Gymnastics Practice

By William Razeur

Published on May 7, 2018


Gymnastics Practice Chapter Nine

I didn't sleep well that night. I don't think Coach did either. And the thought that our relationship was only until I graduated, put a damper on any ideas of sex that night. I stayed cuddled against Coach with the second sleeping bag pulled over us for warmth on my naked body.

I was awakened the next morning by the sounds of birds chirping and the need to pee. I pulled on my shorts and found my way to the bath/shower rooms. I was relieving myself through my morning wood into a porcelain trough when the guy with the dark curly hair walks in and stands beside me. He is still shirtless and he whips out his impressive member from his Levis and proceeds to hose down the sides of the trough with a heavy stream of golden piss.

I am finished relieving myself, but my erection is not going down due to the show of cock taking place beside me. I'm trying to not be too obvious looking at it, but It is hard not to see since he is standing right beside me. The guy turns his head and looks at me. I caught the movement of his head and looked at him. He smiled and winked at me.

Just then Coach walked in. I shook my erection of any remaining piss drops, tucked it into my shorts and moved to the sink to wash my hands. Coach took his place at the farthest end of the urinal trough from the guy. In the mirror over the sink, I could see the guy looking at Coach. Coach didn't seem to pay any attention to him. I took my time washing my hands, watching if anything happened between Coach and the guy.

I could see that Coach shook his cock and stuffed it in his shorts and turned and joined me at the sinks. The guy was still standing at the urinal. Coach washed up and we both turned and headed out of the bathroom.

The guy said, "Have a nice day." as we walked out.

"You too" said Coach.

I was happy to be away from what could have been a very awkward situation. I was definitely attracted to the guy and his impressive manhood, but I am also obsessively attached to Coach. I wouldn't want to do anything that would jeopardize our relationship.

Coach and I wandered down to the dining hall for some breakfast. There were a few campers there taking advantage of the dining facility. It was like a cafeteria line and we both got fried eggs, bacon, sausage patties and biscuits and gravy. Coach also had grits which I don't like. They have no taste and a terrible texture. Coach had coffee and I had orange juice. I'm not a coffee drinker. I love the tase and the smell, but it upsets my stomach.

After breakfast, we took another walk. When we were out of sight of the other campers, Coach took my hand as we walked. I think that is why Coach likes these weekend getaways. It allows him the opportunity to relax about his gay phobias. We can hold hands and kiss and not worry about what other people think, especially since we aren't around anyone we know, or who knows us.

We followed the same path we walked the previous evening. We passed by the overhang with the bunk beds and continued on following the dry creek bed. The trail forked and we took the branch that went uphill and eventually came out on top of the ridge. The sun was shining and there was a cool breeze. The top of the ridge was clear of trees with meadow grasses and some rock outcroppings. We found a large flat rock and sat down to enjoy the view and the nice weather and our time alone.

Coach looked at me and said, "Have I told you today how much I love you?", as he smiled.

I said, "No, you haven't, but you can show me." I grinned back at him.

Coach leaned in and kissed me. I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him down on top of me as I lay back on the flat rock. Our mouths were open as our tongues wrestled. I sucked on his tongue and he would withdraw it and suck on mine. Since we had not had sex the previous night, I was instantly hard and ready take Coach's hard nine inches as far up my ass as I could possibly get it.

I reached down and pushed Coach's athletic shorts down off his bubble butt, exposing his white ass cheeks to the warm sunshine, and freeing his large cock between us. He wasn't wearing his usual tidy whities. He is learning.

Then I raised my hips off the rock and slid my shorts down freeing my hard, six inch dick. I kicked the shorts off my legs and wrapped my legs around Coach's ass, pulling him down against me. Our hard cocks rubbed together. Precum lubricated them as they slid against each other. All the while we continued the wrestling match with our tongues.

