron door and pushing Theta against the dissection table. I press him face down onto the cold steel table and penetrate him with my hard cock. Despite the sedative, I'm still too worked up to be gentle. I slammed my hard cock balls deep with one quick thrust of the hips, sinking into his warm tight hole. He groaned in a familiar mix of pleasure and pain.

I use [Soul Resonance] to communicate with my brothers, sending out a clarion call that the whole family needs to assemble for an emergency meeting in the dungeon. [Soul Resonance] allows for immediate transmission of information disregarding distance for those who share the same soul. As we only share a bit of the same soul, the amount of information that can be transmitted is limited.

Then I resumed the rough fucking of Theta's ass, to work off my aggression and frustration, holding him down, pressing the length of my body against his as I nipped at his neck while ramming him hard and fast, the pleasure and the sedative, helping to soothe my sense of frustration and fear a little. Alpha is the first to show up, covered in goblin blood and in Beast Mode. Not an uncommon occurrence, Alpha spent most days in the goblin Arena murderising goblins in new and exciting ways in an effort to increase his Warrior class faster than I can Alchemist. He's a bit competitive, but his efforts are likely to be futile as his experience gain only helps me level more.

I'm currently level 45 as an Alchemist and he's level 40 as a Warrior, he works hard in order to be a better bodyguard and assassin.

He usually comes to bed naked and bloody and sometimes in beast form, usually Beta would clean him off before one or both of us would get thoroughly and sometimes brutally fucked. Sometimes if we were particularly horny, we wouldn't bother with cleanliness and just proceed to fucking. It often led to us having to burn the bunny pelt blankets but they're easily replaced and sometimes the bed would break entirely but thanks to dungeon magic, that could easily be replaced too. There's something very primal and compelling about a naked man covered in the blood of his defeated enemies. Or maybe that's just Furtado's influence on my sex drive, who knows. It's hot though. Or maybe I get horny thinking about dead goblins, who can know?

Suffice to say Alpha slams his huge beast man cock into my butt, while we wait for the others to arrive at the impromptu convention of our collective. His hard cock and body contrasts nicely with the soft fur, that covers his body during Beast Mode. Alpha claws off my outfit with annoying ease, leaving me naked and bloody. Not that I care too much as I have a huge cock hammering at my prostate and a tight hole squeezing my cock as I slam into Theta, harder and faster, enjoying being sandwiched between my bros. Alpha fucks hard, Beast mode doubling his strength and speed among other things, his rough embrace and hard cock, slamming into me in a soothing and familiar rhythm is just the kind of comforting I need.

The others start filtering in, Omicron with his forge golem, then Sigma with his pair of Shadow Wolves, he's also naked and covered in blood for reasons best not explored. Sigma had also made and taken a beast man grafting potion, though his was more involved than my first attempts were. It's provided him a permanent increase in strength, stronger shadow magic affinity and an innate understanding of [Shadow Step], he's also got a full beard and a lot more hair everywhere on his body.

Omega followed after, along with his note pad, he glanced at me sandwiched between Alpha and Theta, still fucking away and moved over to stand next to Omicron's forge golem. He immediately started taking notes of my failed experiments. I had attempted to replicate Tunkux, Munaac, Kal and Dagara among others for various experiments with varying success. Even the failed experiments could be scrapped for parts, so there were various corpses and carcasses in various states of `harvesting' around the room.

Elf blood was a vital ingredient in numerous longevity potions. Beastman blood varied in usefulness, Tunkux's was useful for a certain transformation grafting potion, while Munaac provided shadow affinity in liquid format. Even failed copies of them provided useful alchemical ingredients. Making exact replicas of anyone but myself or my brothers was difficult, I understood myself and my brothers on a cellular level with intimate detail. Others not so much. A work in progress.

Beta, Zeta, Delta, Gamma and Epsilon were the last to arrive, all of them wearing different coloured robes and wielding mana crystal topped staves. My Mage brethren often visited Deva's Mage Tower for training in enchanting, among other various mage craft pursuits.

Typically I spent my days in the dungeon with Theta, mixing various potions and occasionally visiting my poison room for testing poisons on various blank humonculi and dissecting corpses for a better understanding of anatomy of different races and the effects of various potions and poisons on them. Or simply to harvest them for parts.

Only my brothers knew about this room as I doubt the corpses piled around the place would be welcomed in `polite society'. What can I say? Alchemy is a messy and ruthless pursuit.

Now that all my brothers had arrived, I sped up my thrusting even more, pushing myself closer to the edge of bliss with every fuck stroke. It didn't take me much longer to blow, worked up as I was. I groaned in ecstasy as I emptied out some frustration, life energy and cum into Theta's hot ass. My orgasm caused my insides to clench up involuntarily around Alpha's cock, intensifying my bliss as his thrusting picked up pace as he gripped my chest, his claws piercing flesh as he growled and came into me.

Alpha paused for a moment, as his orgasm washed over him and his cum splattered my anal walls and his warmth and life energy surged into me, combining the bliss of being fucked, fucking and the energy equivalent of a satisfying meal into one.

Alpha gripped my hips and started fucking my ass again.

{Enough} I transmitted telepathically to Alpha, while I could keep going, I have more serious matters to discuss with my brothers, now that I'm somewhat calmer.

Alpha pulls out his enlarged and engorged cock out of my hole without protest. My hole feels somewhat empty, while another round was tempting, I had too much stuff to take care of. I pulled out of Theta's ass, feeling more relaxed after an intense orgasm. I squeezed past my two naked brothers, cock still hard and ass still wet with cum to address my brothers.

Alpha proceeds to slam his slick cock into Theta's warm wet hole, digging his claws into Theta's shoulders, to pin him down, with his increased height and weight and started fucking him hard. Theta can take it, he's often getting fucked by me or one of the 15 Dungeon Paul Golem Avatars. Alpha may be a rough fucker in beast mode, but the fucking is hot and good for improving constitution thanks to [Enduring].

I used [Psychic Union] to quickly and efficiently communicate my plan to my brothers, all while Alpha and Theta kept fucking in the background.

While nothing I could do would give me the power to outfight two Kings and their retinues, if I could at least get to level 50, I'd have another Class available for selection and be closer to being a proto legend and I'd have more skills and Perks and options available.

The first step was relatively simple if tedious, the creation of an iron golem. I used my connection to Dungeon Paul to send him a message {increase the time to 4 times the outside}

Ever since two weeks ago, Dungeon Paul has been able to change time, at least within his `realm'. As a result, Adventurers can spend an hour going through the first five floors and only half an hour will have passed outside the dungeon. This serves two main purposes, it allows more Adventurers to visit as the wait time for the auto set is subjectively lowered and on the dungeon's side, it allows it to get a higher DP allowance from having more people staying in the dungeon longer.

I've been slacking on my duties as a Chosen of Death, partly because the position worries me greatly but mostly because I've been so busy with other stuff. From unravelling the mysteries of the runes within Dungeon Paul Golem to balancing wanting my brothers available for my goals and allowing them to live their own lives. There's also so much to learn about potions and poisons and all my brothers gather so much information on their respective paths that it's hard to keep track of it all and nominally manage a Dungeon Town as well.

{Sure, I can up the time dilation to four on this floor for a few hours before my mana reserves will start to suffer.}

{That should be long enough for me to do what I need.}

{Sorry about the whole baby momma thing.}

{I'll deal with it somehow.}

The eleven of us joined in a group [Psychic Union], every one of my brothers had the Mind affinity, as mind affinity allowed us to easily stay in touch telepathically and share information far faster than through mere verbal communication. Alpha had already pumped another load into Theta and had reverted to his human form, so he was ready to work, even if he was naked.

We fed our mana into Beta and he created a small army of earth golems to go fetch us iron ore. Dungeon Paul had a group of goblin miners shift production into overdrive to provide us with extra iron. Once the iron ore was collected, Omicron directed Gamma and Delta in the best way to use their fire and earth magic in order to shape and smelt the iron ore into iron. Omicron had earth, fire and mind affinity.

Beta provided assistance as to the correct method of golem articulation of metal golems, which he learned from Deva and her use of mithril to make her golems.

Zeta, Episolon and I provided our assistance in providing the mana inscription of the runes, using Dungeon Paul's golem avatar as a rough basis. That's why there's a Golem Avatar in the potion room, so I can research his runes, nothing to do with the foot long rock cock that regularly resides in my rectum...

Sigma simply provided his mana for our efforts, Alpha provided the muscle to move various heavy ore deposits into place and Omega documented our efforts and provided pedantic corrections to rune placements.

After an hour or so of effort, we had a new iron golem, which we left in the poison room for Dungeon Paul to absorb, replicate and possess as he wanted. Payment of sorts for all the iron and his redirection of goblin miners on the fourth floor to assist us.

The effort helped to increase my alchemy experience by a bit but it was only the first step of many steps to become a proto legend quickly.

It was time for a more complex family project.

Step 2 Humonculi brothers, (third batch/generation).

All of us had Mage as a Class, either as our primary Class or as a sub-class, so we all used [Meditation] along with [Mana Drain] to restore our mana pools to our maximum before beginning.

