Gymnastics Practice

By William Razeur

Published on Jun 8, 2018


Gymnastics Practice, Chapter Twelve

When we got back into town, Coach took me to his house instead of my apartment. I looked at him questionably, since he usually takes me straight to my place. He just smiled his handsome smile like he had a surprise in store for me.

He parked the corvette in the garage. We got out and unloaded the tent and camping gear. Coach got my duffle bag with his overnight bag from the corvette and I followed him inside the house. He continued through the house, down the hall to his bedroom. I followed. He dropped the bags on the floor in a corner and turned to me.

I was standing in the doorway to his bedroom, not sure what we were doing, or what Coach had in mind, although I certainly knew what I was hoping for. He stepped to me, took me in his strong, muscular arms and kissed me. Of course I returned the kiss. We were instantly sucking face and exchanging saliva and wrestling our tongues together.

Kissing always arouses me, and I was sporting an erection which was making the front of my shorts stand out. I relaxed in Coach's arms and let him do whatever he wanted with me. I knew whatever Coach had in mind, I would enjoy as long as I was with him. He never disappointed me.

Coach took his time. We stood there kissing, holding each other for a long time. Finally, Coach slipped his hands under my t-shirt and raised it over my head. I raised my arms to allow the shirt to be removed from my sunburned body. We continued kissing, our sunburned bodies held tightly together.

Then Coach slipped his hands into the waistband of my shorts and pushed them down over my hips. They fell to the floor. Now my hard, six inch, circumcised dick was poking between Coach's thighs. The fabric of his shorts rubbing the mushroom head of my dick, teasing it to leak precum.

Coach grasped both cheeks of my sunburned bubble butt in his hands. He massaged my butt cheeks and pulled me closer against him. Our passionate kissing continued as if we were trying to devour each other. I continued to be relaxed in his arms, and let Coach take us wherever he wanted. I trusted Coach and would do anything for him.

Coach slowly walked us to the foot of his bed, never breaking the embrace of his hands on my ass and never stopping the kissing. He turned us and laid me back onto the bed. He followed me down onto the bed, still kissing. Coach was half on the bed beside me and half on top of me. I was lying on my back, still passionately kissing.

My natural instinct and desire was to start grinding my hips against him. To have him slide his hard, thick, nine inch cock inside my man-cunt, and use my ass muscles to milk his sweet, warm jism from his heavy balls. But, I wanted to let Coach be in charge and allow him to to guide the outcome. And, I wanted this to last as long as possible.

I looked at Coach's face. He was so handsome. His eyes were closed as he continued kissing me. I memorized his dark brown eyelashes, his eyebrows, a tiny mole just above his right eyebrow toward his temple. He had tiny frown lines between his eyebrows.

I memorized his hair line, how the dark brown hair curved across his upper forehead. There were a few grey hairs at his temples. I was practically cross-eyed as I tried to study his nose. It was straight with a small bulbous end. It was a pretty nose. I could see the pores of his skin.

He opened his eyes. They were beautiful, deep blue like a pool of water you would want to dive into. He broke the kiss and smiled at me. I smiled back. I loved this man so much, and I knew he loved me.

He sat up and removed his t-shirt, and stood and removed his shorts. I watched his red, sunburned, muscular, bubble butt cheeks. His whole backside was sunburned from our day on the flat rock at the camp. I knew it had to be uncomfortable, but Coach never complained.

Then he lay back down on the bed facing me. His cock was expanded to its fully erect, nine inch length. It was rubbing against my thigh leaking precum. I wanted to hold his cock in my hand and feel its size and manliness. I wanted to hold his ballsack in the palm of my hand, and weigh the balls inside with all of the cum they contained which I wanted inside me. I wanted to become one with my handsome Coach, and never be separated from him.

Coach rolled over on top of me. With his feet he spread my legs, so his legs could rest on the bed between mine. He kissed me again on my lips, and then began to move his kiss lower.

He kissed my neck. Then he kissed his way down my chest to my right nipple which he sucked on until it hurt. I didn't care how much it hurt. I wanted Coach to have his way with me and I would allow him anything he wanted. He moved his kisses to my left nipple which he also sucked until it hurt. The pain he was causing me only made my six inch dick harder.

He kissed and licked his way down across my stomach abs and into my navel. He proceeded lower and kissed my shaved groin just above my hard dick which was throbbing with anticipation and seriously leaking precum. He kissed and licked around the base of my dick onto my smooth, shaved ballsack. My balls sucked up against my dick base wanting to unload the cum they had produced since my last orgasm.

Coach continued down behind my ballsack. He raised my legs in the air and he licked his way into my asscrack. I felt his tongue against my hole and I relaxed to allow his entry. His tongue pushed inside past my puckered, rosebud anus. His tongue worked in and out making me moan with desire to have his hard, thick cock inside me.