I tilted my hips up so his cock slipped down across my balls and into my asscrack. I reached around and placed his purple, mushroom cockhead against my anus, and using my legs wrapped around his hips, I pulled him against me forcing his cock into my hungry asshole. Other than his precum, his bulbous cockhead was dry causing his entry to be a little painful, but I wanted it inside me. I winced as i pulled him into me.

Coach gasped as his cock entered my ass. The dryness of his entry was uncomfortable for him too, but his lust for sex overcame his discomfort. We rested for a few seconds, allowing his cock and my ass to adjust to the uncomfortable entry. It didn't take long for me to begin working my ass muscles to arouse his cock to do its thing. Coach picked up the motion and began fucking my ass. He was horny from no sex the previous evening also.

Our tongues continued their wrestling until our heavy breathing caused us to break the kissing. Coach was slamming his cock into my ass and I was raising my hips to meet his every thrust. My legs were still wrapped around Coach's hips and my heels were dug into the space between his thighs just below his bubble butt. I used my heels to encourage Coach to plow as far into my ass as possible. I can never get enough of his cock. I always want it deeper than it can go.

Then Coach shuddered and i felt his warm cum shooting inside my ass. I pushed forward with my hips and he shoved down as far as he could against me. His hard cock was pulsing as wave after wave of cum filled my ass. The pressure of his cock throbbing against my prostate sent me over the edge and I began to shoot cum across my abs and pectorals between us. I squeezed his cock with my sphincter muscles, trying to milk every drop of cum from his heavy balls. His cock pulsed in response to my squeezing.

When he had finished his orgasm, he started to back off me, but I held him inside me with my heels against his butt. I always to want to keep him inside me as long as I can, hoping for a repeat.

We continued kissing, but tenderly and less passionate than we had started. We lay there on the flat rock, Coach still lying on top of me, until his soft cock finally plopped out of my wet ass. I could feel cum running out of my ass and dripping off my tailbone when his cock slipped out.

"Now you've told me how much you love me," I grinned back at Coach. "And I've told you how much I love you."

"Seems we love each other a lot," Coach replied as he smiled back at me.

We lay on the rock for probably half and hour with Coach still on top of me. I was ready to repeat our performance, but Coach doesn't recover as quickly as I do. So, reluctantly, we got up, pulled on our shorts and proceeded on our hike.

The trail took us over the ridge in a loop and back down into the dry creek bed. We eventually came to the fork in the trail we had left earlier and were now retracing the path that led back under the overhang where the bunkbeds were. As we approached the overhang we could see the dark, curly haired guy was fucking Aiden from the office on a picnic table.

Aiden was lying on his back on the table. The other guy was standing at the end of the table holding Aiden's legs in the air as he pounded his thick eight inch cock into Aiden's ass.

"Harder, Steve," shouted Aiden.

So, apparently the dark, curly haired stud was named Steve. Steve was shirtless as usual and still had on his Levis which were open in front, enough to free his impressive cock and large balls to service Aiden.

Aiden was completely naked except for his hiking boots. His long, golden hair was spread out on the table. HIs hands gripped the edges of the table. His smooth, golden- tanned body glistened even though they were in the shade. He had a beautiful bubble butt that was taking the pounding from Steve's impressive cock. Aiden had no tan lines.

Coach and I stopped and watched. Even though we had just had a fantastic orgasm, we were both showing a hardon inside our shorts. I reached over and grasped Coach's hard cock through his shorts. His cock throbbed in response. Coach slipped his hand inside the back of my shorts and pushed a finger inside my cum-wet asshole. That move resulted in a large stain of precum on the front of my shorts.

Steve was pounding his fat cock in and out of Aiden's golden ass. Steve suddenly stopped, withdrew his cock and had Aiden flip over onto his hands and knees on the table. Aiden lowered his ass to the appropriate height and Steve plowed back inside in one swift movement. Aiden was shoving his bubble butt back and forth to meet Steve's powerful thrusts. I couldn't help thinking how I would like to be on the receiving end of Steve's impressive cock.