Instead of relying on the dungeon core to provide the mana for creating humonculi, I could draw on the collective mana of my brothers. My intelligence had improved as had all of theirs and they had all reached the same stage as me after repeated [Energy Draining] sessions from their brothers. All of them had 100 mana for every 1 point of intelligence. Our collective mana pool was far higher than Dungeon Paul had available three months ago. Most of my brothers had gone for a high Intelligence build after all (Alpha being the only real exception).

With my experience at working with the previous two batch of humonculi creation, I was more experienced and confident in the optimal method of humonculi creation. It didn't hurt that due to the inclusion of the four armies into Nilbog, we ended up getting twenty new Mages signing up to Deva's Mage tower. As such there was more expertise on various schools of magic to be explored by my Mage brothers and applied in this situation. Of particular value was blood and bone magic, that was of great value to my research and Beta's and Zeta's healing abilities.

I spill blood, mine and that of my brothers, which is poured into a large vat within the potion room, the golem avatar in the room blocking the door to stop potential `winners' of the Goblin Arena intruding on the scene. The eleven of us channel our power in a choral cast with me as the conductor, pouring our wills and mana into fashioning us more family. The image is simple and familiar, that of my earlier self, young, slim and curious.

It doesn't take long for the first new homunculi brother to be formed out of blood, his naked body dripping with blood, cock hard and ready for action. He's barely functional, with only the barest amount of intelligence, I split my soul and give him 5%. It took months to recover from the damage done to my own soul last time but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Barry is the first out of the vat and is given the gift of essence by Sigma, as he has the affinities for blood, mind and shadow. Due to time constraints, it's simply a dose of blood before he is taken aside. Barry the blood mage. I want him to focus solely on blood magic research and combat moving forwards.

My basic plan is to make another ten brother/sons to speed up my Alchemist levelling then power level them while simultaneously expanding my knowledge of various magics, with ten more dedicated magic researchers/ combat mages. One Mage/brother for each of the remaining affinities, excluding soul magic as it's a highly restricted line of research and I should hold off on it until the timing is better.

Sigma could have been useful for exploring blood magic, but he's too busy fucking around with animals to be bothered. He picked up the affinity from Phillip's Blood Mage, who he had brought along to help heal any injuries received, though that didn't really work out as he had planned.

Barry is tied up in the poison room until we have time to deal with his horniness.

A brief break to [Meditate] and [Mana Drain] before starting creation of our next brother, Benny the Bone Mage. Benny's creation proceeds much like Barry's but we don't have his designated magic ready yet, so he'll have to settle for mind and water affinity from Zeta for the moment.

And so it continues, with Billy, designated to research the body affinity, provided with an equivalent five percent of my soul and passed off to one of my brothers to supervise and provide essence for.

The process repeats for;

Wally – the Wind Mage Louie – the Lightning Mage

Larry – the Light Mage Davey – the Darkness/Shadow mage Garry – the Gravity mage Terry – the Time mage Steve – the Spatial mage

Admittedly, they're not actually any of those things yet, most of them lacking the relevant affinity to be the talented speciality Mages I want them to be but it's only a matter of time. Affinity isn't everything, affinity simply makes it easier to collect a particular type of mana or to convert pure mana into an aligned magic. Aptitude and effort are the real necessities to mage craft. Affinity makes it cheaper to cast certain spells, aptitude determines how effective those spells are and effort is simply how much blood and sweat you put into learning.

Body and Soul have been provided to the newest generation of brothers/sons/grandsons?, now it is time for their Minds to be enhanced.

Epsilon, Zeta and I all use [Brainwashing] to provide our latest brothers with what they need to know to take the first step as Mages and men of note.

We teach them a useful spell of each of the major affinities we're most familiar with.

[Earth's Grasp], (earth), useful to slow an enemy's movements, [Manifest Water] (water) useful in creating water out of mana, a basic utility spell and a first step towards more powerful water magics. [Telepathy] (mind) – allowing our brothers to communicate silently with us, with increased speed and with a more complete understanding of intent and context than mere words. [Fireball] (fire), a useful basic combat spell, to burn enemies and to start a camp fire too.

Third step. Product testing.

Now that each brother has been created, ensoulled and sufficiently mentally enhanced, it is time for the traditional family welcoming, an orgy. Yes it may seem like I'm just a horndog that's obsessed with having sex all the time but I have my reasons for doing what I'm doing beyond mere pleasure.

One, it's a great way for my newest siblings to work on fine muscle control when they alternate between sucking, stroking and riding cock, improving dexterity and stamina via rigorous exercise. Two, it's a fun and easy way to pump energy into their bodies with the prolonged physical contact (infusion and mana manipulation). Three, it's a way to increase their base stats via [Enduring], particularly Intelligence, Constitution and Endurance. Four, it's a way to do a thorough check of their reaction to stimuli and their body's overall healthiness, while they're naked and their bodies can be rubbed, kissed, sucked and fucked. Five it's a way of promoting family togetherness through communal activity, the family that plays together stays together or something. Last but not least, seeing ten naked men all of which are slim, horny and hard and also virgins makes me fucking horny as hell.

Nearly an hour of naked sweaty product testing later, we get redressed (most of us) and collect our various spatial bags/backpacks, Dungeon Paul providing clothing for my baby bros.

Despite spending two hours in the dungeon so far, only a half an hour would have passed outside, so I still had some time before someone would come looking for me, hopefully.

Fourth step. Power levelling

Each of my new brothers casts one or more spells as a test run before choosing Mage as their primary Class, before picking [Meditation] and [Mana Efficiency] as their first Skill and Perk. [Meditation] improving mana regeneration at the cost of being stationary, and [Mana Efficiency] reducing the cost of all spells by 10%.

I'm half tempted to make a Soul Mage to complete the set but that'll have to wait until the next batch, as the kingdom and the world is twitchy about soul magic, what with necromancy being so prone to abuse.

Each of my new brothers were given a basic blue robe to go over Wyvern trousers, along with a replicated mana crystal topped stave to help with casting. The staves help channel mana, which can help when casting spells and most useful can store some extra mana externally, providing an extra mana pool to exploit.

We make a quick trip to the Goblin Arena to have them get some easy levels by killing some goblins. The Goblin Arena has also improved with the dungeon's continued expansion, it can have up to a hundred different battles occur simultaneously. The supply of competitors is practically endless with the goblins high reproductive rate and dungeon replacements. We don't pay any attention to the Adventurers already there, too busy to socialise and the Adventurers must appreciate that since they stay out of the way. That or they're afraid of all the Mage robes or Alpha cows them, who knows? Who cares?

We start off simple, with each of the baby bros, being pitted against a basic generic goblin. My Mage brothers use [Earth's grasp] and [Fire Ball] to kill a goblin each, making full use of the mana crystals to refill shallow mana pools.

After a few easy battles killing off goblins, one at a time, to help improve their spell casting in combat situations and improve their mana pools, I have Billy go and pick up an affinity from one of the permanent goblin shaman competitors. Billy takes a bite out of the goblin shaman specialising in body magic and gains the body affinity. Dungeon Paul ensured the goblin shaman cooperation by advising of the situation, the fact that it bypassed the need for another death, the goblin complied without complaint. The goblin competitors are used to dying, but it's not that enjoyable for them as they remember each death. It's not the preferred way to acquire an affinity, but sucking off a goblin would be even less pleasant, goblin dicks are weird and gross.

Goblin shamans typically get a random affinity when born, the most common being fire and body enhancement. Goblin shamans with fire magic are dangerous to a low levelled warrior but goblin shamans with body enhancements and a tribe can be dangerous even to mid ranked warriors. Body magic allows you to improve your own body or that of allies, temporarily or permanently.

Davey gets a dose of Munaac's replicated blood to acquire shadow affinity.

After all my new Mage brothers have levelled up to level 2 or 3, it's time to venture downstairs for some real power levelling.

Despite not personally visiting the sixth to eleventh floor, I know exactly what's on each floor, thanks to the soul connection I have with Dungeon Paul.

The golem on the sixth floor entrance room also robotically repeats the information even if I didn't know."Sixth floor, Warg rider"

The floors after the goblin arena aren't that popular except for veteran Adventurers looking for more danger. The more dangerous a situation the higher the experience gain is, while the goblin raiders or warg riders as Dungeon Paul likes to call them aren't that much more powerful than the ones found in the goblin arena, there's a couple of reasons for the increased danger. One, they're not limited to attacking alone, second, they attack via ambush from out of the darkness making use of their superior night vision to gain an advantage and attack when Adventurers get too close.

The sixth floor is another large cavern, with high grass and horned rabbits, with the occasional burning torch on the walls to provide some illumination for `visitors'.

