Hairy Maintenance Man

By Nooger Ballsfad

Published on May 27, 2010


Disclaimer: This story contains details of sexual acts between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to view this material in your area, or if you are opposed to such subject matter, please leave this page now.

I would very much appreciate feedback to this story. If you?ve got anything to say, e-mail me at

Let me preface this by saying that I'm a 21 year old Junior at a major state university in the northeast. I'm 6'1, about 210 pounds that is mostly muscle. I keep in shape, not for any particular sport, but just because I like to be presentable for my partners. I?ve got nice pecs, and a defined six pack. My chest is evenly covered in hair, which I refuse to shave. Bears have always been my big turn-on, and I love my own hairiness. Below the belt, I?m sporting a 9 inch member (size 15 shoe after all) and some nicely sized balls. One of my core workout routines involves keeping my ass nice and tight. I'm bisexual, and I've known for a while. I've gone back and forth between being more straight and more gay, but I always settle down somewhere in the middle.

This particular story kicks off on a Wednesday near the middle of the semester. Wednesdays were a good day for me. I had one class at 8 AM, and the rest of my day was free. I typically spent about 5 or 6 hours every Wednesday in my favorite comfy seat on the 4th floor of the main campus library getting my work done. I walked into the building, and made right for the elevator. I stood in the queue waiting to go up to the more quiet study areas. I scanned the group for potential. Fat girls and unkempt guys. I was used to it, but still disappointed. I heard the ding of the elevator, and we shuffled on. I pressed the ?4? button, and just as the door was starting to close, I heard someone yell.


I stuck my foot in the door just in time to stop it from closing all the way. It opened up, and I saw the fine specimen I had so luckily held for. He was a maintenance man. Obviously a few years older than me, but still quite young, perhaps 28 or so.

?Thanks!? he gasped, out of breath from running. His chest rose and fell with his heavy breathing. He flashed a beautiful smile as he squeezed onto the elevator. Because of the limited space, he settled into place facing me, barely an inch between us. His chest was obviously well defined, as was visible through his shirt. I saw a tuft of hair sticking out of his shirt where he hadn?t buttoned up all the way, and I felt the familiar tingling up my leg. The sleeves of his shirt were pulled up, revealing meaty, hairy forearms. He was somewhat dirty, an expected characteristic of a busy maintenance man. His hair was brown, but streaked with blonde. His general mentality made me believe that he was straight, but he took very good care of himself. His masculine demeanor, look, and smell made my head spin. It was all I could do to contain myself.

As the door of the elevator closed, he stepped closer to me so as not to lose a limb, and his hand inadvertently brushed the hardening bulge in my jeans. My cock jumped at the feeling, and he glanced at me, searching. He reached his hand over and pressed the ?3? button. We rode in an especially awkward silence up to the third floor. The door opened and he stepped off. He glanced back at me as the door closed, his eyes still penetrating mine. Had he known what had just transpired? Did he assume that it was just a mistake? It made me nervous but I tried to get my mind off of it.

The elevator dinged again, and I stepped through the open door onto the fourth floor. I noticed that my favorite seat was taken. Now officially grumpy, I set off in another direction to find a place to settle down and get started on my work. I set up on a hard wooden table a little ways away and started reading the assigned chapters for my history class.

As expected, the textbook didn?t hold my attention well. It wasn?t long before my mind was back on the hunky maintenance man. I remembered his scent as if he were still standing right near me. The musky, sweaty smell of a man who had been working all day. I imagined what he looked like with his shirt off. And from there I slowly began to undress him further.

This was a particularly exciting event for me because, despite being bisexual, my experience with other men was sparse at best. I had made out with guys before, but I had never gone beyond that. I thirsted for my first go at some real action, and I saw the opportunity in this man.

After ten more minutes of forced reading, I couldn?t take it anymore. Feeling butterflies in my stomach, but a much more overwhelming feeling in my pants, I threw my book into my school bag and departed for the stairs.

