Hairy Maintenance Man

By Nooger Ballsfad

Published on Oct 4, 2010


Disclaimer: This story contains graphic details of sexual acts between grown, consenting adult men. If you are offended by such content, or are not legally permitted to view it, please leave this page now.


Sorry this took so long. This was a pretty important chapter, and I wanted to do it justice. As always, e-mails with suggestions and reviews will find me at The feedback is always greatly appreciated! I love getting a good look at my fans and readers, so please don't be shy or stingy!

The time was ticking by slowly in Dr. Barrett's class today.

Typically, I was more than willing to jump into the conversation, but lately, my motivation has been lacking. Ever since the incredible fuck session of a week prior, I have been more laid back and serene than ever before. No arguments, no stress, just pure contentment. The absolute sexual bliss seems to have freed me from such mundane emotions, and I just haven't been too heavily invested in much anything else ever since.

Excellent though this newfound freedom was, I was still paying $24,000 a year to sit in these classes, and the drop in my participation and motivation was bound to adversely affect my grades. For the time being, though, I simply couldn't force myself to care that much. Dr. Barrett, unfortunately, had certainly noticed.

Today, the class discussion covered a wide variety of topics. The class was starting to come full circle, and the discussion on overlapping themes was usually something that easily kept my interest. We had all walked into the classroom to see that Dr. Barrett had written the Mark Twain quote "History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme" on the board, which was to be the guiding idea for the day's discussion. So far, forty five minutes had gone by, and I hadn't said a thing. I just kicked back in my chair, put my hands behind my head, and daydreamed about my experiences thus far with Jim and Hank and fantasizing about what was to come. My lack of participation was not going unnoticed.

"...and that's just typical liberal bullshit, but I'm sure you have something to say about that," said Monica, my nemesis as she turned her attention from the poor sap who had been forced to tolerate her incessant nonsense to me. She glared at me, and I smiled back.

"Trying to talk sense into you is like trying to teach an armless guy sign language. Just not worth my time," I said.

"Yeah, I figured that's what you would do. You know you can't win, so you just back off and pretend to be apathetic," she shot back. I rolled my eyes.

"You know, I allow this class to get pretty heated on these subjects because I think political discourse is important, but this is just a waste of all our time," Dr. Barrett interjected, "That's all for today. We'll reconvene next time with a similar topic, but next time, your hearts better be in it." He stared directly at me as he said it, and, blissful though I may have been, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.

Steadily the class filtered out of the room. I felt like a lecture was coming, so I figured I had better just bite the bullet. I slowly began to put away my notes, and by the time I threw my bag over my shoulder, I was the only one left in the classroom. Dr. Barrett eyed me, but said nothing. Thinking that I knew what opportunity he was looking for, I made my way for the door.

"Hold it right there, buddy," he said. He reached his hand out and caught me in the chest as I moved towards the door. Though I knew that he wouldn't admit it, I'm sure Dr. Barrett was waiting for me to leave so he would have an opportunity to feel me up a bit. After all, I was doing my best to tease him. Today, I was wearing a tight black v-neck shirt that left very little to the imagination. The sleeves were tight around my arms, and the shirt was just long enough. I had no doubt that whenever I sat back in my desk (which I did several times during the class period), my lower abdomen was exposed. Tease though I may have been, I'm sure Dr. Barrett wasn't going to complain.

"What's up?" I asked, flashing a smile. Jim's style was rubbing off on me.

"First, you're too aggressive. Now you don't give two shits. What the hell is going on?"

The interesting thing about Dr. Barrett's tone was that it wasn't necessarily angry. He wasn't mad at me at all. Instead, he sounded interested. He knew that the cause of my changes in behavior were the result of my somewhat overwhelming sexual circumstances, and I knew that he wanted to be involved. Rather than try to put my ecstasy into words, though, I withdrew a picture from my pocket. The picture was of me, Jim and Hank, taken with Jim's camera. In the picture, the three of us stood together, naked from the waste up. Jim stood in the middle of the picture, both his arms wrapped tightly around me and Hank on either side of him. Hank had his favorite mischievous smirk on, for he had reached over and grabbed my crotch a fraction of a second before the picture had been snapped, thus my look of surprised amusement. The picture had been taken only a few days before, but had been constant fuel for some of the most magnificent masturbatory sessions I've ever had. Dr Barrett took the picture from my hand and just stared, open-mouthed.