Coach was working his finger in and out of my ass as he watched the tabletop action. A finger just wasn't enough. I grasped the elastic waistband of my athletic shorts and shoved them to my knees. I turned and grabbed Coach's waistband and shoved his shorts to his knees. Then turning my back to Coach, I grasped his hard nine inches and aimed the purple mushroom head at my cum-wet anus. In one quick backward thrust, I was impaled on Coach's manhood. Coach didn't even have time to think about what was happening before he was inside me.

I moved my hips back and forth matching the thrusts of Steve's cock into Aiden's ass. Coach picked up the rhythm and soon we were fucking at the same pace as Steve and Aiden. Coach reached around and grasped my six inch cut dick and stroked it as he fucked in and our of my ass. I lay my head back on Coach's shoulder. I turned my face to kiss his neck and he turned and kissed me.

I was bucking my hips against Coach's groin as he plowed my ass with his hard cock. Suddenly Steve slammed his cock deep into Aiden's ass and shuddered as he came. I could see Aiden's hip muscles flex as he took Steve's cum load inside his ass. Steve pumped another couple of thrusts at Aiden as he completed his orgasm. He pulled his large cock from Aiden's ass and Aiden collapsed on the table top.

The sight of Steve achieving climax in Aiden's ass brought Coach and I to our own climax. Coach was ramming his cock as far inside me as he could and I could feel the cum filling my ass again. My own dick began shooting cum out and across the rocks of the trail in front of us. I think my cum shot eight feet out in front of me.

Coach squeezed off the final load from within his hairy ballsack. I squeezed his cock with my sphincter as it slid out of my wet ass. I turned and gave him a passionate kiss and sucked his tongue into my mouth. He grasped both cheeks of my bubble butt and pulled me tightly against him as we kissed. The last of our cum drained out of our softening cocks onto each other's stomach. We both reached down and pulled up our shorts.

By this time, Steve had tucked himself back into his Levis and buttoned up. Aiden had pulled on a pair of shorts. So they had sufficiently regained composure for us to continued our walk back through he overhang bunkbed area. Steve had a devilish grin as we walked by and Aiden looked sheepishly embarrassed.

"Have a nice day," Coach said as we walked past them.

"You too," replied Steve, as he continued his devilish grin.

I smiled at Aiden as I walked by him. Steve winked at me. This time I winked back as I continued walking with Coach on toward the campsite.

When we got back to the tent, we were sufficiently tired from the hike and the two rounds of sex. We crawled into the tent and lay on the sleeping bags. We kissed a little and both fell asleep in each other's arms for a short nap.

When we woke up, it was mid-afternoon. We went to the bathrooms to relieve ourselves and went for another hike.

We walked by the barn, where we saw Steve working just inside the large open barn door. He waved as we passed and we waved back. I caught him winking at me again as we went by. I also noticed Aiden was lying on some bales of hay further back in the barn doing nothing.

Coach and I followed another trail that went the opposite direction we had taken this morning. This trail went into a small box canyon which ended at a dry waterfall. If it had been raining, the rain would have come over the waterfall and fed the dry creek bed. Since there was no rain, it was just a dry waterfall.

We found a trail that went up the steep side of the canyon and we followed it up to the dry creek above the waterfall. This trail went along the creek bed for several yards, and them split off and followed the ridge line. We walked through some forest and eventually came out in the same clearing we had been in that morning. We made our way to the large flat rock we had used earlier that day and sat for a rest.

"You find Steve attractive, don't you?" said Coach.

I was shocked that he would say this, but it was true. Steve's manly ruggedness and impressive cock did have me thinking of the possibilities of sex with him. But I was torn between my lustful desires and my obsessive devotion to Coach.

"Yes," I said. "Does that bother you? I don't ever want to do anything that would upset you."