I remembered that he had gotten off on the third floor, and I hoped that he?d still be there. I made my way down the steps and onto the third floor. My initial scan of the room disappointed: no sign of him. I walked around the giant square that made up the floor and saw nothing. I returned to the elevator area, defeated, and pressed the down button. My only option now was to make my way back to my dorm and beat off, fantasizing about the hot session that might have been. As I waited, I heard some commotion from the janitorial closet a little way away. I watched for a second, and the door popped open. From inside emerged my man, looking more masculine than before. My heart skipped a beat. It was now or never.

He looked around, aware that his commotion had probably echoed into the study area of the library. Eventually, his eyes met mine, and he froze. I figured he would remember me, but I didn?t expect this reaction. I stepped towards him, and he didn?t move. Sensing that he, while not necessarily welcoming me, wasn?t rejecting me, I walked over to him.

?Can I help with something?? he asked, unfreezing and flashing that beautiful smile again. Though he was definitely aware that there was something going on, he was confident and extroverted.

I composed myself. ?I think so.? I glanced around him into the room he had just left.

?What?? he asked, following my gaze.

?I?m checking to see if that would be a good room in which I could suck your cock.? I returned, casually. He tensed for a few seconds and then grinned at me.

?Oh?? he asked, ?So I was definitely picking up a signal in that elevator??

?Yeah, a big one.? I said.

?Well, I?m straight.? He said. I figured as much.

?Let me give you a reason not to be.? I shot back. It was, perhaps, a cheesy line, but I didn?t care. He grinned again and gestured for me to follow him. We walked down the steps to the basement floor. Though I new students were allowed here, I had never visited. I preferred my favorite spot on the fourth floor. He wound through a convoluted path of hallways. Eventually, he stopped at a pretty plain looking door somewhat hidden in the shadows of the basement. He took out an enormous key-ring, picked one of the keys out, and unlocked the door. He looked around to see if anyone watched us, and then ushered me in.

The room was unremarkable. Dimly lit and obviously used as a last resort break room, it was mostly empty, save for a few battered chairs and a rusty table. He walked inside, lifted his arms as if showcasing the room and said "What do you think?"

"Good enough," I said, and I met his gaze and scrutinized, "You're really straight?" "Give me a break, I might have been within earshot of some of my homophobic co-workers. If I were really straight, you think I would've brought you down here?' "Sounds good to me," I said as I walked over. I lifted the bottom of his shirt and fingered the belt buckle, "Never thought I'd get this far." He put his hand over mine. "Wait," he said. I withdrew my hand and gazed into his beautiful eyes, somewhat disappointed. "What's wrong?" "This has to be more fun than just a quick fling," he said, a crooked smile dawning on his rugged face, "I get off in about 20 minutes. Let me meet you at your place and we'll go fuckin crazy there." My jaw dropped. I had hoped for a quick fling, never a full-blown ride. I gave him my address, and, trying desperately to hide my rock-hard boner, I left the room and departed for my building. "The door will be unlocked," I said as I walked away, "just come on inside."

The walk home was one of the slowest of my life. Sure, I was half running, but I couldn't stop thinking about the amazing luck I had had that day and how it was going to get so much better. Each fantasy was wilder than the last, and I couldn't suppress my boner as I let my imagination run wild. After what felt like hours, I made it to my front door. I fumbled with the key and opened up. In a panic, I noticed that my living room was filthy, I rushed to clean it up before he got there. Once it was presentable, I pulled out the fold-out couch that I kept for guest and sat down on it. I bounced up and down a few times to make sure that it was ready for the ride of it's life. No squeaking.. a good sign since my neighbors would probably bitch if I was too loud.

I checked to see that the door was partially open. I wanted to make sure he knew that he was welcome and that this was his destination; I didn't want to be disappointed. I glanced outside and was surprised to see him half running down the street towards by building, eying first the piece of paper on which I had written my address and then squinting to find a matching building address. I ducked my head back in before he saw me and closed the door halfway. I kicked my shows off and got back onto the bead, dead center, and put my arms behind my head, waiting patiently.

A few moments later, I heard a soft knock at the already-opened door. I tensed. Sure, I was sitting here waiting for it, but that didn't ease the excitement, and my cock twitched in response to the rapid sexual arousal. His voice, husky and confident rang out,


"Come on in," I replied. He pushed the door further open and a smile broke across his face as the image of me lying spread-eagled in the bed appeared before him. "Took you long enough. Feels like I've been waiting all day."

