Gymnastics Fantastics

By PCW Tosh

Published on Jun 10, 2022


Disclaimer: Hey folks, this story is just a fantasy and I have no evidence that this actually happened, but we can all dream.

Stay healthy and practice safe sex!

Happy reading.

Celtic Bond

Rhys scrolled through his phone mindlessly thinking about his hero Max Whitlock, the most amazing night of his life and it was his night to remember. The knowledge Max would never and could never be his had already passed through his system, he eyed his idol with awe, [I'm gonna kick his arse at the Olympics] Rhys told himself with confidence.

Bored out of his skull, Rhys decided it was time for a weekend in Dublin. Pulling himself up off the couch wearing a black hoody, black trainer socks and a tight pair of SpongeBob SquarePants boxers, the gymnast went to pack a bag. Toothbrush, another pair of boxers and some trackie bottoms to sleep in, done.

Rhys drove south to his friend's home for a fun weekend of socialising and possibly a cheeky Guinness if he's really good. The sun shone down on the narrow Irish roads as the gymnast's Mercedes cruised along smoothly. Rhys sang freely as he drove enjoying pop classics, there was no shame in liking Kylie Minogue, The Black-Eyed Peas, Miley Cyrus, the list went on.

Rhys reached his destination full of excitement, the champion gymnast had his sights sets having as much fun as he could in 24 hours before he returned to real life and training. "Rhys baby baby." The 21-year-old was greeted to the beaming expression of his old college friend who had moved to Dublin working in journalism. "Michael you bastard." Rhys grinned pulled himself out of his Mercedes and grabbing his bag. They met with a tight embrace, Michael wrapping his arms around Rhys' shoulders as he towered a good 4 inches taller than the 5'7" gymnast.

Michael's flat was a small two bed flat he shared with his girlfriend in South Dublin. The 19th century building with its narrow, dimly lit hall leading to the staircase which took them up 3 floors to Michael's flat. "Welcome to casa de Mike." Michael announced as he pushed the door open. "Thanks, where's Roisin?" "I sent her out to grab some food for you." Michael explained. "Ahh you didn't have to do that, I would've been fine with a McD's." Rhys chuckled. "Oh hush, maybe when you're blind drunk at 4am." Michael giggled.

Afternoon turned to evening and after their meal, Rhys and Michael were given permission to hit the town. The boys headed out to the mad social zone that was Temple Bar, overpriced, too busy and yet in Dublin it was the place to be.

The city centre was typically buzzing so Rhys and Michael found a spare corner of the pub to stand in. The conversation typically centred around Rhys' training. Already a Commonwealth champion, could he go one better and win the Olympic gold? "I'll give it my best, but Max is so damn good." Rhys conceded. "Nah fuck him, he's had his time, you'll destroy him." Michael grinned patting Rhys' arm encouragingly. [Already did] Rhys smirked to himself remembering their night in London with the amazing Essex gymnast wrapped around his cock.

Michael left Rhys alone whilst he went to the toilet. The gymnast slipped his phone out if his pocket and after a couple of seconds hovering over the icon, Grindr opened. Rhys smiled at the number of black boxes, like him they all had something to hide. [DPS]? Rhys eyed this one curiously, "hi."

"Ey up, broken the seal now." Michael grinned returning. Rhys locked his phone and took another swig of his beer as their conversation resumed. Another 30 minutes passed before Michael had to disappear again. Rhys pulled out his phone and opened Grindr once more. "Hey." The gymnast's heart began to pound. "How's it going?" "Yeah great, you?" "Horny af!" Rhys typed then hit send before his mind could tell him otherwise. "Good lad. What are you into?" "A good hard fuck, you?" Rhys replied, he could feel himself beginning to harden in his boxers. "Aye, same, just gotta be discreet." Rhys read the words with a smile, fucking perfect. "Yeah, I need to remain discreet too." "Got a few pics?" Rhys felt his heart rate shift up another gear, this was starting to get real, he picked a couple of pictures which showcased his incredible, smooth muscular body and hit send.

"Fuck, I need to run my tongue all over that." The reply forced a long pulse from Rhys' cock. A second later several pics were shared straight back, Rhys' jaw practically fell to the ground. [Perfect; smooth, toned and broad.] "You look amazing' Rhys replied. "Clarence Hotel, room 322." Fuck, Rhys was at full mast, this was too hot, he had to get away from Michael, but how?