Beta and I provide golem support, I summon and control two, one as vanguard and another as rear guard, Beta outdoes me by making four, 2 to walk in front, 2 to cover our rears. Alpha and Beta walk on either side of me, Alpha on my right, Beta on my left, I have a hand placed on each of their butts, draining mana from Alpha to give to Beta, or from Beta to give to Alpha. My personal mana pool has been halved due to all the soul splitting. Mana is stored within the body but it's also stored within the soul, by splitting mine up, I've also reducing my casting capabilities somewhat. It's not a major problem, my soul will recover in time naturally, though by consuming souls, my recovery will be a lot faster. (There's a reason, soul magic is restricted.)

The first pack of goblin raiders attack our front line ineffectively, hitting the golems and doing little to no damage to their stone bodies. I used [Hive Mind] to help my baby brothers coordinate a counteroffensive quickly. As there's five goblin raiders and ten baby brothers, I assign them into pairs, and they use [Telepathy] to communicate with their partner, to better coordinate their target and timing. Then they use [Earth's Grasp] collectively and in combination on the Shadow Wolves, targeting the front or rear pair of legs with a cast of [Earth's Grasp], locking down the Wolves before alternating casting [Fireball] on wolf and rider until both are charred corpses/carcasses.

We progress through several differing sized packs, killing everything we see, including any horned rabbits that get in our way. Whenever the baby bros are in need of more mana, one of the older brother steps in to provide a mana boost. Through use of [Hive Mind] I know exactly what my brothers need at all time, whether that's a meat shield or a mana top up. Due to my reduction in my maximum mana pool, I play the role of a battle coordinator, collecting the spoils of battle in my own way.

I reap the souls of the fallen to recover soul power, I need to be at my strongest in every way. The 30 goblins, 30 Shadow Wolves and a hundred rabbits do little to recover my lost soul energy, recovering only 2%. Still, every little bit helps.

Next floor, I ignore floor 7th's golem pronouncement"Goblin shamans and company ahoy"

We progressed through another grassy cavern, killing rabbits as we progressed, a goblin shaman leading a cohort of fifty goblins approached. The first goblin shaman is a mere fireball casting nuisance, providing little real threat to our group. It's [Fireball] lands on one of the leading golems and his fireball is met with volley after volley of [Fireballs] fired by my baby bros. I'm so proud of how violent and effective they are, their growth makes me proud and also provides me with a steady if small influx of Alchemist Class experience. The stronger they become, the better it is for me.

After five more goblin shaman led goblin groups including one with body enhancement magic, we finally reach the end of floor 7. Unfortunately none of the goblin shamans appeared to have bone magic or anything else I or my brothers could use. Oh well, I'm hopeful floor ten may have what we need, since there will be a lot more goblin shamans there. "Next up is hobgoblin knights and their hordes" The Floor Golem states as we enter floor 8.

We soon encounter our first Hobgoblin Knight led horde, ten Hobgoblin Knights ten Night Steeds ridden by Hobgoblins, serving as the goblin equivalent of heavy cavalry, all of them armed with either daggers or short swords. The Hobgoblin Knights hit hard, with three of them bogging down the vanguard golems, Alpha rushes forth in beast mode [Shadow Step]ping into the path of two of them bringing them down. Delta turns the land around three of the hobgoblin knights into a quagmire, which leaves only a couple of hobgoblin knights for us to deal with.

I use [Hive Mind] and [Telepathy] to direct my brothers into mass fireballing the two remaining knights. Sigma's wolves tear the downed riders apart, with teeth and claws. The horde of a hundred goblins following in the hobgoblin's initial attack is slaughtered viciously.

We take a ten minute break to review battle strategies and pass on higher order spells as all my brothers have reached level 10 or higher as Mages during the last battle and are able to select their second free Mage Skill and Perk. All of them select [Mana Manipulation] as their free skill and [Magical Proficiency] as their Perk. [Mana Manipulation] would allow them to better control and manipulate mana, lowering spell inefficiencies, lowering spell costs and increasing effect. [Magical Proficiency] was a simple Perk that provided a twenty percent increase (per milestone) in the speed of learning new spells.

The baby bros are taught [Ice spike], [Stone Spike] and [Stone Wall] in particular to improve their overall combat capability. [Stone wall]s to produce obstructions, [Stone Spikes] to provide damage and obstacles, and [Ice Spike]s to wound and slow attackers.

While golems are hard to kill, they're relatively easy for our enemies to avoid, the hobgoblin knights are a bit too fast for the golems to be that effective at holding the line. We reposition the golems so that they accompany the weakest Mages. Some of my brothers are able to choose the ideal subclasses and do so, with a little bit of guidance and help from their older and wiser brothers.

Davey learns [Shadow blade] from Alpha and unlocks Shadow Mage and promptly selects it. He chooses [Obscuring shadow] and [Darkness follows] as his free spell and Perk. [Obscuring Shadow] is a spell allowing for a Mage to use his shadow as a cloak to hide in the darkness. [Darkness follows] is a perk that reduces the cost of shadow magic by 20% per milestone.

Steve learns [Mage Hand], [Telekinesis] and [Slow] from Beta and becomes a Spatial Mage. He picks [Spatial Distortion] as his free spell and [Space abounds] as his perk. [Spatial Distortion] is a spell that creates a disturbance in the fabric of space near a target, causing unpredictable results. [Space abounds] improves spatial magic effects by 20%. He doesn't have a spatial affinity so his spells cost ten times more than if he had the relevant affinity but at least he's half way there.

Barry learns [Blood letting] from Sigma and becomes a Blood Mage. He picks [Bleeding Edge] as his free spell and [Bloody Genius] as his perk. [Bleeding Edge] allows magically hardened blood to be applied to edged weapons to increase damage done temporarily. [Bloody Genius] is an unusually potent perk that provides an increase to blood affinity, learning of new blood magic and the potency of blood magic (20% per milestone).

Billy learns [Reinforcement] from Omega of all people, a simple body type enhancement spell that provides a minor boost to speed, strength, dexterity and constitution based on a calculation of intelligence, wisdom and spell level, the higher the spell level, the greater the increase and the longer the effect lasts. Billy becomes a Body Mage and chooses [Iron Skin] as free spell and [Buff beauty] as his perk. [Iron Skin] allows caster to temporarily enhance his or a person he's touching with iron hard skin, results vary depending on target's inherent constitution and caster's intelligence and wisdom. [Buff beauty] improves the effect of all body enhancement spells (20% per milestone).

That's four out of ten of my baby bros that have the subclass I want them to. Sadly I don't really know any spells for the remaining six to advance. It's unfortunate but they'll still gain experience, arguably at a faster rate with only one Class, though with less bonuses.

We proceed onwards, with Billy walking behind Alpha, with his hand on his bare butt and practising casting [Iron Skin] on someone else. It's kind of distracting as Alpha is still naked and his rock hard cock sways back and forth as he walks. I grab onto his cock with my right hand as the swaying distracts me and gripping it makes it stay still. Billy goes on to groping Alpha's bare ass with both hands. I can't complain since Billy is still training his body magic, which improves both his Mage Class experience and his Body Mage Class experience as the same time.

During a second encounter with a horde, we're treated to the opposite tactic, where the goblin infantry attempt to swarm our position to bog us down with their numbers while the hobgoblin knights linger in the back for an opportune time to charge into our midst for a slaughter.

My baby bros do their damnedest to slaughter goblins, but the large group attacking us at once, forces us into a defensive position and we make judicious use of [Stone wall]s to try and counter the hobgoblin knights. Night steeds are fast mounts but they don't have any particular innate traits to watch out for unlike Shadow Wolves.

Billy impresses me with his desire to wade into the front line, using [Reinforcement] and [Iron Skin] to attack the goblins in close range combat. He fights like a brawler, mimicking Alpha's savage combat style.

Barry intrigues me with his strategy, using [Bleeding Edge] on his finger nails before clawing at a goblin to inflict even a minor flesh wound before using [Blood Letting] to hasten the blood loss and kill a goblin.

Delta creates a mini fort for those without a subclass, with arrow slits throughout so that they can fire off [Ice Spikes] and [Fireballs] in relative safety.

After Alpha transforms into a beastman and kills a few hobgoblin knights and eats a couple of horses, he pounces on Billy, ruining his new outfit and fucking him stupid. I watch in amusement as Billy continues to alternate between using [Iron Skin] and [Reinforcement] as he lies sprawled bloody and naked on a dead goblin and is aggressively fucked. Alpha likes to fight, feast and fuck, usually in that order but sometimes he gets weird about it and the order blurs, sometimes he feasts as he fucks, sometimes he fucks during a fight, depends on what mood he is in but whatever the case, he rarely keeps clothes on for long. Beast mode requires a lot of energy to use, fuelled by mana and or food.

Delta helpfully extends the reach of the fort around the rest of us, providing us with a temporary shelter in case of another wave of attackers. The wounded are patched up and fed potions and somehow I end up naked on top of Beta as Barry fucks me. We're not the only ones, we're all fucking, nothing like violence and massacres to get the blood pumping and the cock throbbing for action.

After a short twenty minute fuckathon, where we helped each other drain each other of cum and life energy, through vigorous and energetic sucking and fucking, the urge for sex had subsided for the moment. My baby bros had gained a few more stats due to rough handling and energy draining and we were ready to continue the power levelling with soft cocks and clear minds.