"My my," he said.

"Wouldn't that mess you up a little bit?" I asked.

"Sure would," he said, still gazing longingly at the picture, "Have you been... I mean, have either of them tried to..?"

"Fuck me?" I completed. It was interesting how the tables had turned. The last time Dr. Barrett and I had a discussion of this nature, I was the one who was tongue-tied. I was certainly enjoying the effect this was having on him, "Yeah. Last week, just after I left your office. I went over to Jim's and he fucked my brains out while I sucked Hank's cock. Not the worst way to end a day."

Dr. Barrett turned to look at me, and his eyes were wide has he stared hungrily. "Last week, in my office, I asked you about whether any of you had a daddy fetish." I had to give the man credit. He knew what he wanted and he was just going for it.

Since I did have just such a fetish, I had decided to plan ahead for just this situation. After our fuck session, I asked Jim and Hank how they felt about maybe mixing Dr. Barrett into our sessions. I explained the circumstances and gave them an excruciatingly detailed description of his appearance, which they responded too much better than I had expected. Both Jim and Hank had a "the more, the merrier" type attitude, and they were both okay with his age so long as he was hairy like the rest of us. In fact, Hank seemed positively excited about getting yet another stranger in on the action. They told me that, no matter where or when, if I could make a four-way happen, I was to get in touch with them and we would do it.

"Lucky for you, I've been thinking along those same lines," I told Dr. Barrett, "My new friends are perfectly willing to welcome you, that is, if you think you're up to it." His expression changed from baffled, as though he couldn't believe what he was hearing, to sly.

"If I'm up to it?" he repeated, "I'll show you young fucks a thing or two about how to make a guy happy.

"Name the time and place," I said, steadily inching closer to Dr. Barrett. The sexual tension was mounting, but I forced myself to keep my cool.

"Tonight. In the history department," he said, now all business. I was taken aback by his chosen location.

"In the department?" I asked, "How are we going to manage that?"

"The benefit of being a tenured professor," he said, "is that nobody asks questions when I stick around late into the night. This year is my turn in the rotation to chair the department, and I have all the keys . We will be utterly alone." This was certainly unexpected. Perhaps my shock showed on my face, for Dr. Barrett continued, "What's the matter? Cold feet?"

"Fuck no."

"Fine then," he said, grinning, "meet me at the side entrance near my office with both your beautiful men tonight at 8. Bring condoms and anything else you feel like playing with." He pulled out his wallet, took a $20 bill out, and, looking over his shoulder to make sure that no one suddenly burst through the door, stuck it down the front of my pants. His four fingers grazed by pubic hair as they slid down, and before he could get a chance to pull them back out, I grabbed his wrist and stuck his hand in still deeper until his fingers rubbed against my cock. After a few seconds, I pulled the hand back out, lifted it to my mouth, and licked the fingertips that had touched my meat. Privately enjoying his stunned expression, I dropped his hand back down, turned around, and walked out of the room. Dr. Barrettt did not immediately follow.

10 minutes later, I was walking along the main street of campus toward the nearest drug store for condoms. I whipped out my phone and punched in 69. After several rings, I remember that Jim was working tonight and probably wouldn't answer his phone. I ended the call and punched in 70 instead. (I had tried to make up some kind of sexual connection between Hank and his speed dial number, but I guess 70 just isn't that sexy a number.) After a few rings, Hank's voice answered.

"What's up, sexy?"

"A couple things are going to be up tonight, if you get my drift," I answered.

"You feel like playin'?" he asked, a note of excitement in his voice.

"Not just me," I answered, "Remember that professor of mine I was telling you about?"

"Finally won him over did you?" Hank asked, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Didn't take much once he saw that picture," I replied and Hank laughed.

"Where and when?" Hank asked, and I filled him in on the details.

"I'll be there. What's the word on Jim?"

"Can't get ahold of him, though I'm trying. He's working tonight, so I might have to just go find him and convince him myself," I said.