"The missus just text to check on us." Michael grinned. "Ahh, is she missing you!" Rhys hoped aloud. "Probs." Michael sniggered chucking back a deep gulp of beer. "Don't worry if you have to go back early, I know some other friends who I can have a quick catch-up with in the meantime." Rhys offered. "Nah, don't be silly, you've come all the way down." Michael laughed off dismissively. "Don't worry about it." Rhys persisted. "You work all week, I know you need some time together, go and show her some love and I'll come back in a couple of hours." he finished resting a hand on Michael's shoulder reassuringly. Rhys' heart was pounding, was Michael really believing this horse shit? After a few moments Michael grabbed his pint and threw it down his neck, then grabbed Rhys for a hasty hug. "Thanks, big boy." he grinned before hurrying off. Rhys gave a deep sigh before sending a quick message, "O.M.W." Then he collected his own jacket and made his way to the exit, stopped by a couple of onlookers for a quick selfie. "Door's open."

Rhys hurried through the hotel foyer and into the lift, pressing 3 the lift took him up to the third floor. The gymnast could feel his heart rate increasing as he exited the lift, following signs towards room 322. As he arrived at the door, he glanced up and down the hallway before reaching for the handle and turning. The 21-year-old slipped inside and quietly turned the lock on the door to seal them in. Rhys approached the bed and found himself presented with a smooth, pale, muscular man, who was facing the bedhead on all fours and his head also resting against the mattress. The big round, meaty globes looked deliciously inviting as Rhys moved around behind them, as did the stranger's huge thighs and hamstrings. Then Rhys noticed it, just to his right on the mattress was a black balaclava, [perfect] Rhys smiled.

Picking up the balaclava, Rhys slipped it over his head and fixed it in place to make sure only his eyes and mouth could be seen. The 21-year-old then moved back and began to undress himself, quickly sliding off his jeans, unbuttoning his shirt and peeling down his boxers and socks, throwing each of them aside hastily.

Rhys approached the prone young man and lowered his face towards his arse. The gymnast first took hold of the lad's cock which hung down between his legs, soft. The veiny flesh reacted to Rhys' touch, with a pulse, the lad's cock began to harden. Rhys' deep brown eyes watched while his fingers gently pulled at the lad's pale foreskin. Rhys found himself in a trance studying the way the thin membrane slid over the thick muscle below it. The Irish gymnast's mind was racing, all the things he could do with the beautiful form in front of him. While his right hand ran along the beautiful 7-inch pole hanging down in front of him, Rhys' left hand gripped the lad's left hamstring. Rhys' grip was firm as his fingers tested the strength of the lad's beefy thighs, [gotta be the legs of a sprinter or a swimmer] Rhys thought to himself.

Lowering his face towards the pale globes in front of him, Rhys felt his heart pounding. The gymnast had no idea what this was about to taste like, but he had a good feeling. The lad below Rhys smelt pretty clean, as if he had recently showered. A warm, creamy aroma hit Rhys' nostrils as he inhaled the smooth arse in front of him. The Irish lad's cock throbbed and he felt as though his tongue was drawn forward like an electromagnet.

"Ugh." The slutty stranger growled as Rhys' tongue slipped between his tight pink walls and into his hole. Rhys detected an accent in the voice ahead of him. Swirling his tongue around the lad's hole Rhys grinned to himself, the lad's ring was clean and suddenly even more inviting. Rhys pressed his smooth cheeks hard against the lad's warm arse and flicked his tongue up and down. "Uh yehhhh." The lad agreed, [Scottish] Rhys decided, [probably Glaswegian] he grinned proudly.

The Scottish lad backed himself into Rhys' face, begging for more of the gymnast's tongue. Rhys happily obliged pressing his nose into the stranger's pale arse while his fingers gripped the Scottish lad's chunky thighs, pulling them hard towards him. Rhys noticed how smooth the lad's legs were especially compared to his dark, hairy tree trunks, [bet he's a swimmer] Rhys chuckled to himself thinking about how smooth the stranger's body was as he tasted the lad's sweet flavour.

