Gymnastics Practice

By William Razeur

Published on May 4, 2018


Gymnastics Practice, Chapter Eight

I awoke the next morning snuggled spoon-style against Coach. I could feel his morning wood poking between my thighs. I wanted to maneuver it into my ass, but I also became aware of how much my sunburn hurt.

From my position in bed, cuddled against Coach, I searched for the suntan lotion. Fortunately, it was still on the bed and I was able to reach it without moving from my comfortable position.

I opened the cap and squeezed a large amount into my palm. I applied it to my shoulder and down my chest and across my stomach. I put it on thick, enjoying the cooling of the lotion on my hot skin. I continued down my thigh. In the process of rubbing the lotion onto my thigh, I brushed the fat, mushroom head of Coach's hard cock. It throbbed in response.

Now that I had awakened his cock, I was going to pleasure it and maybe pleasure myself in the process. I raised my thigh and with my lotion covered hand reached between my spread thighs and grasped the nine inches of hard cock. It throbbed again at my touch. I began to stroke it gently, enjoying the feel of Coach's manhood in my hand.

When I felt I had sufficiently lubricated and hardened the fat cock, I aimed it at my asshole. I had to slip down in the bed a little to achieve entrance, but it slipped inside easily. I squeezed it with my sphincter and felt it swell and throb in response.

Then, without any coaxing on my part, the cock began moving in and out of my ass. Coach's arm reached over me and grasped my hard dick. How long had he been awake? He stroked my dick and nuzzled his unshaven face against my cheek with a kiss.

I turned my face to his and returned the kiss. HIs cock stroked in and out of my ass in a slow and steady pace. His hand matched the pace and had my six inch dick dripping pre-cum in no time. I began to move my hips back and forth to match his strokes. I moved as far back as I could to get as much of his cock inside me as possible, and then moved my hips forward to maximize the stroke of his hand on my dick. It was a slow and comfortable fuck. No hurry. Just lie here and enjoy the sensations.

I'm never in a hurry to cum. I want to savor the act for as long as I can allow it to last. But Coach eventually reaches a point of no return when he has to pick up speed and unload his large nuts of warm jism. He had reached that point.

His fucking pace and breathing rate increased and he suddenly lunged against my bubble butt. I could feel the cum pumping into my hungry ass. As his nine inches rubbed against my prostate, I too began to cum. I shot cum across the bed. Coach continued to stroke my dick as it pumped cum onto the bed, and he continued to pound into my ass until he had emptied his balls in my hungry asshole.

When our orgasm had subsided, we both lay there enjoying the cuddle and each other. I squeezed his cock with my sphincter a few times hoping for another round, but Coach was not a quick recoverer. Eventually, Coach rolled over and sat up on the side of the bed.

"We need to go." He said. "We have a long drive to get home this afternoon."

I reluctantly agreed and climbed out of bed. Coach went to make coffee and breakfast, while I headed into the bathroom. I emptied my bladder, showered off the evidence of our lustful sexual activity, shaved and brushed my teeth. I walked back into the main room of the cabin naked, as usual, and found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to wear home.

Coach had fixed eggs and bacon and coffee which we both sat down and devoured. Sex always helped our appetite. After eating, Coach went into the bathroom and took care of his morning ritual. He came out naked also and found a fresh pair of tidy whiteys, shorts and a t-shirt.

I had washed the dishes and packed my duffle bag. Coach threw his dirty clothes into his overnight bag and we were ready to go. I made sure I had the suntan lotion in my hand as I knew I would need it on the way home.

We walked out the cabin door, stashed our bags in the trunk and climbed into the corvette. It was a beautiful sunny day, but Coach put the top up to keep me out of the sun. Coach made a quick stop at the office to check out, and we were on our way home.

When we got back into town, it was early evening so we stopped for a burger for supper. It had been a fantastic weekend. Coach and I had really gotten to know each other and there was a definite bond between us, not to mention the great sex we enjoyed. My disappointment was that we wouldn't have the opportunities for frequent sex like we had enjoyed this weekend.