One of the goals was to get to the tenth floor and soak in all the experience. On the tenth floor, there's a goblin city that has over a thousand goblin females of various rankings and the goblin empress has evolved into a hobgoblin queen.

When Dungeon Paul gained the tenth floor and the ability to alter the passage of time within its walls, it had doubled the time from floor 1-5 and quadrupled it through floors 5-10, with floor 11 having time move 8 times faster than that of the outside world. As such the goblin city had experienced the equivalent of 8 weeks of breeding, fighting and fucking in the last 2 weeks. Their population exploded as a result.

The goblin city is more heavily populated than Nilbog benefiting from high goblin birth rates and spatial magic. The city is dyed a dark brown color, with the constant goblin warfare meaning little remains of their deaths other than stains, which would be poignant if they weren't worthless goblins. As for the amount of normal goblins, it's impossible to count, they get born and die so quickly and move about so much. As they're not dungeon creations, their numbers aren't included in the creature tally in the dungeon's menu.

We continued through floor eight and a couple more Hobgoblin Knight led hordes, steadily gaining more experience and more souls for me to eat, to recover my soul's strength.

Finally we reach the end of floor eight and onto floor 9 where the Dungeon Golem announces,"goblin parties ahead, beware of soloing"

Floor 9 is easier for us than the eighth floor, as the goblin parties consisted of a goblin shaman, a goblin raider, a Hobgoblin Knight, a Hobgoblin Warrior and a couple of basic goblins. The only point of uncertainty was the goblin shaman's speciality.

A dozen dead parties later, Wally picks up a wind affinity from one shaman and Benny picks up a bone affinity from another. Before they take a bite of them, they raid their minds in order to find out their innate spell. The wind using shaman had [Gust] a mid level spell that uses air to push things about, it has low lethality directly but it can cause critical distractions during the heat of battle. As for the bone shaman he was particularly blessed and had [Bone Strengthen] and [Bone Spear]. [Bone strengthen] increased the durability of targeted bone, whereas [Bone Spear] allowed for caster use a bone as a medium and hurl it at a target for additional damage, as well as allowing for limited corrections to trajectories.

Wally chooses Wind Mage as his subclass and picks [Updraft] as a free spell and [Easy as Breathing]. [Updraft] allows caster to use air to lighten themselves during jumps and falls, providing additional mobility. [Easy as Breathing] increases air spell acquisition and air spell's effect by 20% (20% extra per milestone).

Benny chooses Bone Mage and picks [Bone armour] as free spell and [Walking Boneyard] as perk. [Bone Armour] allows caster to fashion armour out of bone and [Walking Boneyard] increases the effectiveness of all bone spells used on oneself by 50% (per milestone). Narrow utility for higher effectiveness, it's an interesting trade off.

Wally uses [Gust] on goblin raiders to throw off the riders balance and [Updraft] to avoid counterattacks.

Benny comes up with a downright gruesome combat strategy, he has Alpha pierce his chest with his claws, reach in and snap a few of his ribs, pulling them outwards, so they bend the reverse way, causing his chest to have bones sticking out of it. Then he used [Bone Strengthen] on himself so that the jutting bones did damage whenever a goblin got too close, he hugged it to death. He even learned a couple of minor spells using his own bones as a medium [Bone growth], [Bone Shaping] and [Bone break]. [Bone growth] used mana to speed up the growth of new bone by a hundred times, [Bone shaping] allowed for minor alterations and [Bone break] allowed for mana to used to break bones. Benny was a madman, tearing off bits of his own bone and throwing the fragments like a mini bone spears, only to regrow the fragmented pieces. Benny took to tearing out the bones of goblins and fashioning them onto his body in some kind of macabre display, steadily improving his magical control over bones.

As inherent shapeshifters we had a certain advantage in reshaping our bodies into weapons. Wally was tame in comparison. After so much slaughter, we were really coming together as a team. A murderous party of incubis slaughtering our opponents with ease but a successful team nonetheless.

We finally arrived at floor ten where that floor's golem went on a brief monologue,"On this floor you have goblins galore, a whole city filled with goblins, some call this the Adventurers graveyard, there are thousands upon thousands of goblins here, along with many a variant, if you value your life, turn back now"

I rolled my eyes and continued forward with my brethren.

This was where the true experience bonanza lay, along with the possibility to try and find some goblin shamans with more rare affinities, though it'd be a matter of luck and tedious effort to sort through the corpses.

Upon arrival Delta quickly summoned us an earth fort, taking the power of Gamma, Epsilon and Zeta to create it faster and tougher than if he were to rely on his own mana alone. The more mana a Mage has access to, the better his spells can be. Delta left a series of holes throughout the walls so that we could fire our projectile magics out at the enemies. We took a couple of minutes to recover full stamina, mana pools and health before starting the battle.

The city had everything a goblin could want or need, kennels for the Shadow Wolves, stables for the Night steeds, an underground sewer populated by slimes, forests for wood, ample grass for the local horned rabbit population, paved streets lined with mature Plesh trees.

We arrived during a skirmish between two households on the edge of the city near where we were. From what I knew, goblins would periodically launch attacks upon their neighbours, sending goblins out to clash against each other as a probe of their forces and if they were successful with the probe, they'd launch a full out offensive to claim the other goblin mother/matriarch/queen in order to strengthen their household's breeding capacity in order to try and claim a household closer to the centre. Goblins had a warped sense of social mobility.

The goblin city, played out somewhat similarly to most human cities I've been to, the commoners lived on the edges, the goblin equivalent of nobles in the middle and the royals' in the true heart. The commoners circle was unwalled from outside threats, the centre was walled with goblins armed with rocks and bowls of hot oil to pour through murder holes in the ceiling. The royals' had a fortified palace in the centre of the city.

The overall population numbered in the tens of thousands. If we could kill all the goblins, I was sure to reach level 50, despite the sheer mind boggling amount of experience required.

There were some difficulties, every goblin had a household, made of stone to hide within, removing my ability to achieve victory with a simple [Blizzard]. The only differences between the households were the size, commoners had simple one story houses, minor nobles had large two story houses and the royals lived in a five story tall building with a length and width covering several acres of land.

Despite the difficulties, it was time to send out our own probe and draw the enemies out of their homes and into our kill zones. It wasn't that hard to do, goblins are territorial and aggressive by nature, making it easy to bait them out of their strongholds.

Beta and I summoned our maximum number of golems, mine was six (due to soul damage), his was twenty and sent them out to attack. Each one of them took down a goblin each and immediately started retreating back to our temporary lair.

The goblins screeched and rushed towards us. Their dying screams as they were hit by a barrage of [Stone Spikes] and [Ice Spikes] while gratifying drew even greater attention our way. Soon after, the dozens of goblins attacking us, turned into hundreds of goblins attacking our position, as more and more goblins were attracted to the noise. Beta and I continually replaced any lost golems, feeding off the nearest brother to keep my mana flowing appropriately.

While I want to let my brothers murder as many goblins as they want, I also want to get some experience of my own, using golems as murder proxies, helps to level up all three of my Classes surprisingly well. As they're my creations, covered in quickly inscribed runes, centred around a hastily crystallised core they count as Alchemical creations. Thanks to being part magic and killing goblins in a single hit, they give me experience to Magical assassin class and due to them being formed with magic, they also give me class experience to my Mage subclass. All in all golems are useful for combat purposes and experience grinding.

I'm also getting a steady rush of combat experience to all my Classes due to all the murdering. I'm also gaining Alchemist Class experience from all my lovely brothers as I literally made them for murder, well and other stuff, but mostly for magical murder and mayhem.

My baby bros fire off continuous barrages of magic attacks while draining their big bro partners, who are alternately supervising their efforts, telepathically providing tips and advice and on occasion protecting them from counter attacks either with their bodies or with mana shields.

The constant bottoming out of mana, followed by a surge of mana, helps to improve my baby bros maximum mana supplies.

At one point there's a thousand goblins attacking our fortification and through sheer numbers, they break down a section of the wall. There's at least ten goblin shamans firing off spells in our direction, a hundred hobgoblin warriors and the rest a swarm of low level goblins attacking. All of them wanting to kill us in order to gain the experience necessary to evolve.

The unwelcome invaders to our fort are promptly attacked by Alpha in Beast Mode, Sigma's two shadow wolves, Benny being a bony inverse pincushion, Billy being a reckless brawler with his body enhancements and Barry clawing people to death with his [Bleeding Edge] fingernails. The goblin forces breeching the walls are torn to shreds with the combination of my brother's special attacks and in the case of Alpha, overwhelming brute strength, in short order and the collapsed wall is quickly reinforced by a new and improved [Stone Wall]. Delta and Zeta work together to turn the area outside the walls into a treacherous swamp lands, making the place outside a muddy death trap where goblins are peppered by endless supply of [Fireballs] [Stone Spikes] and [Ice Spikes] among other magical projectiles.

Soon after the nearby goblins are wiped out and we take another break to remove bloody clothing or just to sit down for a moment after an intense battle.