Rhys felt it was time to assert a bit more dominance on the situation. Remaining tongue deep in the Scot's hole, Rhys slapped his open palm hard into the lad's pale cheeks. "Ahhh fuck." The stranger hissed with a distinctive Scottish tone. The first strike was quickly followed by a second and a third before Rhys removed his tongue from the lad's hole to admire his work. The lad's pink entrance now looked so slick and inviting, there was only one thing that needed to go in there now, Rhys' rock-hard cock. The gymnast played himself while scanning the lad's hungry-looking opening, then his focus moved out to the stranger's previously pale cheeks which were now a deep pink colour.

The muscular gymnast mounted the bed kneeling down behind his victim with his legs spread shoulder width apart. Taking the Scottish lad by his thighs, Rhys jabbed the lower half of his hard cock into the nice inviting crack in front of him. A gentle coo encouraged Rhys to give the crack another pelvic jab, before slamming and resting himself against it the third time around.

The bottom could feel Rhys' hard shaft running along the ridge of his crack and he pushed his ring out suggestively. Rhys could feel the bottom's ring expanding under his shaft, begging to be penetrated and felt the desire to comply. Holding steady with his own self-control, Rhys stroked the lower back of the bottom.

Rhys glanced at the pink hole in front of him, begging to be filled and the Irishman gave in. Placing his tip at the entrance of the bottom, he felt the hole relax and with a gentle push, his cock began to penetrate the sexy stranger. The warm insides of the muscular bottom slowly surrounded his shaft as he pushed his weight forward. Rhys' 7 inches disappeared gradually between the tight, pale ring in front of him. Placing one hand on the bottom's lower back, Rhys pulled his cock back half an inch then pushed himself forward. Watching the bottom's tight pinkness swallowing his thick rod made the gymnast throb, nearing those milky round cheeks.

"Fuck yeahhhh." The bottom grunted as Rhys' crotch pressed against his milky cheeks. "You like that dick?" Rhys sneered. "Yeah, fuck me, fuck me hard." The bottom begged. Rhys grinned and taking the meaty thighs in each palm, the top slowly pulled his cock as far out as he could. Feeling his head pulling against the bottom's ring, Rhys clenched his teeth and thrust his crotch forward deep and hard. "Ohhh fuck yeah." The prone Scot grunted with his deep accent as Rhys' shaft ploughed deep into his warm insides. "You fucking bitch." Rhys spat down as he slammed his lower body into his bitch.

The Irish gymnast threw his body back and forth as hard as he could, "Look at me bitch!" Rhys growled. The gymnast narrowed his eyes concentrating on the pair of eyes looking back at him, he'd seen them before but he didn't know where. Big, blue and filled with a look of animal enjoyment, the bottom's eyes encouraged Rhys to pound him. The gymnast gripped tight to the bottom's hips and used those muscular cheeks to bounce his crotch off. The sound of crotch slamming against arse grew louder as Rhys focused on length and depth over speed. About 1-2 seconds between thrusts, Rhys pulled the length of his shaft right out to the Scot's ring before pilling the entire thing into the bottom's tunnel, mashing his curly brown pubes against the smooth, milky globes in front of him. Egging him on, the bottom's mouth fell open to moan happily from within his black balaclava.

The Irishman decided it was time to change the angle and rolling his weight forward he pressed the bottom's lower half down towards the mattress. The Scot complied, allowing the weight of the gymnast to pin him down. Rhys then used his legs to spread the bottom's legs wider, placing his legs inside and pushing them out. Finally, moving his body above the bottom so that he could practically kiss him and plunging his cock forward into the Scot's tight cubby, Rhys' lips connected with the bottom for a split second.

"Kiss me." The Scot begged. Rhys agreed, kissing the mysterious bottom was hot so stretching forward a little more he locked lips with the bottom and used his powerful legs muscles to move his lower body. The masked fuckers kissed passionately while Rhys' crotch thudded into the bottom's meaty arse. The animal in Rhys was free and the top took full advantage, using his legs, he pulled his raw cock back to slam it deep into the Scot's body. The momentum of Rhys' crotch crashing into the Scot's juicy arse threw the top's crotch just as quickly as he pumped down into it. As they sucked at each other's lips, both lads groaned through their noses to accompany the sound of Rhys' crotch thudding into that round, pale arse.

Rhys pushed himself back upright pausing to steady himself and then with one almighty swing, the top pulled his cock back 6 inches before slamming hard into the pale cheeks in front of him. "Oh God!" The Scot screamed into the sheets underneath him, the hard cock slamming mercilessly into his belly filled the bottom with a searing pain that felt so bad and yet so good. For leverage, the Irish gymnast placed a hand on the bottom's balaclava and pressing him backwards, towards his own crotch, Rhys thudded as deep and harder as he could into the groaning bottom.

