Gymnastics Practice

By William Razeur

Published on Mar 28, 2018


Gymnastics Practice, Chapter Six

I was awakened at some time during the night by a horrible noise. Coach and I had fallen asleep watching TV, and managed to crawl down into the bed where we were still snuggled together. The light from the TV was still illuminating the room.

I heard the noise again. It was Coach. He snores! I guess I was so tired the first night I hadn't noticed. But now he was rattling the windows. I lay there for a few minutes watching him sleep and watching him snore. So what if he snores. I love this man so much, I will take him as he is. I snuggled up against Coach again and let the buzz saw sound of his snoring lull me back to sleep.

When I awoke Sunday morning, Coach was not in the bed beside me. I looked around the room for him. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee looking at me.

"Why didn't you wake me?", I asked. ` "I was enjoying watching you sleep," he said. "I was memorizing moments of you. I don't want this weekend to end."

"Me neither," I said

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to relieve myself and give a stroke to my morning wood. I came back into the room after shaking off the last drops of piss and washing my hands. Coach had already poured me a cup of coffee.

"What do you want to do today?", he asked.

"What do you think?", I replied with my lustful grin.

"You're putting callouses on my cock," he laughed back.

"Are you complaining?", I asked.

"No way, " said Coach. I can't get enough of you. How about us taking a drive around the lake today?"

"Sounds good to me," I replied, "as long as we allow time for fucking."

Coach laughed and stood up from the table. He rinsed his coffee cup in the sink and set it to dry on the counter top. Then he went into the bathroom. I continued sitting at the table drinking my coffee.

When Coach came out of the bathroom, he was showered and shaved and had on a fresh t-shirt and clean, cut-off Levi shorts. Coach radiated sex.

"Your turn," he said pointing to the bathroom.

I rinsed my cup, as he had done, and went into the bathroom. I had a nice warm shower. I especially paid attention to my ass which had been well used the previous day. My dick wanted to respond to my ass-play, but I ignored it. I was saving myself for Coach and whatever we could find to entertain ourselves today.

After my shower I shaved and brushed my teeth. I walked back into the room naked since i hadn't taken any clean clothes in with me. I was bending over my duffle bag looking for a fresh pair of athletic shorts when Coach slapped my ass with his hand.

I stood up abruptly in surprise. Coach laughed.

"Get dressed. Let's go." he said.

I quickly stepped into the shorts and pulled on a fresh tank top. I slipped on my athletic shoes and turned to face him.

"How's this?" I asked. "Let's go".

Coach leaned in and gave me a quick kiss, and then opened the door of the cabin. We stepped outside into the morning sunlight.

We walked to the car. Coach drove a red Corvette convertible. It was as sexy as he was. As we climbed into the car, we heard a familiar call. It was Tom and Ted. I don't know if they had spent the night there, but they were sitting at the fire pit. Tom groped his crotch as he grinned and waved.

Coach started the engine and lowered the top. We were going to enjoy the sunshine on our drive today. He put the car in gear and his foot on the accelerator and we were off.

I didn't pay much attention to the scenery, so I really don't know where we went. I was too busy memorizing moments of Coach. We stopped at a convenience store and bought some snacks and drinks since we hadn't eaten breakfast.

The road wound around following the shore of the lake. The sunlight would flicker on the car as we passed through areas of trees. Then we would be out in open meadow areas, up and down hills, soaking in sunshine. I would probably be sunburned before the day was over.

Coach turned off the paved highway onto a dirt road that went down toward the lake. It was probably a half mile before we came out at the lakeside in a small, cleared parking area. No one else was there. It was our private place for the time being.

Coach killed the engine and looked at me. "How's this?" he asked.

"Fine," I replied. Anything was fine as long as Coach was there.

Coach opened his car door and stepped out. I followed suit. We walked down to the lake. This time he took my hand as we walked. We stood together looking across the calm blue-green lake.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. We kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close. It was a loving, caring, "I love you so much" kiss; not anything leading to sex, although I was always ready and willing.

Coach broke the kiss. "Do you want to go for a swim?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied and began stripping off my tank top.

Coach took off his t-shirt. While I was removing my athletic shorts, Coach began removing his cut-off Levis. He was wearing no tidy whiteys. He had stripped naked, out in the open. That was a first for my conservative, closeted coach.

Of course, I never wear underwear so I was naked as soon as I stepped out of my shorts. I tossed my shorts into the Corvette. Coach took my hand and we ran down into the water.

We both dove beneath the surface and came up several feet from shore. Coach immediately looked around to make sure there was no one around. There wasn't.

We swam for awhile. We horsed around and splashed each other in shallower water. Finally, we waded out of the water and found a grassy area where we could lie down and dry off in the sun.

It was nice to be able to be together, naked, soaking up some rays, enjoying each other's presence. Coach took my hand as we lay there, side-by-side, on the grass. I was filled with warmth, not from the sun, but from emotion of being with someone I cared so much for, and who I knew cared as much for me.