"Damn right, boy!" Hank cried, "See you a little before 8."

I hung up the phone and walked into the store. I browsed around for a bit, trying to think of something else to take that might make things even more fun. I tossed a couple cans of whipped cream and chocolate syrup into my basket and then proceeded to the condoms. After a few minutes of staring at the selection, I realized (with an additional thrill of lust) that magnums would be the way to go. I threw two boxes into my basket and moved to the checkout.

"This all?" the cashier asked. She was obviously a student at the school. Actually pretty attractive.

"That's it," I said, trying to keep my voice as casual as possible considering my purchases.

"Have a nice night," she smiled at me as she handed me the bag. If I weren't so into what was going to happen over the next hour or so, I would have probably pursued the not-so-subtle vibe I was getting from her. Unfortunately for her, my night promised to be much more exciting than anything she could have offered me. I walked out of the store and tried Jim's cell one more time. No answer. Time to head to the library.

Walking into the library disappointed. No sign of Jim, so I began my search. I took the elevator to the top and began searching the floors. On the third floor, I came across Rod. Rod was Jim's only work friend in whom Jim had ever confided our secret. He had a similar build as Jim, but a bit skinnier. I had found my mind wandering to him occasionally, but Jim and Hank occupied the vast majority of my attention. And even if I had been particularly interested, Jim never gave me any insight into his sexuality so I just passed over him. Rod was familiar to some extent with my relationship with Jim. He at least knew that we were more than friends, and he guessed correctly on this occasion that I was looking for him.

"He went to take a leak," said Rod, casting a look around. I understood his nerves. If any of Jim's co-workers found out about us, they would probably beat the shit out of Jim, and if they discovered Rod knew about it and did nothing, he wouldn't be far behind. It wasn't the most tolerant environment, but it was a small price to pay. I thanked Rod for the tip and made for the third floor bathroom.

I walked in to discover Jim leaning against a urinal, one hand hidden in front of his muscular form, the other against the wall in front of him. He casually glanced around to see who had entered the bathroom, and, upon seeing that it was me, smiled his usual mischievous smile. I returned it and walked over to him. I leaned up against his back and reached my hand around to grasp his cock. He let go and leaned his head back into my shoulder.

"You know," he said, his eyes closed, "I've been holding that forever. Now I'm never going to get a chance to piss."

"Well then I'll have to leave for a few minutes and come back in," I said quietly into his ear. He smiled and turned around to face me, his cock still hanging out of his pants.

"Nah, this is better," he said, "But what's the occasion?"

"You know that professor of mine?" I asked, and Jim nodded, "He's ready to meet you." If Jim was surprised by this, he didn't show it. He smiled even bigger still and followed me as I led him out of the bathroom.

"You need to punch out or anything?" I asked, glancing over my shoulder. Jim laughed.

"Nah, fuck it. The boss'll be up my ass later, but whatever," he shrugged, "In fact, that might actually be a good thing depending on how you look at it."

We left the library and made our way to the department. We entered the building and looked around for Hank, but there was no sign. As we made our way up toward the history department, we eventually found him fixing his ponytail in some reflective window in the Anthro department. When he heard us, he turned around and I got the full measure of him.

It had taken me a while to get used to Jim. Every time I saw him, I would be overcome once again by his handsome face, meaty forearms, and chiseled physique. Hank, however, was another matter entirely. The mere sight of him would be met by a gradually-hardening bulge in my pants. His towering, powerful form made me lightheaded, and I could hardly believe that he was mine to play with. I walked up to him, slapped his tight ass, and told both him and Jim to follow me upstairs. After another two flights of steps, we arrived at the history department door, and I tried it. Locked. I glanced around.

"I guess he's not here yet."

"Hey, what's this?" asked Jim. He was pointing at a small slip of paper barely visible in the crack of the door. I pulled it out and opened it. It was a note from Dr. Barrett.

"What does say?" asked Hank, clearly caught between impatience and amusement. He didn't come here for games, and I could tell that the precautions were starting to wear on him.