"You like that? You like getting fucked hard you bitch?" Rhys sneered. "Yeah, Irish boy, destroy my hole." The bottom begged. "You dirty slag." Rhys grinned. Under his balaclava, Rhys was sweating profusely, the energy he was expending on the bottom's hole made his entire body glow with a sheen of his sweet, young sweat. The bottom moaned and groaned with every shot as Rhys did as he was told, burying his cock deep into that firm pale arse so hard the cheeks rippled.

Without a face, the arse below him had no meaning to him, other than a warm tight cavern to bury his hard cock into. All the sensitivity of Rhys' personality disappeared with anonymity, there was no love to be shared, just pure, animal, man-on-man, no-boundary sex. The thought going through Rhys' mind was simple, his head was tingling, hardening and widening. Rocking forward, the gymnast gripped the bottom's shoulders and pulled him back while Rhys swung forward. "Ahhh fuck." The bottom cried, the sound of which was drowned out by the sound of Rhys' crotch battering his firm arse cheeks.

Rhys' lean, muscular body threw his hips back and forth into the warm pale arse in front of him. The young Irishman's balls were becoming increasingly heavy while he ploughed the inviting bottom. Battering his crotch into those broad, reddening cheeks Rhys' muscular crotch squelched a filthy wet sound of sweaty skin on sweaty skin. "You filthy bastard." The bottom grunted, a cheeky smile across his hidden face as the mystery top slammed his raw shaft into his aching belly.

"Where do you want my load?" Rhys panted in preparation, throwing his athletic body into the bottom, begging himself to cum. "Shoot over my face." The bottom suggested. Rhys smiled through his mask as his crotch rammed into the bottom's arse, how hot would it be to shoot over a stranger's face while looking deep into their eyes.

Rhys pummeled the bottom's firm, pink arse cheeks a few more times, slapping them as hard as he could with his crotch before pulling all the way back to pop out. The Irishman placed a hand on the bottom's fine arse and gave him a powerful sideways shove, forcing the bottom onto his back.

"Jack off too you bitch." Rhys barked, moving around the bottom's head to view his entire body while jerking over his face. There was something about those muscular, meaty, pale features Rhys recognised, he'd wank over this body before and now, right there in real life he was about to explode all over it for real.

The bottom jerked as instructed, tensing his milky muscles to slide his foreskin back and forth across his raging purple head. This muscular lad was pretty stunning and the way he took Rhys' dick made the Irishman throb hard, it was so fucking hot. Rapidly, they jerked themselves off, studying the aesthetic perfection of the other lad's smooth, pale, muscular body.

"Yeah, I'm gonna cum." Rhys announced, his facial expression transitioning from calm concentration to desperate exhilaration. The bottom's eyes shot between Rhys' open mouth and his thickening head, watching a stream of precum oozing from his slit. "UGHHH!" Rhys grunted, throwing his hips forward as his balls burst and sent a river of cum down his cock.

The first rope of Rhys' cum blasted out like an explosion of pent-up rage landing just before the bottom's right knee. The first shot was closely followed by the rest, each spraying out across the tall bottom's smooth canvas of a body. The submissive stranger watched Rhys' every move, the way the Irishman's smooth, muscular body tensed with each burst of his seed and hearing the gentle groans that accompanied them.

"Oh yeahhh." The bottom sighed pulling down his helmet, allowing his head to swell before he too began to ejaculate. "You're so hot I'm gonna shoot." The Scottish lad groaned then released his swelling boner. Unbeknownst to the bottom he was treating Rhys to his favourite thing about the male orgasm. Standing upright, the Scot's cock began to convulse and as the head recoiled, a thick white rope of cum flew from the slit of his purple head.

"Oh Jesus!" Rhys groaned watching the bottom's cock tensing as it squirted freely over his smooth, pale body. The cum shower rained from both directions, Rhys' thick cum spraying across the bottom's pecs while the Scot's cum fired up from his errant hose, colliding with Rhys' cum and landing across his smooth chest.