After about twenty minutes, Coach reminded me that I should't spend too much time in the sun. That was the first time since we had lay down that either of us had spoken. I was touched that Coach had remembered and was concerned for my well-being.

Coach got up and offered me his hand and helped me to my feet. He leaned down and kissed me. I returned his kiss. This time the kiss had more passion. This was a "Let's fuck" kiss.

As we stood there naked, holding each other close, our cocks began to rise. I could feel Coach's thick, nine inches rising beneath my balls. Mine was doing the same between his muscular thighs.

We continued our passionate kissing, sucking each other's tongue, exchanging spit. One of Coach's hands was on my bubble butt cheeks pulling me firmly against him. My arms were around his broad chest with my hands on his back forcing his handsome pecs against mine.

Coach broke the kiss and began kissing his way around my face. He stuck his tongue into one of my ears which sent chills through my body. He then kissed down my neck and onto my chest. He sucked on each of my nipples. My dick responded by throbbing upward and leaking some precum onto his thigh.

Coach continued kissing my body down across my stomach. He tongued my belly button and continued lower. He kissed his way across my smooth groin and down to my balls.

He sucked each of my balls into his mouth and bathed them with his tongue. He sucked my balls so hard, I though he would swallow them.

Then he worked his way back up such that the shaft of my dick slid down the cheek of his face. When his mouth reached my dick head, he kissed the piss slit and was rewarded with precum. He licked the precum from my mushroom, circumcised dick head.

Coach's mouth slowly descended down my six inch dick shaft. My prostate was producing precum and feeding into Coach's warm, wet mouth. He swirled his tongue around my dick as he bottomed out with his nose pressed into my pubic bone. I could feel his tongue massaging the base of my dick.

Then he began to slowly slide his mouth and tongue back up so that only my dick head was between his lips. He sucked hard on my swollen dick head and then began the slow slide back down to the base. I felt as if I were on fire from the sensations he was arousing in me.

Both of Coach's hands were on my firm bubble butt, squeezing and pulling me into his face. One hand slipped to the front and between my thighs. I felt his fingers massage my puckered hole. Another jolt of that electrical nerve sensation shot through my body and awarded Coach with more precum.

Coach's fingers began working their way into my hungry hole. He pushed one finger slowly inside. I relaxed my ass and enjoyed the sensation as he found my prostate. His finger rubbed the prostate and made me weak in my knees. I wanted to collapse onto that finger.

Then another finger worked its way in beside the first. The prostate massage continued while Coach continued his oral worship of my hard six inch dick. Of course two fingers wasn't enough. I wanted three, or four. I wanted his arm. I don't know why my ass has such a strong need to be filled with something. I'm sure there is a limit, but I haven't experienced it yet.

"Fuck me, Paul!", I shouted in desperation.

I realized I had just used his first name. It felt good to be able to call him by his name. I really wanted his thick nine inches inside me, and I wanted it now.

Coach knew how much I enjoyed having him inside me. He reluctantly let my hard dick slip from between his lips. It bobbed up and down, covered with spit which ran down my balls. His fingers slipped from inside my ass.

He stood and kissed me passionately on my lips, pulling my body firmly against his. I kissed back, grabbing his butt cheeks in both hands and pulling him against me. We ground our hard cocks against each other, needing sexual release.

Coach broke the kiss and the embrace and took me by the arm and led me to the Corvette. He opened the door and motioned me inside. Were we leaving?

Coach followed me into the car. Instead of sitting in the seats, he had me stand and bent me over the back of the seat. I was leaning over the cover for the convertible top with my eager ass facing Coach who was standing on the car seat behind me.

As soon as he had me in position, he leaned down and covered my puckered anus with spit. I felt his tongue pushing spit inside me. His tongue worked in and out lubricating my hole.

Then he stood, and I felt his rock-hard nine inches slide into my ass. Gosh, it felt good. Much better than the fingers that had opened me up and fired my desire for cock in my ass. He began fucking me with serious strokes, in and out, slamming his pubic bush into my butt cheeks. My dick was dripping precum on the cartop cover.

Every few strokes, he would shove his cock as far up into me as he could and hold it there for a few seconds, and then return to the rapid piston movement. I just leaned over the back of the seat and enjoyed every stroke, wishing it would go a little further in each time.

Then his rhythm changed. Short, hard thrusts against my bubble butt told me Coach was close to cumming. I squeezed his cock with my sphincter muscles, encouraging him to fill me with his warm creamy load.

Suddenly, I could feel his cock shooting cum into my ass. I could feel his cock pulse as it pumped his man seed into me. As it pushed against my prostate, it sent me over the edge. I began shooting volleys of cum across the shiny, red trunk of the corvette. For every thrust of Coach's cock, my dick shot another load across the trunk. I was going to have to wash his car.

Finally, Coach collapsed on my back and I collapsed onto the car top cover. It was a fantastic orgasm for both of us. Coach's cock was still in my ass and I wanted to keep it there, but I knew it would eventually go soft and slip out. But until then, I would enjoy it as long as I could.

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Next: Chapter 7

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