"You don't know the half of it," he shot back, smiling still, "Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to go soft after our little encounter in the basement?

"I was trying to keep it down all the way here, and between you and me, that's saying something," I said. Yeah, maybe it sounded braggy, but I had every intention of backing it up.

"I can't wait to see if you're bullshitting me or not," he said. I put my hands down to my jeans and rubbed the growing bulge in my pants. I went for the belt buckle and started to unfasten it -


"What now?" I said. I was going to lose it if we were delayed one more second.

"Let me go first." he said and smiled again. I laid back and relaxed, ready for the show of a lifetime. He closed the door behind him, locked it, and turned to face me again. He lifted up the too-long maintenance staff shirt to reveal the beautiful outline of his throbbing boner in his pants. It took all of my self control to stop myself from getting up and grabbing the massive tool right there, but I stopped myself, knowing that my patience would be rewarded. He dropped the shirt and his hands climbed slowly to the top buttons. On the way up, he massaged his chest, and I was better able to see the outline of his muscular physique. My mouth began to water.

Starting at the top, he began to unbutton his shirt. As he did, he pulled back the material and I saw that he was wearing the tightest of beaters underneath. Dark blue and slightly stained, it barely concealed his body, and some of his chest hair was visible over the top of it. The light color and even covering was exactly what I loved, as if he were something straight out of my wildest, most perfect fantasy. He finished unbuttoning and let the shirt fall almost to the floor before he caught it in one hand. His upper arms were beautiful; the bulky too-large shirt didn't do justice to them. I had the sudden thought of what utter paradise it must be to be held in a headlock by him, and my cock stiffened even more.

Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. In one swift motion, he whipped the shirt at me and it fell over my face. All at once, I was blasted with the smell of his musky odor, and I immediately began to drip precum. I wrapped the shirt around my face and inhaled deeply. The smell was more than I could handle, and my thirst to have him closer to me tripled. I removed the shirt from my face and laid it down next to me. I never wanted to be away from that smell again. I gazed back up at him and watched his beautiful form grin sheepishly. He hesitated, looked me up and down, and, reassured, grabbed the neck hole of his beater with both hands. He appeared to be giving himself a half hearted hug. Still dazed from the smell of the shirt, I hadn't realized what he was planning to do. All of a sudden, his muscles flexed and he ripped the beater apart, right down the middle, exposing his exceptional chest, the magnificent pecs, and a six pack that the most dedicated of gym rats would kill for. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was the epitome of the hot bear stereotype; the guy that any self-respecting bear lover would give his right hand for. My eyes must have been bugging, because he looked at me and laughed,

"Ha, I wasn't sure if that was a good move or not. Seemed kinda cheesy."

Still speechless, I shook my head. He laughed again and put his hand behind his head in a typical embarrassed expression. In doing so, he flexed his biceps yet again, a move which likely took another couple days off my life span. I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take.

He paused for a moment, putting off the moment we were really waiting for. Slowly, he massaged his thighs as his hands moved steadily towards his belt buckle. He rubbed down the area surrounding his glorious meat and steadily began to undo his tattered jeans. I longed to get up and do it for him, but this had been such a wonderful show and I didn't want to spoil it. He unbuckled, unbuttoned, and unzipped. Slowly he pushed his jeans down to reveal a pair of tight black briefs that were trying their hardest to keep his cock in place. Once the jeans fell all the way down, I saw the the tip of the head was actually starting to poke out of the bottom of the right leg. He evidently noticed too and pushed them down to conceal the monster. He kicked off his jeans and crawled onto the bed, placing only his knees on the mattress and slowly inching towards me, his magnificent package pushed ever so slightly towards me the entire time.

Once he was close enough, he smiled at me and said, "You ready?"

Finally recovering my ability to speak, I replied "I've never been so ready for anything."