Barry picked up a useful new spell after hitting level 10 as a Blood Mage, [Blood control], it allows him to effect a certain amount of blood around him. He picked an interesting perk [Blood fountain] too, [Blood fountain] increases blood regeneration of user by 100% per milestone and gives a 20% boost to all blood magic.

More importantly he can assist with clearing off the blood from our brothers, along with Beta and Zeta. Barry removes the blood and practices reshaping into various objects, shields and swords and a floating ball for some reason, then Beta or Zeta, simply use [Manifest Water] using a bit of mana and provides an instant shower for sweaty and bloody brothers.

We're all a bit too mentally exhausted for another fuck break, so after ten minutes of just lying around we get back to work.

This time I go out with Alpha and Davey for a good old home invasion, of one of the houses on the edge of the 'slums'. Davey has picked up [Shadow Step] from Alpha and we used various concealment methods to sneak to the outside of the house, peek through a window and [Shadow Step] past a couple of hobgoblin guards. There's only half a dozen rooms in the one storey house so we quickly find the goblin matriarch's room, she's accompanied by a few goblin mothers and four hobgoblin bodyguards and a dozen goblins of various height.

Alpha shifts into Beast Mode and charges through the baby and adolescent goblins, targeting the goblin matriarch. Davey and I take out a couple of hobgoblins each, him with level 10 Shadow Mage spell [Devouring Darkness] which inflicted corrosive like damage on the victim and me with a couple of well placed [Ice Spikes] through the eye socket and into the brain for insta kills. Davey's second milestone perk [Endless Darkness] improved the effect of all darkness magic by 30%.

The screams of the goblins, draw the attention of the two hobgoblin door guards who arrive too late to be of any use to protecting the goblin brood. With the three of us working together, there's no surprise when we killed off the last surviving hobgoblins with ease.

Davey has already reached level 25 as a Mage, what with all the continuous magic usage and slaughter. For his third milestone as a Mage he picked [Mana Mastery] as free skill and [Magical Potency] as Perk. [Mana mastery] provided additional control over mana, allowing for an increased range of effect for all spells (10% increase per level). [Magical Potency] – 20% increase of spell effects per milestone. He chose Magical Assassin as his third Class, choosing [Stealth] as his Skill and [Born to Shadows] as his Perk. [Stealth] would increase stealth, [Born to shadows] would provide a minor reduction in shadow magic costs, improved night vision and stealth (10%).

Having cleared out the household, I telepathically sent out a call to my brothers to assemble. Luckily none of the goblins nearby were crazy enough to bother my brothers on the short walk over. Once gathered together again, some of my baby bros picked up a few weapons to make use of for when their mana ran dry. Doesn't hurt to have a secondary weapon on hand for that occasion, staves aren't bad for blunt damage but edged weapons are better for cutting down trash mobs. I runed up their new daggers with the basic enchantments to boost durability, while adding a few fire and frost enchantments, to burn and slow enemies.

Beta secured the doors with earth golem guards, Delta reinforced the walls with earth magic, removing a couple of windows and reducing the size of the door. Now we had a fall back position for if things got too dangerous as we ventured deeper into goblin territory.

We continued on, the small house insufficient to house our greatness, 21 men, a couple of shadow wolves and a dozen golems need more room to move about than a few dozen goblins and a half dozen hobgoblins.

Anyway we walked through the commoners circle, travelling along the paved street towards the first wall, on the watch for attacks. Surprisingly enough we weren't attacked until we hit the dividing wall. Perhaps it wasn't that surprising since we had massacred more than a thousand goblins and the commoner households probably didn't have expendable goblins to throw at us.

Of course once we were at the outer wall we were greeted by a rain of rocks. However Beta's and Delta's earth magic proved highly useful as it blocked or sent back all the rocks so none of them did any significant damage to us. Delta and Beta pooled their power and sent a [Fissure] their way, a directional, ground attack that tore through the ground ahead and right through their wall, undermining it's structural integrity and causing it to collapse inwards, turning a section of wall into rubble with wounded and dying goblins scattered throughout. We politely put them out of their misery shortly afterwards, giving them quick clean deaths, rather than letting them die slowly through internal injuries.

Once through we faced fearsome opposition, nearly the entirety of the noble section's military force was assembled against us. Goblin raiders, unaccompanied Shadow Wolves, hobgoblins, goblin shamans, thousands of goblins armed with various weapons. All up we were thoroughly outnumbered and lacking sufficient power to win a direct fight without casualties on our side, which would be entirely unacceptable.

We made a strategic retreat at seeing the forces arrayed against us. Beta and I using golems to slow their advance as the others showered them with various magical attacks. Since my baby bros had more combat experience, they required less hand holding and were free to rain down death upon the goblin armies. We let half of their forces through the rubble before Beta and Delta created a wall to block off their advance.

That only left us dealing with a couple of thousand assorted troops instead of four to five thousand of them. I could only guess at their numbers as there were so many of them charging towards us.

Wally used his tier 2 Wind Mage spell [Wind Blade] repeatedly, sending nigh invisible blades of air horizontally through goblin raiders, slicing into goblin flesh with gruesome efficiency. Thanks to his tier 2 Wind Mage Perk [Wind within] which reduced the spell cost of wind spells by 20% per milestone he could repeatedly cast [Wind Blade] with ease.

The numbers were hard to manage as the goblin raiders would leap, then disappear into shadows to appear nearby either behind, ahead or beside you. Goblin shamans sent out waves of random magical attacks to distract, damage and delay us. My baby bros were doing the best they could but they were being overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

We made a retreat fighting backwards through the street, sniping down opportunist goblins and goblin raiders on our way back to our fall back position within the commoner's house we had previously cleared and occupied.

While it had been laughably easy to advance through the commoners section, it had been brutal work to stage a fighting retreat back through that same territory. Especially for my baby bros who hadn't managed to get the requirement spells or affinity to pick a relevant second Class. Larry, Garry, Terry and Louie had to be picked up and carried off the battlefield, heavily wounded by my need for vicarious satisfaction. Still they weren't dead, so they can be healed by Beta and Zeta via healing water magic.

My other baby bros were exhausted by the intense battle. Beta and Delta closed off all the exits and entrances, boxing us in with only a few narrow slits in the walls to see through. Our retreat had managed to reduce their numbers significantly but it was only a matter of time before they gained reinforcements so we had to reevaluate the plan.

Beta and Delta worked together to create a small stone tower above the fortified house. Gamma went upstairs and let free his inner pyromaniac and let loose multiple [Fireball]s on the goblins below. Fire magic is powerful but unlike a lot of other spells channelling the forces of nature, fire has a will of it's own and will burn ally and enemy alike.

Wally went up to help using [Gust] to help fan the fire and help it spread, throwing out some [Wind Blades] to dismember some goblins.

The upstairs was soon expanded so that Davey and Steve could help out too. Davey launched wave after wave of [Shadow Bolt] to obscure and [Devouring Darkness] to destroy. Steve used [Slow] to slow and [Mage Hand] and [Telekinesis] to distract and annoy the enemy, throwing out a [Spatial Distortion] from time to time to confuse things further. [Spatial Distortion] was erratic, sometimes nothing would happen, sometimes a pinprick between the walls of reality opened up and swallowed a goblin whole or just one of their limbs. Spatial magic is weird like that.

Steve had reached level 10 as a Spatial Mage and had chosen [Flash Step] as his free spell and [Space between us] as his perk. [Flash Step] allowed a Spatial Mage to travel a certain distance instantaneously through teleportation, dependent on their line of sight, wisdom and mana pool. [Space between us] reduced the costs of teleportation magic by 50%. It helped him in a chaotic retreat as he dodged a few steps out of the way of a snarling biting Shadow Wolf but in this situation, it wasn't that useful.

The main advantage we had in this situation was that while all the goblins hated us, they were all in competition with each other so fights would break out from time to time. Epsilon and Zeta orchestrated a mental assault while I used [Astral Project] to scout out useful targets. They used [Illusion], [Broadcast] and [Hallucination] along with [Manifest Water] to create mystifying mists, or as some people like to refer as mirage magic. Goblins would see enemies in the wrong places, hear insults and generally see things that weren't really there. It sent them into a free for all.

Beta and I sent out golems into their midst to thin their numbers. After ten minutes of being trapped within that house, using all sorts of tricks and spells to thin their numbers, they got even more reinforcements.

Alpha gave up playing the defensive game and rushed out along with some of the more hot blooded and crazy of my baby bros. Alpha served as the vanguard, transformed into a 7 foot wolf man, with [Shadow Blade] coating each claw and buffed by Billy's [Iron Skin] enhancement and level 10 body mage spell [Adrenaline Rush] which provides a temporary boost to strength, agility, pain resistance and mental alertness. [Workout Buddies] his second free perk, improves effect of physical enhancements on others by 50%, max 2 beneficiaries(+1 target and +50% effect per milestone).