"I have to admit I get a little jealous if I think you are attracted to someone else," Coach said. "But I also have to confess I find Aiden sexy."

I wasn't surprised. I know what turns Coach on. I have to admit I felt a little jealous that he was attracted to someone other than me, but I couldn't expect to hold him to a double standard. If I was attracted to Steve, it was only fair to accept Coach's attractions to Aiden.

"So what do you want to do?", I asked.

"With regard to what?", Coach asked in response.

"With regard to Steve and Aiden," I replied.

"I don't know," Coach said. "Let's just wait and see what happens. I don't want to pursue anything that would come between us, and nothing may come of them anyway."

"Okay," I said. "I trust you. And, I know you know how much I love you. Nothing would ever come between my love for you."

Coach leaned in and kissed me tenderly on my lips. I returned the kiss and gently bit his lower lip. Then we were sucking tongues again. It seemed we could never get enough of each other.

"Hey," someone called from across the clearing.

It was Steve and Aiden walking out of the forest. They had apparently followed us.

"Looks like you are having a good day," called Steve with a lascivious smile.

Coach and I were both embarrassed at having been caught in a compromising situation.

"We are having a good day," I shouted back as they continued to decrease the distance between us. "How is your day going?"

"Getting better by the minute," said Steve as he and Aiden joined us at the rock. "Maybe we can get to know each other better."

Steve rubbed his crotch as he leered at both Coach and I. I looked at Coach. Coach looked at me. We read each other's minds.

I reached out and grasped Steve's bulging crotch through his Levis. He stepped even closer to allow me to continue groping him. He was still looking at me with his lascivious smile.

Coach stood up from the rock and stepped toward Aiden. Aiden smiled and stepped toward Coach. Coach ran his hands over Aiden's golden brown, well-formed pectorals. Aiden responded by cupping Coach's basket in the palm of his hand. Aiden lifted Coach's package as if weighing the contents. Coach reached around Aiden and grasped his bubble butt cheeks in both hands and pulled Aiden against him.

I admit I felt jealous that someone else was enjoying Coach's body, and that Coach was paying attention to someone else, but I too was holding a hard cock inside Steve's Levis, and I was the one who started this activity.

Steve placed his hands on my bubble butt cheeks and pulled me tightly against him. He leaned in and planted a hard kiss on my lips. I opened my lips and teeth and encouraged his tongue to enter, which it did. I ground my hips against his hard cock inside his Levis as I sucked Steve's tongue deeply into my mouth. My arms were wrapped around his bare back as we tried to occupy the same space.

Coach was sucking Aiden's quarter sized nipples, first one then the other. Aiden's head was laid back allowing his long golden hair to wave in the breeze as he enjoyed Coach's attention. They were both grinding their hips together as Coach worshiped Aiden's beautiful body.

Steve reached down and lifted my t-shirt over my shoulders and head. I raised my arms and helped him remove my shirt. Now my smooth bare chest was pressed against Steve's dark, curly, hair-covered chest. Steve then stuck his fingers inside the elastic waistband of my athletic shorts and pushed them down over my bubble butt. Once past my butt cheeks, they fell to the ground and I stepped out of them. I was naked.

Steve reached down and cupped my balls in his hand. He gently squeezed and massaged my balls inside the smooth ballsack. My dick was standing at attention, oozing precum in anticipation of what was to come.

Steve began unbuttoning the fly of his Levis. I held his face in both hands and continued to play with his tongue in my mouth. I think I must have given his tongue a hickey, I sucked it so hard.

Steve unbuttoned the last button and slid his Levis down over his lean hips exposing a thick, hard, eight inch cock standing out of a thick, dark bush of curly pubic hair. He pushed the Levi's down over his muscular thighs and kicked them off. Now Steve was naked too. We could get down the business we had both been anticipating since our first encounter.

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Chapter Ten will follow up on Steve's and my activity, and also on Coach and Aiden's romp on the rock.

Next: Chapter 10

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