Gymnastics Practice

By William Razeur

Published on Feb 28, 2018


Gymnastics Practice Chapter 2

After my encounter with Coach at my gymnastics practice, Coach and I began seeing each other on a regular basis. Of course I immediately wanted us to move in together. I lived by myself in a cheap dump of an apartment. Coach had a nice, brick, three bedroom house in a middle income neighborhood. But Coach wasn't ready to come out to the college or the gymnastics team. This was a few years ago when being gay wasn't as acceptable as it is now.

So we would meet at his house whenever I could fit it into my college class/job/workout schedule. We still met up at the gym occasionally, but fucking on a hard locker room bench is not as comfortable as on a couch or in a bed, or even on a carpeted floor. Coach did tell me I could call him by his first name, Paul, but I could only do that when we were alone together. It wouldn't look right for me to be on a first name basis with the coach when the other guys still called him Coach. I understood, but I was used to calling him Coach and I didn't want to slip up and use his first name around the guys. So, I continued to call him Coach. It just had a more endearing meaning to me now.

It's important that you know, as much as I like being fucked, I am not promiscuous. I can count on two hands the number of sexual partners I have had in my 27 years. I discovered male to male sex when I was sixteen and knew it couldn't get any better than that. But, I am very selective when it comes to sex partners.

I guess I'm a romanticist. If I have sex with someone, I am expecting that person to be a potential long term relationship. I have to find them attractive. I have a certain body type that turns me on; not too slim, not to fat, not overly muscular. Just an average build body with a little body fat to round out the curves, nice pecs and a nice bubble butt.

I expect them to find me attractive. In my naïveté I assume they see me as a potential long term relationship as well. I do not intentionally go for one night stands, although, unfortunately, many turn out that way. Either they only wanted a one night stand, or they don't measure up to what I was looking for. So, hooking up with Coach was a dream come true.

A few weeks after our gymnastics practice encounter, and several sexual encounters after, we had a long weekend. I didn't have to work. School took a holiday, so Coach asked me if I wanted to go the lake with him for the weekend. Of course, I jumped at the chance. I couldn't wait to have him all to myself for an entire three day weekend.

Coach picked me up at my apartment after I got off work at 8:00 PM Friday night. It was about an hour drive to the lake where Coach had rented a cabin. When we got to the lake, Coach checked us in at the office and then drove down to the cabin. We had the cabin on the end so we would have some privacy.

It was small, with basically one room and a separate bathroom. There was a small kitchen table, two chairs, a stove, refrigerator and kitchen sink with a few cabinets. There was a small TV on a small dresser and of course a bed. A double bed. I didn't care what else was in the room as long as we had a bed.

We had done a drive-thru burger joint on the way down to the lake, so we weren't hungry, except for each other. I dropped my duffle bag on the floor beside the bed, and headed into the bathroom to piss. It took me awhile to drain my bladder from the long ride and the caffeinated Coke I had on the way down. I was much relieved when I shook the last drops off the end of my dick. I flushed, washed my hands and headed back into the main room of the cabin.

Coach had a small suitcase which he had placed on the luggage stand. He took to the bathroom as soon as I came out. I could hear his heavy stream of piss as he emptied his bladder into the toilet. He flushed and i heard him washing his hands. When he exited the bathroom, I was naked.

He smiled and came across the room to me. He took me in his arms and we kissed passionately. My dick went hard immediately. He had that effect on me. I loved looking into his blue eyes and seeing him smile for me. I pulled his T-shirt off over his arms and head. I loved the look and feel of his well-developed pecs. They were smooth. His nipples stood up like pencil erasers. I liked to nibble on them and Coach seemed to be aroused by that. He also found it ticklish, so he would giggle while I teased his nipple nubs.

As my hard, bare dick rubbed against his groin, I could tell he was getting hard inside his gym shorts. I grabbed the elastic waistband and pulled his shorts down below his butt, exposing his tidy whitey briefs. I made one more tug on the elastic of his briefs freeing his beautiful manhood. It wasn't completely hard, but it was getting there. We continued kissing and I ground my hard dick into his. Coach reached with one hand and pushed his briefs and gym shorts to the floor and stepped out of them. Our hard cocks were rubbing against each other. Both were already leaking precum in anticipation of what we knew was to come.

Not breaking the contact of our lips or dicks, I turned Coach and pulled him after me to the bed. I fell backwards onto the bed pulling Coach on top of me. The kissing continued, exchanging tongues from one mouth to the other, sloppy saliva running down my face cheeks. Coach was pressing his hard, fat nine inches into my smooth shaved groin area. I needed to get fucked, and I needed Coach to do it, and I wanted it now.

I wrapped my legs around his hips, trapping his muscular butt above my calves, forcing him even closer into my body. Coach knew the signal. Opening my legs to him meant I was ready to be fucked. He was always happy to oblige.