Eventually, Coach's tongue left my hole and he kissed and licked his way back up to my hard, six inch dick. He kissed my mushroom dickhead. HIs tongue licked up the precum and cleaned my piss slit. His lips surrounded my dick head as he slipped my dick into his warm, wet mouth. His tongue swirled around my dick which was throbbing with need for my cum load to be released.

I wanted to push him away to make this last, but I needed to cum. Suddenly, my balls sucked up against the base of my dick, my asshole contracted, and I began to unload my sweet, creamy jism. I placed my hands on top of Coach's head and forced his face into my smooth groin as I unloaded into his warm, wet mouth.

My butt muscles flexed as I pumped load after load of my cum into Coach's face. Coach continued to massage my exploding dick with his tongue as I filled his mouth with my warm, sweet manseed. My orgasm seemed like it lasted forever. I kept pumping my hips against Coach's face wanting to force more cum from my now aching balls into his hungry mouth.

When I finally relaxed and let go of Coach's head, he continued to clean my dick which was still inside his mouth. At last, he raised his head and let my dick slip from between his lips. He looked up at me and smiled, and winked.

Then he kissed and licked his way back down to my asscrack and wet my hole. I think he used some of my cum to wet my hole. He positioned my knees over the bend of his elbows and aimed his thick manhood at my mancunt. HIs hard cock slipped easily inside and he slid it to its root. I was complete.

Now that he was inside me, Coach leaned forward and kissed me gently, and I reciprocated. I was in Heaven; Coach's hard cock inside my ass, his muscular, toned body on top of mine and his lips on my lips. We lay still for awhile, enjoying our closeness.

Then, Coach began to move his hips, slowly in and out of my hungry ass. I allowed him to set his pace and continue to be in control. Coach was a gentle fucker. He seldom got rough or fast in his fucking. It was always loving as if he were making love to my insides. I was enjoying the attention he was giving me. I knew it was his way of showing me how much he loved me. And at Coach's pace, this fuck was going to last a long time.

All the time Coach was gently humping my ass, we were looking into each other's eyes. He would lean down and gently kiss me occasionally, but mostly we just loved each other with our eyes. I memorized his beard shadow. I memorized his sexy lips. They were full, kissable lips and capable of giving great kisses, not to mention the blowjobs.

Coach's pace began to pick up. I could tell he was getting close to cumming. Now I joined in to help him achieve the most fantastic orgasm I could provide for him.

I began to rotate my hips in a figure eight motion, so his cock would hit every possible spot inside my ass canal, so every possible nerve on his purple, mushroom cockhead would be stimulated by my mancunt. He ground his hips against my sunburned bubble butt and I ground back.

HIs breathing rate increased and he closed his beautiful blue eyes. Suddenly he lunged against my ass and I could feel his man juices shooting inside me. His cock throbbed as it unloaded his sweet, thick, baby-making cock juice in my mancunt. I ground my hips up against his, trying to force as much of his hard, nine inches as I could inside me. I wanted to swallow him whole inside my ass.

Coach made a couple of final thrusts against me as his orgasm faded and he collapsed on top of me. I held him against me and squeezed his still hard cock inside with my sphincter. I could feel his cock throb inside me when I squeezed it, as if it were leaking a few more drops of his manseed into my ass chute.

When Coach recovered and opened his eyes, he said, "That was great."

"It was," I replied, and I gave him a quick kiss on his lips. "I guess you need to take me home now, before it gets too late."

"I want you to stay, Coach said. "I need you to stay," he was almost pleading with me.

"Sure, I would love to," I replied.

This was a total change in Coach's attitude toward me spending any time at his house. He was always so worried about what the neighbors would think, and that someone from the college would find out he was gay. But, it was what I had been wanting for a long time. I wasn't going to question Coach's motive. I was going to enjoy it.

"I feel badly about what we did at the camp," Coach said as he looked into my eyes. "I know we agreed to it, but I can't share you with anyone. Yes, I did find Aiden attractive, and I certainly enjoyed fucking him, but all the time I really wanted it to be you. And I was really hurt to see Steve fucking you. It was a turn on to see what you look like when you are being fucked, but I never want anyone else to fuck you. I want us to be faithful to each other always."

"I understand, and totally agree," I said as tears filled my eyes. "I know it was my idea and I am really sorry. I promise, from now on it will only be you and me."

We sealed our agreement with a gentle, loving kiss. Coach moved such that his softening cock slipped from my ass, much to my regret. He helped me up off the bed and he pulled down the covers. I could feel cum leaking from my ass when I stood up, and running down the inside of my thigh. He motioned for me to get back in the bed, which I eagerly did. He followed me onto the bed and pulled the covers up over us. I was on my side facing him and he snuggled up against me, facing me. He had an arm over me and I had an arm over him. I could feel my dick resting against his cock. It seemed so natural.

The next morning Coach woke me from a wonderful sleep filled with sweet dreams about Coach and me. I got up and headed into his bathroom. While I was relieving myself, Coach stepped in and turned on the shower. We were both still naked. When I had finished peeing, he pulled me into the shower with him.

