Gymnastics Practice

By William Razeur

Published on Mar 2, 2018


Gymnastics Practice, Chapter 3

When I don't have to go to class or to work, I sleep in. Since we didn't set an alarm to wake me the night before, I slept past 9:30. I was awakened by the sound of Coach coming in the door of the cabin carrying a bag of groceries.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." he said, flashing his big, beautiful smile. He carried the groceries to the table and set the bag down.

I was still groggy from sleep, and dragged my literally sore ass out of bed and headed to the bathroom to pee. When I came out Coach had put away the groceries and was preparing to cook breakfast.

He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts, a white T-shirt and flip-flops. I was still naked.

I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He turned and kissed me back, a quick peck on my lips. and with his left hand gave a gentle tug to my soft dick. Well, that woke my dick up! My dick began to rise. Coach laughed at how eager my dick always was for attention. Coach turned back to the counter and continued preparing breakfast. I teasingly poked between his butt cheeks with my erection.

"Get dressed." he said.

I reluctantly obliged. I went back into the bathroom, showered and shaved and brushed my teeth while coach fixed breakfast. I slipped on the athletic shorts and tank top I had worn the previous evening. I never wear underwear. It's too confining. When I came out, he had two plates on the table with fried eggs, sausage patties and biscuits.

We ate in silence. Coach is not much for conversation. I'm usually not either, but with Coach I can't seem to shut up. When I finished my breakfast I thanked him for fixing breakfast.

"Thanks. That was really good." I said.

Actually, I discovered that Coach is not much of a cook. The eggs were overcooked. The sausage was overcooked. The biscuits were almost burnt. But, at least he tried. I appreciated his effort to do anything for me. He was so loving and caring in our relationship. No one had ever treated me this well.

We cleared the dishes from the table. He washed and I dried.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked.

"Fuck." was my reply.

He laughed. "Is sex all you think of?"

"It is when I am with you." I replied smiling back at him.

He turned to me, took me in his arms and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed back. Of course, my dick was instantly aroused and pitched a tent in my shorts. Coach could feel it poking at his balls through his shorts. He reached down, took my cock in his hand and squeezed it hard. Then let it go and backed away from me.

"You need to give it a rest." he said smiling, indicating my hard dick.

I was disappointed, but I understood. I knew we had three days together and I was certain my dick would get enough attention. Also, my ass was a little sore from the previous night's activity.

"Let's go for a walk." Coach said. He grabbed me by my arm and led me out the door of the cabin.

The sun was shining. There was a cool breeze but the sunshine warmed our bodies as we walked. We headed down toward the lake. I reached out to take Coach's hand as we walked. He pulled it away, stopped walking and turned to me. I was a little hurt at his rejection and he could tell he had hurt my feelings.

"I can't be openly gay in public." he said. "My job doesn't allow me to be gay. My family doesn't know I'm gay. The team can't know I'm gay. I wanted to be with you this weekend so we could enjoy each other away from people we know. If we get used to being open with each other, i"m afraid it will slip out at the wrong time. Please understand."

A tear was falling down my cheek in response to my being rejected by the man I loved so much, but I did understand. I was willing to do whatever I needed to do to please him.

"I understand." I said dejectedly. I was looking down at the ground.

Coach put his hand under my chin, raised my head to look him in his beautiful blue eyes, and with his thumb wiped away the tear. I managed a smile back at him. He smiled in return. We turned and continued our walk toward the lake.

There was a marina with several boats docked. There was not sign of any people on the boats or at the marina. A path followed the lake shore away from the cabins and marina into woods. We walked that direction in silence. A lizard ran across the path. We flushed a duck from the shoreline. When we were within the wooded area, birds were chirping and singing. It lifted my mood and I allowed myself to enjoy the walk. After all, I was with Coach which is all I wanted.

The path came out of the woods into a clearing where there was a small, sandy beach. It was around a bend from the cabins and marina such that the cabins and marina couldn't be seen, and the beach couldn't be seen from the cabins or marina. We walked down to the water. I kicked off my athletic shoes and waded into the water. It was cool. I looked back at Coach and motioned him to come in. He waded in with his flip flops. We were only ankle deep but the water was inviting.