Benny followed coated in all the bones of the goblins within the house, so that his upper body was covered completely in bones and the bones jutted out in all directions, sharpened and hardened by his bone magic. Barry had covered himself in the blood of dead goblins, allowing him to be a mobile arsenal, every time he was cut, he simply used it to counter attack, while [Blood Fountain] helped to restore the lost blood. Billy simply buffed himself repeatedly and lashed out at any enemy nearby with iron hard fists.

I redirected all my golems into serving as their rear guard and bodyguards trying to prevent them from being overwhelmed.

I finally found a lightning affinity Goblin shaman and sent his stunned body into the house to feed Louie. Epsilon helped to raid his mind for [Static Shock] a low level lightning spell and Louie finally could pick his second and third Class. Louie chose Lightning Mage for his second Class and Enchanter for his third Class. He picked [Lightning Shield] for his first free spell and [Lightning Rod] as perk. [Lightning Shield] creates a full body covering of energy just above the skin at a high mana cost and [Lightning Rod] improves lightning damage by 30%. For Enchanter he chose [Elemental Enchantment] for his skill, allowing him to coat a weapon with an elemental power temporarily and [Knowledge is power] as his perk, which increased rune effectiveness based on how many runes you know.

So of course I pump all the knowledge of runes that I can into his head as does Omega. He charges into the battle field, covered in arcing blue energy streams and fires off [Static Shock] over and over again into the massed enemy ranks. [Static Shock] creates a low voltage attack that inflicts minor damage, a stun and minor paralysis with a low chance of causing a heart attack in the victim.

Now there's only three brothers without a second Class. Larry the light mage, Garry the gravity mage and Terry the time mage. Shame I hadn't learned [Pause] after Michael showed it off the last time he visited the dungeon. Then again he wasn't in a particularly sharing mood that day.

Delta and Zeta created a moat around us, stalling the goblins and hobgoblin knights, though it does little to stop the long range attacks of the goblin shamans or the goblin raiders who simply [Shadow Step] past the obstruction.

The high pressure, high danger attacks help to level up my baby bros to the important level 26, allowing their second classes to hit level 25 and for them to get more free spells and Perks, along with the ability to choose a third class. Most of my brothers had chosen their third free Skill and Perk for their Mage Class already, choosing [Mana Mastery] & [Magical Potency] in order to increase their magical damage and range.

Benny learns [Bone prison] for his spell, which allows him to throw a bone and entrap enemies at a high mana cost, useful on Hobgoblin Knights and goblin shamans. As for his third free perk he gained [Building better bones] improving the effect of bone strengthening spells by 50%. Benny also chose Enchanter as his third Class, choosing [Mana Inscription] as his skill and [Knowledge is power]. Again Omega and I pumped him full of rune knowledge.

Billy chooses [Enhance Metabolism] as spell, which improves metabolism, speeding up natural regeneration and digestion. As for his Perk he chose [Body is a Temple] which provided a 20% increase in physical defence and poison resistance per milestone. He also chose Warrior as his subclass which was odd but whatever, boys will be boys and what not. For his free Perk he chose [Vigorous] which increased his health and stamina regeneration by 20% per milestone and for his Skill [Unarmed Combat], which inflicted extra damage when he was unarmed (20% each level).

Barry chose an even weirder subclass than his other brothers, choosing Archer as his subclass. For Blood Mage free spell he chose [Blood Arrow], allowing him to fashion blood into an arrow and fire it at enemies & [Hot blooded] as a Perk making his blood burn on contact with skin. His archer Skill was [Archery] improving accuracy of his shots by 10% per level and Perk [Quick Fire] improving his rate of fire by 20%.

Steve chose not to pick a third Class, saving up in the hopes that we find a time affinity Mage, at worst we'd simply have to steal [Pause] out of Michael's mind later. Time Mages are exceedingly rare and powerful, at least those with an affinity for it are, those with mere ambition have an uphill battle ahead of them (screw you Michael). As for his third free spell he chose [Gravitational Pull] which pulls objects closer to caster depending on size and weight and intelligence and wisdom. His Perk [Bigger on the Inside] which increased the effect of dimensional affecting magic by 50%. It allowed for [Spatial Distortion] to have a greater effect along with paving the way for more complicated dimensional magics like personal dimensional sactuaries in the future.

Steve's a good brother picking a semi useless spell [Gravitational Pull] just to help his brother Garry out. Garry learns [Gravitational Pull] from Steve, uses it once, unlocks Gravity Mage as a Class option, selects it and picks [Pressure] as his first free spell, which imposes an increase of gravity on target, increase dependant on targets weight, magical resistance and casters intelligence & wisdom and for his perk [Weight of the world] improving gravity magic by 20% per milestone.

Now there's only Larry and Terry without a second Class.

I come to a realisation, that I've been stupid, I blocked out my last meeting with Michael, because he used [Pause] on me to show that he was stronger than me, after getting Time Mage but I didn't consider HOW he got Time Mage.

{Paul, you can alter the flow of time, pour some of that sweet time knowledge through me and into Terry.}

{I was waiting for you to figure that one out. You sure you don't want my help dispersing the goblin horde.}

{Nah just the knowledge boost thanks}

A rush of arcane knowledge pours through my mind, most of which I don't understand or can't make use of but I pour it through Terry, a lot slower and gentler than Paul did to me.

Terry fashions a crude spell out of the information [Hasten] which just increases your perception of events around you. It's enough for him to unlock Time Mage as a Class, which he immediately selects and chooses his free spell and Perk, [Pause] which causes target to freeze in place for a period of time dependent on their magical resistance and casters intelligence and wisdom. His perk [Ticking Clock] improves effect of time spells by 20% per milestone.

The flow of battle improves as my baby bros work together with increasing synergy to slaughter.

Terry and Garry work with Benny as a triad, with Terry using [Pause] on Shadow wolves and Garry using [Gravitational Pull] to pull the Shadow Wolf towards him. As both Garry and Terry hide behind Benny and his brutal bone armour, resulting in a Shadow Wolf being frozen in place, dragged through the air, then impaled on bone spike armour.

Terry and Steve exchanged spells through [Telepathy] exchanging [Slow] & [Hasten] allowing them to unlock their ideal third Class.

Terry chooses Spatial Mage as his third Class, choosing [Spatial Distortion] as his spell and [Space Abounds]. Steve chooses Time Mage and chooses [Pause] for his spell and [Ticking Clock] as his perk.

Then the slaughter truly begins with Terry and Steve linking up to coordinate attacks as a dynamic duo. Terry and Steve alternating between using [Hasten] to speed up their perceptions and [Slow] on their enemies, then finishing them up with a [Pause] & [Spatial Distortion] combo.

Benny became a lot less mobile as the bones piled up around him, but he's working with that, driving spikes of bone into the ground to fashion him into place like some kind of unholy abomination. Or a bony bulwark?

Wally has chosen to follow the example of Zeta and Epsilon and chose Mind Mage for his third Class, aiming for Worrying Wind Mage. The sheer quantity of Legendary combination for Mages is simply unfair, there are so many, basically any Mage with a half decent combination of spells can become a legendary figure, presuming they can survive their early years.

Wally chose to mix in [Broadcast] with [Gust] to focus on auditory hallucinations, spreading the message"Your mother is weaker than a horned rabbit" Along with Zeta and Epsilon's more visual illusions it helps to throw more chaos into the enemy ranks.

Terry and Steve show remarkable skills at slaughter, rapidly progressing with their new Classes.

Steve – 27 Mage, level 15 Spatial Mage, level 10 Time Mage

Terry – 26 Mage, level 11 Time Mage, level 10 Spatial Mage

They both select new spells and Perks after hitting Class milestones.

Terry chooses a second free Spell and Perk for Time Mage [Foresight] allowing for a brief one second glimpse into the future (+1 sec per level) and [Killing Time] increase effect of time accelerating spells by 50%. As for Spatial Mage, he chose [Flash Step] as his free spell and [Space between us] as his Perk, like his brother before him.

Steve displayed his superior wisdom and chose a different pathway than Terry and picked [Lost Time] as his free time spell and [Stopped Clock] as his Perk. [Lost Time] would create a field of distorted time around the user in a bubble of specialised time that moved faster than the time outside it. Essentially speeding up time for the user so they had more time to dodge an attack, while everything else them became objectively slower for a couple of seconds. [Stopped Clock] increased the effect of all time freezing and slowing spells by 50%.

They promptly exchanged spells, Steve exchanging [Lost Time] with Terry for his [Foresight]. Then their rate of slaughter increased as they used [Foresight] to glimpse into the future and pick out which opponents posed the greatest danger to their siblings. Then they'd either use [Lost time] to build up a killer spell or simply use [Pause] on an enemy and finish it off with a [Spatial Distortion]. They were ruthless. Steve shared [Flash Step] with Terry allowing Terry improved mobility and evasive abilities.

Neither had an affinity for either school of magic, which made their spells very expensive but that wasn't that much of a problem. As incubi we naturally have the ability to drain energy from our victims and the world around us, in limited quantities, with Mage Class [Meditation], it provides a steady supply of magic when needed. If not, there's always a brother nearby to drain. Steve and Terry with some of the most expensive spells have benefited the most from repeated mana bottoming, allowing for their maximum mana to improve substantially.