Coach kissed me on my lips and I kissed him back. This immediately awoke my dick which rose to attention between us. Coach took a bar of soap and began running it over my chest, then my arms. I raised my arms and let him wash my armpits. He reached around me with the soap and washed my back. My hard dick was poking between his thighs under his ballsack, and getting harder by the minute.

Coach ran the soap down over my bubble butt cheeks and down into my asscrack. The finger of his other hand stayed a little longer washing away the residue of our previous evenings activities. I relaxed my anus for the finger to enter, but it didn't.

Coach was now kneeling in front of me as he washed my thighs and on down to my feet. I lifted each foot as he washed them. My hard dick was poking in his face now.

When he had finished washing my feet, he turned his face to my hard six inches and took my dick between his lips. He washed my dick with his tongue while it was inside his mouth. I moaned with pleasure and placed my hands on the back of his head to encourage him to continue. He did.

Coach moved his head back and forth, massaging my sensitive dick head with his tongue and teasing my dick shaft with his lips. Coach was a great cocksucker. I sometimes wondered where he learned to do it so well, but I didn't go there. I lay my head back and enjoyed the pleasurable sensations on my dick.

Coach ran a finger up my asscrack and pushed against my wet hole. I not only spread my legs to allow his access, I raised my leg straight up and rested my heel on the shower wall behind him. There are advantages to having the flexibility of a gymnast. His finger entered my asshole easily.

Coach continued to suck my dick as he slid his finger in and out of my ass chute. He knew where my pleasure spot was and he rubbed his finger against my prostate gland. I knew this would reward his mouth with my precum as he massaged my prostate.

I was beginning to want the pace to pickup. I needed more in my ass than Coach's finger. I fucked Coach's face which, in turn, fucked his finger in and out of my ass. But Coach wanted to continue with his plan. I think he enjoyed teasing me by making me wait for what he knew I wanted.

Coach's cocksucking pace continued to be slow and steady, same as his finger fuck. My ass muscles were working on his finger, trying to encourage it to go deeper, to be bigger. I needed a serious fuck now, but Coach was still taking his sweet time.

At last, Coach's finger had massaged my prostate such that it couldn't take anymore and I began to cum. I shot my load after load of hot, sweet, creamy cum into Coach's throat, which he eagerly swallowed. He continued to rub my g-spot with his finger until I had no more cum to expel. When he was finally satisfied that he had swallowed all I had to offer, he licked his way off my dick and stood up beside me.

My leg was still raised against the shower wall as Coach stood. His shoulder moved up the underside of my raised leg until my ankle was resting on his shoulder, and the backside of my leg was resting against his torso. HIs finger had pulled from my hungry asshole as he stood, leaving me wanting to be filled with something.

Coach looked into my eyes and he smiled. I smiled back as he leaned in and kissed me. I parted my lips to receive his kiss. His tongue met mine like old friends. They embraced within my mouth and moved back and forth from my mouth to Coach's.

I could feel Coach's hard, thick, nine inch cock between my thighs, lifting my balls. I wanted it inside me. I rolled my hips forward, offering my hungry hole to Coach. Still wrestling our tongues between our mouths, Coach reached down and with one hand guided his mushroom, purple cockhead to the entrance to my manhunt. I inhaled and exhaled, and my asshole opened up and swallowed the object of my desire.

I felt the entire nine inches of thick man meat slide inside me. It filled me. It massaged my prostate and depths beyond.

Now that Coach's cock was securely inside me, I slowly lifted my leg which had been supporting my weight. Coach held me as my ass rested on his hard cock. I extended the second leg onto Coach's other shoulder. Now all my weight was centered on my asshole filled with Coach's cock.

I began to squeeze my sphincter on Coach's manhood, encouraging him to fuck my hungry, eager ass, which he eagerly did. Our mouths were still connected, our lips flattened against our teeth as our tongues continued their dance of saliva exchange.

Coach used his hands and arms to bounce my ass up and down on his thick, hard cock. I wanted more, as usual, but I knew in my position I had opened myself to all he could offer. I would ride it hard until it filled me with his love juice.

It did not take long, as erotically excited as we were, for Coach to reach his climax. He huffed and panted, breaking the kissing, as I felt his cock explode inside me. Volley after volley of his sweet man cum shot into my ass chute, filling me with his warm seed. As it did, I came again shooting my own seed against Coach's hard abs and pecs.

Coach held me until he could no longer, as he was spent from all his exertion in making love to me. He relaxed his legs and slid down the shower wall until he was sitting on the shower floor, with me still impaled on his cock and both of my legs still resting on the shower wall. I could spend the day just like this, filled with Coach's cock, facing Coach, looking into his beautiful, deep, blue eyes.

My story of my relationship with Coach will continue.

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Next: Chapter 13

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