I looked around. I couldn't see anyone and there were no boats on the lake within our sight. I pulled off my tank top and tossed it to the dry beach. Then I bent over and stripped off my shorts and tossed them to the beach. I ran naked into the deeper water and dove under. When I came up, I looked back to the edge of the water where Coach was still standing.

"Come on in." I called.

Coach looked around. There was no one in sight. He pulled off his T-shirt and dropped it on top of my shorts. He took his wallet and keys out of his pockets and placed them on his shirt. He stepped out of his flip flops and waded into the water with his shorts still on.

"Come on, get naked." I teased. But I knew Coach would not skinny dip anywhere there was a chance of being seen.

He smiled his big, beautiful smile and dove into the water toward me. He grabbed my legs under the water and lifted me out of the water and tossed me back in. He laughed at my surprise. I swam to him and tried to lift him, but he wiggled free. We horsed around for a few minutes. The cool water felt good in the hot sun.

Then we waded out of the water onto the beach. We didn't bring towels so we had to sun dry. We sat on the dry sand gazing out across the water. The sun felt good on our bare skin. I'm light complected so I sunburn easily. I can never get a tan. I was thinking I should probably put my clothes back on before I burned.

Coach was still gazing across the lake when he broke the silence, "Billy, I want you to know I love you."

I couldn't believe he was actually vocalizing this. I knew he cared for me, and I hoped he cared for me as much as I cared for him, but for Coach to actually tell me was unexpected.

"I think I have loved you from the first day you joined the gymnastics team." Coach said. "I watched your practices and as a coach, I saw what advice and tips I had for your training. But as a gay man, I saw a beautiful young athlete whom I wanted to hold and be intimate with. I'm sorry I'm so hung up about being out, but I'm so afraid that my true feelings will jeopardize my job."

He looked at me. I was already looking a him. I wanted to lean across, take him in my arms and kiss him for being so honestly open with me. It was what I had wanted to hear since the night he faced me following my gymnastics floor routine practice. But, I knew and respected Coach's need for privacy.

"It's okay, Coach." I said. "I love you too. Let's go back to the cabin." Tears of happiness were running down my face. And my usual reaction to anything "Coach" was an erection.

We stood to leave. Coach picked up his wallet and keys. His shorts were still wet so he was going to carry the wallet and keys in his hand. He pulled his T-shirt on over his hard pecs with the pencil eraser nipples. I hated to see them disappear under his shirt, but I knew I would see them again later.

Just as I bent to pick up my shorts, two young men came out of the woods on the path. We were not expecting anyone to interrupt our walk or time together on the beach. I was standing there naked, shorts in hand, with an erection. I quickly pulled on the shorts which formed a tent over my hard-on. I went for my tank top which had landed a few feet away when I tossed it from the edge of the water.

The two young men continued toward us from the woods. I grabbed up my tank top and pulled it on, looking very sheepish at having been caught naked with an erection. I think Coach was embarrassed for me, and probably concerned as to what they thought of him being here with a naked guy with an erection.

The two young men were obviously jocks, probably football or soccer players. Both were wearing athletic shorts, t-shirts and flip flops and carried towels. Both had dark hair, cut short. One was about Coach's height and weight. The other was taller and slim.

The taller man called out, "I see you found the beach." as he began to remove his shirt, and the other man did the same.

They made no comment about catching me naked, with an erection, which had now subsided due to embarrassment. They walked up to where we were standing and both dropped their shirts on the sand. The taller man had a smooth, well developed body. He ran one hand across his pecs and pinched a nipple as he spoke.

The other man had dark curly hair across his pecs with a treasure trail of dark hair leading down across six pack abs into his shorts, which he was removing as we watched. He wore no underwear, and a heavy, uncircumcised horse cock swung free when he dropped his shorts onto the beach.

I had never seen a cock that big on a human. It was like the cocks on the horses my grandparents had on their ranch. The base was surrounded by a forest of dark curly pubes. Heavy "horse" balls hung in a bag behind the horse cock. I think Coach and I both were staring at the unexpected sight.

While we stared in amazement at the naked man, the taller man was removing his shorts. He also wore no underwear. Our eyes moved to him as he too dropped his shorts on the beach. He was not as well endowed as his friend, although he was certainly not lacking in the dick department. His average sized dick hung down over tight balls. He had a small bush of dark hair at the base of his cock and balls, otherwise his body was completely hairless.