The final drops of Rhys' seed formed at the end of his slit while he studied the bottom's smooth, cum stained skin. The big Scot groaned once more as a final volley of pure cream blasted out across his abs. Rhys appreciated the sight of the big lad's thick legs quivering during his final explosion and with a sigh, the Scot dropped his softening cock down onto his cum soaked body.

Rhys fought to urge to lay down next to the bottom and cuddle up against that stunning body. "Turn away you filthy slut." Rhys hissed. The bottom did as he was told, rolling onto his cummy front and waiting patiently for Rhys to depart.

Once he was sure the bottom couldn't turn around to find out his identity, Rhys climbed off the bed and picked up his clothes. The bottom waited patiently, listening to Rhys slide his legs into his jeans then pull on his shirt. Lastly, the jingle of keys were the last things Rhys collected and turned towards the door. Waiting until just before he turned the handle, Rhys pulled off his balaclava and dropped it to the floor. "Bye you dirty bastard." He grinned before slipping out of the door.


"You're back, good catch up?" Michael beamed, opening the door wide for Rhys to enter. "Yeah, nothing special though." Rhys lied. "No problem. I'm gonna head to bed if that's ok." Michael asked. "Yeah, you're good man. I'm pretty sleepy myself." Rhys nodded. "Cool. See you in the morning." Michael waved, heading towards his bedroom.

Rhys sat there recounting the night's events. The gymnast couldn't believe himself; he'd walked into a hotel room, put on a balaclava and fucked a stranger senseless. Although his balls were empty, just the reminder of how hot their session was enough to make Rhys' cock stir. The gymnast opened Grindr to find a message waiting for him, "You were incredible." Rhys beamed proudly, [what a weekend].


Duncan Scott heard the door shut and rolled over to his back. Clenching his hole, he smiled up at the ceiling, that familiar feeling that felt so good, his tight arsehole stretched nice and wide by his favourite thing, a lad's hard cock. Duncan pulled his balaclava off his head and placed it on the pillow next to him then grabbing his phone he found the message thread again typing, "You were incredible!"


Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoyed the story.

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I write these stories for fun, but I would greatly appreciate any contributions you are willing to give as a result. If you would like to make a donation then feel free to contact me on the email above.

Here is the rest of my collection:

Sticky Blinders, After party at the OSCARs, Cole Me By Your Name, Happy 18th Bro, Coffee for John, An Audition to Remember, Breakfast Boot & The Queen's English.

The Diving Squad 1, 2 & 3

Gymnastics Fantastics 1 & 2

Raging Scott, Swim Team, HRVY PTY, Swimnasium & Ripped Roses

Vamp-ing, Vamp-ing 2, Strictly Come Vamp-ing, One Direction to Dunkirk & Deep Dipping in Dunkirk

Welcome to Beckingham Palace

No Dunes in Miami, Just Devil 86

North American Swedes & Fly Eagles Fly

Cricket series:

England Cricket Boys, From Rapid to Star, Scorcher from the Caribbean, Inside the Bio Bubble, A Little Closer to Home & Ducking the First Balls.

Rugby series: Scrum Down, Clash of the Centres & Henry gets some bone, Maro.

Tennis series:

Touring with the Next-Gen, Double Fault, A Break in the Bahamas, Bulging Bulgarian, Winner Takes All, Tennis' Masochistic Maple Leafs, Made in Russia, Revenge is Sweet, Austria v Germany in Chelsea & Sleeping Meadows.

Football series:

Chelsea Training, Winter in Portsmouth, Graduation Ceremony, Welsh Cherries, Cherries Go Blue, King Power, Three Lions of King Power, Loving Gunners, Bad Boys Gone Naughty, Confident Canary, Lilywhite Hoops, From Paris with Love, Lion Cubs, Behind Blue Doors, The Fifteen-Legged Dragon, The Hero and the Zero, When Harry Met Trent, Austria v Germany in Chelsea, The Trials of Romeo Beckham & Anything but Swish, Swish.

F1 Series:

F1 World & Life in Monaco, Magic Monza & Magical Monza, Marina Bay, Surrey Holiday, The Home of British Motorsport, The Champ is Here, Samba in Sao Paulo, You're Fired, The Apprentice's Apprentice & L'Accademia.

Ice Hockey Series:

On Ice, On Ice Mighty Ducks, Buffalo Bound, Power Surge & Canadian Countdown to the Curtain Raiser.

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Next: Chapter 4: Coach Crammer

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