He crawled forward over me on the bed, his hard cock swaying back and forth as it approached my face. He stopped when it was directly over my mouth. I raised my head and extended my tongue to catch a drop of precum on the head of is cock. I opened my mouth and raised my head further to accept the plum sized knob between my lips. I sucked gently on the head hoping for another taste of precum before I continued upward on his beautiful cock.

I am not really into cocksucking, but I accept that it is one way of getting a hard cock lubricated for ass fucking. Since being fucked is what I am into, I am not opposed to taking a cock in my mouth. Granted, sometimes we get carried away in our passion and I take a cumload down my throat, but eventually that cock will end up in my ass.

I closed my lips around his dickhead and swirled my tongue around it. It tasted of precum. It tasted of Coach. I raised my head a little more and took more of his shaft in my mouth, wetting it with my saliva. Coach lowered his body and more of his manhood entered my mouth. As his nine inches exceeded the depth of my mouth, I opened my throat and took his root to his balls. Even though I am not really into cocksucking, I always liked the feel of Coach's balls tickling my chin and neck when he was bottomed out in my face.

I worked up as much spit as I could to really wet his shaft. I could tell Coach was really getting off on my tongue job and I didn't want him to cum in my throat. I wanted his cock in my ass. When I thought his cock was sufficiently wet, I tapped his hip and he knew to back off. I opened my mouth wide to not suck off any saliva as he removed his well-lubricated cock from my pie hole.

Coach reversed his crawl back toward my hard dick which had leaked a nice puddle of precum on my stomach. Coach licked up the precum as he moved lower. I spread my legs and he moved between them. He raised my knees so my hungry ass was in his face. Coach leaned down and stuck his tongue against my rosebud. I relaxed and let him wet my hole. He tongued me until I opened up enough to receive his nine inches of thick manhood.

He dropped a big load of spit in my hole as he raised his face and aimed his cock. Coach was always gentle when he entered me. I had become accustomed to his size and was relaxed to take his thick hard cock as far inside me as his length and balls would allow. He slipped slowly into me. I always experienced a little discomfort, but it was worth the extreme pleasure I would feel once I adjusted to his presence inside me.

When he was fully inside me, he let go of my knees and I wrapped my legs loosely around his waist. He leaned down to me and we kissed. I sucked his tongue inside my mouth and could taste the burger we had for supper. He removed his tongue and my tongue followed his into his mouth where he sucked on my tongue. His thick hard nine inches in my ass, his body laying on top of mine and our tongues playing together were bliss. I could do this all night.

But, Coach's cock had other ideas for the evening. He began to slowly fuck me. He moved his hips back a little and then forward. Each movement of his hips became a little farther until he was moving back to just having his purple plum knob inside me and then pushing it balls deep. Balls deep never seemed deep enough for me, but that was all Coach had.

Coach developed a rhythm and his full strokes seemed to hit every nerve inside my ass. I moved my hips to the rhythm, sometimes making figure eight motions to make sure he hit every nerve in my ass, and my ass hit every nerve in his cock. We were like a well- oiled sex machine, like a locomotive speeding down the tracks to a distant destination. We both knew the destination and were eager to get there.

For me, the trip to the destination was what I enjoyed. The massage of my prostate and whatever other nerves were in my ass was pure pleasure. I thought I could do this all day. On the other hand, Coach was all about getting to the destination. The sensations the glans of his cockhead was experiencing were driving the train. The train was picking up speed hoping for an early arrival.

In the weeks Coach and I had been together, I had learned his habits regarding sex. I knew how he started gently and slowly, and gradually picked up speed as he got closer to orgasm. The first part was out of his consideration for my comfort, and the last part was out of his need to cum. This was one of those things I had come to love about Coach.

We were now in the last part and Coach was picking up speed. I matched his acceleration move for move. This was out of my consideration for Coach. I always wanted every orgasm he experienced to be as good as it could be. I didn't care about my cumming, although that was always enjoyable. I just wanted him to feel totally drained and to collapse on top of me until he regained his strength and we could do it again.

Coach's breathing rate was increasing. His strokes were faster. He was slamming his hips against my butt as hard as he could, as if trying to drive his cock deeper that it had been before. I always wanted his cock to go deeper than it had been before. I could never get enough of him.

Then, suddenly, he shoved in as hard and deep as he could go and shuddered in orgasm. I could feel his cock pumping load after load of cum into my hungry ass. He would relax a little and shove again, pumping more cum. He did this several times until his balls were pumped dry. Then he collapsed on top of me in exhaustion. I held him in my arms. When he caught his breath we kissed. Eventually, his cock went soft enough to slip out of my ass. I hated that. I wanted his cock, hard or soft, to stay inside my ass forever.

We fell asleep with him lying on top of me. We were both tired from a day at work, school, the drive down to the lake and a pleasurable bout of sex. As we slept, I had wonderful dreams of Coach and me being together.

I am writing Chapter Three, documenting my adventures with Coach. I hope you are enjoying my experience as much as I enjoyed living it.

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Next: Chapter 3

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