After another ten minutes of telepathically overseeing the chaotic and blood battle, the goblins are routed and we have achieved a tiring victory. They kept getting goblin reinforcements, while they were easy enough to kill, the sheer quantity of them had a quality of its own and since mass murder spells tend to be dangerous in close proximity to allies, killing them one at a time was exhausting.

I offer the deaths within the city to Nil and I get an image of him as some kind of game show host in my mind/soul.

@@@ "Now lucky contestant you have the choice between three prizes"

In the background were three glowing prizes levitating above the ground. "Prize number 1 is [Decay], pour the power of death into enemies, objects or whatever strikes your fancy and watch as they wither into dust and entropy"

One of the golden paper wrapped boxes faded away revealing a concept, a spell form so large and overwhelming that a mere glimpse made my soul quake a little. It also provided an example of it's effect, starting with an plesh fruit being ripe and ready to eat, then being pumped with a dark energy before decaying visibly in a moment into ash and even that faded into nothingness. "Prize number two is [Life Tap] feed off the life of others with even greater ease, with this mid to long range God spell, you can become an unstoppable killing machine, you can use the life you drain from others to increase your own physical potency, recover from wounds and most importantly kill and kill again"

The second of the gift wrapped boxes faded away to reveal the second concept of the use of death energy, this was different than [Decay] where [Decay] focused only on destruction, providing devastating results, this was different. In a way it was subtler, but also more complex, it dispersed death energy into the air around the user and drew on the life energy of others to make itself more powerful. This had a variety of uses, it could imbue the user with all sort of positive effects, increased strength, durability and health regeneration among others. It reminded me a lot of vampires, who fed off the living to become stronger. "Prize number three is [Blood Golem] for when you need a minion made from the blood of your enemies just to help you speed up the slaughter a little more. Blood Golems provide some of the best support for budding young Reapers, while you reap souls, it can steal the blood of enemies to be stronger, faster and all around more"

The third box opened up and revealed the [Blood Golem] in all it's glory, it could be used as a minion, a melee combatant, a combat caster of sorts, a cleaner of battle fields and most interestingly of all, a permanent body guard. The Blood Golem would have a similar skill as [Life Tap] though instead of drawing life energy from the living without touching them, this would draw out the blood of the fallen or the injured to empower itself. It had a sort of blood refining ability, allowing it to turn gallons of blood into a drop of powerful force, fluid but with the capacity to harden and transform at will. It was more complex but on a smaller scale than either [Decay] or [Life Tap]. "Now lucky contestant which will you decide"

A overly peppy and annoying song started playing in the background.

I thought it about for a second, all of them could be useful, [Decay] would be the ultimate one strike killer for enemies, [Life Tap] would provide range for [Life Drain], allowing for permanent physical improvements but at the end of the day [Blood Golem] seemed like it would provide the most benefits for me and my homunculi habit. "I choose Blood Golem of course" "Excellent choice, I hope you have a great day" The facade of theatricality faded into a black background and so did Nil's joviality. Instead of a tawdry red suit, he was covered head to toe in bone armor, with lots more spikes, but in a thorn pattern, small and jagged bone spikes, warning of the danger of getting too close, while still providing mobility, unlike Benny's efforts."You're a bad boy, where's my temple" "Uh sorry, I've been busy, I'll get Delta, Beta and Deva on it as soon as I leave the dungeon" "You better or I'll stick this up your ass" He said, manifesting a femur bone into his hand as if it was a bone club.

I raised an eyebrow at that, not entirely certain whether he was joking or not or whether that would be such a bad outcome. Maybe something to try with Benny later. It looked like it was about 18-19 inches, I hadn't had bone before..."I live to serve you" "You're such a bad boy. WORSHIP ME" The next second I was pushed to my knees, my mouth filled with his hard cock, whereas before it burned, this time it chilled, it felt like it was draining me, as his cock thrust erratically harder and deeper into my mouth. His hands pressed forcefully on the back of my head, I started to feel weaker, the more time that passed the weaker I became but before I could fade/die, he cried out"Here it cums" and he came in my mouth filling me with a salty chill and my blood boiled within and...


I returned to reality, a moment later, hard, horny and on fire, not literally aflame but my veins started bursting, pouring out my blood over my skin, it was boiling hot, hot enough to burn off my clothes and scald my flesh. My mind was filled with divine knowledge gifted to me through Nil's `blessing'. I was forcibly pulled through my confused brethren into the midst of our bloody rampage and strings of red shot out from out of me, through me and into the corpses of goblins, hobgoblins, night steeds and shadow wolves and into the puddles of blood around me.

I could practically taste the improvement of the Blood Golem every second that passed, even if it was so bad mannered that it turned me into a passenger as it moved me about, collecting the blood from the battlefield. The few goblins who came to check on the missing army were immediately shot with sharp strings of blood, that drained them of all their blood, leaving them desiccated husks.

Sometime during the battle I had hit Level 50 as an Alchemist and I chose Blood Mage as my next subclass, it seemed like a good choice at the time, though perhaps I should have put a little more thought into it. I chose [Blood Control] as my free spell allowing me to control a certain amount of blood around me and [Bloody Genius] as a Perk, which provides an increase to blood affinity, learning of new blood magic and the potency of blood magic (20% per milestone).

For my last free Skill and Perk as an Alchemist, I chose the most mana expensive options, [Replication] for Skill, allowing me to copy a material for an exorbitant mana cost and [Transmutation] as a Perk. [Transmutation] was part skill, part Perk, like [Fusion], Alchemist was an unusual Class, the effect of [Transmutation] was that I could transform one thing into another, providing I had enough mana and the two things were somewhat close together in nature. An example would be blood to iron, and iron into steel. The details are complicated and involved but the general principle is that blood has a bit of iron in it and iron is very similar to steel except for it's carbon content and composition.

What this meant was that as an Alchemist I could now be considered a high level Alchemist, especially as my Mage class didn't fall that fall behind and could be used to power the high mana costs involved in such efforts.

I was only one step away from being a Legend. Though it was a troublesome step, that some never manage to cross but I'm not that worried, I'll succeed come hell or high water. Still it meant I could perform immediate upgrades of certain materials, allowing for great benefits, coal into diamonds, iron weapons into steel weapons and so on.

I had my new Blood Golem separate himself and help my brothers collect items from the battlefield. A divine God given Blood Golem was different from a normal Blood Mage's Blood Golem, a normal blood golem requires blood as a medium and mana as a fuel source. My Blood golem fed off the death of enemies and in a `passive state' fed off my blood and mana to provide a blood armour of sorts. My blood golem could also pass through my skin and beyond my soul to visit with Nil in his divine realm.

A new subclass meant new opportunities for experimentation, I called upon my brother Barry and Sigma to feed me their knowledge of Blood Magic.

After a few minutes of looting, everyone had a new weapon in hand, mostly daggers and short swords, all of them made from iron. One by one I would drain a brother and [Transmute] his weapon, upgrading it from mere iron weapon, to steel, increasing its strength and durability before using [Mana Inscription] to provide some basic improvements. I repeated this process for all of my twenty brothers, even if Alpha had a bad habit of dropping his weapons in the heat of battle to bite and claw.

We temporarily retreated into our fallback base and Beta & Delta did their best to expand and fortify it.

I took my time to practice my new blood magic and explore the options of what I had become to think as my Divine Blood Golem, it had retreated into my veins and heart, warming me up from the insides. I was naked again but I was with family so I wasn't concerned. Despite my nudity and hard cock, my brothers were too busy working on improving their combat strategies and spell masterys to come over and help me out with relieving my lingering horniness from my interaction with Nil.

I didn't hold it against them, I knew I had a tendency to get preoccupied with my own interests and forget other stuff entirely. If it wasn't for Alpha and Beta being my permanent bed mates, who knew if I ever would bother to sleep at all. Sometimes I'd get so obsessed with my experiments that I wouldn't eat or take breaks and I barely even paid attention to my golem chair fucking me.

Omega was busy filling out his notebooks with the collectives' various combat strategies, combat spells, skills and potential Legendary pathways. Omega is a nerd, but a useful nerd, he has a spatial bag, entirely dedicated to writing on the go, empty books, quills, magi pens, ink, charcoal. I've caught him from time to time writing on the walls, when his brain gets overloaded. When that happens I drag him off for a fuck break to keep his thoughts off his research and writing and onto his body. I'm the best big brother.

Barry, Benny and Billy are discussing potential combinations of their magics. I passed off an image of Nil's bone armour to Benny to provide him with a potential upgrade to his current bulky armour design. Benny proceeded to immediately reshape and reform his bone armour into something more stylish and subtle. Billy practised his physical enhancements on himself and his two nearby brothers. Barry practises forming [Blood Arrows] and firing them at the walls, then he plays a `game' with Benny and Barry called target practice. They both serve as targets, Billy enhancing himself and Barry enchanting and hardening his bone armour. They all benefit from the practice. Benny improves his enchanting speed on bone, Billy improves the effect of his body spells and Barry gets to practice varying the size and speed of his [Blood arrows].