After eating, Coach drove me to my apartment. He helped me retrieve my duffle bag from the trunk of the corvette and walked me to the door. I unlocked the door and led him inside. He closed the door and I pitched the duffle bag onto the floor. I turned to Coach and we kissed deeply and passionately.

Coach broke the kiss and said, "I love you so much. This was the best weekend of my life."

"Mine too. " I replied. " I love you too, Coach. Can't we live together?"

"I can't risk the college knowing I'm gay and I don't want the gymnastics team to know," Coach said. "I'm sorry. That's just how it has to be."

"I understand." I replied. "I don't like it, but I understand."

We kissed again, and Coach turned and opened the door. I stood in the door and watched him walk to the corvette. I memorized his walk and how he looked walking away from me. He got into the corvette, started the engine and waved to me as he drove away. I watched the corvette until it disappeared in the distance.

I was sad that the weekend had come to an end, but I preferred to dwell on how happy we had been and the good time we had had. There would be other weekends to look forward to.

Knowing my desire to be on the US Olympics team, Coach stepped up my training. He had me doing weight training to build my strength. He knew how much I disliked still rings and that is where he started my training. In a few months, I had added more muscle to my shoulders and arms and gained a few pounds. With the improved strength, still rings were not so bad. I now understood how Coach saw still rings as a challenge. I accepted that philosophy and vowed I would be as good at still rings as I could possibly be.

Since our long weekend, Coach would invite me to his house for supper, occasionally. He is a terrible cook, so he would have take out from somewhere. It didn't matter what he had for us to eat, we both knew I was there for the sex. Sometimes, we didn't even wait for supper. Sex was first, and it was always good. But, I never stayed overnight. Coach was too uptight about being "outed" by the college or the gymnastics team.

We continued strength training as we tackled the parallel bars next. Coach worked on my worst events to bring them up to the level of my floor exercise. Floor exercise was still my favorite, and I still performed naked when I was at the gym after-hours. I loved the feeling of the wind on my flesh as I flew through the air. I was also aware that Coach was often watching, but we never repeated that first encounter on the gym mat.

Coach spent as much time with the other team members as he did with me. He felt he had to step up their training just as he had mine, so they wouldn't suspect our relationship. As a result, the whole team improved. Some of the guys didn't want to work that hard, and dropped out. But the ones that stayed worked harder and became better gymnasts. We began doing better at gymnastics meets and winning events.

Of course my floor exercise had always done well, but I was placing in events I had not before. A week before a gymnastics meet, Coach would make me do all my practices for my floor exercise routine wearing my uniform. He didn't want it to throw me off to practice naked and then compete dressed. It never did.

One school year ended and another began. We lost some of the gymnastics team to graduation, and we gained some new freshmen. There were a couple who were really attractive and, of course, I checked out their assets in the locker room. It was definitely a temptation but I was firmly attached to Coach.

We continued our routine of meeting a couple of times a week, usually at my apartment. It wasn't just for sex, but that was certainly a large part of our time together. We could have dinner together and relax watching a movie on TV, cuddled together on my ratty couch. Sometimes we would both fall asleep and awake at a wee hour of the morning, at which time Coach would frantically get his stuff together and leave. He didn't want to be found spending the night.

We had another long weekend coming up and Coach asked if I would like to go camping. Sure! I had been a boy scout and loved the camping experience. My favorite was the Klondike in February when it was so cold. I always sleep better when it's cold. Snuggled up in my sleeping bag was a good sleep. Unfortunately, back then there was no one to share the sleeping bag with. This trip would be different.

It was Friday afternoon. I had finished my classes for the day. My duffle bag was packed and ready when Coach's red corvette pulled up in front of my apartment. I didn't wait for him to get out. My apartment door was already open. I grabbed my bag, walked out the door and locked it. He had a big smile on his face as I walked to the corvette. I was smiling too as I threw the duffle bag on the floorboard and climbed in to the passenger seat. The trunk was full with two sleeping bags and a small tent.