"Like what you see?", said the shorter, horse cock man.

I was again staring at the unbelievable horse cock hanging in front of me. I think Coach was embarrassed at two strangers stripping unashamedly naked in front of us, and at being caught with a naked guy with an erection on the beach.

"Good timing," said Coach. "We were just leaving. You have the beach all to yourselves."

Coach took hold of the back of my arm and urged me to move toward the woods. I broke my stare, reluctantly, from the horse cock and began to move with Coach.

As we walked away, the taller man said, "You're welcome to join us."

Not looking back, Coach replied, " Thanks. Maybe another time."

We continued walking, maybe a little faster than normal, but we didn't slow down until we were well within the woods. We both stopped, turned and looked at each other and broke out laughing.

When our laughter subsided, Coach was the first to verbalize what we were both thinking, "Can you believe the size of that guy's cock? I've never seen a cock that big. What can somebody do with a cock that size?"

I think we were both thinking the same thing when I said, "Let's watch and see what they are up to."

We slowly moved back down the path toward the beach. We stopped where we could easily see them, but they shouldn't have been able to see us. We squatted down behind some bushes and watched.

Both men were laughing, probably at our reaction to them, as they ran and dove into the water. They swam a little. They horsed around a little. Finally, they waded out of the water and sat on their towels which they had spread on the beach.

Almost on cue, they both reached for the other's cock. They were laughing as they teased each other's cocks to erections. Horse cock was unbelievable! It didn't seem to get really hard, but it definitely was no longer soft. It kind of flopped around in the taller man's hand. The taller man leaned over and took the end of the horse cock in his mouth.

He tickled the head with his tongue and ran his tongue around the glans. The horse cock guy stroked the taller man's cock, which had grown to about seven inches and was fairly thick, while he enjoyed the sensations to his horse cock from the taller man. The taller man leaned down and took maybe four inches of the horse cock in his mouth. His head bobbed up and down and his saliva wet the end of the huge cock. The other man continued to stroke the taller man's stiff, thick, seven inch cock. After a few minutes of foreplay, the taller man moved in front of the horse cock man, raised horse cock man's legs in the air and applied his face to horse cock man's ass.

With his ass in the air, horse cock man's horse cock was hanging in front of his face. He opened his mouth and took the head of the huge cock between his lips. Taller man had his face buried in horse cock man's ass and was giving him a good rimming.

Then taller man stood up and aimed his hard seven inches at the well wetted ass and pushed inside. The weight of taller man on horse cock man's ass pushed the horse cock deeper inside horse cock man's mouth. He had obviously sucked himself before. He was not in a position to bob his head on his cock, or to move his hips up and down, so he stroked his monster cock with both hands while he was being fucked.

Taller man fucked fast and furiously, as if his life depended on it. Horse cock man seemed to be used to being fucked in that fashion, as he gave no appearance of being any more aroused by it. He continued to stroke his giant cock with it's head firmly lodged in his mouth.

When taller man lunged forward as deeply as he could force his thick, seven inches of hard cock into horse cock man's ass, the horse cock began to pulse. We could see surges of what had to be his horse cum surging through the monster cock. Cum was overflowing his lips and running down his face.

Taller man was making forceful lunges against horse cock man's upended ass. Taller man's butt cheeks were clinched as he emptied his balls into horse cock man's ass. When his orgasm had finally subsided, he stood up, withdrawing his dripping cock from the cum-filled ass. He lowered horse cock man's legs to the beach.

Horse cock man's cock slipped from his lips and lay across his stomach, dripping cum. Taller man knelt down and took the now limp horse cock in his hand and raised it to his mouth. His took the monster cock in his mouth and licked it clean of cum. After a good cock licking, he removed the giant cock from his mouth and licked his lips. He dropped the horse cock which fell onto horse cock man's stomach.

Both men stood, retrieved their clothes and began getting dressed. That was our cue to leave. We both noticed that we each had stiff erections. Just as we turned to leave, we heard a shout from the beach. We looked and the two guys were waving at us. They had known all along we were watching. We hurried back up the path through the woods to the cabin.

In the next chapter I will describe more of what happened on our weekend at the lake.

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Next: Chapter 4

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