"It has a phone number and it says to text the quote that was on the board today." I said. This was all very well thought out. Anybody reading it couldn't know who the note was from unless they had his phone number already, which would probably only be faculty. Furthermore, there would be no reason for anyone but a student to know exactly which quote was on the board in class. I pulled out my phone and sent a text message reading "History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme" to the number. Hank, reading over my shoulder, chuckled at the quote.

"Doesn't repeat itself, my ass," he said, grabbing Jim's crotch. After a few moments of waiting, I heard footsteps approaching the door. Dr. Barrett came out from around the corner to open the door for us. Hank wolf-whistled. Dr. Barrett opened the door and quickly ushered us in, not really looking at anyone. He looked incredibly nervous, which was understandable. We walked in past him and he closed and locked the door behind us. We walked around the corner, out the view of the windowed door and glanced around. The department was deserted. Most of the lights were off and it was clear that everyone had gone home for the night. The blinds were all drawn, and the only lit room was across the lobby, the door partially shut. Before long, we were rejoined by Dr. Barrett.

"Well, the nerve-wracking part is out of the way," he said, still fumbling with his keys. He was starting to calm down, now that this last major hurdle was out of the way. I saw him look in my direction in the dark room, and I noticed a smile dawning on his face. "Let's get a better look at you guys," he said as he gestured toward the lone lit room.

I led the way into the room and saw that it was one of the faculty conference rooms, which seemed to have been rearranged and optimized for the evening's use. The table was pushed back against the wall, and the chairs were collected in the corner, except for a few. Scattered near the middle. The room was otherwise wide open.

Dr. Barrett followed us and locked the door behind him. I felt a shiver up my leg as I heard the clicking noise. I knew that we were all in for a ride. As he turned around again, I saw his eyes widen slightly at the sight before him. I knew from personal experience how much of a chore it was to take in all there was to Hank and Jim, and seeing them both there together must have been somewhat overwhelming. Hank was sitting on the table facing the door, and Jim was standing beside him, one hand on one of the chairs in which I sat. We all stared expectantly at Dr. Barrett.

"My distinguished pupil here didn't do you justice," he said, gesturing toward me. I smiled.

"Hey, could YOU describe them with words? The picture does a better job."

"Try describing this with words," said Hank, grabbing his crotch and leaning back ever so slightly.

"You youngsters all think you know all there is to know about fucking," Dr. Barrett said, smiling, "Don't you know that with age comes wisdom?"

"Well then, wiseman," said Hank, "show me what you've got." Abandoning pretense, Hank stood up on the table, unbuckled his belt, and dropped his pants. He was wearing the gay man's standard, a tight pair of boxer-briefs (white), that couldn't conceal his enormous cock, which protruded subtly forward. Hank put his thumbs inside the waste-band and pulled them out, revealing some of his pubic hair. He snapped the waste-band back in place and firmly grabbed his bulge.

Dr. Barrett seemed absolutely spellbound, as if he had never seen something so magnificent in his entire life. He moved forward, not taking his eyes off Hank's package, and began massaging it with his hand. Though he seemed eager, Dr. Barrett was no doubt a gentleman in matters such as these, and naturally resisted the urge to dive right in.

"Stop being such a pussy," Hank said, obviously enjoying the effect his cock was having, "You want it? Take it!" He put his massive hands around Dr. Barrett's head and thrust his crotch forward into the unsuspecting prof's face and held it there, enjoying the muffled moans of pleasure and satisfaction.

"Hey, asshole, stop hogging him!" said Jim, finally interjecting. He had no doubt been enjoying, but it was clear that he wanted to get it on the fun as well. Hank reluctantly pulled Dr. Barrett's face out of his crotch and they turned to face Jim.

"How about this?" said Jim. Still keeping eye contact with Dr. Barrett, he walked over and grabbed Jim's bulge in his hand. "This one in your mouth." He then unzipped his jeans and withdrew his own cock. I was pleased to see that Jim wasn't wearing any underwear. "And this one in your ass. Sound good?"

Dr. Barrett nodded, still stunned. There was no way that he was expecting two such enormous cocks. He had already gotten a feel of mine. I was looking forward to getting more intimately acquainted with his.

