Hairy Love

Published on Nov 25, 2018



Hairy Love by mike loggerman

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I had always been attracted to guys, but never acted on it until my first week of college. I was in the library basement and had to use the bathroom. It had two stalls and urinal. As I stood at the urinal, I heard the sound of a guy stroking his cock. I looked through the crack in the closed stall door and saw a skinny black guy stroking his cock. He opened the door and I felt his big balls and stroked his cock. He felt my hard cock through my pants and asked if I wanted to come to his dorm room. I nodded and he pulled up his pants.

As we walked across campus, I learned his name was Roger, and he was a freshman too. He was quiet and soft spoken. He asked what I liked to do. I said I didn't have much experience but I wanted to learn. He smiled and said he liked me a lot and we could have a good time together.

When we got to his room, Roger pressed his lips to mine and slipped his tongue in my mouth. He undressed me and felt my body as we kissed. He got undressed and held me close as we kissed. I got on my knees and sucked his cock. It was big and thick and I loved it. I stood up and he felt my ass and fingered it. He asked if I would let him take my virginity. I was excited and said yes.

Roger had me lay back on the bed and pull my legs up. He licked my hole and stroked my cock. He lubed his cock and pressed it against my hole. He said to push out and he pushed his cock inside me. I said it hurt bad. He said to relax. It was just my virginity going away. When it stopped hurting, he started thrusting in and out of me. He smiled and said he liked being inside me. I was moaning and enjoying his cock deep in me. I had a powerful orgasm and shot my cum on my abdomen. He kept thrusting and groaned as he filled me with his seed. He kept his cock in me and thanked me. I said it was amazing. He asked if I wanted to spend the night. He said he didn't have a roommate. I said I would love to.

Roger was a dork, but he excited me. He had hairy armpits and a long bush on an otherwise smooth body. He saw how much I loved being fucked and it excited him. By the time I left, my ass was sore but I was content. He said he would call me.

It took several days for my ass to feel back to normal. I started looking at guys differently. There was a dorky guy who lived on my floor named Danny. He was tall and thin and wore glasses. He wasn't very social and didn't shower that often. I saw him in the cafeteria and sat with him. I asked what his plans were for the evening. He said he was going to take a shower and watch tv. I said I was going to shower too but had no other plans. I said maybe we could hang out after we showered. He asked why I wanted to hang out with him. I said I liked him. He said he needed to go take his shower. We left and I got my shower stuff. I got to the shower room and it was empty. I turned on the water and I heard the door open. Danny walked in and took off his towel. He turned on the shower near mine. He saw me looking over his thin hairy body and big hairy cock. I said I didn't realize he was so hairy. He saw my cock was semi hard. He asked if I was serious when I said I liked him. I said very serious. He said he liked me too. My cock was hard and he stroked it.

We dried off and he asked if I wanted to come to his room later. He didn't have a roommate either. We went to our rooms and I got dressed. I went to Danny's room and we got undressed. We felt each other. I loved his hairy body and he enjoyed my smoothness. I was feeling his dark armpit hair and he kissed me. He got on top of me and lay between my legs. He said he really liked me. I pulled my legs up and he slowly entered me. He was so dorky but I was excited by him. His hairy body felt incredible. I wrapped my legs around his and felt his hairy ass. He kept thrusting and I shot my load. He continued pounding and emptied his balls inside me.

We lay in bed and he put his arm around me. He asked if I wanted to spend the night with him. I said I wanted to be naked with him as much as possible. He said if I did, I would get fucked a lot. I said I wanted him to fuck me as much as possible too. He smiled and said we could be boyfriends. What a dork. I said yes.

I slept with Danny and we woke up grinding our bodies together. He slipped his cock back inside me. I said I never wanted someone as much as I wanted him. We kissed as he pounded me. He said he felt more like a man when he fucks me. I said he was my hot stud. He thrust harder and said he loved my cunt. I said my cunt was his. He grunted as he cummed hard in me. He kissed me and said he would fuck me as much as I wanted.

For the next week I slept at Danny's room. We applied to be roommates. The dorm supervisor called us into his office and recommended we move to an older dorm on the other side of the campus. He said that dorm was cheaper and the third floor was all guys like us. He said we might be happier there. We agreed and moved that weekend.

It was a cool place to be. We could move our beds together and no one made a big deal about it. Guys on the lower floors liked having a gay floor because it was convenient if they wanted a blow job. There was a code. If you left your door open, it meant you were open to sucking cock.

I tried it one afternoon when my class was cancelled. I left the door open and was sitting at my desk. A chubby guy from the first floor knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to suck his cock. I said yeah and he came in and closed the door. He stood in front of me and fumbled for his zipper. I told him to take off his clothes. He complied and I felt his chest and armpits. I felt his hairy crotch and sucked his cock while I played with his balls. He moaned and I felt his cock throbbing on my tongue as he shot his load. He thanked me and left.