Coach drove through our favorite burger drive-thru for our supper. We ate as he drove. We were on our way to Camp Ondesank in the Shawnee Forest. I had never been there, but Coach said it was a great location. I didn't care how great it was, as long as I was with him.

We arrived before dark and checked in at the camp office. There was a gorgeous guy in the office talking to the office manager. He had long hair down to his waist which was sun-bleached to a golden brown. He was only wearing cut-off jeans and his shirtless torso had a golden tan on his smooth skin. He wasn't overly muscular, but he had well-rounded pecs with quarter sized nipples. He definitely got my attention and Coach's. The office manager called him Aiden.

The office manager directed us down the road to the tent campsite. We hopped back into he Corvette and drove to the site. I hated to leave the Aiden eye-candy behind, but I had coach and didn't need to be looking.

We proceeded to set up Coach's tent. It was small, but would be cozy and provide shelter in the event of rain. The weather forecast was for sunshine. Once the tent was up, we threw the sleeping bags inside and took a walk around the camp.

There was a small pond where fishing was allowed. I am not a fisherman. I consider waiting for a fish to bite boring. I would prefer doing something more active. There was also a barn near the pond. As we walked by the barn, there was a handsome guy raking hay in front of the barn. He was about the same size and build as Coach. He had dark curly hair and brown eyes. He was shirtless and wearing low-slung Levis. His well-developed pecs were covered with dark curly hair which continued down across his six-pack abs into his jeans. He nodded his head as we walked by and we waved back.

We continued on the trail which followed an outcropping of rock along a dry creek bed. There were some bunk beds set up under the outcropping which protected them from weather. There were also several camp buildings including dormitories and a dining hall.

It was getting dark by the time we got back to our tent, so we crawled inside and unrolled the sleeping bags. The weather was warm enough that we would not need the bags for warmth, and it was not so hot that we would be uncomfortable in the tent. So we spread one bag open across the tent floor. We would use the second sleeping bag for cover if we needed it.

Once the sleeping bags were in place, Coach lay on his back with his arms behind his head on his side of the tent, not that anyone had a side. The tent was so small, we would both be sleeping in the middle, comfy and cozy. I didn't waste any time. If we were getting ready for bed, I stripped naked, out of my athletic shorts and t-shirt, and snuggled up beside Coach. As long as we were inside the tent, no one should see us, not that being seen naked had ever bothered me before.

As we lay side-by-side, Coach took my hand in his. We lay there in the dark and talked. Coach talked about the gymnastics team and his hopes and expectations for each of the team members. I could tell the success of our team was really important to him, especially since our performance had improved and we were winning events at meets.

He praised my improvement in the various events and told me how much he admired that I had worked so hard to better my performance. I thanked him for the praise and told him I hadn't done it just for me, but also to please him. He rolled over onto his side and pulled me to him and kissed me. I melted into his arms and returned the kiss.

Then Coach continued to talk as we held each other. He told me how he thought about what would happen when I graduate. That was still two years away, but still it worried him. I hadn't really thought that far ahead. I was too focused on my studies and gymnastics to think about two years from now. I was thinking about wanting to be on the US Olympics gymnastics team which was only a year away. Now that he brought it up, I wondered what would happen to our relationship.

I guess I had just taken for granted that we would continue like we were, but I would not be enrolled in classes and would no longer be on the gymnastics team. I would be expected to find a job somewhere. My parents had been helping with my expenses that weren't covered by my scholarship. My part-time job provided some spending money, but I couldn't live on that. My major was chemistry and I had always assumed I would find a job with a company that manufactured chemicals or used chemicals and needed a chemist to do analyses. There was no such opportunity near the university. I suddenly shared Coach's concern as to what would happen to us?

Chapter Nine is almost complete. I hope my readers are enjoying this documentation of my relationship with Coach.

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Next: Chapter 9

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