Gymnastics Practice

By William Razeur

Published on Mar 15, 2018


Gymnastics Practice, Chapter Five

It was nice to just enjoy each other in the shower. We were in no hurry. Coach was holding me against his body., my back to his front. His thick, nine inches were firmly up my ass. I could feel it throb occasionally and I would squeeze my sphincter in response. My head was laid back on his right shoulder. I could almost take a nap I was so comfortable. Coach had reached around and turned off the shower water as it was beginning to get cold.

I discovered that taking Coach from the rear seemed to allow him to enter me further than if we fucked face to face. Maybe that was my imagination, but I enjoyed the feel of him inside me from behind. Our difference in height meant that my weight forced his cock fully up into my ass. My tailbone was basically resting on the base of his manhood. It was a good feeling.

Coach turned his face to mine and we kissed. Gentle kisses turned into more passionate kisses. I was sucking his tongue and he was sucking mine.

I had managed to keep Coach's cock hard inside me with periodic squeezes of my ass muscles. Now the kisses were arousing my soft dick. I wanted to turn and hold Coach's firm, muscled body as we kissed, but I didn't want to lose his cock which was filling my ass.

I began to move my body up and down on his cock by rising on my tiptoes. Coach, in turn, would bend his knees to lower his body and then straighten his legs to force his cock back inside me. We had our good rhythm going. Coach's cock was sliding in and out of my slick ass. Coach put his right hand on my now hard dick and began to jack me off.

I responded to the attention to my dick by squeezing his cock tightly with my sphincter. That increased the pressure on Coach's cock and he responded by increasing his speed. We were both breathing heavily as I bucked my ass against his groin. I wanted all I could get of his hard cock and Coach wanted to be as far in my ass as his cock could go.

Coach suddenly shuddered with his orgasm and slammed his cock as far and as hard as he could into my ass. The throbbing of his cock as it pumped his cum into me triggered the response in my prostate and I began to cum.

My cum shot out of my hard dick onto the shower wall. I bucked against Coach as I came, trying to hit every nerve in my ass and his cock to maximize our orgasms. Coach was still slamming his hard cock into my ass as his orgasm subsided and he emptied his balls of cum.

Coach relaxed his legs from under us and slid down the shower stall wall until he was sitting on the floor of the shower. I followed him down, still impaled on his hard nine inches. We sat there reveling in the fantastic fuck we had just experienced.

As most fucks must end, his cock eventually went soft and slipped out my ass. Cum leaked out of my ass onto Coach's balls. Seems like this is where this shower fuck started.

We sat there for awhile, still enjoying the closeness of each other. No words were spoken. No words needed to be spoken.

Finally, Coach patted me on my shoulder and urged me to get off him. I stood, reluctantly. I turned and gave him a hand up.

Coach turned the water back on. The water heater had recharged and we had hot water again to rinse off the soap and cum. We quickly ran our hands over our bodies and each other to ensure we were clean. Coach turned off the water and we both stepped out of the shower. I tossed Coach a towel and we dried ourselves.

We went back into then main room of the cabin and fell on to the bed, naked. I cuddled up against Coach. He had his right arm under my shoulders. My right arm was across his chest. We kissed and fell asleep.

Some time later, we awoke. It was dark outside. We were both hungry for some supper.

Coach had bought some wieners and buns with the groceries. There was a fire pit down by the lakeside with some log benches around it. We each threw on some shorts and a t-shirt. I grabbed a couple of wire coat hangers from the closet. Coach grabbed the wieners and buns and we headed down to cook supper.

There was firewood stacked near the fire pit and Coach got the fire going while I straightened two hangers to hold the wieners. Soon we were sitting beside a nice fire holding our coat hanger wiener roasters. The fire felt good and warmed the cool evening air.

We both had three wieners on our coat hanger and soon we were having hot dogs for supper. Coach hadn't thought to buy mustard or relish or ketchup, so we ate them dry, but they were good anyway. We had cokes from our ice chest to wash them down.

As we were finishing our supper, we heard a call from the direction of the woods. It was the tall slim guy and horse cock man coming up the path toward us. This time they introduced themselves.

"I'm Tom", said horse cock man as he offered his hand to Coach.

Coach shook his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Paul, and this is Billy", introducing me.

I shook his hand. The tall, slim guy introduced himself as Ted. We all shook hands and Coach invited them to join us around the fire.

The conversation was small talk, mostly uninteresting. They were military stationed at some base in Clarksville, Tennessee. They had the weekend off and decided to spend it at the lake.

Tom, horse cock man, was sitting across the fire pit from me. I noticed, as we were sitting there, that his horse cock was hanging out of the leg of his shorts. Not far, but far enough that I could see the head of his monster cock. Occasionally, he would reach between his legs and stroke it, and it would respond with a throb. As earlier, I was mesmerized by the sight of it.

I don't think Coach saw it. He was carrying on the boring, small-talk conversation with Ted. I looked up from Tom's horse cock to his face. He was looking at me and winked. He stroked the cock again and it throbbed.

I unconsciously licked my lips. Of course, I was wondering what a cock that size would feel like inside my ass. It seemed like I could never get enough when I was being fucked. I wondered if this would satisfy me, or if I would still need more?

Tom put his hand around the shaft of the monster cock through his shorts, and aimed it at me. A drop of precum appeared from its piss slit and fell to the ground. I looked at Tom's face and he licked his lips and smiled. He winked again.

As tempted as I was, I would not do anything with anyone else. I had Coach and it couldn't get any better.

I suddenly stood up and said, "I'm not feeling well. Please excuse me."

I looked at Coach and he immediately had a look of concern on his face. He also excused himself and put his hand on my back as he walked me back to the cabin.

"Too bad you're not feeling well," yelled Tom as we walked away. There was something mocking in his tone. Maybe it was just me, but that's how I heard him.

Coach walked me back to the cabin. He opened the door, ushered me inside and closed the door.

"I hope it wasn't the hot dogs," said Coach.

"No," I said. "I just wanted to come inside and be alone with you. I'm not comfortable around those guys."

"Yeah," said Coach. "They're pretty shallow. I was wondering how we were going to get away from them. You did well to fein ill."

I turned on the TV. It was an old tube type with a manual dial tuner and rabbit ears. We discovered it only got one channel, NBC. So we sat against the head of the bed and watched whatever came on.

I was snuggled up against Coach with my left had on his right thigh. He had his right arm around my shoulder. I laid my head on his right shoulder. Life was good. The weekend was great so far and we had only been here one day.

Chapter Six will continue describing the weekend Coach and I spent together at the lake. I appreciate the positive feedback I have received on my story.

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Next: Chapter 6

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