"Sounds good to me," said Hank. He slowly pulled down his underwear, and from underneath sprung his slowly-swelling boner. His balls hung low in the warmth of the room. Dr. Barrett gazed longingly at the huge piece of meat before him and steadily went down on it. Hank moaned with satisfaction as Dr. Barrett's warm mouth began consuming the cock. He made no attempt to deep-throat it. Such an attempt would have been pitiful and fruitless. Instead, he hungrily licked every inch, taking the balls in his mouth and then switching to tease the head with his tongue before dragging it across the long, ever-growing shaft. The cock tasted good, I knew, and Dr. Barrett was no doubt enjoying it.

As he sucked, Dr. Barrett also prepared for Jim. He pulled down his own pants and blue boxer shorts. From where I was sitting, I had a wonderful view of the man's stiff cock. He was sporting a raging hard-on, an inevitability at this point. He moved one of his hands to grip Hank's cock as he sucked it, while using the other to play with his asshole, a gesture Jim took to suggest "Fuck my brains out." I threw Jim one of the boxes of condoms, from which he withdrew one magnum. He ripped open the wrapper with his teeth and pulled it out. He wasn't quite hard yet, so he experimented with rubbing his cockhead between Dr. Barrett's ass cheeks. Once he got a good boner going, he rolled the condom down his shaft. Eyeing Dr. Barett's asshole, he withdrew a small bottle from his pocket.

"Lube," he said, grinning, "Never leave home without it." He rubbed some on his wrapped dick and fingered up Dr. Barrett's asshole. "You ready?" he asked the back of Dr. Barrett's head. He received a blissful moan in response, and Jim jammed his cock right in.

Either out sheer surprise or pain considering the size of the rod upon which he had just been impaled, Dr. Barrett momentarily froze. Eyes jammed shut, he spent the next several seconds focusing on taking in all of Jim's cock without exploding. Once Jim had begun a steady thrust, I figured that it was my turn to step in.

I walked over to Dr. Barrett, who was standing in front of the table sucking Jim's cock, and knelt down. His dick was already dancing freely in front of me, but I wanted more space to work with, so I began unbuttoning his shirt. As I did so, I ran my hands throw his furry chest, tweaking his nipples and massaging his hard form. Once I had removed the shirt, I turned my attention to his stiff cock. I wasted no time jacking him off or tickling his balls. I wanted to taste my professor's meat, and I went down on it immediately. As soon as my mouth touched his cockhead, he began to leak precum. The taste was absolutely delicious, and I couldn't wait for more.

This whole "secluded department" setting was working well for us. It wasn't long before Hank, Jim, Dr. Barrett and myself were all positively moaning in ecstasy. I felt Jim's thrusts deeper and faster in Dr. Barrett as he fucked him, and sheer willpower stopped me from gagging on the thick pole moving farther and farther down my throat.

"I'm.. I'm gonna cum," claimed Hank. I heard a mumble from Dr. Barrett that sounded a lot like "me too" though muffled by the enormous penis in his face. Jim, who seemed to be the mastermind behind all this, pulled his cock out of Dr. Barrett and then pulled him back from my mouth and Hank's pulsating boner. He pulled Dr. Barrett over a few feet along the table and slammed him down. Jim instantly picked up where he had left off. He called over to me, "Sit down in front of his face!" I hastened to obey. I sat, legs spread, right in front of Dr. Barrett's face, but not before finally stripping off my own clothes. I sat so that my exposed cock was inches away from Dr. Barrett's face, my back against the wall.

"You want that boy-cock?" Jim demanded. Dr. Barrett gasped out a yes. "You're going to have to do better than that!" he yelled as he took one furiously rough thrust into Dr. Barrett's ass, who then screamed out "YES!"

"Suck that boy-cock, old man!" yelled Jim, I pointed my cock right in Dr. Barrett's direction, who instantly began sucking it. My meat was more manageable than Hank's, and I was stunned to see Dr. Barrett take most of it into his mouth. I loved the feeling of his warm mouth on my hard cock, and I sat back and enjoyed it for a few seconds before I noticed Hank standing in the corner, watching as he stroked his cock.

