Gym Lad

By Ibtow

Published on Feb 26, 2009


The following story features over 18s and contains graphic descriptions of male on male sex, bdsm, bondage and physical abuse. Only read if it is legal to do so. The story is fantasy and non of the characters are real but it is based on experiences I have had as well as fantasies and images I have seen.

Thanks for the all the comments and suggestions and glad you are enjoying the story.

Copyright 2009 -- ibtow feedback welcome

Part 6

"You struggle Matt and the candle falls over it is your body it will burn not mind, I don't give a shit if it does it will all add to the pain you are suffering, stay still and breath light and it will melt away Matt, getting hotter and hotter and the candle melts over you body."

I stepped away and lite another fag from the candle burning on his chest. I took a seat on the chair and watched as he breathed in and out as the candle moved up and down. We were now less than an hour away from asking the question I would love to be in his mind, he must know by now that the only way to make this stop was to submit to me, if he does not it carries on for longer, he must know his body and mind can not take much more. He must know I have almost broken him.

Part 7

The candle takes 10 minutes to burn itself out. He did not struggle as it got closer and closer to his skin, the heat from the wax and flame making his belly button and stomach hotter and hotter. When it had gone out I stood up, picked up the long leather flogger and without warning brought it down on his chest. As I did the wax covering his body started to break up. I brought it down again on the same spot, Matt was again screaming into the gag, although his screams were less now, his voice not able to scream as much as he did. I worked all over his upper body standing at the side of him, the strokes did not stop, slowly the wax was coming off his abs and chest. His skin was glowing a deep red, it would have been hot the touch, but I did not stop the strokes kept coming he kept moaning and screaming into the gag. Once the most of the wax was gone from his chest and stomach I move to stand at the top of table.

As I stood there I watched his breathing he was taking full big breaths no stop, his whole body moving as he drew air in through his nose. I turned the handle on the winch on the table another 4 notches pulling him even tighter, his joints would be screaming from the tension of the rope pulling his body more into each corner. I then worked on his arms removing the wax with crop rather than the flogger, short sharp flicks of the crop were removing the wax nicely, I did each arm in turn until all the wax was gone, his whole body with covered in welts and marks from the flogger and crop. I leaned over him, and rubbed my hands over his chest and arms, they were on fire, he was not fighting it anymore. He had no strength left him no, no fit and I hope no will to carry this on. I lifted his head and took out the gag. As it came out he let out a long moan and started to sob. His whole body quivering and rush of adrenaline continued through his body.

"You know how to stop this Matt, only you can. It is almost time to answer the question again, that is how you will stop this torture from happening. Nothing else will stop it Matt I need to hear those words."

I picked up a bottle of lotion and put a large squirt on his chest and abs and started to rub it in, he jumped as the lotion touched his body, I would think he was expected something else to hurt him, but this was body lotion. I started to rub it in to his chest, stomach and arms, it would sooth his skin, take away some of the burning which will be running through his body. He said nothing, his eyes were closed but he was letting out soft moans as I rubbed the cream into him. I moved to his cock and balls and carried on rubbing, I noticed he was getting hard again, but he would not be allowed to cum. Not yet at least.

I finished rubbing the cream into his body, as I looked at him, his body was shinning under the lights, it showed off the redness even more and also brought out the welts and marks on his body, his whole front was covered in a criss cross of marks. None that would last for ever but some that would take some time to heal. I moved to his feet and unclipped the cuffs from the clasps, this got a reaction out him as the pressure of the rack let go. He let out a long groan that seemed to come from the very center of his body, his arms were still tied wide apart and he had no chance of moving them but his legs could not move. He brought them together he moans continuing as he tried to make his tortured muscles work.

I took off my jeans and underwear and stood in front him naked, I was wanking my cock. He lifted his head up and looked at me, his eyes staring directly into mind. He said nothing, his eyes red from the crying he had done. He just put his head back on the table. I got up on the table and and lifted is legs up, he moaned as his body protested to being moved, I ignored his moans and lifted his legs up so they were over my shoulders. I pushed his body up slightly so his arse was pushed off the table. My cock was harder than I had known it. I pushed the tip of my cock at his hole. He was not struggling as I pushed my cock into his tight hole, slowly at first then as my cock head was fully in I pushed into him with one hard thrust, he let out a moan as my cock entered his body. His hole was tight around my cock as I started to fuck his hole, his hole that had never been fucked before was taking my cock all the way. I started to fuck him harder and harder, fuck it felt good a virgin straight hole. His hole, when he woke up this morning he had no idea by the end of the day he would of take more torture and pain than he though was possible, I looked down at his cock and it was hard, I took it in my hand and started to wank him in time with me fucking his arse. I was getting close to coming, I let go of cock and leaned forward. I whispered into his ear.

"So Matt, its time for the question, remember if you give me the answer I want this stops, give me any other answer and we move on to more torture Matt, more than you have had already and for longer until I ask you the question again. So Matt, do you submit?"

I lifted my head, still fucking his arse and looked into his eyes. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out, he closed his mouth again and closed his eyes. Fuck this bastard is tough, most people would be begging me to stop. I carried on fucking him. Picking up the pace and fucking him harder now.

"Well Matt, fucking answer me."

He said nothing and kept his eyes closed and I carried on fucking his arse harder and harder. I was close to cumming up his hole. Then I heard his breath in heavily. He opened his eyes and looked directly at me.

"I submit."

He had no power in voice, he was a broken man, he had no fight in him. As he said the two words I let go, my cock felt on fire as my cum erupted out, I felt the streams of cum leaving my cock as my whole body had the best orgasm I had ever had. I let out a scream of pleasure, I let 7 or 8 streams of cum fill his hole. I collapsed on top of him, spent and in the best place I had ever been. I came out of him, his cock still hard and whispered in his ear.

"I knew you would Matt."

Without another word I got off the table, Matt's legs slumped to the table, I grabbed each ankle and reattached them to the clips at the corner of the table.

"no what are you doing, I said I submit, you said this would stop. I said I fucking submit, let me go, please let me go, I can't take anymore, please just let me go." His voice weak and as I ignored him, he started to sob. His legs were now attached to the corners again, I walked around to the winch and clicked it another 4 notched.

"AAAAAARRRRRHHHHHHH, fuck, please stop I said I submit, please stop it, please no more."

I ignored him again, I looked at him on the table, his whole body stretched to breaking point, his muscles screaming for release. I turned and started to walk the room.


"I know you do." Is all I said as I left the room and closed the door, leaving him tied to the table sobbing and pleading to be let go.

The End.

Thats it for the story of Matt, thank you for all the comments, so many people have said how much you enjoyed the story. I have an idea for the next one and will be working on it soon. If you want to get in contact please do,

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