Epsilon, Zeta, Gamma and Larry are discussing potential combination of their magics. Tornadoes with ice, fire and rocks were mentioned, though I do wonder about the effectiveness, I don't try and dampen their enthusiasm with mention of how dangerous that could be. You're only young once...

Sigma is busy watching over his two Shadow Wolves, they're both asleep, potentially in an evolution dream. They had killed a lot of goblins, Shadow Wolves and Night Steeds, it's entirely likely they're about to evolve. Sigma is petting them as they sleep.

Theta is providing potions to some of my brothers, emptying out his spatial bag of stamina, mana, recovery and boost potions. While we don't need the potions, they don't hurt to get us in better fighting-shape faster and easier.

Omicron is providing a more thorough sharpening and enchanting of my brothers various blades. Providing frost and fire runes and sizing them up for basic chain mail or more involved plate mail. His spatial backpack is filled with various blacksmithing equipment, a blacksmith's hammer, an anvil, a small furnace, various moulds and engraving tools.

Davey and Alpha are fucking around... I mean testing collaborative casting of Shadow Step, though they're doing it naked, with Alpha balls deep inside Davey. Alpha thrusts into Davey and they disappear and reappear a few steps away. It's an effective if somewhat unorthodox method of training. What better way to improve casting than to learn how to do so when someone is pounding your prostate, or while you're fucking into a tight hole. You need an iron clad focus to ignore the pleasure in your ass and cock and focus on spell forms, especially for something like traversing space through shadows. It's highly dangerous but very good for improving spell masterys rapidly.

Louie taught Larry [Flash] a pointless spell Louie picked up at level 10 of Lightning Mage in order to get Louie what he needed for gaining the Light Mage Class. [Flash] used lightning to produce a flash of light, it was one of those spells that was close enough to a light spell to count. Larry chose [Flare] as his first spell, which also produced a burst of light, allowing for a chance of blinding an enemy temporarily. Larry chose [Light in my Eyes] a Perk that improved chance of blinding by 20% and improved light affinity similarly.

Larry was the last to gain the intended Class, but that would be fine if he could become a Legendary Lighthouse Mage. Lighthouse Mages despite their silly name, could turn invisible, light up the darkest of dungeons and could inflict holy damage on all sort of undead by channelling the power of Lumos. It did have an annoying tendency to require the Mage to become an Acolyte of Lumos for that last benefit, but there's always a work around if you're smart enough.

Being connected to my brothers via [Soul Resonance] and [Telepathy] allowed me to be better in tune with their actions and thoughts but I decided to sideline the influx of information and focus on my own progress instead.

New class, new perks and spells to review, new divine boon to play around with. I disconnected from the hive mind battle state and focused on improving myself directly.

I practised using [Blood Arrow] repeatedly onto the floor, for no real reason other to help improve Class experience.

I decided to feed my Divine Blood golem all my mana, one of the more amusing side effects is that my cock hasn't gone down at all since receiving my Divine Blood Golem it's ensuring blood is maximised everywhere. The divine blood golem or DBG for short has a kind of basic, primal intelligence, it knows it belongs to me and that it wants to be stronger. DBG is a quasi parasitic organism, requiring my blood or the blood of my enemies to maintain itself and grow stronger. It's extracted various traits from all it's victims and while occupying me, I can make use of all of them, which is potentially a game changer. I can still only hold 3 affinities myself but since it's only semi organic it can hold more within itself, since it's not bound by normal human limitations.

DBG has an innate talent for blood manipulation and extraction and purification but it doesn't seem capable of engaging with the system itself as it lacks a Soul. It's more of a sorcerer than a Mage at the moment, it can learn spells, but it can't access Perks and so forth. I interrupt my brothers and have them donate their blood to my new pet/minion/parasite/ally/spell/summon. They do so quickly before resuming their earlier activities.

I use [Psychic Union] along with [Brain Washing] to infuse DBG with all the knowledge that I have of various spells and spell forms. DBG has ten out of the 15 major magic affinities, earth, fire, wind, water, lightning, mind, blood, body and bone and darkness. Still need to collect soul, time, space, gravity and light affinities from somewhere. While he has the potential to make use of a lot of spells, his limited intelligence serves as a limiter to the higher end spells. Easily resolved by splitting off yet another piece of my soul and gifting it to DBG, giving him access to the system.

DBG has quite a few interesting Classes to choose from including, Sorcerer, Warlock, Mage and a race specific one I've never seen before, Golem. The class details available are limited, Golem – unlock condition, be a golem, effect, be the best golem you can be. I wonder why my brothers didn't get that option, maybe because they were ensouled immediately or because their bodies are mostly human, rather than made from a single medium, such as blood, stone or ice.

I'm tempted to have him choose Mage, but there's more than enough of those in our party, time for a gamble on something new, SORCERER. DBG chooses Sorcerer. Sorcerer came with some interesting options, instead of the spell/perk combo of Mages, it had natural enhancement/Speciality Perk. Natural enhancement provided a boost to the magical talent you already had, above normal spell masterys and Speciality Perk allowed for an improvement over the particular school of magic that you were born with. DBG chose at my instruction, [Blood Manipulation] to Enhance, doubling the effectiveness of [Blood Manipulation] and Blood Magic for it's Speciality perk improving the effect of all of it's blood magic by 50%.

According to Maximus (scholar), there is much debate in the community as to whether Mages or Sorcerers are better. Mages train longer and do more research into optimal spell casting while Sorcerers are born with natural talent and aptitude in certain magics. Mages claim to be more powerful, making the argument that versatility is the key to surviving any situation. Sorcerers make the case that they're born with magical talents and therefore have natural talent and usually a decade more experience using magic over their counterparts in a specific field to accomplish whatever goal they wish to pursue. It's an argument as old as time, specialisation or generalisation, natural talent or extensive training, what's superior?

I borrowed Beta and Delta who had finished upgrading the house into a three storey fortress and drained their mana pools in order to shift our collective mana into mana stones via [Mana Crystalisation]. Then I took a minute to [Meditate] and [Energy Drain] enjoying the fact that the tenth floor had such high background mana saturation, which sped up the process significantly, then I used [Transmutation] turned the high grade mana stones into mid grade liquid mana and poured it into DBG. This would provide it with another source of mana, along with it's soul, though it would need to be periodically topped up as while the soul can infinitely draw on the void for power until it hits a maximum, the liquid mana would degrade over time with use.

After enhancing it's mind and gifting it a soul and providing it a feast of high quality demonic blood and liquid mana it was time to take it back to the battlefield to earn it's keep.

{Alpha, Davey, with me}

They both appeared from behind me, holding hands, popping out from out of my shadow, both still naked, but with soft cocks. I knew they had already finished and were lying about cooling down, hence why I called them back into service. "Time for a house by house extermination in the outer section"

Alpha took the lead this time, as he was the most experienced at using [Shadow Step] between the three of us. One step through the Shadowlands, led us outside the newly improved house fort, the next took us through the walls of the neighbouring house and into the goblin breeding room. What followed after was DBG and me practising our blood magics on goblins, hobgoblins and goblin matriarchs and mothers alike. They died quickly and their blood fed DBG. In that way we moved from house to house naked, killing our way through the goblin equivalent of slums, racking up easy kills, while our brothers continued training their spells and skills within the house fort. The slaughter wasn't without rewards as I became a level 51 Alchemist, Level 40 Magical Assassin, Level 35 Mage, level 25 blood Mage.

I picked up 2 new free spells and perks from reaching level 25 as a Blood Mage. For spells I picked [Blood armour] and [Blood Golem], [Blood armour] allowing me to coat myself in an armour of liquid or magically hardened blood and [Blood Golem] allowed me to use magic to essentially summon a blood golem from minor amounts of blood with a high mana premium. It might seem redundant with DBG but I had a plan for those free spells.

As for Perks I chose [Blood Fountain] upping my blood regeneration rate and [Bloody Madman] which had a few useful effects, increase damage when I'm bleeding, increased effect of blood magic (20% per milestone) and a minor trait [Vampire's Regeneration] that allowed me to recover from injuries by ingesting the blood of others.

I distributed the 75 AP gained from levelling up Blood Mage to 25, assigning 60 AP into intelligence and 15 into wisdom.

All the magical murder helped to improve my Magical Assassin Class and Mage Class at the same time, though to a lesser extent due to the increase of experience requirements upon higher levels. We returned to our slum fortress after committing what could be labelled class warfare, more than eager to have a short break surrounded by all our brothers.

The question was whether we should continue our reign of terror throughout the entirety of the goblin city, taking our time to slaughter all of it's many occupants or to speed up our efforts and move onto floor eleven as fast as possible.

Decisions decisions.


Author's Note: This chapter has me somewhat conflicted, too much detail or not enough? Regardless, this is what I produced, if you find any flaws or have any complaints, feel free to write to me on waynewriteswords@outlook.com and I'll consider them when writing the next chapter or during the probable rewrite/revision of book 1 when it's done.

Next: Chapter 36

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