"Get up here and fuck my face," I said to him. He grinned and, in one step, he used his powerful legs to pull him up on the table. He stood in front of me, his legs on either said of Dr. Barrett's bobbing head. His cock loomed before me, and I opened my mouth wide. Hank grabbed the sides of my head and began smearing my face all over his crotch. I held my tongue out and could taste Dr. Barrett's saliva all over his wet package. Finally, Hank plunged his cock down my throat. I took as much of it as I could and began sucking in earnest. I had a brutal appetite for his cum, and I could feel his cock pulsating with increasing intensity with every pump, telling me that he was getting close again.

"I'm... I'm..." he began. I wanted this to be huge, so I reached my hand around and stuffed my finger up his asshole. The prostate stimulation was too much.

"FUCK!" he roared, and I felt a hot rope of Hank's cum shoot down my throat. I pulled the cock out of his mouth and pointed it at my chest. He shot twice more onto my chest before he started to slow down. Wanting another taste, I jammed his cock back into my mouth and took all of the rest. The hot, sticky jizz dripped down my chin as I swallowed as much as I could. Hank, breathing as if he had just run a 10 mile race, eased off me, eying the spunk on my furry pecs. Hank was a big fan of his own cum, and I knew that he wanted a taste. I knew, however, that I was getting close to blowing. Jim had to go too.

"Go help your friend," I said to Hank, who jumped off the table, walked up behind Jim, and, imitating me, stuck his finger into Jim's ass. Once again, it did the trick, and Jim let out a ringing moan as he came. At the same time, I could no longer hold it in. I pulled Dr. Barrett's head all the way down onto my cock so that his lips were touching my carefully trimmed bush as I shot my load down his throat. He choked, and I let off, the remains of my cum dripping out of his mouth and down my shaft. Jim pulled out of Dr. Barrett, who stood up and tried to catch his breath.

"Holy fuck," he gasped, short of breath, "That's some quality shit you got there,"

"You think that's good?" I asked, "Taste this." I gestured to Hank's cum on my chest. Dr. Barrett grabbed me around my feet and pulled me forward so that I was lying on my back on the table. He made a move to bend down to lick the cum off my chest before turning around and saying to Hank and Jim, "There's plenty to go around."

Grinning, the two men moved forward and all three licked the cum off me. I was a little upset that I couldn't get in on the tasting myself until Jim, who always looked out for me, ran his finger through the cum and then pushed it into my mouth. I savored the taste of Hank's juice and sucked on Jim's finger longingly. After a space of time that was much too short, they eased off me and straightened up. Hank and Jim looked tired but still excited.

"Three down, one to go," said Hank, glancing at Dr. Barrett, "Let's give you the works." Before Dr. Barrett had any idea what was going on, Hank pulled him up sat him down on one of the chairs, and knelt down in front of him.

"Jim, you take the top. We'll take the bottom," Hank said. Jim and I were only too willing to follow orders. I knelt down next to Hank and we got started. Hank sucked hungrily on Dr. Barrett's cock while my tongue licked his balls and as deep into his ass as I could get. Jim, used his hands and tongue to cover the upper body, massaging every inch. Dr. Barrett threw his head bag and moaned without restraint. He began pumping his cock forward into Hank's mouth. Hank accepted the cock all too willingly, and stuffed every inch down his throat. I took advantage of Dr. Barrett's projected-forward pelvis to bury my tongue in his ass. Within another minute of this pure body worship, Dr. Barrett started to lose it.

"Ahhh....AH...SHIT!" was all he managed to get out. I registered Hank's slight lurch as Dr. Barrett starting shooting his load down his throat. Hank took his mouth off Dr. Barrett's cock and pointed it in my face. I opened my mouth wide as Dr. Barrett shot in my mouth. Jim came down too an got his own taste before Hank went back down on the cock and sucked up all the rest. He eyed Dr. Barrett with his mischievous stare as he extracted the last few drops.

Spent, Hank, Jim, and I fell back against the table with Dr. Barrett sitting before us, still out of breath.

"Thoughts?" asked Hank.

Dr. Barrett stared at the three of us, trying to articulate a thought, but words failed him. He just leaned his head back, looking stunned that anything like this could be real.

"I expected as much," I said. "Give it 20 minutes and we'll go again. We got all night, right?" Jim and Hank looked at me and smiled. It was going to be a wonderful night.

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