I wound up sucking a lot of guys. I enjoyed feeling a hard cock in my mouth and eating cum. Danny didn't mind as long as they didn't fuck me. One of my favorites was hairy blond chin named Teddy. He had a four inch cock. I loved feeling his hairy body. I liked sucking his small cock and burying my face in his hairy crotch. I played with his hairy armpits and sucked him off several times a day. He was looking to get fucked. One afternoon, I thrust my cock inside him and we kissed as I moved in and out of him. I cummed hard inside him.

Danny and I were roommates all through college. We found jobs in different cities and moved away after graduation. Teddy was still in school, so I found myself alone in a new city.

I never acted very gay, but people told me I gave off vibes. I was friendly with a 19 year old guy named Dennis who worked in our building. He must have picked up on my vibe because he always seemed to rub his crotch when he saw me.

One morning I went to the men's room and Dennis came in a moment later and stood at the urinal next to mine. He took out his cock, which was large and said he needed to give it some air. I laughed and said I can see why he is always rubbing it. He smiled and said that's just until he finds someone who likes it as much as he does. I said it would depend on what he wanted done with it. He grinned and said he doesn't need much, just a warm hole. Someone came in so we zipped up and left.

During my afternoon break, I stopped by the mailroom and asked Dennis if he wanted to come hang out at my place after work. He said he would like that, but he should shower and change before he comes. I said he could come as he is.

Dennis met me after work and we took the bus to my studio apartment. When we got inside he asked how literal was my invitation to hang out. I said very literal. He smiled and took off his shirt. I felt his chest and armpits. I sniffed and licked his pits as we undressed. He had hairy legs and thighs that led to a very hairy crotch. I felt his thighs as I sucked his cock. He felt my cheeks and fingered my ass. I got on my back and pulled my legs up. He thrust his big cock inside me and I moaned as I enjoyed it deep in me. He grinned and said I had a nice warm hole. He grunted as he filled my ass with his load. He got dressed and left.

I realized I was just a conquest for him, but in a way, so was he for me. It was ok, but I wanted more.

Dennis came by and fucked me several times a week. While I didn't care for him that much, I needed to be fucked and gladly let him fuck me. He told an Asian guy named Lee about me.

Lee worked for another company in our building. He was thin and 40ish. He was shy like me. Lee approached me as I was on my way to the cafeteria during a break. He said he was a friend of Dennis' and he heard I liked having male companionship. I said that was true. He said he would be interested in sharing companionship with me. I said I would enjoy that very much. I invited him to come home with me after work. He seemed very excited.

I met him in the lobby after work and we took the bus to my apartment. He sat next to me on the bus and rested his hand on my thigh. I parted my legs and he moved his hand up and down my thigh. My cock was hard in my pants and he felt it through my pants. We got off the bus and went to my apartment. He kissed me softly as he undressed me. He felt me all over as I undressed him. His body was smooth but his cock and armpits were hairy. He lay on my bed and I licked his taint and sucked his cock. He was rock hard and I asked him to fuck me. He got between my legs and thrust his cock inside me as he felt me and kissed me. I was excited by his gentleness. I shot my load and he shot inside me. We lay in bed caressing each other.

I enjoyed being with Lee and he visited me several times a week. I developed a crush on a guy named Lenny who worked in my office. He was two years older than me. He was bald and not good looking, but had a really thick brown beard. He was very quiet and kept to himself. He liked eating in the park across the street when the weather was nice.

One day, I got a to-go meal and went to the park. I saw him sitting on a bench and sat down. He said hi and asked if I come there much. I said I just wanted a change of scenery. He asked how I liked working at our company. I said I liked it but I didn't have many friends since moving to the city. He said he had the same problem. I said he had a really nice beard. He thanked me and asked if I liked beards. I said I liked hair in general. He rubbed his head with a laugh and said he couldn't help me there. I said that's not where I like it. He was quiet for a moment and said I would probably be more than satisfied with the rest of him. I smiled and said I would love to be satisfied. It was time to go back to work so we walked back together.

During his afternoon coffee break he stopped by my desk and asked if I wanted to grab some dinner. I was excited and met him in the lobby after work. We went to a Chinese restaurant near the office. He said if I wanted, I could come to his apartment after dinner and relax together. I felt him rubbing his leg against mine under the table. I said I would like that a lot. We finished our dinner and took a bus to his place. He had a nice one bedroom apartment, and it was kept neatly.

It was awkwardly quiet. I mentioned to Lenny that he said I would be more than satisfied with his body hair, and asked if he wanted to show me. He said he wanted to show me all afternoon. We looked intensely at each other and I pressed my lips to his. He held me and slipped his tongue in my mouth as we undressed each other. I felt his hairy chest and very hairy armpits and worked my way down his body. He loved my smoothness and I loved his touch. We lay down and sucked each other. His cock was big and thick. He got on top of me and rubbed his hairy body against mine. I spread my legs wide and he rubbed his crotch against mine. He asked if I liked his hairy body. I said it was everything I hoped for. He pressed his cock against my hole and thrust it deep inside me. I moaned softly as he moved in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his. He kissed me as he moved in and out of my cunt. My body arched as I had an intense orgasm. He kissed me as he kept pounding and shot his load deep inside me. He kept his hard cock in me and said he loved being inside me. I said I loved his cock in me more than anything.

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