I reached my hand out, touched his chest, and ran my hands through the hair. It felt amazing. His skin was perfectly warm, though my hands must have been somewhat cold, because his nipples hardened immediately. Not wanting to waste this experience, I sat up and switched places with him. Now, he laid on the bed before me, his magnificent arms behind his head and his legs spread out. I positioned myself carefully over top of him and began my exploration. My tongue first penetrated his mouth. We kissed hungrily. I tasted him, and he was delicious. After a few moments, my mouth moved down his neck, and he moaned with satisfaction. My hands felt his cut form and slid up the sides of his upper body, eventually stopped to massage his arms. My tongue probed his armpits, during which his moaning intensified. I then moved onto his pecs, massaging one nipple with my hand and the other with my tongue. I yearned to lick every inch of him. He was so delicious. The smell of a hard days work filled my nostrils as I tasted the salty sweat that had dried on his body. After working on his upper body for a while, I moved down the trail of thicker hair, pausing to tongue his belly button, and then going deeper. He moaned louder as my mouth gently massaged the outline of his now-almost-fully-erect cock. I moved up and down his leg. It had to have been at least ten inches - and I thought I was gifted!

After teasing him sufficiently, I peeled back his underwear with my teeth. I had to grab the waste band and pull the boxer briefs down the rest of th way in order to fully expose his beast. His cock sprung, fully erect before. It was amazing - ten and a half inches, cut. His balls fell down beneath it, large enough that they rested on the mattress below. I pulled off his underwear the rest of the way and watched him spread his legs out even more, making room for me to do my duty.

"May I?" I asked.

"I insist," he replied.

I first buried my face in his pubic hair. It was substantial, but neatly trimmed. He was excellent at keep things under control. I held the monster in my hand and massaged the tip with my tongue, looking up at him all the while. He moaned with greater satisfaction. I pulled the cock up and licked the shaft up and down. I turned it to the side and moved my mouth across the enormous length. Like the rest of his body, his cock tasted wonderful. I could have feasted on it all day. Slowly, I began to take it in my mouth. He didn't know that this was my first time sucking a cock, and I was curious to see whether or not he'd be able to tell. Obviously, I wasn't going to be able to take it all the way, but I did what I could. Once I had a decent amount of it inside of me, I began the massage it with my tongue. I moved steadily up and down, and his moans became louder and louder. I placed his large, maintenance-man hands on the back of my head and began pumping. Face-fucked by this god! I couldn't believe it. With every pump, it became more intense. He moaned louder and moved faster. I began to choke, but I didn't want him to stop so I kept taking the cock. Eventually, he slowed down and pulled my head out of his crotch.

"What is it?" I gasped, out of breath.

"My turn," he said. I sat up and he peeled off the tight t-shirt I was wearing. He laid me up against the wall and examined my upper body. "Very nice," he said. His hands began massaging my chest. It was pure bliss feeling him move across my chest. I had never been so proud of my physique as I watched him stare hungrily at my body. He unfastened my belt and pulled off my pants, revealing my tight boxer briefs, which were doing a fairly poor job of concealing my bulge. Then, he got up, threw the excess clothes off the bed, and sat down next to me. He threw his arm around my shoulders and turned towards me, his other hand massaging my chest. Steadily, his hand moved down my stomach and then onto my cock. I began to moan softy as he touched my pulsating bulge. He slid his fingers across the fabric and felt the wet spot where I had earlier released precum.

"Can't let this go to waste, can we?" he said, looking at me and smiling. He peeled off my underwear and lifted them to his face. "Smells delicious." He gently placed his tongue on the darkened, wet spot. "Tastes even better." I watched as he sucked on my wet undergarment in a way so seductive that it should have been punishable by law. Eventually, not being able to take it anymore, I began to ooze more precum. The moan of satisfaction I let out as I did so brought him out of his fixation and he glanced down. "Heheh, I was hoping that there was more where this came from." He tossed the underwear of the bed, and more closely examined my revealed cock. I was now fully erect. My 9 inches were impressive, but paled in comparison to his giant. He grinned approvingly at my meat, though, and immediately went to town on it, first gently massaging and then plunging his mouth down onto it. I blanched, barely able to contain the load that was ready to shoot down his throat. He repositioned himself around so that he was kneeling in the gap between my legs. He took his mouth off my cock and glanced up at me.

"I have three words for you. Three words that I'm sure will make you believe in a higher power."

"What words are those?" I asked, hardly believing that life could get any better.

"No.Gag.Reflex." he said. He smiled his seductive smile as I stared in awe. He pulled my boner up to its full height so that he was facing it straight on, and he went down on it. I could hardly believe it. In a matter of seconds, my entire cock was consumed by his glorious mouth. I was buried in his throat, and he look as if he was ready for whatever I had. Taking my cues from him, I grabbed the back of his head and forced my cock deeper. I thrust with more and more urgency until his face was positively buried in my pubic hair. I moaned louder and louder, sure that my neighbors would hear the commotion, but not caring. Nothing else in the world mattered but this beautiful man before me.

"I..I..I'm going to c-cuumm..." I said. He pulled my cock out of his throat and looked up at me.

"I want the entire load down my throat. Don't you dare waste a single drop," he said, and he immediately went back to it. Within moments, his face was buried again. I couldn't take it anymore. Every muscle in by body tensed, my toes curled, and I felt the most explosive orgasm I had ever experienced. My cock erupted, and I shot load after load of hot, sticky cum down his throat as he moaned. I was sure that he wouldn't be able to handle it, but when he finally surfaced, barely a drop remained. He completely drained my cock and seemed to enjoy every bit of it.

He exhaled and rolled over, his cock still erect. "How was that?" he asked.

"There are no words in the English Language that could do it justice," I said, "and now you need to let me return the favor. I want to taste your cum."

"Please," he smiled and gestured towards his meat. He lay back and stretched out, his cock standing at full attention. Again, I resumed sucking him off, feeling somewhat pathetic at the inferior job I was doing,. How was I supposed to top him deepthroating me? Well, I guess the only thing to do was try. I looked up at him and, motivated by the look of extreme contentment on his face as he enjoyed my warm mouth on his cock, I went to work. Little by little, I moved his cock deeper into my mouth. I felt it in my throat, and I started to gag, but I suppressed the feeling and took him in deeper. Eventually, I reached my maximum, and was pleasantly surprised to see that I had taken more than half. I glanced up at him and was surprised to see the astonished look on his face.

"No one has taken me this deep before," he said, "Most men aren't even willing to try."

I responded my massaging the underpart of his shaft with my tongue. I moved the cock steadily back and forth in my mouth, careful to maintain what I had accomplished. He threw his head back and groaned. I hoped that I could at least make him feel the kind of ecstasy that I had experienced. I ran my hands up and down his muscular legs and played with his beautiful balls while I moved my head up and down on his cock. He began to thrust in and out of me yet again, and as the rhythm increased, I knew that he was getting ready to blow. I yearned to taste his cum. I couldn't wait to experience his hot load. I knew that it was only a matter of time.

In one quick movement, he pulled my head up, flipped me onto my back, pushed me up against the wall, and sat on my chest. His cock slapped against my face and I opened my mouth to receive it. He put his hands up against the wall and began thrusting the cock in and out of my mouth. He fucked my face harder and harder, and I got more and more excited.

"Here it comes!" he yelled. He grabbed my head and plunged his cock down my throat. I replied enthusiastically and took it as far as it would go. I watched his muscles contract and felt the hot load shoot down my throat. As he shot, he pulled his cock out of my mouth. I got one load down my throat before he began blowing in my mouth, on my face, and then on my chest. Like a fireman with his hose, he shot all over me. I kept my mouth wide open, craving the delicious, hot cum. Eventually, the flow stopped. He opened his eyes and gazed at me.

"I wasn't going to let you hog it all," he said, "My cum is some grade-A shit." He moved back and lowered his face onto mine, slurping up the cum on my face and then swapping it with me as he plunged his tongue into my mouth. We shared his load, savoring every last drop. It was the best thing I had ever tasted.

Finally, he eased off and sat down beside me.

"That was fantastic," I gasped.

"I know. Just imagine if there were three of us." he replied, a twinkle in his eye..

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 2

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